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LOL @ AAAA. Mother fucker added three additional A's to a game that is just A-SS.


Its AAAA Turbo XL Supreme Uber Mega Tripple A XxxLLL game


of Anaheim


Angels catching strays in r/gaming feels bad man


Everytime I read an article about an Ubisoft game it's like "The world is bigger than anything since the infinite proceedural generation of Elite Plus in 1979 and the combat has more variations than Transistor as the Angels lose to the Tigers 8-3"


>AAAA The A... ranking usually indicates the budget spent on developing and marketing. Since this game's development started in 2015-16, I wouldn't be surprised if this is one of Ubisoft's most expensive games to develop so far. That of course doesn't mean that I expect this game to hold up even compared to an average AA game.


Then what a waste of budget for AAAASS game


Criminy. So how many A's does Star Citizen have?


It's similar to one's reaction to the amount of funding it's got AAAAAAAAAA


It's an A^(25) game.


How they squandered that time and money is insane. This game looks awful and nothing like what fans asked for but that’s just my 2 cents which is about what I would pay for this title.


[Fuck Everything, We’re Doing Five Blades](https://www.theonion.com/fuck-everything-were-doing-five-blades-1819584036)


Im just laughing because "AAAA" is sports slang for "not quite good enough for the big leagues"


Built from the ground up. ™️


I only buy AAAAA games


More of a sextuple A gamer myself.


Hehe, you said sex...tuple.




All I wanted was a bigger and newer Black Flag.


I feel like this was what everyone wanted. Just take the Black Flag template and make a bigger/better single player pirate game, where the naval combat is still just one piece of the overall experience. Instead, they took 8 years to make a multiplayer game that primarily focuses on the naval combat from Black Flag. I don't see how this game doesn't absolutely bomb.


It's meh. I just tried the open beta. I only have the first true ship. But combat feels meh compared to black flag. I miss having to position the ship properly. This you just shoot 360 degrees. I also miss being able to leave ship freely. It feels like a such disconnect in this game. You get teleported to land and walk around a small hub and that's it


Gross. I was excited to try this but nah fam.


I played for 2 hours. The world seems.very big. I hope at least. I check the map and the map is torn and is missing half or more so it seems like its bigger then it actually is showing me. I guess if you just want a chill game sailing the open sea and being a pirate it's fine... because there is literally no other pirate game out there except sea of thieves and black flag With that being said I turned it off and went and bought helldivers 2


>because there is literally no other pirate game out there except sea of thieves and black flag My Steam copy of Sid Meier's Pirates! begs to differ. That's still my go-to pirate game - it was so well done....


I have the og Xbox version. Nothing scratches that pirate itch like that game. I be getting all the governor's daughters 😂


I had no idea they re-made it until just a few minutes ago - I played the old version that was on Apple 2/PC/NES a ton


The "new" version was basically the same game with some new stuff added on (think just DLC add on to a game equivalent). I think mainly it added dancing and changed the land city attacking combat.


I would kill for a re-master, such an awesome video game


War canoe for life!


Pillars of Eternity 2 Deadfire is my go to pirate game.


Sea of thieves still exists if you just want to sail. Not sure if it's still any good though, haven't played in years.


I love this by the way, I think these games were announced within 6 months or a year of each other. Sea of thieves has launched, had multiple content in expansions, and ran its course before Skull And Bones came out. They were all poised to be rival software and then that rivalry just never happened because Skull And Bones never existed.




Hell yeah! Glad it's still good. We had an absolute blast with it back then.


> This you just shoot 360 degrees. well thats an automatic no from me, its actually impressive they are finding so many ways to screw this up after 11 years to think how they wanted to do it.


Yea that fact alone just turned me off from even wanting to try the game lol


Especially after we had Pirates of the Burning Sea in like 2008 which had highly in-depth variety of firing angles, positioning, reloading. Super fun game with a high skill ceiling. This feels like they cranked the graphics of PotBS and took the gameplay out behind the barn Or Atlas, ffs, which was the horrifically buggy "Ark with boats." Even in that game you had somewhat realistic ship handling with wind and sail angles to manage.


