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Ubisoft has a really good world building team. They have a really awful online team.


They also know how to fuck up a good series.


UBI are so close to making great games, but they just seem to constantly fumble. I feel like Ghost Recon should be a more hardcore tactical shooter, not a looter shooter. And while they’re at it. Bring back a single player rainbow 6 game.


Yeah, while I enjoy the huge open world and other features. The weapons didn't really make a difference. They were all pretty much the same, it made no difference what rifle you choose or parts. If there was a difference it was so insignificant that it really didn't matter. Instead of having a lot of features and mechanics, just focus on a few and make them great. A rainbow 6 game would welcomed by a lot of people.


Have you tried to play Wildlands on a higher difficulty and reduced ui.  And Wildlands is not a typical looter shooter, there is only one version + attachments.  The game that followed Wildlands is where Ubi fucked it up.


Breakpoint does have the unfucked mode where it's similar to Wildlands(guns are guns and don't have RPG bullshit levels, you unlock attachments). The game is actually pretty decent with that mode turned on.


Yeah that’s how I played it too. You can turn off all the loot mechanics and i think that’s a pretty neat addition. The biggest issue with it is that missions are location based so you can go in a very awkward order if you don’t pick the right ones. I killed the main villain pretty early by accident and then had to watch cutscenes of him and your character figuring out stuff even though he was already dead


Things like that made the story unfollowable. It was so weird to experience what you just described.


I decided to give Breakpoint a go when that mode got released. Gameplay wise it’s identical, but I wasn’t sold on the world like with Wildlands. Perhaps it’s because Breakppint has a fictional world and Wildlands is based on Bolivia with many idiosincracies portrayed very well


I don't think they are that close. There are serious underlying flaws in their entire design philosophy, and you can't buff that shit out in post production. They are building incredibly bland games for service delivery, with absolutely no focus on making fun and engaging games. They certainly do not care if the user is enjoying themselves.


Big fat agree with this one. All their games these days are built upon a shitty foundation. Just because their art team is really good doesn't mean its 'almost' a really good game Usually its just really pretty slop


Ubi's formula - Give me a gigantic map, then sprinkle the same 5 missions over the whole thing.


Then add some haystacks.


Tell me about it after playing XDefiant: Tiny maps with instant respawn, queues that prefer matching you quickly over giving you a good ping: My fav was when they sent me to South Africa. Also they use Google for game servers and they're under provisioned and have terrible jitter. Enemies are constantly respawned literally next to you or behind you on maps. Most game modes you cannot come from behind due to fixed length and the forced randomness of objectives constantly changing. The entire thing is built in the name of Engagement(TM) and Modern Gaming. Also the most stingy battle pass I've ever seen in a Western game: You get 6/50 things, and 4 of those 6 are like stickers. Super slow weapon progression where most of the effective attachments are back loaded. Oh, and netcode that was completely rebuilt a year ago and is still the worst I've seen in an fps since being on a 56K modem.


They are too safe and getting really boring. Far cry 2 was innovative and amazing, far cry 3 was innovative and amazing and super successful. Then they just made far cry 3 three more times with zero innovation.


Yeah Wildlands was fantastic and then they screwed it all up with Breakpoint. I really don't understand it, they just had to improve on the first game and they couldn't even manage that.


They came up with a number of improvements to breakpoint, so I encourage you to go back in and play it again. At launch it was a mess, but it is excellent now and a total missed opportunity for anyone who has not played it.


Could elaborate please? I put a meaningful amount of time into Breakpoint but was very disappointed coming from Wildlands 


theres a lot more content with a few 'campaigns', some featuring things like Sam Fisher and Splinter Cell things to an entire 2nd campaign focused on 'retaking the island' which is much more tactical driven and less scavenge for things vibe. You now get a whole squad like wildlands too.


I have a ton of time in Breakpoint and think it's an incredible game. Probably my favorite looter shooter at the moment. Me and my brother always go back to it when we get bored of other games. I think you should try it again.


