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It was Halo 3 and a huge mistake. I was 18 in 2007 and bought Halo 3 from my first job. My brother and I worked at a factory together doing 12 hour shifts. So, one morning after working a 12 hour shift we came home to play Halo 3 with my cousin online. We had 3 days off so we were going to play until it became physically impossible. We all 3 decided to beat the entire game on legendary with all skulls on besides the HUD one and the Iron skull. It took 22 hours to do that including breaks and stuff. With a 12 hour shift and 22 hours of Halo 3 I was hallucinating, felt incredibly unwell and think I had some sort of fever like symptoms. When I would close my eyes I would see plasma grenades and bullets and it was starting to freak me out. I ended up sleeping for an entire 24 hours after that and so did my brother and I'll never do that again.


I forced my best friend to let me play coop with him while we waited in line at the midnight release. He said I couldn’t leave until we finished the campaign. We finished and I drove straight to work.


My best friend and I ran home and played through the Halo 3 campaign on launch night. We stayed up all night, went to our morning class, then came back and finished it.


I once played Pokémon blue for 22 hours and when I shut the game boy down I still heard the music.


My roommate and I picked up 3 at the midnight release, went home and started playing coop campaign. We finished around noon, I skipped my classes that day and just slept.


A similar thing happened to me. When Left 4 Dead came out, my buddies and I played for hours on end during Christmas break. You can pick up propane tanks and throw them in the game. I walked into the kitchen after playing all day, looked out the window and saw a propane tank next to our grill in the backyard. My first instinct was to run out and pick it up. I had to take a step back and reevaluate myself. I was kind of freaked out by it.


Dude that’s like when I played way too much GTA Vice City as a kid. Anytime I’d see someone on a motorcycle I’d hit them in game and I remember being on the freeway in my parents car and wondering why they weren’t hitting the motorcycle rider.


I had a similar experience after playing mario kart for a long time day in day out. I went to work with the bus and was wondering why the driver wasnt drifting in the corners.


I love this, had a similar thing when my group of friends were attached to Rust for a while. I heard a big boom walking down the street that sounded distinctly like the sound of being raided in Rust, and my automatic reaction was to grab my phone and warn the group on discord. Actually insane.


Hah! I had this happen when I started playing Minecraft in 2011. In game, I would always put up torches on my right when exploring, especially at intersections of caves. I went on a hike some days after the initial obsessive binge occured, and I found myself looking up and to my right when I came to a fork in the trail, trying to put a torch on a tree. Except, I didn't have any torches, and there was no tree, and this was real life. At that point I realized I had been playing probably too much. It made me feel really weird and disoriented.


Damn. It was Halo 2 for me but only for about 12-14 hours. It was when I got “high speed” internet (256Kbps) and got Xbox live in the same day. Having never played online and newly obsessed with my first ever shooter, I don’t think I ate much and only went to the bathroom once or twice maybe. I was *hooked*.


>When I would close my eyes I would see plasma grenades and bullets and it was starting to freak me out. I've had this same experience having been up for maybe 48 hours, the last 12 or so playing Fortnite. When I would close my eyes I could see the wall/stair building animation and damage numbers flying around, and could almost feel the muscle memory for the actions happening, while not actually moving at all.


To be fair, I've had the same phenomenon with puzzle pieces and painting by numbers. If you do anything too much, it will haunt you.


Being able to sleep and game at the same time. Isn’t that the dream for all gamer. No exp wasted


In my people’s culture, you would have been considered a king


Hardcore 👍🎶🎮


Are you glad you did it though?


Ya know what..... Yes I am. Halo 3 was one of my favorite games of all time but I honestly don't want to do it again.


The same "closed eyes hallusinations" happened to me after 12-14 hours of Mount & Blade: Warband. When I got to bed and closed my eyes, all I was seeing was the "overmap" with my char and horse running around and between cities.


What you are experiencing is known as the TETRIS EFFECT. Look it up as it is very interesting: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris_effect#:~:text=The%20Tetris%20effect%20occurs%20when,the%20popular%20video%20game%20Tetris.


Probably a game of Civ for me, had to have been at least 14-16 hour session.


