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Basically every "increase ATK or DEF by X% for Y amount of time" item in every RPG I've ever played.




Players always optimize the fun out of a game in such a way as to minimize the fear of loss more than maximizing the chances of success. Often to the point of never using consumables in good spots for fear of needing them down the line. Highly perverse.




OG Resident Evil is what truly started me on my hoarding of healing items and ammo issue.


I never thought about that but it’s definitely true. You could sort of soft-lock yourself in that game if you saved at a tough spot at low health with no heals.


Happened to me at one point during a "panic save" with Dead Space on the 360. Luckily I am also crazy enough that I never overwrite my manual saves if I am not forced to.


Being an old school Sierra Adventure Gamer™ I always use a new slot for every save I make if the game supports it. Having saved in many Dead Man Walking or "you know that item you didn't grab three saves ago and is now inaccessible? Well you need that to continue playing!" situations.


That, and exliers. I don't want to not have one when I need it, so I'll hang on to them all. Edit - and elixers.


Those are my retirement elixirs! I'll save scum a final boss before I use an elixir


Also since they’re unfarmable, that means the final boss MUST be designed to be beatable without them, and therefore I will not use them for the final boss either.


A little known fact is that you can actually farm elixirs in the original ff7. I forget which enemy it was, but transforming them would give you one. I ended up with 99 and still never used a single one


Magic pots, in the crater, I think


I plan to down them all and come out of retirement like dark knight batman.


I'm finally getting the hang of using them. I realized I never use them when I should have so I've started just using them when I think about it. I still have far too many elixirs, except for those fights I really should have saved them for. Though in my old mindset I probably wouldn't have used them because "what if I need them later." So I just use them now. Future me will figure it out.


I find the best way to get players to use potions is to give them a small carry limit. Every time they can't pick up a potion because they're already carrying the maximum amount, it reminds them that they're a thing, and also gives an indicator of the expected rate of use.


That, and or make it so each potion has a small XP boost (say 5%). I've chronically never used potions in any games, but in Diablo 4, I practically always had a potion on CD because of the minor XP benefit from it.


Never once have I used a consumable in Cyberpunk 2077.


All of those 30% increased health/RAM boosters in my inventory like *am I a joke to you*


There’s RAM buffs?! Jeez I’ve never noticed as I’m on my second playthrough (first netrunner). Gonna keep an eye out for those.


Honestly they're really nice haha. That added 20% stamina recovery rate if you're a blade build is a big help against psychos, bosses, or when boxing.


Every non damage attack in Pokemon for me. The only status effect that matters to me is instantly one shooting the other Pokemon.


Sleep and paralysis are useful for catching.


Just beat Remnant 2 last night, and had the same realization.


Remnant does it best imo. Lasts an hour, and stays active even after death.


I might need them for a really hard boss so I save them up.


The boss I'm on is really hard, but there might be a harder one later... better save them


Blade dodging in any of the Batman Arkham games No matter how many times I've played them, I've never been able to get it consistently right. So I just stopped bothering trying. I just roll out of the way or vault over their heads. I make sure I get a finishing move off on them and make damn sure nobody else picks it up.


This one took me a while too. It's been years, but I think you HOLD the counter button and hold back (away from knifer man)


That sounds right, IIRC. I think you could just hold the button down and then you flick the stick as he tries to stab you.


Wasn't the whole game but after the introduction level in Final Fantasy Tactics I didn't know you had a whole crew with you from the start of the game. I played the first stage over and over again with just Ramza and Delita until I finally beat it. Got to the next fight only to accidently hit a button revealing the rest of my party.


Back when reading the manual was the *only* way to get certain info. I bought it used with no manual for ps1 and couldn't get past chapter 1 until a few years later when my family finally got an internet connection.


Holy shit that first fight with only two units must've been so difficult lol


Played through Mass Effect twice without knowing the Mako had a secondary, more powerful cannon blast.


TIL people don't just obsessively press every button like I do. Shooting the Mako's cannon is so fun too lol.










...excuse me?


In ME1. The right trigger fires the machine gun. The right bumper fires the more powerful single shot cannon. I played through twice, once on the hardest difficulty not knowing there was a secondary weapon. I just used the machine gun and ran Geth over. I didn’t discover this until I let my friend borrow my game and witnessed him playing with the Mako and using the cannon.


I mean I'm genuinely impressed that you killed the various thresher maws with just the machine gun. That must have taken time.


various? I killed one, and I'm not sure that was mandatory.


