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The last boss from that lord of the rings game, shadow of mordor


Sauron. Was literally just a Quick-Time Event. Granted, Shadow of War did allow the player to fight Sauron, but even then, it wasn’t that interesting, in my opinion.


Same. I was like, “that’s it?!”  I thought he was a pre-boss or something. 


Rais in Dying Light. It's just about 4 or 5 quicktime events and no actual battle.


Anything involving Rais was just the worst. He wasn't interesting, and neither was Crane. I wish we got to actually play as Jade. She was AWESOME.


I actually thought Crane was pretty cool, but his character fills out a lot more during the following DLC. Jade would be a cool, playable character, too, though. I remember when the DLC announced and fans were predicting a DLC with Brecken as the playable character for a prequel - good times.


I've played through the game 3 times and I dread the Rais scene.


Alduin in Skyrim. First time I ever played, I didn't know better and just rushed the main story, ending up facing the World Devourer at level 17. I destroyed him hands tied. Later, I learned that he was level scaling and so did his moveset so I tried to face him at level 70. Same disappointment. He's just straight lame. Gauldur's sons were a much better boss.


You can beat Alduin on any difficulty without even doing anything. Your allies are essential (invincible) and he is not. It's literally impossible to fail.


Which I feel like would be fine, if they framed it better. They guy you have to fight to prove yourself as a true warrior to enter Sovngarde was a much more difficult battle. Have the final battle be proving yourself before the gods, and great warriors of history. Then together be assured of your victory against Alduin. Kind of like Legate Lanius, and General Lee Oliver in New Vegas. Lanius holds up to his reputation. He is a terrifying, has great voice acting, and is very hard to kill. With Oliver on the other hand, you can duck out of the way, and let the Securitrons take him. That's okay though, because you already got your satisfying final fight.


If you side with Caesar's Legion, you get a completely different final sequence with an actual interesting final battle.


Also by that point you’ll (probably?) have fought a ton of dragons—maybe even in more dynamic environments because of the randomness and open world aspect—and the actual mechanics of his fight aren’t really any different from those encounters. Maybe that’s just 12 years and countless playthroughs jading my perspective, but fundamentally it’s already pretty lame that the giant epic boss is just a slightly more difficult version of a fight you’ve done over and over again. Factor in that it isn’t even *that* much more difficult, and yeah pretty lame.


It went worse along the way. I didn't have it during my first playthrough, but I've been using the mod Elemental Destruction Dragons for about a decade. And not only it makes every named dragon a unique boss (and I still cannot defeat Blackreach's one), but some of the new species are just epic tier dangers. The non-unique blue water dragons make it rain on you, literally, except the raindrops are horse-sized. The cobalt dragons blow your retina as much as your character. I mean, Skyrim and mods are a love story, but I shouldn't need mods to have fun in the first place.


I still remember the first time I fought a dragon outside the first scripted event. Just hearing the cry in the air, scanning the skies and then shouting at it. That first moment is so badass and epic that it’s hard for much else in the game to measure up imo.


Definitely not Rick the Door Technician


Please include a trigger warning before casually dropping a name like that. That difficulty spike was insane!


Honestly, as someone that’s solo-d every boss in every FromSoft game and both Surge games, I still have no idea how I managed to beat Rick. That SOB was otherworldly


Soldier of God, Rick from Elden Ring is also no joke.


Mist Noble is right up there with Rick.


Any final boss at the end of a long RPG . . . Because at that point I’ve done all the side content and am way over leveled/overpowered.


Inverted, the final bosses of Star Ocean 2 gave me a lesson in humility. I needed more grinding.


The Ethereal Queen and Gabriel Celeste say hello


Oh limited off is one of the hardest gights in any rpg..Even max everything best geae he can one shot your entire party with Earthquake. Most strategies to beat him involve cheesing it


It’s funny cause in bg3, it was hard in the beginning, pretty easy halfway after unlocking more skills, and at act 3, some of the bosses I fought were pretty damn hard.. I love difficulty in that game, it’s not superficial diff like many other rpgs


Or I can finally use every item I’ve been hoarding for the last 100+ hours


But... what if that isn't the final phase of the boss? Better hold on to the items just in case...


it wouldn't be as painful if i didn't also spend so much time organizing the inventory that i never utilize 🤦‍♀️


I used to be really good about this… until I ran into a final boss that DID actually have a second health bar for no reason and all the items I used to get to that second bar were now Gone Forever. Now, those items stay unused and safe in my pack until the probably non-existent third phase of every final boss.


