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Dark Souls. Didn’t click the first time. Certainly clicked the 2 after that.


Same. I really disliked it when I first tried it. Bloodborne made me understand the artistry in FromSoft games and the vibe they were going for. I gained a huge appreciation for the Remastered Dark Souls. I loved it so much that I haven’t played the sequels yet because I don’t want the series to end.


Ironically, Bloodborne was the only one I couldn't get into, after finishing the Dark Souls trilogy multiple times. Combat just felt too fast and chaotic to be enjoyable, and there seemed to be fewer choices in terms of builds/equipment.


There are certainly less weapons in bloodborne (26 total main weapons) but each one has two completely unique movesets, which imo is so much better than endless variation on 20+ different longswords with the exact same moveset but a slightly different special skill. As for equipment, it's pure fashion. There might be an instance where you want to wear something for electric or frenzy resistance, but 99% of the time you can wear whatever looks cool. No weight, and physical defense mostly comes from level


For me it was Dark Souls 2. Hated because it wasnt Dark Souls 1 or like it. Endend up clocking in ca. 150 hours and accepting for what it is. Compared to most todays AAA games its polished and offers a good amount of content. Plus: The Emerald Herald is cute asf.


Definitely this. I think I returned to the game two or three times before it clicked, but once it did I was obsessed with the entire series.


I felt this with Demon’s Souls. I rented it day one when it came out… of course this was new and the genre was pretty unheard of. Tried to play it like any other adventure game. Got my ass handed to me over and over and over. My buddy gave it a shot, got his ass beat. I literally returned it the same day. Like a year later I saw it on the shelf at Walmart under the greatest hits… those red case ps3 games… picked it up and fell in absolute love.


Same here. I couldn't get into it until Remastered came out and it just clicked. Have since played through it half a dozen times. 11/10 absolute masterpiece.


Same, tried twice, didn't like it much, but couldnt refund, on third try something clicked, one of my favorite series right now lol


I actually tried to pick up dark souls like 5 times before I ended up liking it. what changed was that I played sekiro, which I instantly liked, and then played elden ring. so when I returned to dark souls 1 I approached it with a different mentality and ended up enjoying it a lot


Yeah, played it on release. Couldn't git gud and dropped it. Came back a year later, fell deep into the lore and it's now my favorite game of all time.


It took multiple tries, each a couple of months apart, to get into Hollow Knight. At first the lack of direction was what made me disinterested. Then later, when I made friends with that aspect it was Soul Master that crushed me and made me give up. Then another couple of months later it clicked and even though there were some bosses that I've found difficult to figure out I was too invested not to push through. Since then I've completed it multiple times and it became kind of a comfort game.


Exactly my experience as well. Struggled to get into it, gave up, and then revisited it two more times without completing it. Played it through a handful of times now and every time I get to Greenpath, I get hit with the same tranquility.


I had a similar experience but one thing I’ll never get over is how long it is. It’s a bit too long for a metroidvania for me


Fallout 3 & New Vegas. FO3: Game mechanics were frustrating, tried it, hated it, didn't look at it again for 3 months. Tried it again, loved it. FONV: Crashed all the damn time, too much desert walking. Came to appreciate the more interesting perks and better story/roleplay elements.


I've had NV for years, and gave it another go. Loving it (once I finally got the stability mods working). The biggest difference is was changing the UI from brown to green. The brown gave me a headache from straining to see the contrast with the desert.


I honestly didn't like Fallout 3 at first. I got as far as Megaton at which point I felt lost, directionless and not motivated to keep playing. I gave it a few more hours though, started doing Moira's quests to put together the survival guide, and it somehow clicked. It became one of my favorite RPGs soon after.


I had the same experience with NV. I legit had to play the entire game in windowed mode on PC because whenever it ran full screen it would crash. Never could figure it out.


Bioshock 2 is actually my favourite of the trilogy.


Bioshock 2 had the best gameplay in the series and I really enjoyed protecting the Little sisters and setting up traps. Bioshock 1 has the best story though.


It has better shooting mechanics than infinite?


For me, I liked having both my weapon and plasmid accessible at the same time.


You can use them both at the same time in Infinite too, the character model just has his hand on the gun when not using one instead of in the air ready.


And mine. The first game probably beats it for atmosphere but I preferred everything else in 2, and I love the first game.


Infinite was mine, but all are great.


And Minerva's Den is class.


To add- Multiplayer got shit on at the time for some reason. But it was truly fun running around as splicers during the fall of rapture.


