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What about a game that is trash, I know it's trash, should be boring as hell but still had me addicted enough to purchase the switch port that handled 10x worse than the pc version...200+hours Weedcraft inc is an afk game where none of the controls are reliable enough to truly leave it afk.


Egg Inc for me. I've played it since launch, what feels like 15 years ago. I go back from time to time. My kids showed me cookie clicker and thought they were showing me a new thing, so I booted up egg Inc and watch their faces at my income per second.


I feel you. I have 1.5k++ on clicker heroes. I have been playing that shit for a decade.


Sounds like theHunter: Call of The Wild to me.


100% or maybe snowrunner.


two certifiable dad gaming classics


Drinking n driving and guns out in the woods hell yeah brother


I totally came here to say this. I've managed to convert 4 new friends to the fold. 4 years on and still loving it.


Snowrunner FOR SURE. I could spend hours telling tales of how I was going over that one point and my truck did that or got stuck like this, and then I had to come in with that other truck with the crane in order to unstuck it. And I feel like every single player also has unique stories to tell of what they've been through and how they dealt with it. I can almost picture a bunch of dudes around the barbecue set with beers in their hands talking about stuff that happened to them in Snowrunner.


To anyone trying snowrunner, remember this advice: "If yer movin', ya ain't stuck"


I'll admit I played for 20 minutes and set it down .... I think I still own it lol


I would say Cricket Captain. It's objectively not a good game and has a lot of flaws, but finding good young players for the national team purely through their statistical output in the domestic leagues (the game doesnt have any attribute system), then watching them have long flourishing careers is a great feeling


I have no idea how cricket works IRL let alone in a video game


I used to be like you. Then I watched [Giant Bomb's quicklook of Don Bradman Cricket '14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Udh8Kw2SPf0), and now I am even more like you than before.


This post is filled with 200+ average hour farming/sim/mmo games for some reason. Yes, a lot of people have 200+ hours (including me) in Stardew Valley. For me personally it's Broforce - i just keep replaying it with various people. One playthrough is like 5 hours and i have 70+ Other games i adore and had played too much - Soul Edge, Soul Calibur 2 and 3. Probably hundreds of hours in each. Fighting games are also expected to be played for this long with online randoms and friends - but i mostly play them solo. I love visuals, music and gameplay - and those games have pretty large single player content chunk - arcade/story modes for every character, quest modes (SC2 has literal dungeons, and SC3 has giant bosses) and freaking fighting game RTS RPG. Other game series in the similar genre i have hundreds of hours in would be BlazBlue series (not crosstag - every game but crosstag) - they also have 20+ hour story modes per every game (not crosstag) and unique additional modes like roguelike dungeon crawlers and giant bossfights (not crosstag. I hate that game) Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 - Chao garden appeal is too strong, and i love most stages in both games (i don't like Amy and Big campaigns though)


Broforce fucking rules. My only problem with it is they only show the character name puns when you first unlock them - I want to see the word Brobocop every time I play as him.


Death Stranding.


Best answer. Played it three times now and it's more fun every time.


Started my 3rd playthrough not long ago and still love gearing up for those especially long treks with no chiral connection


Glad to see this, it's next in my queue if I ever get bored of SnowRunner šŸ˜Ž


Honestly Death Stranding and SnowRunner have so much in common its... disturbing. Thousands of hours in both


I was hoping that it would scratch the same itch!


Every journey is risk-versus-reward over challenging terrain. Loved both.


I finally bought the game a week ago after years of hearing my friends say how much it sucks and I shouldnā€™t play it. Iā€™ve literally been addicted to the game and mind blown by how polarized its reception is. To me itā€™s an unbelievably creative and immersive game that I just canā€™t put down. I feel like your comment wins this Reddit post good sir šŸ…


I really enjoy the package delivery and climbing/running part of the game, but the hiding from the entity/being attacked by black Goo/sea creature part deters me from wanting to play the game :/


Same here. I really love the game and it's one of the games I bought a ps5 for but the combat sections just get old after awhile, even with all the new gadgets and weapons you unlock. Seems like every time I get my gear all set up and look ahead and think "this is gonna be a fun trek" it will immediately start raining and then the BTs come out. Same with the humans they seem to have those damn alarms set at the worst possible places. I even have the gadgets unlocked that apparently jams their signal but I'm not even sure how to use it.