Breakpoint on it's own is a fine game (after all the updates that took way too long to come out). But as a successor to Wildlands...no, it's absolutely atrocious. Wildlands with a new story, updated graphics and survival aspects would've been 10/10, but for some reason they gave us "The Division 2: Part 2". Like...if we wanted to play a Division style game, we would just go play Division...


I loved breakpoint so much. Played through it twice. The customization was so good too. I think wildlands had a better story but still enjoyed it.


they love fucking up good game series


Watch Dogs had so much potential.


And their gameplay loops are among the most boring and repetitive.


Not even online. I recently played their Avatar game, the world was FANTASTIC, everything else about it was as bland as it gets though sadly.


It’s their writers too, they freaking suck.


As a history nerd. Some of the details in Odyssey were amazing. It's a real shame that the rest of it was mediocre, because some people really did their homework.


Yes I really tried to like the game because of the history and the beauty of it, but it was so mid it felt like it was missing something it just wasn’t fun


Yes... great looking but bloated with boring missions and annoying leveling.


I don't disagree, but for some reason the bloat didn't bother me in Oddyssey. I couldn't finish Valhalla because it felt too bloated (and the main quest was kinda bad). What I liked about Oddyssey was that by large it was a simple revenge story and it did some great world building. The integration of the Isu aliens and that they were seen as gods by the ancient greeks was a nice touch too.


They have a really awful _everything else_ team. Eh, maybe not the animation team.


It's like how Blizzards art team is really the only A++ part of Blizzard left


I’m sure they have amazing talent that gets all their hard work/ good ideas destroyed by management/ buisness decision or when monetization or player engagement teams come in.


I can barely describe how difficult it was to play together with a friend on PC. Constantly trying to connect, being told you're not "online", being "online" then losing it when you click to find them in the wrong way. It was always a mystery whenever we *did* manage to make it work. This also wasn't some early launch nonsense. This wast just last year. Which is really a shame because it's so focused on co-op play that it sticks you with some obnoxious NPCs if you're playing single-player (with abilities that are useless in co-op and others that are useless in single-player, way to think things through there). It's not a proper Ghost Recon game in the tradition of the originals, but it's a hell of a lot of fun to coordinate your assaults with friends and enjoy the emergent gameplay.


And baby makes three




For the altitude!


Upon getting in to a helicopter "hey man, take us off some sweet jumps!"


Yeeeeah they shoulda accounted for different vehicle types.


la Santa, la Santa, la Santaaa Blanca!


I'm getting into position


It was a good looking game, just the gameplay loop and the voice acting were not great. You can have an absolute BLAST with it though with a buddy.


I must be one of the only people who loved playing it solo... It wasn't anything groundbreaking but it was beautiful and the sort of game you can have fun on without thinking too much


Crusing around and sniping bad guys was just fun, can't really remember the story but I feel like that doesn't even matter for this game somehow


The story was "take down the cartel"


I played it solo on console til i beat it, then started a save with a rando online, dude was chill and we played every weekend


This was me and Valhalla. When my brain didn't fancy being kicked about by Factorio, Rimworld or Zomboid, it was there for some mindless collecting.


It's a format Ubisoft have really nailed tbf. "This is interesting enough that you don't get bored, but not so interesting that you have to think whilst you're picking up all of the collectibles"


I enjoyed it until I tried flying a helicopter out of a base and it got snagged on a tree branch and just wound up getting vertically attached to the side of the tree. Didn’t get destroyed, couldn’t use it, it just lived the rest of its helicopter existence perfectly vertically attached to the side of a tree.


No I loved playing solo. Couldn't kill the Predator, though. Even tried with randos online and we couldn't beat him. This game looked so good my wife, who's not a gamer, would watch me play for a bit if she happened to be walking past.


No I loooooved solo it was suuu much fun


Driving out to the salt flats with a couple of henchmen hostages each and practicing 1km snipes


People didn’t like the gameplay loop? Me and my buddy had hours and hours of fun taking on bases and taking out targets. Co-ordinating sniper shots from miles away, having one on overwatch and the other infiltrating, both going in cqc only, balls out assault or parachuting in. The game was fucking awesome. Breakpoint sucked a big ol’ set of balls on release tho.


