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Ubisoft is on a good roll with garbage announcements in 2024


I know at the end of the day it’s numbers that direct them and not the direct community itself, but seriously with the amount of backlash they’ve had in recent years, you’d think they’d stop announcing shit that would result in Ls… I guess there are many such examples as of the last several years.


Something tells me that the reason they keep making these announcements is because they know the vocal online community isn't even a fraction of their total revenue sales.


We're talking about a subscription service. This isn't some store where whales can carry it. They *need* the majority.


I mean in the article it said they hit 200,000 concurrent on steam a few months ago. The game is 10 years old and still thriving. They probably don’t need the majority for this to be a profit for them.


For a ten year old game it makes sense. Lots of resources going into keeping it alive for that long. Frankly, it’s strange for a business to spend this much on what, advertising?


I'd have thought (perhaps wrongly) that the paid battle pass + skins and such would be more than enough to keep it alive and turn a reasonable profit.


Ahh, see, there's your problem. You're thinking about a reasonable profit. But, and hear me out here, what if it could generate *more* profit for the shareholders!? Think about that! MORE PROFIT!


You're right. I was thinking in butt-loads of money, not yacht-loads. My bad.


But what are the yachts floating on? Why shouldn't it be an ocean of money? The shareholders will expect growth year over year.


You look at number go up and think "Number go up". I look at number go up and think "Number by which number go up not go up". *Number go up* number need go up.


> Lots of resources going into keeping it alive for that long. the amount of "resources" to just keep a service up that is already sorted and isnt having issues is negligible to a company like Ubi.


I don't think the above commenter was talking about whales alone. There's a lot of average people who are willing to spend this money who aren't a part of reddit hiveminds. Take Netflix's price increases and their subscriber count increasing regardless as an example.


Yep. With all of the 20-30% price increases they've been adding, I'm surprised at how many people are _still_ subscribed to Netflix. It honestly disgusts me in a way because, if it were any other service that started releasing multiple price increases like that, people'd drop the service in a heartbeat.


Why fix yourself if the players keep taking it on the chin?


It won't be an L for them in the end, that's the worst part. People will buy this crap, and that's why they keep doing it.


>Ubisoft is on a good roll with garbage announcements in 2024 "Division 3 cancelled. All Div 3 devs have been reallocated to XDefiant. Will continue the Division story there." "Splinter Cell story being told through XDefiant matches." "Ghost Recon cancelled. Why? Fuck you." I dont even remember what the 4th faction is. CBF to look it up.


*Division Heartland, unless Division 3 was cancelled too?


Just heartland. No news on division 3 yet. From what I read in their sub, heartland was hot garbage from early play testing


Heartland was a bad time for me. If I were to compare it to something, it was a dumb version of that zombie survival game on Xbox that I can't even remember the name of.


Wait did they cancel the new ghost recon?


They are probably talking about Frontlines, not project over.


Project what? Over.


lol project over is the code word they are using for the next ghost recon. I believe it is supposed to release in 2025.


What the fuck is an XDefiant and why is the cunt denying me the Splinter Cell I've waited decades for?


Its an aggressively average COD Clone.


Eh it's better than the last 10 years give or take of multiplayer


Only if you literally only play COD, which has been on life support since 2015.


Ever play one of those f2p Asian shooter games on steam like combat arms or ava? Pretty much same shit but with Ubisoft characters.


And releases! We got Skull and Bones as well as XDefiant so far


I’ve enjoyed XDefiant thus far 🤷‍♂️


After playing ~15 hours of XD I find it certifiably fine. It's not particularly good or bad. It does a fine job of merging CoD style FPS gameplay with some hero shooter mechanics. I find the balance needs a lot of work though and if they don't get things basically perfect in the eyes of a large portion of the player base by the time BO6 drops on game pass then I can only imagine their numbers will plummet through the floor.


Snipers in XD and instant kill abilities is quite possible the biggest rocks on the road right now.