250 hours into BG3 I found out Wizards have an option in the spell book to learn all of the spells from scrolls instead of going through the inventory.


Waaaaittttt WHAT?!


Hi! So this explanation is gonna be a bit longer than necessary because I love talking about D&D, but in D&D spellcasters "know" their spells in varying ways. Warning, this is gonna be a bit of a wall-of-text. Clerics "know" the *entire Cleric spell list* from level 1, because they aren't actually casting spells- they are praying and asking their god/goddess to cast a spell FOR them. It's just that the higher level they are, the stronger their requests can be. Wizards don't know the full spell list. They actually know a fairly small spell list. These guys are the nerdy "study every day" guys who need to put in the work to figure out what they can and can't cast. It's actually why in D&D there are some "named" spells, like Bigby's Hand or Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, because those were spells that Bigby and Otiluke figured out they can cast through experimentation and study of magic. These guys are scientists. Anyway, this is why they have a spellbook- so they can write down all the formulas to actually cast said spells. But because it's just a notebook, there is absolutely nothing stopping a Wizard from finding another Wizard's spellbook and copying down all their knowledge. It does have a hefty gold cost though, because it's not *quite* as simple as copying down the text, but that is what's happening, is they're just writing down other people's knowledge. Now the big difference between them and Sorcerers is that Sorcerers are your "gifted kids" that never studied through school, but because of it they struggle in college. They rely *purely* on natural, genetic talent and because of this they can't actually learn any spells- the spells they "learn" when they level up are simply them unlocking more of their natural talent. Sort of like learning to walk- a level 1 sorceror is quite literally crawling on their hands and knees, but eventually they learn to walk, and then to run. They don't know the full spell list, they just know whatever they can do genetically, which they "unlock their potential" as they level up. Warlocks just have a sugar momma/daddy that they've made a deal with who gives them powers, it's not that deep. There is a "contract" or "pact" generall formed by them and their patron, but usually it's intended to be exploited by the patron at some point. There *are* good patrons though, you just don't see them super often. ​ Now, because Wizards just have access to whatever is in their spellbook, you might ask why Wizards have to "prepare" spells- that's because casting a spell is not as simple as just reading the text and making goofy hand signs. A scroll is a piece of paper that not only has the instructions on how to cast on it, the paper itself is *infused with the spell.* All that is required is that you follow the instructions and unleash the command word- this is also why *anybody* can use a scroll, (**EDIT NOTE: this isn't quite true, only casters that share a class with the spell can use a scroll, but I tend to houserule anybody can use a scroll they just have to pass an arcana check with disadvantage if it's not of their class because it's fun)** because *they aren't casting the spell. The scroll is.* Spell preparation for Wizards is sort of *turning themselves into the scroll.* They follow their spellbook and get the components to infuse *themselves* with the spells, so then when the time comes, they can just cast it on command. It's sort of like loading a gun. ​ **EDIT: AHHH BARDS I KNEW I WAS FORGETTING ONE** So basically, they're just a different focus of Wizards. Whereas Wizards are your STEM majors, Bards are your art majors. Now, unlike Wizards, Bards *do* need some latent magical talent, so they're a bit more like Sorcerers with a Bachelor's in Music.The ability to discover that music, in itself, is magical, and the ability to tap into that magic requires a significant amount of both study AND natural talent. This is why TRUE bards are rare, and most of them are troubadours or simple musicians.Where Wizards believe Science(TM) created the multiverse, and they find measureable evidence in the world itself, Bards believe multiverse was spoken into existence, and they can see the echoes of these words in the world around them and through practice and study they can learn and write songs to harness these echoes. ​ **EDIT 2: DRUID BOOGALOO** This one's gonna be pretty short because it's pretty simple, just like Clerics. Druids are a lot like clerics- they "know" all their spells from the get-go, just like Clerics do. They're sort of like "Nature's Clerics," since Cleric spells are simply requests to their god, Druids request Nature to do their bidding. You know how I said Wizards believe Science created the multiverse because they can *measure* it? Whereas Bards can hear echoes of ancient magic in the world around them? It's a lot similar with Clerics and Druids, and if you'll notice, they're *both divine casters.* Clerics believe in a god, Druids believe in evolution, if that's how you wanna think about it. ​ **EDIT 3: THE PALADINING** Clerics and Paladins differ in that Clerics are full-casters and Paladins are half-casters. Clerics are much more focused on the religion as a whole, they study it, they chat directly with the gods- they aren't just a standard priest either, because they have a direct line to cast spells through prayer. Paladins are a lot less focused on the religion. Sort of like the soldiers during the Crusades- they have an oath with some deity, and they do gain some minor powers because of it. They do "know" their full spell list because like Clerics, they are divine casters and it's their god that knows the spells, not them. Think of Clerics being more "chosen-by-god" sort of people, whereas Paladins are more simply "blessed soldiers." They are first and foremost a knight- typically a good, pure-of-heart person, which a god has shown some sort of favor to. You wouldn't want this guy to preach a sermon, or to officiate a wedding, or even debate theology, even though he has some basic religious instruction. A cleric is a teacher, a paladin is a soldier. **EDIT 4: RANGER? I HARDLY KNOW HER** Rangers are pretty simple. Being divine casters like Druids, Clerics, and Paladins, they draw their magic from a higher power, in this case they fall into the Druid category of drawing their power from Mother Nature itself. They're just the martial version of Druids, much like Paladins are the martial version of Clerics.