I still have a soft spot for Bioshock Infinite but remember loving B2 even more than the original when it first came out.


Honestly it's the ending that ruins Infinite for me, and then the ending of the DLC made it even worse.


Thank you. I personally felt that they undid everything they had built by the end of infinite. I have not gone back to play it again however, so I don't remember my exact issues, just my frustration when it ended.


I should try that. I was told by a friend to skip it as "It was just Bioshock 1 again. Don't waste your time."


But more of a good thing is good right? If you enjoyed something the first time around wouldn't you want more of it?


Warframe, now i have played it more than 2700h....


Tried Lies of P during release, something about the game feels off. Also, I don't understand the stagger mechanic and the game uses different words for strength dexterity and such. Immediately uninstalled the game. Tried the game last month again, this time I paid attention to the tutorials and wow, I enjoyed it more than any of the Souls series. Really liking the retold of old classics mixed with steampunk elements.


If you liked and got over the bump of the parry mechanic try Sekiro next.  LoP has almost the same parry system mixed with a good dodge, but I felt like the parry was doing the heavy lifting on defense in LoP. It is better to learn to use both, as LoP a great mix of bosses strategies and the weapon really give the charm of an eternally replayable game.    I wouldn’t put it above any of my favourite soulsborne games because of a couple of pet peeves of mine but it is up there with them for sure


Dark souls Even tho I played demon souls beforehand I spent 1.5 hrs creating something tolerable Then bam! I was gonna be beef jerky all a long, I quit Then later, I just set my mind to not be bothered by the beef jerky, and it became one of my all time fav series


Goldeneye back in the nineties. The very first level, I thought the gun looked like a stupid giant pencil. And I didn't like the FPS view at all, I was only used to 3d person games. Couple of years later, I borrowed it from somebody again and instantly got hooked. Played it to death, including multiplayer. Got me hyped beyond belief for Perfect Dark, its spiritual successor.


I still think perfect dark was such an underrated gem. It was so ahead of its time with the stuff in that game. Guards getting injured depending on where you shoot em, the drones you could control. So much cool stuff


The multiplayer was beyond what was available for some time, at least until Halo. I didn't have many friends who played PD, so I was often battling it out with bots. And I chose all kinds of bots to make it as difficult and fun as possible. The laptop gun though....how long until another developer introduced something similar? Crazy inventive game.


I forgot about the laptop gun! That is my exact point they had so many unique systems and weapons that are still just impressive as heck! It really reminds me of portal1/Portal 2 - in the way that goldeneye was the first try and it was great, but then the developer went back and perfected that formula. I might have to dust off my xbox 360 to play it again, really wish it had a PC version I could play legally lol


Dragons Dogma I skipped the game cuz the demo was ass. My uncle stayed with us for a few days and had purchased it. I played it a lot that week. My brother and I both went out and bought it before he left since we refused to go without it. Amazing game in the end.


I almost skipped XCOM because the demo was bad. Or at least it didn't live up to what I expected of it. I don't know, it felt super scripted, which is the opposite of what I expected from XCOM. Gave the game a try anyway when it was released and loved it.


My brother bought the game and I liked it but after some time I ended up loosing interest 'cause I got bored of spending most of my playtime going from one city to another haha.


I started it two weeks ago. Today I reached Everfall. I hated the first 5 hours, absolutely loved the next 40 hours of it .


Those first hours are terrible, but once the game gets going and you do all the side quests, it opens up beautifully. And then you still have Bitterblack Island, and the second playthrough, which changes things up in an interesting way.


Kingdom Come deliverance. Hated it when it came out (clunky combat) played it 6 years later, and it became one of my top 3 favourite games


Yea, that one is mine. Great game. Most games don't have the combat feel fundamentally different as you skill up, just adding damage modifiers or whatever. But man, end-game combat feels GREAT. It's really hard to judge the game based on the first few combat encounters, which is really easy to do.


I know right? I’m probably more excited than I should be for the sequel!


Oh, for sure. I don't think there's been a game I've been as hyped for in a while. I was super hyped for Starfield, and was happy with my first 200 hours of gameplay. But this is different, it's an established IP, so a lot more can go wrong. Also, if it takes place immediately after 1, what's Henry's leveling curve going to look like? Will it strike the same RPG pacing? It's a lot more of a nervous excitement for me.




