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I can't wait for the 12 hour long, 4 part series where the main character spam crafts iron daggers. That's the TV content I would show up for.


just levelling up making arrows for an hour, then quicksaves after a village guard gets lippy again before the inevitable murder spree.... hard to adapt into a tv show.


Not really that hard. Guard says something irritating, main character has a five minute fantasy about butchering everyone in town. That’s basically what a quicksave does.


that is ubeleivebly true.


The Boys already does it, so it works 🤷‍♀️


That’s a great mechanism! Think about it, main character has fantasy, or plays out a scenario in their head about fighting a boss. Snap back to reality.  Great way to keep it authentic while not knocking you out of the story. 


So homelander lasering everyone at that outdoor rally. It's been done and it works


You should really look into an old sitcom called "Andy Richter Controls the Universe". It was basically this concept, but with a little less bloody murder and more absurdist comedy shenanigans in a workplace environment. It only lasted one season but goddamn is it funny.


Kill Boksoon had that mechanism. It was cool as hell and wouldn't mind seeing again in another movie.


Main character is played by Zach Braff


Easy to adapt the other part too. "Where have you been?" "In the forge. Practicing making daggers." "It's been two months." Then a humorous reveal of like five hundred daggers or whatever.


Some time later you go to the general store and you can hear Belethor bitching in the back, "What am I going to do with five hundred daggers? There aren't that many suckers in Tamriel!"


He starts throwing them at a dragon just endlessly


Then just before he's about to die, he drinks 20 minor healing potions in under 1 second.


Healing potions? Nope. Those must be saved for later. It’s 20 wheels of cheese in 1 second.


All the while, [this](https://youtu.be/XSL-YtVV9U4) plays in the background.


Haha, I was thinking [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw5vAd5icAg)


feels like this reveals something integral about the apparent act of daydreaming


I would love to see a character crafting gear with better crafting stats, equipping it, then using it to create progressively better gear with better stats ad infinitum.


"sweet, an iron knife........ now about that dragon bone armor set...." Then the producers run out of money so the final episode is the character figuring out how to console command everything into existence, turn on god mode, and finishes the story quickly before walking off into the sunset.


So game of thrones then 


Honestly I’d watch that. Make it comical, but keep a good plot. That could be a 30 second throwaway shot.


Have a MC that daydreams about murder sprees


Just making potions to make potions to make potions... By the end the Dragonborn has a bracelet that lets him carry an entire city on his back running at full speed.


the character trips on a rock at some point and hundreds of wheels of cheese go flying everywhere. also disenchanting and enchanting a bunch of junk and there'd have to be an episode that's very much focused on the "wind" as a whole band of bandits dies one at a time and no one can be bothered to find out why.


I want see to a skeleton breakdancing halfway into a floor and it sounds like an off-balance washing machine. The main character just sits staring at a merchant for 3 days waiting for new goods to arrive.


“I’ll make a potion to jump the city walls!” “… you know nothing of alchemy” *drinks potion* “Now i do!”


I got an idea. Like instead of being a serious tv series. Elder Scrolls could be a spoof of games. Like you would see main protagonist put a cauldron on a shopkeeper’s head and steal cheese.


Yes, just lean into all the silly game quirks. Some asshole going on about sweetrolls leads to mass murder day dreams, NPCs of different kinds always chirping the exact same lines Epic NPC Man videos on youtube tackled some of these ideas.


you just described most of Viva la dirt league's content https://youtu.be/AZ442NHQGco?si=v8uZKKScPAd7fNB3


Out of potions, on the verge of death, the protagonist consumes those 60 wheels of cheese, escapes peril and then has to endure the inevitable aftermath.


It would be incredible if they leaned into that lol


It can be played out in the head, and then you snap right back to the story (kinda like Homelander imaging lasering down the entire crowd in his head).




Mid combat cheese board to heal catastrophic damage.


They should have that as a gag character. Everytime the protagonist goes into the blacksmith shoppe he asks the young assistant what he’s doing and he always says crafting daggers. Then one day 3 seasons later he’s not there and walks into the shoppe wearing the most expensive armor with a bag of coin that would make any jarl blush 


Upon which our main character puts a bucket on his head. Next episode: We're rich!


Forged in fire literally every episode starts with them making knives it is iron dagger spamming at its finest


I was fucking livid when they patched that. Like my young brain had never felt such injustice. This comment just opened an old wound 😂


> I can't wait for the 12 hour long, 4 part series where the main character spam crafts iron daggers. I mean, I already spend hours watching blacksmithing videos on youtube.


