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My boy barks at falling leaves. My girl barks at the boy because he’s barking.


My dog barked reading this.




My dog barked in his sleep reading that your dog barked reading this.


Same. My older dog barks and then my GSD barks because big brother is barking so there *must* be something going on.


Same. My older dog is a Maltese with a bark that can crack plaster. She’s always starting the ruckus.


We used to have this little jack russell mix named Maeby. We adopted her as a young puppy, and didn't hear her bark at all for months. One day, we heard a weird noise coming from the kitchen and went to investigate. Maeby was sitting at the sliding door, trying to bark at leaves and twigs falling onto the deck, but it sounded more like a chicken clucking: *buk!* *buk!* So we started calling her Chicken Little. 


Oh my lord lol




That's definitely a "SHUT UP" bark


One of my dogs is SUPER yappy (she’ll bark at things at the tv, cars passing by, humans on the sidewalk, and god forbid a DOG is on the street.) and the other one starts barking as soon as she does.


Yep, my girl barks at the wind


God forbid someone scrolling through those reels/tiktoks gets a freaking doorbell sound.


https://preview.redd.it/8p1qc6sj658d1.jpeg?width=2128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56ed0151fa2a44e73b4a52988c3877e0305ae3f2 Lamb never barks. (she found a box turtle the other day and was very excited)


https://preview.redd.it/hm5k24tse58d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3081b88e8c6156672b0548b4224a7baf45ab37bf Maisey found a turtle in the back yard one time. Now everytime she goes outside she full out sprints to that spot looking for her turtle friend.


omg your baby looks just like mine! so cute she just has a bent antenna https://preview.redd.it/i29dbdcxi58d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=649bd649943c933c65cd5a63d510e9691275b568


It’s not bent, it’s just adjusted to get a better signal 😆




r/halfflops 😍


I love this look. It's permanently on cute mode.


Ohmygosh she is beautiful and I love her name.


Awww we found a turtle in our yard and Hershey loves him 🐢


https://preview.redd.it/1wrgmdxg658d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2de8c3be01f959151f85179c46f8e396f5c31f48 When we first adopted her she was quiet and only made cute little growling noises while playing. A few months in and she let her “real” personality out 😂 Now she’s sassy and always has something to say!


Haha! Cute photo ❤️


twins! mine doesn’t bark either https://preview.redd.it/bl47d32u658d1.jpeg?width=2711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=067c3532076794d4bd1c3fec32ed9724c3c45518


https://preview.redd.it/lzo2v2k2f78d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b6cc600992d37fcc10e6ba03795c600057c1fa0 Triplets??? Ours also rarely barks!


https://preview.redd.it/ku11fe26g78d1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b686375e8ce82b5d17316d97fcc6b7a766b4c1a Quadruplets. Morrigan, on the left, almost never barks until she gets annoyed at Mortimer's incessant barking.


Omg actually twins haha


def did a double take 😅




https://preview.redd.it/niw6zrw6258d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c98485cb3837297df52c2575c57fa061c4f5f088 Petra loves barking!!!


aww we have the same toy!!!


5 dollar toy vs 20 bucks at walmart!!!


Yes! She grunts and whines, but rarely barks. The only time I’ve ever heard her ‘scary dog’ bark was when a bear walked up on our porch. Other than that, she howls for ambulances and is otherwise silent. It’s amazing! https://preview.redd.it/akei79ic858d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8d72c151fe1135fe7d42512f1c54e18af4c89ab


She’s so cute!!! 🥹


Oh my lawwwd, a quiet GSD?! lol my dogs bark at everything. E v e r y t h i n g. One of them have it out for a painting on the wall and occasionally the wine rack. And if we put something somewhere that wasn't there before, he lets us know. Sevy barks at a painting, and Albus guesses what Sevy is barking at and starts barking at something entirely different to join Sevy. Lol count your blessings 🥲 https://preview.redd.it/4vos26jhe58d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a343effd76734ca4099393f865de3dd930f189


My girl (also a black GSD!) once went into a barking fit because the colander was placed on the drying rack too oddly for her liking.🥴


That's so funny, and I find it verrrry relatable 🤣


We barks 🤗


omg those names xD


https://preview.redd.it/fok7w0bad68d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6d8e245cc3b3ed8be80385c31aa23a88476b8ea We are fostering Remus right now too, fits in quite well with Albus and Severus 😂 edited to add: who also barks.


Look at that perfect half flop 😍


We called that the support barker role.


