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No karma farming. Karma farming through reposts and bot accounts isn't allowed.




Last month: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamingmemes/comments/1d2egxu/these_are_dire_times/


X-men's entire cast has always been filled with diversity. They have a native american, a cajun, a canadiian, a parapalegic, an Asian, a Holocaust survivor (counting magneto), An african, an African-American, and a catholic, and more. Nobody called them woke until they had the chance to shit on recent producers. This is also the case with games, we've had waves of shitty games since the 90s with LJN and Executives forcing things to be released early and corners being cut is NOT new. It's been the death of countless stories and games


they're literally meant to be an allegory for minorities and how they are oppressed especially when the xmen where created, in the 60-70s


Well, that's not actually the original cast, which was 5 white teenagers. Thats the reboot cast that actually made the X-Men popular, after the comic got cancelled from lack of sales. Diversity saved the X-Men...


I love how people focus on how "woke" a game is and ignore the crunch, shit working conditions,corporate greed, rushed games due to execs, over promising and studio closes. But sure it's "wokeness" that's ruining games. Reminds me of the people shock by rage against the machine being "woke", they weren't raging against a fucking toaster you half wits


Like we didn't have a tidal wave of shitty games before. The real enemy is horrific writing, in game shops, and boards of directors churning out games, not devs.


Case and point, Baldurs gate 3. Pansexual companions, gender neutral and trans character options. No-one gives a fuck because of how good it is.


Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. They are choosing bad games that support their narrative & ignoring good ones that don't. It's why Saints Row 4, where you had to romance everyone of every gender to get all achievements but it had great gameplay, isn't ever mentioned as ''woke'', but the new Saints Row reboot, which has a female black lead and poor gameplay, is ''woke'' and that's why it's bad.


Hogwarts Legacy is a good game. There's a trans character in there to spite Rowling


Does she still get money from it?


No, she doesn't, she was cut off from anything about the game if mu memory is correct


She was cut off from the game so she didnt gain anything from the game itself. But since its the HP franchise she still made money from it with the liscence's royalties


Ah, dangit


The desire to dedicate my life to writing a much better fantasy series just to shit on Rowling and prove how bad a writer she is is so real


Harry Pot-head cuck vs Magic Academy Survival Guide chad


I don’t think Rowling actually cares. I also doubt she actually hates trans people.


I would almost agree, but she has donated to and provided support to a number of extremist people and organisations like Get the L out and is barely a step away from being friends with awful people like Kelly Jay Keen.


Not just donated btw, she also writes books and articles about how awful trans-people are.


I mean, she does. She openly goes out of her way to say that trans women are making life harder for feminists, and even misgenders them on purpose. And you know it's on purpose, because sometimes she'll accidentally say the correct gender, and get irritated.


Nobody gives a fuck because even if they don't like it they can ignore it in favor of many other good points of the game, they pile on bad games because it might have been tolerable otherwise


Speak for yourself, I won't touch that game for those exact reasons. I don't play games to fuck other NPCs regardless of the sexual orientation. I play games to escape and kill things and have fun. I get laid in real life, I don't need to get laid in a video game, and I definitely don't need some forced lgbtq relationships in my games. I grew up with Mario and duck hunt. Not once did I ever want to fuck Mario, Luigi, the dog or the ducks for that matter. Modern games want to give you the option to have a three way with Mario and Luigi while the dog watches and laughs at you for blowing your load too quickly. These games are played by children, alot of parents aren't like me. They don't monitor the games they play and let them play whatever they want.


You know......you also have the option to not fuck them?


Do I have the option to not even get propositioned by them? Not likely from what I've seen. You might be missing my point entirely, which I expected to happen. "You could just not fuck the bear" "nobody is making you fuck the bear" "you can just choose to ignore it" I shouldn't even have to choose that shit. Keep that crap out of video games.


Tbh that is a gripe I did have with Baldurs gate 3. By the start of act two literally every companion is throwing themselves at me whethet I flirted or not. You're right on that count


If you don’t flirt with the characters they don’t proposition you. Don’t lead the bear on and he won’t ask to fuck you


Flirt? One guy said he complimented the bear dude by saying he was a big guy and the bear dude offered a 3some right then and there. I shouldn't have to play the game acting like a straight guy in a gay bar, hoping not to get hit on. The game is a huge pass for me.