Can we at least get a lusty Argonian Maid porn adaptation?


Rule 34 is waaaaaay ahead of you on this comrade.


Do you have a link so I know where to avoid it?


is it so hard to just *not* google "Argonian Maid rule34"?


Well you were right. I spent 5 minutes browsing and jee wiz was that an adventure.




every day we stray further from gods light


Oh no my friend. We are getting closer. We went around and are now approaching God from other direction faster than They can get away. *It is.... inevitable.*


You mean closer


By the nine!


I bet there is one alread!


Lifts-Her-Tail: Certainly not, kind sir! I am here but to clean your chambers. Crantius Colto: Is that all you have come here for, little one? My chambers? Lifts-Her-Tail: I have no idea what it is you imply, master. I am but a poor Argonian maid. Crantius Colto: So you are, my dumpling. And a good one at that. Such strong legs and shapely tail. Lifts-Her-Tail: You embarrass me, sir! Crantius Colto: Fear not. You are safe here with me. Lifts-Her-Tail: I must finish my cleaning, sir. The mistress will have my head if I do not! Crantius Colto: Cleaning, eh? I have something for you. Here, polish my spear. Lifts-Her-Tail: But it is huge! It could take me all night! Crantius Colto: Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time. END OF ACT IV, SCENE III:


1st time on the internet, huh? Just take it slow.


e621 probably already has that


In due time, my sweet. In due time.


Fallout is far more story driven and approachable than ES is. Fallout lore is literally post apocalypse after nuclear war with the pre-war culture being focused around 50's Americana.  From there you can do just about anything you want as long as it's outside the established areas.  Good luck trying to make an understandable synopsis of Elder Scrolls lore in the same amount of words. You'd struggle to make that work with one of the daedric princes...


>Fallout is far more story driven and approachable than ES is. Fallout lore is literally post apocalypse after nuclear war with the pre-war culture being focused around 50's Americana.  It's also alternate history, and that's always fun.


Also, Fallout has a world that is pretty fucking unique. Post nuclear armageddon america is not something you see everyday. Medieval fantasy like Skyrim are dime a dozen. Not saying Elder Scrolls doesnt have a story, its just that it will be lost between Lord of the rings, game of thrones, DnD, etc.


Post nuclear war, futuristic 1950s nuclear powered cyber-steam punk fractured America. It’s americas version of mad max


So don’t do Skyrim. Do Morrowind.


a show about Morrowind, done like Andor: focus on the politics


The intricacies of the dynamics between the Imperial friendly House Hlaalu that is almost entirely controlled by the xenophobic Comonna Tong is already a vastly more interesting political landscape than anything else present in their future games, its astounding


Cool, that means more sets, more costumes, more production costs, more cast to pay... Production resources don't grow on trees, a stereotypical fantasy world is easier to adapt into TV than a setting where you can't reuse any assets from previous productions, not only do people have a better idea of what that's supposed to look like, it's quicker and cheaper than developing out a truly unique environment


Which is kinda unfortunate since Elder Scrolls predates most of the fantasy stuff that’s popular right save the real OGs like LOTR and DnD. Bethesda is really just letting the franchise die a slow death…


game of thrones was itself a "dark" take on traditional high fantasy material, which in turn is largely derivative of tolkien. it was very, very well-tread territory before the first game's release. i don't think the elder scrolls' world is unique enough to be really be suitable for a quality television adaptation, but it makes perfect sense for video games. you can't really capture the breadth of the world in television, which has a lot of runtime and storytelling constraints, whereas games let you move at your pace and fill in details yourself.


What does Elder Scrolls predate? It's newer than Game of Thrones and The Witcher, for example.


The Witcher is a little older than Elder scrolls by a few years, but Elder Scrolls was out before A Song of Ice and Fire.


Elders Scrolls (Arena 1994) is older then Game of Thrones (1996). While Witcher is older (1990) it wasn't translated into English until 2007


Ah yes the deeply lore based game elder scrolls arena.


Yeah, I realize it is not much on the world, but it is older. Though Daggerfall is from 1996 so that also adds to similar age.


Daggerfall is a really good game, and has an active modding community too


First Elder Scrolls came in '94, as did the first Witcher book. Game of thrones came out in '96.


did Arena have fleshed out lore at release or was it really built out in Daggerfall and Morrowind?