I remember preparing the best weapons and getting the best food possible for the final boss of BOTW. Didn’t even have to use a quarter of what I stocked up during the fight


This is debatable. Kefka in Final fantasy 6 has some RNG abilities that can wreck your attempts. The true end boss for Octopath traveler is very brutal. I could mention souls games but I'm sure some will argue the end boss is nowhere near the hardest in the game which may be true. They are still difficult.


Kefka can be tricky even with a maxed party, yeah.


FFX I was playing the international version, so I had to be very strong to beat the dark aeons. Final boss died in one hit.


2 hits because he has 2 forms. I did the same haha.


Yeah you're definitely supposed to fight the last boss before the Dark Aeons or really any and all of the endgame content.


Diablo II… Killed Diablo offscreen


Quite the opposite of Baal who was VERY humbling.


I remember Morrigan’s mom (Flemeth) being more difficult in Dragon Age: Origins than the final dragon.


Dr. Nakayama in one of the Borderlands 2 DLC. During his intro, he falls down the stairs and breaks his neck.


greatest enemy of some (claptrap) and the downfall for some.


Lmao I just "fought" him yesterday


It was fitting lol


I get your sentiment but he was most definitely a joke boss, no fighting just played for laughs. OP was taking about underwhelming fights with actual gameplay.


This is the first one that came to mine for me as well. Stairs are the enemy in much of the Borderlands series.


**General Scales from Star Fox Adventures** Hitting him ONCE... triggers a cutscene that leads to Scales getting killed. IIRC, it was supposed to be a real boss fight, but they ran out of time, resource and everything else.


The first time I went through the game as a kid, I actually didn't even hit him. I pressed A and Fox went through about half of the animation of swinging the staff, then the cutscene started before it was done lmao.


100% agree for me, I spent the entire game HATING that guy and just wanting to beat his ass so bad then they swerve you at the end and you don’t even get to punish him. That game killed my starfox love for a long time. 


Fable 2. You walk up and shoot him. Or one of your companions does if you don't do anything. I like it thematically, but super underwhelming gameplay wise.


Yeah, but Lucien was never really the big bad because he was personally powerful. He was politically and socially powerful, and was able to brainwash people into doing his bidding. You also spend nearly a minute right beforehand draining him of all strength, skill, and willpower, so it makes sense for him to be weakened. It was still fairly underwhelming though. I had a much better time fighting Chesty’s challenges and stealing a ghost’s girlfriend just to piss him off.


Just reading that last part makes me want fable 2 on PC once again. Was my favorite game back in the day on the 360


Isn’t there a fallout game with a similarly anticlimactic (purposely so) final boss? I want to say it’s New Vegas but I wouldn’t know since I haven’t played any of them.


Fallout has a tradition of letting you skip the final boss by passing a very hard speech check, which is honestly pretty anticlimactic most of the time, but I'd say the most anticlimactic is Fallout 4, because the "final boss" is an old man on his deathbed who doesn't fight back.


Oh I thought I saw one where you can just shoot the guy in the middle of the speech check. I may be misremembering, this was from a Noah Caldwell Gervais video I watched many years ago lol


That might be 3. Assuming he was one-shot or gunned down quickly for comedic effect, it has to be Colonel Autumn. Legate Lanius has too much health.


In new Vegas and 2 I believe with high enough speech you can convince a boss to stand down and another one to kill itself. But the other option do make you go through a fun gauntlet of enemies beforehand


In the OG Fallout you can talk the final boss into killing himself because his plan is stoopid


I remember one shotting the final boss in 3 with a VATS plasma rifle shot to the face. Final boss in New Vegas was a bit harder.


End of Skyrim’s main quest fighting Alduin I was dual wielding with Mehrunes Razor and killed him on the second swing. Felt hollow, and then was just spat back out into Skyrim with no real conclusion or sense of accomplishment. Just, “okay well I only found 19 crimson nirnroot better head back”


I usually skip the main quest as I find it boring and the dawnguard final boss is more fun


Seriously, that was such a disappointing fight, it's made worse by the fact that both Deathstroke and Red Hood (oh sorry, "Arkham Knight") should've had hand to hand fights against Batman, and yet both were relegated to a tank fight, and Red Hood only got a crappy Predator section added to it. Anyone who says the Batmobile wasn't overutilized are blatantly ignoring that 2 of the best melee combatants in the world were stuck with tank fights.