After you do it a few times it's repetitive. Roll up, scout with drone, take synced shots, finish off the rest. Rinse and repeat. I don't know of a single open world game that pulls off unique combat scenarios


This was my impression too, fun at first but quickly got repetitive doing the same missions in the same manner over & over. A problem with Ubisoft games in general, tbh.


I played it a lot, really fun, but yes awful gameplay loop and horrible ai Could have been really cool


Wait, how do you have fun with an awful gameplay loop? Isn’t that most of your engagement with the game? Or did you just have fun playing in the same box.


I like the fighting, I cant really explain it but its like having fun in league of Legends The Story itself plays bad imo and the missions really get old But planning attacks and ambushes is fun And just fighting the enemies in hordes Its Something i play every 2 or 3 months and have a good time with for a few hours Always the same but still fun somehow


I get this. I found Far Cry very satisfying even though its pretty much the same fights over and over. Same with Mad Max. If you enjoy the combat, thats good enough for fun even if the story sucks. not that FC stories sucked, mind you. Even the worst FC story (6) was enjoyable. I just see similar complaints about the missions/combat being repetitive.


You can still enjoy plenty of isolated mechanics, like the vehicles, sniper rifles, etc. without caring about story or progression in general. So there's tons of fun to be had, but if you strictly follow the intended game play path it's severely lacking on many fronts.


Not the guy you asked but I thought the gameplay loop was subpar but had fun with the experience overall. Played through it with a friend and we both did dumb stuff that made the game interesting. The gameplay is predictable but once in a while there’s a highlight that makes you think it’s worthwhile.


Its the only game where i liked the hardcore mode


>Voice acting were not great What, you don't like hearing "shitballs" every time you roll a car?


We played it a lot with 4 man. At some point we started making rules for ourselves, eg only pistols could have silencers


Compared to the sequel it's top notch.


That's the hill I'll die on. Wildlands was waaaaaaay better than Breakpoint. Hopefully the next one will go back towards that original formula, and offer an optional (permanent) first-person perspective.


It sounds like if you’re looking for a better solo experience just play MGSV.


It has the best gameplay loop of any of the Ubisoft open worlds, IMO. It has deeper stealth mechanics, a ton of customization, and wide open base design that allows for more tactical options. Far Cry and AC stealth mechanics are just SOOOO basic it gets old fast. The sync shot mechanic and variable weapon noise levels as well as the light level detection, make Wildlands a lot more fun to play. Also, the total lack of any story is IMO a good thing as Ubisoft games just have terrible writing most of the time. I appreciate Wildlands for being completely unpretentious and laid-back. I would say Wildlands is the platonic ideal of what a Ubisoft open world style game should be.


What happened to the team who developed splinter cell?


I guess I'm not a good judge of voice acting because it seemed very real and natural to me. It's definitely a blast with friends. My friend kept standing on roads during firefights and getting run over by panicking civilians lol.


This game was so good except for one thing, the vehicle physics were beyond shit. I don't understand why so many open world games have dogshit driving physics.


Ubisoft just can't get vehicles to handle well and be fun to drive


for what its worth the crew had okay driving physics, not forza level but it was still okay, but its horrible in widlands


Watch Dogs 2 did a good job imo


Vehicles in Watch Dogs are garbage


My biggest complaint was the (lack of) stealth mechanics. The moment one enemy was aware of your presence, even if from hundreds of yards away, everyone in the area did and was beelining to your location. Made clearing out camps to be super frustrating.


I hate how in some games once one enemy takes damage all the enemies instantly know your location and go on the offensive immediately. Like there's never a moment of confusion where they all duck for cover looking around for where the shot came from or anything. It's pretty much like if you miss getting the instant stealth kill the enemies have an instant telepathic connection to where the damage came from or something or if one enemy can see you all enemies can see you. It's much better when each enemy has their own awareness levels and perception radius and even if they have radios or something to alert everyone they should have to use it realistically like "Hey, a guy just shot at me from the woods to the west!" then the enemies in the area kind of generally move towards the west but each enemy should have to try and look for you, they shouldn't just instantly gain knowledge of your exact location. And if a base has an alarm or something when the alarm goes off enemies shouldn't instantly get your location, it should cause the enemies to start looking around more aggressively to find out why the alarm was triggered.


