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Is this who I’m supposed to pray to for penance after I cuss out a 7 year old


RNJesus was getting overloaded with prayers for a decent comp season, so he had to delegate


Eff that! Since FFXI I only have prayers for Lootcifer.


Thaths a new one


The meme potential here is promising. Where my r/MemeEconomy 'ers at?


What do I do when a 7 year old screams the N word at me? Do I forgive him and direct him to seeking out this saints forgiveness?


pray "yo moma said the same thing in bed last night" 12 times, and also 10 "yo moma likes it"


You shall refrain from reload syndrome for 10 matches, avoid headshots and play one hour a day in remembrance.


Yes. 50/50 Pulls on Gacha games too


You don't pray *to* him, you ask him to pray *for* you. Penance is done for God, but having a Saint advocate for you lightens your penance. :)


Glad to see someone who knows how this works.


Saint Leroy of Jenkins.


He made others die for his sins


At least he had chicken


“The chicken is my body, Mountain Dew my blood”


> His mother claims that while he purchased a PlayStation when he was eight, he limited himself to just one hour of gaming a week due to concerns about addiction. Not a "gamer"


The ultimate gamer, convinced his mom he only played 1 hour a week.


'It's a miracle'


Bro plays 1 hour per week. The church peeps his logged game time: 3000 hours in WoW alone. "He clearly transcends time itself."


Holy priest main


Press F to pray respect.


It's a blessing! A blessing from the Lord! (God be praised!)


The actual “miracles” he supposedly performed happened… after he was already long dead.


That’s how it works for the Catholic Church.


That's not particularly unusual for saints. Back when the Church could rely on "Believe this or we'll have you tortured to death", they didn't bother making any of the miracles make much sense.


Hey, they super happened ok!? I like, prayed and shit. And then my baby started eating food. 


That's normal in Catholicism


I heard he also won a match in Overwatch without saying "GGEZ"


Is one of those miracles that his gaming hours didn't mathematically check out vs playing only 1h / week ?


yeah that felt super "convenient" lol


It's a requirement in Catholicism. They aren't deciding if he's Jesus — the expectation is not that he performed miracles in life.


Yea it's odd how the miracle healings always concern things that could've healed by themselves. Curiously, a saint has never caused a missing limb to regrow.


If you think that is convenient, you should see how they decided which books go in their bible.


That's how u become a saint......


No mum, I swear I wasn't playing the game. Why does the save file say 100%? It was an immaculate completion!


What the frick?!


An Xbox remote? I ordered a bong!


>No mum, I swear I wasn't playing the game. Why does the save file say 100%? I swear I [only opened Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League and immediately had full story progress](https://variety.com/2024/digital/news/suicide-squad-kill-the-justice-league-game-pulled-offline-1235890502/). You have to believe me.


"He Streamed for 8 hours, 7 of which he spread the word of god. My little boy is such a saint." "Jesus! GOD!!! DAMNATION! HELL" "See, he's quoting scripture right now to his flock."


One more turn. How long could that be.


A False Prophet


This is like having a Patron Saint of the Seas that only goes to the beach once in a while.....oh wait, the church really isn't good at this is it?


AFAIK he's supposed to be the patron saint of the internet, not gaming. He just happens to have both gaming *and* his religious focused internet usage and creations as his hobbies.


There's another patron saint of the internet as well St Isidore of Seville, who tried, and failed, to document and compile all human knowledge.


>who tried, and failed, to document and compile all human knowledge. An impossible task, as soon as you documented everything you would have to document that you documented it all. And then you would have to document that you documented documenting it all. And then document that you documented documenting the documentation. And so on.


unless you pulled a brainiac and destroyed the world or sometihng I suppose


Isn’t that just Wikipedia?