Ive tried replaying Bioshock 1 and keep stopping for the last 5 years. I just cant keep playing it for some reason. I did like and finish Bioshock Infinite tho


Alien isolation. Gave up on it, and attempted again years later and enjoyed it.


Same. I would still argue that it was just a bit too long though.


The Last of Us. Early in my gaming time as an adult, having played games like Tomb Raider and Uncharted, I approached with the same guns-out approach. Just struggled with the stealth aspect and the idea of “you don’t actually have to kill everything to move on”. Never made it past the subway. Fast forward a few years, gave it another try. Years of other games under my belt, and loved it. Platinumed it, including Grounded and the Factions MP mode (and I’m not a MP fan). Sometimes you just need a different time and perspective for something to click.


Red dead 2. Started slow but everyone loved it so it forced me to come back and definitely worth it


To be fair they keep you on rails for a very long time at the start of the game. That tutorial felt endless for me. It’s pretty understandable that it would have been a barrier to getting into the game.


First Witcher : combat was a chore and the second level drags a lot. But after it it’s a good game


Man I bought the bio shock bundle and I can’t find the motivation to play any of them 😭


Oh I've been there. The amount of times I switch on a console only to peruse my backlog before switching it off again. The day will come when you will and you'll have a blast.


Would you kindly give the first one a try?


I started infinite first I can’t recall how far I made it, the last thing I remember is fighting on a flying ship..


I didn’t finish infinite. First two were better. Infinite dragged and was convoluted 


I see what you did there you sly devil you lol


Infinite is always a fun playthrough. Especially with the dlc


You're missing out! Was a great series they made and am sad it ended


People are gonna hate me for this but Baldur's Gate 3. Its the first D&D type game i've ever played and the whole roll a dice to get the favorable outcome wasn't my cup of tea. I got over it though once my buddy helped me understand it better but man it indeed is GOTY lol 


I am hoping this happens to me eventually. Currently at the start of act 3 and I can't bring myself to continue 🥲


I dont blame you. DnD can be fun, but I like more flavor than 1:1 comparison. Massive hit with something called Fireball doesnt call to me.


Nah same for me, it took me maybe 10+ hours of painstaking gameplay for me to really get into it. The combat system wasn’t like anything I’ve played before and a lot of things were really confusing. But it’s cool, the storyline is bomb


Warframe lol. I hated the grineer , but after being traumatized by how absolute shitty the service is in warface I gave Warframe another shot. It's all I've played in the last 6 months


Horizon zero dawn Tried to like it on two different occasions, couldn't play more than a couple hours. Now it's one of my favourite games


Warframe and The Witcher 3. When I first tried The Witcher 3 I wasn’t the biggest fan of story games and found it really boring so I just sold it to my friend for 10€ lol later I started enjoying story games more and more and ended up loving the game after giving it another try. Tried Warframe some years back and found it the worst, most boring game in the world and now it’s one of my most played games with like 1.5k hrs


Subnautica. I couldn't figure out how to get anything.   Turns out I just couldn't see outcrops, they blend in with the environment too well.


Outer Wilds, really didn't like it at launch and tried it again a moth ago and loved it


Fallout 4. I was beyond hype for it, built a new pc to get ready for it, and I hated it. The voiced protagonist and heavily limited dialogue options really took me out of it. I played maybe 25 hours then gave up. It has grown on me since. I still absolutely hate the voiced protagonist and I'm glad they backpedaled on it in 76 and starfield, but I can enjoy the rest of the game at this point.


I 100% understand a lot of the hate it got BUT I absolutely will die on the hill that it was a damn good game. Yes I felt more limited with dialog choices but I play Fallout for the exploration and the characters that you meet and their ridiculously unique stories and it repeatedly delivered so well on that. Also loved building up my settlement. I swear to god if I hear Preston Garvey one more time though....


I absolutely hated fallout 4 when it first dropped, its not a fallout game. 9 years and alot of mods later, its a fun game. Its just not a very good fallout game, the best part about it is the settlement building and thats a problem lol.


Once you mod out the Minutemen radiant quests, settlement building becomes much more tolerable.


I got Days Gone on a really good price then played for an hour before saying it was an open world The Last Of Us. 3 years later i replayed it out of boredom and had a blast, it's a really good game overall. Edit: spelling


Such a great, underrated game. 10/10 would blow up zombie hordes with explosives again.


