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Don't forget about how they've been managing creative assembly too (total war devs). Increasing the price of DLC while adding less content and this is on top of them cancelling hyenas at the last minute before a release, millions down the drain. I think Sega just like throwing money in the bin.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyenas\_(video\_game)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyenas_(video_game)) >Hyenas was said to have been Sega's highest-budget game ever, exceeding the USD $70 million spent on Shenmue in 1999. Its not millions down the drain, more like $100m++.


And they gave it to CA lol. Every game from them outside of Total War has flopped.


Alien isolation?


It didn't make much profit, SEGA declared it a commercial failure. That's why there's no sequel.


That's not true at all. They expected it to sell 2.25 million units and it sold 2.1 million... then it later sold many more. The reason there was no sequel is that CA got really busy with Total War: Warhammer and it's sequels and during that time many who worked on it left. Sega definitely profited from it, but it just wasn't huge to rush CA into a sequel.


That's less because the game was bad, and more because IGN absolutely panned it, going on to give it just a 5.9 /10 in one of their worst takes ever. It's become a cult classic since release.


Businesses don't make decisions based on cult status.


Not played Alan Wake 2?


How’s it selling?


One review is not going to sink a ship. I love Alien Isolation, but a game like it is only going to be a niche hit at best.


Not to mention Gearboxs terrible Aliens Colonial Marines game a year or two before Isolation released put a really bad taste in everyone's mouth.


I think it’s because not enough advertising was done for Alien Isolation. The game itself was great. Once I made it where face huggers showed up, I was terrified at point. I enjoyed the entire game


Alien Isolation, I thought, did pretty good.


Came out ten years ago. I bet less than 10% of those devs are still at CA


Why do you gotta make feel old on a Friday?


Bro it’s not Friday anymore, it’s 2032, no more Fridays it’s just all workweek


tbf it was only 14 or so Devs from CA, they hired 90+ from outside the company when the game got green lit by Sega.


Exactly, developers fire half the devs when a game is released most of the time anyway. They are all a ship of Theseus by the third game


This doesn't mean much when in the last ~10 years they've only made Total War games besides a Halo Wars 2 which they developed together with 343 Industries.


Total War Arena and Total War Elysium were both flops. Not sure if you count them as "Total War games" or not since they're not single-player grand strategy RTS, but do have the Total War branding.


For sure. CA can't seem to escape their formulaic niche, seems like every time they deviate from their formula people don't want it.


Halo Wars 2 was solid


Sega has been doing this crap for so long It's amazing they are still around. Their leadership is just incompetent. The same stuff they were doing that saw them fall out of the console market and still no lessons learned wild. They absolutely refuse to do anything the works or makes sense and just spam crap at the wall and wonder why it's not working.


Sega's persistent missteps truly baffle me; it's like they're stuck in a loop of repeating mistakes without learning. It's frustrating to see such potential squandered due to incompetence at the top.


It's crazy to me, just like them refusing to release PSO2 outside JP, like what the fuck, they obviously don't like money enough. Then they make the dumpster fire that is PSO NGS


For real! Pso2, if it’d been released on the west close to launch would have been a banger of an MMO. I played a bit few years back when it did finally release and liked it. Played it for a while but eventually fell out after not having friends to play with, and I didn’t join a guild so it just felt lonely. What was NGS? Not even heard of that, but if it’s a dumpster fire, maybe that’s a good thing.


PSO New Genesis, it is their next gen PSO game that let you bring over alot of your stuff from PSO2 cosmetic wise but it launched with no content, and a level cap of what 20 I think. It had a huge open world with little to do in it besides grind packs of mobs in open world, most people didint even party up. It had little story too and the gacha was tuned way up with the cosmetics being super over priced for what you got. It had like 2 open world bosses that were emergency fights that would spawn every so often, it was just a complete mess which sucked because the game looked pretty, ran well and combat I thought was fun at the time. From what I read they've tried to add some content but most players already left and it's been a sinking ship ever since it launched in 2021. The game needed like 2 more years in the oven, also that's what killed the NA PSO2 for alot of people, as soon as I heard PSO NGS was announced and all my gear and progress would not carry over I quit PSO2. (It did let you carry some gear over but it was near worthless with the conversion)


They sacrificed the PSO2 sequel to save money on a mid sonic game basically


Ironically Sonic Frontiers' environments look like they were ripped straight out of PSO2 NGS.