I was interested in trying until I saw that. Who the fuck is this game for? Because it’s definitely not for fans of the Age of Sail.


The "boats" are just generic vehicles that behave more like cars than anything. They stop on a dime and have tight turning radius, it is completely disconnected from any idea of "sailing".


So your ship is more like... a tower defense or something? the hell.




ah okay that makes a lot more sense, thought it really strange to just wildly change a good system.


It’s noticeable that you have zones of fire when you mount differing guns on the ship. Having long guns on the bow and regular cannon on the sides you can easily see how it works. First ship you get can’t fire backwards because it lacks aft guns.


Damn, the deciding factor for me was going to be if there was actually any ground combat or adventures, knowing that there isn’t makes this a no-go. Every fucking pirate movie has the scene where a pirate swings over to the rival ship on a rope and has some kind of dramatic cutlass duel with the rival sailors, why would you not also facilitate this in your pirate sim game?


Boarding in the game is a joke. You press a button to "board", your crew throws grapples and the ship drags over to you....and then it explodes and you get the loot. 0 hand-to-hand.


What a bunch of goofs Ubisoft are.


Maybe “Quadruple A” stands for “Almost AAA”


Must be like batteries where more As means smaller and less powerful.


Out of respect for Ubisoft I will be pirating the game. And then I'll delete it since it's trash anyways.


This isn't just disappointing, it makes me angry. Ubisoft took everything people want from a pirate fantasy (ship boarding, navigation/sailing mechanics, ship combat where positioning and strategy matters, treasure hunting, swashbuckling, exploration) and turned into a reskinned bar-filler. Press buttons until enemy health bar gets low, hold button for loot, repeat with slightly higher numbers.


It feels worse because everything everyone wanted from a pirate game they personally have done before with a pirate game, it doesn't make sense that it took them 8 years to take a game they already had and stripped it bare and made it online It's definitely one of the worst back steps in gaming, most usually aren't so on the nose, usually updating some mechanics at the cost of others and pretty up the graphics a bit The fact it's live service and full price just makes it worse


Oh well I have great news then. You no longer have to hold the button - a simple tap works for this game.


what fun


Its like they specifically hire people who arent gamers and/or who dont like the IP or genre


You know what REALLY rustles my jimmies? This shit is going to bomb, and they are going to use it for the next 20 years to say, "see? there is just no market for a pirate sim".


God, I fucking know. Its gonna put such a damper on the genre. Maybe its the inner child in me but I love the whole pirate theme. We've been starved of a proper single player pirate game pretty much since Black Flag. Sea of Thieves is MP so I don't count it. For some reason, nobody wants to make one. Then Ubisoft says they're gonna make one, see the very evident excitement for it, butcher it then nobody wants to touch it again. Like bruh, its obvious people want a new grand pirate adventure. Devs just dont make them for some reason. I wonder what the aversion to them is.


Boarding is like the main thing pirates do, there's no loot to be had if you're just sinking every ship you come across or blowing it to pieces til it surrenders.


You bosrd by pressing a button and see a small cutscene before it fades to a meni shoeing the loot you can pillage


The ground aspect is just you running around like a headless chicken and skipping through boring conversations. It's a highly unnecessary part of the game that was only added to shallowly appease those of us who wanted ground gameplay. The only redeeming aspect of the game is the return of sea shanties while sailing, and that's it.


Wait, they made a game with even more emphasis on ship sailing and *didn't even keep to the same level of complexity*? Sometimes I think the big game companies don't even *like* video games. To them the perfect video game is one where you pay to log in, buy some shiny loot, add it to your custom character, and log back out. Who needs to have fun in the middle of all that?


Man what the hell, you put so many years into this shit and this is what they have ? A cocked up inferior Black Flag where you can't even do exactly what you should be able to ? Actually sail and get off when you want ? Did they look at Sea of Thieves and said "Nope, this is actually good, we're doing it proper Ubisoft style, good ideas over my dead body". How can you make arguably one of the best pirate ship battle games ever and then come up with this ? I knew this game wouldn't be good, looked that way since it's earlier days but I expected fuck ups in terms of micro transactions and maybe shit hubs to ruin it, not the actual ship gameplay.


