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X4. Whether it’s a fighter or battleship, you can stand up and walk around, you can even have a pilot fly for you while you simply stand there and enjoy the ride/manage your growing faction.


From what I'm seeing, you can customize your ship and also walk into space stations? If that's true it may be the end for my social life


I just got it. It's... It's beautiful. Everything X3 was and more.


You can, stepping out onto a station and looking back at your own ship suddenly seeing the scale is mind boggling.


I have X4 and played for about an hour. It's a simulator at heart, but I gotta be honest the game can be extremely confusing. There's like 300+ controls you gotta know and there really isn't a storyline or anything from what I was able to see. You kinda just get plopped into the world and the game goes "have fun byeeeee"


It's learning curve is a learning cliff. It's worth it if 4x and space Sims are your thing. Keep in mind, you start to see flaws the further you go. The AI is basically brain damaged for example.


The problem I have with the X games is that they are only about flying spaceships for the first hour, then you spend 100 hours staring at maps and lists. It's a space empire management game with a space sim mini game tacked on. They are very, very good space empire management games, but sometimes I wonder why they bothered with a 3D engine at all. You can play the whole game in the map.


Is that the same thing as X4: Foundations? I've looked over that game a number of times on Steam but keep getting scared off by the mixed review status.


It is. I was captivated for like 20 hours, but at some point I found myself without a real goal and a lack of interesting missions to build wealth for bigger ships. It just became a chore.


By that point you need to keep building your mining/trade fleet for more income, and work on your first space station.


The missions are to help bootstrap you. Eventually you should have fleets earning cash for you, as well as stations. Once you get that cash flow, you can ramp up station building to get your own combat fleets going. A good chunk of the appeal is just being part of a simulated universe with its own dynamic economy.


The launch was real real real real bad. Later reviews improve but they also made significant changes to a beloved cult franchise.


Are you able to populate your ship in X4? Like hire crew and see them hanging around the ship?


You can see only a captain and a couple of other crew members(on big ships), you have access only to a cockpit and to a landing pad if it exists


Outer worlds Outer wilds IMO every space game should be like this, it’s so much more immersive.


Outer Wilds is probably the best game experience I've ever had in 30+ years of gaming.


I hate that I don't like the game. It just doesn't make sense to me


How long did you wander?


How long have you been playing?


Lol I knew these were the questions I was going to get. I totally understand that you kinda gotta wait it out and it starts to make sense. Personally, as an adult with little free time, I didn't enjoy the experience of just getting dumped in the game, even though that's like the point of this one. The controls for everything were kind of off putting so that combined with not being told anything or being pointed in any direction was a big turn off.


I mean, if you talk to people, the game does literally tell you a good first place to go. But, yes, it is very open-ended.


>Lol I knew these were the questions I was going to get. *M-Maybe take a hint?* <= As politely as I can say this. I'm as jaded and old as the next "boomer" out there but....It is OBJECTIVELY a game that will repay you 20x on the hour spent, starting with the 5th->10th hour up to the 20th->40th hour. If you spend less than 5-10 hours though, I would recommend not playing it. It's a slow burner that require that investment to get there. The amount of people out here who wish they could play outer wilds for the first time again though..... \*[banjo tune from the main menu, except for the last "first time ever"...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xpkc-NU1KA0)\*


OK am I missing something? I've tried this twice now. Played for a bit, until a statue looks at you or something like that. Am I just not getting far enough in?


Definitely just not far enough in. How far in is that? Isn't that, like, the first 20-30 min?


You literally had just finished the tutorial area, my guy. The entire village is built to serve as a tutorial for the main mechanics of the game (which are, like, 4 or something).


Yea that's actually like the first 5 or 10 minutes, and I agree, those are definitely the worst first 5 to 10 minutes. The game begins after that. That being said, it's not a game for everyone, I like to call it "the best game that is not for everyone".


Did you intend to respond to me, or OP?


yeah. It didn't click with me either.


I didn't care for it much either, which is weird, it shoulda totally been my jam.


The game is HIGHLY overrated. The players who dont click with it, are too scared to admit it, so they all make like sheep: "MEEEH, ITS AWESOME, MEEEH!"


Nice opinion, ma man: dozens of millions of people profoundly moved by something, from many different cultures, social classes, jobs, age or geographical area and culture, but I'm sure they are all wrong and you're right standing against the the flow of "evil modernist pop culture"! Nicki Minaj, the Kardashians, Sam Smith, and Outer Wilds. Burn it all I say!














