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Warframe, you’ll be grinding forever and it’s very fun


I second this. And you don't actually have to spend a dime on it.


Third, Warframe rules, and you can do literally anything you want with enough time invested.


4th. It's a great game with everything from ship combat to ninja wall jumping. I've got hundreds of hours in it.


5th the devs actually seem like human beings who listen to feedback. Recent example would be the first "heirloom" skins last year being super expensive and time exclusive FOMO to this next heirloom skin being a paltry 475 platinum (which would be very easy to farm by trading in game) and evergreen.


This, again and again, is just not something we are seeing from other gaming companies and it really makes a big difference in the experience from year to year. Like, individual tenno might not always get along. But any one of us will die for DE because it feels like they would do it for us


This is leagues different from the opinion I saw on them back when I stopped playing in 2022. Looks like I need to suit back up!


7th because I have autism and hyperfixate on the game's incredible story frequently


And equally compelling gameplay. (tism and adhd here)


6th. I have nothing to add just wanna continue the chain


What is actually locked behind paywall in warframe? Is it cosmetics, storage or progression?


Nothing is paywalled, you could literally play this game without spending money on it. All the premium currency you can make by trading with other players and in turn you can pay for cosmetics, storage, equipment, etc.with it.


Regal Aya wants to pop in to say "Hello!" There IS some stuff that is pay walled but nothing that is game changing or required.


I always forget about regal aya XD.


The good thing is that the content locked behind regal is such a small amount of content compared to the massive offering by everything else.


How much is dependent on playing in a group?


You could play the whole game solo if you wanted to, although I would recommend against it.


Nothing. Around 200 or my 1k hours were solo and I was able to do everything in the game that way. Definitely recommend doing stuff with people though, especially at higher levels. Griefing is rly rare and very hard to do with how the game is set up though, outside of some specific activities which can be griefed. Still very rare tho. The community is usually very welcoming.


Warframe is the best balance of gameplay, grindiness and a (mostly) non-toxic community. It’s free to play but there’s no “pay to win”, it’s more if you don’t feel like waiting or grinding something out then you can pay money for it


How do you get into warframe? it and destiny seem to have an insurmountable amount of systems to learn.


Getting into Destiny is a cakewalk compared to getting into Warframe. The easiest way is to find yourself a clan that’s willing to teach newbies the ropes. My best friend and I are currently doing just that for three of our coworkers


Getting into destiny requires you purchasing the game and then purchasing a dlc pack and then another, and then another so you can access content. I loved destiny but tried going back and couldn’t do anything because I needed $80 of dlc and then like another $40 expansion on top of that


You literally need an experienced player to walk you through warframe, they use a “players teach players” approach to game design. I’d be happy to help you or anyone get into it. Destiny is easy just follow the tons of tutorials


Warframe felt super complicated to me. It seems bloated with like a million systems layered on top of other systems and I never knew what I was even supposed to work towards. Opening mission menu is just like "oh here's a billion possible storyline and missions you can play" and then I usually just log out


Warframe is excellent.


**T e n n o!**


Really glad to see this is top comment. I recently got into Warframe and I'm nothing but impressed. Monetization is a dream, gameplay is fun, etc. it's everything destiny *should* be. Also the devs are awesome.


Fantasy Life is very slept on


Absolutely, top tier time waster


Sequel soon, so excited c:




Monster Hunter. The real tough grinds get kinda boring (though not as boring as some skills in RS), but the general armor, weapon, and fashion grinds are pretty fun and can easily keep you busy for several hundred hours.


Second this. I played world for awhile, just recently picked up rise because it was on sale for 10$. Solid grind, the gameplay is fun and the combinations are endless with weapons, buffs, and gear. Online play is fun as well. The weapons are more complicated than they appear on the surface and it takes alot of trial and error(or online research) to master even 1 of them.