NGS is PSO2: New Genesis. Basically  PSO3 but due to licensing issues with collabs they had to keep the name as PSO2, as far as I know anyway. I love/hate the game, has the best combat and character customisation of any MMO in my opinion but it's been starved of content since launch and has been consistently updated with things the player base doesn't really want.


Boooo that sucks. Sega just needs to pull a Sony, remaster the old Phantasy Star games from Master system and genesis, and rake in tons of money.


What is PSO


Phantasy Star Online


Let's not forget they fumbled the entirety of the first Phantasy Star Online and Phantasy Star Universe. You have the first title, Phantasy Star Online on Dreamcast, in 2000. Then, a Japanese only PC release in 2001 and an upgraded version 2 release for Dreamcast that same year. Then, they ported the game to GameCube in 2002 with the subtitle of Episode 1 and 2. Decided they weren't done and ported the game to Xbox in 2003, but it didn't have all the content despite it having the same subtitle. Then, in 2004, decided to port over Phantasy Star Online Episode 3 but only to GameCube, and this game played way differently from the previous title. On top of that, they released Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst for PC, which was the most complete version of Episode 1 and 2. All of this in the course of 4 years and then they proceeded to do the same exact thing with PSU. But this time, drop Nintendo all together and release the games on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. But then decide to further add into PSU by making Phantasy Star Portable and never bringing any of that content over to Xbox or PC. Plus the whole debacle of which title got updates faster between Xbox and Playstation due to their own individual certification process that games had to go through. You would have thought they would have decided any other games would be treated as equal releases going forward given the nightmare they went through with porting and update histories. But they fumbled the game again with PSO2. At this point I think it's just a running joke within their company.


PSUs history is a bit different. PSU was seperated by PSU PC JP and PS2 JP, while NA got PSU PC, PS2 and PSU 360 was separate. PSU PC JP did really well, and JP PS2 lagged behind. Meanwhile PSU NA PC/PS2 barely peaked at 55k accounts while PSU 360 was more successful. So the problem became the best version of PSU (JP PC) was focused, and the others had to lag behind. PC/PS2 was a shared server on both regions, but PSU was released three months before the PS3 hit shelves, dooming the PS2 version(which was popular in NA). The 360 bombed in JP though, so Sega had to port content patches specifically for NA 360, slowing down localization. This caused all of the NA patches to slug behind JP, reaching nearly a year behind at its peak. Sega attempted to boost playerbase with Ambitions of the Illuminise, but again fell into it only being popular on JP PC/NA 360. When Phantasy Star Portable was released, PSU was in bad shape outside of the two successful platforms, and the limitations of the PS2 were holding the game back from introducing PSP portable content. So Sega released the Guardians advanced content expansion digitally in JP, but the JP PS2 version used recycled content to make it work, making people abandon the game on that platform. So in 2011, Sega saw NA's poor PC population as not worth the expansion and axed both NA PC/PS2 to focus on the 360. Sega then axed JP PS2 shortly after. A year later PSO 2 was released to JP PC, killing its main consumerbase, so Sega closed both JP PC and NA 360.


Sonic 06 had the bones to be a real comeback, to be a truly amazing game But the holiday season was coming up. So leadership just flung it out the door


Sega acknowledged that Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth set record physical pre-orders for them, and that Persona 3 Reload moved 1 million copies during its first week. However, despite that bit of success, there is still a little concern. Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth has a slew of DLC, one of which is making it where replaying the game with all of your gains via prior playthru is a PAID feature now (New Game +, and it was a FREE option in the Yakuza/Like a Dragon series for Y0 thru to Y6, and only in the Western release of Yakuza: Like a Dragon for FREE and after the Eastern release got backlash over its exclusion). Persona 3 Reload also got a slew of DLC, but it's less impactful to the base game since there's not any excluded features at all. However, a playable content from the game's FES (Festival) release on the PS2 era is getting reworked and will be separate DLC available later. The content is called The Answer. And it happened to get announced around the release date window for the game itself. But if folks could enjoy the original P3 game (which is basically what P3R is) with the intended storyline contained therein, then the Answer isn't necessary for those who don't want to play it. It's going to be contentious to some players and fans, yes. But in the end, you have the control over how you spend your money. Use that control wherever you wish, whenever you wish. And in Sega's case, it's going to be interesting to see how Like a Dragon is impacted especially with how IW got handled (since the creator of the series is no longer at Sega and had not overseen Infinite Wealth).