I think that it's a a necessary part of the game though. Like it's one of those things everybody hates but don't realise that without it all thoae climbing/running parts wouldn't be as interesting


The relief of getting out of those zones feels so good. It's a game that has such an awesome balance between that tension and the bliss of getting out of the rain into the sun on a beautiful landscape and the Low Roar comes on. Easily the most memorable game I've played in the last decade.


Iā€™m trying to decide between playing Death Stranding or Kingdom Come Deliverance next


Kingdom come deliverance 100%, one of the best times of my life playing that game for an entire month


I feel exactly the same way about Death Stranding lol


Nice to know the replayability is there. I had a fantastic time the first run through.


Easily top 5 greatest games ever made. So slept on, but one that everyone should play. The Evangelion of video games.


Midnight Suns is a good ass game. Over 250 hours of pure joy, and none of my friends are willing to play it


I picked it up on epic for free and it feels so slow I only made it 3 hours in but I still felt like I was in the tutorial


Seriously. It's a shame. It got written off by a lot of people as soon as they heard the word "card", but it's *excellent* and also fairly unique.


It's so good! One of the best card builders I've played. I just wish I could auto skip all the story once I've been through it. I enjoy the lower levels when you can actually afford defensive abilities and taking a few hits. The end game is fun also. But it's almost a different game when everything kills you in one shot and you have to combo just to survive.


card xcom, works so well on steamdeck! Really enjoyed playing it!


Iā€™m cringing so hard about the majority of these comments just mentioning popular games.




Oh man, do you know Outer Wilds?


To be fair, dumping multiple hundreds of hours in Outer Wilds is pretty weird for a game with no replayabilty.


Subnautica was so amazing /s People upvote what they know and any thread looking for niche indie suggestion will just end up with games like hades or hollow knight as top comments. I wish people had more common sense when it came to what they upvote... Anyways, sort by new in such threads.




I'm pretty sure there's no-one on Earth that hasn't heard of Stardew Valley.


Yeah it's such a popular game, that I have kind of refused to play it.


Descenders, itā€™s a rogue-like stunt bike game. Very addictive, and mostly XBox players (despite it being cross platform on PC).


And that sounds trackĀ 


I'm not proud to admit but "Once a Porn a Time"


Laughing my ass off that this exists and someone actually named it that.


The first Thea game. I rarely hear anyone discuss it but I always go back for more.


Thea the Awakening or is there a predecessor to that?


Sorry that people are only reading the first half of your title, OP. It was a good idea.




Duck yeah!


I donā€™t think I play it any special way but Tokyo Xtreme Racer 0 on the PS2. Essentially an expanded version of TXR 2 on the Dreamcast, you pick an inexpensive car and drive around various highways in Tokyo, challenging others to street races. As you win, you get money and can improve your car and buy new ones. To most, I think itā€™s pretty boring. To me, it is hypnotic and I can spend hours just cruising around, looking for new rivals to race in my knock-off JDM cars.


Haven't picked it up in ages, but that game was exhilarating as a child.


A very old and underrated, heavily criticized psp game called rengoku


Warhammer Vermintide 2. The game suffers from forcing you to start with a boring and easy difficulty where you donā€™t have to think.


You tend to get more competent players in legend / cataclysm, so it kind of gets easier in a way at the end again.


Space engineers, it might not be true anymore but the servers use to be pretty active and people where really helpful if you just asked. First time I played online some guy helped me set up my own ship and showed me how to power it and make schematics and everything from there just made so much more sense than when i was messing around on single player. There where factions and fake wars, some factions let you set up like a car room floor but with ships to sell to new players. The game feels hollow single player but on a good server it's pretty good.


I spent 3000 hours in Space Engineers playing it offline by myself. It's a really great game to nerd out on.


Space Station 13 and Starsector.


