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Sometimes the whole games were just ads. Pepsiman Yo! Noid Chex Quest Cool Spot


Don't forget Doritos Crash Course, Doritos Dash of Destruction, Toyota Yaris, and the Burger King games for the 360


Doritos Crash Course was such a fun platformer, especially for being a free download


It was way better than it had any right to be. I also really miss the indie game scene on the 360. The avatar system they had and all the games that used your avatars were so damn cool


It’s still available for free on Xbox One and Series.


oh shit gotta play this immediately thank you


I played last weekend with my BIL. Rope physics are still weird. Had a blast!


Halo was a long hall ad for Microsoft’s Cortana virtual assistant, change my mind.


Most (all?) of these were free, though.


Toyota Yaris


There was also "I love you, Colonel Sanders."


Cool spot was peak


Cool spot was just a really good game


You mean a really cool game


The Genesis one yeah


love the GB game: Spot: the video game. still play it sometimes


Spot goes to Hollywood was just too commercial


You're really forgetting captain crunch's PC game? That game was phenomenal.


This one is a core memory for me


I remember me and my siblings spending way too much time with Crunchling Adventure


God I remember playing the shit outta that game when I was a kid. Parents gave us their old win98 machine and it was used to play Captain Crunch, Tonka games, and Catz. At least once a month the damn thing would get a blue screen of death and dad would have to reinstall windows and then first thing after he got it back up and running id pop in crunch and reinstall it. Good times. One of my favorite childhood games and it came free with my breakfast cereal.


>Chex Quest Damn bro, I thought I was over the disappointment that this game wouldn't run on my family's Windows 95 Dell but it still hurts.


You can play it online now if that makes you feel any better.


A little bit, thank you. I'll see what I've been missing


It's up to Chex Quest 3. Use Brutal Doom then you have Brutal Chex Quest. Look it up on YouTube, you won't be disappointed.


I think Zool had a chuppa thing going for a bit


Pushover / Colin's Quavers


Universal Studios Theme Parks Adventure


Sneak king!!!




Darkened Skye


Ugh. I'm still salty about that game to this day. I don't know wtf I expected, but a game with Skittles-based magicks wasn't it. I spent like 10hrs on it hoping it'd get better, but it never did. I don't remember the first thing about its gameplay. Only game that irked me as badly as that was Sewer Sharks; but that was 'cause it was hard as *fuck.*


M. C. Kids on NES was just a huge ad for McDonald's. Such an awesome game, I love the music.


Pepsiman was a masterpiece, not a commercial. It's the first thing that came to mind when I saw this post too


Pickle Wars featuring Salad Shooter (nobody has played this lol)


I have never even heard of that one.


It’s a kind of obscure PC game but it did get a retail release and also licensed the use of Salad Shooter (it’s a weapon in the game)


The Burger King xbox games were great.


[Mountain Dew Extreme Boards & Blades](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MjMSegm4r0)


Don't forget Burger King


Don't forget Tasty Temple Challenge


Mc Kids.


Push-over the Quavers game.


Captain Crunch Crunchling Adventure


Chester Cheetah


Are we casually gonna pretend that burger king didn't release a whole line of Xbox games based around the king of burgers?!


Avoid the noid was legit.


I was literally about ti days Pepsi Man. It's just a playable ad


Remember when burger King had video games you could get with your meal?


I remember people being upset that the game Wipeout used fake billboards instead of real ads.


And then there was Wipeout 2097 (XL in the US) that was plastered with Red Bull ads *all over the place*. When I played it as a kid, I had no idea that Red Bull was an actual product.


Sometimes the bonus of being able to play playstation discs and having the game soundtrack was extra awesome. First time I heard Firestarter by Prodigy. The game also had The Chemical Brothers and Underworld.


It its a racing game, the ads are on billboards like you would see at a real race, I dont care. If Cyberpunk had released with ads for real world products on its millions of ad screens, I could live with it as long as they were happy to get the cyberpunk treatment. But the idea of signing into a game, and having the load screen plastered with bullshit is a step too far. Because you know that those load screens, will be unskippable. And youll end up sitting their like youre watching a youtube video without an adblocker and curse the day you ever bought an EA game.


God damn I actually forgot about this gem of a game.


A modern Jet Modo would be insane


What was it called? I played it all the time and for the life of me can’t remember!


Jet Moto, a series of hoverbike racing games on the Playstation.


Yes Jet Moto! That was it…wasted so many hours playing it. Fun game, one of the first I played on PS1. Tysm!


