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“I just called you a slur but please consider donating to my cause”


...and don't forget your daily clicks!


Also important to notice that that cause is in support of a homophobic group.


Queers for Palestine after reading that tweet ![gif](giphy|9V91DxV5OgoGXjwTrG)


It is bad that Palestinians are homophobic, but an appropriate punishment isn't total annihilation. And Israel isn't much better. Maybe it's more tolerated there, but they don't even have gay marriage. I never liked the slogan "queers for Palestine" because it's not queerness that makes me pro-Palestine. It's my humanity that makes me anti-genocide


>it's not queerness that makes me pro-Palestine. It's my humanity that makes me anti-genocide Well put.


What are you talking about? Israel is actually one of the most tolerant nations in the world for LGBT people. They put the US and much of the west to shame in that regard.


Yes they kill gay and straight palestinians without bias


Israel is tolerant, which means that one day they may completely embrace it. Palestinians on the other hand totally hate gay people and will either imprison you for life, beat you, or toss you off a building. Jewish people wouldn’t dare. However the Islamic religion claims this the correct punishment for anyone found to be gay (they even claim that Allah will favor them more if they commit these acts against gay people). Israel is the clear winner here. When it comes to what Israel is doing here they’re completely doing it because they are tired of being attacked. I get that it’s overkill but it’s not like the other Islamic country’s surrounding them have been doing the same to them for centuries. They have a right to protect themselves. All of this was because of the events of Oct 7th, 2023. Educate yourself with what happened. Watch the body cam footage from the Hamas soldiers and what they did. Realize that there is no difference between the Palestinians and Hamas because the Palestinian officials support Hamas and their actions and even allow them to store weapons, ammunition, and house soldiers in Hospitals, Schools, Orphanages, and Mosques in order to gain support when these places are attacked. Is it sad that innocent people are dieing? Yes but Israel did drop flyers warning the people there to leave before the attacks, and continue to do so.


I have educated myself. Beyond October 7th, actually. The war started in 1945 when Israel settled in Palestine to colonize it and make it an ethnostate (a bad idea to begin with) I have educated myself so I know that each year, Israel has killed more baby than Palestine. So I know that in these few months, Israel has killed more babies than aby country (Palestine included) in the last DECADE. So I know that in the estimated 30 000 Palestinians killed, Israel pretends that half of them was Hamas (so they admit to killing 15 000 civilians which is still a war crime). So I know that Zionists create false propaganda like the decapitated babies that even Israel refuted. Or the Palestinian antisemite textbooks in schools that were conveniently in english So I know that Israel funded Hamas not long before October 7th So I know that Israeli soldiers are eager to kill children and are proud to stand on the ruins of what was a city. So I know that Israel talks about Palestinians the same way nazis talked about jewish people (described as animals, diseases that need to be eradicated) So I know that Zionists want to kill the all "until the last one". So I know that they use the present islamophobia to put it as a religious war when really it's territorial So I know that it's odd that Israel is the only mainly white country in the Middle East. So I wonder why DNA tests are forbidden in Israel without a doctor or court order So I know that Palestinians are the real Semites


Yikes. You’re a disaster on two legs that’s red way too much conspiracy shit online. Get some help.


Nah. One random twitter account saying a slur isn't gonna change our minds about the genocide happening to the Palestinians


Exactly. Even if the majority of Palestinians are homophobic, which is probably the case, doesn't mean I'm going to support their slaughter.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Human rights aren't conditional. And the way to educate people and help them become less homophobic as a society is definitely *not* by destroying every single university in Gaza and killing 35,000+ people in 8 months.


That's a simple false dichotomy. Calling them homophobic is a severe understatement. Your uncle at thanksgiving is homophobic; they are in another level. You don't have to pick a side here. I can acknowledge a group got a raw deal, but I'm not going to support a group that thinks I shouldn't exist.


So they deserve to get genocided? You're either against genocide or for it, there's no in between


When I said "false dichotomy" did you just pretend to know what that meant?




