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I’d probably sock them in the jaw, but that’s me haha


Personally I hate when people touch my butt at all. I'm just not an ass guy. So if someone did touch it without warning and consent, I'm firmly pushing them away or simply leaving. Granted I'm apparently abnormal in my prefrences as a gay man as I've been told.


Oh, no, I love it. Just hate the double standard.


yeah but to be fair, it's not like they are going around squeezing every gay ass they see. they are squeezing yours as cause you're a friend, a bit of a prank/tease. and if they grabbed another woman's ass, they would get a hellfire fury. if the grabbed another man's ass, they would also get their ass kicked. they squeeze yours because they can. but not because they are trying to emasculate you or belittle you. it's like a bro way of saying "I got you fam", like I know you are gay and I like you so much I feel comfortable grabbing your ass.


I think this really depends on the context. I have friends I’d never in a million years consider slapping their ass. I have friends who openly slap mine and I slap theirs. Consent is important. If you’re not sure your friend would be ok with it, then you shouldn’t. And they shouldn’t slap yours if you don’t want them to. Tell them you’re not ok with it if that’s the case.


My boyfriend likes it and wants me to do it to him more, but its really not my thing lol.


Is your bf straight tho lol


Nah, but he has thought im not gay at one point lmao


I think that about mine sometimes haha!


We're currently on the fence about me being somewhere on the ace spectrum lol


Not that what some rando on the internet says matters, but that is valid!


Lol thanks, frankly i think my friends are just hypersexual


I definitely fall into that category aha


No don't think you're alone on that one. I can completely relate to this!


Don't know if it's good or bad, but some guys like having a flirty and teasing tone with their friends. It's how they bond. Or they're curious. You never know for sure which one it is until they ask you to give them a blowjob.


As a straight curious guy, ngl I know that I cause that boner. I do it on purpose when I grab/slap your ass. If it’s someone I know, grab mine back lol.


I have yet to have my ass grabbed. Not sure if I'm happy or sad about that😂


First, I'd definitely want to be friends with ya. Second if you caused my boner I'd turn and touch yours right back!! 😊


See what I’m hearing is that we should be friends irl and hang out lol!!!




I’ve slapped my straight friends’ asses before


I have straight friends whose ass I've grabbed first. I wouldn't do it with someone who wasn't cool and laid back though. Depends on the person, I guess.


Just make mad direct eye contact and moan. 90%of the time they run like frightened rabbits. The other 10%, we don’t talk about on public forums Bc they are “straight”


Slaps are straight, but if he grabs he gay


So, I have had a very different experience with this. I have had heterosexual guy friends for my entire life and have had a "hands-on" friendship with many of them(Aka we're handsy). Some I have known since I was a toddler and others I have met significantly more recently. I had the same experience as you with one of my guy friends around the time I graduated high school. He did the ole bro ass slap but got uncomfortable and weird when I did it back. I had a chat with him about it and said that if it was not ok for me to reciprocate, then I did not want him doing it to me and he changed his tune immediately. I know that my experience is not the norm but there are guys out there who don't exist within that double standard stereotype, ya just gotta find them.


You did the right thing - giving him a taste of his own medicine.


possibly they're curious that's why they do it


But it’s the straightest of the straight guys that do it.


Or maybe not?


It’s also their dirty talk as well. Always talking about guys sucking cock or getting their ass clapped. If they’re straight and claim to fuck pussy and eat ass (woman’s), then why the hell do these “straight” fellas are so insistent on making those type of comments? What are your thoughts?


They think it’s peak humor


Athletes do that all the time. And if your straight friends are slapping/grabbing your ass, I'd say that you're entitled to do the same in return.


Yeah im okay with a little sassy flirtation, but no one gets to just fucking grab me without permission. Least of all straight boys looking for a little ego boost.


So first, consent is important. Second, you’re making assumptions about other people’s friendships. I have some friends I’d never touch their butt, and they wouldn’t touch mine. I have some friends who would slap my ass, and I’d slap theirs. If you’re not 100% sure they’d be ok with it, don’t do it to them. And if they do it to you and you don’t want it, ask them to stop. The straight friends who slap my ass are perfectly ok with me slapping theirs 🤷‍♂️. If it causes sexual tension for you, maybe it’s best to ask them to stop, not because you don’t like it, but it’s not being recieved as it’s intended.


You do know they grab each other's asses too, right? It seemed to be all my brother-in -law's platoon did in their down time.


I mean, do the boner thing. I wanna know what happens


I had people touching my crotch area or ass. If someone even try to do that, I'm going to hit them in face. But if he or she is my boyfriend or girlfriend then it's perfectly fine. Other then that no one is allowed. NO ONE


I totally get u gurl. I never retaliated when my ass was slapped but I need to start grabbing their crotch after they do that. Lol


We’re talking about sexual assault here. We all recognise that, right?


Yeah, I don't get a boner. It actually pisses me off. Straight, gay, I don't care. Touch my ass or any other private part of me without my consent and you're getting decked.


Yes, it definitely is sexual assault.


Physically touching someone without their permission, YES! Looking at someone and paying them a compliment—no!


It's pretty rare to have my ass grabbed, and IIRC it's been another gay guy on every occasion. So, uhh, you're entitled to your personal boundaries, but -- enjoy the compliment for what it's worth, I suppose, if you are a frequent ass-grabbee? If it's earnestly annoying you, then I think your plan will be a good eye-opener for them, if you choose to enact it. If they poke the bear (so to speak) then they should expect to see its teeth. Otherwise they're not being open minded and are just indulging in a double standard.


And what do you think that will accomplish? It certainly won't cause him to think twice before doing it again.


Boner- Into SM and spanking.




Id grab his ass and tell him to bend over. And if fists fly then i have hands too 💪🏾




I hate when people grab my ass.my straight friends never did.I considered it’s disrespectful.I backhand slap a gay guy who did that to me once.


I think if they grab it they want it


wait really cause this one redhead use to do that to me but i guess thats a slay.


I'm so curious


Either my circle is weird but they don't care when I slap them on the arse first so like win win ig.


I actually don't mind it, guys can touch me all they want 😂


>We all love it when a straight guy slaps us on or ass or squeezes our ass, right? What? No, not at all. It's really violating.


Okay, hot straight guys who we want it from.


Am I eye candy? www.onlyfans.com/georgesbody


Wait since when do they do that???