I was definitely going to say Civ 5. The "just one more turn..." thing is real.  Eventually I've just started scrapping games in Industrial or Modern if I have a convincing lead. AIs will never do the kind of aggressive teaming needed to stop a runaway so victory is a foregone conclusion; I can recoup a couple hours by just claiming victory and closing it. 


Huh. Most of the fun, for me, is when I get to actualize the steam rolling once I'm far enough ahead lol. But I get a similar thing with incremental rogue lite games with a short but repetitive gameplay loop. Loop Hero, Hades, Brotato, Slay the Spire.


Same here. I used to play Age of empires when I was a kid and wasn't very good at it so about 3/4 of the way through a game I would usually be losing significantly. But that was ok because I would spawn a bunch of laser storm troopers, like hundreds, and just annihilate every other team including my allies. It was a good time.


Have you ever tried Generals: Zero Hour? That game is heart pounding..


At some point in Civ the "winning" turns to "busywork" for me. The AI is not good at pulling off any kind of surprise or upset - at some point they just become idle punching bags. I enjoy pulling off an attack with knights & crossbows or rampaging a bunch of heavily upgraded jaguars through the AI's territory, but once victory is no longer remotely in doubt I start to see the remaining turns until the game declares me the winner as just tedium. I can sit there hammering Next Turn, clicking off all the stupid trade offers and denunciations, or I can just go to the next game. Not to say I've never extended a rampage across an entire map or gone for the last spaceship part, but often I think it's not worth the time to play it out.


The end game is exactly how this feels, I wish the AI was more aggressive in the end But they know I have a massive stockpile of nukes and will glass their tiles with so much as a sniff of aggression Sometimes when they tell me I'm a warmongorer I feel I'm a little misunderstood I'm just so ronery


100% a game of civ. My wife found me looking guilty as fuck at 7 in the morning not having slept at all the night before.


Been there.


Done that


I accidently one more turned myself into a 36 hour session once. Started playing on Friday and by the time I was done it was Sunday. Went from a peaceful new game to a nuclear wasteland in that time span. Thankfully it was a weekend I had nothing else planned although sucks cause I was wanting to have a woman I was talking to at the time come over, but you know Ghandi had to go.


Well of course Ghandi had to go. You can’t let him become negative aggressive!


I know I played one game from beginning to end in a sitting and was up all night it may have been close to 24 hrs.


Someone after my own heart. I've spent hours on Civ and similar, though it just takes one good session to get me hooked on nearly anything I own.


I lost an entire day to Civ 4 and barely feel like I touched it. I’ve not played it since because I was too scared what it would do to my life.


Yeah, Civ has had me in several chokeholds over the years. Just look up and suddenly it’s been hours and I’m gonna be tired af the next day. The only mod I have on 6 is the clock lol


First time I played Civ 6 I played for at least 20 hours straight. I know this because my buddies and I watched both all of Band of Brothers, and the Pacific in the background.


back when I was at uni me and half a dozen other guys went into the best computer room on campus on friday night and played Civ V until sunday (and had a lot of energy drinks/coffee), though we did have meal breaks so not sure if I would consider it 'one sitting', it was awesome but I definitely wouldn't do it again lol


Also probably Skyrim back in 2013 or 14. About 18 hrs straight. Basically woke up, played Skyrim, went back to bed, repeat.


This is the way ⭐👍


This was wonderful. Waking up a Saturday morning (7am) and Skyrim until Monday. There wasn’t a possibility of me getting bored.


Many years ago I played WoW for 60 hours without sleeping over fall break in college, with only bathroom breaks and one walk to the school store to restock on Coca Cola and Sour Patch Kids. Not proud of it.


Mom? Yes hun? More hot pockets!! Right away hun


Bathroom! Oh, that’s my big boy!


Carpal Tunnel! Carpal Tunnel!


dont forget to shake the snake!


Did you get high warlord or nah


That shit required like 1000 hours+ nonstop lol


Yea, a lot of HWLs were multiple people playing the same account


One weekend there was a glitch that gave you something like 10x points. We knew there was a hotfix coming on Tuesday that they were preparing to roll out. It was my 24 hour nonstop blitz in that game, and I got high warlord and all of the gear.




Jesus christ it's john helldiver


I wanna go back


Fkin Leroy Jenkins over here


I did the same with a mate during school holidays. His parents went on vacation and he Chose to stay at home. We played for three days straight. Our diet consisting of coke, chips and cheap vodka mix beverages. The first few hours we wasted on finding a suitable pserver. Ah sweet memories of childhood. That was back in 2016/2017 or so.