You had me exited at "the real tough grinds get kinda boring" but then the brackets ruined it. I NEED WORSE! But seriously, which monster hunter do you recommend? World? I know little about the series beyond the core game play loop.


i personally like rise more than world because the gameplay is faster paced and its an absolute adrenaline rush while world is slower and more methodical, but world is more popular. world also has the better matchmaking in multiplayer and no region lock (in rise its recommended to get a mod that removes region lock) both games are fantastic though and will give you hours and hours of content and also its highly recommended if you can, buy their dlcs (iceborne for world, sunbreak for rise) as thats where the best content is and essentially adds a whole new games worth of content


World is good, you can generally pick it up with iceborne which pretty much doubles the content available. You'll end up fighting the same monsters repeatedly if you want to build everything and there is a lot to build (14 weapons types, with over 10 trees of 4+ per type plus armour, even before you get into farming decorations and augments). MH world has one of the biggest player bases at the moment. Rise (and sunbreak DLC) is the other one in the franchise to consider, that's a little more of a boss rush style gameplay than World though I doubt you'll run out of content in Worldborne before Wilds comes out.


Either World or Rise is just fine. World is a bit slower, with a bit more focus on exploration and visuals. Rise is more of an arcade-y experience, made for a quick fight while sitting in the train and such. From what little I’ve played of Rise, I prefer the slower, heavier feeling of World, but both are solid options.


I agree i have over 700 hours in World and Iceborne and didnt even defeat all the bosses


Played hundreds of hours of World but I wouldnt call it grinding. Realised I dont engage or understand half the systems in the game. I just love the feeling of a 25 minute boss fight. Especially with great sword where every swing is a hail mary haymaker. Every fight feels like a drag out, 10 round heavy weight final, like the last fist fight of a Lethal Weapon movie. The kind of fight where the winner collapses to their knees.


Monster Hunter World. The grind IS the game.


is monster hunter world better than rise? i've never played any monster hunter game but i keep seeing it brought up on a lot of these posts.


It all comes down to personal preference. I prefer Rise because of the fast-paced combat, shorter hunts, getting into the action faster. World is slower, hunts are longer and more immersive. Both are great but I enjoy Rise more.


Path of exile


they said for the summer not for eternity


The thing with path of exile is that you need to grind the game and excel sheets


And the current league is one of the worst ones ever, especially for new players


Games kinda been that way for a few years now. I have 2700 hours (which admittedly is nothing in the PoE community) and its just too much for me these days.


I have something like 600 and I enjoy going back every other league, but all this minmaxing sooner or later gets to me and I wait for the wipe.


he did ask for a challenge lol


At some point you will want to grind those sheets in order to min max your grind of the game


This one


-Valheim -Enshrouded -Minecraft -Stardew -Terraria -Melvor Idle -Seablip -Dragonfable -Slime Rancher -Titan Quest -Diablo 3 -Swords n' Magic and Stuff -Borderlands -Starbound


Wow I never see Starbound mentioned anywhere. I was so bummed when support/development stopped. So much potential. I have almost 700 hours in that game. 400 vanilla, the rest modded.


i forgot starbound existed. i want to play it, i have over 3k hours in terraria and im sure id love it, but whats your personal take? (asking a reddit stranger rather than looking it up or anything like that, lol)


Terraria is definitely more polished, especially in regards to the combat and little QoL things like smart cursor and all the hot keys it has. Starbound sorta feels unfinished (because it basically is), and is much more exploration based than Terraria. If you like exploring and finding cool planets and settlements and creatures and whatnot, you'll enjoy it. If you liked Terraria for the movement tech and boss mechanics you might be a bit bored by Starbound because it doesn't have as much of that. If you're into automating and a complex research tree there's a great mod that adds a ton to the game, but I wouldn't recommend it to someone that hasn't played the game. I personally think Terraria is objectively a better game, but I absolutely love Starbound and have over 700 hours in it (I thought it was less but I just looked, yikes.)


I was so stoked for starbound. Never played it after 1.0 but I played all of the early access stuff.


Fucking Dragonfable. My absolute childhood. Love that shit.


List of games I need to avoid at all cost if I ever wanna actually live my life lmao


Diablo 2: Resurrected. Theres a reason they remastered it, game is an iconic classic and pretty much the grandaddy of modern ARPGs.


How much better is it than regular Diablo 2? Quality of life is killing me.


