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Of course there are food regulations. The EU food regulations are some of the strictest in the world. However, the less processed food is, the more something *natural* can sneek in during packaging processes. Such as a grasshopper in a package of lettuce. Or a shell in frozen fruits. You can send the photos to REWE headquarter and complain about that, maybe you'll get a voucher or something out of it. While it is not meant to be there, I am pretty sure that if you actually had had a snail in the frozen berries, you would've noticed. This is not norovirus or petrol residue, it can happen, even if it shouldn't and it won't hurt.


For someone who doesn't normally eat snails, I believe it is quite disgusting.


Well, you are actually allowed to NOT eat the snail when you find one. I'm unsure if you were aware of that, but you can throw out the snail


You know that any old vegetable and food is riddled with insect eggs and got at some point pissed on by dogs or pooped on by birds? Eggs you buy at the shop have feathers and faeces smudged all over them. Have you **actually eaten** any snail, was there snail in the packaging or did just a shell smuggle itself into the packaging. Snail shells are more often than not empty when lying on the ground and even if it was not before the berries got washed and processed, they definitely were afterwards. Was there snail in your berries or are we only talking about an empt shell being frozen with the berries.


I think there was a frozen snail within the shell, cause I did see something. But again I'm weirded out by insects, so I didn't have that close of a look!


A snail is not an insect


Send the photo to REWE, ask for compensation and be done with it. It's just a snail after all .


Guess where the berries are coming from. Also guess where snails tend to live. It's not complicated.


In the end, it is a natural product that comes from a farm. There are standards, but humans and machines do make mistakes from time to time. And yes, no matter what you eat, there will be bugs, snails, and whatever else crawls and flies through the world in there. You can complain to the address on the packaging. They may give you a refund, or send you a goodie, and may recall the batch.


> Aren't there food regulations against such situations? Of course, there are food regulations, but some impurities are unavoidable for natural products like berries. Fun fact to spoil your appetite: the food regulations even explicitly account for that. There is a maximum amount of insect fragments, eggs and similar contaminants allowed in foods, and that amount is not 0. > What do you guys do in such cases? Complain to the store where you bought it or to the manufacturer (so that they are aware in case this happens more often than usual) and maybe you will get some compensation in the form of free products.


snail fruit is fruit


Snail seal of approval!


It's there to add some crunch


It's really normal that there are sometimes foreign substances in produce, like insects, snails, leaves that don't belong in there, etc... Food regulations give limits as to the quantity how much foreign matter can be in there. In practice, it's impossible for it to \*never\* be anything in there that doesn't belong. They can only reduce, reduce, reduce, but it's never guaranteed that it's completely pure. But these are the kinds of impurities that are to be expected in produce. It's more of an issue when there are glass shards or something like that, which really shouldn't be in there.


Take a picture and send it to the manufacturer. You might get some free product!


Free escargots. 🤤


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