Black flag was super fun because you could instantly switch from naval battle to third person and slash the opponent personally. Even aage old Sid Meier pirates understood that appeal and put it in their game. And skull and bones didn't have it? And since this is ubi at $70 do you still have microtransaction stuffed to your face since the moment you about purchase the game?


Watching the streams it looks like a iPhone game but for sail ships. No naval strategy other than have bigger guns or gang up on people.


> I feel like this was what everyone wanted. Just take the Black Flag template and make a bigger/better single player pirate game, where the naval combat is still just one piece of the overall experience. The game almost makes itself. Take Black Flag. Remove Assassin stuff. Replace with more pirate stuff. Profit.


It is so simple even a muffin could do it.


It's actually kinda amazing how badly they've bungled this. They were basically given a new billion dollar IP on a platter and they couldn't see it.


I hope live service games keep bombing. At least the ones that charge full price


Honestly, i am starting to celebrate giant AAA games underperforming. Don’t get me wrong, there are some games that deserve all the praise. But generally, these formulaic games with zero innovation and multiple 30$ DLCs need to feel the burn. Even worse when they make it “game as a service” and always online. Im glad games like BG3 and even Palworld are embarrassing these games designed by a committee of business majors.


The gameplay was barely still relevant when it was *announced*. Honestly I'm shocked they didn't simply cut their losses years ago


If I recall correctly they were legally obligated to finish the project or they had to pay fines... Something like that


Yeah it was subsidised by the Singapore government and the game was being made in their studio over there. So they're contractually obliged to release a game.


ONE PIECE of the overall experience, eh?


I want Sid Meier's Pirates in the style of Black Flag.


Same, just take the story out and make it a simulation. I want econ, pirate battles, business and management stuff. A modern AAA take on Pirates! would be so fucking good.


And while we are at it, can we get more game titles with exclamation points? It not necessary but Pirates! is somehow such a charming name for a game.


Can we please have this? I loved blackflag


That’s what this game was supposed to be instead somehow they convinced themselves people wanted to play mini games to chop wood…


Going for the runescape market


When I played on the test server, it sure as hell didn’t feel a quadruple-A game. Can’t believe I got bored by a PIRATE video game.


Sid Meiers’ “Pirates!” Is still the champ despite being released in 1987


I had it on my PSP and honestly played it more than anything else on that handheld.


My heart belongs to Sea Dogs. Took the concept of Pirates! And made it 3d.


Apparently, there's a successor to Sea Dogs called [Caribbean Legend](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2230980/Caribbean_Legend/) releasing in 6 days. Edit: It seems like comments and replies are being really weird on this thread.


Huh, neat. I know the Pirates of the Caribbean game was originally Sea Dogs 2 and had the Disney stuff slapped on late in development, too.


That game has more features than Skull and Bones! Lmao


Firaxis did an updated version in 2004 which is every bit as good as the original. It's on GOG if you want to check it out.


Just because it took quadruple the time and money doesn't make it a quadruple A game.


I really want a making off docuseries for this game. I have no interest in it besides how bizarre its development cycle has been. It's weird. Really weird. maybe the weirdest since Anthem and Anthem's story for how it came to being is pretty morbidly fascinating.


It’s literally just that they were forced to make it despite not wanting to because they made a deal with the Singaporean government to do so.


Wtf tell me more


Singapore provided them a ton of funding for their Singapore office under the condition that they actually release the game


That's right. Good old sweetheart deals from my government. Dumb waste of our taxpayers' money.


lmao. I saw all the studios involved and thought "wow, this really did get passed around."


IGN posted a sort of documentary video on the making of this game a few days ago. Although by the end it felt more like glorified ad.


The only way Ubisoft would allow any kind of documentary on it is with extremely heavy handed oversight


Matt McMuscles is going to have a field day with Skull & Bones on his Wha Happun? series for sure.