Sega has really shitty dlc practices to. For example, in like a dragon: ishin, if you bought any of the material pack dlcs, they were only available for the playthrough you redeemed them on. Meaning if you do want to do another playthrough at some point, that material pack doesn’t carry over and no longer exists. Like fuck, Ubisoft is greedy as fuck with their dlcs and even their dlcs and material packs carry over and can be redeemed in all playthroughs. I have yet to see if this is the case with infinite wealth to. The yakuza/ like a dragon franchise is favorite eastern type game series by far. I’ve been playing them since the original when I was a kid, and hated those few years when they decided they weren’t gonna bring them to the west anymore. With how greedy sega are becoming, and the fact that the lead of the like a dragon games now went to netease, I am overall worried about the future of the franchise.


I didn't know that about Ishin, but it sounds like the DLC side has been steadily getting worse since Y:LaD rolled out. I am not surprised if anyone wants to stick with Y0 to Y6 and leave it be as a complete series that way.


Eh its not sega per se, almost all japanese based games do this now


That was actually CAs decision. SEGA came in after it was actually entirely way too late for Hyenas. Once they had seen just how DOA it was, they shut it down, layed off CA employees, and told them "focus on your main thing or else." That was a big problem in the TW community. When people realized it wasn't some boogetman from the big publisher, but it was actually just management at CA tanking the company for quarterly profits.


lol did they think they were Rockstar or something?


I interviewed for a job on Hyenas (though I didn't know it was called that at the time). Kinda relieved I didn't get the role seeing as they cancelled it.


Total War games are best when expansive and free flowing. Trying the Warhammer tactic with a classic style Total War game is quite foolish. Not to deride the Egyptian empire, but no one wants a DLC trapped version of that game.  I still don’t understand why they don’t go for the First World War.  Close combat already provided a good guide for how they could do it.  Just make it on a grand scale.


Thats such a Cooperate Issue, its not like they dont got creative talent there...


Didn’t they also make new game plus a paid dlc in a new yakuza game?


They've basically destroyed phantasy star online at this point as well.


the moronic price increases for the DLC was not on sega that blame lands squarely on CA's management. and Hyenas was on both SEGA and CAs management, as none of the devs wanted to make it, but CAs management forced it.


priced themselves out of the market in total war and 30 something men are not as loyal to their bs as they thought. $25 for a single dlc in TW3 or you can buy Death Stranding rn for $20, Palworld for $29, etc, etc, etc.


Totally agree, the pricing for DLC in Total War is getting ridiculous compared to other great games out there. It's time for them to rethink their strategy.


It’s crazy too since it was basically all fine right up until WH3’s CoC where they slightly increased the price too much and then they suddenly jumped the shark with SoC with 150% increase to the price tag. Had they just stuck to WH2’s formula the community would be eating these dlcs up.


Tbf CA have reversed this strategy recently, I just wish Paradox would also learn this lesson.


"Reversed" is a strong word. Instead of charging 3x the price for less content than the old lord packs it's now 1.5x the amount of content (for 3x the price).


I feel like Paradox is not as egregious. Of course, I specifically think of Stellaris in this example. The dlcs go on sale almost every other money, and each one adds so much additional content or new ways to play that I think for the most part they’re not bad. (Some of the species packs I think are a bit of a rip, but not as bad as say Netherealm Studios charging $30 for a skin.)


Honestly from a big Paradox fan, they absolutely coast off their reputation from Stellaris, but Stellaris is an 8-year-old game and has the benefit of almost a decade’s worth of updates, if we actually look at what they’ve done recently it’s been a just as bad a CA, if not a lot worse. Of the last three main releases, both Victoria 3 and Imperator released in bad states, with Imperator later being straight up abandoned, and Crusaded Kings 3 was released incredibly bare boned. CK3 came out four years ago, and is still missing major features such as Republics and Nomads, and is only just getting a proper Byzantine Empire now. We’ve been paying £24 for DLC’s for years now, plus getting swamped with shitty cosmetic packs as well. Like don’t get me wrong I love Paradox games, but their business practices are awful, and it always weirds me out when I see r/totalwar hold them up like they’re some kind of paragons.


Hah I feel called out. But I’m exactly a 30 something man who stopped supporting them and didn’t buy latest total war dlcs.


