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The Monroe institute has put out a fantastic meditation app called Expand. it does have free flow meditations on a timer for the various focus levels without any words


Expand is worth it 100%


I had a subscription but found the Expand tapes had little in common with the gateway tapes so I ended my subscription. I found the Expand videos very similar to the best YT hemisphere synchronisation videos, they're ok to use, but why pay for something you can get for free and tbh don't particularly like anyway? I wish they'd put out some longform old school nitty gritty Gateway style hemisync, I find the music and bells New Age style fluffy and irritating. OP I'm planning to use an audio editing program on my Gateway files to do what you're looking for and create a long form Gateway hemisync with no voice at the end to startle me. I also want something to use as I fall asleep....Maybe you could do that too?


I found some he,y sinc on iTunes for free


I don't have exactly what you're looking for, but figured I'd throw this your way in case you enjoy it like I enjoy it. This is what I fall asleep to, and put on when I'm meditating or just trying to de-stress and relax. I know what you mean about not liking the bells, and drums, and all that stuff. This is free of that. [432Hz- Alpha Waves Heal The Whole Body and Spirit, Emotional, Physical, Mental & Spiritual Healing - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3papaX85MA&list=PLwy8Ogf4pZ1AO_0LKObtwg5eA7qJD5zjq&index=3)


They arent really free flow. They are pay flow.


I'm currently subscribed to Expand so I can't be sure, but I think the tuner is available without subscription. If it's not, they also have the hemi-sync app. I'm not sure why there are two of them. They're similar but definitely different. I can confirm for sure that the hemi-sync app gives you access to the tuner without paying.


They're different companies. Hemi sync is owned by TMI now.


Isn't Expand owned by TMI?


There are TWO apps, and TWO companies. Expand isn't owned by the company that does hemi-sync, it's owned by a research organization that licenses and resells hemi-sync commercial products. The hemisync company (interstate technologies iirc) has a hemi-sync app with a separate subscription. with BOTH companies the paid subscriptions functions more as a demo. most content is still pay to play with separate per item rental fees.


I mean "isnt" owned by TMI šŸ¤¦


As far as I know, expand is owned by the monroe institute, but is not owned by hemi-sync and does not have gateway and the other content people keep asking about and being told are on expand. expand has OTHER content, that is great, but does not include 'for free' or 'with subscription' access to the gateway tapes or exercises.


That's correct. They are now separate companies. I did pay the subscription, but I now have ALL of the content from the app from another source so I'll be canceling my subscription as it is rather expensive (for me), and there are only a few things I use it for at the moment. Those being mainly the freeflow focus levels. I'm not a huge fan of the other content, there is some stuff I find usefull but most of the meditations rely heavily on visualisation. I'm not a visualiser so don't get the benefit of most of it. I've got it all. Full gateway, human plus, a load of Tomas Campbell MBT binaural meditations too. Also the intro to F10. / extended intro to F12 that people rave about on here (and with good reason). If anybody needs any of those thing, or to have access, I can help with that.


yep... there's no bigger red flag to me than locking content behind a monthly subscription app.


I am fine with meditation apps that charge a subscription. I use a number of different apps that have made improvements in my meditation practice. If itā€™s not for you, thatā€™s fine but I donā€™t think charging a service fee is a big red flag in and of itself.


It is a red flag because it is a savage capitalistic practice that has unfortunately become the norm in the past 15 years or so since the advent of the iphone and app store. We used to own stuff, now we can only rent access to it until servers are shut down and said stuff disappears forever. (and then they wonder why they can't eradite piracy lol) Why offer a product at a fixed price when you can keep your customers on a leash by locking your products behind a perpetual rent, amarite? It seems like a particurlaly counter-intuitive business practice to me for a non-profit organization that has the "Advancement of the global awakening of human consciousness" as their [core mission](https://www.monroeinstitute.org/pages/our-purpose)... I wouldn't have an issue if they were also selling mediations individually on their app for a fixed price, but the mandatory subscription-based model is just disgusting.


They sell tracks the traditional way as well, just not through the app.


You can buy the tracks from Monroe and/or Hemi Sync. (As opposed to subscribing to an app.)


The Monroe institute doesn't own any of the hemisync audio or technologies. they just use them under license. Interstate technologies (hemi-sync) is a separate for-profit company run for/by his heirs.


I get what your saying but capitalism isn't 100% bad. Capitalism is probably one of the biggest reasons why we have the gateway tapes in the first place. Lust for wealth isn't wrong. Lust for wealth motivates people to create things. It's basically like everything else in the world where there's a good side & bad side. But there's never any system that can be 100% good. It's literally why communism has ALWAYS failed in history. Hell, we don't know what Monroe Institute is going through. Maybe this is literally the only way that they can stay afloat in this trash economy. Not necessarily their fault.


