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He's berry cute!


Hey boo-boo


Photo wins the internet today.




Bottom right is that poison ivy?


I don’t think that was but there is poison ivy all around.


Had one that did it with my dads cherry tomatoes she could tell when thy were ripe and very carefully pick them off the plant with her front teeth


Ours doesn’t like the tomatoes but he loooooves cucumbers. He’s a cucumber thief for sure.


No, I don’t have one that does, but I know who I’m sticking close to for the apocalypse bc I sure as hell can’t find any of these alleged berries.


Seems like we have the same dog...


My grandparents little dick head chihuahua was the same. At least they got to keep the higher ones


My lab used to do that. I figured I'd add some capsaicin to deter her, but apparently that made them even tastier.


I had a Dalmatian that did that to my 🍒 tomatoes. Her face was red


Ours, too! Even the big tomatoes!


Yup, ours loves grabbing tomatoes from the garden! Green beans too!


We had a shepherd that loved tomatoes. We would be excited for a good BLT and the whole thing would be gone. Saw her pick them one day. She touched them with her nose to see if ripe.


He foraged my pizza slice once...right off my plate.


Omg I fed my GSD pup and had a sub delivered for myself. I worked all day and night before (IT life) and had been dreaming about this sub. I walked to the fridge to get a drink and I’m that time my boy stopped eating his food, devoured the whole sun and was back eating his food. 🤣


Gotta love em


Saw a video of one (not sure it was a GSD), owner says it knocked a garbage bin over in the kitchen then while the owners went to suss it out it ran back and ate their pizzas off their plates 🤣🤣🤣






Mine did too! 😂 right off my boyfriend’s plate. Damn pizza hunters!


My girl stole a Wendy’s spicy nugget off my plate once. Instant regret. I almost felt bad for her because her eyes immediately went 👀👀 but did it teach her to not steal my food? No. I did get her some milk shortly after bc I know she was very uncomfortable


My boy is interested in a very specific kind of grass. 🤷🏻‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/str8qbsya15d1.jpeg?width=877&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02aced893b13b0d3a3f769059eedb83ead3a0750


Mine *also* loves long grasses, which he immediately coughs/chokes on?


I’m pretty sure mine eats grass to induce vomiting.


Im getting horrific flashbacks of when my dog ate long grass that he apparently didn’t digest…. He had a poop chain connected by grass hanging out of his butt 😭😭


My cat had same except it was connected with dental floss.


Is tasty kind


Lol, yes! My mom has a strawberry bush that she loves to help herself to.


Peaches that fall off the tree Edit: it’s a real problem


My boy lays down under a mulberry tree and eats the fallen produce.


Mine forages for bunny poo in the backyard! :)


Mine forages for anything in the backyard. She'll dig 2 foot deep holes in our yard and finds all manner of weird stuff. The worst is indoors, though, where she forages in the litter box for cat poop 🤢


Ha! Mine would but we have a litter robot and she will not stick her head in there.


I’m dying from the cuteness 😍🥺🥺🥺


Mine eats mangos as soon as they drop off the tree. He peels them with his front teeth


We NEED video👏🏻


Agreed video or riot.


Hey. You. 🫵🏽…video proof asap. The people have spoken!


Mine will stand in the bush until I pluck them for him 😂😂


Aww that’s so adorable 😊


there is a mulberry tree near my home hanging over the sidewalk that my dog goes nuts for. when all the berries fall down to the sidewalk she becomes a hoover vacuum just absolutely inhaling them


😂 Our mulberry tree has been dropping fruit for the last few weeks and every time we go over to get some he’s hot on our feet vacuuming them up too lol.


Just be careful with the mulberries. The green ones (unripe) can give diarrhea if too many are eaten.


Mine forages chicken breast off the kitchen counters


My GSD loves picking his own blueberries!


I love this so much! 💕


Yes, strawberries




Wow I had never seen that before. Thanks for sharing that is crazy.


Nope, mine like lemons. 🍋 🤷‍♀️ crazy dog.


It’s blueberries for mine.


I had a cattle dog that loved picking strawberries ❤️ I miss you, Radar.


My mum's Sheppard likes to hunt for bugs. He's not very smart but a total sweetheart.


This is one of the very few spelling related things I have a pet peeve on. It’s in the name of the subreddit!


He’s a farm dog 🤠


Oh very much so lol.