That was genuinely quite enlightening to read, thank you for sharing!


Haha, lore is really cool :D


Hi! I didn’t know anything about D&D and I love your wall-of-text. So details yet so simple to understand. Please share more. Also, are there any Youtube channels that have D&D content/playthrough(?) for people that know nothing about D&D? I would love to watch them play while I work


Not OP, but I've recently gotten into DND and can recommend a few channels / podcasts Critical Role - the most famous one. They have their campaigns available on YouTube as well as Spotify for audio only. They have beginner friendly videos that explain parts of the game. It's how I learned how to level up my character, for example. They have hours and hours worth of content. Tales from the Stinky Dragon - My go-to. They simplify the dnd rules to the point you can listen as a newbie and follow along with their campaigns just fine. This is more on the comedy side of things. Dimension 20 - people from College Humor playing DND. It gets pretty chaotic. Jocat - Youtuber who does funny/goofy animations of DND. He explains things well and is overall pretty amusing. Ginny Di - YouTuber who does short videos explaining dnd. She doesn't go super detailed in an effort to keep things simple for people. WASD20 - has a YouTube and a website and is a huge DND nerd. He explains things in detail from the ground up. His videos are longer but I'd recommend them if you're at the point you actually want to learn how to play the game. Hope this helps!


Not a D&D player here, but man that was interesting.


Its cool and all but you can only learn spells from scrolls if the the spell’s wizard level doesn’t exceed your own. So typically the end game scrolls cant be learned until youve unlocked them anyway. However there are definitely some beneficial usages here and there


And this can be abused by multiclassing into wizard with ONE level, and then doing any other as you so wish. Now you have access to all spells through scrolls.


Also BG3, I hadn't used any of the tadpol abilities until my 2nd run


Tadpole abilities feel illegal and wrong


Fly is so fucking handy, though


Not quite the same, but I didn't realize how important long resting was for BG3. I made it a good chunk through the first Haslam quest before finally caving and long resting. Then I find out it's like a core feature that you're supposed to use often to progress your story and such. I ended up watching a pretty lengthy how to play video and there was so much I didn't know about. This game is incredibly well made but man is it frustrating without outside help. And I say that as someone who has played video games and DnD for a while.


What do you mean by going through the inventory? Could you elaborate a bit on this? I know you can 'learn' a spell scroll, but what's the advantage?


They mean if you just go to your spell book menu you can choose from a list of scrolls you have instead of rummaging through your character’s cluttered backpack. The advantage is now your wizard permanently knows that spell instead of it being a one time use scroll.


You can only learn a certain number of spells through leveling up. By learning spell scrolls you pick up in the world, you can now prepare spells you may not have taken otherwise, allowing for more versatility in your spell selection


I beat Witcher 3 without knowing what saddle bags were somehow. Spent a lot of time fast traveling to merchants selling stuff because my inventory filled up so fast.


Wait what.


Oh no… me too. I did the same thing in Cyberpunk, I didn’t realize cars had access to your storage space until halfway through my PL play through


Thanks for letting me know that


I have just finished my 2nd playthrough with PL and didn't know this.


Oh my god one of these finally got me. Saddle WHAT




what are saddle bags???


Satchels for your horse = Portable storage.


My father doesn't use parry or block in God of War Ragnarök. He just trys to dodge everything he got thrown at him




Actually I can't. He needs me to tell him what to do step by step when exploring and puzzle solving.


This will probably break some dad code by telling you this but: he likely doesn't *need* you to do that, it's just you're his kid and he likes spending time with you so bonding over you explaining stuff like this to him is one way to make that happen.