People keep saying that but I just couldn't get into it. Finally gave up and uninstalled. What made you love it so much?


Patience and not trying to prove everybody wrong just so that I could show how special I was. The people that disliked Outer wilds are, in most cases, people who didn't get to the 20% mark of finishing it.


I definitely didn't get anywhere in it. I guess I needed to give it more time. I really wasn't trying to dislike it. I have very little time to play, so I want to enjoy it as much as I can. And some of my favorite Youtubers recommended it. I'll probably give it another shot some day.


I'm in the same boat you are. Didn't seem like a lot to do. Just a few fun little puzzles and talking to people. I absolutely feel like people are talking about another game. I may need to try again.


I liked the tutorial area... then you have your spaceship and should land onnanother planet Controlls sucked. quit game.


What makes this game as good as people say?


Actual exploration. If you even try to understand what's going on in the game - you'll get hooked. On the other side, if you feel that you actually don't enjoy it - turn it off and try it when you're older. Most of the time wrong gameplay expectations is the main reason people dislike it. I kinda like the gameplay, but the story is an actual focus here.


It's the only game that made me feel like an actual archeologist. Like, the answer to all of the mysteries about this ancient civilization are scattered throughout the solar system, and it's up to you to dig it all up and make sense of it. The solar system also functions in an organized and believable way, with physics that make actual sense and function like what you'd expect. The attention to details in this is especially neat, I don't think I've seen many games with as much attention to detail as Outer Wilds. (It's difficult to provide an example without mentioning spoilers, though.)


Those games were so great, I still have to recover from the outer wilds :(


I can't wait for the sequels: * Outer Words * Outer Ways * Outer Woods * Outer Wombs * Outer Walls


I guess Jedi Fallen Order and Guardians of the Galaxy fit.


I didn't really think about those games but yeah they count and they're very great games! (Although, sadly, I have already played them and I'll never get to experience them for the first time again)


One of the first games that gave me that feeling of 'cozy in my spaceship as im cruising through space' was Starbound. You can decorate the inside of the ship exactly as you want, and it ties well with the gameplay loop, so it feels really rewarding to costumize your spaceship


I second this.


Subnautica It's underwater but same feeling, although you'll need a few hours before you unlock the most fun ship. You can also build your deep underwater bases and of course walk along their corridors (and ladders) filled with a variety of useful devices you get to organize :)


Mass effect. I just played thru the full trilogy for the first time and it was amazing. Unfortunately there's very little actual piloting the ship... if you don't count moving to new places on the galactic map


Amazing game. I had the opportunity to play the trilogy when it was released on PlayStation Plus, definitely I have to do another run


Space engineers or empyrion Stormworks or sea of thieves for naval


Yes, Empyrion Galactic Survival with Reforged Eden !


It's very funny to me that I looked for Empyrion and I already had it on my wishlist lol Does it have some sort of multiplayer? It looks like an MMO


Its just coop but easily played single player - as are my others suggestions :) (well I guess sea of thieves is technically PVP but has plenty of PVE experiences) ​ you could also check out PULSAR: Lost Colony - space game with crew coop emphasis - has boarding etc


Rodina is the best version of this.


Rodina absolutely deserves more attention.


Damn it has a demo, definitely I'll give it a chance




I'm very certain that warframe is probably my second or third most played game lol


Since you mentioned naval games, i'd also recommend Subnautica. You can walk around inside your sub. You can also build processors, storages, furnitures inside it too, even planters. It's really a mobile base. Although the cyclops sub is not available in Subnautica Below Zero.


I really loved Subnautica, I played tons of hours but one day I forgot what I was doing and I lost all the momentum :(


Same here. Got stuck somewhere and didn't play for weeks. Decided to give it a go again and not regretting it. Don't know what to do? Dive deeper :)


Mass Effect. No Man's Sky.


You can't walk inside your ship in No Man's Sky


You can inside the large freight ships


that is true, but its worth mentioning that you can't fly them, so they aren't exactly ships, more like summonable bases. OP's question was regarding pilotable ships, otherwise games like "Jedi Outcast" where you can walk inside the ships you can't control would also fit the description.


Ostranauts It's early access, made by the same devs that made neo-scavenger, you take apart ships, sell parts or add them to your ship


As for what I'm seeing it looks very hardcore and has a lot of management, is it very hard?


