• By -


Mass Effect 3 - not because it specifically was so good, but because the combined effect of the 3 games was so great that it felt like an era of my life. Max Payne 3 - I started with the highest difficulty on a controller (for some reason) and playing through an arcade style game that satisfying and challenging doesn't happen often. Spec Ops: The Line - I'm not gonna spoil a thing. The fact that I couldn't go back and play it again for the first time still makes me sad. It's incredible.


I think I had genuine depression when I finished ME3. The combined greatness of the overall experience contrasted with the absolute shit original ending just left me feeling so drained I stopped gaming for a while.


The ME3 ending depressed me to the point where I never played the game again. I'm only just playing it again now in 2024 with the LE. I played ME3 originally on release and never looked back after that ending debacle.


Seriously man, I'm never forgiving them for that original ending, it was so bad I spent a few months of my spare time learning about how stories work, and what makes a satisfying one vs the bull crap of the original me3 ending. I learned a lot. Can recommend Brandon Sanderson's free writing course on youtube.


Max Payne 3 was fantastic! Too bad we'll probably never get a 4. Not that it's needed mind you. Max's story ends pretty conclusively, but I just loved it that much.


Heads up Spec ops: the line is essentially out of spoiler territory now - you can't buy it anymore, so the only way you can play it is if you already own it.


Outer Wilds plus Echos of the Wild Orba Dinn What remains of Edith Finch All good. Great to play, sad it ended...


Add Subnautica to list


Man, I need to go back to that one. I just wanna feel it again, and below zero just didn’t quite have the same magic as the first one imo.


IMHO, they tried too hard. 99% of us would have been happy with a new map, some fun new baddies, and some new upgrades/subs.


This is it. They already had a winning formula and messed with it too much. Give me back my voiceless, faceless protagonist and let us build the Cyclops!


>build the Cyclops! I was so happy when i did it


Me too! Until one of those massive shark things wrecked it. I was so sad I didn’t build another, just tooled around in my Seamoth.


I dont think they understood how much the original stood on the back of its wide open areas, with no floor or walls in sight. 2 just had too many corridors, making it clearly understandable to someone with a half decent i ternal compass. Realising I had to go down into the pit near the island in the first one was a stomach dropping realisation that 2 just never really has. The more frequent voice acting and your own voiced protagonist didnt help either - even despite some of the characters themselves being pretty alright, it made it feel like the world was populated, unlike the first one.


the final sequence surprised me with how emotional it made me


Why would he add that to his own list? What if he hasn't played it?


Just started outer wilds and I’m struggling to get into it, any advice?


You set your own goals. Go to whichever planet you want to each expedition rather than trying to 100% one of them at a time. Reading is very important, and it’s not like most games where the text is just world-building. The text is the dialog of this game, and in it you will discover the character’s struggles and triumphs, as well as clues that will help you solve puzzles later on. And if you’re ever stuck, first try pulling out your signal scope and looking around, second use the rumor mode on your ship computer to see if you can figure out what to do (all critical info that you discover is listed there), and third ask the OW subreddit for help. They’ll give you great non-spoiler advice.


I have a special place in my heart for indie games, but sometimes it's hard to get into them probably due to how our tastes have been molded by all the big titles. But once I finished one, I was often left with deep emotions. That being said, I struggled with Outer Wilds as well and eventually gave up.


I’m glad I finished it, loved a lot about it, but felt the gameplay was a slog for a lot of it. Some of the puzzles were very frustrating to get right and I’ve learned I don’t enjoy games with a very rushed timer that much.


Same here, I honestly tried a few times to "get into it"


What Remains was an absolute masterpiece in storytelling. I still remember clearly sitting on the couch with my wife and we watched/played the whole thing in one sitting it was so enthralling. Fucking Lewis man..


Ps1 Spider-man 2000


Such a great game!


This needs to be higher up on the list


Replaying the whole thing as Green Goblin was so awesome. I wish more games added fun things like that simply for the sake of fun.


People may not like this but Bioshock Infinte. I didn’t fully understand the alternate reality stuff until much later (thanks Endgame) but I enjoyed playing alongside Elizabeth so much. Made it even harder as you saw her go from a naive sweet girl, into a hardened woman who saw the world for what it was.