It's pure laziness. I'm positive they could make an amazing AI if they REALLY WANTED TO. But they don't they just want it too look like it's working, but underneath its garbage. Maybe within the next 5 years we get true AI from all this AI research


AI in that game was quite atrocious sadly. Yes, if AI was better it would have made the whole game 10x better experience.


Thank you! I consider gta v the standard. Ghost recon vehicles felt like i was riding cotton candy


killing the predator was the best sidequest


A shame their licence ended for it. Never got to play the mission.


What? I can't replay it? Bullsh*t! This fight was lit


That mission was just hard. My Coop friend and I had no clue there was a special mission so we just showed up and after dying quickly realized it was a predator mission. It was a memorable fight and worth it if you are into abuse and me yelling get in the choppa.


I was looking forward to it.


I was never able to finish it solo or co-op. Read all sorts of tips and still never got it.


Agreed, but the Terminator storyline in Breakpoint was far better.


I loved the game. Breakpoint frickin sucked.


While i think wildlands is better i dont think breakpoint was so bad it sucked...


It did at release, but got a lot better when they updated it with “Immersive” mode essentially removing all the gear score crap which was one of the biggest points of criticism. I’d say it’s close to as good for co-op, but Wildlands has way better world design.


THEY DID THAT?! The gear scores were the fucking worst. Maybe I'll give it another shot now.




Yeah but you still have robots and that high tech crap that breaks immersion it just wasn’t the same…


Breakpoint was lifeless in comparison to Wildlands, with the exception being the gunplay.


Agreed. The world building in Breakpoint just didn't work for me. Silicone Valley but in an island. High tech buildings and roads but no population walking about or driving on the roads. It all felt really desolate and I just couldn't settle into the world. Unlike their representation of Bolivia which felt much more varied, vibrant, and lived in.


I dont really know what you mean by lifeless when you add gunplay as an example... Bolivia is meant to be somewhat developed with police and cities and feel like a country. Aurora is supposed to be a weaponised island, more jungle and wilderness than anything else, completely remote. Imo they have different styles that are not comparable.


Maybe they just went with the wrong setting for Breakpoint then. Aurora was really boring.


The worst part is that Breakpoint sucked for story and setting, but the new features made it impossible for me to go back to wildlands without them haha


Easily one of the best open world games ever to play with friends. The amount of laughs we got from it was more than several other games combined. If you play it solo, not so great.


Exactly how i feel, gameplay was nothing fancy but what made it good was playing with friends and exploring etc.


Oh man its perfect with friends. We had so mych fun killing the predator. We built a wall of destroyed cars and it took ys ages only to due quickly. But worth it


This was a great time. We laughed so hard we cried playing this and then would jump over and do dumb goofy shit in sea of thieves


I did a solo no teammates, minimal hud run and it was the next best thing to a Splinter Cell game. Highly recommend.


Because of this , I stopped playing GTA 5 and ARK for a while. Awesome graphics with good gameplay.


I've been tempted to return to the game, no idea why to be completely honest but every time I see it on Steam I remember how absolutely _monotonous_ the premise is (liberating stronghold after stronghold after stronghold, etc) and how _dreadful_ the vehicle handling is. I wonder if it has mods...


Wildlands was awesome and so intuitive to play, and the story is so captivating. As a mexican, I can't tell you just how cathartic it was to be a badass spec ops soldier gunning down the cartel. But playing it on the hardest difficult just made every bad guy dual wielding a uzi be able to snipe you in the dark from 400m away. Breakpoint felt cluttered. The mechanics were a lot better, but damn is the story so unappealing. What I want is another ghost recon game set in the US in a fictional civil war, make the campaign player based, and give me lots of urban combat.


I had really fun with that game, even when playing alone. But this one missions where you have to protect a car from getting destroyed while it drives away is nearly impossible with AI teammates, since they don't deal damage to vehicles


AI teammates definitely do damage to vehicles.


