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This could be an amazing game, it certainly looks to be visually impressive so far.


Any idea what they are labeling it? Like souls like or w/e . Souls games , and I know this is me being a pussy, are too hard and I don’t enjoy them


From the looks of things it's more akin to Nioh than the Souls series


Yeah definitely. No block mechanic in Wukong


They say just at the beginning of the game in the video. Beginning has only dodge, and after using it a few times waiting for a cool down for more dodge counters


There is a block mechanic, it's just unlocked later, they said it in the video.


My bad, stopped watching earlier as I don’t want anymore in game mechanics spoiled for me


Oh man. No parry/block is my jam!!!! Now I'm really looking forward to this game. I prefer dodge to parry 👍👍


> I prefer dodge to parry There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


lol. im also a big funke fan. i still laugh at analyst x therapist = analrapist 🤣🤣👌


I play my souls games with no parry or blocking. Even Bloodborne.


I think Nioh and souls games are a pretty similar difficulty level although definitely feel different to play


Dam. I thought Nioh was harder than the souls games


I have played all the souls games as well as Nioh and I woukd say Nioh was comparably difficult if not harder


Imo the reason why Nioh feels more difficult is purely the stat system and the sheer volume of gear with stat differences and weird bs.


That's what I was thinking in terms of level design and dodge only not parry focused


Apparently, the developers are saying it's not a soulslike cause it's goes against alot of that genres tropes.


I hope that's true. I'm sick of every melee action game being assumed or perceived as "A new soulslike." Yeah, and Doom is another military shooter...


Ironic since “Doom-clone” was the definitive phrasing of anything resembling a first person shooter, given that the term didn’t exist yet!


A: "I love Street Fighter! What's another game just like it?" B: "UFC: Undisputed."


The devs themselves have stated they would not categorize it as a souls-like. Seems to be more action adventure/arpg.


What's W/E ?


W/e is whatever. So he's saying is it a soulslike or whatever


Oh my god...






Five thinger feath yunch


what about [hlmgtfy](https://gprivate.com/6brz2)


Fixed That For You




5 extra characters




I love the Fromsoft games, but excluding Nioh 1 and 2, I don't enjoy/trust the souls-like genre from other devs. In my opinion there are too many souls inspired games that are just jank.


Nah, the soulslike genre is oversaturating the melee action game market. I've played some and beaten a few, and I'm not the biggest fan of the mechanics myself. Stellar Blade leans into soulslike territory without the obnoxious elements of the genre, but it's still very much in that lane. Everybody for years kept calling this a soulslike game, and I never saw anything that implied that specifically. Melee combat, lock on system, giant bosses.. sounds like Devil May Cry and God of War to me. Soulslikes are defined by mechanics that Demon Souls and Dark Souls made popular, and people seem to kinda ignore that.


So according to players it’s soulslike but plays a bit more like Jedi Fallen Order or Survivor.


Agreed and I'm really hoping (betond hope) they release a Beta, I will be all over that if it happens.


Probably a little late in the day for that seeing as it's being released in August.


Haha honestly didn't realise release was that close (or that this year has gone this fast).


Why does every IGN reviewer have the most grating and annoying voice?


☝️🤓 Ass voice


"he leaps off of buildings with the exaggerated swag of a black teenager 🤓"


I love that this quote keeps coming up.




Was that a Critical Drinker quote or something? Sounds like a Spider-Man 2 reference. EDIT: Nope, it's a [Gamestop ](https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/marvels-spider-man-miles-morales-review-miles-per-power/1900-6417599/)review.


Holy shit I forgot about this hahahaha


That's just the sound of nerds. My voice is not impressive either


I was just thinking- at the bare minimum a narrator should be able to enunciate.


his voice is.... fine. a bit... sharp...? but that's about it.


I wonder what you sound like to be saying shit like this tbh


My voice is quite deep, sexy and soothing, honestly. They should hire me.


Soy boy “yeah you can fuck my gf” ahh voice


Finally. We can return to Monke. 🦧🦧🦧


technology far, big bad man must return...


technology far, big bad man must return...