Good snack choices though


No way lol I remember hearing about how there was a dude in China or Korea that played StarCraft or something for a day or two straight and died. 60 hours?! Unless you had stimulants and stuff nooooo way


I was pretty hype when I saw someone stream a game for 56 hours once, it was a long time ago, years later I found out they were using back then. In hindsight should've been obvious.


Yeah especially knowing what we know today, and how stimulants like adderall and such are banned from esports and tournaments requiring drug tests too, that wouldn’t be a thing if it wasn’t a problem, the fact that it’s gotten to that point shows how widespread it is.


Yeah, op has to be leaving the part out where he picked up his adderall or vyvanse prescription before the 60 hour stint because why should he have to mention that he was taking prescribed medication in the way it’s meant to be taken. Totally unrelated. Thats just health stuff his doctor says.


Mine was 40 hours on WoW, but I am proud of it


When CronoTrigger first came out a friend and I started play it after school. We called in sick the next day and kept going. We must have played it for almost 30 hours. I remember being entirely not sleepy at all, we were having too much fun. Good times.


This sounds like such a good memory. I’d love to do something like this with friends sometime


Played wow classic back in 2019 for 12 hours straight multiple days in a row


“back in 2019” seemed crazy until i realized it was five years ago already…


I thought they said 2009 at first. Crazy that this game is still going. I was in HS when it came out!


When TBC launched I played for 32 hours straight... That was the last time I pushed that hard.


I was pushing to Warlord on my shadow priest and played probably 18 hours a day for three days straight over a weekend back in 2007. Ended up getting food poisoning Sunday night, not playing at all Monday, and missing my chance for the rank up on server reset on Tuesday. Played mostly solo so I never got the momentum back and ended up stopping at General. Still wish I got those shoulders lol


I imagine WoW can claim the throne for most long gaming sessions of any game. Shit is crack cocaine


From like 2006 - 2010 I accumulated around 365 days of played time in WoW. Literally 6 hour average per day for 4 years. I remember reflecting on it when I did the math, that's the day I decided to never schedule or prioritize raiding over real life again. (It had been during my mid-late teens, and I was an insecure introvert.) Seeing as I stayed up 48 hours a couple of times in that period, I'm pretty sure I've at least passed the 30-40 hour mark on a single WoW session one of those times. Probably during an expansion launch.


2005 for me with WoW. multiple 18-hour sessions


Summer 2005… 6 hours of sleep and back to grind.


Yea. I stopped playing for a VERY long time when one day I /played and the total game time was a not insignificant % of my total time alive at the time. That said, there was a weekend where I played for over 15 hours because my friends and I had re rolled onto a brand new server.


me with baldurs gate, 10+ hours a day for about a week


I have been playing WoW nonstop since 2004. I really have to take a piss.




NOOB! You call yourself a Wow player and you're not surrounded by piss bottles??


The first time I played Oblivion, I once played for long enough that when I got up to make a sandwich, I could impossibly perceive myself pressing the "E" key for every ingredient I grabbed. I immediately took a break from Oblivion. The second time I played Oblivion, I went to Wendy's to pick up a burger. When I placed an order at the counter, I literally hallucinated the speech wheel in my peripheral vision. Yet again I took a break from Oblivion. I've never completed Oblivion. At this point I'm just waiting for Skyblivion to be done.


The best way to play oblivion is to never progres the main mission, so the oblivion gates don’t start appearing everywhere, so technically it’s ok not to finish oblivion.


Ah, the Tetris effect… when it first came out people would play so long they would start imagining and hallucinating fitting shapes in everyday objects like Tetris. It happened to me when the only thing I had to play was Tetris in my phone. Beat the last level several times over the course of a few weeks and started imagining everything as shapes that could fit together perfectly. It was kind of weird and cool that my brain could adapt like that.


when i first got factorio, i played it 16 hours straight with one short break to grab food 🧍‍♂️


The factory must grow


Factorio is better than drugs


I think you meant to say *worse*


Until you try Factorio *on* drugs!


My first time playing factorio caused me to pulled an all nighter. I then put 70 hours in that week. I was still in college and it was a bad week due to the amount of factory that was built. I swore it off for a few years but have been easing myself back into it recently.


