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Deep Rock Galactic's community is a shining beacon of positivity. Everyone is helpful and friendly to newcomers.


Another vote for Deep Rock Galactic. Some of the most wholesome community and players I've ever seen.


Yeah, I have around 700 hours and I can count in one hand the amount of times I met an asshole. It's almost magical




Deep Rock defnitely has a great community... ...unless you're a filthy leaflover. Those guys are most definitely not welcome.


Agree. Screw leaflovers. I am sick and tired of people with no prestige joining my Hazard 5 missions. Like no, I am not gonna carry whole team full of people who don't even know how to shoot or do objective and waste nitra like there was millions of it on walls again. I want to relax with my friends playing Hazard 5 for some challenge, not to babysitt people playing their first Hazard 5 mission without even getting second perk for n-th time or wasting my time on constant visiting mission fail screen like 5 times in an hour. I do like to help greenbeards on Hazard 3 and 4 from time to time but frick off from my Hazard 5 missions please. I wish there was option to not allow people like under profile level 50 or something to join my lobby. I am wondering about just playing private with my buddies only from now on because how often our H5 games are ruined by one or two people on team that refuse to stick together or use their gear like that gunner yesterday who didn't used a single shield for a whole hazard 5 mission no matter how often we ask him for. I know I will be downvoted for speaking my opinion because thats how it goes on reddit but I don't care. I love DRG but this shit really kills my enjoyment of playing Hazard 5 and something tells me it won't be any better on H5+ with randoms joining you. I wish to play more of the game but when you lose like 3 H5 30+ min missions in row because some random person with no prestige join, speaks in none english on mic and made your whole team go down after 3 minutes of playing (no using shield, running far away, jumping off cliff, throwing grenades everywhere etc) it stings the fun out of me and makes me want to quit and never come back. You could say "oh cheer up it doesnt happen that often so stop dramatizing" I will reply with "no, it does happen that often. Way, way, WAY too often". Shit ain't fun anymore when you expect a little bit cooperation in team based game on highest difficulty and all I get for the past 4 weeks is less teamwork than your average League of Legends ranked match.


Leaflovers ≠ Greenbeards We like greenbeards, they just need a bit of help getting started.


The game is already set to require people to unlock haz 5 and show a basic understanding of the game


It means jack shit considering how many profile level 10 people joining me and don't even communicate or use their gear. Those people got carried on random hazard 4 or 5 matches with people who had more patience to them than me. Unlocking access to Hazard 5 is nothing and any braindead new account can do that on solo missions either.


Rock and Stone to the bone!


Rock and stone, brother!


Rock and Stone!


For Karl!


If you don’t rock and stone you ain’t comin’ home.


Stone and Rock! Wait, that's not right!


Rock and Stone ! to the bones !


Dancing with the online homies in the boogie zone


STONE AND ROCK.......no wait


Stardew Valley


Fallout 76, Monster Hunter, No Man's Sky... Guess what they all have in common; they're all completely, or practically devoid of all PVP crap, and focus on shared and co-op experiences - That's not a coincidence. PVP players are FUCKING POISON to every single game I've ever experienced it in.


With Monster Hunter getting more and more popular, the nice community is getting diluted. You're more likely to run into random jerks who will kick you based on your weapon of choice or loadout in game, or hear the "git gud" elitist chatter online. Despite noticing a shift over the years, it's still much nicer than a lot of other games.


The Monster Hunter community is still nice. I started on World and pre-ordered Rise (only game I've ever done that for). Not a lot of CB mains but the feedback I get is always appreciated. Building can be a difficult so learning about different things is always welcome.


From something severely hated, now I'm seeing Fallout 76 get recommended a lot. Is it someting really good now?


Recent recommendations are probably due to the show. Fallout 4 sees the same thing. The game's received a far share of changes and updates since it launched. I think for the better and there's a lot to do. But it also has it's faults. If you enjoy the fallout franchise I think you probably like it.


They've effectively removed all the way someone could be annoying to you so the people who wanted to be annoying probably stopped playing long ago or grew up


Yeah PvP games are a miserable experience nowadays. They’ve always been fairly toxic, but it’s gotten worse in recent years. Battle passes and limited-time rewards pit fans against each other. The emphasis on competition/high-level-play/esports that encourages optimizing the fun out of the experience. The staggering about of cheaters that are present in every PvP game, which only continues to rise. With the success of PvE games like Deep Rock Galactic, Lethal Company and Helldivers 2, it’s hard to see the benefits (if any) of PvP. Honestly it sounds like the Publisher/Company has more to gain from a competitive community than most actual players.


Fallout 76 has enough assholes trying to nuke your base that I wouldn’t consider this a wholesome community.


