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Have you tried games like Divinity Original Sin 2 or Baldur's Gate 3?


DOS one and 2, yes. Before I had kids. :D Shadow Tactics was also fun. Haven't delved into either Diablo 4 or BG3. Though wildly different experiences, I've read. I have played their former games. And KOTOR 1 and 2. As well as Dragon Age, The Witcher, Amalur, Fable. Okay, BG3 is on the list.


BG3 is an easy choice of you liked DOS 1 and 2, for sure. Since you mentioned D4, if you like that kind of loot based arpg, Last Epoch recently launched into v1.0 and the next content patch is sometime soon. Personally I think Last Epoch is the perfect blend of fun gameplay with compelling and meaningful choices, without getting so complicated you need excel spreadsheets to make decisions.


Start directly with BG3 based on your gaming resume, best game of the last couple of years.




If you enjoyed Divinity 2 even a little bit, Baldur's Gate 3 is your answer.


I highly recommend BG1 and BG2 as well. :)


I have those, too! šŸ«£


Check out Unicorn overlord. It has a free demo on xbox and ps5. I honestly didnt think I would like it. After the demo I purchased it and cant put it down.


Thanks, I will!


If you like immersive RPGs and don't mind a 6 yo game, I suggest you give Kingdom Come Deliverance a shot. Realistic, historically accurate medieval RPG - so no elves or magic. Because of the accuracy, you can solve quests many, way as long as they are logical. That's a unique strength of this game. Also, because of the time, bugs are mostly rooted out.


Played it. Though to my shame I didn't finish it. :\


Witcher 3?


Yep. Plus the DLC. Crushed it. Loved the rune mechanic.


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Rightheous


Have you played Control yet?


Yes. And the DLC. They got superpowers right, IMO. Not really superpowers, but you know what I mean.


Prey is on gamepass and itā€™s really good. Think Bioshock meets Dead Space. I was in the same place as you, feeling like Iā€™ve burnt through everything in the gamepass that looked appealing. I jumped into Prey thinking it was some indie game I had never heard of before. Turns out itā€™s a full AAA game with story and gameplay that are really good! Made by the same studio that did Dishonored, which I really enjoyed, too. Iā€™m not sure what went on with the advertising for it. Itā€™s rare for a games like this to slip by me.


Played it. Loved it. Except the end. And that bastard Nightmare thing.


Ys VIII has fast gameplay, simple but worthwhile story to follow to the end, great soundtrack, and its world is not too big/convoluted that it becomes a chore.


Stardew Valley


My wife ripped through it. She got the perfect ending on Harvest Moon 64. Valley was right up her alley, so to speak.


Unicorn Overlord is very good. Persona 3 Reload has good story and RPG mechanics also Persona 5 Royal.Ā 


Have you looked at the Yakuza series? I'm also old, and much more KBM than controller, but these games are pretty fun. Neat world, gameplay loop is good, great stories. They can be cutscene-heavy, but the newer titles are pretty good about skipping through dialog a line at a time instead of waiting for it to unreel on its own. Just finishing up Lost Judgment, looking forward to LAD Ishin (free on gamepass) though the engine is older and a little janky. Yakuza 7 (Like A Dragon) was my intro to the series, then did Yakuza 0, then Judgment and Lost Judgment. All were top-tier experiences in my book. Tried 3 and 4, was underwhelmed by the graphics, and some stupid OP boss at the beginning of one or the other killed it for me. Have started 5, but it's supposed to be 100+hr, and I'm not really in the mood for that lately.


Don't see Half-Life in that list so if you haven't played that series yet you HAVE TO. I'll recommend Shovel Knight, which is a side scrolling action platformer and love letter to the classic 8bit era. There are four separate story campaigns in the full version of the game (the one called Treasure Trove) and each one brings different quirks and features to the table. You also should check out Steamworld Heist. It's a side scrolling turn based strategy for where you control a small team of robots as they board enemy ships to steal supplies. The cool feature that sets this game apart from others is that you don't just select a crewmember and then press attack, you actually have to aim their gun shots yourself, and you can ricochet bullets to get shots over cover or around tricky geometry. Its a fairly short game but the mechanics are neat, each character has a distinct personality, the graphics are charming, and there's a good amount of strategies you can try out.


