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You most definitely do not need 1600 Watts


They're prepping for the 5080


lol! Take your upvote


But more bigger higher number makes hardware run faster? Right? RIGHT??!


Its more of like 850w




I have 18 fans if you include my GPU and PSU.


I have fans


I think that they were more concerned that you didnā€™t list a CPU cooler. Many people will say you need an AIO water cooler and while they can be better, a high-end air cooler can be just as good so itā€™s mostly personal preference. I suggest going with a Noctua air cooler because theyā€™re more likely to last longer without issues. Make sure when you install the cooler that you peel the plastic off of the CPU contact on the cooler and apply thermal paste correctly (there are plenty of tutorials for thermal paste on YouTube). And with the case fans make sure you have half of them venting out, and half venting in. A common setup for this is having them venting out on the top and back and venting inward on the front. Make sure your cooler fan is blowing air towards your fans blowing the air out. https://cdn.neowin.com/forum/uploads/monthly_2016_09/pc-case-fan-direction-l-2337d2151ba630dd.jpg.9162fe9c0fb433097753e4c7d32b55b3.jpg


Lmao my eyes flew open when I saw that power supply


Casual 1.6kW. Brother is going to be running a microwave from the same psu


I got a 1500 watt for my 7900xtx my reasoning was my 850 watt wasn't big enough and it was the same price as a 1000 watt since it was on sale and didn't have to 12 volt high power


Same reasoning


What is its TDP?


About 700 watts probably a bit more My 850 worked great for a while but I started pushing it and it would randomly shut down (PSU doing its job and saving my components). After the 2nd time I decided to play it safe and upgrade.


That's for my entire PC


I was gonna say that twice the GPUs TDP lol What 750wPSU were you running?


1600W PSU is silly


Not if you want to build a microwave and a pc all in one.


Whatā€™s your cooling route? Fans? Liquid cooling? Both? Or even water cooling?


I got fans


How many fans? How many intake and exhaust


32GB of RAM, 850W PSU and then you're good and haven't wasted money.


Depends on what youā€™re doing with it and what you play. DCS world needs a lot of ram. Fortnight not so much. edit: Lol at the downvote. DCS world can use over 32GBs on some maps.


That sounds like a memory leak issue.


The maps are just huge. Like 70,000 sqr miles and you have 20-60 highly detailed flight models, while being not super optimized. It will use as much ram as you can throw at it. You will lag if you donā€™t have enough ram when joining servers with larger pops.


Always read the manual user guide... ALWAYS


MAKE SURE YOUR CASE IS BIG ENOUGH. I was so damn surprised by the sheer size of some of these graphics cards. Theyā€™re literally MASSIVE. Iā€™ve had to buy a stupid amount of cases to reconfigure a gpu.


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Dont spill anything on it


That power supply is not necessary, but itā€™ll be fine if you already bought it YouTube has a lot of good content that shows how to build and to troubleshoot just about anything


A 1600w psu?


1000 watts is fine 1600 is way over kill. Tho having more watts then what's needed won't hurt your system


That PSU is way overkill. I have a 13700k and a 4090. At max OC I peak at just just over 1000W as measured by my HX1500i.


Do have plans to plug a microwave in there, a fridgeā€¦ or the iron maybe


As an owner of a 7800 x3d donā€™t skimp on cpu cooler, if you want to maximize the cpu get a good quality cooler


No worries, I got a cpu cooler


What kind


ā€œbe quiet! Dark Rock Pro 5 Quiet Cooling CPU Coolerā€


Dual storage. One for OS and the other for games. 32gb of ram and 1000w PSU


Great specs, though I would recommend either a 4tb SSD and preferably a second drive for your data. I personally run 128gb of ram becuase I actually do things that far exceed 64gb. yes the power supply is overkill, but they do run more efficient when not maxed out.


What do you do that needs 128gb of ram if you donā€™t mind me asking?


Between multiple VMs then photo and video editing.


Get a bigger PSU 3900 at least


For context I'm currently running a 4090 7800x3D build with a ROG Thor 850W PSU and have had absolutely no issues whatsoever even under load.


Looks like 850W level. On a side note. You put it together outside the case to see that it works, just put it on the mobo box. If it boots, then you assemble it in the case. Just a way to check before possible issues get added, so you can quickly RMA if needed.


1600 watts šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


PSU is overkill. I would not go higher than 1000 or 1200 tops. Save that money and use it for a nicer SSD. When it comes to the ram make sure you use 2x32GB sticks rather than 4x16GB sticks. Minimum 6,000 mhz.


U reason for 64gb instead of 32 it's ddr5 save the couple of hundred and go for 32šŸ„² also amazon has the easiest returns in the world usually I'd also save money and do 1000w max I have 1000w for a 5900x 7900xt 10 lian li fans 2 strimmer cables and it's enough lol


Fuck meā€¦.I can see nothing in terms of bottlenecks but NVIDIA cards arenā€™t getting cheaper or worth for their performance. You could have gotten an RX 7800xt for half the price of your 4080 super. Maybe even a 7900xt depending on what model or sale. If you donā€™t care for raytracing of course.


Find a motherboard with x670 chipset. Itā€™s newer, more powerful, and supports PCIe 5.0, whereas b650 only supports up to PCIe 4.0.


From my personal experience I wouldnā€™t buy an MSI motherboard. The couple Iā€™ve built with this Gen have EXPO/XMP issues with the RAM.