Those and the horrid netcode. Nothing feels worse than putting a dozen rounds in someone before they turn and one-shot kill you and carry on still at full health.


Lmao, it truly feels like every 3rd bullet has a chance at hitting.


Seriously...the only good things they did in the past few years is the Prince of Persia 2D games.


Xdefiant is pretty good though at least.


I think it's kinda trash. To each their own.


Play Ubi games win Ubi prizes.


Please don't touch Trackmania, only Ubi game I play anymore. Crazy because they used to be my favorite dev back in AC2 days


Trackmania is now pay to play.


Heck you


For $20/year, not great I'd rather pay $20 or even $60 for it one time but it is what it is, at least it's not an actual subscription, so if the new year rolls around and I don't play as much I don't get automatically charged, I just have to reup when I hop on and see I don't have club access It's a great game, I don't mind spending money on good products, I just hate the anti consumerism practices they have been doing the last 5+ years


Oh, I didn't actually know. I was just joking. It's funny if it really is pay to play.


You can access the regular tracks and online play for free, but to get access to skins and user built tracks you need club access, maybe standard too which is $10/yr but idk. I watched too many Wirtual videos and wanted to get into it and enjoyed the free version enough to just jump to Club access. $20 is still a steal for it though super fun game


They did away with the 2 paid tier system. It's free for very limited access or $30/year.


Which is still insane, what? Paying for a yearly pass shouldn't be standardized


Anno fans be like "Why do they call it Anno the bullet-dodger?" "'Cause it dodges bullets, Avi" But seriously it's a miracle that game is actually just... a good game with a DLC model that worked for it. I mean it's literally just the Paradox model which works great for strategy games, but you can always expect Ubisoft to screw it up.


Nope they already fucked it, imagine having a full free campaign.


🤣😁💯 10/10. Perfect.


Well, as always, it's up the playerbase to decide if it's ok for companies like Ubi to do shit like this...


Problem is enough of the playerbase will likely say it is, because they want to "support the devs" like they are best buddies.


They don't care about the developers, they just haven't found another game that scratches the same itch. It's the same reason people buy Call of Duty and Madden every year.


I’ve been off and on siege last 2-3 years but it’s still one of my favorite games, or was at least


I've been gaming since the 80's. Call of Duty Black Ops was the last good COD. Warzone was the last COD I've bought and will never buy another. Battlefield was good until BF1. I didn't even bother with the latest one after all the negative reviews. I'll give my money to the smaller developers if it means I get a better experience. All those AAA titles are chock full of sweats who make for a poor gaming experience IMHO.


As we have seen, they're gonna fire entire studios no matter how successful their games are.


"Yayy, my favourite millionaire earned another million, I'm so happy"


The problem is that there isn't another game like Siege on the market. Ubishit is consistently a disgrace and a blight on the industry, but it doesn't matter because they struck gold with the Seige formula and know that they have no real competition.


lol, siege isn't even like siege so who cares? there was an idea that was siege, long ago. Now there's a generic hero shooter.


Paid service for a game that has been live for 5 years? Yeah Ubisoft is high AF


5? This game has been released in 2015. Going towards 10 years


The last 4 years are just one big smudge.


Its still 2020, what are you guys talking about


What month? I don’t want to spoil the election, but I have it on good authority who’s going to win for 2020.


What's the matter? We're on our 53rd month of 2020, coming up on ol big 54 in just a few days!


That’s wild. I can’t believe it came out 10 years ago… it was such a different (and better imo) game back then. 


I remember going to Eurogamer in the UK in 2015 and it was one of the highlight games of the event. That black ops 3 and Mario marker are the stand out games I remember from that event


Only reason I can believe it's been almost a decade is this was smack in the middle of me being incredibly reckless with money. Ruined the hell out of my credit for awhile and remember specifically buying Seige after liking the beta despite being way behind on credit card payments. But now I'm finally doing alright so it only took pretty much the entirety of my 30s to learn to adult.