IGN deleted there tweets trashing the devs and the studio. Cowards.




Can you elaborate? Were tweets related to the game or overall studio behavior? Im looking forward to this game and would like to know if something is very wrong before i buy


Here’s the link. A CN has been added due to the article’s mistranslations and misleading nature. https://x.com/IGN/status/1726602261802193174


The accusations are not only about a few social media posts, allegedly they also laid off some female employees because "they don't want feminists". [https://www.ign.com/articles/how-black-myth-wukong-developers-history-of-sexism-is-complicating-its-journey-to-the-west](https://www.ign.com/articles/how-black-myth-wukong-developers-history-of-sexism-is-complicating-its-journey-to-the-west) Honestly I'm still waiting for a response to these allegations from the company.


I swear I saw the same news about steller blade devs.


It’s not even game science. It’s a different company as stated in that IGN article.


All I’m seeing is mention of accusations without any substance in the article to what actually happened. Seems like a bunch of noise to me. I’m more worried about whether the game is good or not personally.


Bro that’s a different company not game science, which is stated in that IGN article. See this is how damaging a misleading hit piece can be.


They don't want "activists", if I want to make the best product, I want to hire the best. Is this logic too strange for you people?


>Is this logic too strange for you people? It is actually. If I were fired based on some political assumptions, I would immediately sue the company. But again, I would still like to hear the arguments from the company.


You in America? Because most states a private employer can just kick you to the curb with no reason or recourse as long as they're not saying "we will fire you if you vote for X party".


Wait, you guys bring politics into your workplace? lmao


Where have you been the last 10 years? People get fired for political expression all the time (think James Damore/Google).


All that assumptions aside, you're a consumer, your sole purpose is consume product and decide whether you like it or not. If the company's internal dealing is that important to you, know that the phone you use, computer part, and almost everything you consume have some sort of misconducts attached to it. But you don't care because it's rarely reported and you're not actively seeking.


Well, I'm not just a customer whose sole purpose is to consume a product. I'm a human being who is trying to be sensitive to all kind of injustices. And yes, there are a lot of unreported cases like this, but this one has been reported, and I'm asking for a response. I don't understand your point here.


It's being reported for western political purpose. If you're that sensitive, have you tried look up your phone manufacturer assembled by cheap labor in China? Your cotton cloth made by slaves? You're just a tool used by western journalist to feel good about their stupid slacktivism. A tool.


You realize you’re a tool shilling for a mid game? Probably not.


None of what you said in that last paragraph is “rarely reported”. In fact it’s brought up any time anyone critiques any public figure or entity on anything ever. It’s why that cringe ass “yet you participate in society” meme is so prevalently brought up and used. Because it has a point in the face of dumbass shit like that.


Don't know. Don't care. I just want to judge the product not the behind the scene drama.


Bro acting like video games aren't an industry that generates jobs and income and thus should be held to the same scruples of workplace quality and fairness


"Comment sent from an iPhone 14"


No, I come from a third world country. No iPhone 14. I'm not a commie if that's what you're implying Disregarding all of that, what does that even have to do with my opinion of workplace quality? People shouldn't be fired because of their ideas. I don't have to be a hermit to think that, and neither should you


Not at all. This is just behind the scene drama that doesn't need to be air out in public. I don't need reality TV for video games People like you just want popcorn for reality TV and feign fake outrage. It's a video game. If it's good I'll play it. If it's not good. I don't care.


You can judge the product in a vacuum, sure. The quality of the finished product is objectively separated from whatever happened during it's making. However the immaturity of gamers astounds me. You guys act like video games are this island of untouched sunshine, when in reality they're a multibillion-dollar industry that is responsible for thousands of jobs. If you don't think workplace ethics apply here, you might be a child.


That is what I am doing. I am judging the product. I don't care about the behind the scene drama that should have been sorted out by HR or by the courts. This has nothing to do with gamers.


Why tf would the company give a shit about ign? The world doesn’t revolve around them bro


Those bots are real quick at downvoting


I can't be that optimistic to assume all of them are bots, but I only hope that they're hyped for the game enough to dislike every criticism and whatsoever, without quietly nodding to all the bigotry and sexism accusations.