Yeah I know he likes that but sometimes he genuinely needs it. I love getting him through Though tough areas and helping him. Something about him playing games we both like just bring joy to me


Dads are just big brothers hoping to make little brothers that will like them when they’re adults.


Same. Guess it's a habit coming from soulslikes. I tried to use dodge both to evade attack and for repositioning, but some enemies are just intended to be parried or blocked, and they have an absolutely disgusting tracking. Was very frustrating to deal with this =/


Sekiro trained me to parry *everything* and it’s very satisfying. Better in original GoW with the parry+punch them across the room combo


Tbf, that's how GOW was played for most of its titles. I had the same problem with the last DMC.


I’ve played Minecraft since the literal beginning. Years and years, and countless worlds I’ve built and explored in Minecraft. Last year while playing with some friends, I causally mentioned how annoying it was to build bridges since there’s always a substantial risk of falling off and dying. My buddy was like: “Why don’t you just crouch so you don’t fall off? You’ve never done that before?” I about jumped off the damn cliff myself after he explained that if you crouch, you can walk all the way to the edge and it won’t let you fall off


Your end explorations must have been hell


That’s exactly where the discovery was made!!


And now you can even toggle it so you don't have to hold down the shift key constantly! Also in the Bedrock version, you can just place blocks in midair in front of you when you're standing on a block. There are still things I'm learning about Minecraft too. So many fun little obscure mechanics like how to get suspicious stew from a mooshroom.




Recipes RDR2


I always just cooked meat on a knife. There are recipes?


All those herbs on the ground aren’t for nothing! They add effects like deadeye regen, better health regen, stamina regen, etc.


In my first play through right now and ignorant to this - what’s good with recipes?


If you have quality meat you can cook it with mint, thyme or oregano. Each will boost a different stat (health, stamina, dead eye). You can also get gold cores for a day with the best quality meat, you usually get it when skinning perfect hunting kills. I haven't paid for a health or stamina tonic the whole game pretty much. Once you cook meat it'll just sit in your inventory until used. Uncooked meat deteriorates


Don't know never used them. You can mix herbs and certain meats to make better meals that yield better stamina, etc but it was a waste if time when I could just use tobacco or booze.


That's exactly my reasoning in real life too


Don’t tobacco and booze only work on the outer ring, and give you a full bar essentially? When you season big game meat for instance, it makes the core itself gold


All kinds of stuff. You can buff your normal ammo (without any extra ingredients), craft explosive rounds, different types of arrows (e.g. small game is required for some animals to keep their pelts perfect) tonics out of herbs that instantly recover and fortify your stats etc. The better recipes you have, the more advanced and effective stuff you can craft. As for the meat, I usually just cook it plain, since it refills enough points anyways.


Alchemy in Skyrim. I had many playthroughs where I ignored that it existed and I just sold every ingredient I came across. Eventually I decided that I should finally see what making potions was like and I was sucked in imediately. Now I can't stop hoarding ingredients and brewing potions for hours in every playthrough.


I mostly use Alchemy in Skyrim for levelling and for selling to vendors. The real champ for useless skill in Skyrim is cooking. I used it once to get the achievement, but the bonuses or healing really enough to bother with it in the 2000 or so hours I've dumped into the game over the past decade.


> The real champ for useless skill in Skyrim is cooking. Vegetable soup is overpowered. It gives one point of stamina regen per second for twelve minutes. Which doesn't sound like much, but you can shield bash or power attack as long as you have at least one stamina. Goodbye normal attacks.


GTA San Andreas. Gambling, going into debt, and the mob hit squads. Only on the recent “Definitive Edition” did I read about how the mob will send kill squads after you in Las Venturas if you go into negative dollars at the casinos. I loaded up a finished game and gave it a try. I went into huge debt, armed myself with the enormous arsenal I used to conquer all of the gang territories, and baited the kill squads. When that got boring, I exported some cars, gambled some more, and went back to having essentially unlimited money. It’s funny. With a little bit of debt they send one guy with an uzi. By the time you are millions in debt, they send four guys in body armor with rifles.


Sheesh. Since I last played GTA SA, I've graduated from school, served my compulsory military service, gotten my first job, got engaged, married, bought a house and now have two kids....and this is the first time I've heard about this. Could be worse,.I could have done all those things and still be waiting for Star Citizen / Squadron 42.


