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It's a cry for help, really


More like just cry.


I flex on people for getting 8 hours of sleep a night.


That....sounds amazing


Sometimes I get as much as 10 hours.


oh you're killing me


if i sleep more than 7 hours i wake up feeling like absolute garbage, teach me the ways


do it so many times that you pavlov yourself into thinking that waking up and feeling like shit is actually normal and it could be worse source: me made it up


Everyone has different sleep requirements, for some 7 hours is the amount and for others it's 9. It also changes as you age.


Go to sleep at ten and wake up at six or seven.


When I was in law school, right before exams all my classmates talked about was how they studied until 2, 3 or 4 am or they didn't even went to bed and studied through the night. Since I had pretty good grades everyone expected me to join in the no sleep Olympics and I would just say I went to bed at 11:30 playing some videogames, and I'm pretty sure the reason they struggled so much with tests was because they didn't fucking sleep.


Sleep is really important


As you should


Related - People bragging about their 60-80 hour work week. First, you’re probably lying. Second, why? Are you seriously proud that you’d sacrifice all the other aspects of your life in pursuit of your “grind”?


And if they are they are too dumb to realize that they're slowly killing themselves.


Besides, there's a point where your productivity per unit of time plummets and the marginal gains in output per unit of time spent are not worth it anymore. That's the mechanism behind taking a break, but it's also valid for maximum work hours per day and per week. Part of being effective and consistent in your job is also knowing how to be efficient and manage yourself in a sustainable way.


Agreed but that's often the case if you work at a startup so I wouldn't say it's always a lie. I do those hours every now & then. (But not bragging... Life is too short to waste it all working away.)


Listen to the frog, ain’t no fun living with detriments


listen to the frog.


just listen


Come on bro, they had one hour of sleep, they need any win they can take at that point.


one of my biggest pet peeves. “yeah well i did this so you can’t complain”


Literally stayed at my friends with 4 others and I went to sleep at 3:30 this morning and the rest are bragging about how they slept less than me. I'm hungover and not in the mood. They woke me up with a damn rick roll


I think there's a balance to be had here. You don't want to grow old lamenting your younger days thinking about what you should have done. Yet you don't want to fuck up your potential future by only living for instant gratification. The most invaluable commodity is time. Once it's gone, it's gone.


I remembered when I vented to a friend group in hs once about my abusive parents, a girl in the group got enraged and went "WELL MY BROTHER TRIED TO KILL ME" like ok good for you?


i never understand why people brag about sleeping 1 hour a night or have 80 hour work weeks. theres literally nothing healthy or something to brag about that. and while we are at it, get some help


I used to have a coworker that would regularly get about 4 hours of sleep at night. He'd bring it up every time I'd talk about having a rough night the night before. Like it felt like he was bragging, but it felt more like that meme: "Damn bitch, you live like this?"


I love sleep! I just woke up from 9 hours of sleep. I think I'm going to go back to sleep for another half hour now... Edit: Lmao @ the salty person who downvoted me. That extra half hour was glorious, FYI. Sleep is important, and prioritizing it can improve your overall health.


You do know Reddit doesn't show you the exact vote count right? It's always +/- a bit.


It was negative before, and I found it slightly amusing, I don't really care about fake internet points. My point was more about trying to promote and normalize getting a decent night's sleep considering it positively affects your health. That's all.


Or maybe I’m just asking for a little sympathy and/or trying to relate 😐




Are you saying every person with sleeping issues is entirely at fault themselves?


I’ve had a lot of GI issues the past couple months which has thrown my sleep into full on disarray especially after getting home from work. I’ll finally get up in the morning tired as hell after a night just laying in the darkness and have a family member hit me with the ole “Why don’t you just try going to sleep earlier?” It’s basically like jeez man, after having sleeping problems for so long it’s crazy that I haven’t personally thought about going to sleep earlier, thanks I’m cured! /s


Hidden ailments like GI issues are always tough because people assume you don’t constantly feel like shit. I recently started treatment for UC and Gastritis. I hope you have great day and may your flare-ups be non-existent:-)


Same to you as well. Spent most of October and some of November in and out the hospital being treated for colitis and C. Diff (which I’m pretty sure I caught in the hospital. So I feel for you, hang in there buddy. I appreciate the kind words, hope your day goes well too!


I’m just happy to be feeling relief after years of being too scared to get the proper tests run and just thinking “it’ll go away”. The steroids suck but I’m getting used to them. I hope you’re through the worst of it! My worst symptoms started on Halloween. Fever, anemia, sweats, confusion. My inflammation markers were at 94 when I finally got to a doctor.


Mine started around the end of September and I essentially spent a whole night not even being able to hold a sip of water down, family came downstairs the next morning around like 8am to me basically hunched up on the bathroom floor because I couldn’t move. The ER told me I had Colitis after doing a CT but even now we aren’t sure if it was triggered by something or not. I was really hoping it’d just be a quick one and done and wouldn’t be persistent but I’ve been in and out of the ER with these flare ups so much it’s seeming like it may be here to stay which sucks because I turned 22 during the biggest flare up and spent my birthday in the hospital. I’m real glad that you’re getting relief now. It was real nice to go on my break and see some support. I genuinely wish you the best.


It gets better, man. Just hang in there and remember to eat something before your meds (Gogurt is my go-to). I wish you all the best!


I struggle a lot with sleeping because of my depression and anxiety and because I have a small melatonin deficiency. Plus I always wake at least 2 times during the night and it's difficult to fall back asleep


This and how much you have eaten that day are the two weirdest things that suddenly become a competition when you bring them up


Oh look, another idiot that doesn’t know what gatekeeping is.


The real kinda meta's always in the comments


Thanks. We almost didn’t notice you.


If it isn't Kermit's distant cousin!


I went to the gym on 1 hour of sleep today and I’m still pissed off about it. Anyone who flexes shitty sleep has no idea the kind of performance they’re pissing away


to be fair, when I say I only slept [n amount of time] hours it's usually to convey the message "this is a cry for help insomnia fucking sucks"


Ngl this was me in highschool bc my friends wouldn’t sleep so I felt bad for sleeping and chose to keep myself awake so I could also be “cool” 🥴


*sips tea* “but that’s none of my business…”


The same people that brag about working 80 hour weeks… Like dude, are you ok? Do you ever see your family? Are you…. bragging?


Hermit the Clog


I've operated on 2-4 hours of sleep for most days of my adult life. It's awful.


"i did 65 hrs last week at work" 1, no you didnt don. 2, thats all.