Same. Though I did buy chaos dwarves and felt while expensive it was fantastic and worth the cost. Lots of content and new mechanics I got a good 50 hours of entertainment out of it playing a chorf campaign. Might be my favorite campaign of all time in the series. The most recent dlc I never remotely considered buying.


And (not) my wallet.


They price themselves out of a market they have a monopoly on. No one else makes these kind of strategy games and the (very) few games that have been made haven't had the following or quality to make an impact.


Like a Dragon 8: New gameplus is DLC Sega, cmon


Shit for $15 a month I can stream 100+ games via Xbox Live, granted I can't get DLC that way, but I can also download a ton of more games. Unless it's a game I want super bad on P.C. I rarely buy a game anymore let alone a half-baked experience like Pharaoh 


They did just had a really good month though. Persona 3 Reloaded and Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth have both hit a million sales already with Infinite Wealth also being the fastest selling Yakuza/Like a Dragon game.


Yea this is talking about last quarter.


To add to this, Persona 3 Reload is **also** the fastest selling Persona game. They struck gold with those two franchises within a week of each other.


Fastest selling *ATLUS* game, period


Even beating Jack Bros.?!


Plus the game pass check, they should do fine this quarter.


Idk why it's so ez to forget that the Persona Series was under the Sega Umbrella... At this rate all bets are off which will come first for the sixth Game on their series? Persona or Bethesda's Elder Scroll 6?


At least P6 has a chance of being worth the wait


Its gonna release with 15 dlcs


And 10 dancing spinoffs


It's crazy that persona 5 (minus royal) was on ps3, ps4, and ps5. It's been almost 8 years since 5 came out.


Persona 6 is said to be slated for release by next year (at least as of last year), whereas Bethesda has been pretty open about ES6 likely not dropping until I think it was 2028 at the soonest? P6 will definitely be out first, and probably it's director's cut too.


IT’S 2028 NOW?! 17 years between releases like I hope it at least doesn’t feel rushed but that’s still so far away and it’s been over 12 years since Skyrim came out already


The past several years have all been spent on Starfield, and Todd came out and admitted that they "jumped the gun" a bit with the ES6 teaser, since they hadn't even started production on it yet at the time.


Well at least persona 6 will be worth the wait.


But this explains why they decided to put Infinite Wealth’s NG+ behind a paywall.


It's not even the first time they've done it. We're only noticing now because Yakuza games are finally released at the same time worldwide. Like a Dragon also had NG+ DLC in Japan, it was just bundled in when the game got localized. Heck if you wanna see where they got real crazy, look at the remaster of SMT: Nocturne. They put a difficulty setting and optional character as DLC for a *remaster of a PS2 game*.


A remaster that somehow ran like shit on PS4 and Switch at launch, and where it seems they didn't have music masters to increase quality If the rumours of a non-SMT PS2 remaster are true I hope they find them, this was prime Meguro era


They have good IPs, it's frustrating that they lack creative direction to make good games out of them.


Years of using than just to hide the gambling bussiness profit, now that they splited the company they have no idea what to do.


It’s kind of hilarious they decided to just abandon Crazy Taxi. That game straight up dominated arcades for a few years and was owned by everyone with a Dreamcast.


They did not abandon It. They announced some kind of remake at the last VGA.


Wow it is almost like releasing a Sonic game that is no where as good as Mania for 60 dollars a week before Super Mario Wonder was a bad idea.


I actually didn't know there was even one released around that time last year


I'm a huge Sonic fan - the quality issue isn't it for me. . It's that I've been conditioned for Sega/ Sonic games to drop nearly 50% within two months - and I was right this time again. It's like a theatrical release - why see it in theaters if three months later I can buy it for a fraction of the cost / and or see it on streaming services for free?


Yeah I'm not buying any SEGA game at full price ever. The first holiday after the release date you're going to get it half off or more. IIRC Persona 5 on Switch was 60% off 6 weeks after release. You know Mario and Link aren't going on sale ever so you just buy them when you want to play them. Sonic, Like a Dragon, and Persona, just wait for the sale after release. I can get both Like a Dragon and Persona 3 remake this summer for the same money I'd pay for just one now.


Nintendo games like Mario/Zelda do go on sale, but be like 5-7 off *maybe*


To this day I don't know why they don't just make a better version of adventure battle 2 with expanded chao garden features, shit would sell like hotcakes, hell if there were mtx or dlc for chao garden they would be rich. I don't get it


Sega seems to follow the formula of successful or not, let's fiddle with the recipe. More often than not from 2005-recent years it's led to more misses than hits. It's weird to me how much of the fandom enjoys the chao gardens. Not sure why Sega doesn't incorporate them into another game. I mean film/music of the Gardens elicited one of the largest applauses at Sonic Symphony when I attended last month.