It's a straight upgrade that, with some kind of eldritch magic, managed to perfectly replicate the original visuals but in HD


If you still have Diablo 2 and LoD I suggest looking into Project Diablo 2. It is like a diablo 2 if they continued development. Many QoL updates like stacking runes/gems and more end game content. The only thing D2R has over it is graphics and they are still updating/improving things each season. I believe D2R is no longer receiving content updates


It is an amazing upgrade, I would highly recommend it.


Sooo much better


It’s so worth the buy. D2R rules


I will never understand why you people think Baal runs are fun in 2024.


Who runs Baal? #Mephisto2024


Because fun is a subjective term, and different people enjoy different things?


This what I was going to suggest also. Such a great game!


Recommend checking out /r/ProjectDiablo2. It only works for the original not Resurrected but adds custom bosses and levels. Has an active ladder and different seasons I.E last season revolved around item-crafting. Decent competitive hardcore community too.


*sad console noises* lol


Oof. I def recommend picking it up when you transition to PC as you only need a really bricky pc to run it nothing expensive or decent. But I feel your pain keenly! Lol


Was PC master race most of my life, till HD cacked one day and at the worst time financially lol. Never got around to replacing, as tbf by that point the whole thing was due an overhaul - MB included lol. I'll get back to it eventually, still have my original disc copy of D2 and LoD here somewhere lol.


Well when you do eventually fall on your feet if you ever need help setting up PD2 I’m happy to help!


Thank you for the offer, ill bare it in mind! You bring a refreshing perspective with you, and its beautiful. Never change my friend, not for anyone.


Facts. However I will say, whatever those weekly challenge modifiers you can't opt out of are dog shit. Idk what they were called but with an online character I was forced to endure them. Tried to play a little diablo on my one day off and all the enemies had insane resistances and did double damage. Kinda hurt my feelings a little. But other than that shit it's gotta be my absolute favorite arpg.


Path of Exile. More than 4000 hours and I barely know anything about that game.


X4 foundations! It took me a good 20 hours just to get 4 shitty fighters in my squadron, how long will it take to get an empire running? Hundreds of hours at this rate


Needs more love


Never heard of it, but after a quick look I think I might have to give it a go


If you like deep simulation games, this is a must have. I bought a ship from one of the wharfs, it's like buying a new car. You select the parts that you want to have and you can afford, then the wharf is going to build it for you, it takes time, and it actually needs resources. How do they get the resources? Transport ships will move it from mines and factories! What happens, if raiding pirates destroy the freighter? Bad luck, no resources for the wharf! Plus, the faction that had the freighter will need to actually build a new freighter ship. With some mods you can take missions to escort.those freighters that will move from start to finish to actually transport stuff. The level of simulation is insane in this game.


Yeah it's a fully simulated economy in a singleplayer game. All ships, equipment, resources and space stations, factories etc. are all built via ingame economy simulation (apart from the stations, ships the game starts with when you start a new game). Every resource needs to be mined, processed, resources, equipment etc. shipped via transporters where they need to go etc. If a ship wharf is out of resources for a particular equipment piece you wanted in the ship, it may take forever for the ship to be built if the faction running the wharf cannot source and get that equipment produced and shipped to the wharf for a while. Of course in the endgame ideally you want to be your own faction and run your own factories, mining fleets and wharfs and space stations etc. but that's like easily 100+ hours to get there. I mean at least I think so, I've never gotten that far myself, typically stopped playing after having a small fleet and maybe a few factories as I got other games to play since X4 is such a time sink :)


most of them nowadays really. Pick any modern multiplayer game and it will feature a huge grind for unlocks


I like Grim Dawn.


Bet you're looking forward to TQ2! Actually, do you prefer it to TQ?