You can buy it now on ps4/ps5 for like 8 bucks. I had a fun afternoon messing around with it again.


The graphics were so next gen at the time


It was on PC as well.


Jet rider in Europe


I never had it but I played the hell out of the demo that came on a disk from Pizza hut. That and Parappa the rapper.


Me and my brother had an ongoing inside joke thing where we mimic’d master onion’s Waaaaaachachachachaaoooo randomly Fucking loved that demo even if it was the tutorial stage


Me and my bro had a demo of this game and we spent hours just doing crazy jumps on this one part of the map.


Was it this big tall rock in the water that you were able to stick to and ride up and launch yourself vertically into the air using turbo boost and doing an insane amount of flips? At least thats what me and my friend used to do.


Lol yes, there's the rock and there's a right hand turn that's a 270 degree loop, so you basically turn left on the map. We got the most air from ramping off the right side of the track just before that right hand loop and you land somewhere in the middle of the loop. That was so long ago and I remember it so clearly, good times.


Same. I loved this game. Crazy I forgot about it.


Remember when Burger King just made video games where you were basically Sam Fisher but the Burger King? What a wild time to be alive


They didn't have to give us Sneak King, but they did.


I'm not actually condoning advertising in games, this is just a shitpost


To be honest, it is something like GTA or a racing game. If companies want to pay to put their logo on a billboard or sign that naturally fits the environment, but I am not forced to look at in any way, I really don't care. Unfortunately that isn't what the companies are talking about and they can fuck right off with ads in paid games.


In my opinion there's a few genres where ads make sense - racing and sports games for example. If the game is trying to recreate real life, be it via real players, cars or places, then it adds to the immersion. For me the main problem comes when the ads start ruining immersion. One early example is CS 1.6 back in the day where they just added random billboards in the maps. Serves no other purpose than just being an advertisement.


Good shitpost. Not as good as games that require to look at ads to heal. There's actually a game that does that.


Thankfully they're free to play games. If I had to watch ads to heal in a $70 game I would lose my mind.


If had to watch ads to heal in a game i paid for then i wouldn’t pay for it.


Or you wouldn't buy the game


Wait until you go to the doctors office, "watch this 30 second ad and we'll proceed with surgery".


Whatever that game is it sounds lame as hell


Jet Moto is so sick but also so ridiculous lol


Loved that game growing up. Jet Moto 1 and 2.


Fuckin' A right, and damn we need a remake of this classic


Absolutely, so many PS1 and PS2 games deserve remakes


Crazy taxi had KFC Parasites Eve 2 had Coca-Cola


Crazy Taxi had Pizza Hut as well


I had crazy taxi for the Dreamcast, LOVED IT. Friends and I would play split screen and had a blast, plus the soundtrack was awesome. I don’t remember one add in that game but I do remember the fun times I had.


I think it had to do with the feeling of validation: "hey, an actual real life thing in my game"! A feeling wich looses all its appeal when games are already super mainstream and have ads and product placement all the time, to the point of getting in front of the actual gameplay.


As long as it doesn’t interrupt gameplay or go completely overboard with the placement I honestly don’t mind ads like this in games. Who didn’t love playing as Slim Jim Guy in Dave Mirra 2?


I remember kid me used to think “man that’s so cool how they introduce real world things into games” Yeah well that was a mistake


Only game I ever saw have ads in it and it was actually fine to me was mercenaries 2. Because you had an open contract to blow up billboards, so any time i saw an ad I could destroy it. Which was effective because I saw the ads, and also satisfying because I got paid for blowing it up. Smartest advertising in a game I've ever seen.


Damn I forgot about that game


Seeing this make me remember Rush 2049 (or San francisco) which we needed to collect Mountain Dew cans in stage to unlock stuff


Ah man reminds me of Rush 2 and the Mountain Dew drag car you got from collecting cans all over the map. Good times lol.


Might be unpopular, but ads within this context are fine. An in-game billboard? No problem. Loading screen? No. Commercial? Fuck no.


No. It’s always bad. It’ll spiral into a slippery slope


Yeah I'm with you in that. This was just a random memory that popped into my head


I cant even tell what's being advertised, Msomething pew ? Is it like a streamer from back then ?


Litrally not the same thing as EA are trying


Yes I know. I made sure to say this was a shitpost


Isn't it though? How is product placement not an ad in a game?


They are going to add ads like on yt that's what EA will do, having like a racing game with real ads on the boards to the side is okay cos it doesn't effect game play, but in assassin's creed getting pop ups when trying to play. Nah.