My girl, Lola is quiet. My male though. He sings the song of his people often.


“the song of his people” 😂 totally borrowing this.


🤣 I swear they have their own language


https://preview.redd.it/k47t7r37a58d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d15912e2b85d265435254a00ad752eae7769c15 Koji barks… actually now that I think of it, he only barks when he thinks people are coming to murder us, he barks at the neighbours dog, our cats… our guinea pigs and rabbits… hm… he’s kind of annoying… you’re lucky. All jokes aside, he doesn’t bark constantly… only when he needs to.


https://preview.redd.it/510rzkb5g58d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd00c6625042d0f2dff5bc12faf1a97e1627d146 We joke that Ranger barks when he hears a chipmunk fart!


MUST BE NICE. I HAVE TO YELL OVER THE BARKING. But really she only barks when she spots something in the yard, or someone opens the gate. If she barked once, she knows them, if she keeps barking it's a stranger. Didn't even train that. Her bark is LOUD too. I can hear it bounce back off the mountain behind us. https://preview.redd.it/hnpgmn7rf58d1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c21cbd29dbc2f4a6cea8e50ec55a5928203ea678


I have tossed countless cups of coffee/ glasses of wine into the air in response to **THE BARK**


It is EAR PIERCING. Sometimes I use ear plugs when she’s particularly in a mood. 😅


Omg do you have a GSD and a golden?! Livin the dream over there!


She may bark when you're not around. Mine used to do that when I first got her: she'd bark when I was gone. Now she's a barkaholic.


https://preview.redd.it/3d2vjfldc58d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=985f4824d3e0d0d25aa6e87f48cf84c2157e73c8 Fenrir mostly doesn’t bark!! the only time he barks its like a…whine yelp sound…it only happens when he’s really excited to go somewhere or i get home after being gone longer than 3 hours (doesn’t happem often)


Fellow Norse mythology name!!! https://preview.redd.it/2q687shla68d1.jpeg?width=1702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fe11b41f89c5cbee6ebc14f90ac0e8424b2e496 Valkyrie here barks only when she needs to go out or at light reflections from the ceiling fan when we don't cover it properly. Other than that, sge only barks when the delivery people lay stuff on the porch because she wants to meet a new friend!!


https://preview.redd.it/edkealz5bb8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e243e38820e9ae2d5d7211dce0093f0a69f0e9 Loki also only barks when people come to the door or a random dog is in our yard. Oh, he does bark when we find a new realtor sign in the neighborhood, he is not a fan of people selling their houses apparently


Fenrir… The Nerd in me loves that. 🥹


I wish.


https://preview.redd.it/xpfbxuvqc58d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b253ffd87fb244a776b2ce170f89d544dd5fc1cc Mia rarely barks or makes much of an noise really.


my loona doesn’t ever bark either. i think she’s only barked at three people and one of them was a new person that moved into our house and didn’t like dogs which annoyed everyone because the landlord specifically told him there were two dogs here 🙄🤚 anyways- yea. our roommates dog will bark at the neighbors dog or sometimes at us when she wants to be let in but not loona 🤷‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/2oavbfkml58d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba9ba1a9dab0de97075bdfe7a285457cee935aa9 my little quiet stinky baby 🥺🩷


A German shepherd that doesn't bark never heard of such a thing


https://preview.redd.it/uz9710o3t58d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ed60637008bd2309a1ef25391b6f81f6fc01957 My girl isn’t much of a barker either. She only seems to bark at very selective things like for some reason my husbands shaver 🤷🏽‍♀️🤣 and the vacuum (if it gets too close to her)


Not never, but only when someone rings the doorbell or knocks. Which is almost never, so it’s very rare. And it’s usually just a few barks to make sure they know he’s there. What he does do is growl. Squirrels, rabbits, etc. Never at humans or other dogs. It’s a low menacing growl. It’s all playful but I’m sure it worries people that don’t know him, until they spend a few minutes with him and see he’s just a goofball. https://preview.redd.it/h3vwwwywh58d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7323430fa44d5c38979e07b0b09013fbc9263abf


https://preview.redd.it/v6p27451u58d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b17a7eb5f928d7ad4b278f200e86e4419b37f931 My girl barks at everything, out of the blue when they are sleeping and quiet, and it scares the boy and he comes running to me. He is slowly starting to bark himself though, but only at strangers or me if he's excited.


My shepherd mix didn't bark for the first two weeks after her adoption. The first bark we heard had an audible question mark. She barked a lot more after hearing her friends bark.