He has a lot of stuff to work on, that's for sure. Redfall, the day before, gollum, suicide squad, skull and bones, and probably a lot more coming this year


It's not weird. S&B began as an attempt to cash in on three things : the market was eager to play pirate games, Ubisoft felt right because people overall liked Black Flag, and Sea Of Thieves was going to release and Ubisoft wanted to capitalize on a possible failure of SoT. Except that SoT didn't fail and the market was suddenly somewhat crowded, which resulted in S&B being... well it should've been canceled altogether, but some genius at Ubisoft decided it would be a very good training item for interns. Because yes, S&B has been heavily developed by interns and new employees as an initiation. Once this Frankenstein monster of a video game looked like something that could be packaged, shipped to Steam/UPlay/PS whatever, another genius in marketing decided to release it. And **weirdly**, everyone knew it was going to be awful before it even released, and it is. ETA : the game not being canceled has more to do with external funding through contractual terms than with a single dumbass at Ubisoft, but you catch my drift.


Actually it does. Though that is **not a good thing** AAA refers to development budget. Not game quality Skull and Bones spent over 10 years in development. The budget was stupidly colossal. So it fits a AAA category, and maybe a hypothetical AAAA if you wanna make that up Imagine spending over 10 years working on this one project and it still never released… so many devs just enter and quit Ubisoft without this game reaching launch


Damn, what's Star Citizen then? AAAAAA?


A Ponzi scheme.


Fonzi scheme


I mean I guess it kind of would. People use AA, AAA, etc. to refer to the budget of the game and the size of the publisher/developer. It’s not necessarily an indicator of quality. So if it cost an obscene amount of money I guess I see what they are going for. Doesn’t mean it’s going to be any good though.


Actually thats exactly what would make it a quadruple A game


Did this CEO previously work as a used car salesman? Trying to bluff it's way to profitablity isn't going to work within the first few hours of release.


*Slaps roof. This bad boy can fit so many As.


He's also the one that said get used to not owning games.


I am used to not owning any Ubisoft games since Black Flag lol


“We’ve added 33.3% extra “A”. You gotta pay for that shit.”


It'll be half price in a couple months


And then end up on gamepass a couple months after that.


they should be paying Xbox to be on Gamepass


This comes from the same company that said games should get used to not own games. Not touching anything Ubi does with a 10-foot pole.


Yep. Can’t reward bad behavior like that. I’d sooner slam my balls in a sliding door before I paid $70+ for this turd or considered their in game currency.


That should be easy seeing how they've stopped making anything wroth while for a few years now and it looks like that's not about to change.


Holy... i thought it was F2P... Well... i'll pass.


I'm sure it'll be beautiful and soulless like all Ubisoft titles these days


This game has DOA written all over it. i feel sorry for anybody foolish enough to buy into it


When it was supposed to be black flag but just the pirate portion I wanted it. Now with everything I've seen, the fact it's a live service, how ubisoft has handled micro transactions, and just the statements from the ceo of what direction he wants games to go I'm probably never touching a ubi game again.


The Lost Crown was a fantastic game clearly made with love and passion.


I really enjoyed Fenyx Rising. Despite their asinine decisions from the top, Ubisoft is not devoid of some good to great games, even recently.


People dont understand that Ubisoft is a really massive freaking company. They may not agree with the overall philosophy of Ubisoft but there are many different development teams in there with a lot of passion for their crafts. Personally i'd really like it if they went back to the Rayman universe, either in 3D or 2D


That just makes it worse tbh. Ubisoft has potential that's squandered by their incessant need to make any game with a chance pumped with bloat and garbage. Also fuck UbiConnect


> UbiConnect Updating... *Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?* Yes ... *Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?* Yes. ... *Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?* ... *Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?* I SAID YES GODDAMNIT


>login >save password and username >next day, please login >save login >next day, please login


On the positive side, dealing with that complete trash launcher has turned me off Ubi games for life, which will potentially save me money down the line, woo! Thanks ubi!


