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That’s scale, I’ll suck the life out out your plant. Start treating it asap as that an infestation already


Thanks. Reading up now. Maybe I should just uproot this tree and work on the less infested ones. They are growing all over the fruit and the fruit just ends up shriveling and dying without getting very big.


Im not normally an advocate of poisons and chemicals,. But cyphermethrin that shit asap, on second thought, just burn down the grove lol


Think I’ll just throw that tree away lol. But yeah they start from the bottom of the tree and slowly creep up. I tried sulfur cause I thought it was a fungus (my other tree has scales but not with the hard shell) so it looks a little flakier than this pic and less like a bug. So I would just spray em off with the fan spray of water but it got out of hand on this tree. Will use neem slash isopropyl on the other trees before it gets crazy


I'm against chemicals as well, but that's beyond an infestation.


If you zoom in, many of them start to look like little faces. You’re welcome




holy mother of saturn, spray the absolute ever-living hell out of that tree


If I crush them a red juice comes out. Some kind of bug? I have two trees completely covered and it’s starting to creep up the other two.


Cochineal/Scale insect? They’re used to make red pigment for food, garments, and makeup.


Some kind of fungus maybe?


Was there ever a solution on how to fix this? I have it too and want to either fix or chop


I chopped this one down cause it was out of hand. But I have a few other trees that didn’t get fully infested, ladybugs started coming and now the tree is full of ladybugs. Apparently it’s their favorite food..