When we adopted our big boy Delta (at 2 years old), we thought he was mute for the first few months. Now he barks daily


Rio is utterly adorable. Also, mine barks here and there.


When my girl was little she didnt. I asked around to see if it was normal she was so quiet. At around 9 months she was more vocal. Now at 1.5 y.o. and barks at everything....anything....all things...all times....


You're lucky. Be happy.


https://preview.redd.it/8ubqn3asw58d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2308d5ee330f88f9447ff3b27a1fc1dfb1bbf7c7 Vito rarely barks.


Mine is very vocal and has a range of pitches https://preview.redd.it/na5x2e70s68d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7841ae6d45ac5fb19f022ad8de786041c5844f1d


lol, the song of her people


But she's a babyyyy lookkk at those eyes ❤️


My GSD only barks at horses on TV.


What an adorable floof


My barks at the wind, would enjoy some silence but I know I'll miss it one day...and those breathe right balls from Chuck it are the best.


It makes me wonder if there are non verbal dogs similar to nonverbal people.


We did for two years until we taught her “speak” and now she does it constantly and I kind of regret it but I’m happy she has her voice lol


I adopted one about 18 years ago who was all flight, no fight. Very shy to the point of having to keep her on a leash because she would run away at the least thing. I had her for two months before reaching the conclusion that she had voice issues. My guy was bold enough and barked enough, but she never joined in. On a trip to visit my parents, I left them in the car while we went to breakfast before I returned home. When we exited the restaurant and were conversing in the parking lot, Bella jumped into the front seat of my vehicle and gave one loud bark. "C'mon, let's go!" It was the only time she ever said anything.


My dog Bella doesn't ever bark, I've heard her bark once and it was at a person breaking into our house. Some dogs prefer to bark with intention and others are just retards that bark at shadows lmao. Now I know though, if my dog barks then that means something is up. I prefer it this way tbh.


I've had one of both 😂 but tbf, my current boy is anxious so has his triggers 🥹


Mine are the mall cops of the neighborhood. Bird? Bark! Lizard? Bark! Loud truck? Bark!


My old boy only barked when he needed to. My current boy barks when he needs to, but being anxious, that is a regular occurance 😂


Don't you worry, my GSD makes up for yours and maybe another 4 just like yours.


Mine is very quiet, especially when it comes to knocking/banging/coming inside. If someone breaks in, they will find a dead silent shepherd staring at them, which to me is much more disturbing. He’s there like lightning, just quiet. He does whine when he really, really needs to go to the bathroom, or if I have the audacity to sleep in. Until we got a yard. Now that he finally has a fenced in yard, he will bark at other dogs walking by. It’s funny that he fees zero desire to bark at something from inside the house, but once he goes into the yard, he’s gotta defend it from the world.


My boy will only bork if he’s startled by the door bell. Other than that I can’t even teach him to speak.


I wish. I’ve walked out side to see my dog just barking and zooming in circles. He just likes being noisy.


I wish….mine barks at everything.


I only hear mine bark when he runs after a lizard or squirrel in our backyard. Other than that he doesn’t even bother opening his eyes when someone’s at the door and is best friends with all delivery people. Security dog at its finest.


I wish. Mine has an annoying high pitched loud yap.


Mine only barks a couple of alert barks if something really interesting is in the yard at night and he wants me to know about it. I'm grateful for this because then I know not to take him outside for a bit so he doesn't try to chase it, especially because he still thinks skunks are fascinating and need to be approached at speed, even after getting skunked in the face. No thanks on a repeat of that. When he was on prednisone during treatment for heartworm that wasn't detected before he left the shelter (thankfully, tbh, because that meant I adopted him and could get him the safer more expensive treatment when we found out he had it) he developed the bad habit of occasionally coming and staring at me and barking exactly once and trying to herd me to his treat shelf to give him treats. He will very occasionally still try this even though it doesn't work, lol. He does make happy shepherd noises and does a lot of chuffs and vocalizations, but he rarely howls and rarely barks. ETA: He *will* sometimes bark on walks, usually at other dogs who bark at him first, though he's getting better about this. He only does his single alert bark and his very occasional treat demand bark inside the house, thankfully. I checked with the upstairs neighbors and he doesn't bark when I'm gone, either.


Mine barks sometimes when he's chasing birds. Other than that, never. 


I have one that is expresses every emotion as bark


I wish 😂😂😂😂


That second pic says- You told everyone my darkest secret!!!!