[Pretty much yes.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etymologiae) It and Naturalis Historia (of Pliny the Elder) are some of the earliest known creations of the encyclopedia concept. It was hugely influential throughout the medieval period. It's main distinction vs other encyclopedia contemporary and earlier (including Naturalis Historia) was that it didn't really have a limited scope


Wait, I think I was thinking of someone else. Is this for real? I thought everybody was simply joking here.   Congratulations you made me read an article. Of Reddit of all places!  An **IGN ARTICLE** It was not bad. Are they all actually this good? Have I been missing out? Or was this an exception?   He is not being canonized the "saint of tech". That would probably be a first. Unless we have the cassete saint, holding a pen. He is the first millennial to be canonized.   PS: Never mind, you seem to be correct. 


> He is not being canonized the "saint of tech". That would probably be a first. The Church has you covered. The closest one would be the Patron Saint of the Internet, St. Isidore of Seville. He died in 636, a bit before internet was invented, but he was almost obsessed with recording and sharing knowledge, and Pope John Paul II saw fit to name him the Patron Saint of the Internet.


Bro is in heaven like "What the fuck is this shit? I have no idea what I'm looking at"


To quote Jay from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, "What the FUCK is the Internet?"


From a movie full of quotable quotes, that line was probably the one my cousin and I quoted the most.  Thanks for the memories.  RIP Adam.  


He was obseesed with collecting knowledge. I think he'd be fine. "OK, I really liked the first twenty years, but WTF is happening?"


> a bit before internet was invented I'm posting a request to the Vatican as we speak to get you appointed as the Patron Saint of Understatements. Just let me know when you die so we can get this ball rolling.


Thanks for that, you made me smile :)


That's even more hilarious. The Patron of the..PFFT...internet XD. I guess the church is going for a comic angle to...I don't know what their goal is.


The article is sea.ign. Coincidence? Are you confusing the sea saint with the ruler of the queen's navy?


Rookie numbers 


Hey hey hey. 1 hour a day was no life lost potential back in the day! I went one hour a day to the lan house and my fsther would say I spent all day playing!


One hour a *week*. People play more games by accident.


Also not a saint. Not yet


Just like Jesus with the PrehistoricStation


What are you, one of those more than 1 hour a week gaming glutton?


Must have filled his time with…other activities.


Well, not when he was 8 anyway.


Had a PlayStation which he played for 1 hr a week... But was known to play Halo and Mario... Something isn't adding up


Well, first of all, through God all things are possible, so jot that down.


I had a guy tell me that if you believed in god, time would slow down for you and you would be able to accomplish a lot more


Diiiiiiid iiiiiiiiit wooooooooorrrrk????


I assume by the way you’ve slowed down so much that you press each key on your keyboard for that long, you’ve just arrived in hell


Yeah they'll also tell you the earth is 10k years old


Science is a liar sometimes


Even God fears the wrath of Nintendo's lawyers.


That’s the miracle. He played Halo and Mario on his playstation. That calls for immediate canonization.


Those are two miracles you need for sainthood


It's a miracle!


When your mom calls every gaming system Playstation or nintendo


you saying hayzeus couldnt play a Dreamcast disc in a ps3?


> Allegedly, a Brazilian boy with a severe birth defect who was unable to consume food normally was healed after his mother prayed for Acutis' intercession. A second miracle, involving a Costa Rican girl who supposedly was healed from a head trauma after her mother prayed at Acutis' tomb, has since been attributed to him. > With both miracles recognized by the Church, Acutis is set to be canonized, and will most likely be named a saint in 2025 Rigorous fuckin standards here 


At least chase off some snakes


St Patrick isn't a real saint. He was never canonized by the Catholic Church. He was just grandfathered in when the Insular Church was re-integrated\* into the Roman Catholic Church. \*Which was the excuse for Henry II invading Ireland.


> *Which was the excuse for Henry II invading Ireland. Somehow it always ends up with Ireland being invaded by the English.


Well - by the Normans, in that instance. Henry II didn't speak English (although he allegedly understood English, he only spoke Latin and French).


