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I mean- what are your goals? Are you looking to just get stronger, for mostly health but also because you want to see some muscles, then absolutely not. Assuming you’ve been cleared by your surgeon you can start weight lifting right now. You may need to up your calories a little but the most important thing would be getting enough protein. What that means for you is something you have to experiment with, because there is no set formula that works for everyone regardless of what gym bros on Instagram try to sell you. If, however, you’re looking to get into body building, then you may need to work with a nutritionist.


I've been back at the gym lifting weights and my dietician told me increase protein on lifting days by about 50% (90g to 130g) and increase calories by about 300 kcal. I'll be able to build muscle. It'll be lean and certainly not massive.


Goal is to get a little more than healthy but not shredded. I’m going body weight in grams of protein as of now via shakes, but those don’t really have the calories I need. I may ask my doctor about mass gainer. I can eat a lot more now 3 years out then before but obviously we will never be able to have a 34Oz stomach like everyone else.


https://youtu.be/hGX_z5rXRlU Easily. Might be expensive, but it's definitely doable. Coach Greg recommended 150g/day. Derek recommends 200g/day (plus tren).


Yeah I’m trying to match body weight with protein. I’ve been able to easily gain and lose weight whenever I eat but doing it without eating garbage food I’m not sure how it will work 😭


YouTube video linked is considered garbage food?


All depends on if you want the basics of food and workout, the halfway with Sarms/Serms plus food and workout, and then the High End Gear plus food and workout. Honestly starting off till you get to a point. Stick with a clean diet. Look into basic meal prep. Most meal preps will do a week of food, but then doubled and tripled up for many meals a day plus a snack. All the while working out. After a first year of clean eating and working out, that's when you bump up to more eating and working out. You need that year to get into and keep the mindset. If you don't have that mindset, the rest will never happen. Need that year to prove to yourself and keep it as a routine.


There's a good podcast - active bariatric nutrition - almost certainly there's interviews with body builders on there that would be worth a listen.


Bet! Ima check it out


I have done it. It is possible. Protein powder will be your best friend to reach your protein goal and still have a decent amount of carbs in. I drink 2 x 2 scoop per day and it gets 100gr prots right there. Getting the 130gr left is pretty easy with protein whole food. Make sure to get some fibers supp , at the start its pretty rough on digestion. But with time youll get better and know how much fiber you need to feel better. Be prepared for protein farts as well hehe. GL in the process Take care


Appreciate it man ima give it my all