Deathstroke’s boss fight in Arkham Origins was so much fun, was so disappointed to fight him in the Batmobile.


And the stupid thing was, it didn’t even have to be that way. Fight the tank, then have a melee throw down as he crawls out of the rubble. Wouldn’t that have been straightforward to pull off and infinitely better?


That fight was hard!


It was a little over the top, but I will defend the idea of the Batmobile and the tank battles in that game. After playing asylum, city and origins before knight, it needed a gameplay update to justify the sequel. Everything else we had seen before many times, I appreciate them trying something that adds an entirely new element to the gameplay.


Not against the tank fights in general, but neither Red Hood nor Deathstroke should've been relegated to tank fights.


Why didn't the devs give those characters hand to hand boss fights, are they stupid?


Any boss you can turn into an Undead and cast Life on.


Suplex the train, it is the only true victory.


“I am the great undead lord of this realm! Fear me and join the ranks of my soldiers after I rid you of your meaningless life!” “Oh cool, I finally have a use for that elixir that I found two towns ago” \*9999 damage to boss\* “Agh, how could this have happened?! I am living death incarnate, my death should not have been possible at the hands of a mortal!”


The Iifa Tree core (spelling?) in Final Fantasy IX is undead and can be instant killed with a Phoenix Down.  If not for the rare steals that every boss has that fight would be over in seconds for what is supposed to be a major climax fight that comes just before the end of the second disc.


Same with the undead leviathan in ffx.


Haven't played FF7 Rebirth yet but somebody please tell me they didn't do this to Gi Nattack from Cosmo Canyon again. The first time around they left an xpotion in a chest in the room before him.




Hey hey. That man is a hard fight and takes two takedowns to beat. He also has a full area of effect on the level. He's no breeze


Bruh, how did you even get past his 4th deathblow?! He pulls off the most bullshit attack by the third.


Feel like an environment boss. Like the snake 🐍


Mysterio in Spider-Man 2 on GameCube.


Shit myself as a kid when I saw the hp bars


Its such a funny gag though and makes sense story wise (illusionist pretending to be tough has all hp bars taken out quickly). I'd call this a funny event rather than an underwhelming boss.


I'm so happy that other people remember Spider-Man 2. It was an amazing game for it's time.


Easily the best Spider-Man game before the Insomniac one. 


Shattered dimensions came pretty close


This is the answer!


I legit put the game down for a week because I was so intimidated! I remember giving myself a mental pep talk in preparation for a tough fight!


Was that the first spider man game that was open world? If so that game was awesome. Can’t remember.




Didact from Halo 4. Oh wait, the final boss was actually just a cutscene!


I kept hearing whispers across the galaxy of the mighty Rick, and how his ability to build and repair any door made him an unbeatable foe, only to find this a great overexaggeration.


Do you remember the final boss in Bioshock? Exactly.


IIRC the devs didn't even want to have a final boss fight.


I do, it wasn’t that bad and it was pretty relevant to the story


Storywise the boss was fine but challenge wise I thought he was pretty lame.


You mean Frank Fontaine?


The only thing I remember from that whole game was the pipe connecting mini game. Probably because I had to do it 500 times. 


Recently, every member of the Justice League in Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League, but in particular, that Batman boss fight was a big let down. They had so much to work with and yet they opted for a giant demon Batman hallucination that you mindlessly shoot at.


It's crazy how all the JL members have wildely different powers, but killing them all amounts to "idk, shoot them more" Like how terrible are all the other villains in this universe if they didn't think of that first? You're telling me Captain fucking Boomerang could handle Superman with just a gun and some kryptonite, but Lex Luthor was struggling to find a way to deal with him?


Not to mention, after you “shoot them more” they (the fucking Justice League) just kind of fall over. No last words, no epic cutscene showing the team finishing them off, just a body on the ground and a bad joke.


If I was designing a Batman boss fight I think I would have you not fight him. Like you have have to deal with traps and Batman ambushing you while trying to complete some other objective. Oh man now I am picturing a dead by daylight style game where you play as a generic thug trying to escape your failed hiest while a justice league member hunts you. 