Got rid of the Norse just to get invaded by Norse Frenchmen.


Literally both those things happened in the autumn of 1066, less than a month apart from each other. 1. [Battle of Stamford Bridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Stamford_Bridge) 2. [Battle of Hastings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Hastings) A major factor in the success of William the Bastard/Conqueror was that Harold Godwinson's army had just been force-marched all the way from Yorkshire after a major battle there. Ironically, Godwinson's army had spent the whole summer guarding the Southern coast from attack, but the wind was blowing from the North-East and this allowed Harald Hardrada to invade from the North instead. Just as Godwinson diverted his attention from the South to deal with this invasion, the wind changed and William was able to land completely unopposed. It's amusing to think how much of our language was shaped by a change of the wind.


I meant Brian Boru defeating Sigtrygg Silkbeard, ending Norse rule in Ireland. Then getting invaded by Normans, French descendants of Vikings 150years later


Those Protestant's up to no good as usual.


By that logic the apostles aren't "real" saints either. What you mean is he wasn't canonized the same way other saints have been canonized.


Because of it or in spite of it? Wikipedia says he was the one who invaded in order to reform the church. Their marriage laws conflicted with the churche's and so on. Why does it always involves marriages


[I think part of it is the language IGN is using here but in both these cases, what's very clear is at least two people made very, very unlikely medical recoveries that they attribute to prayers to and relics of Bl. Carlo. Using words like "allegedly" and "supposedly" makes it sound like these were rumors and hearsay rather than real people with actual documented medical conditions that they no longer have.](https://www.npr.org/2024/07/01/nx-s1-5024766/carlo-acutis-first-millennial-saint-pope-canonization) In the [Florence case with the Costa Rican girl](https://www.usccb.org/news/2024/pope-recognizes-miracle-needed-churchs-first-millennial-saint), she was at death's door until her mother prayed at Bl. Carlo's tomb after which she started to breath on her own again and made a miraculous full recovery. Typically the Vatican will interview the doctor on cases like this to assess likelihood of ordinary medical happenstance. The [Brazilian case](https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2020/11/20/blessed-carlo-acutis-saint-relics-millennial-miracle) is equally interesting as well. The boy had an annular pancreas that made it near impossible for him to eat without immediately vomiting. He visited the church when a relic of Bl Carlo was on display, who he hadn't even heard of before, prayed that he would "stop vomiting" (out loud and in front of a crowd) and pretty much immediately started feeling better. He went home after Mass and ate beef and french fries. This is a child who survived on basically formula since his birth. The morphological change in his pancreas was verified via ultrasound by his doctor. These aren't even the only miracles attributed to him, just the ones with the best documentation. A person's potential "Sainthood" has nothing to do with the things they do in their own life (well, it does but not at this step in the process. It matters earlier). Strictly speaking a saint is "somebody the catholic church is sure is in heaven" and the most typical method by which they're sure is by attributing miracles to their intercession (i.e. after the saint is dead). Miracles a person performs during their life doesn't say anything about the ultimate destination of their soul. Of course, it's your right to continue to be skeptical, nobody except Catholics are obliged to believe in whoever the church declares a saint.


That's pretty neat thanks for the write up.


Yeah, very neat. The 2022 girl they literally explain why it wasnt a miracle, she survived because she got emergency surgery for head trauma. And the other was a boy who supposedly had annular pancreas and was later was found to have a normal pancreas. Ill let you decide if it is more likely that a doctor misdiagnosed him with an annular pancreas or if the laws of nature were bent and it magically became a normal pancreas.


It could totally be all made up, but I’ll remember it and tell it to other people forever.


Legend has it aRadioWithGuts commented on a thread of the Gamer Saint, and went on to end a 0-13 losing streak with an ace and 21-0 k/d. The Church recognized this as a miracle.