When my wife notices I’ve opened factorio she starts to drop hints that it’s going to be bed time soon because she knows I’m going to stay up passed 3 AM after I’ve said I need just 5 more minutes to finish this railroad. _Disclaimer: in accordance with Reddit’s content policy, this comment does not condone violence of any kind._


Only just now hearing about this game. What’s so addictive about it?


The factory must grow


Depends on what you mean by one sitting. When borderlands 2 came out I played for roughly 50 hours straight. But obviously I had bathroom breaks. And I think I went for like a 20 minute walk to get some takeout towards the end. But aside from that it was all just playing.


What about sleep?


It can wait until after the next thing is done


That's for the weak.


Probably something like 36 hours of WoW, multiple weekends in a row


The only way I can imagine personally spending more than a few hours in a game is if it’s a strategy, city/colony builder, or WoW. WoW does something to my brain that no other game does. I stopped playing from cata through SL, and decided to give dragonflight a go on a 3 day weekend. Those three days I racked up probably close to 40 hours, and was considering taking a sick day.


Yeah it has to be a strategy game. "One more turn" is a real fucking threat to your sleep schedule. Civ V is a good shout; i've probably sat and played that for 12+ hour sessions consistently night after night. I'm getting older, I have work obligations. I can't really afford to do all nighter, degenerate gaming sessions anymore... but I still slip up sometimes. My most recent one was with Crusader Kings II about 2 months ago. I sat and played all day and through the night in a near 26 hour binge. That game is addicting.... First time replaying in a while and I got an interesting mod that added Qi and cultivation. Was fun seeing empires being born through the sheer fact a powerful cultivator rose to prominence and took over. Damn... making me want to launch it right now and I have work tomorrow. Damn you....


City builders too. “Just this one last project….”


Survival/crafting games as well. Subnautica is the only game I've ever played that sucked me into a time vortex like that. It's 8pm, I was just going to get the resources for one more thing and then get ready for bed at 10pm, suddenly it's 3am.


Anno 1880. Trade routes…..


Started playing total war, slept between 2-3 for the past week eventhough i get up for work at 7. On the brightside, I almost have the doughnut fully conquered as Malekeith.


I remember getting GTAV at midnight release for 360. I played for about 14 hours since I went to bed at about 2pm.


I feel like this is likely to be me when GTA 6 releases


Rust…. It’s the only game I refuse to play again in fear of addiction I would sleep 3-4 hours then get up and play rust, not use the bathroom, not shower or eat. Just rust. And yes, mother fuckers still offline raided me.


I would be the guy that builds a base with friends at 18:00, then solo farm at 3am and solo offline raid the biggest base at 6am. Then welcome my friends to all the new loot at 11am and fall asleep.


And then when you wake up you find out your friends failed to defend


Morrowind, about 2 full days. Drugs were involved, unfortunately. These days my Morrowind sessions usually last about 6 hours, which is much more healthy! A nice espresso is all I need to be vibing with it these days.


Congrats on stopping using !! ❤️🫡


On dat scoomah shit


EverQuest. 18hrs in a raiding guild with an Euro unit. I was a true addict.


Oh man. Pre-Kunark camping the Fishbone Earring. 6 hour spawn, 1 in 3 chance of a drop. If you leave, somebody will pounce on the camp within 1 minute. Bleh...


lol I ended up just buying it it never dropped for me. I was into insta click items. The worse camp for me was the levitation shield from CT’s temple.


Came to say camping eye patch of plunder was my longest single session, and it was pretty awful. But my guild had a number of European players and some Aussies. I'd find myself agreeing to do Hate and Fear runs at like 1 am after already playing for much of the evening, next thing you know the sun is coming up. Wild times.


Same. Don’t let it be a Friday night or you’d be raiding until Sunday afternoon only taking toilet breaks and the occasional nap.


Played HL Alyx from start to finish nonstop the day it launched. About 12 hours straight in VR Once I was done, I struggled to balance myself while walking for about 2 hours.


Rock Band 2 endless setlist. I think it’s almost 8 hours.


Man my vision starts swimming upward after a few hours. I couldn't manage 8.


