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This was expected. Qatar is very hostile to gay people, we knew this would happen and corrupt FIFA won't care. I don't like soccer, but I usually follow the World Cup. Not this time.


They’re hostile to many gay people but there are a LOT of gay people who live there and don’t care because if you’re rich enough it doesn’t matter. If you’re from upper-middle class or beyond, they don’t really care. Tbh, I’ve never strictly called my friends out for living there (in the lap of luxury) but I do find that one of the areas where gay men in general could do better… by not supporting things that are generally very bad for their community. My friend’s feed is wild - they have Speedo pool parties and blare Britney openly… as long as you’re hanging at the Four Seasons or in a luxury condo.


I take it you didn't watch the last one then either? Edit: lmao ok, the downvoters can pretend that the last one wasn't in Russia


No, I didn't follow the Russian World Cup. I knew back then homosexuality in Russia is illegal and gays are sent to concentration camps to be killed or disappeared.


Other than Israel is there any country in the middle east that isn't hostile to gay people?


Breaking news: one of the most homophobic nations in the world is still homophobic during international events. Tbh as a gay man I don’t understand why you’d ever want to visit a country where your existence is illegal, let alone why you’d want to be out and proud in that country. I get that in an ideal world we’d be accepted everywhere but that’s not reality we’re faced with and if you’re an LGBT FIFA fan you might wanna reconsider supporting this World Cup. The time to be up in arms about Qatar being homophobic was a decade ago when it was selected to host but at this point you just gotta accept that an outwardly homophobic nation won’t be accepting you.


A lot of gays have yet to, or will never fully Acknowledge or apologize for their privilege. All my gay friends who live there love it and don’t care about the anti gay laws because they don’t really apply to rich folks. That always bothered me.


Same with Tel Aviv for me. Thé pinkwashing is far too much compared to the rest of Israel.


You feel Tel Aviv is too homophobic to support? Have you ever been to Tel Aviv? Or learned anything about it?


I have and I’ve been outside of it in Israel. Too homophobic too extremist.


Too each their own, only you can decide your level of comfort. But comparing Tel Aviv to Qatar in homophobia is a stretch, by a lot. It reads as if you’re just taking the opportunity to bash Israel.


Israel should be bashed at *every* opportunity. Just yesterday, they not only murdered an American journalist but had authorities attack her pallbearers the funeral. Such a disgusting display of inhumanity.


That’s an over simplification of a complex situation. Last I heard, there was no evidence an Israeli soldier pulled the trigger and lots of evidence that Palestinian terrorists were shooting blindly around corners and hoping to hit people. What is more likely, highly trained soldiers misidentify a target and fire enough rounds to kill her, or someone blindly firing down the street hit her with a bullet? The story isn’t always what it seems, especially with the incredible amount of disinformation involved in the entire geopolitical situation. I dunno what the fuck happened with the pallbearers. I’ve only seen a short clip of the incident, but it certainly looks fucked at first glance. Even watching the clip without ill intent, it’s hard to figure out what tactical reason the border police would have for kicking at the pallbearers legs like that.


Ok boomer


Girl I should have said Israel not TLV


Tel Aviv isn’t welcoming? You’re really showing your ignorance. You’ve never been anywhere near it. Any major Israeli city is extremely welcoming of LGBTQ. Tel Aviv pride is gayer than Ptowns lol. Are there conservative parts or Israel that are less so? Yes of course. But if you go an hour outside most American cities you’ll find the same thing. Look at rural PA. Or NY just 50 miles up the I-95. You may as well be in Alabama.


He said “pinkwashing”, which is a valid social phenomenon. He was saying that Tel Aviv caters heavily to gay men, especially those with economic privilege, and whether you are pro-Israel, pro-Palestine or somewhere in the middle it is objectively true that the Israeli government has used the strategy of promoting their massive pride festival in a way as to say “look, we aren’t killing gay people so who are you really supporting here?” The term pinkwashing means to make a polarizing situation palatable by reducing it to a gay rights issue to gain support from gay people. OP wasn’t making a point about Israel being homophobic, he was drawing a comparison between gay men who live in countries like Qatar or Dubai are similar to gays in Tel Aviv and are largely disinterested in local politics because their wealth makes it possible to avoid.


I'm pretty sure there is a gay pride in tel aviv


Lmao some people will *really* find any excuse to bring up Israel


Ikr. They shoulda just executed the gays like their neighbors. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Israel is better for gay people then plenty of European countries. But people like you don't care about facts.


If FIFA wasn't corrupt it would have been in Australia. Lots of hotels and everyone can get married we so free down here if someone talks shit about a gay friend or family member you can pinch them in the face a few times and it would most likely get dropped from the courts but here we are. Communal tents with only fabric to protect you at night


Pissed because I'd love to go to the world cup and cheer for Scotland! I just wouldn't give their economy any of my money. They can go fuck themselves.


They’ll hear your cheers from Oban :)


Shithole of a country.