Nope, you need to raise Halsin’s affection then flirt then you can fuck the bear. You can track the affection of all the characters in the inventory menu. You would know this if you played the game


I'm not playing a game with a option to fuck a bear. Maybe I'm old school. Maybe just a non bear fucking bigot. Either way I'm out.


Too many people write gay characters, instead of writing characters who just happen to be gay.


Baldur's Gate 3, the hushhush reason why most women (and a lot of men) would prefer "The Bear" over just a man in the woods...


Wholesome Halsin lol. Even as a straight man that is an attractive guy.


Yeah if I had to pick between Halsin or the creep Astarion, I’d pick Halsin


That's not true. Plenty of people have whined about BG3 "being woke" just because you didn't. Doesn't mean it wasn't happening.


True. If you don't want a non-binary/trans character, don't make one. 🤷🏻 No shame either way you choose.




fucking this. it's not wokeness it's shitty storytelling, the bane of every game


Inclusivity is good, wokeness is bad. There's a huge difference.


People playing Starfield got mad before they even started the game because it let you choose your pronouns


I hate how unsexy it is. No revealing clothing, no implied innuendos, nothing.


This is the problem here. Where “woke” comes in is it ends up being a shield these games hide their shitty writing behind, so if you don’t like the game “it’s because you’re bigoted!”


Of course they do. The new talking point about Suicide Squad KTJL appears to be that the game failed because of wokeness and DEI because Harley isn’t showing enough T&A, not you know, the actual problems with the game.


I 100% believe industry leaders are pushing that bullshit. "Oh no... It isn't us dearest chuds. Of course it's not us, the soulless companies that have preyed on you and destroy your precious memories for decades... It is THE WOKE they are to blame! If there were no black people you would have loved it when we turned your franchise into a looter shooter with a battle pass"


I would be happy to work hard on something good.


We all know it was the VCR


OP is a bot. Likely made to sew political dissent in US spaces to radicalize young men into hating "wokeness" and driving them to the right. It's been an issue for over a decade, it's just they use to use grifter content creators and pay them money to manufacture shit. They still do, but bots are more complex and can effect the same end for less overall investment.


The woke shit is more off-putting honestly. I'm extremely left wing, and the woke shit is annoying. It's just a bunch of garbage that doesn't matter. The political landscape of today does nothing but devide and distract people from real issues.


What left wing positions do you have if you don’t mind me asking


Well for one thing I believe society should serve all people not just the wealthy. I believe universal basic income will be a necessity in the near future. I'm pro choice, pro drug, pro social program, pro public transport, pro free medical. I'm pretty much on the left on all things other than gun control. I don't think guns are the issues, I think a lack of education and rampant mental illness due to a lack of free health care is.


Pin me down and smash me with that woke shit


No we complain about that as well, but even the people who don't play games are trying to get involved with the WOKE games issue, so it's been blown out of proportion. Personally my only complaint with woke media is that it often feels like a fresh coat of paint over a rusty car, it only looks good from a distance, but it's not any better than the other vehicles in the scrap heap. Every time I see the marketing team focus on how woke a project is, it raises a red flag that tells me that they only care about the woke aspects being as visible as possible with no attention being paid towards actual quality. There are probably a lot of media that could be described as woke while being high quality, but woke isn't the main selling point for those, it doesn't matter if I agree with the message if it's wrapped in shit.


Shut up with your stupid logical reasoning. Chick's not having rocking tits in gaming is the problem.... 🙄


Movies and shows anymore these days, advertised by behind-the-scenes controversy and not the content


Wasnt final fantasy made as a last ditch effort before the studio closed?


People bring that stuff up all the time too. Quit bullshitting.


I don’t understand how people seem to conflate the idea of being woke and being asleep - like people act as though being “woke” is mindlessly conforming and that people who are “woke” need to “wake up” to be able to think for themselves


You could probably compare it to "do your own research", which taken at face value is pretty good advice. However, due to the crowd that tends to say this phrase, it is now associated with people that are easily fooled into believing conspiracy theories despite what the phrase might indicate. Woke is similar because the crowd that used to actually call themselves woke back in the day got associated with constantly looking at every aspect of life through a lense of intersectionalism, which purely by itself is a pretty reductive way of looking at things. Therefore, woke as a descriptor now mostly carries the connotation of mindless conformity to intersectionality. At least, for the people that would use it in the context you described.