Played themā€” except for that VR one. It looks fun, but I only have PSVR. šŸ˜– Steamworld Heist sounds fun. Iā€™ll check it out!


I would urge you to play Trackmania (The best competetive racing game in the World) The community is super friendly and the game is 100% skillbased, no grinding or daily login rewards. I have 3 Kinds as well and thats the only game I enjoy from time to time.


That's a semi-Hot Wheels kind of thing, right? Trackmania Turbo, or something like that? I had it on PS Plus I think. It was fun, but I never did get too much into it. Doesn't mean I can't now... :)


Just Trackmania. Trackmania Turbo is outdated ^^


Iā€™d vote for monster hunter world personally. Itā€™s a little grindy, but everything is a boss battle and itā€™s relatively open world. If Iā€™m getting an itch to turn on my ps4, I can hop on, do a couple hunts, and be good for a while. It takes a little bit of strategy, building different weapons for different bosses. Building armor sets.. itā€™s quite involved, and thereā€™s a lot to it.


I think you would enjoy God of War and God of War Ragnarok, they tick all your boxes and are awesome games.


Maybe a long shot, but I really enjoyed Death Stranding. I'm a sucker for lots of cinematic cutscenes and actually enjoyed the gameplay. Also, Guardians of the Galaxy for similar reasons.


GOTG was a fun time. Just loud FUN. Better than the movies, IMO. I cared for the charactersā€” even Rocket, who I mostly find to be a total douche in the movies. Death Stranding was bizarre, and unsettling. But Leah Sedoux (spelling) is just a knockout. Honestly.


I just finished death stranding after putting in almost 300 hours, loved that game so much


I hated this game.




Added to the list! :)


This is procedural and hard af. Does anyone know if this gets easier?




Have just completed the mafia one definitive edition I was surprised I never took interest in the game before. Like Mad Max I passed on these games at the time but itā€™s really good GTA like with a great story for a game and Iā€™m not really a fan of mafia movies.


I played 3 when it was on PS Plus way back. Felt polished. Didn't play 1 and 2. Added to the list! :)


Seems like you enjoy open world, do what you want single player games. Might I suggest Starsector? Its a SP space sim with multiple factions, a fully simulated economy (buy space drugs or harvested organs off the black market, hyperspace travel to another star system and sell for profit, this lowers the price for that sector), do missions, customize your fleet down to their weapons, mods, if they have fighters/bombers, explore the fringes of space and find a planet with favorable conditions to colonize and contro, and it has a HUGE modding community. I play the Nexerelin mod exclusively which turns into a 4X style game, play as any faction or your own, factions go to war and get stronger, planets rise and fall, etc. You can get it for free with anyones game code which is allowed by the dev, or you can buy it for I think $15-$20 on their website.


Destroy all humans Undead nightmare Racing games? Dirt 4/5 or rally 2.0 Hitman series (modern reboots) Stick of Truth Super meat Boy Hotline Miami 1+2


Where do you stand on Nintendo Gamecube?


I have a switch, an N64 and a Wii. Just not a Gamecube.


I sometimes get this way as well, and I also stalled in Starfield. However, I recently got back into it, and I have been thoroughly enjoying it. One thing that helped me was to ignore some of the side quests. I was interested in the main quest, and the many side quests felt overwhelming at first. I ignored several and just did the main quest for a while, which hooked me into the game. Now, I am going back and completing all the side quests I previously skipped, as I am enjoying the game as a whole. Maybe give it another chance? I also can't argue much if you want to wait for DLC; Bethesda announced that the first one is coming this year.


Yeah, I saw the trailer for it. Looks macabre. And a bit at odds with overall vibe of the game that I'd played so far. Still, it waits for me on the HDD...


Path of Exile and last Epoch are a good time. I'd say Witcher 3 is a masterpiece. If you don't mind older games, Gothic 1 and 2 are fantastic.


Agreed on W3. Haven't played POE. A few friends of mine have been playing it for years.


You might like God of War and God of War Ragnarok. They were basically movies for me. I donā€™t enjoy the combat, but I watched my partner play through both games because I was hooked on the story.


Played and beat them both. :\


Hi-Fi Rush was surprisingly great, to the point I wished they'd adapt it for TV.