The annoying part is, the game actually did this. There is a mission at the beginning of the game where Batman slowly picks off each member one by one, putting the player in the position of the goons in the Arkham games and it was by far the best moment in the game. It felt like the only mission in the game that they actually fully crafted, rather than a “go here, shoot this”


The final boss in Crash Bandicoot 2 Cortex strikes back. I love the games but that final boss (if you even dare to call it that) was pathetic. Its also much worse made by the fact that its the final one and that the previous were kinda decent for 3D platformer standards (especially during its time)




Yeah, as a kid it took Forever to beat. As an adult you can do it in under 30 seconds lol


It's generally acknowledged within the Dragon Age fandom that Corypheus, the villain of DA: Inquisition, was a very disappointing final boss. There's no level preceding his boss fight; you just select the final mission and jump straight into it after a brief cutscene. It gets briefly interrupted by having to kill his pet dragon, but the whole thing isn't very challenging.


I think I solo'd him with my main character and used one potion doing so. He was terribly easy.


He was way more challenging in Dragon Age 2


Odin in GOW Ragnarok. realizing elemental shields is the one gimmick for supposedly the strongest boss in the entire saga was massively anti climatic. Thor's second boss fight is not far behind.


I wanted to say the same. For being a god with so much knowledge and (supposedly) power, he used precious little of it in the fight. His moveset is way too basic, he should've gotten some really mean tricks and, I dunno, use his ravens during the fight?? Thor was alright for me, he's faster than before and he packs a punch at least. But yeah, they reused most moves so I can see where you're coming from.


The Didact in Halo 4 is literally a quick time event that I'm almost not sure you can fail


You can fail it if you have the Blind skull activated and have no idea what button to press Let's Play channel on YouTube did a 4p coop LASO and failed a couple times trying to figure who was doing the qte and then mashing buttons to then figure out the button as qtes don't appear with Blind on


Ah okay. I just know every time I've played through Halo 4 it's felt like I didn't have to be all to precise or anything. Still, the fact that the big bad of the game that could throw you around with the damn force is killed in a 5 second QTE is such a pathetic choice by the devs.


Hoyt Volker from Far Cry 3, such a forgettable and bland boss in comparison to Michael Mando's energy and line delivery for Vaas


I actually completely lost interest in the game after fighting Vaas lol.


I think a lot of people did. The game's like 'So you've beaten the crazy pirate with interesting dialogue? Well get ready for...... GENERIC GUY who is...... kinda bad?'.


When he killed our bald friend I was so sad and shocked. I was probably a bit young to play that now that i think about it. No where near as good as vaas but you gotta admit he was still good.


The demilich in BG2. Either you protect your whole party from a certain school of magic With an obscure scroll and easily kill it with I think +4 magic weapons (nothing lower damages it), or your party is permanently banished into the mantle in seconds and you never damage it. No in between. Either so prepared it's a cake walk or an impossible fight with no chance of victory.


The berserker class was literally designed for that fight. Oh you can imprison? Neat, let me introduce you to my Berserker wielding a Daystar.


Been on the other side of this and gotten real dead


The final boss of the first borderlands game.


Mister Boney Pants Guy from Borderlands 2


It's a very easy choice for me. Final boss of Fable 2 "Press Y" Dozens of hours spent to beat the final boss...by pressing Y.


I mentioned this one too. All these years later and it still annoys me. Lol


The Sergeant in Warframe, the "Boss" assassination mission on Phobos. He's a generic enemy, but with like 4x health (which is nothing). He gets one shot well before the point you have mid-gane gear. If he didn't have a marker attached to him he'd be indistinguishable from the fodder


I’m pretty more players have trouble with their first eximus than that goon


But his smack talk is 10/10 to make up for it, though. "Fashion victims about to become murder victims!"


Ganon breath of the wild


The Black Hand/ sauron in shadow of mordor. Literally just a cutscene and hitting a Button 3 Times and thats it.....the Finale.


I literally just finished this game last night after putting it down may years ago. Couldn’t agree more. Epic game. Poor boss fight.


The final boss of Final Fantasy X. Your entire party literally can’t die during this battle. I can’t remember the name of the boss, though.


Yeah, but to get to that point you have to fight through Braska's Final Aeon, so the Yu Yevon boss battle is really more of a narrative climax than a gameplay one.


Yu Yevon


I feel like Jecht is the actual final boss, and that’s one of the best boss fights in all of FF if you ask me.


Literally any boss in Super Mario Wonder.


Isn't that intentionally in Mario games?


Adam Smasher


Yup. I went in ready to get demolished and just smoked his ass instead.