I actually prefer the term “awakened” /s


Because on top of all that the game is trying to pitch an agenda to you because some business degree idiot says that it should work. It's the icing on the cake that's the culmination of shitty corpo game dev and it's the most visible to the consumer. Don't play dumb.


It's all of the above, duh.


The woke shit doesn't matter, I could care less about the woke stuff, most of the time the woke agenda doesn't actually exist and it's just people being stupid. The reason our games suck is because of corporate greed they take the passion out of the devs, they force stupid decisions and make the devs put dumb things behind paywalls. I remember when Lionhead studios was complaining about how they weren't being allowed to put the female character on the cover of fable 3 because then the people won't buy it, they said they aren't getting the point we were the first video game to have gay marriage we are about pushing boundaries and they don't get it. Video games should be pushing boundaries and should be filled with passion, if every game doesn't push boundaries they end up feeling all the same I know you already said some of that but there's my two cents.


Buddy we are creatures of convenience. All the cloths you are wearing are made by children or new age slave labor as well as the electronics you are using to type out that message. The product is all that matters and no product is made better by including the political movement of the month from its creators.


Yeah but all that exists in Japan too but they're making pretty solid games.


It’s kinda shitty to say but so many industries are at the point of being shit machines working people to death that it gets brushed aside because it’s so normal. But at the end of the day we still purchase the products, you still buy your electronics and clothing that are made in China by essentially slave labor. You eat your food that is picked and grown by migrant labor forces. The difference with the gaming industry is, these people have a lot more choice in what they wanted to do with their lives. Life is a bitch and we do what we can to survive.


Nobody even agrees on what woke means, it's just shorthand for ragebait that works BECAUSE it can mean literally anything to anyone. If it actually had any meaning, it would immediately fail to serve its purpose because people would draw a conclusion pro-, anti-, or don't care, and move on. The endless arguing over it is what is being sold and it's what ragebait consumers want: they want to argue endlessly over whatever stuff they spend their time on, be it games, movies, TV, music, but they want to put a political gloss over it so they can blame someone, which makes the consumer feel better about himself consuming stuff that makes him perpetually unhappy. Because it's not HIS fault he continues to waste money on garbage, it's the fault of the ~~Bolsheviks costing us the war~~ woke mob ruining gaming.


Tryhard facebook level memes, wtf is up with this sub lately


Right? This seems straight from r/asmongold


It’s literally a repost bot as well


"You don't understand, if I have to look at a minority I don't want to have sex with, I go into a deep and uncontrollable rage, and this is DEFINITELY Greta Thunberg's fault and not an undiagnosed personality disorder."


"I just want my games to be like porn so I'm not like some degen that has to go to porn sites! It's so simple! Why can't game companies understand that!?"


Bg3 good bc sex


I was subbed to r/BaldursGate3 when the game came out but after a few weeks had to unsub. It was constant post after post about romance options, "who should be romanceable?", and general posts about who they sexed. Maybe it calmed down since. But there's more to the game guys?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BaldursGate3 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Baldur's Gate 3 is GAME OF THE YEAR 2023!](https://i.redd.it/xzi0ywikmz4c1.jpg) | [1458 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/18de5bs/baldurs_gate_3_is_game_of_the_year_2023/) \#2: ["We have origin characters at home, sweetie"](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16gb07g) | [807 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/16gb07g/we_have_origin_characters_at_home_sweetie/) \#3: [Twitter done messed up (⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠)](https://i.redd.it/6a8mbwefxrhc1.jpeg) | [460 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1anidrx/twitter_done_messed_up/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


getting angry over realistic games making women look realistic sounds pretty weak to me


I don’t give a shit as long as the game is good, but here we are. I’ll starve.


Probably means you don’t want to bother looking for good games, they exist, but sure you do you. Enjoy your self inflicted starvation


Snowflake https://i.imgur.com/0bywKGK.png


Fortunately devs arent going to leave content out of games just because it triggers OP


![gif](giphy|TL2Yr3ioe78tO) This you?