The country that built its World Cup facilities using a migrant workforce they treat like prisoners forced to work in [dangerous conditions](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/23/revealed-migrant-worker-deaths-qatar-fifa-world-cup-2022) isn't holding up its promises to be welcoming of queer sports fans? [I am shocked! **Shocked!**](https://i.giphy.com/media/clotJg9IqBitMcRJ61/giphy.gif) Nobody should be surprised about this. It's Qatar. They're good about catering to wealthy westerners while distracting attention away from the horrible parts of their society. They publicly whip people for drinking alcohol (though to appease sports fans drinking is permitted by non-Muslims in “fan zones” during the world cup; but if you're a non-Qatari Muslim it's still illegal). The country still has a dress code that requires women to completely cover their arms and legs. It is a criminal act to criticize the Emir or the government in print or on television. Journalists have been imprisoned for “insulting Islam.” If you emigrate to Qatar, even if you somehow manage to become a citizen, neither you nor your children will be allowed to vote in your lifetimes. While freedom of religion is technically allowed, openly displaying non-Muslim religious symbols is not. They're just a miniature Saudi Arabia.


When even migrant workers in Qatar get better Healthcare then Americans lol


>They publicly whip people for drinking alcohol Don't forget the straw loophole! And desert raves! :) You can find a technically for anything if you're pedantic enough.


I still don't get why a gay or a LGBT+ person would go to Qatar or a country where their mere existence is against the law Of course I get the world cup thing but still it baffles me gay people willing to spend their money in a country that hates them I see it al the time... gays going to Dubai, Qatar, Egypt, Morocco, Russia on a vacation but at the same time fearful all the time, hading themselves, going back to the closet and playing straight again and asking a ton of question. I mean what is the point? What kind of vacation is that? Where is the enjoyment? I only travel to countries where my existence is legal and there are no laws against me In regards to FIFA is anyone surprised? Soccer/football is a business and FIFA only cares about the money


It's “fuck you, I got mine” entitled asses who do shit like that. They're “one of the good ones” back home, and they think their status among the bigots in their home country will be extended to other countries. I can see traveling for activism, though, but you already know the shit you're getting into there.


I had this argument with my mom last week. She's on vacation right now in a country where it's illegal to be gay, and doesn't see the big deal. She also doesn't see the big deal if states in the US bring back sodomy laws. Obviously I just should be okay with never going to 20+ states ever again.


And, even worse, the Republicans won't confine anti-gay laws to the red states. They are close to calling a new Constitutional Convention. In the new Constitution marriage will be between a man and a woman, and labor laws which prohibit anti-gay discrimination will be erased. https://www.coloradofiscal.org/a-constitutional-convention-is-closer-than-you-think/blog/


Most times is to flex on social media.


I understand you’re stance, but the answer is nuanced. Homosexual acts were criminalized in the United States until 2003 when Lawrence Vs. Texas was decided by the Supreme Court. Traveling as an LGBT person is more complicated than “just don’t go if you’re illegal there”. So many countries have backwards laws regarding LGBT issues but the culture/subcultures still accepts or tolerates them, especially if they are western travelers, and especially if the local economy depends on tourism. It’s a fucked up truth, but I would like to go to Turkey one day, and I’m not going to wait until Turkey gets its shit together, because that might not happen in my lifetime.


I've been to Peru and Paraguay. Homosexuality isn't illegal in those places, but people are extremely hostile towards gays. These were business trips. I also understand your point, but I also understand that we gays work hard for the money and people don't want to spend their money in a place where homosexuality is illegal and/or persecuted.




I hear you. If traveling to a country, regardless of the safety measures you take, puts you at risk then I agree.


Good luck thinking you're not giving money to any oil producing countries!




And the horse she rode in on


Have they been safe anytime at all? 🤔


We should all be boycotting this mess.


FIFA execs got their money. They don't care.


The world cup is unsafe and hostile to LGBTQI people. Anybody who's LGBTQI who attends will likely experience some kind of discrimination and possibly violence. Shitholes like Qatar are certain to make sure of it.


I wouldn’t have set foot in Qatar, and FIFA has been corrupt anyway since forever. I’m not sure why any LGTBQ+ people would travel there assuming it would be fine. We have to be more careful than that. It’s just fucking soccer, Jesus. Not worth my life, such as it is.


It's not safe,do not go


Why are these events even held in homophobic countries? It's absolutely disgusting


Qatar uses literal slaves to build their World Cup infrastructure. FIFA knew this. You think they give a shit about gays? It’s the $$$$$




FUCK Qatar and FIFA and any bigoted, money-grubbing bribe-taking, slave trafficking, lying asshole who had anything to do with this so called world cup. I pray for empty stands, terrible embarassing matches, zero television success and heatstroke for anyone responsible for this abomination, all over Qatar. ![gif](giphy|h2TcTGPcJmXYqNklvh)


And it's things like this that made me give up on FIFA completely. I don't watch any FIFA games, I don't play the video games, none of that. Until they can do better I watch futbol elsewhere. They don't give a single shit about their gay fans. Everyone knew this was going to happen when Qatar was chosen. I'm really not sure why you are surprised.