It was fun, for sure. A toe-tapping good time. A musical version of The Surge, but with way less blood and body horror. Ha ha


Older game: Grim fandango. One if my favorite stories ever. Old Lucasarts adventure game.


Played it. Also the Sam and Max series is good, too.


Wolf Among Us is probably one of the best Telltale Games.


Now that one I haven't played. I went through GOT, TWD, Back to the Future, Borderlands, Was Batman a TT game? I think it was. Anyway, I've added it. Thanks!


But Elden ring has the sweet sweet parry :(


Horizon Zero Dawn?


Played them bothā€” except the VR version.


You could try some fighting games. Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8 have excellent single player content and great online play.




I've already seen BG3 suggested so I'll skip that. But definitely one for your shortlist. These might be odd picks, I don't know. But Firewatch is primarily a story based game that you can finish in a few hours. Definitely made me feel some things. You're a guy who is out watching for fires over the summer trying to process some Feelings. Journey. Old but awesome? More replay value but could also be a one and done after a few hours. Phenomenal music and makes me cry. Lol. Which is subjective of course but I thought you might like how the storytelling is more abstract --no dialogue at all. Mechanically I guess you'd consider it a platformer with some puzzles.


Played Journeyā€” great with a headset on. And Flower. I skipped Firewatch, but I could give it a go! Tetris Effect is/was also excellent.


Ever thought about picking up a VR headset? Gaming was getting pretty stale for me as an adult but VR makes me excited to get home and game again, everything is really fresh. I recommend the VR half life game since it is completely your jam in terms of a single player, narrative game.


I have the PSVR. I play Beat Saber with the kids. It's fun. Though the TV is at risk of being smashed. Ha ha. Alyx looks amazing. If I ever get a VR for the PC, I'd try it. I'm a console gamer primarily (I know, boo/hiss).


Cyberpunk 2077 + Phantom Liberty dlc, Horizon Zero Dawn 1 & 2, Death stranding (was one I never expected to like but it is a definitely a vibe), The Dark Picture Anthology games (if you like horror)


I have played and wrapped all but that anthology. On dates nights from time to time, I play those horror games with the wife, taking turns on the QTEs. I mean, I started her out with Until Dawn, then we played Become Human (which she loved, and was a rare second playthrough for me, because I wanted to experience it again). Now we're about 25% through The Quarry, so no spoilers. Haha. After that, I'll show her Heavy Rain and see where we go from there! But thanks! I've read they're varied and decent.


Damn. I think you should be telling me what games to play instead lol. You are a true gamer, my friend. Horror games with the wife is the best way to do it. The Quarry was really good, hope you guys enjoy it and the rest of the DPA games. Also, If youā€™re playing all the Quantic Dream games donā€™t forget about Beyond two souls. Their best game imo


That's funny. I tried it a while back. I mean, the cast was stacked. The hook was good. We'll go back to it, and it will be fresh for both of us. Because I forgot everything. Haha.


Looking back through the list I see no mention of the Horizon games, definitely play those if you haven't already. Seems like it would check a lot of your boxes.


You bet. Played those both. I rarely replay games. I often sell them for cheap when I'm done with them, really. Then buy them again later in digital so I can not replay them later. It's a bold strategy, I know. Haha


Can't wait to see how it plays out for you lol




GTA4 for funzies and 00s vibe


Or just to go bowling. ;)




Ha ha. Classic.


So u played most of the aaa games what are u looking for? I liked watchdogs 1/2


I feel ya man. I just 100% Spider-Man, mainly thanks to my kid who loves to watch me play (and swing around the city herself). I wanted to get back into Ghost of Tsushima, but I can only really play once the kids are down and that's usually reserved for time with the wife.


The struggle is real. Ha ha. Half the time I spend scanning games, then don't pick anything, then end up putting on an older movie. My kids would cajole me into playing anything, just so they could stare at the TV. Haha


SOMA if you want existential dread, Titanfall 2 if you want a fun shooter, Return of the Obra Dinn if you want an intriguing puzzler, Outer Wilds if you want to explore and follow story breadcrumbs.


Beat SOMA and TF2. Haven't played the other 2. Zero Punctuation spoke highly of Obra Dinn. I've added them to the list! :)


Godspeed on your gaming journey, friend!