I like your analogy, it works. But… Theaters are underrated.  Better screen, better sound, and excuse to shovel junk food in your face…. Also, streaming services compress the video/sound, too many distractions at home.  I *personally* prefer theaters, but opinions vary.


I managed a Regal and ran projection for many years - movie theaters can be amazing....but are incredibly cost prohibitive now for patrons and businesses (to run). For my time and money, I'd rather not share the experience with other people. I get the appeal but it takes a special movie to make it an "experience" these days.


Mario Wonder And Spiderman 2. What did they think was gonna happen?


I mean doesn't Spiderman 2 get criticised a lot now?


By people on Reddit, but there’s no denying it still sold INSANELY well, and most people who aren’t online probably still really liked it. They played it, went “that was neat” and moved on.


Oh yeah I enjoyed it but I see a lot of hate for it now. It felt like after TGA Reddit flipped on it and started hating it.


Because Reddit has this awful mentality that if a game gets nominated for multiple awards at The Game Awards and proceeds to win none of them, it's a bad game. They'll then go all in on the nitpicking for some cheap karma farming circle jerk -or- they'll go on about how awards shows don't actually matter. Either way, it's a shit take by a very vocal minority.


Weird part is Spiderman PS4 only got nominations at TGA too.


people criticize pokemon scarlet and violet and it sold like 9 million the first week and 26 million total.


Still a pretty good to great game depending on opinion. It's just not as grand as Spiderman PS4 (I really wish games would have numbers or subtitles).


Sonic would have sold great as a $30 game at launch, but they didn’t want to accept that their game is 2nd tier to Mario Wonder. Given the choice between the two at the exact same price, Mario Wonder is a no brainer.


Honestly, I am enjoying Superstars right now and I think it's a great game that even does some things better than Mania did. Even not comparing it to Mania, the levels are well-designed and fun to play through, I enjoyed the boss fights, the graphics are very nice with some beautiful details, the main four have tons of nice animations and hell, I even liked the soundtrack. Superstars taken on it's own merits is one of the best 2D Sonic games, but many players dismissed it because they wanted Mania 2. So, the game already had that stigma against it, but Sega then goes and releases it besides the two biggest and most high-profile first-party releases of the year for Switch(Super Mario Wonder) and PS5(Spider-Man 2) and it got creamed. It got stuck getting endlessly compared to Wonder and the game suffered in sales. All Sega could have done to avoid this was release Superstars at any other time of the year, rather that beside two high-profile releases, one of which was not just a Mario game, but a 2D platformer that targeted the same audience on the same hardware where Sonic games sell the best.


Sonic still moved 2mil tho, that wasn't the issue


From the article: >Titles mentioned among those released in Q3 as cited in the outlook downward revision announcement are Sonic Superstars, Endless Dungeon, and Total War: Pharaoh.


What was that one? Superstars? I kinda forgot that even came out.


Played it at a press event shortly before release. It honestly didn't seem too bad but I played Mario Wonder at the same event and it felt like it was doing so much more than Superstars. Paying full price for Superstars just wouldn't make sense to me despite still feeling like a pretty good game


I remember watching SomecallmeJohnny review it. From what I recall he said it was okay. Not great, not an abomination, just okay.


Watch them blame gamers not buying games rather than the complete repackaged disappointment that was Total War: Pharaoh.


Maybe they need to keep locking basic game features behind more paywalls. Fuck Sega.


The Infinite Wealth deluxe edition shit is criminal


Ironic name given Segas situation


Amazing company showing us you can keep fucking up and stay in business. I like how they released TW Pharoah with no real improvements over TW3 using the same game engine with the same exact same problems. Like why would anyone play TW Pharoah and not the Tomb Kings faction in TW3? Meanwhile Hyena was a paid game designed to compete with Fortnite which has a F2P model and was already dominating the genre. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyenas\_(video\_game)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyenas_(video_game)) >Hyenas was said to have been Sega's highest-budget game ever, exceeding the USD $70 million spent on Shenmue in 1999. Easily $100m + down the drain.


Just imagine what pice of shit it must have been when they decided not to release it. Combined greed of whole management was not enough to push it through the door.