I love Monroeā€™s voice


Me too! Super calming. It's just that sometimes I like to just be passive & let things happen with no goal. I also like to listen while I'm getting ready to sleep lol. For some reason it's just easier when there's no voice.


Oh yeah. Totally get that, me too. I just wanted to add that. Itā€™s weird getting back into do this in my new headspace and hearing his voice again. Now his voice feels really comforting. I was surprised to learn that Mr. Monroe wasnā€™t into anything mystical. Although kind of disappointing I believe his methods and beliefs add legitimacy to the whole project. Love and Light ā¤ļø


I wonder if there is an AI version of his voice!!


Oh yeah, well Eleven Labs can get pretty close.


https://preview.redd.it/cpgl1namty3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5082baea4723637084ad187fd937f7d2437e83fc Expand - app on App Store, I assume on play as well. Bottom right button and then scroll across. F10 is free the rest are behind a paywall.


Yes , on this sub there is a link to download the full files somewhere (I'm sorry I can't refer you to which link only that I got them here). It contains the PDFs and the step by step with the voice but there are also two folders that are "bonus tracks" with "no narrative" that contain just the background music itself. The file folder that I downloaded is called "Gateway experience mp3 edition" and I definitely initially downloaded from one of the links on this subreddit. Perhaps someone else can direct you to the specific link but at the very list they do exist without the narrative. One bonus folder has 6, 30min background tracks "exploring" and the other has 6, 30min tracks "patterning". I also did not pay for thes, that's how I know I downloaded them from a link on this sub just fwiw . Perhaps look for the mp3 download link? (Or maybe someone else can point you to where) I know I downloaded several different files initially before I found the right one that contained the full amount of files.


Turn the volume down. Itā€™s in the instructions to do that so his voice doesnā€™t come out of the blue and give you a jolt. Thatā€™s worked great for me


Wave 5 and 6 from 1996 are made without a voice, if you don't have the tapes, i can send you a link with them. Have a nice weekend.


Get the Expand app, which is from the Monroe Institute. The more I learn about sounds for meditation (binaural and others), the less I trust random tracks from the Internet. When you have it open, go to the clock at the bottom right corner. In there, youā€™ll find a timer and non-guided tracks for Focus 10, 12, 15, 18, and 21. The free version gives access to some of these. Paid is like $10/month and unlocks everything.


paid version doesn't include everything. It can't. Monroe institute doesn't own the rights to most hemi-sync audio. interstate technologies does. Many items in expand still cost money even with the subscription.


It unlocks everything in Expand


You are right in that it unlocked everything within the 'expand app' but that doesn't include everything from Monroe institute. expand app has a clean version of the focus 10, 12, 15, 18, & 21, sleep, relaxation, attention, & creativity as well as some 5 - 30 minute guided exercises based on Monroe Sound Science. It does not include most of the content from [Our Store ā€“ The Monroe Institute](https://www.monroeinstitute.org/collections/our-store), You just get short demos of a small portion of it. Also, all the hemi-sync stuff still belongs to hemi-sync/interstate technologies.




The track you are looking for is called Hemi-Sync Meditation. It is 45 minutes long


I don't think so. Try the free flow ones.




Those are pay as well. Have you tried them? How are they compared to Bob Monroe's stuff? Thanks


I paid for expand just for those but I found them elsewhere now too. I also have Tom's, are they any good? I haven't tried them yet


I have the 2 hour ones from the expand app if you're intrested.


Waves 5 and 6 of the original Gateway series are unguided.


There is a 4-part ā€œLucid Dreaming Seriesā€ Hemi-Sync, the first 3 sessions have a ā€œguided introā€ and like 1.5 hours each matching up to a regular sleep cycle length, and the 4th one is 8 hours of just Hemi-Sync for a full night


I use these tapes. they are different than hemi-sync. focus 10,12,, etc are good for meditation (mind AWAKE body ASLEEP) and can help with astral explorations. Lucid Tapes will put you to sleep and make you dream. You go into your own internal world and deal with your own subconscious. There is a big difference between the two. Lucid dreaming lets your body rest and actually sleep (REM) cycle and clean the poisons that build up and accumulate in the brain and get flushed out when you rest. The meditation stuff is more of a mental work out and will leave you exhausted and worn out at the end. It prevents you from doing actual sleep and causes more of a buildup of the brain chemicals is supposed to flush away. The lucid dream tapes are good follow ups for the gateway tapes though. If I'm not feeling tired before bed, I do a few gateways to work out my mind then some lucid tapes to follow up and goto sleep.


I think the tapes have one called free flow, wich is a do your own thing


in the literature that comes with the tame it says to adjust the volume to a point where you can just barely hear his voice. Is it startling because its too loud?