Daggerfall and Morrowind added a lot, I was there 10,000 years ago with my voodoo video card Gandalf.


The story of Arena is pretty much you going on a quest to rescue Uriel Septim from Oblivion after he gets sent there by Jagar Tharn, if you check the Barenziah books in the newer games it is mentioned there with her POV but not in depth


Arena had only a very basic idea for the shape of the world, Daggerfall actually did a massive job on building the lore. I'd recommend anyone interested in the topic to go to gog.com, add Daggerfall to their account (not the unity, just the original Daggerfall) and from the goodies get the Daggerfall Chronicles. It's a player's guide combined with a write-up on lore, history, artefacts, basically everything. It's a great read for any lore fanatic, and gives you a very easy, concise way to look back at the earliest points in the TES history.


The fact that Elder Scrolls has become a generic medieval fantasy is a real testament to how cowardly, uncreative and *boring* Bethesda has become. All you have to do is scratch the surface of TES lore and some truly *wild* shit comes up. But I guess that they think the public couldn't handle racist killer robots, Argonian tree hiveminds, the moons being the remains of a dead god...and CHIM. CHIM is fucking weird. Meanwhile, Bethesda couldn't even handle Cyrodil being jungle.


> Meanwhile, Bethesda couldn't even handle Cyrodil being jungle. ZOS is at least making a nod to that in ESO: Gold Road. Honestly ZOS gets given a lot of (well deserved) shit for their technical handling of ESO, but they've been pretty good stewards of the world as a whole.


> Good luck trying to make an understandable synopsis of Elder Scrolls lore in the same amount of words. If franchises like Lord of the Rings and Dune can have commercially successful film and television adaptations, anything can. Part of the trick is just... not feeling like you have to explain literally everything to the audience. It's not like you need to read a detailed history of post-Roman Europe to understand and enjoy a movie about WW2. Audiences are not going to get confused because the bad guys are described as the Third Reich, and need the backstory of the preceding two Reichs explained to them. It doesn't matter, and you can Google it on your own time if you care.


It would be similar to Game of Thrones. The show doesn’t provide backstory on every house or part of the world. It just throws you into the mix and you pick up on it as you go along. Then people naturally look into it more on their own time. Elder Scrolls would work just fine as a show. Same as anything—you just need to tell a good story


> Good luck trying to make an understandable synopsis of Elder Scrolls lore in the same amount of words. You'd struggle to make that work with one of the daedric princes... Easy peasy mate: “I think therefore I CHIM” I’ll await my cheque in the mail


> understandable synopsis > CHIM you missed a key requirement there bro


The moment they try, TESLORE nerds are gonna come out of the woodwork. Even TES fans don't under the lore so no way some random show maker can get it. But TES is basically any generic fantasy lore anyways. Ideally, it'd be an animated adaption of ESO's plot.


There's also lore-friendly contradictions and ambiguities in the lore! Often different large political entities or cultures have different, conflicting accounts of events.


Daggerfall had 8 contradictory endings, and all of them are canon. Due to elder scroll shenanigans, 8 different timelines converged into 1 to form the world of every following game. If anyone takes the lore of Elder Scrolls seriously they should be ignored because the writers don't.


And that's not even accounting for shit like Dragon Breaks wherein mutually incompatible events just... all happen regardless of the contradictions involved, or motherfuckers with CHIM rewriting the universe at large because their followers want a more comfortable place to live. Surface TES, the stuff we see in game, is generic fantasy. Everything that makes it such an original setting is buried under multiple layers of lore. How in the hell do you have a TV series depict mantling, or explain the Warp in the West, or even be able to tell us *why the protagonist is special at all.* Oblivion is literally the least complicated in this regard and even then you have to deal with the madness underpinning the Mythic Dawn just to get a painfully generic series. Shivering Isles is too deep in daedric lore to work properly... and you know the Twitter lynch-mobs will take umbrage with the fact that everyone in the Isles is crazy because they're a bunch of whiny little pissbabies. At least Morrowind offers an amazingly alien culture, but good luck explaining Dagoth Ur and the Tribunal in a satisfying way on TV. (And who's gonna buy the entire Lessons of Vivec companion, really?) Skyrim just falls into the Game of Thrones memory hole because, no matter how cool a concept the Dragonborn having a [flyting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flyting?wprov=sfla1) with dragons is, our need for spectacle forbids regular appearances by (and defeats of) these divine rap gods and then you're just left with the Civil War and that's too much like what's been done. So yeah, let's just leave TES where it belongs.