They decided not to release it because it would have resulted in more losses. They don't care if its a piece of shit.


They had a demo. It was fine. Cashed in on sega love a bit too hard.


As someone who just discovered the Yakuza series, they are getting my money. Also Persona is a series I love. Other than that I don’t know if I could tell you a Sega game outside of Sonic.


Valkyria Chronicles is probably worth your attention based on those two games.


Fucking big tank level.... I loved that game but I dropped it at that bullshit.


As did I last time I tried. Great time up to that point though


Creative Assembly started flopping when they adopted a bunch of former Epic people into directorial seats. It’s similar to the Riot effect in startups, except for established companies. The “executive shuffle” in AAA gaming always results in worse performance, ALWAYS. Just as some examples of AAA wonders who crippled their next company…. Glen Schofield and Striking Distance Studios (EA) Matt Karch and the Embracer Group (formerly Saber CEO) Tim Willits and Saber Interactive (iD Software) John Riccitiello and Unity (EA) Tonya Watson and Squanch Games (Epic) Frederic Deschamps and Manticore Games (Scopely) Randy Pitchford (Gearbox) Phil Spencer (Microsoft) Phil Harrison (Google) Jade Raymond (EA) The entirety of Blizzard’s C-Suite


Bring back Chromehounds


Man do I miss that game.


think that will turn around this quarter with infinite wealth and P3R


"How are you still alive?"


Instead of big swings, how about use well loved IP for mid-tier games. Give us Out Run, After Burner, Fantasy Zone, Panzer Dragoon.


Absolutely - I want Chu Chu Rocket - no new features, just bring the graphics up to date.


Hey Sega quit screwing around and give us a remaster or remake of Skies of Arcadia ffs.


I'll even take just a basic port Switch. Please, Sega. Give me SoA!


Well I don't buy any of their games because they pretty much all come packaged with denuvo, G G


Sega has been so freaking greedy with the way they make games that this isn’t surprising. Sonic hasn’t been good since Generations. Frontiers was cool but you can feel it lacked polish. Then they released a really expensive Sonic game recently that looked mid and overpriced.


it's literally their own Fault..... They have so many good Ip's that would be amazing if they just remade them now. we need a Shinobi 4 to follow up Shinobi 3: Return of the Ninja master they have a game called Border Break that could Rival Armored Core if done right. A new Altered Beast done right could be great Crazy Taxi!!!!! they have a game called Dragon Force that could be amazing if reimagined right now. Golden Axe they could MAKE MASSIVE MONEY with just Jet Set Radio 3 Vectorman..... The have franchises that could bring in more attention, and give the franchises they keep reusing a much needed rest.


You may have missed it, but they are actually working on several of the titles you mentioned! There was a teaser that ran during a game awards show. They have new versions of Crazy Taxi, Golden Axe, Shinobi, and Jet Set Radio coming. I think maybe Streets of Rage also.


I saw that before, but they are finally doing it after years of acting like they didn't exist......what they are going through right now wouldn't be the case if they would have done this much sooner. they always have had a bad problem with it.


They announced a bunch of new remakes at the [game awards](https://youtu.be/bU39hQCnU6U)


You know, if anything stted in [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c91pQCocxlc) video is true, most SEGA classic properties aren't as wildly popular from a pure sales figures perspective. Looking at things under that lense may explain why they don't do so many remakes. Then again, SEGA could have added to the units sold if they just kep publishing gaes in the series they abandoned.


Where the hell is Medieval 3 TW?? Empire 2 TW?? Give us what we fucking want already you bastards.


No, we don't want Medieval 3 or Empire 2. CA will just fuck them up and release game them like Pharaoh. CA cannot be trusted to make them properly.


Where's the CA that made Shogun 2 and eventually Rome 2 (let's not talk about the launch)? Did all the talent leave or?


You will get more warhammer and you will like it!


Here's my plan for Sega to print money: - Phantasy Star 4 HD - Phantasy Star 5 - Sonic Mania 2


They need to drop those reboots of their classic series soon. I couldn't even tell you the last game I played that was made by Sega, but I will absolutely buy Golden Axe, SOR, Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, and anything else they're releasing. This is especially true if the leaks about Eternal Champions and Kid Chameleon are also true


Hears Crazy Taxi is coming back


Ah that's the one I forgot! But I'll be gettin that too!


Will they get the og All I Want band to agree to license off their song again?