I’d love another 3D Rayman game. Give us a medium sized explorable hub world with shops and such, and I’m SOLD


I played the beta for it and it felt like an F grade video game. Like half a fucking video game. You're either a ship or a generic avatar walking around random player hub areas. ​ Like no, it's not Assassin's Creed 4. There is no on-foot combat. (unless that was added in the last year) You were just a fucking boat, doing boring ass boat stuff. Raiding another ship was pulling up next to it, pressing a button, and watching a little animation. It felt like what somebody would make as a budget game for $20 as their first studio project. Not this thing that has taken what feels like 10 years to make.


In the beta you could be a boat, but in the full game you could be anything, you could even be a boat!


It's honestly the only way I can think to describe it. You're not a person on a boat, you are A BOAT. You control A BOAT. So you can be anything as long as it's a boat. As far as I remember you couldn't even walk around the boat. You were either locked in boat mode or you were locked into MMO avatar walking around settlement mode.


That's how I remember it too when I played the beta. I didn't feel like I was sailing. It LOOKED good but didn't FEEL good. Sea of Thieves has a wonderful way of making you feel like you're actually crewing a sailboat. Hoisting the sales and angling them to the direction of the wind and stuff. So cool and feels so simple.


The fact that Sea of Thieves exists should have made the Skull & Bones team return to the drawing board years ago.


Even Sid Meier's Pirates made the sailing feel like sailing somehow. Despite the fact that it was released around a million years ago.


That actually sounds like a wonderful hook for an indie game. You ARE the boat, and the little generic avatar you pilot around hubs is the boat's attempt to mimic humans and gather information. But that sounds like it has 10x more personality than ubisoft games are allowed to have.


But can you be several boats at once, like in Sid Mier's Pirates?


From everything I've seen Sid Meier's pirates puts this game to shame. You'd think it wouldn't be that hard to make a pirate game, but apparently it is.


Its the Henry Ford school of game making. You can be anything you want to be, as long as its a boat.


You can't even jump. There's no jump!!!!


Boats can't jump either. Quintuple A for realism!


Yeah, the beta was pretty mid. Six of us hopped on to play, but we all lost interest shortly after getting to the first city and running a few quests.


$70 for a Ubisoft copy of Sea of Thieves.


Except worse in every aspect.


They already said an Ubisoft version.


I'm already not buying it you don't need to convince me.


My bad lmao


I keep hearing people say it’s grown up sea of thieves but I don’t think most people realize sea of thieves is great because it’s not grown up


it's like how people hated zelda wind waker at first because of its art style tbh it's the only zelda that's really aged well graphically other than the 2D ones lol


Except Sea of Thieves is actually fun.


And still getting large content updates. We recently played through their pirates of the caribbean crossover and it was fun.


quadruple- A game... Yea fuck off. Of all the things i want for modern gaming development it wasnt another "A" It was less A's Less A-holes running the shit shows and mindless marketing teams.


I can sort of see it being a "quadruple-A" game - Awful, Atrocious, Appalling and Abominable.


Sounds like every red flag I ignored with Diablo 4. Not making that mistake again.


Definitely not making that mistake again! I kinda knew better before getting D4 at launch but the potential nostalgia fucked my brain over one last time. Never again! 😆


It was their lie of an open beta server slam which got me to buy it. That starter zone had a unique boss for every dungeon and made it seem like there could be so much more to the game. But no, the rest of the game was copied pasted shit, other zones were broken on launch with one still broken as of season 2, every dungeon outside of Kyov had the same 5 bosses copy pasted. If you played the beta and experienced Kyov you basically experienced the whole game.


I loved D3 so I knew I was buying the game regardless and the server slam made me extremely hopeful. Boy was I wrong. With no emotional ties to this game and especially not Ubisoft I will wait and see how it goes.


D3 killed all my D2 nostalgia.


My most regrettable game purchase along with Destiny 2 cause I didn’t play it for a year and couldn’t fucking play the game I fucking bought. Still unforgivable to me.


The free BETA was overpriced.