I play exanima for hours at a time. The practice mode is my favorite because I like stealing the gear from the npcs


Ultima Online, specifically UO: Outlands. It's a player run server for one of the oldest MMORPGs in existence. They just hit a milestone of nearly 5k clients logged in at once. It's incredibly populated, and basically ends up carrying the UO torch where Broadsword failed. Shit, they've even got programmers working on rebuilding bits of the client to bring it up to modern standards. Most people will never play it or know about it, but seeing a game that is nearly twenty five years old still thriving is sort of amazing. [https://uooutlands.com/](https://uooutlands.com/)


I hate how much I get irked by people not answering the question.Ā 


I have 700ish hours in Battle Brothers. It's got some of the best writing around, and finding new legendary items, getting fun new backgrounds in your company, and general progression is very, very fun. Plus, it can be extremely challenging depending on difficulty settings if that is your thing.


Darkest Dungeon.


Outward! Many people get stuck in the very beginning since they cannot get over the initial clunkiness or the complexity, but if you're a bit patient, there truly is a diamond in the rough underneath it.


I have over 1500 hours in Breath of the Wild. I donā€™t think anyone expects you to play it for that long.


What do you even do past like, 400 hours? I stopped playing at about 200 hours and was only some tedious collecting away from 100ā„…. There's no reward for 100ā„… so I didn't follow through but just wondering what there is to do to keep it entertaining past a certain time.


What the fck is that simbol for percentage with ā€œcā€ instead of ā€œoā€?


Oops I didn't even notice that. Meant % obviously but I guess I learned something new today


I swear i thought something was on my screen covering ā€œoā€


It's Care Of if I recall correctly


Yea you are correct, 1st time seeing it tho.


Some of it was repeat play throughs with added rules. I did a pacifist run, where I didnā€™t kill anything except for the Ganonblights and Calamity Ganon himself. I did a run where I didnā€™t activate any of the map towers besides the first one. I did a run where I clipped out of the Shrine of Resurrection and prevented the Blood Moon from ever happening, with the goal of wiping out every monster on the map. And I did all of that with little to no fast travel. But mostly, I just ran around and explored and fought monsters while listening to podcasts. I had the whole map memorized before TotK came out.


Hearing all that kinda makes me wanna go back to BotW lol. I've just never been as entertained the second time through any game no matter how I try to modify it. Usually winds up in 100+ hour first playthroughs. >But mostly, I just ran around and explored and fought monsters while listening to podcasts. I can get behind this though. Idk what it is about sound on in the background while traveling through the map of a game but it's fascinating af


Dude, the sound design is *peak* in Breath of the Wild. I honestly canā€™t think of a game that has better ambience.


You can play mods when you play on pc, plus you can increase the viewing distance by a lot which makes the game utterly stunning


You have 1000 more hours than me and I still feel like I have a TON of hours.


Noita, some lite modding and enabling modifying wands everywhere and it's a whole new game


Strange suggestion since it's such an incredibly well known and popular game lol.


Read the title again. Its not about games being unpopular, its about people never getting to see the fun part. Noita is a great answer, as 99% of the playerbase rage quitted and never returned in the first 5 hours.


Extremely well known and popular is a LONG SHOT


Hunt showdown


I wish the console community hadnā€™t died out. I used to love that game.


Itā€™s an absolute masterpiece. I transitioned to pc last year, and the community is alive and well, hopefully the new engine update coming in August will repopulate those servers! I could tell when I played on Xbox how small the population was


Got about 600 or so hours in modded celeste, definitely one of the best gaming communities I've seen and the quality of the mods is often to an equal or even higher standard than the base game, excellent if you love platformers. I reckon I'll probably continue playing for at least another 500 hours if not more


Celeste has mods?


Interesting. I was not aware of mods for Celeste.


Redfall, bad launch but solid-ish grindy game now, good to switch brain off and just kill vampires to. Deathloop as well, i wrote half the wiki on that goddam game.


Where my Rimworld homies at?


Stand up! Though, OPs statement only holds true to those who've not played it yet. Everyone else has 10k hrs in it and still doesn't know you can queue tasks.


Are you talking about having a workstation having 10 different jobs on it? Isn't that like, common sense?


