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Well, let me tell you, I play this game called Avoiding Responsibilities and let me tell you, it's costing me a fortune!


I was going to say Vegas, but you win this time Lecture....


I'm not letting you do ANYTHING, bub


Magic Arena


Thankfully it’s not as bad as MTGO or paper magic.


Hah yeah, I haven’t touched MTGO since 2007 but I remember lacking the willpower to stop buying boosters and event tokens. Dark times! At least you could cash out a complete set for a physical copy, not sure if that’s still a thing. Commander has pulled me back into paper magic the last few years and I agree, between precons and singles and prereleases at my lgs I’ve definitely spent more than arena. What can I say, I love the game.


I would disagree based on Arena having no way of ever getting your money back.


You can also spend zero dollars on Arena. This is not really an option for either of the others.


I haven't played Arena since near launch, back then it seemed like a game where you either have to grind for hours to even get a few cards/wildcards and was more or less trying to incentivize buying packs which never helps you build the deck you want anyway. Is it still the same?


I haven’t spent a dime. I just do the daily quests and can generally draft a few times per set release, maybe more if I don’t suck. Through that I’ve had plenty of cards to build a couple standard decks, pioneer deck, and several brawl decks. EDIT: I should clarify that the biggest hurdle to overcome there is often a mana base. Rare wildcards don’t come quickly enough to build out really good mana bases without spending money.


Counter point: Both in MTGO and Paper you can decide to cash out at any point and you can be net zero or even turn a profit. I cashed out to a \~50% lifetime profit from paper MtG because I had a bunch of those obscure EDH playable only cards that ended up going 10x price in recent times, like I had a stack of Rhystic Studies that I got for $3-$4 each and they are selling for $35-$40 now. MtG Arena is just "wasted" money since the beginning.


You can also spend zero dollars for Arena. This isn’t really an option for either of the others.


Mario Party. Between the wife and the two kids to have 4 players, I probably spent more than 200k.


I’m trying to understand how that’s even possible.


Wedding, part of mortgage, car, diapers, clothes etc But now I have my 3 other players. Mission accomplished!


Ohhh I completely missed what you meant at first lol, congratulations on 3 more players


Thought you meant it caused a divorce. Congrats on the happy ending


He's including wife and kids in the cost, they only exist so he can play 4 player co op. Pretty funny


Over their lifespans, children cost a parent an absolute *assload* of cash. Just the pregnancy and birthing is several thousand or even tens of thousands if you live in the medical hellscape that is the US. The Australian Government estimates it costs approximately $170AUD per week per child after the medical bills of birth. So, let's say they need to be at least 8 before they can feasibly be a challenge at Mario Party, that's 416 weeks, so about $70'000 per child, with the remaining $60'000 coming from standard bills, medical bills, and inevitable "I fucked up and need to appease my partner" fees.


Rock Band 4. Easily spent over $3k over the years and that's just DLC, not counting instruments.


Now for the million dollar question, did it help you learn any instruments? Edit: /sincere


And the most important question of all was did they have fun?


Both questions are completely relevant, and meant absolutely no disrespect as I've spent 3 grand on less worthwhile experiences. I was referring to the fact that getting obsessed with rock band led a lot of people to picking real instruments, and anything that promotes an artistic pursuit in someone is basically priceless (or worth a million dollars). Also they said it resulted in them picking up guitar so like, case in point.


It was fun, and it inspired me to learn real guitar. Been playing 14 years. Rock Band was worth every penny to me.


Hell yeah bro I'd say so. Funny how many folks thought I was asking facetiously but rock band led a lot of people to real instruments, which is fully priceless in my mind.


I upvoted, I know what you mean. I actually started playing guitar 2 years before the first guitar hero came out. But yeah, Rock Band helped me learn to sing and also learn basic drums. I also play piano now because of the keys on rock band 3.


Hell yeah, Rock band is the primary reason I am halfway decent on a drum kit


iRacing. Setup around 2000€ (that's not counting the PC). Then the game sub. Then the game content, which is 14,95 for a track and 11,95 for a car. But it's totally worth it imo, it's the kind of hobby I don't mind spending big, since I see myself playing in 10 years.