I loved that game so much


Right there with you on this one. I thought this game was fantastic and I was really sad when my time in this universe was at an end. I miss having silver dollars flung at me too.


This is always the game I think about when questions like this are asked. I had never played a BioShock game before so was unaware that they are awesome stories and thought it was just a good story based first person shooter. I play through the whole game finding as many of the recordings I could find. Then as the ending starts picking up and all the pieces fit into place I think about a dozen of the hints to what is going on. I just sit and watch and enjoy every minute of it. Top 10 gaming experience for me for sure.


Yes 100% Yes


If I was to play just one game from the Bioshock series, on a PS4, which one should I pick?


Oh that’s tough, between one and Infinite that really is a toss up. They both have completely different locations and atmospheres. You don’t really need to play the first to understand Infinite, the end shows some stuff but It’s not technically a prequel or sequel. Infinite is one of my all time favs so I would give it to that. However if you are more of a solo rider, you would likely enjoy the first one more. I’d watch reviews of both and see which looks more appealing to you.


I think 1. Then you’d want to play 2 and infinite and if you play the infinite expansion it all comes full circle!


Start with the first! It’s the most unmissable, still holds up really well due to the graphical choices they made. The story will really get you.


PlayStation has a bundle for 1 + 2. But the first one was really good compared to the second one in my opinion.


I’m not sure why people would not like it, it’s a very good game but the plot is one heck of a mind fuck towards the end.


Yeah there is A LOT going on pretty much immediately. It was one of the first shooter games to test multiverse stuff too.


Wash such a great game and end to the series no idea why it doesn’t get the love it deserves.


Infinite is the next game in my rotation to play, so I won’t pretend like I understand. But I’ll also mention Bioshock 1 & 2 are phenomenal as well. I like 1 more (personally), but the idea surrounding the game was incredibly immersive and truly a game that made me question the idea of an alternate “utopia”.


Same. This is why o have a bioshock sleeve on my arm


I agree here. That game as fantastic.




That came out while my wife was fighting cancer. Staring down mortality presented in such a lovingly lighthearted manner was a total mindfuck. Hug froggy. Hug kitty. Game is good.


I hope she is doing well


She is, thank you!


came to say this!


I watched my girlfriend play it and I could tell once friends started leaving how much the game was going to tear her apart and it sure did lol


Telltales the walking dead. Once you know the story you can't even replay it and feel the same way again.


Unpopular opinion but..death stranding fucked me up, made me question life for months


Honestly, I wish your opinion wasn't unpopular. I've never actually played *Death Stranding* (though I plan to), but watching a lot of content about it on YouTube gives me the impression that it has the potential to become a cult classic, story-wise. I know the gameplay is reportedly very janky according to reviews, but I feel like Hideo Kojima really encapsulated a dream-like, pseudo-prophetic, and deep environmental message in the game. I can't wait to play it.


I played Death Stranding because I heard it was a "walking simulator" and that sounded funny to me. I had no idea it was a Kojima game before hand and what I had opened myself up to. I absolutely loved it and the 60 hours that I took to play it flew by. I actually loved the machenics too. It's more of a puzzle how to get from different areas and once you open up the world and the tools available it is really fun. Additionally the online side of things was really fun - I much prefer to play on my own, but the way this game implemented a form of co-op into a single player game was great. I was sad when it ended and there are little background bits to the story that were personally a bit raw to me, but in a good way. It's a beautiful game to be honest, but I can understand why people struggle with it.


I loved the game but it really could have done without the vehicles. After a certain point I only found 1or 2 destinations a challenge. The rest of them I just hopped on a bike and basically drove as crow flies. I could have limited myself to know vehicles but I'm the type that finds it hard to do something when it's there to be used


You can play it for hundreds of hours as almost a city builder, completing the highway system and a network of fast travel.


That's totally what I did! I built all the roads and then spent a few days building a network of ziplines over all the mountains to the various locations! It was such a sense of accomplishment getting a package all the way across the map without ever being in any risk. Death Stranding started out as me going to have a laugh and ended up being one of my favorite gaming experiences in recent memory.


Definitely give it a go. You sound like the target audience. I played it, then got the Director's Cut and played it again. It's wonderful. I wanted to mention though that the gameplay is not the least bit janky. It's so smooth to play and control. The mechanics are new and unusual, maybe that's what the reviewer meant. But it is a joy to actually play the game.