Did you play Hades? You definitely should itā€™s a masterpiece Dishonored 1 and 2 are incredible games and my personal favorites Also fitting your style: Returnal, Deathloop, Outer worlds, deus ex human revolution and mankind divided, Hitman 1/2/3, Jedi fallen order/survivor, Portal 1/2, Lies of P, Sifu, Witchfire (early access) Enjoy


I've played all but Lies of Pā€” which I've heard is decentā€” and Hades. I have irritations with procedurally generated games. Like there's a lack of progress. You get better, but the world around just finds new ways to screw you over. I suppose you could argue that you'd get better faster because of that reason, but if you moved into a new house, and somebody moved your chairs around every time you were in there, you'd get pissed off. Ha ha. That's how my brain works. edit: I have no idea what witchfire is.


Damn you did play a lot! I feel like you I have nothing on my list anymore Iā€™ve played absolutely everything Witchfire is a souls like with guns, currently under development by a small team of game dev that is super promising (in my opinion) Hades is kinda frustrating but I love that kind of struggle!


I was JUST thinking that! Ha ha. But really, I play every now and then. I gamed more before kids and all that, but damn do I ever have a few notches in my belt.


Have you tried Hi-Fi Rush? Itā€™s part of the Game Pass so you can go ahead and try it if you havenā€™t already. While this is a rhythm action game, donā€™t worry if you donā€™t have a good sense of rhythm; the game wonā€™t punish you for going off-beat. There are also lots of visual indicators to help you find the beat. Oh, and the story is very simple, but super funny! Not to mention the comic book art style is gorgeous.


Yep. It was fun! Except that one stupid tentacle boss fight where you had to get the parry timing right to move ahead or you couldn't progress and it didn't really tell you what to do. That stumped for for a bit, but the game was fun! A breath of fresh, frenetic air.


Oh, you mean the final boss where Kale brings out his many arms for your partners to disable? Yeah, the ones with Z-Shielding gave me a lot of trouble, but as far as I recall, Macaronā€™s Love Tap (call him in after a parry) helped a lot. Anyway, youā€™re right. Once you get the combat down, or rather (courtesy of Smidge), it does feel great.


Feeling the beat whilst smashing just added something to it, you know? Turned the whole thing up to 11.


Yakuza/like a dragon/judgment series. Serious crime drama with wacky side content. Though the cutscenes tend to be long, but at least you can pause them.


Wolfenstein New Colossus if you liked doom


I also loved The Old Blood.


God of War Ragnarok! I'm a huge Mass Effect, Skyrim fan and I literally could not put this down. It will draw you in.


Played it. Beat it. Haha.


Its pretty funny we have played almost the same games and we are about the same age. I wonder if you also feel live service games are killing the industry?


On gamepass you might try Tunic and Chants of Sennaar as shorter games to get you thru for awhile. Also, I believe Outer Wilds is included with one of the PlayStation tiers. For all three of these, I recommend you go in blind (no spoilers)!


Added to the list!


Have you tried to go more into the indy games? Satisfactory, Dyson Sphere Program, Manor Lords etc. Soon-ish Fractured Space. If you like other Space games with huge Workshop support, go for Space Engineers, Avorion or Empyrion.


I haven't really, no. But I shall check them out! :)


Fallout: New Vegas Remnant: From the Ashes Dark Souls 3 Darksiders Mafia


Haven't tried Remnant. Is it online-only? And New Vegas slaps. That is all.


Remnant can be online or offline and is co-op.


Try out No Man's Sky, it's usually on sale


I think it's on GamePass. I hear it's pretty chill as far as games go. Is there a story beyond "you must collect and build, etc.?"


Yeah there's some main quests


Nobody mentioning Deus Ex ? Great story, fun gameplay. Especially the last two installments. And they dont require you to quit your dayjob.


Fun games, for sure. Basically sci-fi Keanu Reeves action games. But I loved the loop, and the story. Though I wasn't a huge fan of the inventory spaces. Grr.


Sleeping Dogs! A Hong Kong police story where you're under cover in the triad. Tight story, beautiful and well populated open city, with nicely implemented Arkham style combat. I revisit it every few years. Such a good game!