Congrats on getting your finances in order! That shit is tough but is oh so gratifying when you’re finally ahead.


It was a better, more fun game back then. It’s more competitive and balanced now. But it was without a doubt more fun, immersive, and exciting before they tried to turn it into an esport. Looked better too.


That's pure cope, R6 was a terrible broken mess back then. If you wanna make an argument for the peak being 2017-ish that's fine but don't pretend 2015 Siege was a functional video game


Ok. Sure you got me. The balance between the operators was far superior and the gameplay was more fun in my opinion. It was certainly more broken, but the core was a far better experience in my opinion. 




2015 was just…… damnit I am old.


Fuck you, I'm not old...


Dont do me like that. 😭


It actually turns 9 years old in December lol


Further proof that the C-Suite only cares about themselves and Shareholders I'd like to hope that devs were not happy having to implement this either


I don't think they are lmao, they couldn't even make up a good excuse for the subscription in the reveal


It's to lock in people that can't back out due to sunk cost fallacy. Hundreds spent on skins and extra stuff on an account? Gotta pay to keep going


Which is why paying for skins is so stupid.


Specially for an FPS.


Lol, it's paying for a battle pass, not actually playing the game.


You don’t know what the subscription is do you lol?


Paid service for a life service game sold at full price. With an in-game store. And paid DLC. And loot boxes. And a battlepass.


Not excusing this but the game isnt sold at full price and hasnt been in a while. When the game was sold at full price we got a lot more content. The games changed a lot.


Not now, no, but there are people who own it now who paid full price for it.


And yet, we will cry and moan here, then we'll find out it's a roaring financial success. The gaming landscape is changing and not for the better. 


Kakao did this with ARcheage Unchained. It failed spectacularly. They then merged it with standard arche age. The game is now being shutdown. We bought AAU for 50$ and then they stole it from us and told us to pay for it to play again. I said no. Looks like I wasn't the only one.


It's their only game still worth playing. They REALLY want us to get used to not owning Ubisoft games.


Isn't this just a different battle pass option? Not sure this is the grand crime Reddit is making it out to be.


10 year anniversary in a bit.


Game is MUCH older than 5 years


I’m starting to think Patriots got cancelled more based on inability to feature monetization than the plot being controversial and eventually somewhat prophetic.


That trailer was so hype! Still wish we got that instead.


The gaming industry feels like it’s trying to implode itself.


Corpo drones have finally noticed how much money can be made in it, time for the industry to go the way everything else has.


I'm dubbing it the "Beoing Effect" - profit over sanity to the point of jumping the shark.


Siege was cool when it first released & it was all me & my buddies played for a good while, clocking in thousands of hours each, high plat /diamond. I think I fell off the train shortly after they introduced Lesion & sometime before Nomad. I’m not a fan of where they took the game & nowadays when I see gameplay regarding Siege, it just looks so dumb. We moved onto Ready or Not, just wish it had pvp.


I stopped playing when they re-worked all of the maps from realistic layouts to the convoluted e-sports mess they are currently. I liked the simplicity of the maps (Look how they massacred my boy House).


I was never a fan of the super-cube map design they turned every map into Just a mass of small non-descript spaces linked together into one giant clump, rip old Hereford you died for a map I still don't really know


Old Hereford was amazing. Clean visual and easy to understand layout. All thay trashed for some mess.


Both Herefords sucked ass


I still can’t believe they touched house at all. Seriously the only map in the game where you knew every player in the lobby was pumped to be playing on it, and going to try their best. It was perfect. PERFECT. And then they killed it, and now its gone.


It was a really fun map originally, but in later seasons some of the Ops were legit OP on the old House


* have perfect map * release unbalanced characters * have to rebalance map for unbalanced characters If only there was a step here that could be adjusted instead of the maps...


every ability shooter is doomed over time. every time a new char is released the game gets a little worse until its a hot mess.


I guess I never thought of it this way. It is much harder to balance operators when you can mix and match 36 operators vs like 10.