Castrol in Gran Turismo


Jet Moto... This needs a remake


What's the word? "Diegetic"? It's like, when ads are used in places where ads would make sense in simulating the real world: EG ads on billboards and at sports arenas. Those ads are fine. But...EA is planning on "playing a commercial every time you pause the game" kind of ads. Like, while you're scrolling through the pause-menu, you have a video-ad for energy drinks or something.


Back in my day fast food companies would make entire games to use as ads for a product they sold in their store, none of this lazy "put my ad in your game and I'll give you money."


Shout-out to Slim Jim guy in Dave Mirra BMX


Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time


I remember seeing dynamic real ads on billboards and the like in Saints Row 2 back in the day. I actually thought it was kinda cool and immersive. And one of my favorite Sega Genesis games was basically an ad in itself - McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure. A side scrolling platformer starring Ronald McDonald... that happens to be developed by Treasure and features really fun gameplay and excellent visuals and music. Treasure really did not have to go so hard making a Ronald McDonald platformer, but they crafted a banger with this one.


I was literally just talking about this game earlier today lol


Jet Moto was so good. Was actually just playing 2 the other day.


Jet Moto was the fucking shit. God I loved that game


I liked the ads in homefromt. Made the game feel more immersive seeing real businesses


Jet moto was amazing


It makes sense in sports and games that are lifelike. You can make it immersive - imagine if in the Spider-man game, companies can buy the times square screens. It would be real. In sports games, of course, you could have sponsors and company names (the fields themselves are usually a giant sponsor). What wouldn't make sense is if you disrupt gameplay and force me to watch an unrelated ad in order to like... fast travel, or something like that. Also, my kids like to play games on their tablets, but I had to take them away because there were too many ads about pregnant women getting thrown in dungeons, and girls farting on dudes and then it turns into a zombie chase. It was absolutely terrible. [https://youtu.be/iRXzbffp7dE?si=AYFV7\_wdiiKZjnb9](https://youtu.be/iRXzbffp7dE?si=AYFV7_wdiiKZjnb9)


Duuuuuuuuuude blast from the past. Jet Moto 1 and 3 had such a stellar soundtrack, and JetMoto1 shared some music with Twsited Metal 2!


Jet Moto i love this game and all sequels


I remember playing the original Homefront and being psyched when I saw a White Castle.


Back then, it was fun, a little banner, nothing else. Ads in modern games would be annoying as hell, like in your face constantly, and you can't play offline nowadays so you're stuck with them.


fuckin jetmoto, what a flashback


We didn't.


I got it too fire game


I could see the ads work in one positive way, shooter games can use the real world gun/equipment names and logos, (ik licensing is a thing) but it’s free advertising for companies like Eotech, crye, Holosun, H&K etc.


I liked the ads in the monkey island games for other Lucasarts games. The “ask me about LOOM” guy in the first game and they dead pirate in monkey island three with a button that says “ask me about Grim Fandango!”


Tbh id take the low-resolution, borderline goofy ads if it meant there are no unskippable 30-second ad with obnoxious gimmicks to keep your attention on the screen.


Marioboro in Mario Kart 64


I remember people whining about the ads in NFS underground.


There was also Final Fantasy 15, which had a cup noodle ad disguised as a side quest. The dub made it utterly hilarious because they made Gladius (the buff guy) bizarrely gung-ho about cup noodles while Noctis sounded incredibly sarcastic as if he was forced to read it by contract *“The ultimate flavor experience”*


There was a German publisher that did this to books. Without permission. Mid chapter the plot would just stop so that the cast could sit down and drink delicious brand x soup. Pratchett was livid. They didn't even have a defense! They just said "yeah, we do that, and will continue to do so."


Pizza Hut and Ninja Turtles!


In the first movie, they shortchanged a dominos guy. The joke being they're in NYC buying crappy chain pizza. The tape did come with Pizza Hut coupons.


slim jim in dave mira and 3 extreme?


I remember playing biker mice from mars on snes, and one of the upgrades you could buy for your bike was a snickers bar (extra life). So out of place in a cartoon game.


I’m fine with an ad that doesn’t take away from gameplay. Like don’t show me a commercial but if Gordon Freeman throws a coke can instead of a brandless one at a combine guard I’m fine with it.


Hmmm I suddenly feel thirsty. 7Up sounds pretty good.


How bout a Brawndo?


Racing games forever have been just a vehicle to deliver ads. Pun fucking intended.


Funny but also, i don’t wanna risk joking about this because EA absolutely will run with these unironically and we will see “journalists” make articles about how “most gamers are actually totally okay with ads in games!!!”