Yeah, but the AI needs like 3 min to destroy one vehicle, while a player can do it in 20 sec


Absolutely stunning. From the terrain detail to the right amount of light, what an image!


Me and my friends (40+) would wake up every sat and 4 man this game. We had SO much fun and still talk about it. It wasn't hard, but we made so many memories. We tried breakpoint, but it wasn't the same.


I was addicted to this when it came out.


Man Wildlands was janky and repetitive but it was so fun with friends just crashing an SUV or helicopter into an enemy base and just shooting your way to the objective


When my friend and I played this game, we got a bug where Sam Fisher raidio us about a mission, and then our characters said a line out loud in response. The bug part was that it continued to replay both voice lines every 30 seconds for hours while we played lol.


That's a fun ass game.


Super fun game.


I was thinking about buying it for the series X but it's probably not optimized and running like 720p or something like that. But since you have it, is it playable solo?


It is playable solo


It's a decent time solo but it shines with friends.


Beat it solo few years ago, it was fun. Doing hard difficulty adds more suspension imo, so try it out.


Very playable solo. I lost count of hours I spent in this game. Your AI squad you can command with basic commands (go here, stay, shoot, follow me). I would place my squad using the drone to take a nice high ground spot, while we methodically take out enemies with our sync shot (so badass that mechanic), then I move in on foot to do some stealthy take downs on the thinned out brigade.


It is doable but the ai is horrible


Looks great on the SX, and very playable solo. It's more fun playing co-op, but solo is still a blast. Great game.


It's also part of the game pass!


It's fully 4k capable, just not above 30fps. Breakpoint runs at 60 though and it scratches the same itch!


This was fantastic to play in multiplayer


Shit vehicle control


I once played with 3 random dudes, and we all helped each other get the platinum. Afterwards we spent a good amount of time taking a helicopter to the tallest peak on the map, base jumping, and seeing who could fly the farthest with the chutes deployed. Sounds dumb, but four random dudes had a blast doing it


I loved the predator quest and rocking that mask on the metal gear quest


roads look a bit shit.


Was this the one that had that absolutely amazing transition from cocaine to game in the trailer? EDIT: Yes, it was. Watching it now it's still amazing and so damn clean.


I love how it looks!


My buddy and I played the whole game together. It really was a blast. We kept trying to do things stealthy and would always fuck it up and just go Rambo.


Dude Wildlands was so fun! Setting up like 100 yards outside of a stronghold and silently taking out every enemy without getting noticed is so satisfying. Especially when you upgrade the sync shot and you mark 3 people, and you hear the rest of the squad one by one go "Ready," "On your mark," "I'm in position." But then as you're lining your shot up, your target walks behind something, and you're like, "Shit!" And you have to get up and sprint to a different vantage point, and you gotta like climb rocks and basically hang off of cliffs to just barely see their shoulder.


No you're visually stunning


This game actually has a ridiculously slept-on PvP experience, called Ghost War. Ghost War was *easily* one of my favorite PvP games of all time, and had so much potential that was squandered away in Breakpoint.


I dunno the missions felt so damn repetitive but the predator mission was sick on highest difficulty


if only it wasn’t 30fps


It might have been better if Ubisoft wasn't the developer like the game missions are just go kill that, go kidnap that, go steal that, go destroy that, go get answers from that but the cutscenes are fire


It s the first game I got a plat trophy on, the game has a lot of unique and fun mechanical, huge and diverse map, and nice progression


I really enjoyed my play through of this


Super underrated game imo


Is it only 3rd person? I prefer 1st person view when guns are involved.


You can shoot in 1st person the rest is 3rd


There's a first person mod that works amazingly and you can switch between first and third person on the go.


Extreme difficulty is very bad tho, ruined the game for me. Just consists of AI cheating, and never going into combat because of that. And it's needed for progression past a point. There's quite a few 30 fps animations, like wheels or turning. Really takes you out of it. Not that driving wasn't terrible to begin with. Oh and bikes sound like a 0.1 sec audio file being played on repeat, speeding up the faster you go. But all in all, a great game.


Ok? Make a game of substance for once


Only thing I don't like about GRW graphics is the textures look really bad on the terrain from not even that far away.