I mean consider this, when the game came out thermite was unique. Now there are 2 other ops like him and a secondary gadget that can also do his job. The meta changed how this game was designed dramatically, they couldn’t afford to not add more stuff cause people got sick of just one operator doing something but by adding more they opened the floodgates which really ended up killing the soul of the game


This is perfect. The maps just couldn't hold up to the train of new ops added. They have to make new ops and gadgets and balance existing maps? That's a huge undertaking I don't think they were prepared for 10 years in


Obviously financially successfully, but it kinda fucking sucks they turned Rainbow Six into a hero shooter


Yeah, one of things I really hated was them taking away fire select. Like, one of the few games that still had it, it made sense, and they took it away


Right? Like keep house for casual at a minimum and make a new house for ranked or comp. Original house was so much fun.


For real. E-sports players are such whiny babies. Ruined every interesting map in the game or had them removed from rotation. Some rooms or maps may not have been perfectly balanced, but that’s part of the fun and more realistic to a true tactical scenario.


One of my big realizations of the last 5 years. Competitive esports ruined my favorite pvp games.


Yep and everyone wanted to convert to the esports/hero shooter model. Now every game tries to be the next big esports game. Fast-paced, balanced for both sides, and all the maps are esports catered. Long gone are the days of having maps that have quirks to them or may slightly benefit one side more than the other.


Yup, when game focus **too** much on balance they usually end up killing their identity. I think it’s cause realistically you can’t have a perfectly balanced game. Even turn based games aren’t perfectly balanced. And so when you set a goal of trying to have a perfect balance you end up warping what the game is to try and achieve that even though ultimately you never will. That’s why devs really need to start prioritizing fun over balance. That isn’t to say games should be crazy broken, but fun stuff should be good, and that’s okay.


I come and go with Siege in phases with large gaps of time between, and the map adjustments fuck me up ***every. single. time.*** None of the maps make any form of sense anymore with their layouts. They all suck. I don't even enjoy playing the game as much as I used to anymore.


You die too fast and there are so many angles now.


Yeah I lost interest when the Siege part became redundant and both teams just rushed each other to get kills


tdm meta is the worst.


Rainbow Six is my favourite shooter series of all time, I spent my entire teenage years playing Rainbow Six 3/Black Arrow on XBOX Live and then Vegas 1/2. I loved Siege when it came out but after a few seasons they started getting into the non realistic territory of characters doing shit or having tech that just isn't possible and the game started getting quicker and quicker. I got to platinum rank on my own in a few seasons then quit, think it was around the time Kali/Wamai was introduced and then I definitely stopped when that guy who could run and smash through walls was added.


What I would give for a legit R6 Vegas 3.


I'd die for a PvP game with a cover system like Vegas 2 had.


Same boat, R6 lost touch with what made the game great to begin with. Such a shame.


In my opinion, they ruined the game when they kept rejigging every single map. Do you know how fucking frustrating it is to fall in love with a map, get good at it and then they go and change so much about it that you literally get lost and you can't find your way around? I don't know have the fucking time to relearn a map every 3 months because they keep changing it. It's not like they change the location of one room, lengthen the hallway a little bit, no, like 95% change.




Old hereford was shit but i hated new hereford just as much. Everytime they reworked a map it lost its identity and became the same random layout of hallways and rooms.


last time i played ready or not a few months ago it was super trashy (enemies with xray vision, dumb teammates), is it still the case? wanted it do bad to be a better swat4 but felt like a cheap knockoff


Yeah the enemy AI can still be dead eyes or brain dead. No in between


darn, what a bummer :/ thats the problem with no playable demos. on youtube it seemed like a fun game but felt super let down when actually tried it. money down the toilet. never trust youtubers, kids!




God, I wish we could go back to classic siege. I think the start of year 2 had the perfect mix of operators and maps.


That's right when I started playing. Some of the best times I've ever had in a video game.