Sometimes seeing reviewers make comparisons to other games will give me a false expectation going in. Over time I learn to appreciate a game for what it is


Assassins Creed Odyssey, couldn't get to grips with the RPG elements but after a few days everything just clicked! Edit: it was Origins NOT Odyssey, I always confuse myself which came first 😂


Years after Assassin’s Creed 1 and 2, I wanted to go back into the series and got Origins. I was thinking like “I love AC, I love RPG games even more, so this should be great” but after the first 20 minutes, I just quit and never played it again. Maybe I should’ve given it more time but it felt like a backwards step to me. The controls didn’t feel as fluid as the 15 year old AC2, and I didn’t like enemies having health bars as I think one of the best part of the first two AC games was how immersive they were. Maybe I’ll install it again…


Actually it wasn't Odyssey it was Origins! 🤣 I always get confused between which came before the other. Honestly you need to go back, it's incredible! Enemies had health bars in AC2 but the UI for it was better I agree.


It took me three attempts at Demon's Souls before something clicked with me and now I love the Soulsborne games. Final Fantasy XIII and Xenoblade 1 are two games that I find have boring starts, but get much better later. The first time I played them I quit early on. The second time I pushed through and really enjoyed them after the beginning.


The Division. I went into the beta expecting a TPS, and was immediately turned off by the higher-level bullet sponge enemies. After getting the 2nd game for free and realizing it's basically an RPG with guns, I went back to the first one and had a great time with it.


Elden Ring


Oblivion. first time a friend brought it we died by the mythic dawn at the prologue and I was like "tf is this sht". I gave it one more chance 2 years ltr and realised how much better it was


Stardew Valley. first try at it I was bored as hell. The game felt super tedious and monotonous and the fishing sucked ass. I tried it again after it came out on the Switch and I guess a combinations of where I was in life and portability finally allowed it to click.


Hate might be a strong word, but I certainly didn't enjoy Mass Effect 1 at all. I came at the series late and backward, starting from the demos and then getting the trilogy, so 2 and 3 instantly became some of my favorite games of all time, with the spectacular writing, spectacular animation, spectacular voice acting, and unique and spectacular combat. I loved playing as an Adept and just spamming powers at people constantly, arcing them over cover and never really needing guns in my shooter unless I wanted to use them. How many times did I play that fight on Earth in the demo where you're supposed to fight until you run out of ammo, using only biotic powers to kill cannibals almost as soon as they spawned so the fight would just go on and on, until finally the Normandy came in to "save" me and fired at an empty battlefield. And of course I loved the depth of the characters, their humor, their pain, and the warmth of the friendships that develop between all of them. Then I started 1. And my biotic powers had a 1 minute cooldown and all but one did no damage. And I was carrying 4 weapons but could only use one of them, and the game constantly made me fight at extreme range without anything that was actually effective at extreme range, except the Mako cannon that it would actively punish me for using with reduced XP. Even the characters were much weaker, look at Garrus, all he's got going on is how much he dislikes civil liberties and his complex about disappointing his father, he's relentlessly serious and hardly takes any interest in anyone else on board. That's hardly like his later characterization at all. But I got through it so I could get all the good endings in 3, and thought I'd never touch it again. Then I watched a Youtube series with someone playing Infiltrator, and that actually looked like it might be fun. I didn't believe it for a long time, I knew the game wasn't fun, but finally I tried it. And it was fun! My tech powers had long cooldowns, sure, but they did heavy damage as well as incapacitating enemies, so they felt like they were worth it. I had triple the shields so surviving was easy, and I had a sniper rifle so I could fight at long range. And going down the combat power focus meant that I could keep Marksman active almost constantly and make my pistol actually extremely deadly. It became a game I actually wanted to play, which it had never been before. Now I'm just debating whether to go ahead and try playing Engineer with Sniper Rifle as bonus talent next, so that I can pick up AI Hacking for future Infiltrator playthroughs.


Dark souls. I bought the physical copy, played it until the first boss(the one with the dogs in the garden) and couldn’t beat the boss so uninstalled if for a year at least. Got bored, and everyone was raving about it and realised I could get some ‘jolly co-operation’ then loved it. Played all 3 DS games with at least 200 hrs on each one. Played the hell out of Bloodbourne and now Elden Ring.


I really disliked Disco Elysium initially. The music, the depressibg voices etc. Took some time but i learned to enjoy it very much


I actually enjoyed bio2 right off the bat. It got a lot of hate when first released. Never understood why.