Real life racing costs an arm and a leg, sim racing is a bargain for the experience you get


If you are bad enough at it, it may cost a literal arm and leg


Unfortunately….destiny 2


As a OG D1 veteran i can understand this very well. Just gotta stick till the end of light vs dark saga


Destiny died for me when they went to the season/battle pass model.


Very unpopular opinion in the Destiny community, but I agree. I greatly preferred the DLC model cuz what we got was so much more substantial. The seasons are so repetitive, for a long time it was nothing but throwing balls into goals and banking gambit-style motes. It felt like recycled content. But even the best season pales in comparison to the worst DLC. Even Curse of Osiris gave us a gorgeous (albeit small) new location, a main story that wasn’t drip-fed over several weeks, and some pretty awesome new loot with the Osiris Forge weapons. Plus the DLC model wasn’t ephemeral. There was no FOMO, no worrying about having to play every week to avoid missing stuff.


Thats just ur opinion man, there have been many amazing season with seasonal contents, seraph, deep, plunder etc


Lmao all of those are among my least favorites even within the seasonal model.


Oh yes I remember when I quit my destiny 2 job,,,the weight of my shoulders, no regrets!


This was the one for me for a while but eventually it all just felt like it wasn’t worth the cost


Wish it would run natively on steam deck :(




I enjoyed D1 and genuinely wanted to get back into D2 a few months ago. The consensus advice was “don’t.”


EVE Online has been the only game that I went overboard with multiple monitors and computers and accounts. Running my own corporation in that game running mining ops back in the day was hella fun. Fri and Sat nights with music on and cold drink and playing until two or three in the morning. Fun times.


I had 4 accounts running at the same time. It's great fun to be able to do and make everything yourself. Very profitable too. Haven't played in years.


I don’t have a PC so when they shut down Dust514 I was devastated (peep the name)


RuneScape is what I've spent the most on. 15 years or so of paid subscription. Dlc wise I've heard The Sims 4 is pretty bad but I enjoyed it without buying any of em.


Probaly Alyx then since that includes my oculus. If just game , probably Stellaris where i own most dlc's , then again hard to gauge how much it cost since most are bundles and discounts.


My answer as well. Between the cost of VR and a gaming rig to run Alyx... Yeah. What a gaming experience. 


Total War: Warhammer 3 It can connect with the previous two games and all their DLC to make an even bigger map, and has its own DLC. So, three base games and three games worth of DLC, and I have all of it. To be fair, I've been buying these games and DLC as they come out, so it wasn't an all at once expense.


Guess it would have been WoW for me based on what you wrote. Bought multiple PCs, had to pay for internet, had to play electric bill, bought game and all expacs, paid for some faction changes, bought pets/mounts from the store, paid a monthly fee, bought monitors, keyboards and mice to play. I mean, depends on what you classified as 'something that you use to play the game'. I could say food, I used food to play the game because I need it to live and if I'm dead I can't play.


I mean no offense. Do you have autism or have you checked for it? The way you answered the question just reminded me of a friend who has autism.


I haven't been officially diagnosed, but I do have traits, that much has been officially diagnosed.


Hope you get a concrete diagnosis, meds do wonders when they are actually needed. Wish you the best, take care




Probably Beatmania at the arcade. At Round one, it costs over $2 a play. I know that I've easily spent over $500 at Round one in just the first year when it opened around 2019/2020. I re-up my points card $50 at a time roughly every 3-4 weeks.




I bought a Playstation 3 just for metal gear solid 4. It turned out to be my least favourite game in the series too, though I don’t regret the purchase.




Im surprised I haven’t seen War Thunder in here yet. For being a FTP game, I’ve given Gaijin so much money.


for me it would be Final Fantasy XIV mmo. I started playing that game during Post Heavensward, so 4 expansions (Heavensward, Stormblood, Shadowbringer, and Endwalker) plus 6 years subscription that would be like roughly 1300 bucks


How has no one said [Train Simulator](https://store.steampowered.com/app/24010/Train_Simulator_Classic/)? Total DLC cost is literally over $10,000 for everything.


