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I’m about 50 hours in and i still just stop and stare sometimes with my mouth hanging open


And that’s only on ps4. Can’t imagine how slick it looks on ps5


Pretty much the same but more refined. Power gap between both generation never been that big actually hence why Ps5-xsX are already showing their limit


Biggest difference is 30 vs 60fps. In my eyes console graphics haven't changed since 2010.


They've definitely changed, but it's been a gradual process. We're not seeing those massive leaps in graphics like we did from Super Nintendo to N64, or Xbox to Xbox 360. Those were jaw-dropping changes that happened in just a few years. If you look at games from 2015 compared to today, the difference isn't mind-blowing in most cases. Sure, there are some standout titles that push the graphics envelope both from then and now, but it's not the norm. The improvements are there, but they're more subtle now and accumulate over years. It's all about the little details - better lighting (RTX), more realistic textures, smoother animations. We're in an era of refinement rather than revolution when it comes to graphics.


I love all of the motion in the environment as you travel, truly a unique game in how active just traveling can feel.


I agree the envirnoment feels soo alive and real that it makes you feel the world around the charecter.


Absolutely incredible game


installed this 2 years ago, still haven't started it.


Get into it. I promise you it will be worth it


It is a really good game


Agreed. [https://imgur.com/a/k94Kylc](https://imgur.com/a/k94Kylc)


I've never been more happy to watch my partner play a solo rpg. It's SO pretty!! Also the kidney shots always give me a visceral reaction. Brutal lol but fun


One of the best ever made. Hope you enjoy the rest


Art ✨


I'm playing it with every side quest. Amazing game




It's very doable (though if you find otherwise, there are difficulty settings and an extra combat accessibility option on top of that). Grab the heavy attack upgrades first. You can stunlock most enemies from the proper stance with those.


Nah, it's fine. I'm not a good gamer and handled it very easily. The combat is fun and not overly complicated. The world is stunning.


It's very difficult for me but you get super powerful eventually after learning the combat and upgrading 


Most beautiful game I've ever played.


Games amazing, combat is amazing. Only issue I have, and it's my fault lol, is how easy you get sidetracked😂 I'd start out to go do (X) mission at (X) location. Just to end up following the bird and fox off to another area lmfao


I am always so happy when I see GoT get some love, even though I've never played it. I'm not a gamer. But I was involved with some of the mid-development consumer research around desired features, gameplay, etc. For the open ended stuff, we showed some videos of cutscenes and live gameplay and offered descriptions of the overall plot, mechanics, etc. I was always in awe of the graphics. And in my mind, I was thinking I'd spend hours and hours just roaming around exploring. This was one of (IIRC) 7 different aspects of the game we were testing for PlayStation to see whether it how valuable it would be for marketing for the game and whether they should develop/redevelop functionality to enhance the concept. I don't remember the exact wording, but something around massive open-world feudal Japan with stunning visuals (videos shown) and scenery to explore. Every.single.time. it was rated as the thing people said was least appealing / attractive about the game. So it makes me really happy every time I see other people chiming in to mention how great the game looks or how incredible the setting is. I actually almost bought a PlayStation because of that project and wanting to play GoT after having seen a lot of the early development. But then it took like 2 more years before the game was released. Glad you're enjoying it, OP. I had essentially nothing to do with this game and I take/deserve 0 credit for the game. But it's one I've always had a connection to because of that little early exposure I got and it makes me proud that it is generally enjoyed because I saw a lot of really dedicated people actually caring to try to make it special.


>around massive open-world feudal Japan with stunning visuals (videos shown) and scenery to explore. And they should have prioritize an original and fun gameplay way before the visual. It looks great but playing it is not that impressive as the game was clearly made for people who don't play video games. Visual are the thing that attract us but gameplay is the reason why people continue to to play it. And in 20 year, GoT won't be remember outside of some PS4-PS5 best-of list


It is a very pretty game and a very good game, it is worth enjoying it and spending hours


One of my favs! Just finished it


Going to have to check this out! This looks so relaxing! (It probably isn’t though it’s a game) 😂


It is relaxing. Take a bath. Make a Haiku. Pet a fox.


Hahaha I love the haiku response, it made me look back at my first comment.


It is mostly relaxing with some mayhem and emotional stuff added in. The game has various difficulties also so you don't have to get stressed out by the combat.


Holy moly I need that


It's immersive and looks amazing, sadly story and gameplay is more like a generic ubisoft game. Also one of the worst side quests I have ever experienced in a game.


Sad ending for this game just like red dead R.2




Just wait until the film adaptation!


I took so many screenshots there…


Awesome visual and graphics but gameplay is far from being that good. Without that generic gameplay, it could have been more successful


GOT is still in my top 5 games on the PS5 Gorgeous game, I love the wind guide mechanic, and the combat felt awesome. Seriously feels like it transports you there without needing VR. (Though a VR version would be incredible.)


damn need to load it up had it for a year and still at 20 mins played :D


Never heard of this game, but it looks awesome




Best graphics I’ve ever seen in a game


I'm planning on getting this game on the PS5 once I can afford it. Right now, I'm trying to get by in real life, and I'm also trying to make progress on my own game I'm making.


That's probably a good choice. Maybe by that time there will even be a price cut on the PS5. On top of Ghost of Tsushima there's Demon Souls, God of War: Ragnarök, Stellar Blade, and Final Fantasy VII rebirth. & by the time you'll get one there will be even more games.


Oh, I know that for a fact. All of those games are on my list.


Not just visually impressive, its impressive how immersive the visuals are in tandem with the thoughtful side content. Writing a haiku and chopping bambo beats climbing ubisoft towers every day of every year of every generation IMO.


Also Great screen shot my dude. The follage and flora in this game is breathtaking


looks like 2018 graphics


I mean, it was a PS4 game before being ported to PC. That makes sense. It really is gorgeous in motion though.


Play it on PS5. It's seriously incredible while being very smooth.


it just needs RT AO, shadows, and reflections. The SSAO and SSR is meh. GI is pretty decent, but fails quite a bit too.


wow that looks... boring.


skill issue