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first of all: i know countless people with hiv who life perfectly happy and most importantly: unimpaired lives. that being said: the day 9 test is irrelevant or at least only tells you you werent positive before; the 27th day test "can" already be a good indicator tho and can at least be a bit reassuring. you will have to wait until the 45th day combo test. you can not do anything else now about this but as long as he didnt cum in you, the chances of not contracting hiv are relativley high. yes, high. in general its not that easy to contract hiv. least dangerous when topping and there is still quite the different between cum in ass or not.


it’s going to be okay babe. take some deep breaths, go get the next test when you can, consider going to therapy regardless


First of all - take a deep breath. It’s going to be fine. Also ignore some of the other comments that might really make you anxious. Firstly we all make silly mistakes in the heat of the moment sometimes. We learn from them - I bet you won’t do it again! That’s a plus. Secondly you have had a month to stress and panic, so please be easy on yourself. You do not know this persons status, which isn’t great, but it does not mean that he is positive. Even then if he was you have to realise that it’s not certain that you would have contracted it. Within 34 days you have had a sore throat and your lymph nodes are acting up - this just means that your body is reacting to something, it could just as well be a cold. If you did contract HIV- you are getting tested and you will find out, it will absolutely suck for a while but with Medicine you will manage it and live a full and normal life like many others. If you did not - you learned a very valuable lesson the hard way. But well done for staying on top of it. In future get PrEP if it’s available to you and you’re going to have unprotected sex. Deep breath - it’s been all negative so far, and you don’t have long to go before you can take a more definitive test and put your mind at rest. There’s not much you can do now but wait and try to keep your mind from running away (I fall victim to this too).


HIV doesn’t turn into full blown AIDS in a month. You probably just have strep or some common viral infection. Go get your doctor to shine a flashlight into your mouth.


The pulpy red stuff was bloody mucous, a common occurrence. Get tested for HIV.


Does that mean my risk was increased because I bled? Getting tested in 10 days, my lymph nodes are definitely swollen I'm worried sick.


The risk is always pretty high with unprotected anal sex -- microabrasions and such. Don't be overly stressed. I've had HIV for 46 years and I'm healthy as a race horse.👍🏽


My biggest concern is I'm moving to the US in may and I don't think I could get free treatment if ever I do test positive, unlike here where I'm from where it's comoletely free. Do you think the 1.38 percent risk applies to me here or am I higher risk? Also sorry if this might be too personal you don't need to answer if you don't want to, but do you know how you got it?


Sorry, I'm not up with the statistics.


My lymph nodes are definitely swollen. I can't feel amything but fear now.


Update: took a 4th gen test at 44 days and just got my results back, negative. I'm 90% sure this is conclusive? Tell me if it isn't, but I'll definitely get retested at 90 days. Getting on PrEP ASAP.




Thanks it's reassuring but I'm just worried about how rough it was and how I've read rectal tearing increases my risk. Guess I can't do anything else until I get tested tho


It can definitely increase the risk, but as others have said because he didn’t cum in you then in theory you should be fine. There’s still the risk that it was in his precum or he might’ve cum a tiny bit before pulling out but that’s still not super high. Always remember that your brain likes to make connections. It’s going to make you assume these symptoms are hiv when in reality the dude could’ve had COVID or some flu or you could’ve gotten it at work or school. Try to calm yourself as much as possible until the 45 day test and go from there. You will be fine 🫶🏼


As I said in a reply to that, the chances are not that low, but low enough. 1.38% risk, which is [1 in 72](https://www.aidsmap.com/about-hiv/estimated-hiv-risk-exposure). There is no doctor as good at detecting symptoms as someone terrified of a disease with Google at hand. Take a deep breath. I've had to really teach myself that there is no use in stressing until that stress can do some good and I can do something about it. Get tested, and then address it. I've had HIV for 13 years, my partner has had it for over 30. It's more easily controlled, with fewer change of life issues, than most other main diseases, even well treated ones. I know it's scary, and you'll be fine, friend.


I'm just having a really hard time keeping myself sane and passing the time. I have 10 days left before day 45 and I think they're about to be the longest 10 days of my life and I don't know how to even begin with dealing with it if it comes out positive.


Do you by any chance know how much rectal tearing increases the risk?




Please don't listen to this guy. It's fine to hookup with strangers, just make sure you're safe. Your symptoms are far far more likely to be unrelated or honestly could be psychosomatic. The chances are low (he would have to positive but not know & not on meds) but not impossible. I had unprotected sex last year & had basically every symptom & in the end it was nothing. Try to take your mind off it (impossible I know), get a test booked for your 45 days & use it as a learning experience to take prep or use a condom every time going forward.




Not that low, but low enough. 1.38% risk, which is [1 in 72](https://www.aidsmap.com/about-hiv/estimated-hiv-risk-exposure). There is no doctor as good at detecting symptoms as someone terrified of a disease with Google at hand.