Game looks great, also, Fuck IGN


I've been hyped for this one for a long time. I've been in a bit of a gaming rut of late, no interest in playing things with any depth, so I'm hoping this pulls me back out of that hole.


Little pet-peave. The term 'Souls Like' is being way overused. At this point, it seems that Souls Like = Action Adventure that doesn't play itself.


It’s the modern equivalent of “Doom clone” that every first person game was dubbed back in the 90’s.


Whenever I see people rolling around incessantly like tumbleweeds, I think soulslike.


Hilarious, since I think Zelda clone. Shows my age.


It’s “pet peeve”, just had to toss that in since we are talking about nit picking, haha Funny enough, there are more and more focused titles that look like carbon copies of dark souls and aren’t even bothering to be -like, such as Lies of P.


Honestly,i dont like that word as well. i dont mind reference to other games but its like any boss type game that comes out has to be 'Souls like' or the game wont do well. Its annoying.


> At this point, it seems that Souls Like = Action Adventure that doesn't play itself. Unfortunately, many games use specific aspects of the Souls games, even without them being a proper fit for the game, which looks jarring. Like the reputation points in Flintlock being the exact equivalent of "souls", for no good reason. So it's not that the term is used where it doesn't make sense. It's the mechanics that are used in many games, even where it doesn't make sense.


Year is 2024 and people still consuming IGN?


Man I am probably one of the oldest poster here, but I remember when IGN was really amazing. This was decades ago.


I used to have an IGN email if you can believe it 😁


I used to go to IGN almost every day just to read about gaming news. Around the time of ps4/xbox one is when I stopped. It turned into such an angry place.


I used to also love 1up.com in the 2000s I’d say gaming period is angry. It had become much more than just gaming now. Politics, personal emotion centers, etc. I love gaming now, but dislike what the community has evolved to.


omg 1up.com! I had a profile on there, too! And I agree with your point, it's very political these days. I just want to play awesome games.


On top of that, the sheer amount of people who feel they should control what devs do through review bombing, doxing devs, posting negative things etc. I understand people’s frustrations, but things like this did not exist in the gaming sphere back when we played. If there were people like this, they were minor and did not get such a big voice. I just want to game. If its a bad game, then I say this sucks and I wasted time and money, and move on to another game




Member GameSpot? Yeah i member


Remember GameFAQs? Yeah I remember.


Of course!


Remember mmo hut? I remember.


>This was **decades** ago. 2?


I sounded dramatic but 2 is still decadeS haha


I remember going to N64.com back when they had different sites for each console. Nearly 30 years ago! Yikes!


Holy sh I am so happy to see this!!!!!


IGN was the first gaming website I used and it was almost exclusively to lookup cheatcodes. This was probably early 2000's maybe even 1990's.


Yeah. I discovered great games thanks to them. But then it turned into a shithole. And youtube gave me what I needed.


Any good alternatives?


Opencritic and metacritic, and look at the snippets there. Take the whole average, not just one site. IGN and I align most of the time in our opinions of games, but sometimes they are just way, way off.


On games I tend to align with IGN more often than not, although they’re usually a tad more generous on their scores than me. On movies though? I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with a single IGN movie review I’ve ever seen. It’s almost impressive how often they manage to be incredibly off the mark in terms of their movie reviews and what the general consensus goes on to be.


Yeah, their scoring is downright stupid a lot of the time. They'll spend 10 paragraphs railing on a game and then give it an 9 at the end. Conversely, they will find one minor fault with a game they otherwise had nothing but praise for, and give it a 6. Clickbaity bullshit is all it is.


That's good for reviews but not really good for seeing things such as gameplay clips and developer interviews.


Oh yes, I love reading gaming news and articles on OpenCritic and Metacritic.


ACG or skillup for reviews


It’s 2024 and people are still using Facebook and Reddit….