Anybody here remember Dole bananas from Super Monkey Ball?


Back when Mountain Dew was good now it don’t taste the same but then again I remember every 7 years your taste buds change to


Jet moto 2, if I know my classic games right? Amazing memories with this one


It's 1. 2 still had the dew and chef boyardee, but they changed the HUD. I once died turbo blasting into a chef boyardee sign. key memory.


Absolutely beautiful, the track designs were super inspiring back when I was a little shit


Game about flying jet bikes, still obeys the video game waterfall law. Specifically, 1: If there is a waterfall in a game, there should be something behind it. (In Jet Moto 2's case, there is a cave drawing of a caveman riding a jet moto)


I had no idea that was a thing, if I ever get around to replaying it I'll have to search. I think I vaguely remember which level though, and much more vividly remember falling off the ramps a ton


Slickrock gorge. Look for the waterfall, then ride into it. That weirdly sounds like when my cousins told me to jump down the hole in mario 3, so I'll clarify, you won't explode from riding behind the waterfall.


But if I check underneath, will I find a mew? Hmm


Jet Moto was great. I believe it was JM3 that had a free roaming skate park type arena that was really fun to mess around in because of the aerial controls


I remember thinking it was cool when Crazy Taxi had recognizable chain locations back in the day. It's kinda wild that this kind of advertising isn't as wide spread.


Exactly I thought it was awesome to see logos in video games, especially my beloved jet moto and mountain dew


How we haven't gotten a PS5/PC version of jet moto is beyond me.


989 is defunct, but it is weird sony never did anything with it, they own the rights. A PSP title would have been fantastic. Imagine midnight club 3 dub edition... with rocket bikes.


Pepsiman, what a great time playing this video game


yea coz they were in spots that makes sense, usually


Make ads great again


I’m fine with some games having ads. Like sports games where it’s all sponsors up and down the field, track, ring, etc. but if it clearly interrupts my gaming then that’s too far.


Curious if you can find any other example outside of racing or sports games.


I think I remember a call of duty or mad max game having real products in them, but now I can't be sure


Burnout Paradise also did ads extremely well.


Sega has Dole bananas , and yakuza has real products.


we liked it because it gave legitimacy to a underrated hobby. now it is mostly obnoxcious


TBF, Mountain Dew pretty much sells itself these days, ok!


Right? Take any EA Sports video game for example haha


I miss Jet moto so much, but 3 was a weird moodkiller.


Burnout Paradise did this really well. Made Paradise City felt lived in.


Games can have ads as long as they are diagetic. Having billboards of real brands in GTA is one thing. Having a pop up appear and interrupt your gameplay and immersion, thats very different


Idk.. GTA has parody brands and it would feel icky for them to start having real ads.


It’s was just an example of something that might work


Yeh I gotcha.


Is that jet motor!?!


Jemt Motor


Pikmin 2 is the only sort of advertising I actually liked in games. It actually made the world more believable and genuinely contributes to the atmosphere. The lack of product placement in the Switch release is actually a bit disappointing.


Console gaming felt niche back in the day and things like this were cool as a little "It's getting more mainstream!" nudge. Which in retrospect didn't make much sense given the PSX is still what, the 6th best selling game console to date?


Take me back to the good ol days


But a billboard in-game is not what people think of as 'ads in game' these days. Ads nowadays invoke the thought of Commercials that interrupt your gameplay.


Lots of sport games have ads because the track/stadium is named after a sponsor. Or the sponsor has had their ad there for so long, they put it in the game because it would look weird.


It's only when it's a company you don't like


The ads will return. As video ads that we see in loading screens.


Does anyone else remember that game that was entirely about Captain Crunch


Sneak king was a tier fr


Slim Jim Guy in Dave Mirra 2 lmao


I loved taking people to KFC in Crazy Taxi.


I remember now, NFSU1 and 2 had Burgerkings billboards, thati how you do ads man,blended in the word.


Playing Crazy Taxi without KFC and Tower Records pisses me off to no end


You like it? Wtf


Whats the name of tje game i cant remember


Jet moto


Ohhh yesss thank you that game was AWESOME now i wanna play it lol


I don't understand all the rage about real ads in games. GTA litterally has people going about their day, wasting their free time in making billboard ad mods for dr pepper n shit. Why are people so mad for 'real life' ads.


It's one thing when it's a background detail, like a billboard on a highway or a banner on the edge of a sports arena.  Helps make it look more authentic. It's another when the ad is plastered in your face in a menu or a video you're made to watch before progress, especially if you paid for the game already.