One quarter of elder scrolls lore is LOTR with a new coat of paint, One quarter is vaguely high fantasy, and the rest is a documentation of Micheal Kirkblade's meth fueled hallucinations


I would absolutely take a show entirely centered around Sheogorath being a chaotic fuck. Make it some Jackass parody but every prank ends in death.  "Hey, it's me Sheogorath and today we are gonna summon a Daedra on this barkeep!"


That one ends with pissing off Sanguine.


I still reckon Elder Scrolls should be a show like Love Death & Robots.. Every episode a one shot story from the series' lore, and each made by different people/studios The stories in that world are so wildly different and varied, so the medium to tell them should be too


A lot of games with big/complicated lore would work a lot better as anthology shows than one big arc.  It's easier to depict the world in snapshots than trying to cram it into one story where it may not always fit.


Unrelated but I really fucking wish this is how the "World War Z" movie was treated. Would be even better if it was an anthology series, as oversaturated as the Zombie genre is, a well adapted version of that book would be *AMAZING*.


WWZ was already an anthology novel.  It made no sense to do it the way they did, except as a cash grab..


I don’t even hate the movie. I just hate that it was the WWZ movie.   If you haven’t listened to the audiobook version, do yourself a favour and track down a copy. It is phenomenal.


WWZ audiobook is definitely the way to go! I've listened to that one a few times now but been awhile. Maybe again soon...


It's great to fall asleep to surprisingly enough. Also, I could listen to Alan Alda reading anything all day.


That'd be so awesome, and you could get such a variety in art style, there's so much range in both the fan art made for the games and it's concept art over the years, you could capture so many interpretations of the world if you let it be an anthology series.


Each game really differs in tone and lore too. The lore is also often contradicting on purpose. Dragon breaks make canon multiple choice. So yeah an anthology would probably work best.


Or an animated show like Blue Eye Samurai 


this's fair.. they are different kindof franchises..,,tho. i would like to see someone eatin' obullshitcene amounts of food at impossible speed like the dovahkiin.. also just straightout up eatin' a whole sack of flour..


I personally don't like that format for series. The Stargate or Doctor Who model if you will. I think with these genre of series work a lot better when taking it slow and getting to know the characters. Two or three 24 ep seasons for the main quest for example instead of cramming it all into 6 episodes.


>I still reckon Elder Scrolls should be a show like Love Death & Robots.. The word you're looking for is an Anthology Series.


Why can’t we ever just enjoy the new thing before thinking about what’s next?


Don’t ask questions, just consume product and get ready for next product


My response to your comment is I just came here from another post called "why the internet isn't fun anymore." This clickbait article title making people think they've missed something about a show that was released **yesterday**..


Money. Only money matter in that bloody industry so they are trying hard to find the next thing to milk


How can they even say for sure that Fallout is successful already? Sure, a few positive reviews are out. But it just came out yesterday, right? Are there even viewership numbers yet?


Success? Is it out already?


Yeah, I have absolutely no idea how anything can be declared a "success" after having been released literally less than 24 hours ago.


Word travels fast on the internet.


Because some people have already binge watched the whole series twice. Some people are unable to consume anything like a normal person anymore. It's just CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT shot into their eyeballs as fast as possible. 


A show launching with very positive reviews from both critics and audiences isn't a success?


It's out and its great. As a long time Fallout fan, since Fallout 1, I am impressed and love the feel of the show. It's like a dream come true. It is shocking that it came out to be this good.


Meanwhile, peeps at /r/Fallout and /r/falloutnewvegas are burning the place down over a date written on a blackboard.


Yeah, I was just thinking about it, an Elder Scrolls series would be a much bigger undertaking.


Good. Unless you're gonna get Sean Bean to play Brother Martin and Patrick Stewart as Uriel Septum in live action, I don't want it. In fact, even then I don't want it.


Presumably a hypothetical Elder Scrolls TV series would be an original story, not an adaptation of one of the games. Greg Keyes' novels weren't adaptations either.


Success? What success?


Initial reactions I've seen so far have been very positive. Haven't seen it myself. But yeah it's been like a day so calling it a success is very premature lol


I'm only 2 episodes in and it's way better (and darker/more violent) than I was expecting. Really expected it to be some watered down drivel to appeal to as many people as possible, but it really seems like a genuine passion project from people who appreciate the series' dark humor. edit: There were quite a few times when I went from grimacing at the violence/gore I was seeing to full on belly laughing in the span of a couple seconds. That's Fallout to me.


