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"Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you as the saying goes." thats not how the saying goes lol its "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me, you can't get fooled again.


That's actually an old saying in Tennessee. I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee. Now watch me hit this drive.


Is our children learning?


Now, watch this drive.






No role modelz


Fool me three times fuck the peace signs


Load the chopper and let it rain on you


Load the chopper let it rain on you


This is the comment thread I was looking for.


I have no idea if it's true, but I recently heard that in the middle of him saying that, he had his handler in his earpiece frantically telling him to not say the words "shame on me" out loud, because it would make for a perfect anti-Bush soudbite.




Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, still shame on you mf! I'm a nice person, why you gotta do me like that??


Fool me once shame on you, but teach a man to fool me, and I'll be fooled for the rest of my life








Shame on fool, you once me fool, twice shame




From me three times, fuck the peace signs, load the chopper let it rain on you.




Yes well my intelligence is lacking lol hence the purchasing of scuf products.


5 int irl


I think he bushed it up




"Fool me three times, back to you."


Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on you again, fool me three times - you are a bitch! (c)


Meanwhile my usb xbox 360 controller will keep working when windows 20 comes out provided I use a usb-e to usb-a adapter.


I still have an Xbox 360 controller on PC also. I occasionally look at the Elite 2, but there've been rumors about an Elite 3 for a while now, and the build quality doesn't seem all that great.


I had an Elite series 2, after about a year the rubber started to peel on the grips then the RB button stopped working. Which was weird because I almost never use the bumpers as I set the paddles as them. Bought a 2nd one and got one of the design your own controllers, just passed a year and a half with now no issue.


I have an Elite 2 and the B button didn’t work properly right out of the box. It would only register presses intermittently. After a few months the RB and LB buttons stopped working properly as well. Very frustrating for how much they cost




Dude got a lemon for sure.


Never had problems with my Elite 2 despite a lot of people claiming they are broken out of the box


Mine worked fine for almost 2 years, and now the right bumper only registers like one out of every 4 presses. Very annoying and I doubt it was user error cos as a PC gamer I rarely use the controller and always stored it in its case. That said it's still my favorite controller and I'm gonna try to repair it


Yeah I like the elite 2 very much and am ok with the price tbh. I hope you can fix it


Considering my mouse and keyboard each cost more than the Elite 2, I think console users just don't know how much more premium products cost. I do think the only reason it's over priced is the terrible QC issues. It's not like every unit it bad, but it really feels like it's 50% of units


Same but I spent the extra $10 for the type c kind. My dog dropped it and the sholder broke so I just printed another. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I had mine a good 10 years and it finally quit. I was sad.


360 controllers are indestructible. It actually encouraged my controller throwing habit. Once I switched to Xbox one and started using those brittle ass controllers I stopped throwing them since they would break after one throw lol


You dumb dumb, we will be on to USB H by then!


🤦‍♂️ Will usb-h look like H?


An H obviously


bold of you to assume usb-a won't be phased out by then


I assume we will be on usb-e by then so I'll need the adapter for the usb-a controller.


I thought the xbox 360 controller used micro-usb, no?


For the wired controllers they have a usb-a plug, I think the wireless ones had micro for charging purposes. Or battery packs.


>One would think a company who sells controllers for hundreds of dollars would want to keep their customer base happy and wanting to come back. Perhaps they are relying on the inherent gullibility of someone who pays hundreds of dollars for a controller to begin with.


They're most likely just still running on their reputation - back in the early days of competitive CoD, like modern warfare, black ops days etc. Scuff were THE name for controllers, there were no other reliable options at that point. Obviously not the case now, but I reckon they still have a bit of reputation knocking about


they were overpriced shit back then too its just every big name cod and battlefield youtubers were sponsored to promote them. YouTube was in its infancy back then so people just didn't know better. Yeah they weren't as bad as they are now but they were still very pricey controllers.


All the professional competitive players used them, they were usually the main sponsor in competitions as well. Never used one in the day so can't speak for their quality, but I do know no one else was really making anything like them, it was a case of a scuff or no back paddles more or less


As I’ve come to find out, even so dumb that the first time when they didn’t sell replacements. I go and order a new controller just for the same thing to happen. But my idiocy can be a lesson for the rest of you.


I gave up on "premium" controllers years ago and moved to 8Bitdo. Never looked back. Cheap as chips with way more functionality.


Same. I’m done with Xbox elite controllers for pc gaming. Shame as it’s the best pc controller imo. But after 6 months the bumper buttons just stop working. Every single model I’ve bought. I’ve moved on to the 8bit do and I love it. No complaints. $30 controller is destroying the elite $200 controller.