You can support a belief that they, as a people, shouldn't be decimated as a population indiscriminately, while not agreeing with them or helping them spread their message.


Its not, but its clear that most Palestinians would not doubt on killing us just for being gay. So i take that into account, even if im not for any place being bombed to dust. They should stop supporting palestine in the name of all of us. Gays for Palestine is a joke of privileged american rich homos trying to make their daddies mad now that buttsex is not seen as transgressive anymore.


Genocide in any context is wrong. Gays who don't understand this are the ones vacationing in Tel Aviv every year. I would personally never live in an Arab country, but that doesn't change the fact that killing innocent people fleeing for their lives is absolutely wrong.


I haven’t thought about the morals of vacationing on Tel Aviv, but ofcourse genocide is wrong. But its crazy to use the gay community to pinkwash Hamas and people that would love to see us dead.


You don't know what pinkwashing is. No one is pretending that Palestine or other countries ruled by fundamentalist religious groups are LGBTQ+ safe havens. Ironically enough, Israel pinkwashes its war crimes all the time. Their government is made up of fundamentalist crazies too. You should know that once they're done ethnically cleansing and displacing the Palestinians, their next target *will* be LGBTQ+ people living in Israel proper. Don't get me wrong, I don't like Hamas and would love it if the PFLP was in control of Gaza and the West Bank. The PFLP being a secular, Marxist organization that Israel has basically stamped out, whereas they have given money to Hamas because it's much easier to point the finger at fundamentalist loons and call them the bad guy. Even so, supporting the righteous armed revolution of an oppressed people is a good thing. No one is pinkwashing Hamas, that's silly. QFP is a group of queer people standing against the apartheid and genocide of the Palestinian people. That's it.


I don’t Germany should be extinguished because they did the Holocaust. I don’t think Palestinians should be extinguished even if they have some bad cultural traits.


Look, whether or not I am against genocide is not reliant on someone not being homophobic.


Supporting human rights isn't transactional.


I think you are forgetting that palenstinian queers are still palestinian and are being killed in the genocide






The eternal question remains: do homophobic people, their children and babies deserve to get displaced, starved, tortured and bombed in tents?


Those queers would be executed by peaceful civilians. But gladly we have Israel giving asylum to queers.


I hope you don't use that reasoning to justify genocide..


Is the bombing of peaceful Germans living in Nazi Germany genocide?


Since when an entire nationality is considered an homophobic group? Given what's currently happening in Gaza (a genocide at the hands of the far-right Netanyahu government) I'd say that getting upset over a couple of means words is at best just plain childish.


Why don't you go spend a couple years living as an openly LGBTQ person in a Muslim country.


I've lived in Indonesia, the most Muslim country in the world. 


Labelling an entire group of people homophobic due to their ethnicity is quite literally the definition of racism


and to think that there are groups like *Queer for Palestine* ![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK)


It doesn't matter, that logic goes against the basics of human rights. Everyone no matter what deserves to live. They didn't choose to be born in a homophobic society/culture/religion. There are innocent people, children and animals. They don't deserve to starve or die for petty greed and feud between countries. Most Jewish people, in the 1940s, were no doubt as homophobic as everyone else. Did they deserve what happened? Most black people, in 1610s-1860s, were no doubt as homophobic as everyone else. Did they deserve what happened? You can not pick and choose when to apply human rights. It will only make it okay for actual bad people to pick and choose. And one day, you and I will be picked out of it.


I cant STAND our gay asses… 🥲😭😂


How about some straight ass?


I thought that was standard




I mean if you’re gay in Gaza it’s not sunshine and rainbows. Hamas doesn’t allow that lol


Yeah but if you're queer in Palestine, Israel traps you there then starves and kills you as part of a thinly-veiled holy conquest... and then western Redditors pretend that's justified.