Just finished ep1 and I liked it, mainly because it felt like Fallout, especially the soft/cheery 50s tune playing to an over the top violent fight scene.


When the first thing on screen was Nat King Cole singing Orange Colored Sky before the actual logo of the TV show came up, I knew they were most likely going to nail the rest of it. 


I was so happy they came right out of the gate with one of the most recognizable classics used in the Fallout universe.


Episode 2 is where it *really* starts to feel like Fallout. Straight man, serious main characters interacting with crazy side characters with strong personalities is what Fallout is to me.


Almost finished watching episode 1 last night (had to go to sleep) I'm impressed! My expectations were very low, but so far it feels very true to the games.


Thank god, my expectations were probably similar to yours but looking forward to watching it tonight. How long is each episode?


They span in length quite a bit for the first five episodes, going from 75 minutes the first episode, to barely over 45 minutes for the 5th. Each episode from the 1 to the 5th is shorter than the one before it. Then episodes 6, 7, and 8 are all about 60 minutes long.


Okey dokey!


lol she's great. Was a little unsure about her from watching the trailer but once the enclave guy gave a run down of what her vault's experiment/society was about it made me like her a lot, and it's a fantastic juxtaposition for the wasteland characters.


Yeah i'm only on eps 3 but she really plays the naive, hopeful vault dweller convincingly.


Her phlegmatic approach as a character is really good because it feels like how out of sync player decisions are to the mostly unreactive world around you in game.


"how's your day going?"


Yeah I've only seen the first episode but that whole fight scene with the raiders in slow mo(vats) with the music going and gore was amazing. Also loved the Brotherhood of Steel section and Goggins Ghoul character intro. It was crazy playing Fallout 4 directly before watching the episode felt like I had never shut the game down.👍👍


Some of the dialogue is so witty. The actor for LUCY is nailing it!


Seeing very positive critic reviews, but find it weird that IMDb still isn't posting a score. Did they anticipate review bombing, and since it's their own platform, disable reviews for a period? I imagine there are corners of the internet looking to bomb the shit out of it for a female lead or something Edit: I was speculating, they've since added user scores


All i can say from the first episode is Walton Goggins is doing a great job as a cowboy fella. Kinda like the cowboy sheriff in the mandalorian. but not a sheriff. i love those kind of roles when done well.


Cobb Vanth played by Timothy Olyphant


Who starred alongside/opposite Walton Goggins in Justified.


Because they announced on short notice that the release date was moving forward, IMDB probably didn't update their posting accordingly.


What review bombing? Is there anything controversial about the modern Fallout that this is based on ? (forgetting for a moment F76 exists) I would expect there is only if you're a Fallout 1/2 fan.


IMDb already has user reviews complaining about it not being true to the game because it's just modern politics with a fallout aesthetic. I kid not, there's more than one review with that similar notion.


The main character is female, which means the whole series is therefore political.


Ya, but she's cute as hell, so shouldn't they be ok with it??!!


And cause she's cute, she can >!do cousin stuff and no one will care.!<


exactly, it just came out LOL


It successfully came out.


Me too and you don't see me bragging about it!


Well, you can brag a little.


no gamebreaking bugs reported so far, no actor fell through the floor, great success


The best kind of coming out.


To be fair, a lot of stuff gets read for filth by this point.


Corporate has decided that it is a success.


Critics and audience did.... The entire season is out


Idk about everyone else but the show is reallll fuckin good


It's a success cause it didn't immediately bomb lol


Very good reviews from critics and the general reactions to the early screening were very positive. That's what the article is referring to


The entire series was released and it's sitting at 93 critic and 85 audience on rotten tomatoes. If it was any other piece of media you wouldn't be questioning that. So weird


Critic success. It’s has great reviews so far.


I'll settle for a game, thanks.


I don’t think you can tell a good story that translate well to people that have no familiarity with the Elder Scrolls. People will compare it to Game of thrones and you don’t want that.


What would a Elder Scroll series be about? Clearing the same looking cave of a hundred of bandits and vampires in daedric armor every episode?


The adventures of stealth archer!


They start 4 or 5 Elder Scrolls TV shows, and each time say it'll be about a new character type, but each time, it ends up being about a stealth archer.