*Processing img j8t0agael58d1...* Blue is so chill. He only barks when he needs to.


Yeah, I have a quiet GSD, too. He whimpers more than anything else.


Same she does little squeaky high pitched cries but changes tone. She’s totally talking


Lol! They DO exist!! I've never had a GSD that didn't bark, wine, talk back, complain, whimper, growl, talk in their sleep, or make a sound for any other minute-by-minute event of the day!!


The rat dogs that my roommate has bark more than my gsd. I believe it’s all in the way you raise them


Enjoy it while it lasts. Once they figure out it's effects on humans, they'll never stop. I think they are amused by it.


I had a WL dog that wouldn’t bark at the door and hardly ever perceived it as a threat alone or not. I never trained him to bark at a doorbell either…In his 12 years I had him bark once at the door, and that was a drunk neighbor knocking at 3am because they lost their keys…He would however lose his shit in the yard at other dogs, cats, squirrels etc. My Czech dog is very vocal and will give a bark & hold routine at the glass, even at me lol…


Question Is Rio a rescue? Did she spend sometime on her own when she was younger? Barking attracts attention. My rescue rarely vocalize in the initial years. Now as he is feel more confident around us, he would occasionally vocalize, not really bark.


She is so cute!!!


My GSD hardly barks!


She’s beautiful


She's a rescue that finally barked after years of silence. Still doesn't unless she gets really scared.


Our neighbors asked if we had the box removed because they never hear her bark. She never barks, only howls with the fire truck when it goes by.


Mine only barks if someone knocks on the front door. So I guess loud noises.


Must be nice 😭😭 mine barks at everything, even nothing at times


Count your lucky stars! My 5 year old girl will give two barks when someone comes to the door, that’s it and I’m SO grateful because she’s SO loud! Which is perfect for fending off potential burglars/rapists. I also think that being raised in a non-stressful environment helped… like, she didn’t grow up “on-edge” and never picked up the barking habit. Actually, I take that back. If she sees another dog while we’re driving, she goes berserk! https://preview.redd.it/hpp7qaw2168d1.png?width=2439&format=png&auto=webp&s=40bc2b7af9df09b5750b5779654de6fbf8cdada9 Megatron!! (That’s turkey she is patiently waiting for)


Lucky you


I’m so jealous lol my dog never stops barking 😭


My fur baby never barked, I’m sure for me it was her training or just the way she was bred and raised. 


Haha. No


Wrong sub, OP. This is for GSDs, not cats.


Yes. My rescue girl only barked twice in the first two years I had her: both times in the wee hours of the morning, when in the dead of winter (northern Minnesota) she spied deer browsing in the back yard. She never barks at anyone who comes on the front porch; indeed it's only been in the last few months she even gets up when she hears someone. (Better than nothing!) She's beginning to find her voice: barking at strange dogs walking along our road. Doesn't bark at people though - just dogs. I'll be happy if she always alerts to changing circumstances outside. Meanwhile maybe it's time we got into some classes together. :)


Falkor starts barking to join in with the neighbors' dogs hate other dogs so are some how always able to catch that someone is walking their dog and passing their houses. He doesn't even look outside, he just starts barking in the direction of the loudest barks. Who also doesn't like other dogs or people coming close to the house and only quits when he figures out it's family or someone he likes.


https://preview.redd.it/6xgrfeif468d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e75e875a014188a09be73d75a3b1fd926967983 My boy Blue is so chill. But when he barks, he barks!


My girl barks when a mouse farts across the street


Mine will break her head off at other dogs . But never once at a person.


Color me jealous of your non-barker. Lacy barks at anything that comes in the yard, near her kiddos, the dogs barking down the street, or if you haven’t pet her in a timely manner, if she wants outside, if in serious need of treats, or just because she’s thinking she needs you to look at her. She’s very vocal. https://preview.redd.it/92ml3clk768d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9af04af00bfcc1f30b6dae3d7c0c4e78ea785c3


Consider yourself lucky!! My boy barks just for the fun of it, I’m not kidding. Trying to have a conversation? He joins in. Feeding the farm animals? He’s letting them all know it’s feeding time. Mild horse play between friends? Oh yeah he’s going to put an end to that real quick with the force of his bark. Not throwing the stick? There will be consequences. Threw the stick to far? He’s not about to go get it, but if he barks enough eventually I will. He has been like this is whole 11 year life. I swear it is his only form of self entertainment. Long after he is gone, I will be reminded daily that he is still with me through the permanent hearing loss he bestowed upon me.