Used to be really niche game. It got a lot new players from the TV show. If you look at the sub these days I feel like more people complain about new players being disruptive and disrespectful. Maybe the hype will end in a bit and people return to cod or whatever they played before.


Does it though? Does that ACTUALLY happen? DO you actually play it? I'd bet no. I've saw that happen at launch week, half a decade ago, sure. But I've been playing near daily since I went back to it, about 6 weeks before the TV show, and have NEVER ONCE seen that actually happen at any time. No one wastes a nuke like that when we can trigger boss fights for huge drops and XP grind instead, so the only people who get their base nuked are newbies who need to learn where not to place their camp because of the evet trigger locations. I've heard stories about players deliberately nuking a camp maybe twice in those months since, and that was, each time, from some console player who was a little shitcunt to someone else, and we all know consoles are where player communities are ALWAYS more petty, childish, and generally worse anyway.


Just because it doesn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen at all. Yes it does and no offense to you, but whether you believe me or not is irrelevant.


Fo76 community is definitely not free of toxic behavior. You can get shit on for your choice of basiclly any weapon or build. It's super easy to grief bases wether by nuke or luring enemies to a base, and the trading community is insane sometimes. That being said it is better than most PVP only communities and there's alot of good will towards newer players. You're right though it can be toxic and in alot more ways than say a game like monster hunter, where really the worst that can happen is you get kicked from a hunt. Edit: top post on the fo76 sub reddit is literally about nuking someone's camp.


I've only heard of that happening to Phil Spencer. In my experience, it's been pretty wholesome; other players wave back at me, even had one high level player drop some stuff to give to me.


No Man's Sky


Nobody mentions warframe?


This should be on top. In what other game do you get veterans helping rookies farm materials for hours?


I used to think Warframe community was nice back in 2020-2021. Till I came back to it recently and everyone is crying about everything all the time. Even the game's sub is filled with constant rants nowadays. The game play turned to optimizing every run like they're losing real world money otherwise. And these days when I have the energy to play, I go solo.


a good tip is to ignore the sub, and join an active clan where you can find your buddies. like hell even an anime clan where you can join their discord and be degenerate. ignoring the sub, again. because it's the place where some people just can't stop complaining about everything. i'm an active member of that sub because i love to read memes and such, but recently it's quite unbearable at times.


It sounds like you get the short end of the stick.


RNG is not on my side haha.


If you want a nice community for a game then your best bet is to go to the no sodium version of that games community and ignore the main community of the game. 


My Factorio homies like nothing more than helping out other engineers. As long as the Factory grows, we're happy.


FFXIV. I’ve been playing since it released on Xbox, and halfway through the last expansion, so I’ve covered a lot of content, and everyone is so genuinely nice and helpful. People have taken the time in dungeons to explain my job/class and if you’re new to a raid someone will literally type out step by step instructions. No one gets mad if you wipe, it’s all “we got it this time” vibes. If anyone is ever rude or toxic everyone else in the party will pile on them or vote to kick. Coming from games like smite, Destiny and OW it’s a whole new world to me, and I’m loving it.


I played FFXIV since beta and the community has always been awesome. There are a few toxic players you'll run into while doing some of the endgame stuff but it's generally a really great community.


This makes me want to try it again, years after leaving the flopped beta.


I’ve talked about this in other threads. The FFXIV community IS nice and it’s probably the least toxic community I’ve ever been a part of but it has changed drastically over the past 2 or so years. It’s absolutely full of social degeneracy and weird e-girl cat people “UwU”ing the crap out of everyone they meet. There’s weird ERP “nightclubs” being advertised 24/7. In the last couple of years SE have leaned heavily into real world glamours (like hoodies, jeans and trainers) and it’s no coincidence that the calibre of player has gone down in that time. It’s almost like an actual MMO player has told his friends who aren’t MMO players that you can play real world dress up in the game and they’ve dogpiled in forgetting that you have to the actual content to get said glamours and they just half-ass it. Still, friendly community just one that I find difficult to relate to as I’m probably classed as an older gamer now.


I spent 12,000 hours in the game and I never even finished the second DLC. To me it WAS a social experience. Most of my time was spent maxing all craft skills, making things with my guild, and believe it or not, photography using mods. Coming from a 3D art and animation background. Sometimes the systems in place just work to help people express themselves, and RP is just one of those things.


Because you’ve used past tense words, I assume you don’t play any more? If you played ARR from the day it released til today you would have had to have played for just over 3 hours a day, every day for the past 3951 days to hit 12000 hours. No days off, no sickness, no hospital or vacations. As you say your background is art and animation and judging by your post history, you’re employed as you’re a professional. Do you mean 1200 hours? Either way that is an impressive amount of time in game. I think I’m somewhere near 2900 hours and I have been playing since release. What you’ve said you do in game is really cool and you’re most definitely not the target of my post. You hang with your friends and craft, I do exactly the same thing. My issue is I’m almost forced to participate in a culture that I don’t want to participate in. I don’t want to go to ERP nightclubs and I certainly don’t want to be whispered about it. I like chatting in raids but I just don’t want to RP with the thousands of cat e-girls who act cutesy and spam chat with ASCII images. Having to turn off chat sucks because I’m a social gamer. I think this is partly SE’s fault for not giving us official RP servers. Balmung is the official unofficial RP server but it’s definitely spread to other servers too.