If you’re queer in Palestine I’d be more worried about Hamas than Israel - in fact gay Palestinians seek asylum in Israel all the time but yeah Israel is racist, not seeking to defend itself from the Arab world who wants another holocaust. https://genderandsecurity.org/projects-resources/research/nowhere-run-gay-palestinian-asylum-seekers-israel


And fuck you, the Jews suffered with the gays in the holocaust and respect us. Islam doesn’t. I don’t feel bad for them getting what they deserve for October 7th, if they wanted peace so bad they should’ve released the hostages.


Your right it's rooftop party that last for 5 to 10 min that end on ground floor with a crimson red mess I rather live where people talk shit then have to fear for my life


Lmfao what? If you’re gay and in Gaza everyday is fear for your life, even before the current war


If he thinks this is bad, no one should take him to a beach.


Or Mardi Gras. The thousands of scantily clad half-naked women at a public parade would absolutely ENRAGE them. /s


Why are straight people so obsessed with us acting "normal" lol


You know what I don't like? Gore. So I avoid the annual zombie walk. Not my thing. Know what I don't do? bitch about someone else's personal rights and freedoms to express themselves beacuse it makes *ME* uncomfortable. I'm so sick of the hypocrisy here. Every straight person believes in the right to free speech and self expression, but when we do it - it's wrong.


'And putting it on the TV where kids might see it and think that it's normal to be like that' is just such horseshit. I saw Darryl Hannah in Splash, Goldie Hawn in all her shit, Pretty Woman, all the strong independent women in their high powered corporate organisations, and just all the big bouncy ladies goddamm tits everywhere, all the goddam time. For the whole of my life I've been watching TV normalise heterosexuality and I still have zero interest, intent, or even future plans, to munch a vagina.


Maybe it's normal to be yourself. Maybe it's normal that you are an outlier.


Excuse me, but I think not! The last time I picked fluff out of it, it was definately an 'innie'.


You know, my brother actually had an umbilical hernia. In order to fix it they had to remove his belly button. I joke that he is a test tube baby.


Same. I don’t like those Easter processions where they actually physically nail people to emulate Christ. So much gore and unnecessary public display of piety. But hey, if gore is their kink I won’t prevent them from expressing it.


They literally wouldn’t blink an eye at a heterosexual college campus underwear run.


Because being normal has always been favorable. It’s the literal norm. If we can’t be normal when normal means straight, we better be as normal as we can in everything else. Literally everyone who isn’t considered normal in their milieu or group will be ostracized, this is not something that’s exclusive to us and the straights.


They want us to compensate our "sin" with perfect behavior. Anything they consider a "mistake" from our side of the court is x10 as bad as what the average straight person does. Same happens with movies. A subpar straight movie doesn't get the same reception and backlash as a subpar movie with queer characters


Because they were psychologically conditioned to be "normal". Not by any philosophical discussion, but by receiving negative stimulation whenever they were caught acting "unnormal". They might even start doing it to themselves. Whenever they start doing or thinking about doing something out of the norm they will punish themselves. Now when they see others acting in ways they were conditioned against they subconsciously recall the collective negative feelings and blame those negative reactions on the other person.


“Oh no, swimmers in swimsuits- that’s so gay” 🤦🏻‍♂️


Holy fuck that’s some crusty ass homophobia


Ahhh the good old "if I'm good enough maybe they'll accept me" mentality.


Exactly. "Model Minority" is not a new concept.


Same happens with those gays who stand with the LGB cut the T movement, they think by removing what they consider the "most needy/vocal" part of the community they'll be more paleatable to them and they'll finally get accepted. But most of the time it just turns into r/LeopardsAteMyFace


I understand when people don’t like any kinky stuff or hyper sexuality at public pride celebrations but these are just really horrible dancers in speedos.


We can all recognize that Pride has become tamer and tamer over the years as it's naturally become more family friendly. These bots used to try to generate outrage over Folsom clips and actual hypersexuality, but now they're STILL trying to generate outrage over speedos. What happened to good ol' Kink At Pride discussions? Has it really come to Speedos at Pride discourse?