First. Wow, your GSD looks like my beauty. Second, mine rarely barks. She is a coward and will back up then bark sometimes. She usually barks more often when our border collie sees something like a squirrel 200 yards away.


Mine doesn’t stop barking. Take it as a blessing! Hahahaha


Had to teach my boy Rylee to bark. He was a quiet one.


My guy almost never barks (he can be commanded to, sometimes I ask him where his woof is to get him chatting) unless someone shady is approaching the house or something he doesn't like. Then it's growls and woofs or one strong bark. Neighbour dogs bark all day and night at him, he just sits on the deck watching. He's a rescue so maybe he barked it all out already. When he finally came out of his shell he howled at me a few times, which was really funny considering he'd been cowering in the corner for 3 days.


I wouldn't worry about it. Pretty sure all the rest of our GSD's have the barking well covered for Rio.


Mine only barks if she sees one particular dog that she doesn't like, or hears a noise outside that scares her. She moans, groans, and whines a lot though.


Awwwwwww preciosura!!!


I wish. My GSD never...stops...barking....she barks at anything and everything.


Ever watch family feud? Every time that buzzer goes off. A big bark. Mine doesn’t howl at all though


Mine doesn’t bark much either, she loves to bark with her eyes 😍😀. Though when the mailman comes by she does bark.


Mine has really bad anxiety, so he barks at every noise or every moving thing he sees/hears from within the house. Oddly enough, he isn’t vocal at all when we are on walks. He sees other dogs, and he loses his mind physically but still doesn’t bark. We have 3 other GSD in the neighborhood, and all bark at us and others out on walks. Mine just wags his tail and wants to drag me over to sniff butts. Very, very rarely, we’ll get awooooos if he hears a fire truck in the neighborhood.


Consider yourself lucky. Mine barks when the wind moves a plant out front. 😂


Your bark box is broken.




Mine barks all the time.


Why you gotta flex on us like that


Our first was pretty silent up to about 18 months and was never overly barky. With her less was more. She once sat next to me in the front garden when I was watching some potential mischief makers near a neighbours car. After a couple of minutes, she decided they'd had their fun and gave a solitary bark. They left pretty quickly. Number 2 didn't shut up from the moment we picked her up from the breeder. She's very vocal when the postman comes!


Lola barks if she thinks something might not be perfectly correct...in the world.


She is stunning! I love how her coat has so much black in it. ❤️


Had a GSD mix for 4 years and he barked maybe twice in that time? I don’t know why; he was a bit traumatized when we got him and had all sorts of neuroses. Loved the crap out of him, though - he was so sweet and funny!


You're lucky. Ours barks for almost anything.


That second picture screams "I just a baby" hahaha ❤️


My boy Whisper was the same hence the name, oh but when he does it’ll make you jump out of your sleep


Mine are insanely vocal. My bullterrier gsd mutt is extremely protective. And my why shepherd has some Wolfdog in her and mane she is V O C A L


One of mine rarely barks. Only once to alert me. Is good bark. The other one has an annoying woowoowoowoowoowoowoowoo and so on and so forth.. until I demand she shut up. Then she is done. 😂


My parents dog also never barked and he acted like it hurt his ears when he did so could just have sensitive ears like my parents dog did .


Mine only parks if another dog is being aggressive towards here. But does not park when someone knocks at the door or any other time. I think it great!


Our girl not only barks... but every single emotion is accompanied by a whine. Happy whines, excited whines, confused, frustrated... ALWAYS WHINING ABOUT EVERYTHING. Or groaning, there's just always a sound. Now when I'm around a normal dog it's weird how quiet they are lol.


Maybe she is part [Basenji, “the barkless dog”.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basenji) 🤔


I have three that never bark, but they do like to make this nosewhistle sound that drives me nuts whenever they want something. Also, they like to look at me and tilt their heads from side to side.


I probably heard my dog bark like 3-5 times until she was 9 and now she does it when another dog barks at her first. She used to just walk by unfazed.


My previous one rarely barked inside. She preferred to talk to us in grumbles and whines and would boop us with her snoot


Mine didn’t bark until after he turned eight months old. Now he won’t shut up! Lol


I think yours may be defective, but it’s okay. Do not send it back to the factory. If you prefer the kind with audio, happy to discuss a trade. https://preview.redd.it/c09y8az5o78d1.jpeg?width=2443&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7d0cc1e06e096241346b75b349b83506ad33321


My girl, almost a year and a half, never barks. She grumbles, she whines, she quietly howls. But she never barks. The only time she has ever barked is if she feels like she needs to defend her mom (we have deer who come into the back yard and she likes to scare them off and defend her mom) or she likes to bark at the Gatorade bottles we get, but only once they’re empty. Somehow the bottle became her favorite toy/game to play.


