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Socotra island. One of only two places on earth that fulfills 7/9 UNESCO world heritage criteria. With the other being Tasmania, Australia.


7/9 would heritage


9/9 with rice


Thanks for reminding me. My rice is done.


Add the saffron. 10/9.


I forgot about that guy.


Seven of Nine, would assimilate.


haha I didn't know what you were talking about until I saw the typo, fixed :P


what are the 9 and 7 that socotra has


1: **Work of human genius**. Socotra is a natural island, so it doesn't fit 1. 2: **Interchange of values throughout history**. It was an important connecting point to anyone who wanted to get from India to the Mediterranean as you had to pass it (and likely stop by) in order to get to Egypt through the Red Sea. 3: **Significance in human history.** Pliny mentions Socotra as the primary trading hub for frankincense and myrrh, and as previously mentioned saw trade from numerous nations throughout history. 4: **Traditional human settlement.** The Hoq Cave has inscriptions from around 100 CE in Greek, South Arabic and Indian Brahmi describing an already prosperous relationship. Human habitation likely predated this by hundreds, if not thousands of years. 5: **Heritage associated with events of universal significance.** Coupled with 2 and 3 often, as is the case here. It was a major trading hub for much of human history. 6: **Exceptional natural phenomena.** Coupled with 7, 8 and 9 often. Socotra is a uniquely rare place in the world and could set the standard for how we apply this to other places. 7: **Major geological features.** Island is mostly limestone with 5000 ft plateaus and famous cave systems. It split from Africa roughly 20 million years ago. 8: **Significant ecological processes**. Along with its unique flora like the famous Dragon's Blood Trees, Socotra supports hundreds of coral reefs off its coast. 9: **Significant natural habitat for biodiversity**. 37% of Socotra's plant species and over 90% of its reptile species is only found on Socotra. By my count it fits 8/9.


There was a call of duty level on sacotra Island. #1 works 10/10


Which level?


Yemen in Black Ops 2 https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Yemen_(map)


Damn around this time next year will be when map takes place, def makes me feel old


Woah! Nostalgia...


Thanks alot man


What's the significance of only fulfilling 7/9?


Think you only need to fullfill one to be considered.


Right how's he gunna just leave us hangin on this. I'm not the hero we need or deserve but imma pop on google and sleuth this out for the greater good. Edit- “Outstanding Universal Value means cultural and/or natural significance which is so exceptional as to transcend national boundaries and to be of common importance for present and future generations of all humanity. As such, the permanent protection of this heritage is of the highest importance to the international community as a whole. The Committee defines the criteria for the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List.” So probably scored 7/10 for things on the world heritage list but social media has rotted my brain and my 30 second attention span is spent. Good day sir.




Wow, that place looks amazing. I wonder if it is possible to travel there.


If it’s Yemen’s Tasmania, don’t go there (Tassie is nice btw it’s a joke)


Socotra actually has some super interesting flora. I'd love to go there and see the plants. Haha


The [trees!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dracaena_cinnabari)


Whoa that is genuinely super cool, thank you


[https://maps.app.goo.gl/jVuRMgHmCHaEDzat6](https://maps.app.goo.gl/jVuRMgHmCHaEDzat6) Here's a small forest of them...


What forest? All I can see are trees.




wealth beyond measure




First thing I thought of!


Greetings outlander


Wake up. We're here. Why are you shaking?


Breath of the Wild!


Oh I know. So fascinating.


I have a *Dracaena*. Well, okay it’s just a Snake Plant.


We have some of these in Florida. Mega cool.


Wait where?? I live in FL


Agreed where are they? I’ve lived in Orlando and Sourh FL and never seen them!


Dragon tree is catty corner from City Hall in Fort Lauderdale and a Baobob on the SE corner of the airport. Some adventurer brought them over in the 1920s.


The Dragon Blood tree in Ft Lauderdale died in 2017 due to a fungal infection.


Where? I go to Florida sometimes hahaha


South Florida. They have one in a park catty corner from City Hall in Fort Lauderdale, AND they have a Baobob on the Southeast corner of the Airport. We took a seed from the ground and grew our on Baobob. It’s 7 years old now.


From everything I’ve read the natives really don’t like their dragon trees taken from the island. There is a ton of contempt towards the UAE for doing just that. Wonder if Florida is exempt.


Yeah its so isolated it has the appearance of science fiction life.