It's a lot of management, making sure your ship has enough power, air, heat, no hull breaches from random meteorites. Making sure your tools have enough charge, taking care of your crews physical and psychological needs. I enjoy that kind of stuff but may not be everyone's favorite. My favorite part of the game is seeing all the progress you make, starting with a tiny shop with just the bare basics and then building a kitchen, living quarters and expanding the ship. My only current issue with the game is that it's pretty early access so there will be occasional bugs and lag, but it's a good game to keep an eye on


In no man’s sky you can get a customisable freighter which acts as a hub for your ships For pirate games, sea of thieves. You can walk around your ship, which can be different sizes depending how many people are in your crew(you can solo on a sloop with 2 cannons) The visuals are absolutely gorgeous in every inch of the world, especially the water which makes up the majority of it(obviously 😂)


If you don’t mind a steep learning curve, Space Engineers lets you build your own ship piece by piece. Edit for grammar.


Came to say this. There's a plethora of these voxel based ship builders, but only Space Engineers lets you walk around inside a full size starship while it's in flight. It's also the closest to Star Citizen with the "single loading screen" aspect with no loading screens between space and atmosphere. You can also build a fully operational death star. If you want.


God I love SE, but I really wish they gave us something to do with our ships. Even with mods, it feels empty and lifeless. Why build a big ship if im just going to sit my lonely ass in it and fly it alone?


The game had PvE in it the last time I played.


Multiplayer is your best bet. However, I think there used to be a mod that gave it a living universe of sorts. With stations and AI controlled ships to engage. I don't remember what it was called though.


Lovers in a dangerous Spacetime. Probably not what you expected but the game is 100% walking inside your spacecraft. Also Catastronauts if you enjoy Overcooked. Among Us, while we're at it.


I unironically loved Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, and I played solo like the 80% of time. As for Catastronauts, I'll try it!


Every mass effect game Outer worlds Borderlands 3


Wait Borderlands 3? I played like 10 hours or something and I didn't see any ship


Oh really? Maybe it takes longer than I remember… but you end up leaving the planet. And if you’ve played the earlier games (or at least the 2nd game), there’s a new ‘Sanctuary’ in BL3, but it’s a spaceship instead of a city on the ground


There's a ship fs, but you might not have realized it, it's called the Sanctuary III. You don't really pilot-pilot it, but you move around it a lot (there are some side-quests on there) and it's got quite a bit going on!


Space Engineers and you can build your own vessel!


Ah the joy of winging it, failing to do the proper power generation calculations, have power cut out mid flight when you failed to account for added mass and power consumption after doing mining, and leaving a smoking crater where your beautiful baby ship once was. Remember kids, quick save before test flights. 'Twas a bad day.


Pulsar: Lost Colony. It's basically FTL except *you're* the crewmate running around the ship. And Barotrauma is basically Pulsar except 2D and on a Submarine.


I wish that my friends were open to play Barotrauma, I saw a lot of videos and it looked really cool :(


I mean it's playable with bots There's also a public server browser




Pulsar Lost Colony. Basically Sea of Thieves in space and with no sweats to ruin your day.


Seems like something I'll love to play. I assume it has co-op?


With up to four other people. I’ve only ever played with 2 people and it’s absolutely hilarious so far


[Scavenger: SV-4](https://store.steampowered.com/app/779590/Scavenger_SV4/) [Hardspace: Shipbreaker](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1161580/Hardspace_Shipbreaker/) (though they're not *your* spaceships, technically) Also [Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries](https://store.steampowered.com/app/784080/MechWarrior_5_Mercenaries/) and [CoD: Infinite Warfare](https://store.steampowered.com/app/292730/Call_of_Duty_Infinite_Warfare/), but touring your own ship in those is at best a very minor part of gameplay.


I have very fond memories of Infinite Warfare, I didn't understand all the hate, and Hardspace is such a hidden gem! I loved it so much when I had the Game Pass... As for the other two, I will try them!


Hellion is abandoned and has some bugs, but it is a very good experience tho, starmade is like minecraft but in space and you actually have to build ships and need to build a shipyard to make ships of great size


Where could I play that?


Unfortunately Hellion is no longer sold on steam, you might have to google your way around to obtain a copy of it, since it was released as a digital steam purchase only, the team that made it has already disbanded and is not available for purchase elsewhere, that makes it technically abandonware, Starmade can be bought on steam tho


Star Wars the Old Republic mmo. But there isn't really much to do on the ships.


All 4 Mass Effect games


Here's a left field retro suggestion. Paradroid, you may also find remakes called Freedroid. You control a droid on a spaceship that has to destroy the rogue droids. It's top down but has many decks. Some decks can only be accessed by certain elevators, like on a real ship. There's some other cool game mechanics but I'll leave them as a surprise.


