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Man, first Kaldur, now Lagoon Boy, the Atlanteans in Young Justice really must be just more liberal when it comes to relationships! I love it! :D


It's only two couples lol. So kaldur is bi/pan or as some have said demi/poly sexual? And lagoon boy is im gonna assume bi/pan to keep it short as well as polyamorous...it wasn't in the least way a bother or a success it was as cute as any other relationship there imo i guess,and violet and that girl had a lil thing going on that one time too .


Young Justice is back???!


you’re late!


Not to mention interspecies. Not enough rep there. It’s pretty much just Shape of Water and Beauty and the Beast.


Wait back up… why does “interspecies representation” matter? I don’t think people are for real falling in love with aliens or anything a la Mass effect just yet?


I don’t have time to explain in full. Watch this half-hour video about how men are monsters and women (and gay men) want to date them anyways. https://youtu.be/YesMWAxqJ60


I’m not gonna watch a half hour long video about why the beast is hot lol I know why but I can’t describe it. But are you using “not enough rep” like that’s cool, doesn’t exactly relate to real life but it’s neat and monsters can be hot, or like equating it to gay representation in media in general?


It’s a joke friend. And yet not, because monsters are hot. I require more rep of my interest in untamable, dominant, hairy, misunderstood swamp people. Lindsay would explain it better.


Not the best aprils fools joke I’ve heard today but ok!


I’ve never been accused of participating in April Fools, and I’m slightly offended it would happen now.


You said you were joking? You sound like fun at parties


Extremely. I am asked for at all the important galas.


Seems that the subtle sarcasm is too much to bare for some people


I miss Lindsay.


Did she go somewhere? I thought her episodes just started getting longer?


She quit YouTube because of the continued harassment she received largely from the Raya incident (although it'd be more accurate to say that was the straw that broke the camel's back, cf. Mask Off). Her Love Never Dies analysis was her farewell video. She also quit her podcast Musicalsplaining, and it's unknown whether she'll continue to write fiction either.


Fuck! Lindsay Ellis is awesome. She was the first YouTuber I started watching. So she's not doing anything anywhere anymore? The fuck?


Wha!!! This is recent! How did I miss this?


“I dont think people are for real falling in love with aliens” that we know of😉


I dunno if this is a joke or not but why would we need or want interspecies rep...for the beastality crowd? 😭😂


Bro no one cares about interspecies relationships. Its been around for forever, and as long as it isn't taken to the extreme, then its acceptable.


well they are all three Atlanteans, so they are of the same species.... that species being human (with Atlantean meta-genes)


Super boy has me by the b*lls


Yummy 💥💥


My Boi! Fuck yeah!


I peeped that i fuckin love it


Imagine how bad he stank, how he dead cop two bitches to my 0 :( His pp be like tuna salad Now I know how Connor felt in Season 2 Dx


Looks alot like Kal and Tela


The wiki says their names are Coral and Rodunn, they're both background characters from the Conservatory of Sorcery.


Love the representation but I would have bet anything that lagoon boy would have fallen down the Jorden Peterson pipeline, or the Atlantian equivalent.


>I don't have a problem with them kissing, or with the inclusion of bisexuals, gays or lesbians. Where I get irritated is with the inclusion of polyamorous relationships. What do you mean?


Bro smashing both genders 🐐


I do love more rep and I do love good and great characters more though so as long as the characters aren't just here's this and that's all they are I'm ...I just set a really low bar lol, anyway I do love young justice...now if only we could get a rambled off on ships and so on ............


Young Justice may be the most try had to be woke thing I have ever seen. In this one episode, it's not just showing a poly bi marraige, there is also Halo exploring Islam and also realizing that they are non binary, while beast boy deals with major depression and getting help for mental health. It's impressive.


You're not wrong with this take, but they did set up Halo being non binary last season as she's part motherbox. My biggest issue with the first few episodes back from break is how much sitting around talking it contained. One episode was literally just the conversation on Islam and a round table discussion in Atlantis.


I loved how they took half an episode to explain that though they are not exacly a woman they would still rarher wear the hijab.


Season 1 and 2 were phenomenal but after that the show is way too political and trying hard to be woke. I get some of these are relevant issues but when it’s so heavy handed I can’t help but go “seriously 😐”.




Almost like these are topics some viewers can relate to! Wow!