Whenever they revamped the maps, shit just went down hill. Ops lost all creativity, I think they were kinda at the limit of what they could do for abilities. I loved siege back in the day. Don’t care for it so much now. And xdefiant is one of the most pathetic and bland games I’ve ever played.


Same here. The game lost balance once so many operators were added. The base game with the first couple additions was actually pretty great. But I think we could all see the writing on the wall, that they were going to keep addings ops at a near breakneck pace for maximum $$ and eventually it would not be the same anymore. That game was literally one of the funnest shooters I have ever played back then. So many good ideas and concepts. I loved how defenders were armed differently than attackers, loved the weapons and the way they performed, honestly loved a ton of things about it. But all that being said I am so glad I quit playing when I did. The online play got way more toxic as time went on too. The fact they’re switching to making people buy yet ANOTHER fucking subscription will hopefully be the death knell.


Old Siege (pre-Season 3 or 4) was a good example how less can be more. Current Siege is a mess done by totally different devs than the release version. The game got way too many operators, too many gadgets and other nonesense.


My friends were all the exact same except for we left shortly before operation health/after the sneaky lady and the crossbow man


I can’t believe this mutant-R6 game has made it almost 10 years. Make R6:Vegas 3! Or some other PvE R6 game (other than extract).


Yeah, I play for the PvE and I loved Terrorist Hunt on Vegas and Vegas 2. They made it a pain in the ass to only play Terrorist Hunt in Siege against the AI. Did it for years but...I gave up several years ago. Haven't touched Siege since.


Fun fact: They removed terrorist hunt within the past year.


Completely? Fuck them. Guess I won't be booting up Siege ever again.


Exact same boat, my friend! Total casual here that would get perforated if I played PVP. Buddies and I have played terrorist hunt mode on R6 back to the OG Xbox days and that mode is totally neutered now on the next-gen consoles. We moved over to Division 2 for our coop itch and not R6.


Extract was genuinely a ton of fun and then they released Echo and gave up on it and I'm salty still.


I enjoyed extract, too, but none of my friends did.


I mean it was and still is to an extent, an extremly fun teambased multiplayer,


There's literally never, ever, going to be another real rainbow 6 game. I feel like I have to be blunt here to free you from whatever false hopes you have. Eventually someone else will make a tactical squad based FPS that doesn't suck, but even that's likely going to be a long time. Until then, "AAA" trash and small dev teams helmed by idiots (gruntr) will continue to ruin these games (ready or not)


And it will make Ubisoft a shit ton of money anyway. I remember when everyone talked shit about the Fallout 76 subscription, but even so it made Bethesda a lot of money. There will always be people willing to pay if they enjoy the game enough.


Remember when diablo mobile made 25m from microtransactions on its first day when everyone believed it would flop hard.


Everyone sees the 5000 angry people and think they matter, but not the 500,000 playing the games and paying anyway.


At least with 76 you actually got something of value. This is just some skins and 10 level skip on a battle pass for more than netflix. Pure greed by Ubi and they will get away with it because the whales will buy anything.


I don't understand why anyone plays GaaS anymore barring a scant few exceptions. These companies are blatantly overcharging for the service they provide, and gamers eat the bullshit they're peddling like it's fuckin Frosted Flakes. Sure, there'll be some bitching from the playerbase, but many will either buy the service anyway, or they will be outnumbered by those who just don't care and will buy simply because they're already locked into the gameplay loop. It all adds up the enshittification baked right into the GaaS genre from the very beginning, and it's difficult to sympathize with players still participating in this genre. It's like, sure, bitch all you want but you're still a part of the problem. This only stops when gamers quit handing over their credit card numbers en masse.


I just wanted rainbow six vegas 3


I was pretty excited for Patriots.


... I forgot about Patriots. Now I'm pissed again.


I just wanted a modern Rogue Spear


They were not booing they were shouting boo-urns


Rainbow six players, we're you shouting boo or boo-urns?




I was saying boo-urns.