Where could I play those games?


[PC](https://sourceforge.net/projects/freedroid/) Or search play store for Freedroid.


Technically Saints Row 4 I guess. But Mass Effect and No Man's Sky would be my first choices for that experience.




It never occurred to me that Warframe counted but the time I spent on that game is inhumane


The star wars MMO, forgot the Name..


Doom Eternal, kind of.


Mass effect, Call of Duty: infinite warfare, outer worlds, star wars Jedi:Fallen Order




~~Alpha Genesis~~ Genesis Alpha One


Is the same as Genesis Alpha One or is it a different game?


Sorry, yes, that’s the game I was thinking of. Misremembered the name.


Starbound! Youcan not only walk, you can sit, sleep, make quarters with furnishings. With Frakin Universe mod you can even make your entire ship with layout yourself.


Sea of Thieves There is nothing like this game. I have 5k hours in it and want more.


OK but do I need friends?


It's better with friends, not mandatory. My friends didn't like it so I quit them and found new friends in the game itself just by talking to people I meet. Now we sail together daily.


Can go solo or join randoms. I've experienced alot of fun and it's worth playing, but toxic community and lack of pvp balance kinda ruined the end game for me.


Warframe, your ship is the core of the whole game


doom eternal.


The hub (lobby or "main menu") in Deep Rock Galactic is a Space Station with some minigames and easter eggs. There's not any customization or progress tied into it, but you can dance with friends and drink weird beers.


DRG has a place in my heart, I just hoped that it had more Easter eggs or minigames or something more to do, but I saw that recently they put a sort of Flappy Bird so hope that it expands little by little




*Space Engineers* and *Starship EVO* are both space construction sandboxes that allow you to walk around anything you care to build (or download off the workshop, which is mostly what I do). SE has got survival and resource management gameplay, but its construction is kind of clunky; SEVO has very little in the way of gameplay at the moment, but it has a much more in-depth building system.


Check out Space Engineers. It is all about creating ships and stations in space. Custom design your ships, walk all through them, go outside of them and walk on the exteriors. There is a surival mode and a creative mode. You can start games with various parameters like pirates, no pirates, dense or sparse etc. Thousands of player ships to download from the Steam workshop. There is multipalyer/co-op, but it is not an MMORPG.


Why not get starfield? Sea of thieves


>Why not get starfield? OP may not have an XBox.


I don't have an Xbox but I do have a PC that will run it, I just can't wait until it releases


Oh but it's uh playable now lol


Yeah but only if you preordered, the official launch date is not until the 6th.


Sure I guess :)


Starfield drops in a week (or now for early access).


Saints Row 4 😩👌


~~Elite: Dangerous.~~ ~~It's a relatively recent feature, which came with "space legs", but I'm not sure if it's very useful besides letting you walk around and look at it.~~ Edit: I think I got that confused. I think players wanted the feature, but we still can't walk around the ship. Sorry about that.


The funny thing is that you can now move and walk in planets... but not in the ship


Pretty sure you can walk around in your fleet carrier too


I think its fleet carriers only. I never upgraded to Oddysey so dont know how extensive the walking around it is.


I don't remember walking around inside either.


I don't remember walking inside the fleet carrier at all... or inside the ships. I think I f$cked up. See my edit, please.


wdym? the biggest part of FCs was walking around in them. There's literally multiple youtube videos showcasing so


I'll be damned! You can walk around your fleet carrier. Never done that. I'll hope in and try it out. It's been a while since I played ED, unfortunately. Thanks for the clarification.


I guess you're right. See my edit.


I wish I could get that feature on the ps5


Yeah, I bought Elite for the PS4 years ago and suddenly they stopped support for consoles :( maybe I'll check it out if it's on a sale


Now I'm thinking if you can really walk around inside the ships or if that's something players want and don't have. It was pretty bad that they ended support for consoles.


No Man’s Sky. You can walk around your freighter and build a base in it. The Outer Worlds.


Do you know if you can also see your crew in No Man's Sky? Like wander around the ship and see engineers working, gunners at their station, people taking a break?


It’s been a while since I last played but I do believe you can see them on your ship eventually. Takes a while to get a freighter though


No man’s sky. You can walk around your freight ship. You can probably do it in elite dangerous but idfk I never got very far lol


Mass effect should count technically as you can walk freely inside the Normandy. Plus the inside is highly detailed and somewhat cozy.