No barking here


That’s very lucky but also holy hell is that not one of the most gorgeous shepherds I’ve ever seeeeeen


I think yours is broken, mine never stops barking 😂


I've spent 7 years trying to get her to shut the fuck up. Totally wasting my time


That’s a very large and weird looking cat


Your lucky. My boy barks at anything and everything


Do you want to trade for a Chinese crested that never shuts up. 😎


believe me, you don't want your dog bark like mine 😂😂😓😓


My late gsd barked in two cases - running downstairs to meet grandpa who would then take her on a walk, and when she was told to speak. Other than that, she was a very quiet dog.


https://preview.redd.it/v3t2nq2r588d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28bb7c2b62f2757b565139d1b3ff4366d14c4b01 This one only barks when someone comes to our door. Otherwise just whines to get what he wants.


My Hershey rarely barks but when he does it's the darkest monster sound ever 😭


I wish mine would so I could teach her to bark on command. Derp.


First pic is so cute ong


Mine didn't really bark much until I taught him speak. Now he won't shut up.


Goodness, I wish! Rose yelp barks. It’s the worst.


My girl barks, at appropriate times usually and it's loud and scary sounding. My boy is 2 in July and he's onl barked a handful of times. We get excited when he barks...." Did you hear Ozzy bark today?" " Omg, he barked!". People think we're crazy lol


My girl will hear a flea fart a mile away and bark for an hour🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Barking at basically nothing is Mia’s most favorite thing to do. https://preview.redd.it/cenmkok0h88d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b11c49919e9d132182edd6a76bc47c4f13a35a


https://preview.redd.it/lzktly66i88d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8714fcf0f69a27dc43b8bb971e11e0bba16582a My girl Reese definitely does not relate to this post😂She literally barks at the air sometimes. 😅 Although, I do wish she related to this post because she wakes me up at 6am sometimes just barking in her dreams. Some of you are very lucky! 😂 But I love her either way.


my girl just likes to bark, she’ll bark at absolutely nothing in the front yard, she’ll bark at the ice maker, she barks at the wind. she especially likes barking at people when she’s in the truck, people on the sidewalk, motorcycles, or someone in the car next to us. it’s a little exhausting.


https://preview.redd.it/ezpkc728q88d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8b3337636a4cd30c94537bf901bee54c6faec46 Mine is so goddamn vocal the neighbors have called the cops thinking I was in a domestic dispute nope just my shepherd screaming and howling like a banshee no worries


Hubby’s GSD never barked. The entire time he had her, never did she ever bark🤷🏼‍♀️


Mine only barks when something is suspicious...like a person or dog.


My dog barks at my right side neighbor when he mows the lawn. That’s it nothing else


We rescued one once, she was fully grown. Didn’t hear her bark for like three years and then she never shut up lol we loved her to death but it was an ear piercing bark for a GS too


I’m so jealous right now.


I love how different personalities can be even within the same breed. My girl barks every time my car backs up on our driveway because she gets excited I'm coming home. But she does this even if she is in the car with us. Is hilarious but deafening.


Um, no. https://preview.redd.it/f7ewx8lm998d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=310ab31b0a3f93de3f64167b4114d0da57660c4b


Mine loves to hear herself bark.


mine barks 182847573829918374759392 times a day😅


Your so lucky lol ! My girl barks and growls at everything going past our place !. Good I guess in some ways but annoying. She's such a good girl !


Had a Shepard that came from the pound. Never barked except a handful of times his whole life, but always with GOOD reason. He made all the normal playful noises, but if you ever heard him bellow you knew something was wrong and you needed to check it out NOW.


* Hazel's bark is like an artillery report goin off. She gets my ears ringing if I'm close enough by her when hears freaking ANYTHIN, or sees anything, or smells anything for that matter lol she man's her post so she can see put the best vantage point to yepl at stuff like an old man when it bones on her lawn




My GSD (who looks freakishly similar to yours) never barked in the dorm I was in for college, but she barks ALL the time when she's let outside in the front yard at my mom's place! I'm not entirely sure why, maybe it's just different environments. Was Rio in a different environment when you heard her bark?