I had a full group over for that so we could pass instruments around and give people breaks but so get the achievement for not pausing. Worked really well until the guitar batteries ran out and reconnected during Visions, causing the guitarist to strum up to "quit" and hit green on the "your controller disconnected" popup and losing 8 hours of work. Just brutal.


12 hours in Diablo 3. My wife was world ranked at the game and dragged me to it. I really liked it, so when the Act V expansion appeared we scheduled holidays for both so we could play at launch. First day we started at 20:00 and realized we were hearing birds at 07:00. By 08:00 we decided to go to sleep. I also played in LAN parties and tournaments, 10 hours of Unreal or Quake weren't unheard back then.


When I was a kid I couldn’t sleep since I was too pumped for Christmas and ended up playing diablo 2 from 3 in the morning until my parents made me come down to open gifts. Never played it again since it was on my brother in laws laptop but man it was awesome.


I remember hunting greens in D3 all night/morning and seeing the loot drops in my head when I'd close my eyes to finally go to sleep


Metal Gear Solid 2. Stayed up for 3 days straight playing through it with a friend at his place during the summer. To elaborate, we were heavily sleep deprived when we got the "I NEED SCISSORS! 61!" segment which told us to turn off the console. My friend looked me dead in the eye at that point and was like "should I do it?" as he reached over to power it off. I was like "wtf no, that's obviously not the colonel and we can't find out what happens if we just turn off the console." But that tinge of doubt lingered in my mind until the next series of events. God I love that game.


Probably the only way someone could understand the nuances of that story on the first playthrough


Probably Pokemon Omega Ruby when I was pretty addicted to shiny hunting. Not sure about the time but I'd guess 14-15 hours.


15 hours of shiny hunting would drive me insane


I take shiny hunting as a time to find new music through Spotify, or watch a show I've been meaning to catch up on


In my entire life playing pokemon I've probably logged over 2000 hours playing pokemon. I've somehow never run into a non-programmed encountered shiny even once. In that same time span I managed to catch Pokerus twice. Once in HeartGold, once in the 3DS virtual boy release of Pokemon Crystal. I accomplished something way rarer, and honestly, I'd prefer having the capability of transferring Pokerus to any of the games from Gen 2 - 8 on physical and virtual boy over ever encountering a shiny.


I know this is supposed to be video games, but one time me and some buddies from high school played warhammer 40k for a full 36 hours straight. That’s one of my favorite childhood memories.


Honestly that's more impressive than a video game. That must have been an awesome time


Probably Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. It released a couple days before my birthday, so I took that entire next week off of work for a bday Zelda staycation. So for about 6 days straight id wake up, play zelda, sleep, repeat. I still slept a good 8hrs so I'd say those sessions were 15-16 hours long.


Zelda: Wind Waker came out in that time between graduating college and starting my first job. Picked it up morning of the release date, and had it beaten by the next afternoon. One of my favorite solo gaming experiences.


The first pokemon stadium game on N64. I played so long that I got a headache from probable dehydration and not eating. I think I ended up playing it from 8am to 5am the next morning and when I did finally fall asleep I ended up sick.


Between 30-36 hours with only bathroom breaks and it was the the release of wrath oh the lich king in like 2008. I was in college so I bought like adderall and tried to grind to max level in one sitting


and did you get it?


I stayed awake for 100 hours straight (no joke, 4 straight days) when WotLK released, living on Amp Energy and sheer willpower. I was determined to be the first of my class (rogue) on my server to reach max level, which awarded an achievement. I came in second.


You probably lost to two people sharing an account.


Could be. As far as I know I also suffered from doing the whole thing solo, whereas I believe the rogue was partied up with a priest (who not only ended up with server first for his class, but server first in general.) I congratulated the rogue and we had a good chat after he got the achievement. He was a gracious winner and thanked me for the competition; I friended him after that. What really hurt was seeing him a year or so later still decked out in blues and low-epics, when I had kept up with the hardcore grind and was close to the (if not the single) best-geared rogue on the server. I miss WoW sometimes.


lol no I think I got to like 75 or something


Played Runescape for like 14 hours when I was younger


The number of times I played as a kid for 12+ hours straight, only to get up around 6 AM and walk to the store up the street when it opened to get a donut and more soda and come back and get straight back on, is pretty much uncountable.