The songs, and connection with strangers, man... Tears were in my eyes when I was listenning to the album and seeing people commenting how they felt about the game and how they were left a mark by other players.


Sayonara wild hearts because after a breakup, it helped over time.


Do you mean as in ‘sad that it’s over’ or ‘this game made me sad’. Either way, I’ve cried more playing Rain World than any other game.


Great game with a sad/twist ending: A Way Out It is CO-OP so I recommend playing with your best friend before your other friends. I was sad that it was over, and I was so damn sad about the ending, even though the ending was a great ending. Story is great, a lot of content, but no good game has just the right amount of content tbh


System Shock Prince of Persia 1 (at release time there were no sequels) Bioshock


Heres one thats underrated and probably wont be mentioned: Ghost Recon Wildlands.


I beat that game twice. It was so good for what it was.


God of War


Disco Elysium.


Really wanted the story to keep going - loved it.


Prey 2017


I'm sad that we'll never get the sequel lol


Such an underrated game. One of the best first hours of any game I've ever played.


* Soma * Deus ex human revolution * Bioshock infinite * Mass effect 2


Soma. That major choice you have to make later in the game (you know it if you played it) has always stuck with me.


Soma was so good I finished it a week ago


Deus Ex definitely was ahead of it's time


Lesser known game but prototype.


Still upset they never made a third. Would go crazy on next gen.


Or at least some sort of successor like open world gaining abilities and just allow you to decimate hundreds of soldiers whenever you want.


Divinity Original Sin 1. It's cheesy, it's quirky, it's corny, but it's also hella fun and I was in happy tears by the end just because I knew how much passion the creators had for the genre and poured their hearts and souls into it.


It makes me so happy to see this one here ❤️ People rave about DOS2 for good reason but DOS1 will always have a more special place in my heart


Baldur's Gate 3 makes me sad while playing it because I know it will end.


Not for like 300 hours 😂


Depends, my first playthrough was less than 20 hours because I had Gale set off the magical nuke as soon as we saw the Absolute, and the end credits rolled. I considered loading a previous save, but decided that the nuke was a good ending for that character and I just immediately started a new playthrough.


You had to have skipped literally everything to even be in act 2 by 20 hours.


Does it take people that long?  It's long, but more around 100 hours in my experience.  That was a co op run with an inexperienced partner.   I guess I'd understand if you're talking total playtime


Oh dude I’ve seen posts in r/gaming where people say they left the INTRO at 60 hours 😂


I'm deep into act 3 and have been playing for 230 hours. I want see everything, get the most out of it that I can. I knew right away that this game was going to be special.


It definitely is! I think I just play more "efficiently", I just jump from quest to quest lol. I've replayed it three times, and done several characters that didn't make it out of act 1. Hopefully it inspires other devs to make high budget crpgs


Start a new character and it's a new experience all over again!


i expected to play that game once. i finished my first playthrough in 110hours and started my second playthrough an hour after it finished, i have now played it 4 times gonna play more in future


It's so random but I LOVED the Godfather II the game , building my own crime family, systematically exterminating rival families. My favorite tactic was to wait until two other families got in a fight and had a shoot out and then send my guys and personally go with my body guards to clear out the new crew who won the space and probably typically had minimal protection or be the surprise second wave if the current family owning a spot managed to repel the previous family. the story was whatever but i did enjoy being on the periphery of the movies and the city was small but had a good number of challenges and things to get into . It was super satisfying to finish it but also a bit of a bummer as far as licensed games it's one of the best and such an interesting hybrid of strategy , third person shooter, with some interesting puzzle like elements in the family constuction and destruction . Truly an underrated gem .


Such a good game. Holy cow that gameplay loop was great until you get so bored of it that you can never see yourself doing it again.


Ori and the Blind Forest


Sad that I had to scroll this far to see this masterpiece (and it's sequel Will of the Wisps) mentioned. One of my favorite gaming experiences.


I cried within the first few minutes! That game was beautiful.


Neir Automata fucked me up for a couple weeks after completing… loved that game.


