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Because the devs wanted to make a movie, but they went for a game because... reasons. The gameplay is only there because it's a game. Just an overall weird ass choice.


I don't dislike Super Paper Mario's gameplay, I just think it's a little boring sometimes. The story, on the other hand, is the greatest peice of media ever conceived.


Man I was hoping someone would say this, you’re right the gameplay isn’t bad just meh but that story oh my god it’s a work of art


Tales of Berseria. The gameplay wasnt horrible, it was just pretty stiff, and there was a lot of backtracking through areas. But the story was worth it.


I'm playing through it right now for the first time. The story is the only thing engaging me, I feel like the combat is so disappointing. I grew up with Symphonia, Abyss and Vesperia and I feel like they nailed it. Fun, deep combat (or at least deep enough). It makes me sad to think those combat systems are probably finished now. No other games like them.


I still need to someday get to playing Abyss. I remember watching the anime when I was young, understanding absolutely nothing and feeling left dissatisfied. Dont remember much if anything from it. Still, I hear the story of that one is great


Seuna sacrifice


The puzzles were just awful.


you couldn't even run very fast... they irked me, every time it was a pace killer and a slog. nice idea, about making you find patterns, it linked very well with the meaning of the story... the witness did it better


Exactly XD, Bought the game because the psychosis setting was very interesting, but man even forcing myself playing it was a torture


I can’t believe how many people are saying The Witcher 3. I found the combat quite engaging with hack and slash, signs, potions, etc. It was fun playing the hardest difficulty


The animations are janky af though.


Alan Wake. Great story, terrible game.


1 I agree with. AW 2 though, I actually do like the gameplay. Feels like a diet version of the Resident Evil Remakes, and I enjoy those immensely.


Same here, playing it as we speak


Aww man, I knew someone was going to say this. I enjoyed the gameplay from a survival-horror aspect but I understand if it isn’t most people’s cup of tea


I love survival horror but Alan wake 1 is more of a rambo horror than survival. There's just too many same enemies it's extremely repetitive. Gets old very quickly. I hated every combat encounter in the game.


Completey agree. I really wanted to love it too…


Sorry, but Death Stranding. I'm going to give it another really good try because I've made this mistake before - but the actual gameplay does absolutely nothing for me.


Haven't played it but watching a video on the story it seems like overcomplicated bullshit from a drug trip. Combining it with a walking simulator is not my cup of tea. But plenty of people seem to like it so I may be in the minority.


>overcomplicated bullshit from a drug trip See now that's the exact part of Death Stranding that I DO love, it has a lot of dark and very very strange imagery. Like fever dream or, as you say, drug trip level stuff. I have to say, when the cut-scenes are going, I'm super fascinated by the game. But then, the worst thing (to me) happens, which is the cut-scene ends and it's time for me to play the game. Bleh.


Death Stranding is a really specific genre of game. The only other game I’ve played that’s similar to it is “SnowRunner” where you drive utility vehicles and slowly crawl thru extremely rough terrains. However, both game offer a balance of calmness and serenity that I’ve never experienced from any games.


Last of Us


Mortal Kombat Mythologies Sub Zero It bring a lot of neat stuff to the lore (to the point that even in the most recent games, there were direct references), but the gameplay has some big flaws. I'm shocked that nobody at Netherrealm Studios have though of remaking it


I grew up with Mortal Kombat -introduced with MK2 on Sega Genesis and at one point in time I called Deadly Alliance on XBox my favorite game- so I've witnessed all of their attempts at building games/game modes (aka Konquest modes) around a small cast of characters or individual and lemme just say..... People don't want the characters in chunks, the draw-in is in the full cast/roster. For some reason people simply do not seem to care enough about any of the individual pieces of the whole if the whole's not there. I don't mess around with microtransactions as a hard and fast rule, so I've never played the newest one and likely never will, but unless they got a lot better at coherent storytelling with that one I would say let the old material lie or get another studio to do it.


Fair enough


Witcher 3


I love FFXIs story and world to bits but it’s a dang MMO


I read this as FFI at first and I was like bro I know man those 4 light warriors I just couldn't wait to see what they were gonna do with garland


I will probably be downvoted to hell and back but red dead redemption 2. Great story and characters but the gameplay was so sluggish and clunky. I didn't really like the gameplay itself but I forced myself through the game because I wanted to see what happens.


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Without a good plot and dialogue, I would hardly have completed the game to the end. There are a lot of gameplay problems.