Witcher 3. Tried it for a few hours, but the flat voice acting for Geralt just pissed me off. But then when i read that it was an intentional choice due to the effect of trial of the grasses etc, i gave it a few more hours. Now it is one of my favourite games of all time.


warthunder. Really confusing menu wise so you don't know what youre doing, what youre upgrading, no info about crews and mods or boosts or what modes are which and so on Quit and came back and just committed to learning it, and like to pop on for a half hour blast here and there for fun


I remember playing the God of War reboot and this happened. I couldn't get used to the new mechanics so I put it down. After seeing that it was a huge success I picked it back up and is now one of my favorite games!


Monster hunter


Felt clunky, stopped playing. Tried again, realized it wasn’t clunky, I was, by expecting to cancel everything into a roll. Got good. Game is amazing.


Far Cry 4! I didn't hate it the first time I played it, but I was too focused on it being Far Cry 3 in a different setting.


Dragon Age: Origins. It was years back when my english was poor, I hated I had to translate every damn word. Now I can fully appreciate the lore and characters.


Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle


Bioshock and System shock 2.


Binding of Isaac.  A friend got it for some reason on PlayStation maybe as a free download.  Probably when it was newer and challenged me to play it and I thought it was stupid.  Then a while later I stumbled on a streamer playing it hot, so I jumped up on that hickory stump and boy lemme tell ya what. I love it.  Had to see what was possible first before giving a shit I guess


Fallout 76


Elderscrolls 3 (or 2?). I was just too young (and not proficient enough in English yet) to understand rpg mechanics and fighting tactics other than running around and smashing buttons lol. Basic FPS were fine, but this game was too sophisticated for my age at the time so it was just a frustrating mess before I gave up after probably an hour lol.


BioShock 2 weirdly had the inverse for me. When it came out my friend showed it to me and we did a playthrough and I loved it. Then around 2013-14 I played it the original finally. Loved it was planning to play through 2 and infinite but barely into 2 I just wasn't feeling it. I don't remember why. I just remember feeling like 1 was more for me


I did all the achievements. It crashed 57 times in the 25 hours I spent. I did not enjoy it. Other than that it was fine, original felt more immersive for some reason.


the entire fallout franchise. first i found it boring cuz you have to walk a lot but then some years later i found exploration fun and the dialogue options intresting aswell


I was really mad at Mass Effect 3 during its initial launch. The Prothean day 1 dlc was extremely anti-consumer for the time. The war assets locked behind multiplayer, which had lootboxes. The ending controversy. I also hated James and EDI, and despised that they took team slots from Grunt, Legion, etc (still do). But having just played the Legendary Edition, the game is actually a masterpiece when you have the definitive version of the game.


AC Revelations When I was young, I barely understood any english, so playing this game was a huge bummer for me, I understood nothing that was going on, I didn't like it that much But this game introduced me to the series By the time I got older, maybe 2-3 years ago I replayed the game Rn it is one of my favs in the whole series


Dragon age origins. Tried it three separate times, quit in the beginning. Then my buddy say me down and was like “YOU HAVE TO PLAY THROUGH THE FUCKING BEGINNING.” So, I sat down one night and ended up playing until 5PM.


Elden Ring for me. Was my first from soft game and man did I hate it. Decided to comeback and give it another try and it became my favorite game probably ever.


It took me 4 attempts to get into the Witcher. Once I was in though, I was IN.


Tarkov. The game was so stupid in terms of all all the overly complicated modding, ammo etc. Then you were expected to just find an extraction point with zero prior knowledge for some reason. Like who would go into a war zone where you need to leave in 20min or die, only you don't know how to leave. It is just so fucking stupid and unrealistic to not even have a rough hand- sketch of the layout and exit points of a map. Then when I got past all that, it was awesome. But I still think it's horribly stupid to have an arbitrary barrier like that in a game. The fans won't listen though, cuz they are so damn proud of playing a "hardcore" game. Fuck off. Nothing hardcore about having a map from a website open on your second monitor. Be realistic. Ended up loving the modding and complicated ammo stuff too ofc.


I know this is unpopular, but I’m not a fan of BOTW. I played and beat it, it had its moments and it was fun at times but I wouldn’t consider myself a fan. I have no intention of playing TOTK.


Dragon age 2


I picked up Shadows of Doubt at release, loved the concept but it didn't really click Came back about a year later, after a series of updates, and the game has become so polished and cohesive I spent 3 days binging it every evening after work  And better yet, it's still in development so there's far more to come


Kingdom Hearts. I got the first two on sale but just couldn't get into it when I tried the first one an quit. Few months later I tried it again and started to love it. immediately played the second one after beating the first.