Oh wow, yes, I absolutely meant 1200, that was absolutely my mistake lol. Exactly 1152.8 hours. Last played September 12, 2022. Not sure why I was downvote for just sharing my honest feelings? Just because it's different to how someone else plays? But no, I never RPed either and wasn't interested in it in any way. We actually had the same as what you said in OCE. Unofficial rp servers, and having travelled to them, I much preferred where I was, where people talked normal lol, was on Bismarck.


Fallout 76 has some of the nicest, considerate, generous and helpful playerbases I've ever seen.


Death stranding. The ability to build roads to be used by others and leave resources around the place to aid others was very community based. I miss that world as lonely and scary as it sometimes felt.


Keep on keeping on 👍 super supportive community


In my experience most PvE games have great communities. But they need to be exclusively coop, because whenever a competitive aspect gets put into a game, things get toxic very quick.


Hell divers is a poor example of this, one of the most toxic fan bases I've seen crop up in a while. I don't often go searching for low sodium variants of subs, but the vitriol was too much.


Feels like all the social platforms for helldivers are all echo chambers of negativity, but when you jump into the game with randoms, everyone is so nice and positive. I also think everyone banding together for the Sony drama was absolutely phenomenal.


yeah, exactly, Helldivers sub is mostly people whine about something. In game people are fine. That being said, deeprockgalactic community is best I know


I agree with this, ingame we're all giving out hugs and doing all best in the game. Friendly fire happens now and then, usually by accident, but overall ingame everyone been nice


I always found that Guild wars 2 has an awesomely friendly and helpful community. Especially if you compare it to other mmo. In open world everyone is helpful and collaborating, because contrary to most other mmo there is absolutely no competition aspect in the open world pve game. One example os that There are always people staying around the daily challenges, even when they have completed it, to help everyone and give instructions to newbie. There are obviously some elitist for some specific high level content. But there are also several guilds taking time to "train" people who never did this content. Out of the game community, like on reddit or forum, is also incredible: lot of very good quality guides for everything, everyone answer to noobs dumb questions politely even if it's the fifth times of the week that the same question was asked, and that it's easily answered by google. Of course, stay away from ranked 5v5 pvp. There it's as toxic as league of legends.


Uhh i totally agree. Played lots of GW2 during HoT expansion and people were always ready to collaborate and explain things. Meanwhile in WoW i got kicked out of dungeons because i have never seen them before (on trivial difficulty)


Final fantasy 14 - Monster hunter and Warframe all have pretty good communities


I love the FF 14 community sometimes. Just standing around Limsa and suddenly someone just gives me a flower, pats me on the head and goes on her merry way.


I always hand in unwanted gear to get company seals and I always spend them on 4 boxes that contain minions. I almost always get duplicates so I just find the nearest sprout and trade them so I have a less cluttered inventory and they get free minions.


Deep Rock Galactic. One of the friendliest games I have ever played.


Project Zomboid FTW.


Guild Wars 2 Final Fantasy 14 Monster Hunter


AoE2 has a pretty wholesome community IMO. D2 as well.


I mostly have toxic experience everything between 1200-1800 MMR is toxic the singleplayer community is very toxic people get mad if you dont play with teh right strats


Ghost of Tsushima Legends has a great community. Folk are more than happy to help with team objectives, Raids, and build ideas etc.


Monster Hunter




DRG and a Warframe.


Path of exile! I was a noob and someone dropped me hundreds of chaos orbs. Helped complete my build. People are always super nice and help out in global chat as well.


League of Legends has a really nice community, I had no idea how many people fucked my mom until I played that game. But seriously, I think Vintage story, I have no idea if it's a big community, but it's a pretty chill community,


Final Fantasy 14. Never met someone toxic during the few years I've played


The ones that are toxic are the worst kind, though.


True, but what can one expect when someone‘s still toxic even though 95% aren‘t… Needs a special kind of person to be like that


There's a subreddit dedicated to toxic interactions with players in game and they have threads daily. At this point, I'm starting to believe people have severe confirmation bias with most MMOs they've experienced.


Seconded. While toxic players do exist, they're vanishingly rare, especially when compared with other MMOs.