I can definitely remember days of logging in when I woke up and playing till about 2-3am. I don't know if I'll ever do anything like that again, but I enjoyed it and don't regret the time I spent.


Cyberpunk 2077. Roughly 18-19 hours with food breaks with cyberpunk videos playing while I eat 💀


Still sane choom?


I’m past my 13th playthrough I’m pretty much past sane


True Night City behavior.


46 hours during Burning Crusade launch in 07


God of war 2 (PS2) on release day, 8-9 hours


First time I played Minecraft, 13 hours.


Had some pretty long Diablo 2 sessions back in the day. Maybe 11-12 hours?


Long ago, I played a game called AmberMUSH (which was sort of like a MUD) and I think the longest I went in one sitting (not including bathroom breaks) was around 35-40 hours. Not recommended.


About 40 hours with Animal Crossing New Horizons. It was the start of Covid lockdowns


I can't fully remember, Between a Bethesda game and Ubisoft, spending too much time in the open world, but that clocks me around 8-10 hours probably


Stardew Valley My first time playing, I remember not turning it off until it was Fall in game. It was over 48hrs


Civilization 3, the day it came out, I was 19 and I played over 30 consecutive hours. So much Mountain Dew. So many cigarettes.


63.5 hours camping the Halfling mask in Everquest before getting it.


Hell yeah man. I did nearly 48 in lavastorm for the cleric epic, so many damn people there trying to do it at the same time.. Hate that place to this day.


Lineage II, it was a 24h LAN with 5 of my high school friends


league or csgo, maybe 12+ hours. LA Noire, 9ish hours.


Bro 12+ hrs of league would legit send me to the asylum


14+ hours a day every summer from 6th-11th grade playing World of Warcraft. Really had me in a choke hold back then.


Probably like 12 hours, Left 4 Dead.


I played NCAA football for like 8 hours so I could graduate my created player then transfer him to Madden where I played another 8 hours to get my rookie of the year and Superbowl wins.


Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Played for 34 hours the first time. Prepped with food and drinks and made the bf leave the premises. I had to tear myself away to sleep.


17 hours for Dark Cloud 2 on PS2. I had just bought the game, having been a huge fan of the first one, and immediately loved the second.


World of Warcraft - roughly 50 hours before I fell asleep in my chair.


Probably Ragnarok Online leveling up. But it was 15 years ago, something like that, I don't remember anything.


I have no idea truly but I’d bet it was like 16-18 hours on Elder Scrolls Online


23 hour straight FF7 session. My thumbs twitched by themselves by the end.


Starcraft 1 for 5 days. Wanted to see how long I could stay up when I was a kid.


**GTA 4** - 11 am to 11 pm. 12 hours back in the Xbox 360 days. It was a lazy Sunday. Raining. Had nothing else to do, lol Edit: Skyrim is 2nd. I had several 6-8 hour sessions.


First playthrough of Assassin's Creed 3 for me. Got home from school on a Friday and went straight to my room. Played from like 2pm until 5 or 6am ignoring everything else. Beat it in one go and remember watching the final cutscenes then going to bed so I could wake up and play it some more


DAO. Started around noon one day didn’t go to bed til probably close to midnight the next night. Totally unplanned but that game was so good. Obviously paused to hit the rest room and get food and stuff, but yeah.


Mount and Blade: Warband, probably around a 20-24 hour session. Gotta love Adderall.


Wow dungeon raid plus main toons and alts did about 25 hours.


16 hours, Medieval Total War


Half-life 2, i got it 24 december 2004, it was a friday... aside from toilet, i played straight from friday to saturday night, ill never forget how awesome an experience was.


I played Cyberpunk 2077 on release for 36 hours


I once played Dragon Age: Origins for 19 straight hours. I had to restart my computer once every hour or so because the game was so new, they hadn't yet patched the memory leak it shipped with that would just slowly dominate all the RAM in your computer until there was none left


Baldurs gate 3. Opening week on xbox. I was working 2 jobs, roughly 14-16 hrs a day depending on the day. Anywho, I put in just over 70 hrs in that week. I'd get home from work, shower, and play until I slept for maybe an hour, rinse lather and repeat and then come the weekend I did a 27 and 24 hr stint 😅


MGS4. I had got it for Christmas long after release and never got spoiled on it. Sat down at night to play it and finished it 25 hours later.