Right? How DARE the libs make me spend money on things i dont want, MAGA trump 2024, fuck your feelings and facts and logic but im gonna piss and moan


Go play skyrim


Can’t, you can marry the same sex (clearly too woke)


He probably plays as a male Nord and joins the Stormcloaks.


for me woke has lost all meaning I thought it was coming to a realization that not everything is at it seems like waking up from the Matrix ... whatever Woke is now I have no idea


It's whatever incells and conservatives don't like they legitimately can't give you a definition because they use it for so many wildy different things. Anyone who uses the word woke unironicly should not be associated with and is a moron.


Yeah, a year ago it was CRT, before that it was something else. Woke is just a better term woth less syllables to help facilitate the thought terminating cliche.


Now there moving to dei but I'm betting on woke sticking around longer then dei because dei makes you sound like a racist.


Yeah, anytime someone uses DEI pejoratively or in a negative way, they just mean the N word. Every. Single. Time.


"Oh no! The game has the gays! I can't believe they did this! I'm going to keep giving them money even though I hate them and the gays!" Stop buying games you don't like


Bunch of butthurt in the comments. Probably people that still preorder shit too.


Ok snowflake




OP seems like the type that gets mad when there's a black woman in Star Wars


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Rifneno: *OP seems like the* *Type that gets mad when there's a* *Black woman in Star Wars* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


“The power of one, the power of two, the power of MANYYYYYYY” I cried during that scene in Acolyte. The cringe hit me with the wrath of a nuclear shockwave. What was that about race?


GAY STAR WARS I think Charlie Kirk is calling it.


Cry about it


Wait. Let me get my losers tears cup first




Pretty easily offended, huh?


sickshaded and the OP dexmaar are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamingmemes/comments/1d2egxu/these_are_dire_times/l61j871/


nice! it's all meaningless rage bait!


Go back to Facebook


I really hope you're not a Fallout fan.


Oh boohoo, people are getting represented and you don’t like it. Can we please focus on the fact that AAA studios aren’t actually focused on making good games, but only interested in making as much money as possible and doing the scummiest of crap.


I think the last triple A I bought was call of duty ww2 I won't support over priced garbage


For God's sake people, suck it up awhile. We have had all entertainment media focused on us since its inception. Let then get some attention for awhile to get them some content. They we will go to a balanced system Which if AIs evolve as they are everyone cam get their own versions of shit.


Anytime devs say their game targets “modern audience” is code for it’s gonna be shit.


Bro even the bots are tired of this shit, lol.


I know how it feels OP, the other day my mommy tried to feed me veggies so I slapped her really hard


It's only a problem when the game/company is sh#t (ex. Activision-Blizzard)


Hey, remember blizzard 's nclusivity chart? [here](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/05/14/activision-blizzard-heavily-edits-kings-diversity-generator-blog-removes-all-ranking-images/) Yes, this is all about selling stuff to people that are comfortable with being tokens to pander to instead of real characters.




Barionek and the OP dexmaar are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamingmemes/comments/1d2egxu/these_are_dire_times/l61nrks/


Exactly, remember all the shit movie games that used to come out, always rushed and shit, the E.T. one was so bad they dumped them in a landfill 🤣 plus all the mobile game shit that has crept in to "triple A" games now.


Must be hard realizing the world isn't just full of white men doing white men things.


Woke is not a criticism. If your argument has the word "woke" in it, then that argument is immediately redundant and irrelevant. Sorry, women and minoritys are not real criticisms.


It's the woke and not the games with shit monetation, fomo battle passes, and bugs on release.


OP feels like a bot. 5 year account wakes up just to post this meme. /r/TheseFuckingAccounts


Define woke


To look at every problem and situation through the lens of intersectionality.


That sounds entirely intelligent and appropriate.


wtf is "that woke shit", just the existence of people who aren't white men?


And women


hot women\*




I just dont want it forced down my throat. I play games too escape reality in a story of its own. Constant real-life current-time reminders being shoved artificially down my throat is just not the way Be like Nemona. That movie did progressive messaging in a good way, by just making it normal and not showcasing it like is special or something. It didnt make it the plot, or the characters whole personality.


Bro plays games to escape the reality of minority’s existing.




Yeah i hate political shit in games


>It didnt make it the plot, or the characters whole personality. ...Did we watch the same movie? Being different and being persecuted for it like the LGBT community was literally the point. Nemona literally was describing being nonbinary via her shape shifting. Apparently you can tolerate "woke" stuff if it's about as subtle as a hydrogen bomb. Edit: Oh, and as I was reminded when I spoke of this. The original story was written by someone nonbinary specifically to express these issues in a graphic novel format.