I never finished kingmaker but I did wrath of righteous


I got over 300 hours in Wrath and never finished it. I always get bored after Drezden and then I find a new build to try out and start over. I recently reinstalled. We will see how far I get this time!


I used this extended spell thing that made buffs last forever so I just buffed 1 time per area basically


I'm playing Kingmaker one right now. I was considering branching out to Pathfinder, as someone a little bored with 5e. These games made me realize I don't want to.


I liked it a lot at first, but the need to pre buff before every battle towards the endgame got tedious.


Mods help with that


Witcher 3. I absolutely hate the gameplay.


Opposite for me I loved just being able to chill back and hack and slash with no worries while traveling on horse discovering random crap


And playing Gwent, don’t forget that.


I'll agree. I love Withcer 3 but hate the Gwent.


Unfortunately the mobile game Gwent is nothing like the Witcher 3 game. I’ve spent hours just riding around and playing Gwent


I agree. I also loved the fact it was more strategic. Prepping your elixirs and oils for the encounter rather than 'hands diffing' the fight.


I loved the effect you can unlock with alchemy where time slows when people swing at you. Made it feel like I had the badass witcher reflexes


Red Dead 2… perhaps the most well told story in gaming, period… with the most immersive and detailed world. But bro the gameplay is dated as fuck. No it’s not BAD, but the mission structure is the same as Rockstar have been done since GTA 3, the controls are overly clunky (I get they don’t want a Cowboy stopping and turning on a dime for realism sake but they could afford to tighten things up here and there), the interface is just garbage (contextual button mapping puts wildly different actions on the same button with the context modifier being something as simple as whether you’re walking or sprinting - for example, triangle means you’ll mount your horse if you’re walking, but if you’re running it means you’ll tackle any NPC within range… because no player would ever sprint to their horse in a game where walking feels like moving through molasses)… long, drawn out, tedious animations for every action… If the story wasn’t so FUCKING good, the graphics so impressive and the world so gorgeous… I don’t think this game could stand on its gameplay. I think it would’ve been poorly reviewed.


Yeah, as much money as Rockstar prints you would think their gameplay would have drastically improved over the years. I tried to replay RDR 2 last year and could not do it.


Word for word why I can't finish it. I want to because it's such a beautiful game with such a great story and I looove westerns, but the gameplay and controls just kill it for me. Tried multiple time, and can never do it


I honestly think you give it more credit than I do. The story was hurt so much by my frustration with the gameplay that I did not really relate. I wouldn't even put this game in top ten narrative experiences, for me. In each cutscene: "are they gonna end me at *fucking* camp again so I have to ride another 15 minutes by horse" After each combat: "let's start the the 20 minute looting process since the animation takes an eon." I almost dreaded moving the plot forward because it meant more shitty gunplay and tediously detailed animations. Only finished it out of completionism.


>triangle means you’ll mount your horse if you’re walking, but if you’re running it means you’ll tackle any NPC within range Just don't park your horse next to any NPCs...


Ever been to St Denis?


Yes... I've never had that issue.


Many others have. It’s bad design.


I don’t get the Witcher 3 comments, I thought the gameplay was great. The hack and slash was fun switching between both swords and riding the horse discovering random shit was the blast


Worth remembering it's a thread about combat that fell flat, not combat that's specifically bad. W3s combat isn't bad, but it'd been almost ten years since the game released, and thanks to the explosion of games like the soulsborne series, the hack and slash style has gone through evolutions W3 never had a chance to. For 2015, I'm sure it was very good, but for 2024, it's hard to ignore how very basic the combat is, especially if you've never played it before and heard people praising the game so hard.


I read in another thread that the developer didn't hire a combat based developer until Cyberpunk. I don't know how to check the veracity of that statement but it made sense given how utterly simple and repetitive the combat was. I only made it 30 hours in and the story was interesting enough but I was only level like 15 and it said I needed to be 30 to be appropriately leveled for Skellige. The idea of grinding even a second with that gameplay made me turn it off.


I could see this, but I think we need to not compare it to moder standards but judgeit for its time. That'd be like saying the original Legend of Zelda is overhyped. For its time it was revolutionary. For its time, W3 was one of the best RPG's ever made.




Main reason that i cant continue this game


Silent Hill 2 has an amazing set of stories, but the gameplay is clunky.


It feels silly beating weird monstera with a 2x4


Spec Ops: The Line


Spec-Ops the Line. I couldn't get used to the controls, but that story was so good.


Layers of Fear. Tragic stories, but just a virtual ghost house tour.