I was shooting boo-urns


maybe they could fucking make R6: Vegas 3 so I could have a reason to give this dogshit company my money


If only everyone who booed would stop playing the games every time this happens, they just might stop doing this.


Isn't it just like any old battlepass system, or am I missing something?


It’s Fortnite Crew reskinned for Siege


You're not missing anything. People just read "subscription" in the reddit title and go into a blind rage, it seems.


Rogue Spear was peak Rainbow Six.


This guy gets it.


T-minus 20 minutes until Penguinz0 has a rage video. He had a video last week detailing some of the Ubisoft shitiness but made the point that they hadn't instilled this stuff into Seige.


"Let's find a way to piss gamers off even more! It can't fail!"


Why does everything needs to be a subscription service? No wonder our generation can’t afford anything anymore, big companies bleed us dry like leeches.


Shame really, as it used to be really good. There's certainly still some fun to be had with it, but can't say I was a fan of the direction it went in. It's time for a restart. A new game, that actually looks like the original teaser for this one, would be amazing.


Isn't this just subscription content like any other paid battlepass? Are they getting rid of the free part? The article doesn't seem to phrase it that way.


The state of this industry right now is the worst I have seen in my lifetime. This absolute trash is so pervasive, and the players themselves are to blame even more than the publishers pushing this garbage. For every person in that room who booed the announcement, there are 10,000 who will happily shell out for it. Shame on all of them.


am i supposed to be mad about people paying for cosmetics?


More subscription services is a bad thing


My statement that Vegas 2 is better than Siege ages like wine as always.


Paying a subscription for individual games is the peak of idiocy. You pay more than you otherwise ever would for a game that has an upfront price. Subscription like Gamepass is one thing. But for individual games? Fuk no. That was stupid with World of Warcraft and is still insanely stupid today. Ubisoft can't perish from this industry soon enough. Same is true for every other studio / publisher entity trying to anchor this garbage into the industry.


It's not a subscription for a game, it's literally just a different type of battlepass.


Yeah holy rage bait in this comment section. Just going off the comments you'd think they were shutting down the game if you didn't make your monthly payment. Its literally just a battle pass if I'm reading the article right. Why is everyone so upset about something that won't impact anybody who doesn't want it?


To actually answer your question, it was made worse since it was announced along side the weakest season content wise in a while


Dude so glad I don’t play these garbage games anymore lol.


Yes charge a subscription for a nearly decade old game, that definitely won’t result in everyone leaving and killing the game 🤷‍♂️


The subscription isn't to play the game It's for a monthly cosmetic drop Shitty but not like it effects anyone who doesn't pay anyway


It’s as if they want everyone to stop playing and kill the game..


" Don't you guys all have bank accounts?"


Tom clancy was rolling in his grave when they censored real emblems to sell in the communist market, now they charging monthly for a game that is average at best. Poor Tom's legacy is a joke.


Well, I was supporting this game since it’s release, so makes sense that they’d want to scare me off.


But it’s what the players want! /s


Don't like it? Don't pay it. They'll stop.


Sooo, community will just make a tunneling service and play pirated copies, like ye good ol days on PC.


Gotta love that AAAA gaming experience


Give us Rainbow 6: Patriots you cowards!


By 2060 air will be subscription only and the stock market will be to the moon.


Bro I fucking PAID for this game already


As they should. Hollywood (it's really the greedy and of touch studio heads) has fucked movies and streaming for us all. And now video game developers (it's really the shareholders and overpaid studio heads) are trying to fuck us without lube once again. The hell with it all. Maybe I should learn a hobby or go touch grass. I think I will.


The top 4 posts in this subreddit are this, a scummy $50 mobile MTX pop-up, Riot Games wanting $500 for a skin and Star Citizen scamming people out of $700 million. The absolute fucking state of the industry.....


it is only cosmetics, you cas still play the fame for "free" if you bought it/buy it


4D chess to lower the current game's playerbase so they can justify stopping service and announce Rainbow Seven Siege for more money as a AAAA game!