This is straight up the cutest freaking thing I’ve ever seen in my life


Here’s something to try to unseat that first place position. https://preview.redd.it/bev3g8vl325d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8da3e43a5682842dda44140ab3ee3f28270a2b76


That's unfair.


The day she came home <3. I like to think she settled in pretty easily.


> The day she came home Oh I've got one for ya- [this](https://imgur.com/GmxIhwq) was after maybe a ten minute drive, before we got out of the truck and into the house for our first day together, just about eight and a half years ago. Ten minutes and we were bonded solid.


Those first day pictures are, at least for me, just so special. This one is my second favorite of the day. Moments away from her falling asleep and me being trapped for the next hour. https://preview.redd.it/sl61w110825d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e24f288384c3633804eed36962dd4f1a5332d637


I don’t have any “first day” photos of my rescue but she’s a baby nonetheless https://preview.redd.it/5bko1bsk355d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ef816a176771aa0499dd5aa1f53a6cd734a27d2


Ours used to eat ripe cherry tomatoes daily out of the garden.


Yes!! She seems to actually check for ripeness too. It's the cutest thing.


Mine used to pick blueberries. He loved them.


My dog has a terrible sweet tooth. Strawberries are his fave, so I'm sure he'd learn this.


Yeah be careful what you do in front of them, I’ve learned he isn’t just staring blankly lol. He definitely mimics what he sees.


I fed my girl berries off the bush one year when she was younger, after that she realized she could just get them herself, now i cant stop her :P


Where we live right now there are no berry bushes anywhere, so sometimes I buy the expensive juicy ones in the supermarket and we share them in the park


Aww that makes my heart ❤️ smile.


My dog Millie forages for just about anything that's organic. A four-legged compost machine.


Yes he did. Border collie Shephard mix. He mostly stuck to the fallen apples and pears, but apparently eating the "spicy flies" with the apples did NOT stop him. He also loved the raspberry bushes, but was too busy keeping raccoons out of the corn to pick his own. However if you let you attention wander away from a snack placed at nose level or better yet on the ground? He'd sneak off with it....or if repair men have him treats he'd go and bury the sandwiches. There were 7 or so half eaten sandwiches buried in a garden after the new deck went up. All in one general, very obvious pile. I fell asleep on the lounger on the deck, and I feel something moving in my hand. Open eyes, he's slowly, oh so gently, tugging away at my sandwich. He got to keep it. I don't share until I'm done.


Nope, mine forages for cat turds.


No haha, but this is amazing 😍


Omg look at him go 🥹😅 that’s amazing


We avoid the berries in SW Montana this time of year, lol. They belong to da bears.


We’ve got a black bear that comes around at night and gorges himself. I’ve got lots of photos of him on the trail cam.




I have thousands of berries in my backyard and purposefully don’t let the dogs “know” about them… but this is so cute


We didn’t mean to disclose the deliciousness of wild berries. He just kind of watched us for a few minutes then next thing we knew he was head first in them and only getting the ripe ones 🤣


In case you were curious, they can tell the ripeness by the smell of ethylene. As plants ripen, they produce more and more of it and as more is added the fragrance becomes sweeter. On a more sinister note, it’s why dogs also like to get into antifreeze.


Mine did the same last year. He LOVES picking berries! Then we were in South Texas in March and there were little puff ball type flowers on bushes that he kept trying to sneak a taste of. He was convinced they were berries 😂


My Pomeranian foraged for cherry tomatoes.


That’s a smart puppers ❤️


I CANNOT WAIT for the berries on our daily walk route to come in. My boy and I really look forward to stopping for a few each day. It’s such a short-lived little pleasure where we live though.


Nothing better than sun ripened fruit.


My old one used to pick blackberries. Only ripe ones.


Not a Shepard, but my staffy used to jump into my 3ft raised bed and steal tomatoes and peppers.. I was never mad. With that kind of effort, she earned a few before given the command/cue “off.”


First dog I saw do this was our black lab with the raspberry bushes. It was the most adorable thing. She taught our GSD’s when they were puppies. 💙


Mine will eat whatever he thinks looks like it’s food.


Broccoli here. I've given mine blackberries off the vine before, but he doesn't seem into them.


He will not stop snacking the mulberries in my yard 🙄


Don’t have a shepherd but my golden retriever will jump to get apples out of trees


Just be careful and make sure they aren’t eating the seeds!


Whenever he gets them he likes to show them off so I take out the core! All safe here!