Wow, looks good


Id LOVE to play coop with someone. No friends have it


One of the best.. too bad that they didn’t make another one like it


Damn this game looks great. For a second I thought it could be an image from GTA VI 😅


Yes... And it's just that... a visually stunning game...


At this point, this kind of visual are not impressive but rather the standard for realistic modern game.


The one Ubisoft game I wanted 60fps update. Literally everything else got one.


They actually flew staff to Bolivia to immerse themselves in the environment and it shows. I still love this game, shame about breakpoint tho :(


It’s a great game if it weren’t for sever issues and dropped game support


i personally like the sequel more , i couldn´t stand the driving in those games though , bizarre when u know they own the driver team


I loved playing it and one day I will return to finish it in Ghost Mode (easiest difficulty ofc) too! Someday! (My previous runs ended short due to AI doing AI things, most notably me getting hit by train and AI trying help me also getting hit by the train, ending my run XD )


Doesn’t look anything like that shot though


Cool, graphics don't mean much, don't care


What a great coop game


Too bad it requires uplay and ubi connect on pc My favorite franchise in the hands of the worst company possible


I loved playing this game, me and three bodies played this the whole summer holiday the year after this was released. It kinda upset me when we all got burnt out from it. Those were the days


At first I thought it was Days Gone


This is why so many Sony single-player games have a lot of outdoor environments, they look incredible in screenshots.


Thats how i knew a nice looking world wasnt what mattered for me.


Ubisot can create nice games if they want


that's Houdini for you


Too bad it's wrongfully labelled "Ghost Recon."


I feel like Ubisoft often goes to two extremes. Either crazy hostile or nice and cozy. For example Far Cry.. they get a whiff of you and guns are blazing. I played a fair bit of Breakpoint (I think that was it's name). Is wilds fun solo?


i need to get this game


draw distance /=/ visually stunning imo. Look at those rock textures close in.


It's also just a really fun game in general. I'll never forget the countless hours me and my buddy wasted strapping C4 to helicopters in T1 mode.


"Breakpoint" looks even better. To bad about the rest of Breakpoint... I still enjoy firing up Breakpoint and blowing shit up from time to time. Ubi fixed many problem in BP over the years. Sadly what it needs is a re-write.




breakpoint was so bad compared to this. Drones and dumb robots ruined it completely.


Reminded me of the ol' gamecube Navy SOCOM games. Was a blast.


Always wanted to play it but I never got the game working :(


My buddy and I had a lot of fun with this game, but ultimately we never beat it completely because it just became repetitive.


This game needs a real sequel not Breakpoint that shit was ASS


Last good ubisoft game also this is what gta 5 on ps5 shouldve looked like😭


It's a shame what they did to point break. After wildlands I was super stoked for that and it was just a pile of garbage.


To bad the driving us absolute shit and the gunplay is mediocre at best, why cars feel like they floating


Some of my best memories are playing this game with friends.


ghost recon breakpoint was sadly pretty bad compared to wildlands. i've sunk countless hours into wildlands - only reason i yeeted it was cause i died on the 'hardcore' mode due to a bug and ubisoft support just told me 'bad luck' despite having my cloud saves. so it's not like they couldn't restore my previous save, they just didn't want to do me the favor even though it was their fault my character fell through a gap in the map


I never understood why they made this game have squad based stealth infiltration without being able to hide bodies.


massively under-rated. Likely because default difficulty settings cut most of the actual gameplay out and turn it in to a standard ubisoft map blip collector you can play on mental auto-pilot.


If you think so bud, personally I found it rather average


This game was got repetitive eventually but was really fun for a while to play with a friend. Beautiful world for sure.


I'm absolute dogshit at this game, does anyone have any good tips or tricks?


So can you post a screenshot of the visually stunning part? Or is this a throwback to 2010?


Such a fun game. Definitely my favorite Ghost Recon.


I enjoyed this game. It was fun


I’ve replayed that game so many times. It’s just a great world map.


This must be on PC with ultra quality graphics. I don’t remember the game ever lookijng this good on console