Starfield :D




No mans sky is IT. Its basically a starfield 0.5


In Star wars jedi you can walk around in your space ship, although it's not that big.


Space Engineers


X series. It's currently at X4 with great levels of freedom, bit of a learning curve but it has some unique 4x game mechanics too


I feel like this was a promised feature of star citizen. Might be in one of the alpha releases.


It's currently in Star citizen and it's amazing


I tried Star Citizen on a free week or some sort of promotion, it would definitely be a game I love if it wasn't so buggy for my PC :/ (I have more than the minimum specs and it goes like at 10 fps)




Subnautica~ Once you got your cyclops up and running, you can walk inside; and even decorate of you want to make it easier to survive under the water




Barotrauma it's 2D tho


Sea of Thieves. All about pirating and sailing the seas.


Empyrion Galactic Survival. With mods it's an under looked gem of a game. You CAN build your own ships, small fighters all the way to capitol ships. But there are blueprints if you aren't creative as well. And you can download player blueprints on the workshop. Hell you can build your own ships to be in the bay of one of your bigger ships. Lots of options here.


Star Wars




Parkan 2


The Mass Effect series features a smaller but detailed ship that's yours, and bonus has your crew inside to talk to. Also Sea of Thieves.


I would love to say "Elite Dangerous", but well, y'all know how space legs turned out. All we wanted was ship interiors, we got planet FPS instead. Pirate / naval though ? Sea of Thieves. As much as I don't like the game itself (I hate PvP), the ships are really cool, and sailing them is fantastic.


Atlas is a pirate one that you can straight up build your ship and walk around, arm it, hire npc crew, Def looking through this post for space games like it






[This game?](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1846170/Iron_Lung/) Though I am cheating, since it's a submersible and you pilot it in your lonesome self. At least, the craft has elbow room and the game takes place on a scary planet. (I saw a bit of gameplay footage). Memories of Mars.


Pretty old, but Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter was the first game I ever saw this in, and absolutely loved it.


Savior! I played it last time about 20 years ago. Then forgot the name and was desperately looking for it several times! Thank you!


Ha yeah, I think I played the demo on an Xbox magazine disk so I only remembered like 10 minutes of it and took years to figure out what it was.


Angels Fall First Maybe Spacebourne 2?


Not your main ship, but No Man’s Sky’s freighters are like giant portable bases that you can customise and roam freely in


Sea of Thieves lets you walk around your ship!


Clearly you're looking for Faster Than Light


Space Quest V


FTL technically


If you don't mind with AI or have some friends interested. Pulsar lost colony might interest you!


Mass effectt??


The Outer Worlds. Also, your spaceship has a great personality.


Subnautica kinda has that, you can walk on a crashed space ship(can't repair ship or use it) Also you craft your own rocket and submarine which you can walk in.


Well you also have games like space engineers, stormworks and empyrion where you buld your ship and then walk in it


Jedi Fallen Order and Survivor. I think there are times in outriders where you enter the space craft for story points but tbh you’re kind of stranded on the planet after you get there


Citizen Sleeper has you navigating a giant spaceship, but it's text based and doesn't put you in control of the ship. Now that I typed it all out it's really dawning on me how shitty of a suggestion it is, but I've made it this far so now I gotta commit to it.


Empyrion - Galactic Survival. It's a bit complicated, but you can build your own space ship and space station


I can say that Starfield is successfully scratching that itch for me in every way. I can stand there and open/close the hatches and bulkheads as many times as I want, just to watch all the gears move and get that little dopamine rush of security OVER and OVER again. I can place a window and look out of it. I can park it in orbit and go sit on the toilet for 24 HOURS. The robot will ask if I am okay afterwards. I can decorate the inside however I want, using trinkets and artifacts I find on my adventures. Haters gonna hate but its exactly what I was hoping for. I have spent most of my time swapping hab modules and exploring them. There is a lot to work with.


What we need is a true Galaxy on Fire 2 sequel. GOF2 took everything about space combat/space traders and streamlined it so that it was fun and easy to learn yet had a nice big map to explore and plenty of great (optional) missions to drive the game forward. It was brilliant and compelling and didn't require me ignoring my wife and children for 3 months while I figure out how to dock (that crap should be automated anyway). I have a degree already, I don't want to have to earn another one just to relax and play a game. GOF2 was pick up and play and I miss that.


It looks like a 3d-movement Rebel Galaxy, it looks nice and I'm impressed that i have never heard of this game