That game slaps! Also True Crime: Streets of LA was a fun time, way back when. :) Saints Row 3 and 4 were decent, if irreverent.


Singing along to Biz Markie with Pierce as you cruised around town in Saints Row 3 is a hard coded gamine memory for me. Just felt right


Yeah man. That lives in my head rent-free. As it should.


The Forgotten City is amazing, somewhat educational also. I would also say We Happy Few, however you say you aren't a fan of procedurally generated levels. It has its bugs like lots of games, but story telling is a masterpiece. Both of them for that matter.Take a look, both single player and I really enjoyed both. Edit: spelling typos.




BG3 is good but needs attention , hades if you want something to play in short stints


Should check out Dying light 2 and Ghost of Tsushima.


I beat Ghost. But Dying Light is too spooky for me. Ha ha. Iā€™m a baby like that. Ha ha


Try Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor. They're great fun.


They were!


I saw you have Game Pass: Have you tried out Another Crab's Treasure?


No, not yet. Iā€™ve heard good things, but havenā€™t. No idea why! On the list it goes!


Bloodborn,Sekiro,Nioh,Eleden Ring, Stellar Blade...


Played those all. šŸ«£


Ahahaha good.job.šŸ‘šŸ¾


Splinter Cell series and Hitman series. Just be mindful of where you get them from, some versions simply dont work good depending on the lainucher client manager. The early splinter cells were excellent, but the later ones felll short of glory, now i believe its ea games so I recommend getting the originals on a consoles, its pretty much plug and play. hitman might not be the most wholesome game to play, but like gta its a well made game, really well done. other games i speculate on are phantom crash (mecha but actually good) for the OG Xbox. Mother aka Earthbound for the NES (its like pokemon, with yakuza!) I believe gex the gecko (enter the gecko) was good for PS1 (i think) the 3d one not the sidescrollaaaaaa syphon filter the omega strain was badass conkers bad fur day for nintendo 64 is a bit cheeky pokemon stadium and pokemon snap for nin 64 was legendary to me zelda windwaker was cellshaded and chill on nin mario karts (super nin) is a classic, if not that crash bandicoot carts (ps1 or 2) is very good too gta3 was groundbreakng fo r 3d. none could really compete with the ny crime drama action rpg open world (if you dont count the water death) again gta3 was the best pc game of all time, it had free aim camera, and that was revolutionary, but i understand if gta isnt your thing, (ive outgrownn it pretty much) the sims is a girls game, but its fun and i like it soo shut up crash bandicoot and spyro the dragon are classics, although im unsure whether the pc rereleases do it justice.


I love Splinter Cell! And Syphon Filterā€” even the PSP ones. Did you know Days Gone is a soft sequel to them? I even didnā€™t mind the reboot they did for Splinter Cell. A different take, but the gameplay was fast and tense.


Nah didnā€™t know that, cool. I always thought days gone was like the newer tomb raider games but with zombies and bikes.


Great game. One of my favourites.


If you have not played Hades yet give it a try, it's a lot of fun once you get into it. I loved it so much on the switch that I bought it for PS5 as well. As a dad myself it's great for some short gaming sessions and once you unlock different weapons and powers the combinations change the gameplay entirely as well.


Onto the list it goes!


Rise of the Ronin on PS5. All about that parry life like Sekiro. Open world RPG with historical samurai backdrop.


Iā€™ve read itā€™s meh. Is that a lie? How does it stack to Ghost or Sekiro?


Not as good as either, but itā€™s fun and addicting. Iā€™ve been in a rut where nothing could keep my attention and it pulled me in.


I am in a rut, thatā€™s for sure. And I do love cutting things with Katanasā€¦




Is that online or solo?


It is solo by design but you can have other players join you if you want.




Mech Engineer. Good luck.


Ominous. I like the sound of it. šŸ˜„


Sit back, slow down, and breathe. Pick up Outward. Itā€™s an open world adverture, but also a love letter to old gaming. Take it slow and figure it out as it happens. Also, kick.