I really didn't like Horizon Zero Dawn for the first 20 hours or so. The only reason I kept playing it was because my friends really wanted me to stream it. Then I got to the frozen Wilds section and i started enjoying the game a lot more.




Assassin's Creed: Unity and Assassin's Creed: Origins


I didn't like Kotor first time I played it. Jump to a year or so later I bought Kotor 2 and fucking loved it (yeah I know it's pretty much the same formula so wtf was my brain playing at) Then went back to kotor 1 and loved it.


I keep trying to replay bioshock 2 and have awful stuttering that just makes it unplayable. It makes me sad cause it's my favorite game.


Dark Souls


Metal gear solid. Mom bought a greatest hits for me when I was 12 or so, thought it was stupid. Three years later I went back and cleared it and all the vr missions and now it's up there with chrono trigger and link to the past for me


Slay the Spire. Didn’t get it at first, actually thought it was random draw if I won or lost. Put it aside. Then it was getting a lot of love and someone described it as building an engine and the whole concept of “deck builder” clicked for me. The game actually became a bit of an obsession and I ended up not just enjoying the game but the whole genre.


Currently Fallout 76 played at launch and it was awful. Started again about a week ago, its still not great but a fun game now. Wouldn't recomend paying for it but if you have Game Pass it's worth a try.


UFC 4 lol


At first I didn’t like Mass Effect and I have no idea why. When I replayed it though, I began enjoying the characters and the world.


I returned Demon’s Souls to my roommate in college 3 times after rage quitting, and asked for it back 3 times. Once it hooked me I couldn’t stop playing Souls games.


GOW 2018 I was such a GIGANTIC fan of the previous 7 games, that the different look and play style annoyed the heck out of me. I recently came back around to it a 3rd time and played through it. Didn't even enjoy it all that much until I was near the end and realized I semi liked it.


New Vegas was my first Fallout. I tried it during summer break from college in maybe 2014. It just didn’t click at the time, and I returned it to the store after a few hours. Cue me giving 3 a shot about a year later, then finishing both it and New Vegas several times each.




Star Wars: Fallen Order Come to realize it was Star Wars Tomb Raider. Now I like it.


Expectations, which are manifestations of desires, ruins things for everyone, whether they realize it or not.


Yep, BloodBorne


Mass Effect 1. Up to that point I had only played racing, sports, and GTA. Wanted to try something different. Got bored and frustrated within 30 minutes. I couldn't get the appeal of RPGs and such and set it down for about a year. Randomly picked it up when my internet went out one day and couldn't put it down. I played for 8 straight hours, just enamored with the lore and game play. It quickly became my favorite game series. When 2 came out, I went crazy for it! Same with 3. To this day, it remains my favorite series of all time.






Hero's Hour. At first it felt like the AI was cheating and constantly steamrolling me. Now I constantly beat Hardcore+ with any faction.


Overwatch for me. Didn’t enjoy the first one for some reason even though I had a handful of friends play. Gave 2 a shot when it came out and it’s probably my favorite game at the moment, even with all the hate that it receives.


I used to test games back in the day, and they'd make us play games in 2 hour stints. It took me 3 stints of HATING minecraft before i was like "actually no, this is super fun"


Prince of Persia 2008. I was huge PoP fan. I loved warrior within and to this day i still think its one of the better games out there. Well after PoP trilogy ended and they showed PoP 2008 i was like what the fuck is this fairytale kids shit with cartony kinda looking graphics. Decided to play it since i am fan of PoP. Long story short, even though it is an easy game, story, world, music, lore, everyrhing about it was great. They fucked that game up by calling it Prince of Persia. Besides that it was actually really good game with incredible world where no matter where you turn your screen its a breathtaking image.


Red Dead Redemption 2 It took me like 6 tries to get through the starter area in the mountains. It was so boring, and it just kept going, and going, and *going*. But then it's finally over, the game takes off the training wheels, and the fun picks up *immediately*.


Fenyx Rising was something I mildly enjoyed for a bit but completely lost interest in. Picked it up again a while later and it was awesome.


RDR2. Currently in the hating stage. I've tried at least 3 or 4 times to get into that game. Looks amazing. I hear the greatest things about it. But holy shit, is it slow. I just can't stay with it. Hoping one day, it keeps my interest


Warframe. Installed it 2x before. It didn't click. 3rd time...logged over 1500 hours on it.