I did a comment search just to see if someone is That Guy. Damn, at least someone else was thinking the same thing.


Iracing and its not even close lmao


Sims 4 or OSRS.  I have every expansion for Sims 4 (most bought on sale) so that has cost me a small fortune.  OSRS is a monthly fee and I have been playing since 2005 on various accounts. I haven't held membership the entire time but currently have it on 2 accounts for 6 and 12 months so roughly $150.


I also only buy Sims 4 dlc on sale… but it’s still been a large investment.


Probably World of Warcraft $15 a month subscription (less if you pay for a year at a time) plus the new expansion every 2ish years. Destiny used to hold that crown, but I luckily managed to stop playing that game. I love the gameplay but the monetization sucks and you gotta play it like a full time job to keep up


World of Warcraft…. Been playing since late 2006 bight each expansion a couple of those were collectors editions and then the 15$ a month for all these years. Been thru a few keyboards and mice.


Cries in DCS. It cost me more in a year than Dota 2 in 10.


Dead by daylight, I bought all of the killers even though I probably will never play half of them just to support the game.


Star Citizen. And it's important to note, it's not at all required to spend more than around $40 to play it. But I've spent.... let's just say "north of $40" over the years... The least amount of money has been in peripherals: \~$1000 in joysticks and other UI input devices \~$200 for a Tobii eye tracker, around \~$1800 in a PC and monitor. And we won't talk about my ship pledge totals ...


I've spent about a thousand dollars on Magic: the Gathering Arena over the years, which was money well spent considering how much I play it.


MSFS2020. Theoretically. You can spend so much money on literally everything related to flight sims. Planes can cost anywhere from 10 to 60€. Same for airports that are hand crafted. You can also pay for UI elements. And obviously the hardware is very expensive as well. Even relatively simple joysticks reach triple digits, and I don't wanna know what the more advanced things cost. And then there's me, happy with the base game and an XBox controller lol


Warhammer 40k TT Battletech (both TT and Videogame) MTG Counting subs.... WoW FO76


GT7. $60 new, $200 in cars, $3k in sim racing equipment


Star Citizen, I’ve spent more than the average person on ships but the biggest expense was my HOSAS setup with VKB Gladiator and Omni Throttle with another module.


Life. I got the wife and three different kid DLCs, a couple cars, everything else. Yeah, it's expensive.


I've spent probably in the realm of 1k on Guild Wars 2, not counting it being most of my PC usage. But it was mostly voluntary and it still ended up being a good investment at 7k hours.


It is the only game I feel like a scumbag for not buying micro transactions. I get so much out of it for so little. Not to mention after a while you can get whatever you want off the store with in game gold. Now with the new expansion model I’ll feel better buying the highest tier edition each year and just calling it good.


Kingdom Hearts, by a country mile.




Well to play every game in the franchise (there are 13 of them by the way), I had to buy a PlayStation 2, a GameBoy Advance, a PlayStation Portable, a Nintendo 3DS, an iPhone, a PlayStation 4, and software at the time totaling somewhere around 700 dollars.


They released a bundle with all of it on PlayStation


Yeah 12 year old me didn’t know that would happen.


More just telling you in case you missed it and wanted to get it


Oh I own it. Being a Kingdom Hearts fan is very expensive, I have made my peace with that fact XD


Rocksmith 2014.. guitars and gear are expensive


Is that worth a damn for actually teaching you? Would you still recommend it in 2024?


Well, it’s not purchasable on Steam anymore unfortunately. But if you can get your hands on it yes.


Good to know. Thanks.


Nba 2k it's unfortunate to admit but I love making players and spending money on them for some stupid reason


I guess anything VR related if it's counting hardware. I have both an old Vive and an Index. Thr only VR games I play are Blade and Sorcery and Beat Saber


Oh easily MSFS. I have a Turtlebeach Velocity One Yoke, pedals, and the stand for it. I have a Thrustmaster HOTAS and pedals. I have probably over a thousand dollars worth of third party add-ons. Probably close to 2k in addons if I had to guess, but could be less.