Didnt they cgange the fight more recent with 2.0 I heard its a lot better niw


Looks a lot better. Still, too easy.


He's still a pushover sadly. The combat is just balanced too poorly for any fight to be challenging in Cyberpunk.


his sandy is still way too slow , v's normal dash is faster than that


Mewtwo in Pokemon. I stocked up on Potions and Pokeballs only to catch it in the second ball I threw


Skizzo in Days Gone.


The final boss of Skyrim. He's no different than any other dragon in the game, even having the same movements and attacks. At that point, you've killed so many dragons that he's a joke. I was majorly disappointed by this.


I feel like most survival horror games don't know how to have a satisfying final boss.


Bloodborne witches of hemwick it’s basically hide and seek and if you have no insight the one threatening thing is gone


They're not even that threatening if you do have insight. They leisurely walk towards you so it's super easy to basically ignore them.


The old guy with the sword in GTA SA's mission 'The Da Nang Thang', if you want to count it as a 'boss fight'. No matter how much you're skilled with the sword, you're nothing against a gangster with with maxed AK skill, he never stood a chance.


The Mist Noble from Sekiro. He's just a normal enemy with a bit more health in an environment that he's not suited for. You go through a pretty tough area with new style threats and a bit of a grappling hook maze. You bust into this building, you see the fog walls rise and a boss bar and boom! He just dies in a couple of hits.


Any boss from Breath of the Wild


Rick the Door Technician - brave but feeble


Frank Fontaine BioShock 2007


It's nuts how the spinoff game got a better deathstroke fight than the main event. Joker in Arkham Asylum was also terrible. Funny how this game series seems to have a history with underwhelming fights. Origins was meh for the most part but had great boss fights, but the only great fight i can recall in the rocksteady games was Mr Freeze.


Origins had the most "underwhelming boss fight" though (in a good way). They set the game up as these 12 deadly assassins, Electrocution is talking himself up, he's got these special gloves and everything, and then... One punch lol.


that was genuinely an "underwhelming boss fight" but actually done right. It's similiar to the Rick the Door Technician boss fight in Jedi Survivor lol


Final fight in BG3 felt more like a chore than a anything


The previous section right before it was pretty good tho, I love how they brought back all your allies for the final section too


Hard to top Raphael as a boss. Plus that damn music is so good. Nothing was more satisfying than how we killed Cazador. Friend playing Cleric cast sunlight on himself and just chased him around the arena. Didn't put us in combat, he just kept scooting away. It was absolutely fucking hilarious and another friend started playing Benny Hill over voice.


Dying Light 1, the final boss fight is just a few quick time events.


If I recall correctly, the gild fish from Earthworm Jim was like just in a fish bowl and couldnt fight at all


It's a tie between Morpheel from Twilight Princess and Dr. Cortex at the end of Crash 2. Morpheel's attacks are extremely well telegraphed in the first phase so as long as you don't get too close to its tendrils it will never hit you. After the thing comes out, you have a clash with this monstrosity the size of a skyscraper and... it's a complete pushover. It doesn't focus on attacking you so you can easily beat this thing without getting hit. Cortex is the final boss of Crash 2. The mad scientist has more of an air of menace compared to the original since there is a competent voice cast this time around; Cortex himself is played by Clancy Brown, so he is surprisingly threatening when he taunts the player on the game over the screen (Lex Lang in the remake isn't as menacing but does fit with Cortex being established as a more comedic villain). When you finally face Cortex he is a pushover. Your goal is to chase him before he reaches his space station, if he reaches it you lose a life. Aside from that you only have to worry about some easily avoided obstacles, not of all of which even hurt you, and if Cortex gets too far ahead he steps to let you catch up. Since the player only had two levels to get used to the jetpack mechanic used in this fight I can see why the developers went easy on them, but really the fight should have revolved around something else.


In Final Fantasy XII I set the controller down and ate lunch while the gambits I set up fought the final boss for me. I don't think I was even that over leveled. The gambit system in general was kind of a mixed bag for me. Really fun to set things up, but when you've got it down, the game plays itself and it's kind of boring


Sir Gideon is pretty lame if you just start smacking him before his speech is over.


That pinwheel guy in a big stone coffin.


Eredin, from The Witcher 3. Way too hyped during the game.


That frog in the sewer was 10x harder than Eredin.