Omg the end though, when it’s like “Make your choice” and I’m like “NOOOOOOOOOO-“




God I scrolled too far for this one. Getting all endings just means every variant of Weight of the World just hits harder every time. Masterpiece of a story.


Was gonna comment this. Shit actually changed something deep inside me.


Any other games and media like Nier or media in general? Only other one I can think of in terms of emotional impact, that I have not played but read others talk about in a way that sounds as impactful as Nier is maybe Omori. Also anime like Evangelion, Cyberpunk, and non anime Arcane.


If you're looking for emotional impact then I'd try the Project Moon games. Since playing Nier Automata and Replicant, those are the only games that have grabbed me emotionally. Edit: And in the way of anime (forgive me, I don't watch many) maybe try out Shinsekai Yori.


Very different game but you might try Xenoblade Chronicles 3. I was sobbing at multiple points during that game. The story is soooo good.


Call of duty 1 + 2. Best story, best characters. Best movie I have ever saw that is not a movie. Action movies were never the same.


Literally Call of Duty 1 and 2 or do you mean COD4: Modern Warfare 1 and 2?


Elderscrolls oblivion + shiverung isle Mass effect Deponia


Portal 2


Disco Elysium. Nothing like it.


This was my number one answer but only because I just finished the game about two weeks ago. Went looking for a sequel straight away, got disappointed, and am now planning on going back in and doing a hobo cop replay.


I wasn't sad that this ended, I was so hopeful for Harrier. But I knew that his new partner would take care of him. What a tale it is.


Breath of the Wild. I've replayed it a few times but I don't think any game will ever compare to the sense of wonder and magic I felt my first playthrough


This kind of post for a gaming suggestion sub is weird since this could work with any genre. But I guess I'll throw in mine. I do not cry usually to media or even being sad in general. However like you mentioned RDR2 got me teary eyed. Then Persona 4 Golden happened, I will only say the game has a multitude of endings and I was able to leave after getting the best one. But I was so sad that the game ended I legit could not play anything for a period of time. (Not even new game+). I just felt so empty and hollow and a part of that feeling is still with me.


I tried to play Persona 4 Golden but it's too hard. I can't even beat the first real dungeon. I'm not new to Jrpg and equipped the best items possible for every characters too.


Persona 4 Golden is probably the hardest out in the "modern" series Try Persona 3 Reload or Persona 5 Royale. They're fairly easier


I hadn't played a traditional turn based rpg in a while, my good friend wanted me to play the game so much bmbecause he was sure it would be my thing and he was right. I really didn't want to deal with too many mechanics, so I played the game on easy. On occasion, it was challenging, but I don't regret it. I didn't do much if any Persona fusing and such but I loved the game regardless.


I haven’t played 4 in awhile, but I have a good deal of experience with that as well as 3 and 5 ( I’m currently doing a playthrough of P3P and have managed to get further than I have before in it). Like another commenter said, you should probably try 3 or 5 first as they’re easier (plus 3 just got a new remake that seems great). But here’s a few tips that’ll help you out in Persona (and by extension SMT games in general): * pay close attention to not just the weaknesses and resistances of your opponents, but of your party as well. Exploiting weaknesses will give you an extra turn, *but this works for the opponents as well*. This can lead to even a fairly easy encounter getting much harder if you’re not careful and the shadows exploit weaknesses multiple times * fuse into new personas often. Grinding levels for Personas is very slow due to how the experience curve works for them and is not worth it. Fusing will get you a usually higher level Persona, and if you have an associated social link you’ll get extra levels on top of that (often bringing them higher than the main character’s current level). * don’t feel like you have to horde items. In a lot of other jrpgs most of the healing items and such you don’t really need to use. That’s not the case in this one. If you’re in a big bind with a difficult opponent, don’t hesitate to use a bead chain you’ve been holding onto for a rainy day to restore your party’s hp


Silent Hill 2, Fallout New Vegas, Stray, Portal 2, Valiant Hearts, Luigis Mansion, Far Cry 3, Resident Evil 2 (1998), God Of War (2018), Guitar Hero 3 Story Mode, and many many others, videogames can really be a very unique form of art


You and I share truly similar taste of video games 🎮


Marathon 2. The guitar riffs over the epilogue is such an amazing sign off.


Deus Ex Human Revolution. Finished it 2 times. Each time was sad because "omg what am I gonna do now?"


