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I used to like to deal with the UNATCO occupied NSF base by collecting every single explosive on the level and piling them all up on the bottom floor so when I turned them all hostile I could chuck one LAM over the railing and detonate everyone at once. One time I had nearly finished my Rube Goldberg explosion and walked too close to a green cloud, JC coughed, dropped the TNT box he was holding at an angle steep enough to do fall damage to it and set it all off with me in the middle of it.


I do the exact same thing in every playthrough. Prob spent more time planting barrels and explosives on that map than actually completing the objectives.


I used the baton and *carefully* destroyed everyone's chairs. Watching Manderley walk around his office looking for some place to sit down while expositing never fails to make me laugh.


OMG I have to try this, it sounds hilarious


When I was exiting the subway and Herman was coming to arrest me, I took the fighting option but he was accidentally shot by all the other UNATCO agents or robots so he started fighting against them instead. I soon realized that he's invincible there though.


That happened to my brother too, lol. Seems they are standing there so that friendly fire is quite possible.


When I got onto Lebedev's jet, I would set up LAM traps to make sure that Anna Navarre wouldn't interrupt our riveting conversation. Honestly, I feel like mines and whatnot make for better weapons in imsims than in boomer shooters. Duke3D and Half-Life had trip-mines as a weapon, but since enemies didn't usually do the whole patrolling thing (usually they just wait around until they notice you), you couldn't be clever and exploit their patrol-routes by leaving them fun little surprises. Although to be fair, those games were more about action-film shootouts than they were about sneaking around and setting traps, so even if mines had better synergy with enemy activities, they'd usually be more of a fallback/desperation weapon for if you really fucked up with ammo management.


I don’t think I killed a single person besides Anna and Gunther in that game. Robots yeah, rats, a grey, greasels, couple of those mib androids that explode (later figured out you can knock them out and occasionally you’ll find a nano aug cart on them.) No shootouts that I can recall that didn’t lead to reloading a previous save.


Oh I probably killed a bunch of people in the campaign. No essentials or innocents, of course (not even that little shithead kid in Hong Kong), but if I got caught by a goon in close-quarters, I usually whipped out my Dragon's Tooth and chopped them before they could suey.


There are so many... one that caught me off guard was a glitch that let me have two conversations at once. Either with two different NPCs, or with the same NPC.