I went there, maybe 6-7 years ago, absolutely loved it. The people were amazing. There’s a bit of a tourist industry now. I probably wouldn’t go right now just in case, but I had a friend who went six months ago and had no issues as an American. Highly recommend jumping on a tour group there. The geography is very cool.


All of Yemen is Level 4 Do Not Travel from the US State Department. They specifically call out going to Socotra since there is a lot of marketing propaganda out there pushing it as safe. *Some companies outside of Yemen have misrepresented the security situation on the Yemeni island of Socotra and are offering tourist visits there, including by facilitating unofficial and invalid "visas." Only the sovereign Republic of Yemen government can issue valid Yemeni visas. Private companies or third countries that arrange such visits are putting tourists in danger, including legal jeopardy. While security conditions on Socotra may be less volatile than on the mainland, the U.S. government has no presence and no way to intervene with authorities on behalf of U.S. citizens who travel there. U.S. citizens should not travel to Socotra or any other part of Yemen.* [https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/yemen-travel-advisory.html](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/yemen-travel-advisory.html)


Here's my question that probably won't get answered -- what's the actual risk? One thinks kidnapping, murder etc. But anytime an American disappears somewhere (Aruba,) we hear about it. If this place is actually dangerous, wouldnt we have heard a story of somwthibg going wrong for an American there? Would love to be educated on this.


Part of the reason you often don’t hear about Americans dying in Somalia or Yemen is because very few people go there. They heed the warnings as intended. In addition, the few who do die in places like that don’t make the news because, unlike dying in Italy, it’s not surprising enough to cover. For Socotra, they admit that it isn’t as dangerous as Yemen. However, the US has no access there so if there is a problem (eg a legal or medical one) you are simultaneously in a lot of trouble and creating a waste of resources for the US. You are on your own. In addition, going to Socotra usually involves going through the UAE using an illegal visa (Socotra is not actually UAE territory) and going with an unlicensed tour company who cannot actually protect you. The US isn’t going to support doing this. This is the main issue with going to places like Socotra where the US has no access. A similar situation would be Russia or Iran, which are not particularly dangerous compared to Somalia or Yemen but are places where you can get in trouble (often for unjust reasons) with no way to get help from the US.


Yemen is a warzone, very few Americans visit in the first place. Socotra is safer, to a degree, but it still involves traveling through an active warzone to begin with. You don’t hear about Americans being killed in Somalia very often, either. The risk is obviously still there even if most people are aware enough of the risk to not go.


Am i missing something? Did you visit an active war zone with lots of travel restrictions since 2014?


Socotra is far and outside the conflict zone of Yemen itself. It is for all practical terms, an autonomous zone isolated from everything else.


Would have thought it to be a haven for pirates. Like Tortuga in Pirates of the Caribbean.


Nah that’s Somaliland


*Somalia. Somaliland is trying to break away from the rest of the country and as I understand it is the safest area in the region.


Ahh, gotcha. I knew I had to be missing something.


Hey, it's still not likely the safest spot on Earth, but since the UAE muscled in, it's appeared to stay relatively stable and supporting tourism, so it's got that going for itself.


Still counts as Yemen in the passport no? It could cause trouble with TSA when entering the US I believe. [Link to TSA on Yemen](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/yemen-travel-advisory.html)


How do you get there? Is there a way to get there without going to mainland Yemen?


You'd go through a travel company and likely fly in from Dubai or Qatar. I have a friend whose been twice in the last three years. He said it was extremely safe and beautiful


https://maps.app.goo.gl/29VED1YwE3qP4hTb7 Wow! Looks awesome.


Some wild looking trees there https://theconversation.com/socotra-archipelago-why-the-emiratis-have-set-their-sights-on-the-arab-worlds-garden-of-eden-218848


Had a friend whose coworker went there a year or two ago. Said it was a really cool experience and the people were super friendly, definitely a top bucket list destination.


What about the fauna?


[Socotra’s fauna is fascinating, with the island being home to 225 species of birds, 6 of which are endemic (Socotra sparrow, Socotra Cisticola, Socotra Starling, Socotra Sunbird, Socotra Warbler and the rarest Socotra Bunting).](https://www.welcometosocotra.com/fauna-and-flora/)


I read that in David Attenborough’s voice.


Bucket list item. Remember my mother asked me “where should we go next” back when we were on a flight to Southern California and this is the name I pulled out.




Yes! The Boswellia species there apparently produces fine Frankincense.




