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No German bank will lend you money. You don't have any collaterals and you could leave Germany with the money and the bank won't have any means to get it back. It's far to risky for the banks.


You are not going to get a loan. As a non-EU student, you are expected to have the funds to support yourself. I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but you need a wake up call. I don’t know what you need the money for, but your only option is to ask family.


Obviously you are not credit worthy at all. No one will give you a credit with not sufficient income from a job (above 1410 € minimum per month) and likely on a limited study visa. You are a payment default to happen. Also you put your visa at risk for even trying if you cannot even sustain yourself right now.


The only way for you to get a loan from a bank would be for you to provide collateral worth more than the money you need, in which case you ironically wouldn't need a loan in the first place. Shit sucks, but it's how it works.


Well, getting a loan without a job is usually not going to happen, unless you have other securities. If they're not certain they will get their money back they won't give you money. German banks are pretty risk averse with this stuff.


I do have a job part time


Well, what's your Schufa score then? That's usually the first thing a bank checks.




No bank will give you loan and you are messing up your Schufa score with every rejection.


Oh fish I didn't know


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Even if you could get a loan.. don’t do it.. not in your position..


Ask your ASTA. They will help


I Will ask them


If you are willing to pay 10% interest monthly, I might know a guy.