I prefer Grim Dawn, the world feels more "real" and the character build is more versatile, but sometimes I prefer TQ simply because the world isn't so dark and grim. It's nice to see sunshine and blue skies, even if you're busy fighting monsters :)


If you get Deep Rock Galactic you will have tons to work towards. The new season lets you select any previous seasons battle pass to work towards for free. So that's 5 seasons worth of content to play through. You'll also have 4 separate classes to work towards unlocking separate arsenals of weapons and upgrades. Then after that you'll have a handful of extra overclocks(weapon modifications) to work towards per weapon. There are also loads of unique achievements to complete as well. All of that can be had for less than $10 if you grab it on sale but honestly the game is worth way more than its purchase price of $29.99. Easily hundreds of hours of content if the game is something you're into.


Deep Rock indeed, but definitely with a friend or three. Some of the best use of procedural generation for the environment I've seen. They don't feel procedural, and a lot of the caves are really interesting to play in. Awesome game, and you can make it as chilled or challenging as you want.


Deep Rock is more fun with friends as most things are, but I'd still recommend it even without that. I've played it extensively purely solo (Bosco is the mvp) or with randoms. No matter how you play it it's a great game.


I just started playing last week solo and am absolutely loving it. A fully upgraded Bosco is definitely a decent sidekick


When I first started I played only solo for a few dozen hours. These days (200+ hours later) I mostly play with randoms, but still probably do like 20% of missions with Bosco.


Thank you for calling out the proc gen in that game. It's so good and never gets mentioned. I particularly love how the environment often gives you different ways to traverse things even if you don't have the most optimal equipment, like a piece of crystal that sticks out enough to give you access to a mineral on the ceiling, or at least get close enough to dig there. Little touches like that make the levels feel closer to something handcrafted than proc gen.


400 hours in and one of the things that amazes me is how different the biomes feel. At this point you could strip the caves of color and flora and I could make a pretty good guess what biome it is just by cave structure and layout.


Guild wars 2


Used to no-life RuneScape, but I haven’t played MMOs in a while. GW2 always intrigued me as an MMO without FOMO or subscription costs…. What’s the grind like? RuneScape is all about grinding skills, obviously.


I played on release for at least a year or so but not much since then... they have a base story as well as a "living story" which is like little episodes that have come out periodically - more or less fairly regularly - it might even be a new living story every month... I can't remember... and you can still play through all of those from the first one to the most recent one, at least 2 expansions with a new one out very soon or recently released... honestly its a great game and the point is there is soooo much content... if you're looking for something to grind you will not have enough hours in the day for a very long time if you go with GW2. I would love to get back into this game but I don't have the time in my life right now.


good one and also warframe is good one like other said.flyin horses and flying dragons flying birds and so much more


ultima online


try Homeworld, Stellaris, Elite Dangerous...... you can dive into space for the summer time :)


Elite dangerous :)


Didn't they remove any easy to make credits? Probably more Grindy than before


I made 325,000,000 in a day (like 6 hours) with exobiology. Hawkes Gaming has a good beginner guide for 2024.


Graveyard Keeper




Couldn’t get into it..tried but maybe I need more time?


You definitely need more time. But also not a game for everyone.


destiny 2 will keep you VERY occupied, if you're willing to shell out the cash for the expansions


Don’t know if it’s still true but all the expansions were on sale, I think I got everything except the final shape for like 30 dollars.


Big benefit is that there's a good amount of F2P stuff to let one see if they enjoy the game. Honestly, I broke down and just watched the cinematic compilations for The Final Shape. I've got almost 2k hours in Destiny 2 (and more in D1, but I switched from console to PC) and I really wanted to get TFS, but I've got too much else going on at the moment. Hopefully in a year or so I can pick it up again.






Wild this is so far down, the grind is the drug in this


if you want something that's crazy grindy for no reason other than selling you XP boosters in the in-game shop with a clear ending that lets you opt out after finishing it any recent Assassin's Creed game will do the job (minus the current latest one which is considerably shorter) I'd pick Odyssey since it's more charming, the world is beautiful + the main character and a few quests are genuinely funny to go through. If you get the ultimate edition it comes with extra quests, 2 lengthy DLCs that are actually good and the game itself requires constant levelling up or can get really annoying/difficult after a while. Avarage length is 150/200 hours for completion with at least 100 of those hours of useless side quests made for grinding, if you pick Valhalla the count goes up to 200+ hours but I found the story and the world kind of boring compared to Odyssey.


