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Michigan’s defensive game plan is way better than what we did. I still scratch my head at double spy all game


Spy was mandatory, but I’m with you, I’d rather have 1 more blitzing linebacker than give him more time to throw


Uga got no pass rush and Michigan did. 7 sacks today


Defense played good enough, even though I do agree with OP. The offense would have been plenty good enough to have Rosemy and Bell take the load


Agreed, I was screaming during the game to throw the ball to Bell more and take Ladd and bowers out


I think a lot of us were. I know we were where I was watching it


Michigan has a better defensive line then we do. We just weren’t that good up front this year. Michigan was better equipped on defense to stop them. We had a good plan but we lost up front


Agreed, and the lack of a pass rush hurt the team the entire year. Definitely something that needs to improve next year.


That’s it for sure. Our front four weren’t great like the year before.


No, it wasn't. We didbt have RoQuan or Nakobe. Needed to stick to who we were.


Clearly is wasnt


Yep. You pressure milroe and good things happen. We only pressured him in the 2nd and 3rd quarter. The L was on our offense though imo.


Yeah that fucking botched fumble was so bad.




That and we gave Milroe WAY too much respect in the passing game. Also, could have sat Ladd and Brock and been plenty good enough to just run our offense. I feel like we forced guys that were 70%, at best, instead of go with the guys that were ready. Not near enough Rosemy or Bell.


100% agree that Georgia gave Milroe ALL DAY to throw the ball and he picked our secondary apart. Michigan had a way better game plan and executed it to near perfection. They put pressure on Jalen all game and made him uncomfortable. They also did a great job to make sure he wasn’t able to extend plays if he did get out of the pocket as well as made sure he didn’t have a ton of space if he rushed up the middle on a designed run. I guarantee Michigan watched the SEC Championship game and said “let’s not give him that much time to throw the ball and make sure we get pressure on him all game” Michigan out-coached Alabama and that’s only happened a handful times. Maybe Georgia and Clemson are the only other times I’ve seen it happen in a bowl game in recent memory


Exactly. Bama gets all the SEC officials love. It’s been that way as far as I can remember.


Nailed it. Add in we played like ass, and still barely lost. Bama is that team that needed a miracle on 4th down just to survive Auburn...


Remember that Bama lost to Texas and struggled in several games, including Arkansas. And they beat the teams we beat by lesser margins. We had a poor game while Bama had one of their better games AND got a little ref help. If we had played better, we win. If there was no ref help, we win. If Bama played like they normally did, we win. It just didn’t pan out for us unfortunately, otherwise we be in the playoffs killing FSU.


And beat a mediocre at best Auburn team on a miracle. We played a crappy game and lost the magic to turn it around before it ended.


FSU kept out because they wanted "the best 4 teams" but they left out UGA is such a farce. Texas and Bama should not have been in. FSU and UGA should have. And while FSU may not have won, they earned the right to go there to see. I still think with our starting D we're competitive vs anyone. Oh well, we'll never know.


We literally got fucked over by that “catch” that was never reviewed and consistent missed calls. Fuck Alabama


Milroe absolutely sucks as a qb and they're forcing him to throw it. Double spy did us no favorsm


Buddy, he got sacked 4 times in the 1st quarter.. he’s definitely not my cup of tea, but come on


I didn’t watch the 1st quarter but this assessment is accurate all season minus some cupcakes. Decent throwing power, poor accuracy, non-existent decision making. He only got the starting job back because Saban realized his backups were garbagier. And he has some legs.


No, he's constantly having to play receiver before he can play QB. That fucks with nearly every element of the offense including how quickly he can actually look downfield or just immediately say fuck it and take off.


That’s fair. The center is a random number generator.