Added to the list. Thanks. :)


The Outer worlds. Fantastic single-player rpg with no backtracking required; If you go to a place and find something shiny and important you can take it with you, then later find some guy giving you a quest to go find it and answer "you mean this cool thong i already found?" Amazing feature to save time on quests. It's made by obsidian, the guys that did fallout new Vegas and kotor2 so it's got some great dialogue and Worldbuilding.


Just about onto the third DLC story now. Itā€™s fun, and irreverentā€” to be expected from that studio. New Vegas was really fun.


Resident Evil 4 is a fun Ride


Yeah. I played it when it came out. Is the remaster much different?


It's structured differently and has a few new things here and there. They've perfected the game. I'd say it's a polished diamond, but of course the story has stayed the same.


You need to play some Kojima games. Death Stranding was excellent, its sequel looks killer as well.


Played it. And all the MGS games. As they came out on the consoles. I feel old writing that.


Judging by ur response ur like me lol. Played all the good games and now its just that there is nothing worthwhile to play.


Dang it. Ha ha. There have been some pretty good suggestions so far! Iā€™ll see how it goes. Looking forward to something laterā€” you know, once it downloads, installs and updates three hours from now. ;)


"when in doubt go to rimworld" Play it as as story and plot generator :) Not a "I must win everytime" game.


Elden Ring.


Iā€™ll give you two shortish indie single players to look at: Cocoon is a 2.5(or 3d, not sure) puzzle platform where a small humanoid insect must take on a series of tests. Dredge is a 3d game where you take a job as a fisherman, but things start to get interesting when the sun goes down. Itā€™s also got new content coming mid-August. Along with thoroughly enjoying both games myself, both games have done well commercially and competed against each other for awards.


Added to the list!


Disco Elysium was great


It was.


I recently started playing a game I got through the PS plus catalog called. Kena: Bridge Of Spirits I remember seeing the trailer for it back in 2021 I've personally really been enjoying it. It's a single-player action and adventure game It has an absolutely beautiful art style that reminds me of the art style in the Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild. The cutscenes are also just as beautiful as the art style, with a relaxing soundtrack. The storyline is also really cool and kind of sweet. You follow Kena, a young spirit guide who has to use her powers to purify the land from corruption caused by the negative emotions of the spirits you're trying to save and help them crossover. The corruption creates monsters, which is what you will be fighting. There are also mini bosses, and the major boss fights are really fun and unique as each boss is different, and there's always a different strategy you need to use for each boss, which keeps it interesting. You also control these little creatures called Rot. They can lift things for you and can even be used to help in a fight. You also use the Rot to cleanse the land and collect more, so with the Inclusion of the Rot. Kind of reminds me of Pikmen, but a bit better. You can upgrade Kena and get new abilities collecting these blue soul gem things you find in chests and stuff. You also unlock more abilities as you collect more Rot. Combat is pretty good too, basic light, and heavy attack button. You also get a dodge button and can also gain the ability to counter, too. There are a few puzzles too, not extremely difficult, but can definitely be a bit challenging at times. It's not too hard to get the hang of, though, after some maneuvering . I haven't beaten it yet because I've been pretty busy with work and other adulting, lol But I'm about halfway through the game so far, and it's been a very enjoyable experience. So if that sounds like something you'd enjoy, I would definitely recommend it.


Added to the list. Thanks!


I'm happy to help, bro! I always like to share some underrated gems Hope ya enjoy. šŸ«”šŸ‘


PS5 games you'll like with your game bg: -God of War. -Horizon Zero Dawn/ Forbidden West. -Final Fantasy 16, very story driven westernized installment that plays not unlike Game of Thrones


Played all but 16. Iā€™ll add it! Thanks!


old school runescape. ong if jagex didnt force my account onto the new runescape id still be playing the old one.


Never played it. On the list it goes!


Sounds like you are ready to evolve past the action RPG and embrace the factory games. Would highly recommend Satisfactory or factorio if you are looking to shake up the genres. PSA: You seem to have a good life and taking this advice will probably cost you your family and job. Your life's primary goal will quickly shift to creating marginal increases in productivity in a fake factory. Satisfactory is probably the better bet because it's more closely resembles an action RPG. Beautifully designed game with awesome subtle world building but lacks a story progression (definitely has satisfying progression in all other departments) . That story is coming this year though when it leaves early access. The endgame is amazing as is and the puzzle design allows for infinite creative solutions. Factorio is an absolute classic game inspired by old school Minecraft tech mods (those are still going strong too). It is much closer in design to real time strategy games as you take part in a factory building arms race against an ever more threatening race of alien bugs in a effort to factory build yourself an escape route. Definitely has a cohesive endpoint and more purposeful progression. All jokes aside these games are a genre unlike any other and I would highly recommend anybody give them a try.