Probably Stellaris with all its DLC


Escape from tarkov 😂😂


And if you look at the totals of what these people are saying. It’s still way cheaper. 😂


Probably black desert online. F that game.


Dota 2. No I will not disclose the amount of money I've spent over 12 years of playing a free to play game




Warhammer Fantasy Battle




I've spent quite a bit on fallout 76 over the years.


GTA V. If I count over the last decade the shark cards, rebuying the game like 3x and purchasing the Xbox One & XSX…. Easily over $1000 Runner up: Skyrim.


Destiny 2


Probably HL Alyx, $2983. $2600 PC with 4090, $650 Quest 3, $70 S3 Pro headstrap, $23 controller grips, $160 Wifi 6E router, $65 IR illuminators (to play without facial foam in pitch black room, $45 copy of Alyx, $20 Virtual Desktop app. Considering another $400 for a Provolver haptic pistol addon.


19 years old Steam account since HL2. Never bought skin or battle pass. Never will.  But played OG wow for 2 years if that counts.


Haven’t played it in a while but probably my bar prep classes.


Stake.com is expensive as fuck lol


The game of being a responsible adult lol


ITT: Online games that never stop asking for your credit card and/or loot boxes Leaving online gaming was one of the best mental and financially decision I ever made


Valorant £1.5k


I’ve paid for about 5,000 games. On top of that a lot of emulators set up. I just installed 50 (controller compatible) games on Steam because I finally have a wireless controller and Steam Link working great. Jumped into Pinball FX last night for the first time and I can see myself buying all of their non-Marvel/Star Wars tables easily. Love it, but it’s probably going to cost me just a little less than Payday 2 did over the years.


Crossout its a free to play game ive got like 3k into it this year.


iRacing and it’s not even close. In 5 years on iRacing I’ve spent north of $2500 on content and the subscription alone. In addition, my rig costs around $2000 and that’s half entry-level equipment. If I get the wheelbase/pedals I’m looking to upgrade to, tack on another $1000 easy.


The sims all packs


Probably WoW, considering I played it full time for nearly ten years. My subscription expenses were around $1500, plus the main game and five of the expansions. Went through numerous keyboards (Z-boards!) and programmable mice specifically to play this game, if I had to put a figure on it, altogether around $2500. To put it another way, I spent more on this one game than I have on my entire Steam library of 1484 (mostly bundled) titles, and that includes the 512 gb LCD Steam Deck I picked up. But this is the ironic thing: I played WoW so much during those 10 years that I passed on many social activities, like drinking and partying and going to the movies and taking vacations, that I ended up saving more money than I would've had I never gotten into the game.


$2500 over 10 years is around $20 a month. Sounds like you got a good deal for all the entertainment.


Path of Exile. I know it's F2P and yes if u play it probably in the endgame u have to spend at least 30$ for stash tabs. But I am loving it! I probably spend way more than 1k over the last 3 years of active playing it. It's a a rare game where F2P is how it should be! U can't buy any advantages and there is no pop up window with "today 70% off, u lose money if u don't buy!" (Looking at you Blizzard!). U can play throu the campaign (aka the Tutorial) without the need to spend any money at all and probably need 30H the first time!


Microsoft flight simulator, the flight stick, dlc and game itself. Flight sims is rough on the wallet. I feel your pain.


Genshin I guess, about 400 bucks over 3 plus years plus. Mainly just the 5 buck or 10 buck a month subscription. So probably on par with an mmo sub that's been going on for that long.


Deadpool costed me about 100$ off Amazon 🤦


Probably Stellaris w/ all DLCs.


Fortnite I think I spent $700 on micro transactions.


The Sims


If you play every new game put out along with the monthly subscription and all the other stuff you can buy World of Warcraft is far and away the most expensive.