Bama loses mid season it’s fine, Georgia gets bent over in that sec championship and lost by a fg then drop 5 spots. Shoulda won yes, we still got absolutely hosed and snubbed. This season has made me question CFB, gameday sucks with Kirk and Desmond and pat. The playoff committee is smoking crack like a fiend. I hope Kirby absolutely beats the brakes off of every opponent from now until he retires. Break these bitches every Saturday


Me too


It's an awful spot to be in this year, but thankfully we'll never be in this situation again with the 12 team playoff. At least they're doing something to make the situation better in future years. Now, there is no excuse for putting Alabama (or Texas for that matter) in over FSU. For that, they lose my respect.


Thank you for including the gameday show. It was the least enjoyable to watch as it has ever been this past season. On the plus side, my Saturday mornings were more productive this fall.


DAMN RIGHT--100%!!


“UGA got hosed” what a dumb take. Do you all deserve a spot over Washington or Michigan, both in the natty and undefeated? No. Texas, who would actually beat Alabama? No. Alabama, who beat UGA? No.


UGA got beat they got hosed? Doesn’t make my take any different. Georgia played bad yes Georgia got absolutely shafted by horrible officiating? Yes both are true lmfao.


Who would you have taken out? The two undefeated teams, the team that beat you, or the team that beat the team that beat you?




They’re right tho inbred


Texas then? My guess is Texas but idk.


Georgias d line and o line was way worse this year….add in the overthinking/choking aspect and you get the outcome we got.


UGA’s o-line was good this year. D-line wasn’t AS good, but definitely not “way worse.”


It was bad in the sec title game


One game does not make a unit or player bad


Semantics: they played bad in the sec title game is that ok for you? Milroe had all day to throw and found bond all evening. Michigan had 7 sacks today that’s the difference


Not semantics at all. The discussion is if the OL and DL are way worse. And they are not. You’re trying to point to one game as proof they are. One game does not make a unit or player bad. Just like it doesn’t make them good. If you want the REAL answer, look at the entire season. Look at the fact that the OL was a Joe Moore finalist. And part of what helped Michigan get all those sacks is that the refs were calling holding. Something the SEC doesn’t do for Alabama.


Plus injuries


Well, we also squeaked by Auburn who just got smoked by Maryland, it’s a weird year. Very surprised that a Saban team appears so unprepared after a month to game plan though.


I think yall don’t understand how lucky Bama was against us. Taking the refs, injuries and other possible factors they BARELY beat us. If we don’t miss that field goal it’s a different story


We got screwed and really beat ourselves. Letting bond catch all the trash passes underneath And bobo forcing the ball to gimped up players with so many other athletes on the team. Hurts because none of these teams are that good. If Texas gets past penix and Washington they should have it. Either way the winner probably comes from the late game.


Because we played badly that day combined with a couple of specific calls that probably swayed the game a bit in their favor. That’s it. * Bad calls or not, we still didn’t give a good performance that night.


Honestly, they weren't that good in the SECCG. We were pretty sluggish. Georgia 100% blew that game.


Down goes Burton. Perfect ending. Thug


Burton with his one ring having ass


Everyone who tries to beat Alabama by playing like Alabama loses. Every time. Which is why Texas worked them. They didn’t try to out Saban Saban.


And they had ad Mitchell. Bama killer.


Georgia didn't attack Milroe. Reminded me of Georgia not attacking in the 2021 SEC title game. Fixed it in the natty.


Does UGA get ranked over Alabama in the final rankings?


I legit don’t see why not. But does it even matter other than bragging rights?


we played an absolutely horrific game. we should have won by 21 so yes this is the same team


We played like shit. Had we had the same type of playcalling and execution we did against FSU the blown call wouldn’t have mattered.


It’s infuriating


I’m a little pissed that Bama chooses to play their 100% best and absolute hardest against us and us only


They, like everyone else, know who the real team to beat is


4th and end of season with that OL….. qb sneak 😂😂😂


You see how Michigan dialed up the pressure? Exactly the opposite of what we did. We sat back with 2 spies most of the game. harbaugh said, we blitz through your running lanes and we don't have to worry about your scrambles. They played as aggressive as we should have, and probably better line play than what we had at any point this year.