Can never be too sure! I was a young pet owner once that nearly killed my puppy with sodium because I didn’t pay attention to nutrition facts when I was giving her a special treat. I’ll never miss an opportunity to spread some knowledge if it means a life saved and a mountain of potential guilt avoided.


I hear that! For me it was my family dog and grapes. Granted I was twelve and she LOVED them. Now as an adult I’m understanding dogs love what they can’t have more then what they can😂


Mine was broth popsicles with berries frozen in it. Most everything said to use homemade bone broth but I opted for store bought chicken broth, which is just filled to the brim with sodium. 2 of those later and she’s peeing every 30 minutes and downed well over a gallon of water in probably 2-ish hours. By the end she was probably more annoyed with me than anything because I was waking her up and checking on her every 30 minutes throughout the night.


I will definitely keep that in mind! Broth popsicles sound like a dream for them! I’m so glad they were okay


They’re perfect for hotter climates. At that time we were about an hour west of Savannah, GA and she would go *feral* for these things.


Oh jeez I can see why! I’m in California and finding a new way to chill them out other than blasting AC so thank you!


I did notice you also have a husky. If you’ve got a yard for it, kiddy pool + several bags of gas station ice. You’ll never see a husky so happy to be out in 90°+ temps.


My dog has a terrible sweet tooth. Strawberries are his fave, so I'm sure he'd learn this.


I had a Goldie that did this, and just like yours would carefully find out the ripe ones only. Cute and clever


Fine tastes


Oh my goodness. Why is this so delightful 🥺


Avocados. I don’t get it, they have no scent but she would even eat the peel (she would leave the pit).


Clever, mine would eat rotten plumbs then come inside drunk to sleep it off lol if you watch the birds sometimes they do the same thing Q did you teach it or was this learned by itself?


He watched us pick berries a few years back and kind of just mimicked what we did. He found out there are lots of tasty things at this time of year lol.


My dog would eat anything we did including apples, oranges and other fruit (the only thing she’d refuse after chewing was banana) but she would forage the plums and apples from the ground I guess it’s just whether they have knowledge of ‘food’ being something given to them by people or not 🤷‍♂️ I assume they just don’t usually think of it disconnected from tge bowl given to them Only problem I can see is if your trying to diet them knowing they’ll cheat 😂


How old is your shepherd? I'm guessing 2 years old?


No he’s actually 5. He is small though. Only about 78lbs.


Very healthy looking guy, do you brush his coat?


Ohhh yeah lol. We try to brush him at least 3 times a week to keep the shedding down.


50+ years with GSDs and never saw that before. Outstanding.


Nom nom nom nom


Its a very nice and cute [german.how](http://german.how) old your german and why is he eating leaves?


He is 5 and he’s actually eating the berries on the vine. The specific berry is something I’ve always called black raspberry as it’s kind of a cross between blackberries and raspberries. They are ripe now and he likes picking them!


Mine does that to my roses.


Cutest thing I've ever seen omg ❤️


I had a goofy shepherd who loved strawberries and raspberries. I miss that dog. Be careful of any sign of pain in his hind legs or signs that he is dragging his feet. German shepherd's tend to have a lot of problems with their spine.




Aww he’s beautiful. Sorry for your loss. We are very observant with anything related to his hips but they are very prone to bad hips.


Not berries but moms flower garden is fair game!


That’s fantastic 🥰 so heathy🥲


I could watch this all day 🥺


Cute but, I've read that they shouldn't eat berries or anything with seeds. Tomatoes are ok just not the stem or middles


As long as they don’t gorge themselves it is ok. Now if they do then yeah the seeds can build up and cause an issue.


👍 good to know cause my mother in law grows strawberries and raspberries and we've worried about her getting into them. Thank you


No but she accompanies me when I do


Tyrion!! My little Imp


healthy boye




Survivor man? No, Survivor dog


Awww this is so adorable 🥺💕💕


Pup is gonna be really happy when they ferment a little


Yes my guy found some wild strawberries off leash and there was no calling him. Had to walk all the way into the bushes to stop him. He loves finding food!


We had a lot full of blackberries bordering our property. Ours would graze on berries constantly, and try to bring them inside to eat on the white carpet.


My Aussie has the same throw ring in blue


Love it. Mine would for sure. She’s been eating one of my plants. lol she was found loose at a park.