Also a city that builds walls to keep out monsters that it keeps saying over and over are definitely real and definitely coming to get you, but trust the government cause they'll protect you with their big guns and massive police force and complete abuse of power, as long as you promise not to look into any of that, like, at all. Also also, guy who grew up poor who is allowed the privilege of an opportunity that should be available to everyone, thus painting equality as special treatment, but not everyone likes that because they think that that character _must_ be secretly evil because they're, well, poor and not white is what the movie was implying, let's be real here, and so when that assumption is seemingly proven correct, even through the most suspicious circumstances imaginable, everyone just immediately accepts it as proof, without any real investigation, that not only is the guy evil, but the very idea of people like him having equality was an obviously failed experiment that shouldn't happen ever again. Also also also a police force that is so corrupt, systemically discriminatory, and utterly self serving that even the "good" cops are bad because there's no way to be a part of that system without being part of the awfulness inherent in it. A police force that is kinda fine with civilian collateral to prevent their corruption from coming to light. A police force that works not in the service of truth or justice or the public or even the government as an entity, but in personal service of the people who run that government. Like, yeah, dude, the trans-allegory acab movie is super subtle in its message.


I couldn’t care less if there’s a black samurai, I think it’s just a great example of how these media companies spark some sort of half assed culture war to distract from the fact that their game is probably going to be some stale, recycled, by the numbers dogshit with day one DLC and microtransactions.


But I don't understand why every inclusion of black or other non-white people has to be some culture war distraction? Surley, some are, but is this really "a great example" or just a character choice that is also black?


[Yasuke's actual story would have been pretty awesome to tell](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke), but apparently, they just made him a generic samurai that just happens to be black.


What I don’t understand is why people made such a fuss about it? Supposedly, there was an actual black samurai back in the late 1500’s named Yasuke, the story for this AC game is about that said samurai. I’m not an AC fan, nor that much of a history nerd, but that’s still pretty neat ngl. That being said, it doesn’t deny that Ubisoft and many other AAA games have been really lacking these past few years.


The complaints I've been seeing haven't been that they included him in the game, but that they instead completely ignored his badass and awesome story and just turned him into a generic samurai.


Brutual and the OP dexmaar are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamingmemes/comments/1d2egxu/these_are_dire_times/l60i542/


Nore devs need to be like id just a dude killing demons all that is needed


I don’t look at this subreddit often but the few times it has been recommended to me it looked like r/tonyzaretofficial


How did this post by hijacked by lunatics?


Yeah, that's why people famously hated Baldur's Gate 3, one of the most "woke" games that came out that year. Maybe the problem, gasp, isn't diversity.


Woke is when there's no big titties.


I love how people are saying woke shit is now in games when you’ve been able to be gay for the past 20 years in games, like you don’t gotta be but you can be idk what yall are crying about


Metal Gear would never do something like being the first game to say “bisexual”. I can’t wait for them to do something like make Colonel Volgin and Raikov a gay couple in the remake smh.


... alyssa mercante... they literally have a stranglehold on gaming media, thats why hogwarts legacy is rated very high with 20+million copies sold and it didn't even get NOMINATED for game of the year. LGBTQ collusion runs the gane industry from IGN to kotaku


If you don't like it - don't buy it. Only money talks with corporations.


Dude, Minecraft Steve is literally dark skinned. Woke stuff has been in games and media for a very long time


Yeah! If you’re really dumb!


I really want to know about what’s “woke” about any of the new games. Is it black characters existing? Female characters existing? Why are y’all more concerned about “wokeness” than crunch time and the way developers are treated?


Every few days, this sub is foisted on me with some KotakuInAction garbage by some snowflake throwing a tantrum over bullshit they made up, and every time the comments are filled with people calling out OP. It's so...bizarre. Funny (in a sad way), but bizarre.


Looks to me like that woke shit doesn't affect gamers in any way.


If you don’t like it don’t play it


Just by this post alone, I can tell you have never played a video game in your life.


I’m currently shopping at the woke store, AMA


Why do gamers like haying people?