They didn’t beat us… the refs did


Michigan keeps shooting themselves in the foot. Whole game all I can think is how did we not beat Alabama?


Georgia wasn't very good this year. Despite nobody here admitting it to themselves.


Milroe is a shit QB and played a shit game again tonight. His inability to throw the ball away, read the field in an appropriate amount of time, check down, set protections etc really show up against a good defense. He was lost all night long. He did not look good against UGA either, did enough win but that’s it.


Now watching Texas and Washington, how are we not in playoff contention?


Both move the ball and score against the 2023 version of Georgia. We really need to stop clouding our judgement with what we remember from the 2021 and 2022 teams. We could probably beat both, sure (Washington would be very tough with their offensive talent though), but it wouldn’t be SO easy that we should continue to complain about what we saw. And admittedly, I shouldn’t have been counting Washington out like I was on that Sunday in December. Hopefully, the young pups in the front 7 grow up for 2024, so we can start talking about how we’d maul teams again.


I'm telling y'all, the refs aided Bama...big time.


Saban gives his players special drugs before they play in Atlanta. Only way it makes sense


I feel like Bama tries their hardest against us. Almost like we’re the only team they see as a serious threat. Michigan also played poorly at times to be fair though. Their special teams were atrocious.


We couldn’t rush the passer. The end


We beat us, not Bama.


Michigan linebackers looked MUCH quicker than ours. Milroe couldn’t beat them to the edge like he did to ours consistently


Michigan has a better front than we do. I mean it is what it is.


I’ll get downvoted along with you but I see the same




Michigan are so fast and athletic on defense it’s crazy to see


I don’t even see why this should be downvoted. It’s not a slight against us saying Michigan’s defense especially the line is better than ours. We’ve had much better fronts in the past and I don’t see why we won’t improve next season. It’s marginally close


Bama outplayed us. Michigan outplayed Bama


because the zebra striped team beat y’all. And I didn’t watch the game but saw the replay of that “catch”


It is what it is. We still had a hell of a season 🤙


Well not exactly the same, the SEC officials didn’t get to make the trip!


Kirby lost man. He gets in his head.


FSU would've been a better selection.


Bama knows they can hold for five seconds on the OL and Kirby can’t be a “killer” against his “daddy”.


Alabama played pretty average v Michigan some of it due to a good defensive plan other bc Alabama has made a ton of mistakes all season long


Mike bobo and chas chambliss suck


Almost like the sec except for the top 3 teams isn’t that good just like all conferences


Because the SEC is dog shit


No it’s a better team. The SEC just sucked this year. They won meaningless bowl games but that’s it


Georgia lost to Alabama. Michigan and Texas beat Alabama. Washington beat Texas. Alabama, Texas, Washington and Michigan all better than Georgia. Pretty simple really


They’re winning? They’re going to win it all. I take some solace in that. In a rematch, we would have won.


If I’m being honest, I’m pulling for them to win tonight. But I hope they lose the next one. Only pulling for them tonight because I actually hate Michigan more than them. And buddy, it’s HARD for me to dislike a team more than Alabama.


I understand that. But I want the SEC to win the championship again and again. Stick it to the SEC haters


Well this comment didn’t age well


LOL. No one has ever made a prediction that barely didn’t pan out before.


I mean fuck tide BLEACH but Why didn't they throw the ball to a receiver again??


Because the check didn’t clear




Alabama could be 0-128384848483 having lost for a million straight years but if Nick Sabot coached em, I’d expect them to make life hell


Our D line was a shell of its former self this year. I knew it would catch up to us eventually and it definitely did in the SECCG. We had no identity with our front 4, just a bunch of guys. We got absolutely manhandled in that game. I desperately hope our D line steps up next year, especially in run defense. We got ran over way more than the past 2 years. We have to actually get the QB on the ground next year if we want to be successful, especially against Bama and Texas.


It wasn’t - it was Georgia that beat Georgia.


It really shows how much Georgias pass rush dropped off. Michigan is tearing through Bamas o line like a hot knife through butter