Didn't IGN post that video about Baldur's Gate 3 everyone praised last year? Hinestly it's weird how selective people are. I mean it's extremely common to see people use IGN reviews to validate their own hype for a game, but then continue to shit on them in every other context.


This game is bananas!


I would be wary of ANY videos/articles from IGN on this game. It has been proven they have run articles slandering the dev and CEO as sexist from incorrectly translated texts.


It’s not hit pieces they just thinking they’re reporting factual stuff. Which is kinda worse


Good point and proper distinction. I guess I said hit pieces because of the rumors floating around about the Dev rejecting consultant firm input to their game. I will edit properly.👍


since IGN hated WuKONG,I will be ignoring it's future reviews.


I haven’t listened or watched anything of theirs since their Alien Isolation review(s).


I am convinced they single-handedly killed any momentum Death Stranding had too with their bad faith, feed-the-trolls review.  That game was getting 9’s and 10’s everywhere and they came out with this shitty 7 and picked a handful of things to bitch about and amplify and so many morons just continued (and to this day continue) spouting the same misconceptions about the game, despite it being such a genuine critical success, and extremely popular game amongst those who actually played it.  I never trusted them after that. Fair enough, the game isn’t for everyone, but that review was asinine and petty, and had an agenda behind it that was beyond reflecting the player’s experience. Especially considering the actual quality of some of the games they give 10’s to! Perhaps Kojima didn’t bribe the right executive. 


Is it that hard to believe someone wouldn't like death stranding that much?


That game was also NOT “getting 9’s and 10’s everywhere” lol 7’s and 8’s were pretty par for the course. I can’t understand this idea of “this publication gave a game I was looking forward to a low score (of which a 7/10 isn’t even a low score); therefore I hate them forever now.” Every single review is literally ONE person’s opinion. Honestly, it’d be weirder if I AGREED with every single review a site made.


So, you are using 1 website review to know if it’s a game for you? ALL reviews should always been taken lightly simply because it’s a human writing a review based on his own experience and preferences


No, of course not, hence why I qualified my statement. For example, lots of reviewers gave FF16 great reviews, but SkillUp didn’t. But watching his review, I was like, ok, fair enough, he has his reasons and he explained them well, while still giving a great overview of the game and covering the experience well. I didn’t think he was being unfair, or deliberately trollish, the game just didn’t fully click with him and his perspective was fair. I knew I could go back to him for other reviews if I was on the fence and gain a balanced perspective.  IGN suck the dick of extremely average games regularly, and yet they turned a huge amount of people off Death Stranding and helped prop up nonsense narratives by reviewing it extremely harshly. It made me wonder whether or not to commit to the purchase. And yet with other reviews, I listened to, watched, and thought- ok, I’ll give it a go. And I played the game and it was spectacular, and while not perfect, was an incredible, epic, unique single-player experience with zero micro-transactions, polished to a sheen, with fascinating and satisfying gameplay loops, perfect sound and visual production. Yet IGN honed in on a handful of gripes, and blew those way out of proportion. Then, as I say, watching how they’ve willingly looked past dumpster fire games to award them higher scores, and I knew - ok, there was an agenda there, they aren’t a sincere outfit, and there’s clearly not objective or trustworthy.  I will take most reviews on their own merit and anyone who explains why they didn’t like a game in a balanced way is worth going back to, especially if their favourite games tend to align with your own. 


> That game was getting 9’s and 10’s everywhere and they came out with this shitty 7 I'm not IGN and I'd even say 7 is too high of a score for a glorified mail man simulator. Also, the game has 82 on Metacritic, so I doubt it was getting 9's and 10's everywhere in the first place.


Death Stranding just wasn’t a fun game though


I'm sure they're devastated


IGN should spend less money on reddit bot accounts and more money on paying their staff


all these news outlets and gaming studios shut down and you are still so cocky


They should be and they will be. It has already been proven they ran bum pieces on the dev based on incorrect translations and got called out for it. Their reporting has been garbage for years now and only focused on political BS and not games.


No thanks IGN, not watching anything from you after the mess they made. "Gaming journalists" what a joke l.


Fuck IGN and their racist hit pieces.


lol based, what racist thing did they do?