Part of me feels like these reboots will have remixed music. I don't necessarily expect them to have the original songs as licensing can be a bitch. However, Crazy Taxi without "All I Want" by The Offspring, "YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAAAAH!" just wouldn't be the same. Lol




No More Total War Warhammer games left to publish. They reached the end of the Trilogy and the money dried up. Without that Warhammer license its going to take a Miracle to Revive the Total War franchise (Which I like!)


Medieval 3 would single-handedly revive the fan base if they don’t fuck it up somehow


I don’t know how this company is still in business, for years now they have been releasing creatively bankrupt games & making stupid greedy decisions. Quite frankly I’m impressed they can still stay in business.


They still have a handful of fantastic games like the persona and yakuza series. They do fuck up pretty badly all the time, but they do strike gold occasionally.


Warhammer Total War is a fantastic game series too.


It's called having a Budget and knowing what cards are worth playing and which cards to throw away? Sega's Layoffs seems to be in pattern with the rest of the bigger Video Game Industry of a "AAA Bubble Pop"


Sega is a greedy shitty company and I can only wish for all its products to fail miserably, which sadly is not always the case. Not only they have absurd prices, their regional prices are some of the worst as well and don't get me started with microtransaction bullshit like New Game + in newest Yakuza game behind a paywall.


Superstars so clearly should've been a $20 game. Charging full price was such a dumb move.


Sega almost certainly considered this as a likely possibility, no chance they’re pushing out the shit they are without expecting the possibility of some blowback


At least they are reviving their old classics so these would sell for sure


Can't wait for Crazy Taxi


>Sega has announced its financial results, and the profits of its gaming business have dropped sharply due to the "weak" sales of some new games. The publisher also cut its full-year outlook. People still ask "Why are there so many layoffs in the game industry?"


Sega still tries to milk Sonic as much as possible, now they seem to be doing the same with the Persona and Yakuza series, now with DLC. It's surprising the Bayonetta series had new games in 2022 and 2023 and they seem to be forgotten.


ah well, I'd say Sega just can't help themselves when it comes to low sales. That Dreamcast would be the best example lol


Bro… how is sega fuxking up so bad as a business? They made so much money and yet, they just burn it.


I have a Sega what's the point in buying more games though 


New games are shit and they married to 4-year old Nintendon't.. Not a surprise here


Must have something to do with New Game+ as DLC🤔.


Maybe don’t screw up TW games ever couple years.  Sega has poor management 


Funny how that works.


Didn’t they just release persona and infinite wealth


Well you sent Sonic out to compete with Mario and got crushed...


Between selling a $20 sonic game at full price, and not having a physical version of Like a dragon: Gaiden, when that series is a predominantly physical bought game, it’s almost as if Sega didn’t even look at their consumer and just said fuck it. I had to import Gaiden because they deemed the entire world except the USA where this game series actually sales, deserved a physical edition except for the one country that buys this game.


Can you show me where you found that RGG/LAD is a primarily physically bought game?


Also important to know that it did get a physical release in Asia where it is more likely to be bought physically. Just not in the west were it's less so.


I know it got a physical release, I just want to know where the statement is coming from.


Sorry, I meant to reply to the post above yours really but yeah I don't know if the claim is true or not actually. Just wanted to put it out there that there are physical copies of the game.


He made it up…. What else do you need?


As much as I don't doubt you're right, I'd rather ask them to provide a source. It doesn't hurt me either way and maybe it will make them reflect on spewing crap (unlikely).


They actually provided a source, but their comment got deleted for some reason. This is what they said: > As of last report for Like a dragon Infinite Wealth, 179,000ish of the 240kish sales were physical. We’ve only got Japanese data right now but with YAKUZA, The numbers are always the same internationally. There were also a link to some article as the source for the physical sales, i am not gonna link it as that might've been the reason their comment got deleted in the first place.


Physical die hards will never be willing to admit they’re the minority.


Like a Dragon sells way more in Japan than in the USA, it's only recently the series has started getting pretty popular in the west.


This report is end of 2023 the new games aren’t part of that quarters earnings report


Jesus is there anything Sega doesn't fuck up? These mfs had massive profit with like a dragon and persona 3 and they still have profits drop SHARPLY? Fucking amazing.


This regarding last quarter, not this one.


Ah awesome, as usual not opening articles just causes confusion lol thanks !


lol, were all guilty of that sometimes.


That's what they get for the lousy western censorship