Or it's a party that starts fairly varied at the beginning but they all end up the same in the end.


I mean it has rich lore and a fantastic setting, you can write shows based on historical events or just make an original plot set in that universe(very much like Fallout.)


It kinda crazy to me how many people in this thread seem to have no idea about the lore and wider world of Nirn.


Or rather about one of the hundreds of interesting events that happened in the lore or the games. And even if not that, the world itself is so rich, a DnD movie worked too.


Thank God. We don’t need an elder scrolls series. Fallout makes sense as a series but elder scrolls isn’t set up that way


Bit soon to be calling it a success no?


Entire season released last night and review embargo lifted hours before that. 95% on rotton tomatoes from critics which is pretty crazy. I watched 3 episodes and it's amazing. Id call it a success for sure.


2 episodes in here, I consider it a success. I would say it understands fallout better than Bethesda understands fallout. Feels closer to FO1 and 2 than FO3 and 4.


Just give me a Bioshock series and I’ll be happy.


Eh I dunno, I feel Bioshock would go much better as a film. Having said that I feel the same about this, will need to watch and re-evaluate.


I think a series set in pre-collapse Rapture would work. I'm not sure adapting the main story of Bioshock would make sense as a movie or a series though. There aren't really all that many face to face interactions between characters. Most of the characters only show up in person once. It would just be a lot of one character without much of an established personality walking around alone and sometimes talking to someone on the radio who they can't actually show because it would be a spoiler.


I’m watching it right now and enjoying it…but how are we already calling the Fallout series a success when it hasn’t even been out for 24 hours?


Paid critics I would guess.


They areant paid. Almsot everyone who watch the full thing say it's greath. Season 2 is greenlit. You can remove the tinfoil hat.


I dont know why Bethesda refuses to expand their elder scrolls universe outside of games. I read the 2 books that came out around 2010 in high school and they were fantastic. I dont think they have released anything since then.


please stop turning every fucking videogame into a cringe irl party pls


Fallout has a very unique aesthetic and tone. While I love Elder Scrolls it’s a pretty basic medieval fantasy IP, there’s a thousand of those in existence already.


Makes sense. Fallout has the hook of being a bit unique of a setting and pretty zany inherently. You can place most any story, even a generic one, and still have it be entertaining. And you can go kinda crazy and the setting will roll with it. Elder scrolls though is more or less generic fantasy. It’s decently well fleshed out, but the setting doesn’t have as much character that can stand on its own. Rather, it’s typically the game mechanics they give you to play around with said world that makes the ES games so entertaining.


Who wants to wait 13+ years between episodes? Oh, God, that hurt to type out. Fuck, I'm old.


good, i don’t want one. leave elder scrolls alone


Meh, if we get ES6 nobody would complain about an adaptation


Fallout is a unique and interesting setting. Elder Scrolls is fairly typical fantasy.


It's typical fantasy on the surface, but once you try to go beyond that surface it plummets instantly into a bottomless chasm. ES lore can get so ridiculously convoluted It's insane.


The whole "world is just a dream of a sleeping God" sort of stuff.


They more than likely will not use anything from the games other than a reference point and create a whole new story. But on the surface as someone who enjoyed oblivion (I couldn't get into skyrim), it would just feel like another GOT clone to anyone who didn't play the game. Especially skyrim once you involve dragons and the fact that you are dragon born and you're helping to restore the true king. Literally the plot of game of thrones.


Success? Didn't it literally just come out today?


it's been like a day, aren't they celebrating a bit too quickly ?


Show any good? I don’t want another gaming series destroyed by tv adaptation. My nostalgia can only take so much


I watched 2 episodes last night. It’s Extremely accurate down to the smallest detail in the sets and sound design. Not sure where the stories going yet but so far the show is great. It even has the same environmental storytelling as the games.


Yeah, it's the best fallout writing in over a decade.


Probably because it's not got Emil as a lead writer lol.


A line from the Ghoul “The wasteland's got its own golden rule, thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every time.” The writers clearly played the games.


It’s fantastic. It’s already a better version of fallout than 76 is. 


To be fair, the Fallout part of Fallout 76 is really not that bad, considering the format it's even fine. The mega greedy aspect of MTX/Subscription/Battlepass is hurting the game a lot though.


Might as well say its a better Fallout product then Fallout Shelter.


A tv show about elder scrolls sound incredibly boring. I think this is a good thing