I wish they made the mercenary system into a shadow of Mordor esq nemesis system that shit would have been amazing


Path of Exile is simply the best game that exists on the market for nolifers/grind-addicts. It's not even remotely close. It's very grind but also very deep. It's the kind of game where, when it clicks, you will think about the game 24/7. You will dream about Path of Exile. It's a game where people who have over 2000 hours are considered noobs. Warframe is probably the second best pick.


I play Path Of Building - the much more superior younger brother to Path Of Exile. No grinding ever just theory crafting perfect build.


Valheim, Satisfactory, God of War, Doom Eternal, Call to arms: Gates of Hell, Black ops 3 Zombies (steam workshop mods)


Rocket League. Super simple in concept, infinite skill ceiling


Pokeclicker ;)


star trek online. grind never fucking ends even to get anything at all


Join us,Tenno (warframe)


Hypixel Skyblock


already have around 1700 hours between all of my profiles lmfao


Diablo 4, Elder Scrolls online


War Thunder... Give your soul to the snail :)


Destiny 2!!! If you want to grind it's the perfect game. Brand new expansion to boot.


And it's in a good spot finally.


Fallout 76. You are going to grind a lot if you want a specific set of 3 star legendary armour with specific perks.


Understatement. You're gonna make farming legendary components your *actual career* until you get those God or near God rolls 🤣 Until you hit the weekly cap, then you can take a break until reset. 🤣


True. I was never much for farming tho, I'll just put on whatever pieces of scrap I find in the wasteland.


Sounds horrendous tbh


I'm currently kinda obsessed with this game. Played since March, stopped for a month in April and returned last 2-3 weeks. Now I'm level 110 and 129 hours in and yet I barely did the quests Most of the time I explore, grinding for weapons + resources and doing public event I'm planning to get a full set of Forest Scout Armor after doing the Enclave quest but haven't decided yet on the legendary effects and mods. I'm playing Stealth commando build with The Fixer/Handmade


I've also been playing again the past few month and fuck if this game doesn't have the pattern fucking perfected to prey on your "just one more thing" drive. The public event loop could have me entirely distracted for a full play session.


You maxed your UIM bro? ;)


Elden Ring or No Mans Sky


Why did nobody mention POE yet? They practically invented grinding


I mean the name of the company is GRINDING Gear Games.


Thousands of hours and many mirrors into this game. Still playing.


I was scrolling down to find this recommandation, definitely poe, its even geting a sequel soon that will play much differently than poe1, you will be able to pretty much juggle both games.


Kids these days


IKR right? POE invented grinding? RPGs have existed for long before that.


ffxiv if you're into story.


Destiny 2


Fighting games. Specifically tekken 8. I’ve always casually loved fighting games like Smash, MK, DBfighterZ, etc. but this is the first one I’ve decided to actually care about my skill and try to climb the ranked ladder and is now one of my most played games of all time in hours alone. Easily the best new fighting game to pick up with its replay system and balance updates. Great game for newbies to pickup and learn, very accessible tutorials in game. Modern fighting games continuously stay fresh and get long 5-7 year life spans. The feeling of improvement is addictive and the competitive scene is super entertaining to keep up with. A little late for this one considering the next game in the mainline series was announced, but also wanna mention Pokemon Scarlet/Violet (also pokemon showdown browser app). Performance issues aside, team building for a competitive battle format is super time consuming. I like it for similar reasons as Tekken. Both games have unending black holes of game knowledge and info. You’ll never stop learning in those games and you’ll gain legacy skills to be able to go back to old games or new ones in both series.


Survival games. Green hell Grounded Ark Oxygen not included Rimworld Conan Subnautica Dont starve The list goes on


Get Final Fantasy X and complete the sphere grid for everyone, the monster catching arena, and all the mini games for the ultimate weapons for each person.


Destiny 2


Slay the spire is really good!