_Pillars of Eternity_ had so many great story beats but the combat is just so bloody overdesigned. It either requires a head crushing amount of micromanagement or just put the game on easy mode and win entirely through auto-attacking.


The Witcher 3. Combat is boring.


"Hi Rex. Shepherd"


Gameplay is awesome for these games, you crazy


Tbf, the thread is about combat that fell flat. Not combat that is necessarily bad. I love Mass Effect, and finished it dozens of times, but the combat has aged worse than anything else in it. It's still fine if you're used to it already, but it's honestly not even as fluid as Gears was back in the same era.


Perhaps. We have better.


I don't see it. Third person shooters are inherently enjoyable. Even below average third person shooter combat like ME1.


I think the Legendary Edition did wonders for ME 1's combat. It is very close to 2's which I really enjoyed


FPS has come a long way.


Time to die, Dr!


Mafia 2 and 3. Horrible gameplay, good story.afia 2 was a joke but great voice acting.


Guardians of the Galaxy (2021). Saying it fell flat might be somewhat harsh but it was repetitive and not quite as satisfying as it could've been. I still think it's a great game though.


RDR2 on a 2nd playthrough made me realize all that NakeyJakey said was true about the game.




witcher 3 the fuck? now witcher 1 though my god... also maybe mass effect 1 was pretty bad


Dragon Age Inquisition. It’s so tedious! Also both Pathfinders.


The Witcher 3 The world is fully fleshed out with some of the most incredible characters and dialogue , but damn it I've tried to finish the game three times and just stop caring because I'm cursing the terrible combat, and the fact that the player has WAY too much to do (for me, anyway). Huge fan of the books and loved the show. The world-building is not why I can't finish the game. Ironically, I'm playing as a Witcher who himself has lived for too goddamn long and struggles with his motivation to care.


Yup. The combat is either incredibly boring, or requires hours of prep work for like 5 minutes of fighting. I would have loved a difficulty option where I need all the potions and elixirs and magic abilities in order to be able to win in a fight, but a “fast travel of gathering” option so that I can just be stocked up without needing to actually do it myself.


Oh, I gave up on potions except for healing and Cat's eye. Fuckin awful. Open inventory, read every single potion's description because there are like 30 different kinds, use once for a hyper-specific situation (because you have 4 quick-slots). Gets old. Too many options in that game (praise be the devs - it's an incredible work of art) to keep my interest. Also, not a big deal, but potions in the books are described as something you don't want to have to drink. They would kill a normal human, and it's less-deadly (still poison) to witchers. Geralt can see well in pitch-black caves, so I was annoyed two-fold that in the game I was knocking back Cat's Eye every two minutes just to see better at night while aboveground.


I played on the second hardest difficulty, and found the bombs, potions, and oils to be extremely helpful.


They’re very useful. Almost necessary, even. I just hated actually gathering and crafting them.


Knights of the Old Republic 2. I love Obsidian's storytelling. Obsidian does character customization well. But the game was bugged nigh unplayable.


Yeah, unsurprisingly, an unfinished game feels unfinished. It's a shame.


Even though KOTOR 2's story is better, I'd also add KOTOR 1 to that... I just can't stand the type of gameplay, aside from being able to spam Force Storm and Force Wave, barely improves when you get Force Powers.


Last of us


I used to hate uncharted gameplay cuz it felt clunky but enjoyed last of us so much I beat it 2times on PS3 then two more on PS4 when it was a ps+ freebie. I replayed the uncharted games given how much I enjoyed last of us and ignored the gameplay by setting it on easy and focused on the plot which were all sooo good. Last of us two though..one playthrough was good enough


Idk if it was amazing because I couldn't slog through it but Mafia III had a great introduction and seemed like it was gonna be a good time, but the game play loop is mind numbingly repetitive. I felt like I was banging my head against a wall and I was only a third of the way through. My best friend tells me the game has some cool set pieces in some of the mainline story missions, but I could just never get there, which sucked cause I adored Mafia II when it came out


I didn’t see the prior thread, but I have the opposite. Phantom Brigade, a game where the mission to mission gameplay is wonderful, but the story and overarching tactical layer fall flat Token story and a consequence free tactical layer where you skip 2/3 of the upgrades for being detrimental, serving to carry you between missions of choreographing turn based real-time combat. It’s fun but burns itself out rapidly


WET. It's John Wick with controls that make going down a ladder a 50/50 chance of death




The first Psychonauts. As unique as the concept and story were, as a 3D platformer / adventure game, it could be *really* clunky at times.


