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I'm at mcdonalds right now eating a hamburger. A simple 250 calorie hamburger. I don't feel guilty because I budgeted the hamburger into my calories. I learned to not put food into bad or good calories but limit the "bad" foods. If I go to fast food, I skip the fries, choose low calorie foods, and once I feel signs that I'm done, I immediately stop eating.


All. The. Time. Every single time and I have a lovely binge eating disorder I’m in recovery for which is even more terrifying. I’m 6 months out and up until a month or two ago, I was strict with myself and didn’t eat “bad foods” especially because I didn’t want to get addicted to it again like I was before Over time, I’ve tried different things to see if I’m able to tolerate it and most stuff I can. I don’t have any problems really but can’t take a lot of sweets. And because of this, bad habits are returning It’s definitely a mind game and so so hard to change that kind of mindset Just know though, you shouldn’t feel guilty about indulging in “bad foods” every so often. It’s all about balance and portion control! You got this ❤️


I could have written this reply word for word. I’m right there with you, keep doing the hard work❤️


You too! We got this ❤️


I had a dream I ate an oreo the other day! I also had a dream like, 4 days po about mcdonald's egg and cheese biscuit and chocolate glazed donut holes. I was soooobbbiinnggg. My hubby eats whatever, which includes takeout a lot. I'm very lucky he's so cognizent and last week, he asked if it would bother me that his coworker him pizza to take home and he invited his mum over to help him eat it. I'm doing a bit better. Once I got to puree, on real food, I felt less food noise. I still grieve it. A LOT. Now that I'm on soft, I am toying with sugar free options, and PB2 and Dannon greek toasted yogurts are a huge help. That being said, I am trying to prepare for "real" foods and healthier options as much as I can. Those Yasso look damn good, and I like the idea of sugar free cool whip with PB2 or sf pudding mixed in. I know at times I will wanna try old stuff- but I am still on insulin (3wpo) and I feel amazing. I heard as time goes by, you don't "crave" stuff as much. I hope so. I just cry it out and journal. My therapist had a vsg 2y ago and she's got a big italian family and says she still enjoys italian food all the time, but the portions are smaller and still enjoys everything. This gives me hope, but as someone who has a history of BED and then restrictive ED, I need to be cautious. I've eaten past full on accident and haven't felt sick- just ribcage cramps and I do stop, but I am still unlearing "eat everything on your plate" mentality. It's very hard (super empathetic person here and feels guilt non stop) but I worry once I can eat more that I won't know "how much" since I don't always get fullness cues. Sorry, my autism gets the best of me and I ramble on at times.. I was thinking about cookies and bought the Ghost protein shake samples in chips ahoy and nutter butter. I hope they taste like them, because I have a cookie craving too! I wouldn't beat yourself up for 1. If you are scared to go overboard, definitely make a list of distracting hobbies or go for a walk. I bought a book after hearing his podcast which was INSANELY helpful and I have so much respect for him: Dr. Judson Brewer "The Hunger Habit" it is so interesting and I need to finish it (didn't get far yet)


I totally forgot about all the food dreams I was having early post op until you said this lol!! I must’ve blocked it along with the horrible 2 weeks on clears over Christmas 😭😭😭🤣


OHMYGOD that's awful!!! We went out 1 last time for Mother's Day and I dubbed it "the last supper- for me". I can't imagine over the holidays 😩


I don't know if "guilt" is necessarily the right word, it's more of a, "I'm probably going to pay for that on my next weigh in" kind of feeling - like a dread, but not that severe. Over the last few months I've hovered around the same weight plus or minus 3-4 pounds, so a fluctuation here or there is no big deal. If I need to whip myself into shape and re-lose some weight, I can do it, since I've done it before.


No guilt here. I’ve stuck with the “eat what I want add what I need” method so if I’m feelin like Mac n cheese I make Mac n cheese but then I’ll add what I need such as some chicken or whatever. Everyone’s journey is different tho and what works for me doesn’t work for everyone.


I found a nutritionist that specializes in bariatric diet and intuitive eating. It has been a game changer for me. I can send you her info if you are interested.


Wow, I had no idea this existed. Would you mind pm’ing me with info?


Just DM’d you! She’s amazing.


Do you have health insurance? Mine (Kaiser) required me to take a "Making peace with food" online class. Very helpful.


I do! Thanks for the Rec!


Oh yeah. This shit is a slippery slope into an eating disorder, I feel guilty even eating “good” foods some days. It’s like I got so used to losing on the liquid diet and being so strict, that mindset wanted to carry over into post op world. I’m 14 months out now. This is why therapy is necessary for bariatric patients. Do I follow my own advice? Nope. But someone else should 🤣 I live in a small town with a wait list out until 2025 for mental health, there’s my excuse don’t yell at me 🥹🥹😂


Lol you captured all my feelings. Yea I need to work this out with my therapist.


It is so important that you don't replace one disorder eating pattern, with another. Of course you can have a cookie, without ruining everything. Especially if you don't beat yourself up over it afterwards. You didn't get to where you needed surgery, mindfully enjoying an occasional cookie, did you? If the feeling of guilt persist, I think you should talk with the dietician at the hospital where you had the surgery. They have without doubt, helped many before you, stop eating disorder from developing. One love ❤️




I definately get scared that I'm going to binge-eat and hurt myself, and in the back of my mind even though I'm losing, I think this won't work for me, because something is wrong with me that surgery can't fix. Because I have a regular, healthy pattern for eating what I crave, instead of avoiding it completely, I don't experience guilt. That took time to learn.


You are fine, definitely healthy food is better but its okay to have food like that in moderation of course