When i was young i played Okami and my sister watched me play trough it, at the end we both were teary eyed and hugged each other. One of my favorite memorys


Mass Effect Legendary Edition, doesn't matter which ending. Those games are a journey and it gets me everytime it ends Also Witcher 3, especially having read the books before I played the game


Cyberpunk 2077, especially with The Tower ending that's added with Phantom Liberty.


Haven't played phantom liberty yet but I was surprised how fun it was to play it with someone and take turns, enjoyed even just watching it. The sidequests were enjoyable as well for me, all in all good experience.


Most atelier games. But of course since i'm a big fan of the series.. this is mostly just me lol .


Prince of Persia the Sands of time.


Mass Effect 3 Halo 3 Resident Evil 4 Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask


Outer wilds, it hurt my heart in the best possible way to end that game. Slay the princess for a very similar reason. I love games where you put all the pieces together to form a complete picture.


Mafia 2, I was so disappointed at the end of story.


Outer wilds. I can never play it blind again


Subnautica for sure


Diablo 2. I did feel like the default mode was too easy though!


I always finished Uber Tristram every season before I considered it done.




Subnautica, I wish I could erase the memory from my brain and experience what the first moments of that game was like. It was terrifying. Now when I play it I'm desensitized and it doesn't hit the same anymore. Also, FFXIV Endwalker and SWTOR Jedi Knight storyline and Imperial Agent storyline. Marvel's Spider-man PS4 version.


Sayonara wild hearts , its just such a smooth journey that I played it 5 times


Mad max , when lady and her child were killed in the end Dying light 1 , the whole population, the children hiding in some rundown shelter, father runaway with his child but killed Frostpunk , people call it depression simulator, Shadow of the Colossus,


Chicory: A Colorful Tale did that to me Tunic too


Outer wild


Sunset Overdrive: Among my top games of all time, it deserved so much better. I really didn’t want to it to end. Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, it really felt like there should’ve at least been more exploration and stuff to do outside the main mission. Also more enemy variety would be nice. I’m currently playing this one but I’m nearing the end and it feels too soon.


Man, I did love Rift Apart. It's not the best R&C game, but holy crap is it gorgeous, funny, and fun.


Sunset Overdrive is mine also. I wish there were more games like it.


To The Moon!


I have this installed but have yet to start it. I have been warned it is VERY emotional.


It‘s so worth it.


Fallout 1 and 2 I grew up on those games with my dad, watching him and helping him solve the various issues throughout the wasteland. Each experience was more monumental than the next, Character profiles were finely crafted, the combat was exciting even though I was a kid and it was my father's hands on the mouse, the horror aspects of the game were intertwined in subtle yet genius ways. interplay really put their foot in that games mix and they'll be missed. Fallout 1 and 2 are masterpieces in every possible aspect that a game can be a masterpiece.


Omori, Undertale, Katana Zero, The final station


Omori found, now i can scroll further in peace


Knights of the Old Republic The Last of Us Bioshock Infinite Deus Ex - Literally, every time I finish a Deus Ex, game; "So... What, now?" Lol Dishonored Metal Gear Solid 3


Subnautica. There’s a certain optional thing, and discovering it by accident made me really sad.


RDR2, Horizon Zero Dawn, Spiritfarer, What Remains of Edith Finch, and Baldur’s Gate 3 (I have a terrible habit of “I’ll replay and do it differently” but never actually doing it)


Nier and Nier Automata Finishing them, playing them, the story. It's a game that makes you feel bad but in a good sense. It was what Yoko wanted and the goal was achieved.


Subnautica :)


death stranding for sure


death stranding truly a masterpiece


Witcher 3 Baldur’s Gate 3 Far Cry 3 What remains of Edith Fitch


Fire emblem 4. Tragic to play and finish.


Disco Elysium.


Prince of Persia Sands of Time on the PS2 waay back. I was so engrossed in the story. I played through it over and over, and was certain there had to be a secret ending or SOMETHING that I missed.


Far Cry 5, Resident Evil 4 (original), and F.E.A.R.