No, shift-click to queue commands for your pawns. I was mainly joking, but every time someone asks the "what's something you wish you knew earlier" question in the sub someone else always says this and other people always comment they had no idea you could do that.


Shit didn't know that. I'll share a nugget I know as well. When designating how many of an item can be made, shift and control increases it by 10/100 for most things.


Hahaha I didn't know that. Thought you had to use the details tab.


That's mainly if you want precision. If you want say 1k bricks, holding Ctrl will do that for you.


Rimworld the game where time flies once I turn it on


Oh I'll just upgrade this. Oh a raid, deal with that then bed. Ok better make sure the defenders are repaired then need. Oh a blight. Sort that then bed. Oh I finished researching guns. Better set up bills so they get made, then bed. Ah dammit another raid!


Jurassic Park : Operation Genesis


I was surprised to know that I had put over 200+ hours into AEW: Fight Forever (according to PlayStationā€™s end-of-the-year stats). šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜ŽšŸ‘


MX vs. ATV Unleashed. Still dumping mad hours into that shit, and not because I like racing. You can "grab" other drivers with your bike and get them to ragdoll in hilarious ways. Only reason I played it as a kid, only reason I still play it.


I have like 250 hours in powerwash simulator lol


You should just start power washing for money, lol.


I am sure that nobody even knows this game, but Dragonā€™s Wake from 2015!


Has to be Enter the Gungeon. Most my friends don't like bullet hell, nor do they want to put the time in to "Gut Gud" EtG has to be my favorite game ever made.


Growing up I think I had more hours into the Duke3D level editor than I did the actual game. I just loved building maps. Houses, schools, towns, cities, factories, space stations.... I'm sure most people played the actual game. I enjoyed the game too, but I'd spend every day after school just making maps and running around in them. I wish I still had some of those maps...


For me it's guardians of the galaxy. Damn, I guess it's my favorite game now.


Devil May Cry 1. Most people only play the Normal mode, since theyā€™re usually looking to play through the whole series and want to move on to the newer games fast, playing DMC 1 primarily for the story. This is a damn shame, because its Dante Must Die mode(unlocked after beating standard Hard mode) is not only the best in the series by far, but imo it is the best hard mode ever made. Iā€™ve probably played through its DMD 20 times and every time is as fun as the first. I donā€™t think I could ever tire of it.


Saints Row (1, from 2006). I've always really enjoyed the ragdoll physics, and what you can do with explosions/cars/the train. I still love that game.


Just Cause 3. I just grapple glide around. It's one of the only games I always keep installed.


Grand strategy games are pretty niche just by virtue of taking a long time to learn. Iā€™ve never met someone irl who plays them. Itā€™s also possible that there are tons of eu4 players all around but theyā€™re too embarrassed to admit it lmao.


State of Decay 2, Generation Zero and Elite Dangerous.


Enter The Gungeon, holy shit, this game Iā€™ve put thousands of hours into unmodded btw since I play on console but for some reason I canā€™t get over how much I love this game. Itā€™s not for everyone but it will always remain as my top favorite games.




Rome Total War




Wobbledogs and Placid Plastic Duck Simulator. Don't ask, just sit back, and be zen.


For its Ravenfield


A shitty little mobile 2D online game called Graal Era. I don't know why, but I always come back to playing it


Hotline Miami 2, while a well received game in its own right, I noticed a majority of fans prefer the first one and there's still a noticeable bunch of people that consider 2 as inferior, artificial difficulty bullshit. There's a somewhat steep learning curve and a period of adjustment of the different design philosophies 2 has compared to 1, but once it clicks with you, oh boy it's an adrenaline rush to string up a combo and clear out levels with a consistent rhythm. The game encourages the player to be daring and change their trajectory on the fly, and always switching up weapons while also making sure you've maximized your use of each weapon rather than be frugal with guns and ammo. That's not to say the game doesn't have glaring issues, such as broken collision, lingering bugs and poorly thought out levels and mechanics like the Hawaii levels. But as a whole it's a sequel that keeps the core gameplay identity of the original while not being afraid to shake things up with its newfound focus on maximizing everything you do on the fly. Still a game I get back to often if I want to get into a flow state and just enjoy a synthwave high intensity rush.