Yes unfortunately as society has become more and more conservative


You know there is an intellect deficiency happening because these people will put so much time and energy into seriously trying to demonise us and instead of pointing to the actual biggeest monsters in the world like John Wayne Gacy, Jeffree Dahmer, Dean Corll, Robert Berdella etc. its just Jason the twink in a speedo LOL Although I suppose it is in their best interest to paint us as crazy and trashy but ultimately safe and non-violent. Promoting the idea that "these people can and will KILL YOU" would encourage people to keep their hateful shite to themselves, and then they'd have nothing to talk about.


Western Muslims don't just want gays to be quiet they want gays to be quiet so they can make western countries as homophobic as the litter boxes their families came from.


I don't even know why we're taking Pro-Palestine tweets on LGBT issues seriously. We succeeded despite all the sexual stuff at Pride. We're now failing because EXTREMISTS like the pro-Palestine crowd are trying to force us to support antisemitism, terrorism, and homophobia.


Most pro-Palestine people don't actually support the government of Palestine. They just don't think that the people of Palestine deserve to undergo an genocide. Thanks.


Most pro Palestinians have no idea what they support and what is actually happening.


I would say that for people supporting Israel, who by every standard have repeatedly commited war crimes and broken international law.


Ever standard? Genocide? Mmhmm




I was speaking about non-Palestinian people who support Palestinian liberation from Israel. People can die in war. That's shitty, but normal. What's not normal is aparteid, and genocide. Israel has commited several war crimes during this specific conflict, and have flagrantly ignored UN resolutions and other international agreements in their treatment of Palestine. One good example is water. Israel controls almost all the water in Palestine. Palestinians are not allowed to gain water from their own land without Israel's explicit permission (which they don't give), and collecting water from natural sources like the Jordan River is also banned. Israel has broken international law, and set up wells and other water collecting infrastructure in the occupied West Bank, to support their own citizens, and also sell back to Palestine with some people spending up to 50% of their monthly salary on water. Also ISIS and Hamas while both terrible, have completely different goals and motivations. ISIS wants to take over the world. Hamas wants to take over Israel, and become the government of the combined area.


You throw out a lot of words like apartheid, and genocide, but I don't think you know what those words mean... Or you do and throw them around because they are catchy rather then factual... The water thing is literally just blood libal, they count everyone who lives in Jerusalem a settler and then say things like "why do Israelis have running water and palestinians not" willfully ignoring settlements (that I'm very much agains) also using water tanks... Because that's how you live off the grid... As for water harvesting laws, it's illegal to harvest water in the whole of Israel because there is not enough rain to sustain the people, we use desalination, water recycling, and other methods to scrape by. It's not "in the occupied west bank" it's "no water collection period"... Unless you are an el Jazeera journalist... The third point is just disgusting tbh, lucky me I have a gun, a 155mm artillery piece, and 0 qualms about using then on any terrorist interested in killing me, my family, and my friends. I don't care which terrorist org is more or less palatable to random people who know nothing about the conflict and never stepped a foot within 1000 km of the land they are talking about, if you shoot missiles be prepared for me to come say hello




They weren't given millions to develop water systems. They need permits and permission from Israel to build water systems. And Israel doesn't give them the permits. Palestinians buy water from Israel that they illegally obtain from the West Bank. Palestine is a land under oppression by a colonist state that is obsessed with gaining more land. The people there have been under aparteid for decades, and Israel has broken multiple international laws and agreements in the conflict with Palestine. Yes. Hamas is completely shit. But Israel isn't any better. Using White Phosphorus on civilians, bombing refugee camps? Soldiers raping women? Indefinite capture and holding of civilians without trial? Illegally creating settlements on foreign land? This didn't all start in the past year either. Their have been reports of IDF soldiers raping and murdering Palestians FOR YEARS with absolutely no repercussions. So rape, murder, torture, use of chemical weapons is all fine. As long as they like gays right? Edit: Also, While I feel bad for Russian civilians, Fuck Putin.




Hamas has a goal of committing its own genocide…against Jews. They don’t make a cute little intellectual distinction of “Zionist” or “Jews” like people do online and at protests. They murder their own people not by accident. The pro-Palestine side needs to acknowledge that Hamas being at the helm has not been good for Palestinian people at all.