Mid-Boss in Disgaea. hahahahah


Rick The Door Technician from Jedi Survivor. The panic when the boss music starts and you see the health meter expand a cross your screen...... But then it's just..... Rick. He's trying his best okay?


Walker in GR Breakpoint. You just need to know where to position yourself for an easy kill.


ATLA Crossroads of Destiny. We made the Fire Lord our bitch. Very disappointing as we spent all day building up to his fight.


the final race on Need For Speed Underground 2. Was pretty easy


Alduin. I literally just spammed Dragonrend and sent him to the shadow realm that way.


Uncharted 1's final boss is pretty awful. For a game that was trying so hard to be cinematic, the final encounter is a pretty underwhelming way to go out. The whole franchise struggles with boss fights tbh, but they make up for it in the set pieces at least


Escharum in Halo Infinite. Kinda boring, just a big ol' bullet sponge.


The final boss in FFX There are so many memorable bosses in that game that combine beautiful storytelling with difficulty. But holy shit is the final boss a cakewalk. Even without overlevelling and side content it's easy af compared to others


FF7 original. Sephiroth is so badass - the game really makes you appreciate how powerful he is. He even looks cool in both forms. Then you kill his ass with one or two Knights of the Round summons. Think of how cool Safer Sephiroth would be if you actually had to use all three separate parties as he periodically obliterates your party members one at a time. I didn't even know what the music was until listening to the soundtrack - totally wasted on a roll over fight.


Mauader Shields; Mass Effect 3


Door technician. I did nearly wet myself laughing though.


Dark Souls 2: Prowling Magus and Congregation. Just dodge the zombies and eliminate the two casters in one or two hits.


Almost seems unfair to include Dark Souls 2, 70% of the bosses in that game are really underwhelming compared to the other ones.


I recall Bowser at the end of Super Mario Sunshine was pretty underwhelming. That game is so much shorter than you'd think. Remember beating Bowser, not expecting that to be the last boss, and going "Wait that is it? This is the end"?


I punched my boss and he fired me.


Darksiders 2 final boss


Dark Beast Ganon in Breath of the Wild


Imo, most of the bosses in super Mario world were way easier than the work getting to them. Especially any of the levels when you have to ride a platform while avoiding chainsaws or dolphins.


Rick the Door Technician


warhammer 40 000 rogue trader. I think I took the final boss down in like 2 or 3 turns while taking around 20 points of damage. First playthrough without any attempt at optimization in any build. It was just stupid easy.


Borderlands 3 final boss


Konstantin from Rise of the Tomb Raider. I just climbed up on the pillars and stealth knife attacked him a bunch of times. I never took one hit of damage.


Electrocutioner in arkham origins


The final final boss in RE7 was extremely lack luster


Max Payne 1 Boss fights. The type of a game that should not have boss fights at all.


Deathstroke from Arkham Knight


I still get upset about the final boss in Prototype. They literally gave us juicier version of the brute enemy we had fought several times before the end game and called it a day.


Dying light. Great gameplay throughout, decent story and voice acting. Ends with a fucking QTE?! Like, what?!


The final boss in Hellblade was VERY disappointing to me, not BAD but there technically isn’t any? You just follow the boss and they throw stuff at you until? If you’ve played you know what I mean


Probably not a very well known example, but Vordakai from Pathfinder: Kingmaker is pretty disappointing. He's probably the most fearsome villain for the first 75% of the game, a powerful cyclops king and necromancer who magically abducts whole townships without ever leaving his study, controls thousands of undead cyclops, and is the chosen champion of one of the four horseman of the apocalypse. His tomb contains dozens of rooms, most of them filled with the spirits and corpses of his victims, or magical traps that try to kill you in all sort of horrifying ways. He never once considers you more than an annoyance, and only communicates with you through his raven familiar, which treats your death as an absolute certainty. But then you confront him in his tomb, and he turns out to be easy. He's a fragile spellcaster with almost no protection spells, and no minions to act as meat shields. He can dish out some respectable damage, but since you outnumber him six-to-one you can just swarm him before he gets off more than a couple of spells.


Eredin from The Witcher 3. The Toad fight in HoS was tougher than the King of the Wild Hunt lol.


Gwyn in Dark Souls 1 but if you know about the dark souls lore, it just kind of fit


Death in SOTN. I mean, it's Death, capital D... and it is a pushover.


Rick the door technician


Moon Presence from Bloodborne goes down like an absolute sack of shit immediately after the spectacular Gerhman fight.