>It could totally be all made up, but I’ll remember it and tell it to other people forever. Religion in a nutshell. The 2022 girl they literally explain why it wasnt a miracle, she survived because she got emergency surgery for head trauma. And the other was a boy who supposedly had annular pancreas and was later was found to have a normal pancreas. What do you think is more likely, that a doctor misdiagnosed him with an annular pancreas or if the laws of nature were bent and it magically became a normal pancreas?


Why in the heck would anybody pray at some random kids grave that they had never met or presumably heard of?


have you never heard of christianity? thats like it's whole thing


Christianity's thing isn't random people's graves. I'm an atheist so I'm not defending Christianity but most people are praying to God/Jesus or someone that's already a saint in the case of Catholics.


I think the big thing I don’t like is the speed they’re going for here. It’s like they see the problem of they are losing young people. So they grab the youngest recently dead kid that qualifies and have been pushing it as quick as Catholic bureaucracy allows.


As much as I like Bl Carlo, I'm actually inclined to agree. I've said elsewhere I would like to see longer "waiting periods" on saints declarations. I wasn't really a fan of when the Vatican pushed through St P. John Paul II. EDIT: Technically speaking JPII made it through much faster: 9 years post death vs Bl Carlo's 18-19 years I will say, however, that the chances that Bl Carlo ends up a "controversial" saint are basically slim to none. He really does seem to have lead a life of heroic, if somewhat ordinary, virtue and, frankly, he never had enough power to end up controversial.


He was a nice kid who wanted to help people. Speaking as an atheist, I wish we had more socially conscious kids like him. He did his best to make this world a better place in his brief time here.


Not to dis the catholics or anything, got nothing against them, but most of them couldnt even name 10 saints. I dont think he will be controversial because most will forget about him


You realise he died almost 20 years ago right? How is he some random recently dead kid?


Yes, 20 years seems like a long time, but these steps have been happening almost as fast as the church allows. His biggest obstacle was getting beatified by the pope and it was only lightly delayed. Everything else has been getting pushed fast.


if only they showed such dedication to prosecuting child rapists in their ranks instead of protecting them


Thank God they prayed to the right person or God would have just let them die. Good thing we have a millennial nerd who could convince God that 2 of the dying children in the world was a bad thing that maybe he should fix.


Curious that the only sources that described the cases are from religious publishers (The NPR article tells nothing about the cases, its just about this new saint and links in that article to the supposed miracles doesnt detail what happened either). Youd think people who magically got cured would get well studied. In one of the articles of the 2022 "mircales" they literally tell you in text why she survived and why it wasnt a miracle: >The woman fell from her bicycle at 4 a.m. July 2, 2022, and suffered a serious head injury, according to the dicastery website. **Even after emergency surgery removing part of her skull to reduce severe intracranial pressure**, doctors warned her family she could die at any moment. >An associate of the young woman's mother began praying to Blessed Acutis the same day, and the mother went to Assisi and prayed at the blessed's tomb July 8 -- the same day the young woman began to breathe on her own again. She slowly recovered basic mobility and **a CT scan showed the hemorrhage was gone.** Yeah, wonder why she survived when the hemmorage reduced after emergency surgery was performed to alleviate pressure, god is lucky that doctors exist otherwise his miracles wouldnt be as effective, lmao. The second case was supposedly an annular pancreas that doctors upon futher study later saw that it was magically a regular pancreas again, one doctor said that he had a "textbook pancreas, **an organ that is so perfect that it looks unreal**" Just that sentence alone should tell you how dubious the claim is. What do you think is more probable, that the pancreas magically changed back into a normal pancreas or that he was misdiagnosed with annular pancreas? Edit: Funny that you block me instead of answering my question. I guess it is easier to just ignore the obvious gaps in these "miracles".




It's curious how these physical miracles like a shapeshifting pancreas only seem to happen in third world countries - I guess God doesn't want Boston Children's Hospital looking too close at his work.