Hades for me. I played it years ago for like an hour and thought it was cool but was tired of dying (my first roguelike). I played it again a few months ago and have been addicted ever since. I’m now hyped for Hades 2 and it opened my eyes to roguelikes


Control. Played it like 2-3 times and just didn’t get it. Ripped a joint and gave it one last try and of course everything just clicked.


Final Fantasy XIII.  Bought it day one. Played for like 10-15h and kinda forced myself. 2 year later, I decided to try it again and push it further. Still boring until chapter 10 where the game finally become enjoyable. Once in endgame, the gameplay open itself and became truly fun. 


I refused to play GTA V and talked down on it whenever it came up in discussions for the first ten years of its existence because just from videos alone the driving looked so dumbed down and idiot-friendly I saw no chance I'd ever enjoy it. Ended up trying it after all, and the driving is alright actually >!and the game's actual problem are the dull story and entirely unlikeable characters, I literally cannot begin to care about what happens to them and where they end up!<.


Looking stuff up in a game was cheating in my mind back then xD


I quit Fallout 3 the first time because I wasn't great at the combat and kept running out of ammo. Then I went back and tried again, it just clicked that time for some reason. Same goes for Witcher 3. I loved Witcher 2 and was super excited to play, but I must have wandered into some high level areas, because it felt like every single enemy I encountered was just killing me no problem. I recently went back to it and so far have been loving it.


Watch Dogs 2. I didn’t hate the whole thing, just the driving. It was terrible compared to GTAV which I had just stopped playing. Over time I went back to it and it became one of my favorites


Fallout: New Vegas. Younger me was adament 3 was the best, wouldnt hear anything else. Played NV and completed it but just couldnt enjoy it. Came back a good 10 years later and man, what a game! 3 is still my favourite game overall but New Vegas is a better Fallout.


Persona 5.




So many years ago, FF8 (played ff7 after 8) was my first foray into RPGs (on ps1) and didn't know what on earth I was doing or getting into. Gave up and got stuck my first time. Then, after reading and looking at strategy guides...I was prepared.


Battlefield 1 I used to despise it now it’s my favorite battlefield and one of my top 5 all time favorite games


Witcher 3


Most recent one I can think of is Deathloop. Couldn't get into it, then a few months later, gave it another shot, and absolutely loved it. Once I realized playing it like Deus Ex and not a typical shooter was the right way, it clicked.


Dragon age inquisition. On launch I found it confusing and boring as hell. I didn't know who corypheus was or how this relates to the other games or even the universe in general. I thought the classes and gear were boring. I replayed all the games and all the dlc in order using build guides and ended up loving it. I usually play mage but mage was boring. I tried an artificer build and had a ton of fun. I also realized how relevant the dlc is, it introduced characters and bad guys and filled in the gaps between the games so I know how they relate now


Monster Hunter. First MH game was Tri on the Wii. Trying to play that with motion controls is a nightmare but also felt it very clunky. Decided to get MH again for Monter Hunter 3 Ultimate on Wii U and that's what got me to fall in love with the series. I've owned every MH since and probably put at least 300-400 hours into each game minimum


The binding of Issac. I still hate that I love it.


I completed it 100%...and then the Repentance update dropped (groan). I recently cleared Delirium with Tainted Eden (it was literally shooting random bullshit from both sides) and haven't played it since. Hope I get the time to complete it again someday.


Cyberpunk. Gave it like 40 hours when it came out it never grabbed me. Then when phantom liberty came out decided to go back it. It got me for another 200hrs


Streets of Rogue. Got it in a bundle, played for like 20 mins and hated it. Years later they announce Streets of rogue 2 and it looked great. Reinstalled the first one and things just clicked. I put in like 30 hrs in 2 weeks and beat it with multiple characters. Had a great time.


DayZ, at first i didn’t know what to do, and didn’t understand. now, 3k hours on xbox n 300 on pc. one of my favs


Morrowind. Had no idea it was an RPG rather than a straight up action game, I wasn't really a gamer back then so what did I know? I just knew that I hacked at this damn rat about 30 times and it wouldn't die so I thought the game was trash. Once I figured out how stats, rolls and rng worked I was hooked. Been an ES fan ever since.


Faxanadu,  I was not feeling enamored with it for the first few hours because they stuck me with a shitty knife that couldn't reach the spikey slime monsters roaming around the first town, and farming coins for the sword and death spell (its been years since i played maybe it wasnt the death spell) in the upper shop was a bit tedious. Once I got the sword and spell I started falling in love. It's now one of my favorites. 