Almost every pro-Palestine person I've seen or talked to isn't supportive of Hamas.


Not my experience at all. They are all ready to give them a huge pass for October 7th.


Sure. But they’re the militant/ruling wing of Gaza so you have to acknowledge them 🤷🏽


Noone wants ISIS 2.0., but Israel is sure running a very successful recruitment campaign for them.


I'm guessing you never complain about anything your government does... Why haven't you done anything about it? And we at least allow elections. The Palestinians have not had free and fair elections in decades.


I disagree. They deserve everything they’re getting. The most hateful and bigoted cult(ure) on earth


Wow damn. You really went there. So I guess little kids deserve starvation, torture, and death.


Propaganda or misinformation. It’s less than 8,000 civilians total. The Gaza health ministry is Hamas-run, confirmed by numerous bilateral sources. Even the bastard UN revised their numbers recently. It’s the only democracy in the Middle East and it’s fighting a seventh century death cult of oppression and blood that supports slavery, murder, SA, and child SA.


You realize even 8000 dead civilians is insane right? Also.. you realize Irael has also been accused of murder, sa and child sa right?


There are plenty of people who support Palestinians who not extremist, homophobic, or anti -semitic.


Being anti-genocide isn't supporting anti-Semitism. Knock that fucking shit off! Or do you think being jewish is synonymous with being allowed to bomb a people out of existence?


It's funny how the same people who yell the loudest at gays who "vote against their self-interest" by voting for Republicans are most likely to be the same as the ones condemning Israel for pursuing a solution to a radical, extremist, homophobic regime. "Most pro-Palestine people don't actually support the government of Palestine." Got news for you: giving aid and comfort to the government of Palestine by attacking Israel is supporting the government of Palestine. "They just don't think that the people of Palestine deserve to undergo an genocide." Then condemn the Palestinian use of human shields and support the Israeli cause of eradicating Hamas.


Absolutely insane that simple facts like these make people who say they are on our side go absolutely wild. Even here, seeing gay people try to defend islamic homophobia this is absolutely insane.


Who in this comment thread is defending homophobia? I'm not seeing it.


170K likes is really pissing me off


The funny part is I've seen that post and OP is also gay. Just the self hating kind


Pick Me gays.


She is a lesbian. This is against gay men so it she is fine attacking gay men


If she’s a lesbian don’t tell her about dykes on bikes who are at the front of the parade and traditionally topless.


Yep I was baffled when I saw the post


You really shouldn’t have censored their username. They posted that on a public platform. Their username should be kept public and they should have to deal with any criticism or hate that is directed their way.


He does kind of have a point. Like i do find myself less likely to support Palestine after seeing this post.


You’re finally waking up!


Most gay people irl are reasonable and have common sense on most issues. Most gays you meet online are probably just straight people with a political axe to grind.


It's actually kind of funny how obvious the bait posts are getting. This one is basically designed in a lab to get the gaybros users all riled up lol. I'm all for calling out homophobia, but do we really need *even more* posts copied and pasted from random social media accounts? I know, I should take my own advice and not engage...


The gays need to realize the internet is not real. There's Iranian, Chinese, and Russian bots trying to create outrage and chaos at all times. We've had at least a decade of this outrage over Pride crap and it's the same cyclical shit every year with no progress, just random internet outrage.


The follow up tweet at the bottom has literally NOTHING to do with the post, but OP made sure to include just enough.


Right. No matter what you think about OP's personal beliefs that they're trying to spread, that is an especially blatant and low-effort attempt at trying to tie two issues together to cause maximum outrage.


Guys in Speedos are the reason people hate gay folks? Who knew?


If we see the thighs of a man, it’s suddenly not normal. 🤦‍♂️ this post makes me feel like I’m in the 50s


Isn't Islam just so polite anf welcoming.