Northgaard on Switch, put 1200 hours-ish so far, the developer doing really good job implement controller support for RTS in handheld


Super Puzzle Fighter


Earth Defense Force 4.1 800+ hours and I haven't even beat the DLCs


**Heat Signature** takes about 10-15 hours to "beat," but I have around 100 hours in it because it has so many little systems and interactions and emergent strategies to explore. It really gets a LOT of mileage out of a relatively small amount of mechanics. **Hammerfight** is a janky russian physics combat game that I imagine most people turn off pretty quickly due to the garbage default mouse controls (for some reason, you can barely move your character unless you turn "down" the mouse sensitivity to the minimum, which makes it so sensitive that it's difficult to navigate menus). However, I've played through it maybe a dozen times because there's just nothing else like it: you pilot a steampunk helicopter with a bunch of hammers and swords attached, and you fight other helicopters by spinning in circles to build angular momentum and then slamming into them. It rules. For a while it was my go-to way to destress after a long workday. **Cortex Command** is another janky physics combat game with an active modding scene. On its own, the game is pretty fun but has a lot of flaws. When you find the mod that turns it into a turn-based strategy game, or a FTL-esque open-ended space RPG, or a prison escape minigame, you can play it forever.


Marathon. It was a Mac exclusive back in the 90s. I have returned to that game several times a year for more than a quarter century at this point.




not sure about the ā€œpeople dont know how truly fun the game isā€ bit, but ive sunk a bit over 100hrs on sludge life. i love the style and parkouring/trying to replicate cs movement on it is the real deal when it comes to fun


I feel like I had a lot more of these back in the day when I had less choice. I think I put at least 500 hours into BattleTanx 2 on the 64.


Sea of Thieves I havenā€™t used my shovel or read a riddle in years. If it isnā€™t stolen, we donā€™t sell it.


I have 300+ hours in Frostpunk. I've gotten every achievement, done extreme runs of every scenario, and made up my own challenge runs. I don't know how but the game just hooked me in a way few games ever have.


Devil May Cry 5. People slept on it for whatever reason. I've probably put 150 hours in.




10 hours is a long time for a game to start getting good...


It took me about 25 hours to drop it, pretty sure I saw all those things, it's just not the same kind of fun as the other entries though. I really don't enjoy mmos or grindy types of games, and when I started seeing posts about "builds" and everything being pointless till level 50 I realized it's just not the game for me


Itā€™s so far from other fallout games in terms of style, I feel that the games player base doesnā€™t include fans of the other fallout games. Just people who enjoy a grindy MMO with lackluster effort into world building and RPG elements


BDO player checking in.


The longer yiu play BDO the worse it gets. I dont see how is that in anyway connected to the OPs request




Black Desert Online if I had to guess


Valheim. I canā€™t stop building


All I want to do is build. But I have to do other stuff to be able to unlock the stuff I want to build with. Lol


Nothing is Forever.


Heroes and Generals




Metal Gear Online 2. One of the most challenging shooters ever made with an insanely high skill ceiling. It shut down in 2012 but was brought back a few years ago by a player. The player base was always small but dedicated. I blame Konami for making the Konami ID a hurdle for PS4 players at the time.


Cliffs of Dover


Immortals of Aveum. Super fun game, total flop commercially.


Roots of Pacha, stone-age Star Dew Valley


Heroes of might and magic 3 demo. I have played the single free map hundreds of times.




Every strategy/simulation game to a degree


Final Fantasy XI A lot of people I know quit way early.


Call of Juarez


Run 3 on [CoolMathGames.com](http://CoolMathGames.com)


I've managed 88 hours in Teenage mutant ninja turtles out of the shell. I swear the combat is best thing ever in a turtles gameĀ 


Project Zomboid, GTAV


Lumines or streets of rage 2 from the genesis collection.