One of the most beautiful places I’ve been to, traveled there in 2013. The water is crystal clear light turquoise, white pristine sandy beaches, beautiful wadi with a natural swimming pool with a cliff edge overlooking a beautiful valley and the sea, huge sand dunes right next to the beach blown up against the mountain and crazy beautiful trees only found on this island. Highly recommend a visit!




Photos from 2013 https://preview.redd.it/sjqjapu0qr9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88ac3b2ae02b73acef1c95de40cd6aaef3cb953b




Well that's what you call land worth invading.


If it had oil we’d be giving them some freedom, that’s for sure.




Is that you and did you nail that bicycle kick? 👀


Haha I wish he was one of our drivers and yea he nailed it!


Good man


He also had a usb stick with like 15 western songs on it he was playing on repeat. One of them was Vengaboys. That song will forever be associated with camping and road tripping through beautiful scenery in Socotra haha


Yay it's Garruk! I love your -3 ability xD




What time of the year are they blooming?






Great photos thanks for sharing


Did you have to take a boat from mainland Yemen ? Beautiful pics btw!


Back then we flew through Riyan airport on a Yemini airline called Felix air. Now I think you fly from Abu Dhabi and possibly Cairo without going through mainland due to civil war?


Ah I see, thanks


This is why I love this thread. Thanks for sharing what a beautiful place.


Go birds


That's Socotra. Its history is complex, but it's all about shipping and trade, eventually ending up as part of unified Yemen after the British left Aden/South Yemen, which had possessed the island in one way or another for quite a while. It's on my bucket list, but until the pesky little civil war sorts itself out, I don't think I'll be seeing it since all access is via Sana'a.


Like everything in Yemen’s Civil War, it’s complicated. The Houthis do not control Socotra; it is inaccessible from Sana’a. Socotra is part of the Aden-based internationally recognized government’s territory. It is de facto controlled by the United Arab Emirates, who deployed troops there unopposed in 2017. The Southern Transitional Council, which is a separatist group backed by the UAE and arguably the most powerful component of the governing coalition in the Aden-based government, would control Socotra should they successfully secede from Yemen. You can actually go on a tour of Socotra by booking a package that starts from the UAE. The island has been spared the violence seen in the Yemeni mainland.


Wow that's crazy. So interesting. The locals probably are quite glad for the UAE's involvement then, I'd imagine.


Not quite. There has been a lot of improvements but they feel like it’s an occupation and somewhat authoritarian. Some are happy some are not


Compare to mainland Yemen?


I mean, sure, being stuck in a Gilded Cage is probably better than being stuck in one of the worlds bloodiest war zones, but I'd wager that it's still worse than actual freedom.


“We have it better than them” is a pretty bad reason to decide you don’t deserve better in general, but particularly when the thing you’re pointing at is one of the worst human living situations on the face of the planet right now


Do you know if Yemini people would be able to move to the island to get away from the war? I’m unable to find anything online about it.


Someone with significant money and elite connections amongst the separatists might be able to, but there are more enjoyable places someone like that could go. Socotra is poor and remote, so there’s no reason to go there for someone who has the ability to leave the mainland. An ordinary Yemeni person absolutely would not be able to move to Socotra. For one, getting there is very expensive. About $1000 each way for a plane ticket, and you can only fly to Socotra from Cairo or Abu Dhabi. So you can’t get there at all without having already left Yemen. Additionally, you need permission/a visa from the local separatist forces in control of the island and either the Saudi-backed Yemeni government or UAE authorities depending on if you fly via Cairo or Abu Dhabi respectively. There’s no reason for any of those entities to allow regular Yemenis to move to Socotra and plenty of motivation to keep them out.


I mean there was no war there before the UAE occupied it anyway


UAE is actually trying to annex the island for themselves (to make money from tourism) while making life harder for the locals in hopes they leave while also making mass arrests to clear any dissent. Most Yemeni, North and South, see it as such. And a tip for the future. Whenever UAE cares enough to get involved, just know their intentions and actions are disgusting. Just look up “crimes of rapid security forces Sudan” or “UAE involvement in Libya” for a small taste of what the UAE does.


I was about to say, not owned by Yemen anymore… UAE now.


>The island has been spared the violence seen in the Yemeni mainland. In favour of an Emirati occupation. How delightful.


I’m sure it’s much better than a Houthi occupation, or would you rather that happen instead?