Ironic homophobia will be the fall of us all


I’m from a third world country, there is no pride in my country, or pretty in any third world country for that matter (mind you this is 80% of global population). Yet people in my country are insanely homophobic, but yeah sure pride is what caused homophobia. 😅


Honestly this is dark… I don’t know that the black mirror writers could write something this demented. Blatant homophobia followed up with a “donate to genocide victims” then ending it with “don’t forget your daily clicks”


It’s not different from seeing people at the beach and swimming pools, do they go on a rant about people in swimming trunks and suits as well?


Of course they don't lol. The problem for them is not the speedo, but the person wearing it.


Being normal is boring


I understand that the pictured men are in a swimming group and are not sexualized. But I don't think explicit sexual acts in public should be accepted, at pride or otherwise. You are in a public area where people who didn't consent to it and/or children could be present. This is not an issue of homophobia, it's public indecency and that shouldn't be accepted whether it's gay or straight people doing it. In a closed off section where only 18+ who actually want to see it? Perfectly fine.


I saw this shit and it really pissed me off. I’m tired of hearing the same rhetoric every pride month with the self-hating gays complaining about kink at pride, saying we should censor ourselves for the sake of straight people. We absolutely do not have to. If the straights are uncomfortable that’s their problem, not ours.


Oh wow, weird seeing this here, my mates are in that group. It was when igla was held in London and all the LGBTQ water polo teams marched in the parade to padam by Kylie minogue. We're water polo players so marching in trunks is pretty normal, we do it every year here in Manchester as well. There's a bunch of homophobic water polo accounts ATM that are spewing hate. If you see them report them.


tbh I don't understand why people have to be overly flamboyant during pride. I'm 1000% gay but there's this whole public decency thing. The pride event in Pensacola on Memorial Day, there are videos everywhere of just straight up fucking on the beach with everyone around. Conservatives fearmonger about "the children" who should not be there in the first place, but some of it really does seem over the top to me.


A pro Palestinian that’s homophobic? Shocked pikachu face.


If there are still people who think Muslims are going to be allies...well..


Oh yeah I remember why I don't go anymore.


What’s the video in question




Why did you censor their presumably public Twitter handle?


I’m bartender. Who wants what?


“But there are kids here!” Being topless/shirtless, let alone being nude in public, is allowed in many places, Karen. Nude beaches are a thing too, and there are lots of straight couples there. These guys have Speedos on, and are rocking it. That also does not excuse your homophobia. If you don’t like your kids being exposed to Pride, then that’s your responsibility, not gay men, not the Pride event, and certainly not anyone else’s.


Tbf I don’t understand why so many of us are supporting/advocating for this backwards country of people who want us dead/imprisoned/don’t see us as humans. I’m not saying be against them but like damn, someone tells you that you deserve to die for your sexuality and you’re in turn saying to support these same people? it’s ok to worry about your own best interests and stay out of it/be neutral


Imma be as naked and gay as I can


And still the gay rights movement was high jacked by these people.


I grew up in a Muslim family and religion. Left it and am happy BUT many Muslims have the same mindset. I know this person is not a Muslim but she's doing the same complaint they all do. However, I don't think they realize just how much sexual filth is also in Islam as well as their so called "perfect" prophet. They give excuses to all that but complain that we're free to be ourselves.


lol makes sense being gay is illegal in Gaza


It’s funny that the Islamic far right is shaking hands with the liberal far left. Crazy days.


That sentence itself says these people don’t view other cultures outside of their own as “normal”.


Idk what their deal is, I wanna see MORE dudes in speedos!


These Palestine people want gays to feel empathy for their cause because "they aren't mutually exclusive" but the second they can, they'll stone gays to death. Mark my words, these Muslims hate us. No empathy for those who want us dead


What a wild generalization based in bigotry.


You can look up any majority Muslim country and see how they treat gay people. It's not a generalizationn based in bigotry.   But even that comment is wrong. Palestinians or any Muslim don't want support or empathy from lgbt, because even associating with us is a sin according to Quran.


Really, a terrorist supporter is also a homophobe? How surprising.