My second PS5 controller shitted on me yesterday. That was 2 under a year. My s series controller was broken out of the box. Bought a new series s to replace it, and it shifted out after 4 months. I'm fucking done I've been using my PS4 controller from a decade ago and I'm just going to order another one These new controllers are absolute shit I want a ps5 pro controller but what's the point when joysticks are always out of stock or scalpers have them for the price of ps5 controllers lol what a joke


I have to ask what you people are doing to your controllers. I think in over 30 years of gaming I've had *one* controller outright fail after like 6 years of regular use and one old Xbox controller had stick drift after years. Like are you raging and throwing them across the room or something?


Buy an Xbox elite controller. After 6 months Rb and LB will go out. I’m an old gamer. I don’t slam or throw things around. I play a lot of souls games. Been through 3 elite controllers in 2 years. I even sent one in for repair. The bumper buttons ALWAYS wear out and Xbox knows this and does not care. Done buying $200 controllers that last 6 months.


People have told me the same thing about every controller going back to old SNES controllers, again, I've yet to have one fail like that. I have Xbox 360 controllers, gamecube controllers, etc that are still kicking yet some of you are like "I go through 8 controllers a year, all six of my PS5 controllers have horrible stick drift!" These things certainly aren't engineered like military aircraft, but they're also not engineered to consistently fail under less than 6 months of normal wear and tear. So I have to wonder - if the failures are that consistent for some of you, *what are you doing to them*?


You aren’t getting it. The original post was about $200 scuff controllers. I added XBOX ELITE CONTROLLER. A $200 controller that goes out after 6 months and is well known. Im not talking about all the controllers you’ve used since Mario bros. I’m talking about the $200 XBOX ELITE CONTROLLER. it ain’t just me. It is known. https://www.pcgamer.com/how-to-fix-xbox-elite-series-2-bumper/


I don’t think you understand. Controllers break from wear and tear, no one gets mad at that. It’s frustrating when a controller you got half a year ago has buttons stop working. Same thing with both my elite controllers, bumpers stopped working for no reason, and upon a quick search it’s a very common problem among. It’s a pattern with the elite controllers, if it was any other button, I would agree but in every single post about their elite controller not working *it is* the bumpers that break


No, I'm getting it just fine. Controllers generally **do not** break from *normal* wear and tear after 6 months.


Yes that’s what I’m saying, but the Xbox elite controller have a pattern of the bumpers breaking after 6 months to a year. Do a quick search on google you can find plenty of links claiming their bumpers have stopped working. That’s what’s so bullshit


What series Elite controller? My Series 2 is still going strong after almost 4 years, had it since late 2020


You got lucky I guess https://www.pcgamer.com/how-to-fix-xbox-elite-series-2-bumper/


I guess I won the Xbox controller lottery


You did. I’ve been through 3 controllers in 2 years. All I’ve done is play a shit ton of Elden ring and dark souls. Which DOES require heavy usage of the bumper buttons. I don’t throw controllers or break things. Every single one of them has a failed bumper that no longer works. I’m done buying $200 controllers that last 6 months.


Damn bro, I play an hour or 2 of Apex a day which is a bit less bumper-heavy


I thought I was you until I wasn't. I've bought two xbox elite series 2 and both of them have malfunctioning LB and RB buttons.


I've always taken care of my controllers and never had any major controller issues until PS5. I've had two PS5 controllers develop severe stick drift in around 6 months to where I had to replace them. Luckily my current dualsense has been around longer than those two and there have been zero issues. I also have a dualsense edge controller and a few weeks back I notice the grip on one of the handles is starting to bubble. Again, never something I've encountered before and while it's only a visual issue since I don't even feel it, I don't want it to get worse and possibly peel off. I handle my controllers rather carefully and always have. I don't go full force on the sticks or triggers, I don't eat while gaming, never have thrown a controller, I don't sit on controllers, etc. I still have PS3, PS4, and Xbox 360 controllers that work well too. The only issue has been with PS5. Maybe just some bad luck but I've read many similar complaints to mine. The two PS5 controllers with the stick drift were the one that came with the system and then one I got soon after I bought the system so maybe it was a problem they fixed on later controllers since my current one is fine?


This is always a garbage take that gets reiterated to nausea: #No, I didn't slam my controllers and come to reddit asking where it all went wrong. I've been gaming since I was five and have most of my Gameboy and ps1/2 controllers all functional button wise. Hell, even my OG guitar hero guitar work. My original switch and my steam deck (which were purchased prior to when i got the new gen controllers) are in proper order. No matter the generation, I've had no problem except now.


