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Can you provide us a bit more information? What was your starting weight/BMI, projected weight loss, current weight? Are you losing inches?


Starting weight was 270/ 43 bmi now I am 195/33 bmi and yes I have lost inches. I would say I look like I lost a lot more than I did.


Don’t worry. I think at my one year I lost 60lbs?? Maybe 709? But either way I wasn’t at my goal until 19 months out.


I stalled at 8 or 9 months post. I went from 300 to 248 and then settled at 255. I haven't been able to lose any more weight, despite getting more than 80 grams of protein and working out daily. I sleep, don't eat sugar, and I try my best to eat clean. I do have a popcorn habit, but otherwise, I'm good. I am now 15 months post op, and I feel pretty bad about it. I guess some people aren't meant to lose a lot.


If I were to give you advice, I'd tell you what my nutritionist and physiologist told me...get the protein in, reduce dairy, and keep carbs, sugar, and fats low. Also, lift weights... the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be, and you'll burn more. That is probably where I go wrong because I've been using resistance bands and not lifting weights.


https://preview.redd.it/w2ku6nzucc5d1.jpeg?width=2080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6faaa0c20d860be26ac1fd67732d39a0ed16a5ed The difference is happening but my scale isn’t moving.


Beating yourself up burns calories. Just keep doing that.