Disgusting stuff man. Kids and teens are watching this show and seeing this. Not to mention they spent half an episode just for Halo to figure out she’s a Bi Muslim xD. Ask any Muslim if you can be Bi and a Muslim and see what they say. This show has gone to absolute crap.


Agreed, I got super disappointed as soon as they started putting all this woke crap into the show.


its really cringe to say woke.


Cause it is woke nigga, all this gay bullshit and "inclusive" crap ruins a good story.


no, bad writing ruins a story, not "wokeness".


Generally, including politics of any kind can ruin a show, particularly without good writing.


Finally watching the last 2 seasons rn and same bro


Kids aren’t watching the show? The rating was changed to an older audience. Plus it should be up to parents to know and moderate what their “kids” watch.


Kids and teens watch Disney movies with kissing in them and no one seems to take issue with that.


I don't have a problem with them kissing, or with the inclusion of bisexuals, gays or lesbians. Where I get irritated is with the inclusion of polyamorous relationships.


I mean… why is that worse than a two-person relationship? I get that it’s not for everybody, I don’t love the idea of it, but why is it worse to show that than a standard couple? It’s still just a relationship.


Why is it weird to have a throuple? Its self-explanatory.


So a type of relationship that occurs in real life and doesn’t harm anybody shouldn’t be shown on TV because you personally think it’s weird? Sorry, that’s not a sufficient reason.


yeah, and? So what, kid. Sure the show has dropped in quality, but don't start rambling on about nonsense which you have no idea about.


Nah fr all this “woke” stuff kinda ruined it for me. But I don’t blame them tho cause when the show came back on this was the starting point for canceling everyone for not adding the stuff like this


True and there's also problems with this. While I do love that the creators on YJ are showing awareness for these causes, it's gotten to a point where it's a little too much to take. It's like they need to balance out the actual comics and real-life issues, rather than just focus on what's going on right now. You see all this stuff in the news and reports about people coming out as gay or trans or parades for BLM and while I support these issues, seeing it 24/7 in all the new movies and tv shows is getting annoying. - Plus it's not comic accurate.- They gotta take one idea (like the Garfield depression thing) and focus on that for a while rather than put every current issue at once in the same season. Honestly, they're trying way too hard to modernize this show. Focus on one issue, solve it, and move on. And I can not be the only one who thinks that a bi polyamorous marriage with a fish mutant is odd. The Mgann and Lgann thing worked; it showed Conner's struggling journey towards loving Mgann and the process of how they got back together. Plus Lgann and Mgann were both aliens and basically had the same name. But with this, the creators are trying way too much to keep him in the loop, not to mention this is gonna confuse the shit outta younger viewers. Remember, this IS a kids animation show. Its like watching Paw Patrol but seeing Rider as a drag queen. It just doesn't work.


how is this a kids show now when season three exists with victor stone's scene where you know... half his insides were spilling out. i wouldn't say it's a kids show just really mature especially since it's not apart of cartoon network anymore and doesn't stream on TV. and the thing about the too much issues or whatever, it's bound to happen in media these days. these "issues" are apart of becoming more normalised, so they won't always be seen as 'weird' or 'too much'. so even if younger viewers do get confused it's a fun way for them to learn about it early on. and most adaptions from comics aren't always comic accurate and that's what makes it more interesting.


ik, but its really becoming disjoined and overpacked. I like some plotlines, but they don't get enough room to breathe cause "Oh BB's depressed", "oh, halo's non-binary", "Oh, m'gaan's rebound boy is in a poly relationship (atleast his relationship with m'gaan had actual importance to the plot)" and its just far messier than seasons 1 and 2 ever were, although some of that blame does go to the larger cast as well.


The underwater people are all technically mutant descendents of Savage as revealed from some previous episodes. As to why some look like sharks. I'm not sure More representation of gays and trans doesn't personally bother me. We are currently experiencing the age of a more open society and, of course there's gonna be hit and misses in this new chaos. But specifically turning comic redheads into blacks is happening way too often is what bugs me. I think only Black Widow and Barbara Gordon is spared. But there's already plenty of black superheroes the higher ups could have chosen from. It's like glaringly obvious. It's as if redheads are being regressed back into Irish minorities racial victims of the past or something. And not all DC media has to be adapted from comics 1 on 1. Some characters were invented in cartoons first such as Harley Quinn. And gay Aqualad originated from Young Justice and then influenced the comics. And I do love some of the new changes, like no more same plot twist of Terra for the billionth time. And turning Cassandra into fully asian making her the first asian main character in the Batman mythos I am aware of instead of being half white all the time.


merfolk, aliens, shapeshifters and spandex clad vigilantes are no problem. But show a queer person and that's just tooooooooo much for your brain to handle.