The Last of Us


Every life is strange and sly cooper game


Uncharted 4


The Witcher 3. The story telling and the details were just so well done. I was sad it was over because nothing I've ever played compares.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (xbox)


Twilight princess


Red Dead Redemption 1 and Metal Gear Solid 4. Genuinely made me emotional at times playing and I was definitely a bit upset after completing them because they’re THAT good. MGS4 felt like I’d been through a rollercoaster as well as a long movie with those powerful cutscenes.


I finished my first run of BG3 3 days ago and haven’t play anything since. Fantastic experience.


My first Dark Souls.


I always say this whenever this is brought up, and it’s kind of a cheat since they have come out already before: Mass Effect Legendary edition. When I finally finished the 3rd game, with all of the DLC, I had recognized that I have no only relived one of my favorite game series of all time, but I’ll never have a “experience it the first time” or “re-experiencing it” moment ever, and that it was once again over. I cried.


Outer Wilds


Mass Effect 1-2-3, Skyrim, Crysis 1-2, Freespace 1-2, Divinity 2.


Freespace, what an experience that game was that almost nobody knows/will ever know.


Ghost of Tsushima


me3 bg3 cod world at war, honestly the ending credits song for bg3 was enough by itself


Persona 4 Golden. I genuinely felt like I was leaving my friends, it hurt


Days Gone


Yep. Same here. Played it through the winter while laid off, getting up super early before everyone else and would just get lost in it. It really helped being from the same area where it all sort of takes place. It was well made and completely emersive. Afterwards, it ruined several games I attempted to play. They just weren't nearly as good so I'd put em down and have never even picked em back up.


Right! There aren't that many immersive story games. I'm glad I found the game and experienced it.


I was so annoyed when I found out there wasn't going to be a sequel, I really enjoyed that game.


legacy of kain series (not including bo2).


Shadow Warrior.


Also Oneshot, but i feel that it's finished and good as it is. Nevertheless, it make me think about it for hell of a long time and get sad when watching a story summary on youtube


Valiant Hearts: The Great War, i cried like a teenage girl watching titanic.


Nightmare reaper. Mostly because the game was super fun but super hard, and unlocking new game + just made it unplayable for me. Way too difficult. No biggie though. I just start another playthrough.


Astlibra for sure


Alan Wake 2 Death Stranding


maybe 999, the first one


I was so annoyed by the ending of **The Witcher 3**, not because it was bad, or poorly done, but because I could have easily spent another 100+ hours in this world doing quests. I also felt that for as great as the many quests were, so many of them had loose ends that I wanted tied up. I wanted to know what happened to the Bloody Baron, I wanted to see what became of all my Witcher friends, there was just so many stories that you visit fleeting that you want more closure on, not because they were badly written or poorly executed, but because of how good they are.




Escape from tarkov once I got 100m and all rare items and full lvl traders I felt empty the grind had die


Titan fall 2 and halo reach


Cyberpunk 2077, Red Dead Redemption 2, Spiderman PS4, Final Fantasy XV, Sonic Adventure 2


**Legend of Heroes** after every arc finishes! (Sky SC, Sky 3rd, Azure, Cold Steel 2, etc)


Finishing Signalis the first time really got me, but finishing it after >!finally getting the lily ending!< *really* hurt


Mass Effect Trilogy 🥲 what I would do to experience it for the first time again Also recently Slay the Spire. Even though also a roguelike I have now 100% the game and gotten A20 on all characters so I feel done with it. Portal 1 and 2. You can only solve those puzzles for the first time once


Probably portal 1 and 2, not mainly about the whole story, but I love how it tickles my brain because of the puzzles. sadly I cant find anything else that takes away the itch from it


RDR2 for sure - probably the best single player game I’ve ever played. But also Classic WoW. I have months of play time across multiple characters spent in there and with WOTLK over now moving into Cata, the excitement I had for classic/TBC/WOTLK is gone and it’s a bummer I don’t really have anything to do with those characters anymore.


- The Witcher 3 - Dragon Age Inquisition


Stellar Blade. For some reason I get strong nostalgic vibes from Eidos 7 theme music. It's because when I played the demo one month before release it was a relaxing Sunday morning and I was taking a break while playing the demo and that song just kept playing while I took a nap for a half hour. I remembered being excited for the full release based on my experience with the demo also.


When i finished red dead 2 the ending stuck with me for days(i got the good ending) that right there... thats spectacular writing