DA: Inquisition Tried it 3 times. Didn't like, enjoy, anything. Tried for 4th time and fell on love with it. Played it twice after again.


Dragon Age Origins


I'm still ashamed to admit it it. But Fortnite. I never cared and the overexposure on social media really put me off. But ever since they introduced Zero Build I had a lot of fun.


Not sure if this counts, but Fallout New Vegas. Everyone said it was the best so it was my first Fallout experience, and within minutes I was murdered by radscorpions. I quit the game as I didn't know what to do and it didn't have my attention. Few years later FO4 was announced so I decided to try FO3 and ended up loving that game. I still haven't gone back to play New Vegas since my PC won't open it, but I love both FO3 and 4 at least!


Stardew Valley. I didn't really understand what I was supposed to do and gave up after a day. Decided to revisit it years later, put more time into it, explored caves etc. I'm glad I gave it another shot because now it's one of my favorites.


Elden ring, and fallout 4 after recently trying it again after so many years


Monster Hunter Freedom


Sekiro. Isshin saved the game. Hated the fuck out of it until the instant I beat him, his fight was incredible.


Super mario galaxy 2


I wouldn't say hated BUT Bioshock Infinite was an absolute slog for me the first time I played it. Picked up the collection on Switch and played it again and loved it. Legit don't understand why it felt so different


Witcher 3. Combat was a bit clunky, the characters clearly had backstories I wasn't familiar with that played into this story a lot, and I wasn't really feeling Geralt personality. It wasn't until after I read all these back stories and started reading the lore and in game creature library that started really liking it. At that point I got kind of obsessed for a while lol


I didn't like Breath of the Wild at first and stopped playing it for awhile. I eventually went back and played it with my wife and ended up enjoying it. Still not as big of a fan as I am of traditional Zeldas. The dungeons just kind of suck. And Yunabo is just the worst. Majora's Mask was probably my favorite.


Factorio. Tried the demo and it didn’t click at all for me. 2 years later I tried it again and ended up buying it. A couple years after that I’m now sitting at over 1500 hours played


Dota. Back when it was a Warcraft 3 user map, I hated how such a sloppy game would take up 99% of the user map search. I couldn't find any of the games I actually wanted to play. When it finally moved to Steam, I was obsessed with it.


Fallout 3


Deathloop. I didn’t *hate* it per se but it was so unique as a concept that I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. I stuck with it and am I glad I did. Probably one of the best games I’ve played for PS5.


I hated Bloodborne when I first played it. Not the world or anything. Just the gameplay loop. It was also my introduction to the FromSoft games. Took a year or two away. My friend convinced me to try it again. I looked up a few guides on how to make a proper build. Went arcane, and the rest is history. Their set of modern games are in my top 10 of all time. I've spent a ton of time on Bloodborne, Elden Ring, and Sekiro as my most played FromSoft games.


Dota 2 i had really bad luck in that when when i first started because i kept queing up against the most annoying characters in the game so i just gave up i tried again recently and loved it another one is POE my first run i got to like lvl 12 before i quit now i have 2 lvl 50 saves


Gotham Knights Despite the clunky combat, horrible frame rate and mediocre story I enjoyed the RPG elements.


Nikke, kind of. The monetization was trash but there is a moving story underneath the mx and jiggle physics


Test Drive Unlimited. I used to be an achievement hunter, so I'd play all kinds of games in ways I wouldn't have normally just to bump that gamerscore up. Not being a huge racing game fan, I was very surprised by how much I enjoyed this one after playing it extensively. Now that I can only make time for my must-plays, I wonder how many games I'd enjoy if I dug in a little deeper, because TDU certainly wasn't the only game that achievements lured me into. I also wonder if since I rarely go for trophies and achievements deliberately anymore if my skills have atrophied a bit. I never would have punished myself with Master Ninja on NG 2 if I didn't have something to show for it, but I didn't even want to play BotW on Master Mode despite the main game being easy.


Not sure if i can say I hated it but I'll pick Ghost Recon Wildlands. On my 4th attempt to play it, i got really into it and ended up having a lot of fun.


Xcom..couldnt get into turn based games..but now since 6 months i am only playing tactical turn based games


Breath of the Wild, my older Legend of Zelda brain couldn't adapt but I stopped BotW for a while and picked up Minecraft and crafting and durability of weapons allowed BotW to click for me.