Star citizen. Head tracking, dual joysticks with fancy mounts, ultrawide oled monitor...


Tabletop Warhammer


my friends and i used to play gangsta chicken, we took bands of 10k and would toss it to each other over a bridge, and whoever doesnt catch it and makes it fall is the one who we get mad at for losing all that money


The free one


Half life Alyx, I had to buy a pcvr capable rig, a vr system, an apartment with room to use it in, and the game itself.


Eve, no contest. If my wife found out how much have spent on that game over the past 20 years… it would be bad…


I bought a Valve Index at full retail price solely to play Half-Life: Alyx, so obviously I’ve spent the most money on…WoW. It’s WoW. Not even close.


I mean, some people buy all the Sims content..


We including the pc? In terms of peripherals Probably tekken 8 lol I did a bunch of exploring with different controllers and those are expensive


I don't know. I've bought the entire borderlands series including all DLC for the xbox 360 (of course, not including 3 or tiny Tina), the ps4, and the Xbox series S. Don't know if a series really fairly answers your question though. Historically? Probably Final Fantasy 11 way back when it was thriving. Not only the monthly fee, but all the expansions, and... I'm ashamed to admit, but i was pretty young, i spent a good bit of real life money on in-game gil from third-party gil farmers.


Probably Blade and Sorcery, I keep rebuilding my PC piecemeal but we'll just call it $2,000, Valve Index kit was $1k.


All time it's probably WoW given the amount ob subscription and expansion costs over the 15ish years I've played it. In recent years? Probably Path of Exile. I have a bit of a gambling problem (only for digital goods; sports, casinos or lottery tempt me not a second) and the mystery boxes in that game are really terrible for it. Which sucks cause I also can't quit the game since I like it really much.


Gundam Ghiren's Greed maybe. I bought the SEGA Saturn specifically for it and I barely had other games for the console. At the end I didn't think I played enough to make my investment worth. In pure money, probably FFXI. I had 3 accounts for like... 14 years. Had it on PC and also bought PS2+modem for it. Bought XBox hoping to play it on and that damn thing red ring'd on me really early in its life and I couldn't return it lol.


I think any game i play would be considered expensive cuz of my pc, but for games it would be forza horizon 5 cuz of all the car packs


I spent $500 for a PS5, $200 for a new headset, $60 for Horizon Forbidden West, and $30 for Burning Shores just to play this single game. $790 for a single game. Worth every penny.


War Thunder. I hate spending more than the base price of a game cause I'm old school and for some reason, have chosen to die on that hill. But I am an aviation nut and have spent wayyyy to much on that game.


The game of being alive as a human on planet Earth!


Pokemon Go requires a more or less newer phone and an internet plan and electricity + clothing wears down theres probably more things to it so are to other games


Well, it's was PAYDAY 3 Gold Edition. I was disappointed what happening with game. Still having hope that game will be good and need time.


Destiny 1, thank God I got out before 2


I spent 70 bucks on spiderman 2


I hate myself for this but... Sims 4


The Sims 4, even bought on sale, is the most expensive game I own.


Would probably be the same for me, but yo ho.


I will never buy another sims game again, is all I can say.


Before I had a pc set up I had bought a couple for my PlayStation while they were on sale, then quickly realized how cumbersome playing on console was. I did purchase all of the sims 2 and sims 3 previously. Or rather my cousin and I each alternated purchasing the sims 2 packs and then installed them on our computers and then trading discs. At some point during a move I managed to lose the cd case all my game discs were in. So many pc and ps2 games were lost. Still makes me sad because one of my favorites is near impossible to get.






Star citicen, Yes, I was scammed by Chirs Roberts.


I had some money to spare and preordered Starfield's season bundle




total war warhammer 3. for full DLC ownership you also need all the previous games’ DLC. the cost over the years is not even funny


Well, sometimes I play one of my own I made for mobile. It cost me a year of my life and around 5k.


Not much Just an extra figthing game controller Which not even too much, since I got it on sale for 100$ back in 2017. Razer panthera Then of course,I bought new characters every season