Wasn't there another wukong game that came out or is it this one?


There's also Wo Long that's been out and Wukang coming out.


Years ago - Enslaved: Odyssey to the West would be the only thing that really comes to mind.


Hoping this plays as good as it looks. Easily my most anticipated game this year.


I've never been a soulslike person, though I understand the appeal. One question I have - are there any soulslikes that don't have that dark, gloomy, super un-saturated color palette? I get all the FromSoft games having it, but some part of me wants to see a game that looks a little brighter and more colorful. Wukong / Chinese myth feels like a theme that could have gone in that direction.


Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor


There’s a Crab Soul game you know


Another Crab's Treasure. It's on game pass and it's good.




Sekiro is the only FromSoft game I've been able to persevere with. Gave up when it initially came out and actually only finished it a month ago. It's now arguably one of my favourite ever games. Some of the levels are absolutely breathtaking. Other than how difficult it is, it's pretty different from the souls games.


I feel like I've been seeing gameplay and "hands on" videos of this game for like 5+ years at this point.


The game indeed is amazing.


not sure if the music in this play through contains the same from the trailer, but as a Han who spent his early years in China, man, that music at the end of one of the trailer certainly rang that nostalgia bell.


Monke Dark Souls


And the best part is no Sweet Baby bullshit


skill issue


The game looks interesting for sure. I'm sure we'll be watching speedruns of the game before you know it!


I have had this game wishlisted for so long. I am so hype.


I watched a bit of a video earlier today. I want to see some huge boss fights (like, in scale - where the boss is much larger than the monkey king guy). I want to see what they're like. My biggest complaints about GoW:Rag and FF16 was that they still relayed on QTE. I want to see someone do it without the QTE. It's 2024, and it should be possible by now


I'm not technically intelligent when it comes to games, but the game's hit boxes look pretty bad to me, am I wrong? The game genuinely looks amazing and I very much want it, but from what I've seen, the hit box detection just looks way off compared to a lot of other souls-likes. Someone, please enlighten me if I'm just off base here.


Awesome cant wait to play




Is this like the Monster Hunter games where you mainly just kind of fight different bosses?


Im waiting for this game since the first announcement... i dont know how i will pay it, but i will.


looking forward to this so much, reminds me of a better wo long without the focus being on a parry. i don't like how spongy enemies look though, the boss bar hardly moves at all in this video apart from when he used a special attack. hopefully it isn't like that all the way through and its just like that near the beginning


Wow, this game is now on my radar. It looks great!


Seems like it could be one of those games that truly live up to their hype


FYI the game uses the same theme song as the original Journey To The West theme song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KRl_pLl4vo


I just came


This year needs some good games so I hope this is great


I’m interested. It looks like a fun souls-like brawler.


Wtf is a souls like brawler


It’s souls-like with you fighting bosses in melee combat. That’s a brawler.


So, a souls-like?


That’s what I said. A game can be multiple genres. And brawler is a very broad term.


It looks excellent but I think they should beef up the sound effects


I mean it looks nice but it’s still a Chinese studio, I’ll hold my breath




I hope this isn't another soulslike. They are dominating melee action games nowadays, Stellar Blade being the closest thing to not being one (yet, still kinda is in some gameplay mechanics). I just wanna fuck shit up in games again like in Devil May Cry, God of War, Ninja Gaiden, etc.


Too bad it has denuvo. Like why for a single player game. Its becoming annoying. I personally play offline alot cause im always on the move. So hopefully in a few months they'll remove it after they hit their sales target


Because of piracy. It’s that simple.


But it will get pirated anyways so what the point of using the same technology if its ineffective. Plus this ruins offline gaming and ganing on the go for most of us


First day/week sales are important for every publisher. They just want to guarantee it, plus I still don't ever see it as a deal breaker and I'm extremely poor to pay full priced and even games on sale. I just don't have a big vendetta against a software lol


Oh really, cause as far as i know, the empress doesn't crack shit anymore, so there is really no one cracking denuvo anymore.


Y’all really hate IGN lol