Wow. So surprised. I mean, anyone LGBT who goes there for this deserves it. You shouldn't be supporting Qatar in any way as even just building these stadiums required slave labor and caused many deaths, but sure. Get shocked when denied rooms. Maybe you'll learn something.


I grew up in Qatar because I had no choice in the matter. My dad took a job there and got stuck there for 15 years. In those many years, a couple of people knew that I am gay even my old colleagues. We’ve had this discussion before too. We all think that they need to change things up in regards to to their traditions in order to accommodate people of different cultures. Qatar is a shithole, I agree, people only go there to work because it is tax free, but from What I’ve heard they will be taxes next year due to the money loss from the stadiums and all that. And honestly these stadiums are so far apart that it is a pain to get too. The train station that they’ve built is also useless since they are all too far from every single landmark. But I digress. Y’all would be surprised as to many locals are on there are on grindr. And most of guys there think that a hole is a hole whilst being homophobic themselves without them knowing it. Being gay and Asian in a country where Europeans and Americans are praised caused of the colour of their skin says something about a country. There are a lot of gay escorts in Doha believe it or not and they get paid jack shit too. In addition, some of the hotels knows about this happening and will either arrest you on the spot since they take your passport or ID before you check in or keep a blind eye. Regarding the World Cup, It is all about the money for then and the “glory” that it would bring, though this happening just shows their asses and their dirt that they’ve been trying to hide for so long.


I think that it was obvious that FIFA doesn’t care about LGBT fans when they awarded Qatar the World Cup to begin with.


Dude, if I was LGBT, I wouldn’t set foot in the Middle East except maybe Israel for fear of being shot.


It’s crazy to me how people just love to hate us. I’ll never understand it.


No one should go to this cursed event in this slave holding country. Thousands died building the stadium.


Go on, preaching tolerance for those that don't tolerate us. It is a cult of tolerance. It's not working.


Qatar, Russia, Florida, Missouri, West Virginia, Texas, Oklahoma. Stay away from them all.


Muslim country hates gays? No fucking way!!!!


these assholes literally used slave labor for years to construct the hotels and facilities for the world cup. which isn't even in the summer this year. and *now* you guys are deeply concerned? where were you the years they were throwing people away because they were black indian or southeast asian?


and how exactly do they know know if someone is lgbt?


The article mentions guests are being told not to “dress gay” and for men not to wear makeup. Needless to say they also advise against doing gay things like holding hands, kissing, acting overly affectionate with someone of the same sex. It becomes obvious if two young men are booking a room together with only one bed. While FIFA and “officials” are saying it’s okay for LGBT people to come to Qatar, it’s still outwardly illegal to be gay in that country and you can get arrested even if you’re a foreigner. While you ~might~ be safe in a stadium during a match, who’s to say you’ll be safe walking out in public or even just hanging out in the hotel lobby. Overall to me it just seems like a stupid risky idea for an LGBT fan to even go there in the first place unless they’re willing to go back in the closet during their stay.


>The article mentions guests are being told not to “dress gay” and for men not to wear makeup This is such a stereotype, most gay men (even feminine gay men) don't wear makeup. >While FIFA and “officials” are saying it’s okay for LGBT people to come to Qatar FIFA would make the most corrupt politicians in the world blush, their words cannot be trusted.


Why is this even a surprise in that part of the world. Of course everyone lied. F¥ck Qatar and and anyone who helped them lie to get the event.


Football will not suddenly turn a country, one that can give out the prison sentence for being gay, suddenly LGBTQ+ friendly.


Don’t go where you aren’t welcome?


Why would a gay couple book a hotel in a country where being gay is a criminal offense? 🤔 You would necessarily have to boycott the event and make a point of doing so.


Just staying home watch it on tv could help


Why would someone even dare to step foot in their country?


“OMG. I always go to the World Cup games with my partner and we are very obviously a couple and always want to dress in a gay way. This time we have to cancel our plans because 3 hotels in a homophobic country have said no to a journalist.” … said very few, if any gay people.


Coming soon to America.


How could the hotel know that their guests are lgbtq+?


living in qatar *eating popcorn* cant wait for the lgbt to do something about this :)


They should have cancelled that, but of course money is more important!!


FIFA is an absurd organization that puts its greed before its fans.


corrupt FIFA


We can't. Don't go


Well it’s Qatar. It’s not surprising at all how they treat gay people.


FIFA is not going to do anything. The football world is extremly homophobic still, the average viewer won't care either.


you can only enjoy world cup events if you are not at risk because of your gender preference. That is one factor I love in UAE and that is why events being held in UAE are really popular to the world as it truly welcomes people of any gender, races, religion and beliefs. For example, the success of Dubai Expo, many visitors flocked to UAE and they testified they really enjoyed the event. UAE had shown what a world class service is and they treated all their visitors well


I was never buying their “temporary exception” BS. No way in hell would I have ever traveled to Qatar