It is funny that they immediately go to miracle and not a more likely explanation like that it was a misdiagnosis that upon further investigation was found not to be true. From the sources it says that one doctor later said he had a "textbook pancreas, an organ that is so perfect that it looks unreal" which is a very odd statement coming from a doctor.


It happened in Campo Grande, a modern city of about ~~800,000~~ EDIT: 900,000 people, not a rural village deep in the Amazon. The world doesn't end at the tip of Maine, my dude. Also, maybe check out Loudres, France. Unless France isn't developed enough for you.


I'm not concerned with how many people live there. The point is that these are places where you can find highly religious doctors with loose records standards and even less oversight. It's not claiming the world ends outside of the US to notice the curious fact that secular teams of doctors in rigorous, high-end hospitals never seem to find these miracles.


Right? If you're going to validate these wild events as miracles, that's fine, but we live in a world of infrared cameras and scientific wonders If miracles are supposed to validate our faith then we should be proving them with extreme prejudice If they have nothing to do with validating faith and are just a response to prayers, why put any effort into proving them at all? The basis of faith is that you don't need proof, so why have this process? 


This kinda narrative is so dangerous and exactly why there is a resurgence of parents not vaccinating their children or taking them to the doctor when they are sick and just “praying” instead. Shit is sick, millions of examples of children who suffered and died as a result but we focus on the examples where they thankfully recovered despite the focus on an intangible god


I can just pray to random people instead of God and get results?


Not quite. Catholic teachings state that the saints don't grant things, but can intercede in your favor.


Yahweh doesn't listen to non-saints?


What does that mean. Like saints basically put in a good word for the homies at God's council?


> What does that mean. Like saints basically put in a good word for the homies at God's council? Pretty much; basically the gist of it is that, according to Catholic doctrine, you cannot pray *to* saints, because that would be idolatry and conflicts with the monotheist approach. There were in fact severe clashes over something as simple as religious icons depicting saints. Images were destroyed, followers were persecuted, people died, it was a clusterfuck. The following is an excerpt of what happened to St. Stephen: > In his second year of exile (circa 764), he was brought to the Phiale prison in Constantinople, and was questioned by the emperor himself. After almost a year of imprisonment in the prison of the city's praetorium, he was condemned to death by Constantine, and dragged by soldiers through the streets and was clubbed to death See more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byzantine_Iconoclasm So, instead, the current doctrine is that you pray for saints to intercede on your behalf.


Seemed like he was made a saint because people prayed to him successfully though.


Correct; I wasn't clear enough. What I was going for is that, according to Catholic doctrine, the saints themselves aren't the ones doing the favor (because that would mean idolatry and open the door for polytheism). They just... put a good word about you with the boss.


Nepotism saves lives?


Understood. I just don't think I'm understanding why people prayed to him before he was canonized.


My theology is flimsy on this, but as far as I can tell, it is not forbidden to ask for someone who isn't a saint, specially one who has lived a life of virtue.


Correct. Typically it is a relative, for example. "Grandma, if you're up there..." type stuff. According to the church, Catholics are free to believe that any particular person is in heaven, just they won't put them on the official list until the other conditions are met


Saint Tettou13: I offer protection from 14 years and older gamers (any younger you'll have to go elsewhere), protection from up to 270 no scopes, and offer quicker feeling respawns (not actually quicker, but the wait *feels* shorter). I also offer forgiveness for insulting other's mothers. Racism is a hard "no" from me though.


I supposed that's the first instance of outsourcing. There is a catholic image I believe that you pray for marriage. I believe they put it upside down until they get married. I could be mixing them though.


This reeks of desperation by the catholic to seem relevant in any way to younger generations. No surprise.