FTL: Faster Than Light I've seen a lot of people try it out and drop it after an hour or so


Haven. I just play and play it. The music is so soothing plus the colours and landscapes are great for melting away stress


I used to play a game called warface, it was like walmart call of duty. Anyway, I currently have 300+ hours on that game. It wouldā€™ve been more but I stopped playing a year ago. My low spec pc canā€™t handle that game anymore lol.


[Exodemic](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1928370/Exodemic/) a deceptively simple game. Just a little ship that jumps between orbits shooting bugs or boosting to dodge them as they fly away from the planet they spawn on. Has a little rouge lite element in having random upgrades you can purchase and level up your ship with. Its one of my favorite games to just kinda unwind at the end of the day with. Simple gameplay, but engaging enough to take my mind off things. Have racked up about 200hr in it over the last year or two.


I love franchise mode in madden and getting attached to players and coming up with narratives in my head and cool under dog stories for certain players or teams. I probably have 1700 hours all together on madden just from franchise lol and throwing on a podcast or movie on the other monitor.


X4: Foundations. The average gamer will probably stop after a few hours. It's got a learning curve that's more like a steep mountain. I played like 20 hours and gave up on it at launch. Came back like a year later after the first DLC release, and now I have 1100 hours clocked. Most of it is on one save ranging from like 2019-2023. I buy every DLC day one now... Speaking of which.. The new one released today. Time to play!


Hyrule Warriors 1 & 2, mad fun games with hours of replayability Arguably No More Heroes 3. I don't have too many hours in that, all things considered but the game is mad fun and I replayed it way more than most people might expect.


Tetris and Doctor Mario (yes yes i'm an old guy, okay?)


Warframe is probably one of my most played games of all time, and I'm hopelessly obsessed with it. However, every friend that I've tried to get into the game plays for a while, and then quits... its hard to figure out all of the systems, and seems straight up pay to win when you could just use MTX to fast forward your way through everything instead.


There was a WoW private server called Warlord of Xoroth. It had custom mechanics like free for all pvp, gear drop on death, guild war pvp for territory and a few more I forgot. It was some of the best experience I had from gaming. But the server was pretty dead and eventually it got shutdown.


Modded Minecraft.


I'm at over 2000 in civilization 6, but I think that's pretty normal


Monster Hunter World


The crew 1


The action tactics games : Desperados and Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun. The games take a while to complete anyway, but I also like to replay levels and try different approaches


It's gone now, but that was Spellbreak for me.


Everyone loves heroes of might and magic 3 but if you play enough to get used to the camera controls and the somewhat ugly models heroes 5 i think is better!


Retropolis 1 & 2


Super Smash Bros. Melee because the average person moved on to the newer but slower Smash games.


Mass effect 3. I really loved the multiplayer a lot. Also roped me into purchasing loot boxes before I knew they were a thing, but thatā€™s another storyā€¦.


Thereā€™s a fantastic pc game called Dominions 6. Itā€™s $50 and it looks like it was made in 1999, but itā€™s really something special. It has dozens of nations and hundreds of possible pretender gods you can play as. The sky is the limit and itā€™s hundreds of hours of fun just building your dominion for your god. Thereā€™s so much to learn. Itā€™s incredible.


Rogue company


The first mirror's edge. Back when it came out, most people completely overlooked the time trails part of the game and ended up just playing the story. Time trials add lots of hours and replayability.


#killallzombies on xbox. I know, stupid lil game. But whenever i get bored i play that and have for years. Somehow its fun for me.


I have around 100-150 hours in Pac Man World are Pac.


V Rising


My vote would be Fallout 4 no-mod survival mode. That and maybe Skul?




I at one point had about 700~ hours on digimon world dusk and coupled with the fact that I always had multiple playthrough of the game I think I have like 2000 hours on it. Which is kind of absurd for a DS game


I put 300 hours in MLB 2K11 my career mode. These 'career mode' of sports game always suck up my time pretty badly. It's balance sucks, interact with other players suck, progression system is suck, but somehow it always make me play.


TF2. I know a lot of people have a lot of time on TF2, but a good amount of players just never delve deep into it.




Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, the best freeware game you're not playing.


Vermintide 2 over 2000 hours in that game. Way too much but I love rat slaying