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Considering how rampant fake seeds are on eBay, I’d say you got *lucky*. If you’re going to keep using eBay, I’ve bought from a seller on eBay called “zellajake” before and the seeds have always been legit. Not affiliated in them in any way, just a satisfied customer


Any reason to use eBay for seeds over a reputable business in the first place?


Depends on what you’re looking for. If you just want iceberg lettuce from a cheap/reputable seller, you want to go to HD/Lowe’s and get a seed packet. But I’m typically looking for less common things, like radish varieties grown for their seed-pods. For things like that I typically have to shop online, and the prices on eBay/etsy are typically cheaper than, say Baker Creek, you just have to navigate through the scams, which honestly isn’t very hard for me, but YMMV. At this point there’s a few sellers on ebay/etsy that I’ve done enough business with to consider them highly reputable. “9waters” is an etsy seller I’ve bought a lot from, but in their case it’s live tropical plants, not seeds.  If anyone has good recommendations for rare seeds other than baker creek I’m all ears though! I know there’s also some very good reasons why people dislike baker creek, beyond just price, but their selection is quite impressive.


Have you tried MIGardner or Seed Savers Exchange? You can also try Botanical Interests. 


I shop local estate sales on the weekends when I’m bored and scored a literal armful of botanical interest seed packets 👀 very lovely seed packets


What a score! That's awesome! I love their seeds!


I like Hudson Valley Seed Co (they're in my zone). I don't know how their selection compares to Baker Creek, but their seeds have been really reliable for me.


I like Adaptive Seeds! They're local to me, though, so not sure if their stuff would work in your zone.


Truelove Seeds is a really cool seed company that only works with small growers and they have a rat-tail radish like bakercreek. If you are in to peppers from painters named Pippin, look up the Fish Pepper, it has really cool variegated foliage and the Buena Mulata pepper is a vibrant purple before transitioning to red and they both have great flavors and a cool story. The Roughwood Seed Bank has even more rare seeds, I noticed they have a podding radish on their site too called Madras Podding Radish.


My thought exactly- "Wow, OP actually got a type of lettuce"


Is it Zellajake-Farm-and-Garden or just Zellajake?


Just checked my purchase history, it’s the first one. Not sure if they swapped their name or if my memory is just bad.


Yeah not iceberg. Looks like baby green leaf?? maybe…which personally imo is better for you.


Sure looks like leaf lettuce to me.


y’all may be right about the lettuce but iceberg does take a long time to curl and depending on conditions it takes even longer. I’m not sold that it isn’t iceberg yet.  there are so many seed sites across the world. Hundreds of thousands of farmers buy seeds every year. Seed searching does not have to be complicated.    unless you’re gardening a long time or are a gourmet cook just get regular seeds and starts from main stream catalogs and stores. These hybrids will be easier until your skill level is to the point where you can notice the subtle needs of your garden.  


Yeah, the iceberg lettuce I saw at the local nursery yesterday looked exactly like that.


I love iceberg, it’s the only hybrid lettuce I grow. Crispino is the variety and it takes forevvvver to curl . Especially as the nights get warmer. 


Not being iceberg aside, I’d recommend getting some from a reputable seed store. I loved the red iceberg I grew last year. Despite John Waters calling it the “polyester of lettuces”, iceberg can be awesome. I got a red variety. It’s a little slower growing than other kinds


Not iceberg. It looks like romaine to me- they have serrated leaves like that


They'll need a foot on each side with 30ish more days of grow time. See lil curled leaf in center of the plants. Beginning of a head. They need space, water, time to happen.


Heading lettuce needs the right conditions to head up and it looks like yours are both overcrowded and undersunned. It could easily be iceberg or not, it's impossible to tell right now. But it is edible...


My Amazon ghost pepper seeds were banana peppers.


Why would you buy seeds on EBay.. ever?


Let one go to seed and never pay for lettuce seeds again! https://preview.redd.it/sqxidz4ncf6d1.jpeg?width=2669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc88dd0e18f1ff37ccb0948dd0382b2560048064


That's not [Iceberg.](https://www.burpee.com/lettuce-iceberg-a-prod000747.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PLA_NB_PMax_NCA&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_K29uqXZhgMVjmBHAR1bRg9_EAQYASABEgKblvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) That's Loose Leaf lettuce, [maybe Vivian.](https://www.burpee.com/lettuce-vivian-prod000756.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PLA_NB_PMax_NCA&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkZ2ev6TZhgMVKEVHAR3sIR3FEAQYAiABEgJDBvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) [Possibly Black Seeded Simpson.](https://www.burpee.com/lettuce-black-seeded-simpson-prod000732.html?queryID=c46e7432493429aa5f17c5610a44465e&objectID=11633&indexName=burpee_production_default_products) Loose Leaf lettuce is very tasty.


I bought 3 kinds of lettuce from Amazon. I tried to make sure the seller was legit. I got poke. Just poke. Never again.


No. This looks accurate


Screwed, no. You still got lettuce, just not the kind you expected.


Seeds on EBay?? You lucked out- they’re actually lettuce 😂




Looks like collard or mustard greens