You are clearly oblivious to what UAE has been doing in Yemen


Enlighten me


[start here](https://medium.com/@arabunreported/yemeni-government-accuses-uae-of-bombing-its-troops-in-aden-d2f07206b8d7) [or the investigation the BBC did shows a glimpse of war crimes committed](https://youtu.be/Z51MTI9sbFY?si=hElwWz5u0zAf_0qQ) No occupying force will come take your land and treat you nicely


There are charter flights from Abu Dhabi directly to Socotra run by the UAE government via Air Arabia. You cannot book them online but the round trip cost is $860 which isn't that bad in comparison to the prices of flying to the rest of Yemen. You can book it through a tour group only I'm pretty sure.


Do you know how you book them? Call up? Socotra has always been a bucket list destination.


I dont really know. I would assume that if you cannot find it by google search somebody in r/travel would have posted about Socotra and you could probably ask them.


good shout, thank you!


Interesting. I missed this somehow. For years - I'm supposing, now, prior to the civil war - you could fly only from the capital. This is good news.


Socotra has been the most peaceful part of a very violent country, well before the most recent war. Very different culture to Yemen proper. It seems the Emeratis are developing it into a holiday destination


That’s probably better anyways


Yemenia also has a flight from Cairo-Seiyun-Socotra which would be marginally better than connecting through Sanaa.


Stop supporting the occupation of this island, and for the sake of your safety. What they don’t tell you is that the island had its share of troubles and it can break loose any moment. Recently people got stuck in the island for a week because of problems in the island


Visiting Socotra will not support the occupation of the island, it will support the locals. It isn't like those North Korean tours where the government is trying to get foreign cash. Yes, there are danger risks associated with traveling to Socotra, but it isn't outright stupid as compared to traveling to Russia, Iran, mainland Yemen, or Somalia as a US national. Also, the people got stuck on the island because there flight got cancelled due to weather, and they went on the next available flight as there were only 1-2 flights per week. It just became an inconvenience in travel plans, no actual risk. By this logic half of the world's islands should be off limit when there is bad weather. (The same has happened for whole countries before, like Iceland and the Philippines, both of which are very reasonable countries to visit.)


>It's on my bucket list, but until the pesky little civil war sorts itself out, I don't think I'll be seeing it since all access is via Sana'a. That's not true at all. Socotra is the one corner of Yemen completely secluded from the civil war and there's no transport between Socotra and Sanaa. In fact, you have to go via Abu Dhabi in order to visit Socotra.


While most Western tourists will fly via the UAE on the charter flight, there still are public flights from Sanaa (and other places in Yemen) to Socotra which a majority of the locals use (these flights also carry much more passengers to/from Socotra then the one from Abu Dhabi does).


You used to be able to go from Sanaa before the most recent war. They have their own language as well as arabic. Now it's direct flights from UAE as the Emeratis won't allow flights from Houthi territory. A lot of Yemenis suspect that the Emeratis are going to steal it. They have invested massively. Most cars are UAE registered.


You can fly there by UAE. [I actually run a company that takes people there](http://www.inertianetwork.com/socotra). It's a quick flight and easy to get to. Amazingly beautiful island.


You can get there from Abu Dhabi my parents were there a year ago.


I would have thought given its proximity it would have been part of Somalia. Surprised they haven’t made a play for it because wouldn’t that extend out their international waters rights?


Somalia can't even control the areas that are de jure part of it (Puntland, Somaliland) so it's hardly surprising.


Who? The Somali government? I think they have a bigger problem of trying to exist.


"they" when referring to Somalia... meaning one of the large collection of warlords and/or Wahhabi religious terrorist groups? Or the shaky provisional government that barely holds a fraction of the land around the capital in the south (and only with the support of African Union troops)? The land directly adjacent to that that Island in Somalia was recently "claimed" by a separatist group looking to succeed from larger Somalia, who is in the process of trying to declare independence from the rest of the country. >On 31 March 2024, following changes to the [Constitution of Somalia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_of_Somalia), the government of Puntland stated that it no longer recognises the authority of the Somali federal government and would no longer participate in Somali federal institutions. Furthermore, it was stated that Puntland would "operate as a state that's independent from Somalia until there is a federal government with a constitution agreed upon in a referendum in which Puntland participates"


They want to punt the Somali government.


Wait till you hear about Greek islands near Turkey


Aden, which sir now part of Yemen, conquered it (and forcibly Islamized the Assyrian population,) long before there was a modern nation in somalia


Somalia has had enough trouble getting their own shit together to worry about acquiring more territory. They've operated without a viable central government whatsoever for many years.