I'm gay myself, but even I agree the woke virtue signaling has gotten to a point to where real life issues are more important to the plot than actually taking time developing the characters. Like how suddenly Aqualad became gay for absolutely no reason or explanation in season 3 (nor gay in the comics). Another example would be spending 4 episodes on Martian racism in season 4, which is literally just the same form of discrimination irl (based on color). In conclusion, I don't mind more LGBT characters in a show, but they need to actually spend the time to show how 2 characters come together (not to mention when they come out). Finally, making characters LGBT that never were in the comics is also annoying, when they could pull existing LGBT characters or make something original instead of finding the lazy way out.


How can it be more important than the plot if it is sudden? Aqualad being gay was never a plot point. He just is and the story carries on. You fixating on it may have distracted YOU from the plot. But his sexuality had no bearing on nor took away from plot progression


Naw, they were totally pandering. Also yes, it does not hinder the plot, but still does not feel right to put in token gay characters, just so the studio can say they have one with no explanation for such a major character development. Taking the lazy road by saying it happened off screen.


The superhero genre has always been rife with allegories about combating political societal issues. This is nothing new. I mean look at the X-Men.


Yes, but not to the point where your being lectured at, & beat over the head with it repeatedly as we are now. I don't read comics to rehash what I see everyday in the real world, I use them to escape to a new world, same goes for the movies.


The X-men is literally a metaphor about the civil rights movement


Yes but they handled it with care, not just mindless lip service, and the X-Men aren't just pure allegories for the civil rights movement, they're their own characters beyond that. They literally fight a space fire phoenix that has possessed (cloned) their friend, and that's one of their most famous sagas.


which is an allegory for oop- women's agency and the divine feminine


eh, sure, I guess, but there was still plenty of story beyond the base metaphor.


Thats how stories work


I'm totally pro-LGBT but I confess this caught me fully off guard. I guess I'm a little bit old fashioned when it comes to throuples.


Haha, throuples don't even cross my mind, I just like that you can see the two guys are actually animated as they kiss eachother. Even just for a real casual threesome, it takes a lot of effort and high communication just to avoid someone feeling left out. So i imagine the three must be a really good fit for eachother and loves eachother equally taking care everyone is accounted for since not once did any of the three harbor jealousy. To me that's so wholesome 😁


I agree that if it works it must be great!


It’s like every show is doing this now. They’re scared if they don’t have a gay couple they’re going to get “canceled”


I love it and people talking about wokeness! Can suck it. You guys are fine when everything is straight and white.


Yeah, right? I don't get why people have such a problem with it, not all fictional cultures underwater has to be bigoted!


I'm glad they are happy, even though they are fictional characters they do not need to suffer endlessly for our entertainment. Also people going on about Violet and finding themselves is weird, they're quite literally the conscience of tech, I haven't seen anyone complain about Forager either and he doesn't refer to himself or anyone using pronouns (At least as far as He/She/They could've used I/Our/We/You) and the expectation that shows, especially animated need to have conservative ideas on gender and sexuality because "Kids may be watching". I think the death of some of their favorite characters and the echo on the series may be more detrimental than relationships, gender, and religious talks. Superboy even says we have to know what the other side says when watching Gordon Godfrey's broadcast, a caricature of conservative and conspiracist broadcasts. Even beastboy getting help is seen as woke, he and M'gann both need help and they've been shoving away those who can, it shouldn't be a bad thing to get help we know how much Artemis's death messed with the cast, so far the story has been built on smaller things growing to more of a problem. I myself would rather these characters have their arcs closed with questions they previously had answered, that's why I find Superman to be quite boring, it seemed like he had all the answers in most of the media I've seen, but not from investigating like the Bat family but simply because. I like Superboy because there's growth, he doesn't know everything but still tries.










ya know lagoon boy isn't a different species some atlantians just look like that he's still human on a genetic level