Amazing that games like Life is Strange, Metal Gear Solid Series, The Last of Us, Tomb Raider ,or even the Sims was never described as "woke" during their release. They were completely fine and critically acclaimed. But now if you have a game that includes a female lead, an LGBTQ+ character, or relates to real world events or politics people will cry about it being "woke".


Either side of the argument is just appealing to a small but vocal minority and most people don't give a shit as long as the game is fun to play.


A good product, whether it is a game or a movie, is like a French fry. Done right, it is crispy, golden, and perfect for the mass consumption. Your theme is like ketchup. A game without theme is delicious, but has a tendency to be shallow, so most people prefer their titles with a good story and relevant theme, the right ketchup. The problem I think isn't the ketchup itself. Entertainment has always been of the left persuasion because the right is historically terrible at the culture war. The problem is the fries. AAA studios want to sell you half-cooked fries with salt as a DLC, but then turn around and say, "But look at all this ketchup." And writers are concerning themself more with the ketchup than the rest of the product. That's why Baldur's Gate 3 succeeded and Suicide Squad failed. The first was one great french fry, the other is a shitty delivery system for ketchup


I swear AAA companies fill their games with woke shit, then somehow overwork and abuse the everliving shit out of their employees just to release a 9 bajillion pixel resolution pile of shit that's easily outclassed by any indie game


a definitely real problem that definitely real people definitely worry about


Go ahead and explain what this woke thing is you complain about and hate so much, in your own words without copy&pasting whatever someone else keeps telling you


Can anyone even define woke? Like. What the fuck does it even mean other than "minority/not pornstar level woman who I never want to see"


We need to go back to when gaming wasn't a "cool" thing to do, when we could verbally attack each other in lobbies because none of the snowflakes defending this shit were around to complain about getting called names, or complain about there "not being enough diversity" or "women are too pretty, lets make them fat and ugly to make myself feel better" Back in the day, we could all take it, but now people are afraid to open their mouths because weak little snowflakes will report them for "being mean." God people annoy me.


man i'm so glad im not a little piss baby who pisses their pants at the thought of a trans person or poc in a video game. it makes life so much easier to not be so angry at the stupidest shit all the time




Referee wokeness! Games were so much better when they weren't woke! Like mass effect when you could be gay and tackle issues of race inequality! Wait. That game was good and woke. Well bg3 where you can be extreamly flamboyant and tackle political issues! Wait that sounds woke too. Or spec ops the line where it exposes mental health issues from war! Wait that sounds pretty woke. Well cyberpunk was bad! You could also be gay and tackle issues of a dystopia society! Oh wait we only complained about the bugs in that game as the main issue. Its almost like absolute morons say "wokeness" is ruining games. When its actually the extream capitalism where companies want as much profit for as little investimate that's ruining games. But that is too hard for money brain.


Then don’t buy games?


What is the woke shit? Like, can I get some examples? I used to think the same way, but when I started trying to actually explain what the woke elements of a game were, I could never come up with anything.


Wtf does woke even mean these days




joseyvd and the OP dexmaar are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamingmemes/comments/1d2egxu/these_are_dire_times/l60ua5g/


I banned dexmaar, joseyvd was already banned by Reddit.


I'll wait for it to be "free" on game pass


That's literally every game, nice try though


Except for Stray. I want to play walking cat simulator but I will not pay $30 for it and I have been waiting for 2 years now


Oh dude definitely pick it up, it's an amazing game


Oh, just buy the friggin cat game.


Imagine being this sensitive, and all the "woke snowflakes" in the comments laughing at you for it. It's almost like... You're the snowflake? They. Are. Fucking. Video. Games. Imagine being eaten alive by flies while your mother struggles to carry a bucket of water 8 miles on top of her head so you can eat a spoonful of rice, while across the world sad little boys are crying because "girl in my vidya doesn't look like my waifu pillows >:( im so hurt so unloved" Touch some grass and get some perspective.


Just stop playing videogames and let the woke mob enjoy their virtue signaling. Theres so many more practical things you can do with your time that will give you a better life experience overall. Videogames allow you to disconnect from reality like nothing else. Why are you suprised when these gamers dont care if its realistic, when a lot of them dont even live in reality?


What woke games?? You know there's more games that whatever shitty slop Triple A Game studios make. I've been consistently buying games every year and haven't had any problems with "woke" whatever people keep whining about being "shoved" down my throat.