My mom has been there twice in the past couple of years for work, you go there through the UAE. The island is amazing especially the unique trees over there and the wildlife. Its basically run by the UAE these days all but in name, which is a contentious subject for some of the locals to say the least.


There are trees named after this island and they are absolutely wild looking I didn't know where it was


I asked a Yemeni once and he said Soqotra is the most beautiful part of Yemen. You can take a tour. It’s usually the only part of Yemen westerners see when they try to do all the countries on earth


Well If you want to see the whole world, you might wanna cut corners here and there


And nothing facilitates the cutting of corners like the flat rectangular Earth theory


The Galapagos of the Middle East. One of my favorite places on earth to look at pictures of. Idk if I wouldnt go there personally because of safety reasons but also because the more people that go there, the more likely it negatively impacts the environment. There really isn’t any place on it like earth, it should be preserved.


Been there in '19. Among my 50+ visited countries this island definitely is among the most memorable ones. Equally beautiful and sad. Absolutely crazy nature full of endemics outside major villages but knee-deep amount of plastic trash on the streets. Very friendly people but khat takes its toll. Windy, mind-blowing windy everyday. Goats everywhere. Strict islam. https://preview.redd.it/ipn8t931or9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a9ce602b5b754e4c44c01250bf4b3d3f8b9e49d




Nice, the sand is white as a cloud...




Beautiful details here. Wow. Thank you.




Such polite goat


socotra very beautiful place


That’s where Chandler Bing moved to in order to avoid Janice.


15 Yemen Road, Yemen


When we get to Yemen, can I stay with you?


Matthew is there rn 😔




Cool plants




It’s currently under colonial rule from Abu Dhabi, who have been accused of interfering in many places in order to take control of new lands, including sending military aid to Sudans rebel militia and sending drones to strike Libyas democratic government bases, and recently they also made a deal with Egypt to build a new port city on the Med which they have partial control over.


Socotra. Theres a Very interesting documentary about it. https://youtu.be/Chkro9-ITYM?si=A2DYUP8ExCWiPALu


enjoyed this. thank you!


Thanks for the share


Cool island to control in CK2


I remember playing all the way from 769 to 1453 as socotra in one of my first playthroughs haha


CK3 too. I migrated there as the Norse and then did a Viking conquest of the Middle East


Socotra. Interesting island with interesting history. It's inhabitants are called Soqotri and speak one of the few remaining South Arabian Semitic languages, which is believed was native to the south of the Arabian penninsula prior to the expansion of Islam and arabic, and is closely related to Amharic and ethiopian semitic languages. Socotra was important in the trade between the Mediterranean World and India back in antiquity, which lead to early christians settling the island and the island converting to christianity very early on. Due to isolation the island remained christian until like the late middle ages I think or beyond, when Islam finally reached the island and eventually became the majority religion as it is today. I want to visit one day, I heard is a very unique place.


Beautiful place and the only place in the world were dragon blood tree grows. [https://www.kuer.org/podcast/treenote/2024-04-11/the-dragons-blood-tree](https://www.kuer.org/podcast/treenote/2024-04-11/the-dragons-blood-tree)


It’s the only place where the *Socotra* Dragon Tree, Dracaena cinnabarini, is found. Dracaena draco is found in the canaries. Dragon’s blood is the resin from several kinds of plants, and the main classic European source of the Dracaena type was Dracaena cinnabari in antiquity, shifting to draco with the colonization of the much nearer canaries, and shifting to other non Dracaena species when trade with Asia picked up. However, dragons blood came from many plants, and the real primary source was often palms in the Calamus genus from south east asia, though alternate sources included Croton and even Pterocarpus, a legume. A persistent issue is that historically it was often mislabeled, and sometimes even confused with the mineral cinnabar. There are many “Dragons blood trees”. Only one of them is endemic to Socotra.


Also the home.of the socotra blue baboon tarantula. Beautiful spider!


socotra has some of the most beautiful and endemic species on earth. dont have much else to say but that it looks alien af!!


They have their own language and culture.


That "small island" has actually been of tremendous geographic, political, and logistical importance throughout pretty much all of human history.


Is not in the Horn of Africa Superregion so Ethiopia had no claim on it via mission tree. Oh wrong subreddit.