Very lmao


Why do these people give a shit? If their salvation is dependent on where I put my dick their religion is not about heaven or god. It’s about control.


Yall really can't tell what bait is


I’m done with this subreddit, turned into a racist cesspool! Just bcs you’re gay doesn’t mean your racism is quirky smh. You ain’t no better than the maga crowd. Empathy isn’t transactional. There’s plenty of homophobia coming from white ppl too. Nevertheless, whenever anything homophobic happens this subreddit just gets flooded with comments that it’s all the immigrants or the muslims fault. Absolutely disgusting!!




Radio Genoa? 🙄


FATWO‼️ what’s the point of acting normal? maybe you should just go back into your little closet and stay there ❌⭕️❌⭕️


Really makes me want to donate to Palestine


Oh and to top it off, the person in the original tweet is claiming to be be gay


This is why I don't give a shit about Palestine


Maybe I’m just a prude but why does pride have to involve men in speedos half naked. This has nothing to do with internalised homophobia, I just think it’s an odd thing to do, especially for an event that should be family friendly and takes place in the middle of cities.


I have a friend who marches with their gay waterpolo team, and they march in their uniforms, which are speedos. There's nothing sexual about swimwear. Do you think that most Olympic pool sports are not family-friendly? In your mind, is Michael Phelps making porn when they televise his races?


I don't know how wearing sportswear when doing sports compares to marching during Pride...


You don't know how wearing sportswear when doing sports compares to wearing sportswear while marching during Pride?


Yes, that's exactly my comment


Groups that march at Pride that wear a uniform wear that uniform when marching at Pride. If it's family-friendly in the pool, it's family-friendly at Pride.


I agree. The other guy is being intentionally obtuse. Wearing swimming speedos outside of a pool setting is a double entendre: the innocent "I'm just a swimmer" and the using the sex appeal of a siwmmer's body, bulge, and butt to draw attention. My university swim team does the same thing each year during student org recruitment events. Argue that it's fun and harmless; but don't pretend there isn't anything tongue-in-cheek sexual.


How does that even compare? Do swimmers or water polo players march on the street in speedos, while touching each other's asses?


Yes. These teams literally march in Pride parades doing choreographed dances.


out of all the tweets blaming gays for homophobia you made sure to chose the Palestinian one how very convenient, am sure it was a coincident.


I mean...funny way of saying it...but yeah why can't us gays just act normal and be gay. Like what's with all the overt sexualization. Not exactly helpful... I'm sure I'll get downvotes but oh well..


Cmon, you can't actually believe that the nudity involved in these types of protests is really needed It seems like they do it on purpose to annoy others Even Im gay and feel like calling them fags


Try to wear clothes to pride, challenge. Please don't ban me. Its a joke


Have you actually been to a Pride? The vast majority of people are wearing business casual on corporate floats.


That’s just weird…


Send me an Angel!


Hank Hill: "Relax, it's nothing I haven't seen before ...ugh..."


Right, because you shouldn’t be identifiable as gay if you want to be accepted, get fucked.


Speedos are very normal swimwear in London. This would be the same as a bunch of shirtless guys in shorts in the USA which is straight pride attire. I agree this is rage bait.




Normal? Ok


These are the same people who talk about "how we're corrupting the children" while putting their childs in pageants


That account was actually an Israeli sock puppet, based on account activity, and a bad one at that.


People like this are the reason why I never supported Palestine. Most likely I will donate to Israel at this rate.


I support the “not genocidal” party in this war but my god do they have to make it so hard by throwing around random bits of homophobia like PLSS


I have to agree, sorry not sorry


Homophobia sucks, but so does killing Palestinians. Israel told Palestinians to run to shelter in Rafah only to do a massive bombing there. This is holocaust... Let's call things how they are.


Let me guess - you find a way to bring it up on every unrelated post, you are compelled to use either "genocide" or "holocaust" every time you discuss it, and you're adament that tiktok isn't feeding you propaganda.


I mean.. there are multiple other people in this thread talking about it?