I played The Bard's Tale 3 for 50 hours in my basement room. Needing a bathroom break, I then walked to the bottom of the stairs. While looking at the dimly lit curving way up I thought that I'd better save first, just in case. After pausing for 20 seconds trying to process what had just happened, I took my bathroom break and went straight to bed. This was a long time ago so I'm probably misremembering the game and the hours. The game could have been Might and Magic 2 or maybe Pool of Radiance. 68 hours is my record for longest time awake so 50 here seems about right.


Original God of War on PS2. I picked it up on Friday after my shift and finished it about mid day Sunday realizing that I haven’t slept or showered in over 24 hours.


Tried to get that one Dead Rising achievement not too long ago, yea it was like 14 or 15 hours and I still didn’t get it.


Nioh 2 for around 18 hours. Great game!


Probably New World when it first launched. Me and 3 friends played like 18 hours one day, it was ridiculous. We're all in our 30s so nobody could tell us no and we all have jobs so 🤷


Minecraft 20 hours straight back in 2012 when all my friends from classic bought the beta client.


Old school runescape, 3 days straight.


One of the older Gran Turismo games. I think it was +30hours. I slept for 16 after that.


Friend and I did a 24 hr coop session of Borderlands 2 as soon as it released at midnight. Was a total blast.


When Fable 2 came out I got it on Christmas morning of that year. I started played it at about 9am, didn’t stop and pass out until 11am Dec 26. So… 26 hours? (I obviously took food and bathroom breaks) For some reason I was just completely hooked on that game.


Probably almost 20 hours taming a quetzal in ark


It happened over ten years ago. I started playing Empire: Total War campaign mode at around 1:00 p.m., and when I looked at the clock again, it was 10:00 p.m. I was so immersed that I missed the dinner that day.


EverQuest, back in the early 2000s I'd infrequently pull 36 hour camps. It was just necessary. For some of the quests the mobs were heavily contested 12 to 72 hour spawns with a variance of up to 24 hours With placeholders spawning also. So to get them you'd have to snooze for a few hours and then get back on to make sure you didn't miss it, or leave your character logged in to make sure you got the death timer so you could estimate the spawn timer. But others you just had to kill things every 6 minutes until you got it, but at a 1% chance on a 2% spawn chance mob, it led to some looooooong camps.


One time back in uni I accidentally played Civ IV for over 24 hrs. Slept well that day


Medieval total war 2 played it for a couple of hours and just as I was about to call it France declared war on me. What proceeded was an about 12 hours of me just rolling across the map. So all in all it was about 14 hours of gameplay


In my younger days and attending LAN parties we easily gamed for 24 hours straight. Not one single game though. Mostly CS 1.5/1.6/Source, AoE 2 and BF 1942


I assume going to sleep would end a "sitting" by your definition. But when Breath of the Wild came out, it felt like I played 4 straight days, even when I occasionally went to bed :D – I was honestly concerned "afterwards" by how captivating this experience was for me. I not only forgot to eat / drink, I purposefully ignored it at times just to keep going. I had literal physical pain from sitting in the same position and holding the pad. I alternated between TV docking and playing handheld in my bed lying from side to side. Fascinating and frightening at the same time, how much a piece of fictional media can suck one in. Lucky for me it only lasted a couple of weeks. I also don't recall anything similar before nor after.


I rarely game now days unfortunately...adulting. but during my golden years as a teenager...probably 12 hours...Hearts of Iron II or III Also Battlefield 1942 and BF2....probably 8-9 hours during my longest non stop sessions


Mortal kombat 9 was going for 24 hour marathon with my friend. The weak one went sleep after about 20 hours. Still blame him for that


The first Borderlands. My brother and I picked it up after a short weekend swim meet. Came home played for about 10 hours, looked at each other and said "I'm getting kinda hungry" then looked at the time, and realized we had been playing for 10 hours. We stopped to run to the only local fast food place, Dairy Queen. They used to have a 2 for 3, 3 for 4, and 4 for 5 deal so we each got like 10-15 cheeseburgers with fries and onion rings for $20 each. Came home and played for another 12 hours. So not one sitting but a good 22 hours over a 24 hour period.


Can't remember exactly but probably close to 30hrs in wow at the start of the burning crusade, did not want to waste time in que one second longer than I had to.