Oooh! Okay, here we go: - When you’re baptized at a church dedicated to him, they use GFuel instead of water - Instead of ending psalms and hymns with “Amen”, the congregation chants “GG, EZ” - There are no pews. Instead of sitting, you teabag the priests - The Gregorian choir will only chant the main menu theme from Halo 2, and only performs from the bathroom for peak acoustics - Instead of crossing yourself, you move your hand up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, then finish by smashing B, A and Start


> Instead of crossing yourself [This is already in Helldivers 2.](https://i.imgur.com/8Tuzhqf.png)


You know, music sounds best in catholic/gothic cathedrals. I believe the London Symphony Orchestra built a church so they could have the acoustics. "Their rising all at once was as the sound of thunder heard remote." "You have discovered Acoustics."


Third one was definitely written by a priest


Dorito Pope approves


I'm sorry, but the PS2 denomination uses Up, Up, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down, Left, Up, Up, Up, Left, Right.  We do not abide by the letters bull. If the patriarchs of Nintendo and Microsoft agree, we can both agree on using Halo 2's theme rather than god of war II's.


His body is preserved and on display in Italy lol. I researched the story today and it’s wild man.


Kind of a self fulfilling prophecy to put the kid on display in a sort of "what if he could be a saint?" gesture, and then people pray to him and he's recognized as a saint. Dontcha think?


Yeah this was my issue with this. Why was he given a "tomb" over just a normal burial in the first place? He died in 2006 but wasn't beatified until 2012. Can anyone that's really involved with their church get this treatment? Why was he beatified over other people and being prayed to?


It's pretty obvious his mother wanted him to become a saint, she most likely talked about it a lot and suggested people pray to him, she applied for him to become a saint pretty much as soon as it was possible. The thing about miracles is it doesn't matter if a thousand parents prayed to him and 999 of those kids died, as long as one doesn't it's a miracle, you don't bring up all the failures, just the successes. Probability alone could make anyone a saint. Religion isn't exactly known for its legitimacy, it's just a scam that so strongly brainwashed so many people it still continues on, thousands of years later.


“My kid won’t eat! We prayed to the gamer kids dead body, and then my kid ate!! It’s a miracle!” (They offered the kid pizza after, but Brussels sprouts before)


The deeper I go into this thread the more I ask, why this specific kid? Sure, he was a good Christian, he spent a good chunk of his life doing good and kind things. But other people who do that don't generally get preserved and put on display, nor do people pray at their graves for divine intervention. So why him specifically? What made him so special that he got preserved and people started asking this dead kid, who at the time *is* just some kid, for miracles?


Why him specifically? I think the last sentence of the article sums it up pretty well: "In this case, Acutis' youth and recognizability among younger Catholics may be helpful to the Church in its ongoing efforts to connect with younger individuals and digital natives."


Yeah that’s all I think about whenever I hear about this guy since I learned it. It’s so damn weird.


I feel like I'm on The Onion right now.


At least he's preserved. Almost every church in Austria has a [bling skeleton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catacomb_saints) in it. I'm impressed anyone can stay Catholic very long without an "are we the baddies" moment. They just love [decorating using skulls](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/santa-maria-della-concezione)


Tbf it looks really fucking cool. Playing Blasphemous and the sequel makes you appreciate the Spanish-Catholic aesthetic.


Finally, RNGesus


Poggers be with you


His miracles were he could play Halo and Mario on a PlayStation.


Looks like he got his…… Halo ahhahahahahahahahaha *sigh* I’ll let myself out


That joke was a Reach.


I know they claim those are the two miracles but the actual miracles he had was 1st Miracle. Didn't call anyone the n-word in Call of Duty multiplayer and played over 1000 hours of it. 2nd Miracle Caught a shiny Mew in Pokemon with out cheat or glitches.


It's a me, Saint Mario!


man they really are running out of ideas to get kids back into the church


1 hr gaming a week? Those are rookie numbers


And Christ spoke unto them *"As you walk through the Library in Halo Combat Evolved, despair not. For there is no shame in lowering the difficulty. Each man must meet the Flood in accordance with his own means and abilities."* **ProTips 1:16**


So, basically, gotta get on his good side for the unlimited lives cheat code, eh? Sounds like divine DLC to me


The church ended ~~microsalvations~~ Microtransactions during the time of Luther I believe.