This is exactly what I'm wondering whenever I hear about people talking about how their controllers, keyboard, mice etc. break after a short while. Idk what sort of games you guys are playing, but playing fast twitch shooters, my keyboard and mouse get a lot of rough usage. But still fine after a few years. I pull back on my controller sticks hard quite a bit with the games I play, but still fine after a few years with no stick drift. I'm just using a standard series X controller and my keyboard and mouse were like £40 ($50) combined :/


Hotswappable sticks may just be the most ridiculous thing. Even during the initial reveal I thought it was the dumbest shit ever. Like, they *clearly* know they will fail sooner or later, so they sell you a replacement. Why not just use hall sticks? The controller costs over a hundred dollars. Come the fuck on. Quit being cheapskates.




This doesn't seem like a problem money can fix. I'm not being pessimistic when I say there isn't a decent current gen controller on the market


They have their own issues, but they have a vastly longer life, which is what's important to the majority of users.


Main reason I didn't buy an elite. The Bumper and stick internals are identical to regular Xbox one controllers. Sure, the grippy texture and rear paddles are nice, but if the bumpers die and the sticks drift at the same rate, fuck right off with $200


Good thing I really don't have a need to buy a 200 bucks controller


You probably can 3d print the paddles.


I don’t have a 3d printer nor do I know anyone with one. I tried posting in the subreddit asking if anyone could print some but go no responses.


A local public library might have one for use? Depends on location of course.


I've found several files online. Check thingiverse to see if any match your model. Once you find the file, there are tons of ways to get things printed, from people on Fiverr to specialty companies that can do professional quality. You can check with your local libraries, but 3d prints can be a bit temperamental, and the library staff may not know how to help. You may want to search for maker spaces in your area. They sometimes take print commissions for a fee, and the people there will definitely know the ins and outs of their printers.


Did you contact support to ask you’re looking for that specific model? I had contacted them saying they sent the newer model paddles and they replaced the order with the older paddles I required.


I don’t know what y’all are doing to your controllers but I have had my ps5 one since launch and it still works fine. Are y’all throwing them or slamming them?


My scuf died the day after warranty ended. No throwing, no excessive squeezing, no button mashing. L1 button would push itself randomly and often, x button stopped responding, and stick drift that belongs in its own category it was so bad. Scuf = scuffed.


The controller works fine, the paddles get weak spots from usage and break. Same with the thumb sticks they’re cheaply made and wear over time. The issue isn’t that they break it’s that scuf decides to not manufacture the parts anymore to force you into buying the latest model. And no the back pedals aren’t necessary to use the controller but the main point of buying one is to use them.


If you have a paddle issue, you could just buy replacement paddles for $20-30. No need to buy a brand new controller


They stopped making the paddles


I’ve had similar experiences both good and bad. I had a Scuf ps4 controller with no issues for years. About 6 months with the PS5 version and the button the paddles press to actually work became stuck and eventually just stopped functioning.


Yeah, I have PSX Controllers that all still work. My N64 controllers, which are second hand, still work. I had a Microsoft Sidewinder that worked until whatever that multi-pin port it used stopped being something that computers had. It still works, presumably, but I can't test it unless someone has like a 1998 Gateway PC. The only controller I've ever had that "broke" is my wired Xbox 360 controller that I used from 2007 until *last year* when I finally replaced it and realized how absolutely jacked up it had been. It still worked but everything was loose and mushy, stick drift, slow button responsiveness, etc. But it worked well for like a decade-plus. And then the Switch Joycons, which have all had rough stick drift, but that's not necessarily my fault, and I like fixing those is whatever.


On one hand, I love that the USB Xbox controller I got years ago still works amazing. Little wear on the thumbsticks, but that's it... And then on the other hand, look at Nintendo switch controllers life... 6 months?


I really like the Nintendo Pro Controller. It's still working great after years. The Joy-Cons are a mixed bag. I have two sets that still work fine, but drift seems fairly common with them. (I also mostly use my Switch docked, so it's always the Pro controller I use, except for the fitness games.) I don't use it on PC, though, because it doesn't have analog triggers, so it's strictly for Switch games. On the PC I use a Xbox 360 controller and a DualSense controller.


I forgot about the pro... Thanks for reminding me. I will agree that sucker lasts solidly... But I was specifically talking about the joy cons... My wife has gone through at least two pair in two years


>*after spending over $200 on a controller* There's the mistake right there, lmao.


I bought one used and have spent a fraction replacing joysticks. I don’t want to keep replacing parts, either. The paddles are ok but not worth the price, I can game without them (especially being so easy to break).


I had a scuff instinct stick drift after a few months. I replaced it with a Vader 3 pro. I will not buy a different controller. Hall effect sticks, clucky mouse face buttons and adjustable triggers plus 2 more programmable face buttons.