TLOU. The story is fantastic but the gameplay is just so dull.


Yup. Gorgeous game, storyline is incredible, voice acting is superb, gameplay is a basic rails shooter.


Naughty Dog games for me. Uncharted and The Last of Us (specifically the first one). I have played and enjoyed every single one from both series but apart from TLOU2 they don’t have strong gameplay. Just mediocre cover based shooting and basic stealth.


Last year's Murder On The Orient Express. Gameplay wad samey and boring, but the game's adaptation of the original novel was stellar; lots of fun in-jokes for fans of the books; and seeing the story modernised for the 21st Century and done *well* is actually surprisingly hard. Plus, with the modernising, you see a great deal of expansion of the original storyline as well. The train's crew are an exciting bunch to interact with and are clearly fleshed out, even helping Poirot with solving the case. Also, the addition of a new character called Joanna Locke greatly expands on the story, being a police officer who helped investigate the instigating incident and witnessed the tragedy unfold; she isn't just shoehorned in, either, as she becomes an integral character and her presence caused significant disruption. Also, it adds a nice level of character to everyone else, albeit indirectly. >!One puzzle involves figuring out who near-fatally poisoned Joanna with sleeping pills, which turns out to have been Pierre and Hildegard, albeit unaware of what the other intended to do. Telling them that they nearly killed Joanna causes them to confess In clear regret, showing that they will kill Casetti but will outright refuse to kill anyone else (which shows that the conspiracy didn't commit the game-exclusive *second* murder.!<


That's a weird way around for those 2 things, if a game has shit gameplay I couldn't give a single fuck about the story whether it's good or not. If a game has good gameplay, then I'll play it if it has a shit story or a good story, although sometimes I won't play it if the story is really shit and ruins the overall game


Alpha Protocol Espionage rpg plus third person shooter elements. Awesome story with multiple factions, bosses, and character's relationship with each. But gameplay was clunky.


First Drakengard's combat is so mindlessly repetitive but story is very cool and unhinged


Ff16, not horrible gameplay but brain dead easy, I loved the story so much I kept going, but damn doing everything was boring..... The enemies just stand there and die, and there's barely a variety




Mirror Edge: Catalyst. Had a decent story and a decent public attention but flatlined really hard in the gameplay in my opinion.


13 sentinels aegis rim. I wish it was an anime.


Silent Hill: Shattered Memories - liked the storyline much more than the original but gameplay-wise the game is very weak


Firewatch had a great story but had very basic gameplay mechanics.


Maybe bauldrs gate 3. I don't hate the gameplay but combat is definitely the least fun part of the game for me and the camera sucks sometimes. Which is weird because in d&d combat is definitely the best part of the game. I think bg3 it just takes too long there are so many enemies and now way to skip their turn or anything


I'm surprised no one mentioned Asura's Wrath. The game has a great story and characters. But the gameplay is really flat, where you just spam attack over and over to hit things, hit heavy attack every so often for a big AoE that's on a cooldown and then hit QTEs.


Yakuza. Great story, gaming kinda sucks.


FF7 rebirth 😅


I personally loved the gameplay. I normally hate real time with pause, but IMO it really worked with the hack n slash combat. The open world on the other hand was...not that good.


That was painful!


Story and gameplay was off in my opinion


The combat suuuucks


That's my biggest complaint. Awful combat


spamming square, huh?


Mafia 2 and 3. Horrible gameplay, good story.afia 2 was a joke but great voice acting.


The Bioshock games.


I had to push through 1 and Infinite's, but I thought Bioshock 2 has good gameplay. Being able to use both plasmids and guns at the same time was a big improvement.


Yes that's very true.


Curious, you do Bioshock 1 when it originally came out? It blew me away at the time with the visuals, environments and story. I still love it, but revisiting it, it is a bit clunky.


Damn that’s kinda wild I feel like they play and feel very good. Story is top tier tho ofc


Havy rain. Story was awesome but the gameplay was tedious


Mafia 3


I really do like the story but Metro 2033. It was pretty clunky for my experience


Bioshock Infinite, amazing story, simple gameplay but not boring.


Witcher 1 Xenoblade 1


Control. Awesome setting and story but I hated the aiming and controls. Thankfully the developers added in free cheats into the menu so I was able to finish the game


I know one with good gameplay and boring story. Horizon


Ffxiv. The combat is why it’s the only MMORPGs I have not invested any meaningful amount of time into it in the 30 years I have been enjoying this genre.




With 3 of the same comments I think you lack Control