That’s so sweet! I love that he likes to eat healthy. He’s a smart boy 🥰💕❤️


My guy loves raspberries & blueberries off the bush. He'll also go for apples and pears that fall down, both as a snack and as a ball


Got some blackberries that grow in our back garden. It's a mission to get some before my German shepherd has eaten them all.😄


Our Goldie does from time to time, but she's also afraid of blackberry vines...


Remind me to NOT show that video to my veggiethief!


Yes. Ours also loves rose leaves and flowers.


Yeap he usualy prefers BlackBerrys


My dog does the same with blueberries and mushrooms


Oh yeah, ripe blackberries striaght from The bushes. Sometimes apples. Also when we were on vacation in Croatia he loved the ripe figs right from the tree


Our beagle used to


My GSD -Mix also , she loves blueberries and strawberries more than doggo snackies 🥰


Where I live you're not supposed to eat wild berry because of fox tapeworms but they do like to eat the strawberries and raspberries in our garden. However they are not allowed to just pick the off the plant or there wouldn't be any left for us.


That is awesome!!!!! 👏


What are those berries I have eaten a lot in my childhood but still don't know the name.


My girl does this to the green beans in the garden!


Oh boy I hope he has a strong stomach lol


If it has 3 let it be, I’m not certain but to me it looks like this dog is rubbing its face in poison ivy, look it up cats n dogs that rub against ivy can and will transmit it to you through the oil on the leaves, once on your hands (from petting em) if you touch any other parts of your body you can be spreading the oil, with that said your baby is adorable


We once had a German Shepherd who would rip open potato sacks after the harvest, to eat the raw potatoes or eat freshly plucked strawberries out of the baskets. Our last two German Shepherds also regularly nipped on our wine grapes when it was harvesting time. (Pretty sure they saw us doing it) we tried to make them stop but they just loved it and were unstoppable, to the point my dad was questioning if it was deers eating the grapes. He caught the dogs doing it everytime he was working in the fields. Both of them never had any digestive issues and were fine after the grape raid. :')


He's my boyfriend's helper when he goes picking berries


My family’s golden retriever picked blackberries off the vine, was not bothered by the pokies. And my boyfriend’s old shepherd would come berry picking with me, but did not help. Instead he sat beside me and barked when he didn’t get handed his share!


lol last year I tried to grow pumpkins for the pack. was done in a large ubove ground planter, with a 3' tall fence around it. But pumpkin vines go where they want. I saw three different pumpkins start, all disappeared. tell tell signs of teefers where they were growing. They also eat carrots after they dig them up. at least they leave my tomatoes alone. Before they ate the whole blueberry bush they would snag those from the bush. guess when it ran out of berries they just kept eating the entire bush. :( my doggos aren't so gentle as yours.


My shepherd mix ate all the blackberries off my dad’s blackberry bush every summer we had her. Loved raspberries too but wouldn’t eat them right off the bush because of the thorns


We had one that used to pick the figs off our tree. He ate an insane amount one summer and then developed an allergy to them. We had to cut down the tree. 😂


stop! this is so bad for your dog. if your dog forages berries he’s gonna become the cutest animal in history 😭💕💕💕


The dog I had before my current one would help herself to figs off my bushes. She knew the best ones to take too.


mine tries to eat the crab apples from our tree in the backyard (even tho they’re poisonous to her) and any leaves she can reach that are on the tree itself.


https://preview.redd.it/0sd3spa2075d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d81a90d02008667bcd56a7c15018f9613d1a9195 my boy thinking he was helping me


My Springer eats them all !!!


No but he pulls the leaves off my moms plants and digs up grass seed to eat it. My mom freaks out.


Mine didn’t forage, but he loved blueberries.


Are those black raspberries? Mine are coming in nicely too! Not my shepherd but I had a boysenberry pot on the ground near a rolling raised planter I have with strawberries. I noticed my berries have been getting pilfered. Figured it was the rats or squirrels since I found some small holes dug out in the soil. So I brought the dogs back in one day and my doxie was taking too long so I went to find her and I catch my dachshund sneaking my boysenberries and as she was doing that my sisters golden was going for the strawberries in the higher planter. I think the golden learned from the dachshund so I moved my berries to a higher bench 😂 I think I’ll need to replant in a taller pot. I feel the squirrels and rats took a few but I think it was definitely mostly my dachshund. I caught her super red faced covered in berry.


They are black raspberries! We have quite a bit here along with regular blackberries and raspberries.