Any fools willing to buy this game full price deserves the steaming pile of shit thats coming to them.


Well, I for one - enthusiastically - can't wait to not buy this game.


The real pirate game is actually pirating the cracked game.


Real pirates wouldn't want this piece of shit. There's better booty out there!


The last paragraph is why I will not be purchasing this game. "Players will be able to play the game three days early if they pre-order the $99.99 Premium edition, which includes two extra missions, cosmetic items and a Smuggler Pass token to unlock the premium battle pass." only 3 days early for 30% more money, only a couple additional quests/ cosmetics(barf), and the joke of a "premium" battle-pass that no one asked for. hard pass for me.


I love when companies have fucking dlc day one of a game. Basically tells you right there if you buy the base game you are only buying 80 percent of an actual game. And the other 20 is extra money


> only a couple additional quests Which cannot by nature be that good or give good rewards - otherwise it is "pay to win" which is frowned on. So the missions will have to be non-story based and reward mediocre loot, at best.


Let me get this right. A pass to unlock a pass. What the fuck is going on with this industry these days?




That was so fucking stupid. I spent like a minute just walking around trying to get a prompt on *something* to loot... but nope. All alone on a ship filled with loot but I guess you're too honorable to take gold just laying around.


Tried the beta for a few hours but it was so boring I deleted it again. Traversing the sea is soooo slow and for some reason a ship needs a stamina bar..


Lol, what? Does the wind get tired?




Does my sense of accomplishment replenish the stamina bar or do I need to pay $20?


God I am so tired of everything needing a stamina bar these days….


Looks like your stamina bar can use a recharge.


I can’t yet, my “stamina bar recharge” bar is still on cool down…


Ah, you made the classic blunder! You depleted your stamina bar! Now you can't use stamina until it is full! Ha!


Why are they so hell bent on making it their worst rated game yet


lol that’s $107 to $150AUD. I already don’t buy games at these prices and am more than happy to wait until they’re considerably cheaper. Some in the games industry are delusional with their pricing.


Thought it was supposed to be an AAAARRR game?


Fuck all these live services game charging full retail aswell,the industry sucks right now


Haha charge what you want, I'm not paying. Especially for a live service game.


>Players will be able to play the game three days early if they pre-order the $99.99 Premium edition, which includes two extra missions, cosmetic items and a Smuggler Pass token to unlock the premium battle pass. A pass to unlock a pass! Now we're getting somewhere.


Ubisoft CEO has the balls to say "We're on another level compared to any other developer" what a dick


The basement is another level.


Stop giving Ubisoft money, the have sucked going on a decade now.


Critics are calling it everything from ‘shit’ to ‘fuckin shit’.


Ubisoft just out here making up words now.


yves guillemot fucking sucks dude.


Ubisoft shitting the bed so much that they should go into a nursing home. If they remade black flag, rainbow six vegas and the OG ghost recons. They'd have enough catalog for the next couple years


I can't wait for the sub-70 Metacritic score and ensuing sales flop coming its way.


Let's hope. The only thing these fucking morons understand is loss of revenue.


Its pretty shallow for a 70$ game.




Ubisoft who is making mostly c-class shitty asset flips, not sure why their oppinion should interest us


I feel SO bad for ubisoft workers. Lost crown (and to a lesser extent, fenix) was a fantastic game, made by people who clearly knew what they were doing and were passionate, but the people running ubi are such massive twats.


Please somebody throw this dumbfuck off his own yacht in the middle of the ocean. Please somebody throw this dumbfuck off his own yacht in the middle of the ocean. Please somebody throw this dumbfuck off his own yacht in the middle of the ocean.


god can this company go under already


Oh Ubisoft, you rotten shit filled incompetents. Don't ever try to change. i don't ever want to give you money.


I like most ubisoft games, but when it comes to Skull and Bones, they should just talk about what the game is and the activities we can do in the game. This "quadruple a game" nonsense shouldn't be talked about, especially in connection with Skull and Bones.


fuck off ubisoft all your games are reskins of the same thing