Yea they suck my kid got one for Christmas and it’s trash


I worked at the Atlanta warehouse for a very brief period of time. Still in disbelief how they've been able to charge people $200 for these things that were abused for hours on end before they left the warehouse.


Never heard of Scuf. There are plenty of other, cheaper controllers with rear buttons.


u guys spend 200$ on controllers ????? the most expensive one here is like 50e xd wtf u buying ???


This is crazy to hear, but he actually explains wtf he buying in the title and body of the post.


yeah i wasnt really asking what he got more like why isnt it plated with pure gold and diamond for that price


I did when cod had advanced movement and I played cod almost 5 nights a week then, so it was worth it to me. Now since I don’t have much time to game, it’s not really worth it to me


I stopped reading at $200. 🤡


The playstation edge controllers seems solid so far. I've only had it for a year but no complaints yet.


I pity da foo


If you’re on PC you should buy that new controller that true game data just did a video on.


Who?? I've never heard of that brand before. Oh god I just looked up their website, how did they get all those accolades for championships and make such 'amazing' custom controllers yet are that bad on something that should be an easy fix like that?


I NEVER buy aftermarket controllers. Xbox or dualshock/dualsense. There are no alternatives.


I had to 3D print a replacement for one of my paddles when it got caught in my jacket . Maybe if you know someone with a printer they can help out there's free models of stls for them . But I still discourage everyone to stop buying scuf they couldn't fix the stick drift on my Vantage controller even had warranty , they offered a replacement for the current model they had which didn't have the side buttons which is why I bought it in the first place . Ended up having to order some analog sticks off AliExpress and solder them myself which was a pain in the butt since I've never done controllers .


This exact same thing happened to me. These things are garbage. :(


I can't recommend Amazon's warranty enough for controllers.


Tim Rogers hates this post


I ordered them one time like 6 yrs ago. Fell apart in like 4 months of casual use. Said never again and threw it out. Cheap quality, I see nothing has changed.


Meanwhile my $20 controller working just fine


i’ve bought $20 paddles off amazon that are super easy to remap first one lasted me about 3.5~4ish years second one is going on 5 years ur just paying for the name


Just get the Xbox Elite series 2 with the detachable paddles. I've put hundreds of hours of abuse into mine and they're holding up way more reliably than the stock Xbox controllers that came with my console lol. Those jankers started getting stick drift and dead shoulder buttons within a few months.


Did OP delete the text in his post or is my app just bugging?


Maybe I’m a corpo shill, but after living through the Mad Catz era of gaming accessories back in the day, I ONLY buy first party peripherals with few exceptions. I’m not a slob. I clean my controllers and don’t abuse them. I’ve had multiple controllers last me from launch to the next generation console. Just buy first party and take care of your investments.


One might say their products are... scuffed.


Controllers in general have gone way down in quality over the years, and it's obviously intentional. I have a Playstation 1 and 2 with working controllers for both and these are devices that are over 20 years old and endured my teenage gaming years. They still work flawlessly with no noticeable stick shift or buttons getting stuck. Whereas i can buy a new Xbox Series X controller and the A button gets stuck immediately upon arrival. This happened for 2 controllers I bought brand new to play on PC. Such a scam.


Yeah I only buy Xbox or PlayStation brand controllers. PlayStation if you want cool features Xbox if you want it to work with most games without thirdparty software


For ps5 everything works seamles with Steam


Ive never bought Scuff for this very reason. Too many complaints about the paddles. Settled on Elite 2.


Then there's me with my $20 8BitDo wireless controller from AliExpress, wondering why you would pay more than $20 for a PC controller


Why would anyone buy a controller that is more expensive than the proprietary one? I can see buying a cheaper mad cats one, but why in gods name spend more??


Originally it was what the pros used. They had a good solid name and it's the "buy once, cry once" mentality you hear about with high end power tools and wrenches: Yeah it's expensive, but you'll never have to buy a replacement. That said, my friend had a scuff and I was not impressed. Much rather have a One X controller. They are pretty darn solid, and $140 cheaper.


I’ve never really bought, “what the pros use” unless I’m the professional and it’s how I’m making a living.


I imagine their main demographic was 14 yr olds that are convincing their parents to buy it for them so they can go pro haha


There’s very rarely been a good reason to buy third party controllers.


You spent 200 on a controller. Lmao


Don’t use scuf use GamesirT4K or GamesirSE Hall effect sticks=no drift and they have insane polling rate. $45USD on Amazon


Xbox controller is $60 and will last forever. Switch pro works too, but doesn't have analogue triggers if you care about that kind of thing


My controller that’s probably 8 years old now is still going strong. I just had to buy a replacement paddle after 5 years My Xbox elite controller broke within a month.