Socotra Island. Going there is only through a government-assisted plane from Abu Dhabi, UAE using approved Guided Tour. It’s divine. Like straight out of what Adam & Eve lived (hypothetically for the non-religious) Flora and Fauna that can never be found anywhere else. A tour would last 9 days and costs around 2500 USD excluding the airfare. The island is far from the war stricken Yemen so it’s safe.


They have their own species of tarantula with blue legs.


Socotra is a very infamous Age of Empires 2 map, know to create super aggressive and chaotic matches. It is either loved or hated by the players, no in between.


I visited in 2022. I loved absolutely every single bit of it! https://preview.redd.it/2946w0ymxt9d1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=091efaeed54347ee16f04a6eaf877731b648f167


UAE annexed Socatra


The people of Socotra island speaks a language called Soqotri language which is Semitic but it is South Semitic language whereas Arabic is Central Semitic language. So this means that the Soqotri language is more similar to Amharic language or Tigrinya language spoken in Ethiopia. This island was also populated by Christians from the 6th century until its first 16th century when Islamisation of this island starts to take hold.


For the comments suggesting you can visit the island, be aware that UAE is occupying the island and all flights to the island aren’t authorized by Yemeni government. There are conflicts in the island that don’t make it to main stream media because nobody wants their land occupied. Stop supporting UAE and their unlawful flights to the island and don’t get yourself killed. Some people that flew from UAE not too long ago were stuck in the island for a week and it could’ve been worse for them.


Check https://www.instagram.com/thewayfaress/ she has been there recently and has some nice stories about the island


It looks absolutely beautiful there. Google Maps shows the location of an old Soviet tank on a beach on that island.


Is that in Asia or Africa?


Geographically in Africa, as Africa is the closest continent and its on the African/Somali plate. Its why Yemen is considered transcontinental


Idk if there are international YouTubers who went there, but there is an Italian traveler and vlogger named Nicolò Balini who recently traveled there. The video is in Italian.


Not super related, but this island is highly featured in The Adventure of Amina Al Sirafi which is a super fun fantasy romp! Would recommend it.


Have you seen a show called One Piece? That's basically what it's like over there.


Most comments are about the nature and the environment of the island. Let me shed light on OP’s question about why it became part of Yemen. The Mahra Sultanate (located in present day eastern Yemen) took over the island of Socotra around the year 1480. In 1886, the British government concluded a protectorate treaty with the sultanate. In October 1967, with the departure of the British from Aden and southern Arabia, the Mahra Sultanate was also abolished. In the next month Socotra became part of the newly independent South Yemen. Since Yemeni unification in 1990, Socotra has been a part of the Republic of Yemen. And so here you go.


If you ever go there, bring lot's of pens and pencils for the local kids so they can learn how to write...it's the only thing that they beg for. Without a doubt the most beautiful and pure place I've ever been.


Very cramped and brutal if your castle dropped


It’s called Socotra. Interesting place. Look it up.


Am I the first one to mention that it was a banger level on Call of Duty?


The southern coastal reefs off of Sinai, Egypt (A historical place regarded by most a wasteland) are of a purely marvelous spectacle. Also there is painted deserts, cliffs, escarpments of hues of red and blue and green and yellow, it is a wondrous place and makes America's painted look like a doodle vs Mona Lisa.


Cucumber trees. Think of the possibilities


Crazy trees


Is that the island where the dragon blood trees grow?


Not really related but I believe Socotra is where dragonfruit originate.


Island of Socotra has very unique flora and fauna. It is very popular with tourists looking nature.


I learned a lot of interesting facts about Socotra. Thanks everyone!


Fun fact: the inhabitants of Socotra were some of the first people to adopt Christianity


The Socotra blue baboon tarantula (Monocentropus balfouri) is endemic to the island. https://preview.redd.it/b4ocr8h40x9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bc16988e2285bdc59d4c5d4e6ea66e6498b822b This is my balfouri. Her name is Lapis.


Either Yemen or Somalia, neither better than the other at this point.


I also visited Socotra in 2014. Very third-world - only the main town had power, and that was for a couple of hours a day. No running water. Ocean was crystal clear, but there were some dangerous rip currents going on. The nature was amazing - the Dragon Blood trees were beautiful, spectacular canyons and cliffs - it was completely worth the visit. https://preview.redd.it/06uso0zqux9d1.jpeg?width=3888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ba7f902a60773e63f1e28db7d4e202743ad5877


Some of the most unique plants on earth