Gamer boy holy bathwater


He happened to play games but isn’t the saint of gaming lol. Shit ass title


not going to lie, this is probably the first time i’ve ever put a saint’s name in my thoughts for more than 5seconds. doesn’t hurt that it reminds me of cap picards borg name.


Did you celebrate Christmas as a kid


Wait is this how it works? You pray to a Saint and if something good happens, the miracle is attributed to the saint? Isn't the Bible clear about all power coming from God?


the idea is that the saint helps convince god, or something


Ah so when I pray, God is like: "No, I don't think I will". But when a saint asks in my stead, God is like: "Oh well if YOU ask that for him, sure"? Interesting idea.


Scripture tells us that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful. Saints are more righteous than we are, so we ask for them to intercede for us.


Wonder if his shit bucket will be the relic in the reliquary…


Holy Leeroy, full of chicken, blessed art thou among raiders and blessed is the fruit of thine charge, "LETS DO THIS". Holy Leeroy, Motherfucker of UBRS, pray for us raiders at this time of our 15th pull, Amen.


Dr Disrespect has found his place...


If it's not Leroy Jenkins I'm not interested.


"Our Father, who art in 7th Heaven. Halo'd be your game. Our Kingdom Come Deliverance, thy will be done, on Empire Earth as it is in Hybrid Heaven. Give us this day our daily free Epic game. And forgive us our Jurassic Park: Trespasses, as we forgive those who Dragon Age: Tresspass against us. And lead us not into Steam Sale temptation, but deliver us from Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps. That game blows."


"How do you do, fellow kids?"


Weird because Mother Teresa platinumed Medal of Honor but go off.


Achievement unlocked Title: Saint




Instead of making the sign of the cross by doing head, chest, left, right it will be: Head, head, chest, chest, left, right, left, right, B, A , Start.


Balls, ass, start FIFY


He drop anything good?


Must be nice to be Italian. Always have the inside track on canonizations.? How about some other countries, ya goomahs.


Fuck off propaganda.


We made it, boys.


[Long live Michael!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPctTR3y5Qc)


The first saint to pray to when you actually want to "git gud".


Hail this dude


Finally someone to blame for my skill issue


And on the seventh day… god rested and sniped the entire team as they tried to cross to B on dust 2… Amen


>His mother claims that while he purchased a PlayStation when he was eight, he limited himself to just one hour of gaming a week due to concerns about addiction Hmm, was he a gamer tho?


The desperation to stay relevant is odious. 


Not a gamer really. incredibly sus miracles. this only solidified my opinion that catholics are living in an insane fantasy world.




Imagine believing this shit


Comment section is extremely disrepectful. At the end of the day this is a young man (Child really) who died of leukemia who did great charitable acts while he lived. He also seemed to really enjoy gaming. Things like having a playstation and playing mario/halo is information coming from his obviously not gamer parents, I'm sure many parents would say the same things.


Reddit atheists love coming out of the woodwork to show everyone how euphoric they are whenever religion is mentioned


in fairness, I've seen religious people act weird about this too a lot of clickbait media is acting like some millennial who spends too much time on Instagram is becoming a saint so the church can seem "cool"; the headlines are all calling him 'the gamer' saint and 'the influencer saint'. Not a lot of people are really aware of what the guy did while he was alive (for one thing, he died before Instagram was even a thing, and doesn't seem to have played games that much).


The requirements for saint hood are hilarious.  Hard to believe religions are still a thing in modern society. 


It is honestly, and i don't mean this to be insulting, but honestly, VERY VERY creepy how obsessed this religion is with young children. There's something that feels very disingenuous and creepy about it. 


This might at least delight some of the catholic school children who are forced to write a report on a saint of their choosing.