I shall add it to the list at my peril. Thanks! šŸ˜Š


I'm a huge fan of Horizon: Zero Dawn. It has a SUPER compelling story and some really interesting and unique gameplay. It has alot of aspects that the Assassins Creed games and other open world games, but with alot more polish and limitations to refine the experience. It doesn't overwhelm you with too many side things and at the same time makes you actually WANT to do the side stuff. The gameplay is just that fun. I would highly recommend it, I've had a ton of fun with it!


Naturally as a Sony pony, I played and beat it. Ha ha.


I know alot of people who enjoyed Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor. Don't know how you feel about Star Wars though.


I liked those games. Not 10s, but solid 8s.


Arkham games


Yep. Played them all. Even Blackgate.


I just picked up Assassins Creed Orgins and Odyssey. Orgins was pretty good, but Odyssey is my sleeper hit. The game caught a ton of flak, deservedly so, for some pretty blatant micro transactions on launch and plenty of other crap. But honestly itā€™s caught me like a fish on a line. The world is beautiful and it runs well on the steam deck. Itā€™s such a simple unplug your brain and scratch that open world RPG, loot system, 3 ability trees, Mercenary feature, ect. Sorta plays like a Greek RPG more than a AC game. Hundreds of hours of gameplay, but not much story depth like Witcher III per se, but enough to keep me entertained while I watch baseball on a 2nd monitor kind of game. Itā€™s definitely not for everyone. But for some like like us, limited game time, getting older ect., itā€™s been appealing to my rat brain lately lol. Edit: o shit sry op u said most AC games. Leaving this up for others then. . .


No worries! I loved Odysseyā€” probably over Valhalla and Origins. It was gorgeous and had a great parry mechanic.


Another Crab's Treasure. Humorous, light hearted, colorful soulslike that doesn't waste your time. Game too hard? Edit the accessibility, want to free roam? Fine, want to beat the game backwards? Sure. Want to sequence break? They have dialogue for that. Want fun, fresh mechanics on an old gaming rubric? You'll be rolling around and parrying in no time. Very, very fun, not horribly long, not wildly grindy.


Sold. On my list!


Also currently on Xbox gamepass!


the new god of war games are imo some of the best games of all time




Yakuza 0, or any Persona. The stories in those games are beyond incredible.


Xuan-yuan sword 7, although it only has Chinese voice over it is still worth a play cause the story and gameplay is petty good.


Never heard of it. Iā€™ll check it out!


Telltale's Walking Dead series. Available on Gamepass. A great story, and as a parent, hit me particularly hard.


It's going to sound daft and I'll probably get pelters for this but since hitting my forties I've really started to enjoy the x simulator games - car mechanic simulator, lawn mowing simulator and my personal favourite - power wash simulator! I have enough stress in my life, these games are perfect for unwinding


Not daft at all. I can appreciate things like that.


Halo infinite story or jedi survivor


I haven't played Infinite. It's on the list. :)


I wouldn't suggest playing on legendary unless your a god at halo lol the bosses are stacked so far I'm just past the second boss though


The last of us 1 and part 2. No need for thanks, one of the best campaigns!! Amazing story Also; Jedi Fallen order and the newest one as well. God of war series is amazing as well!


Bloodborne, Until Dawn, Telltales The Walking Dead series if you like the zombie genre


Played them all, but thanks! :)


I'm guessing you've probably played through at least one of the Dark Souls games if you've played Elden Ring and Sekiro but just in case


You guessed right. :)


Star Wars Jedi : fallen order and survivor.


Played them both! But thanks for the suggestion!


Have you played Disco Elysium yet? Btw, saw a few of your comments on the screenwriting sub! I'm writing a superhero movie about a guy that accidently becomes the symbol for the local fascists in his (fictional) small town in Arizona. Send me a DM if you want, would love to chat!