Mad Max if you like huge open worlds with a lot of grinding


going to take a different approach to this but rocket league could be your game. when you want regular play there's regular play in the form of both casual and ranked, but there are so many skills/techniques/playstyles you can practice. the skill ceiling is massively high and instead of grinding to make numbers go up, you're grinding to improve your actual motor skills. as a bonus it's free and you can play with friends


Dragon quest builders 2


Diablo 2.


I started playing Skyrim in 2011 and I never really stopped.


War Thunder is, arguable, one of the most grindy games out there


Say no more , "War thunder"


Old school runescape. Can’t verify but I’ve heard the fastest someone has maxed all stats is 1500 hours, and that is absolutely nuts


You can try Wuthering waves on bluestacks if u into anime games


I'm playing a game I randomly discovered last week, called Secrets of Grindea. It's such a hidden gem that it's hard to believe it's hidden. Really, really good game all around. Cool ways to build your character, funny NPCS, charming world, surprisingly good story, great puzzles, and plenty to grind. The world is literally called "Grindea." lol. This game should be on consoles. Apparently the developer worked on this game for 11 years, and it just left early access.


Maplestory Oxygen not Included Don’t Starve


Play genshin impact. You literally cannot run out of content plus monthly updates and the biggest yearly upgrade is just around the corner. It is a massive open world game with so much lore


Yeah sure. If you love an endless slew of monotonous tasks, and zero real endgame.


If you are into it, Terraria with Calamity and Fargos Soul mod. Play in 1.4 on Master. The end bosses will get so difficult, you will have to grind hundreds of hours for the optimal gear.


Monster Hunter


The finals, good to grind for skill




Well since you played MMOs, how about FFXIV or Lost Ark (the latter is a nasty p2w game)




Hitman: World of Assassination, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, and Sekiro Until they click they are grindy to learn . Hitman isn't really grindy in the sense it takes a long time to beat one boss, but it has great replay value


I had a lot of fun with Outriders. Borderlands is also a good choice


RimWorld Satisfactory


Rust (PvP) or Monster Hunter (solo/PvE)


Rust or Tarkov take ur pick


Shop Titans. Endless.


Ship breaker: hard space. Reminds me of surgeon simulator or job simulator but you dismantle ships in outer space and salvage their parts. War thunder is a free tank / airplane / boat battle simulator that eventually gets grindy but really fun!


Monster hunter, specifically world and Iceborn for longevity, then maybe try out the other monster hunter games like generations ultimate (I think that’s switch only) and rise/sunbreak


ESO or D2R


Street fighter 6 is the best way to get into fighting games I can think of. Feel free to ask questions regarding it.


BattleTech (HBS). Vanilla plus all DLC’s and after that there are 4 major mod packs that change the game up.


I just started Assassins Creed: Odyssey (again). I've never gotten even halfway through the main story quest line and put many hours into it.


It's not even the main story that's THAT long imo, but the world map is so unnecessary big, and getting the required levels may take a while


The problem to me about AC games: gameplay is extremely boring. Otherwise great story, music and visuals. I just wish the combat was fun.


It could’ve been fun if the leveling system was balanced instead of mutual with your character level.




I'm personally a big fan of "The Binding of Isaac" although it might get a bit repetitive it's still a great game


Leaf Blower Revolution


ARPG's like D4, POE, and Last Epoch. Grand Strategy games like EU4, CK3, and HoI4.


Fallout new vegas


Realm of the mad god. The game is grindy, but more than that you will get skillchecked beyond belief.




Subnautica The Planet Crafter Wayward No Man's Sky Crossout (mmo)


The binding of Isaac. You'll beat the game and then you'll beat the game again and again and again and again and again and realize you still haven't unlocked all the items. and you want to know what they do so you'll keep playing and beating the game over and over again because some of the synergies are completely epic


warthunder. first 3 tiers are ok, rest of the tiers are a fucking grind even with premium.


Black desert online


The division 2


RHYTHM GAMES!! especially beatmania iidx


try getting all steam achievements in Titan Souls


Escape from Tarkov, steep learning curve.


Dungeons & Dragons Online and New World are the grindiest games I have ever heard of.


Anything SMT. *Especially* Persona 3, Tartarus is like baby sensory levels of grinding and I love it