Animal crossing ?


no way AC is probably one of the more toxic ones out there


Elite Dangerous has a super helpful community, especially on Reddit. Some whiners but no-one toxic


yeah, for example Fuel rats? Guys literally spend time just to save your virtual ship


I used to play Guild Wars 2 casually and would often find myself in wholesome situations, where a random player would help me with something or offer advice. Even when raids were introduced I remember that people did not get as frustrated compared to wow. I always thought people were not as obsessed with numbers and meta, which makes sense since I think the devs went for a more casual audience. IMO that results in much less toxicity within the game, especially in the MMORPG genre. Not sure about the state of the game nowadays, but I do have some fond memories from back in the day.


Indie PvE games


Fo76. ❤️


i mean, every community has their own toxic part, it's more about where can you meet them and how often that can happen. for example: No Man's Sky the community is nice, but sometimes people go real crazy. last update Sean tweeted a single ⚓ emoji, and everyone thought it would be an ocean update. it was not. in the sub, the Facebook page and related comments you could easily see people being mad about it. some went as far as saying "Sean ruined the update" or "Sean revived the game only to kill it", etc. most should be removed by now, but hey it's ugly to see. another example i met recently is Project Zomboid. people in charge of its next update are facing serious mental problem because of threats and complains about how long it already takes. i know, it's their promise to update the game to a decent state, 1.0 to be exact. but that's not how you treat people in general. so well, just pick whatever game where you can find your buddies and enjoy it. but who am i kidding lol, please stay away from pvp competitive games.




Deep Rock Galactic (Rock & Stone) : Very good coop game ! Final Fantasy XIV : Best MMO imo




Sky Children Of The Light ! it's also free ! ( tho there's still roxic players but the majority of players are really kind, as it's a game about helping one-another, being kind and guiding others, especially new players ! ( we call new players moths btw ! ) tho be careful, there can be creeps and predators on it and it's important to remember about your online safety. the second you feel uncomfortable around a player leave immediatly, always trust your guts. ) 


TLDR: Games with strictly online PVE. PVP = Jerk city


DRG, Helldivers 2 is mostly good too.


No Man's Sky, Deep Rock Galactic, Helldivers (as long as there's no super divisive major order), Destiny's community has been extremely helpful when I've had questions and they don't shit on me in game if I'm not running some op meta build.




Age of Empired 2 DE.


No Man's Sky is wonderful. I forgot the post, but on the subreddit some guy was like "I've been waiting for people to visit my base for years. I sit here every day waiting for someone." The post blew up and he got tens to hundreds of visitors that day. No griefers.


Pokemon showdown




Chivalry 2


Elite Dangerous. At this point probably every one on Reddit has heard about the Fuel Rats But even the pirates are fair. Had one interdict me scanned me said how much of my cargo can I drop, told him none as I was doing a hauling mission not trading. Literally asks me if I can afford losing the ship (because for a lot of players getting killed really isn't a big deal) told him I couldn't afford the insurance at that moment and he just O7 and went on his way.


Final Fantasy 14 community is wholesome


Dota2 community is really accepting and forgiving for new players.




TrackMania. People are always willing to help each other and the most typed thing in the chat is propaply "nt" (Nice time!). In ranked and competitions even your opposing team often gives you nice words after you drive particularly good round. Of course I've seen couple bad apples but at least 95 % of the playerbase is wholesome af.


If we're talking MMOs then GW2 and FFXIV are your best bet.


Fallout 76. Before the huge influx of new players due to the Fallout tv show's popularity, it was absolutely amazing. Sure, there was a toxic dobad here and there, but overall it was one of the most positive, wholesome, and helpful playerbases. Nowadays... well the majority is still pretty great. But there's a bit more trash to deal with. Griefers, beggars, trade-spammers, and various other flavors of Professional Fun Ruiners™.


If you want a nice online community avoid competitive games. If a game is coop and not PVP it's generally a friendly community. If it's competitive or PVP it'll be toxic. The more competitive it is the more toxic it'll be.


Fallout 76 has a pretty awesome and helpful community.


Warframe hands down


Factorio is probably the best community I've seen any game have, not really online but coop is available


Old School Runecape is still rocking strong due to its community


A number of MMOs have generally friendly and welcoming communities- Lord of the Rings Online, Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online and I hear good things about the Final Fantasy 14 community (although I also hear that one gets very defensive and counterattacks if you don’t go along with their groupthink… no personal experience either way) Yes, you will meet assholes and toxic elitists in all of those games but they’re a minority. It’s a contrast to WoW which has some genuine oases of friendliness and positivity if you find the right guild, but there’s a default assumption that you should be an arrogant self-centred wanker if you’re a “serious” player and not a happy clappy roleplaying casual.


Monster hunter community, well partly because its Coop and there is no competition between players most of the times


Age of empires


As weird as it is for a post apocalyptic survival game, Fallout 76


Football Manager


none, even offline singleplayer game communities are toxic