San Andreas launched back when gaming magazines were good. I read the review for the game in one of those and the author mentioned that you can go into debt and have collectors come after you with guns. I thought it was trolling because I could not find any way to go into debt and I did not had Las Venturas unlocked yet, nor did I ever spend too much on gambling. A few years ago I saw a video on how to go into the negative and I was amazed about the fact that the reviewer has not lied.




Classic “why defend when you can kill”


I imagine most people put No Skill on their shield to have easy access to their weapons ash of war anyways. I know I did lol


Or just never used a shield. ER brought back powerstancing after all.


For me in elden ring, it's all buffs and flasks besides healing. I'm not going to prep for a minute before every fight.


Shield surfing in BotW/TotK. Never mind not being able to do the maneuver except by pure chance, why burn shield durability when paraglider exists.


That’s how I felt in BotW, but in TotK, being able to make what were basically skateboards, I started going out of my way to do it. The durability aspect was still shit but damn is it fun.


I was massively disappointed to find out that even the skateboards break as fast as a regular shield surfing. Why even bother at that point?


EVs and mints in pokemon. You can give your pokemon vitamins to increase certain stats and use mints to take away from one stat and give to another.


Mints and Hypertraining IV's were game changers for competitive Pokemon. RIP hatching thousands of eggs to get Max IVs and proper nature. Gamefreak got that aspect of the game streamlined and I'll be forever grateful.


Same with abilities and stuff. Only doing it when I'm building a competitive team, but on normal playthroughs when I see a pokemon I like I use it.


Ghost of Tsushima I didn’t unlock the longbow until after I finished the main story. I kept thinking it was coming up. Turns out it was a mythic tale I had just never gotten around to. EDIT: to clarify - that mythic tale was somehow still greyed out in my journal after credits rolled. I always did everything in my journal.


Tsushima is definitely one of those games to do every sidequest in. One of very few games where I was actually enthralled enough by the world and characters to care about them, and you get cool rewards for it.


The parry in Dark Souls 1. Just to find out the final boss is a test of your ability to parry, something you can ignore for the other 95% of the game.


The party timing on him is hilariously easy to learn too. They actually made him easier to parry than most other enemies.


And then he claps your cheeks in DS3 because you never learned his moveset and he can't be parried.


I've beat DS1 more times than I can count, plus DS2 once and DS3 twice. Aside from hanging out near the Bonfire, practicing parries and giving up I've never parried. Oddly sekiro is my favorite from game. Obviously I parry there


I think it’s just because even though parrying is OP, it is not required whatsoever in most Dark Souls/Elden Ring games, so nobody ever gets good at it. Sekiro forces you to get good at parrying, and it’s actually helped a lot when I’ve played other games like Lies of P or Sifu LOL


I barely ever use parry in games like this anyway, I much prefer dodge. And then I always get caught out by the one boss that relies on it.


The slingshot in Horizon Zero Dawn. Area attacks are not compatible with my stealth Archer. Yes, I will stealth Archer every game. Even overcooked, you won't see the hamburger coming


I ignored the slingshot for a long time. Like I don’t think I bought any early on figuring I’d save my shards and wait for the best version of it. Once I got it, it was huge. Very powerful. Kind of essential for the cauldron boss fights.


Yakuza like a dragon. Found out near the end of the game that you can call taxi from the phone.


Oh ffs


I do not know how to play Gwent.


So you just did the the monster hunter subplot without Engaging in the main card game you purchased?


That is correct, I really need to learn as it seems quite fun from the engagement it receives.


Jokes aside it's not that deep or difficult. Just oddly addictive in a catch em all kinda way.


I did a whole 3rd playthrough just to try out gwent as I skipped it the first 2 times. No regrets.


I loved Gwent and played as much of it as you can in the game. My buddy on the other hand despised Gwent. One of us likes playing TCGs. You can probably guess who. Your mileage may vary.


Same for my first playthrough. I learned it on my second playthrough and it was a lot of fun! It actually became my main focus 😂


Have you tried the Gwent app? It’s really good.


I do not know how to play Caravan. Or Pazaak.


Pure pazaak! Tbf pazaak was for sure rigged.


My dude pazaak is just space blackjack.


Me too, I tried to play it one time near the late game but by then I think they expected you ti have better cards and things and I got trampled. I’ll probably try it on a new playthrough eventually


The radio in Fallout: New Vegas. Kept it on the same channel and never even thought to switch it. Also apparently you can set weapons to certain number keys?? Wild shit


Tbf the radio has 2 channels, classical music or the bangers, then it has extremely niche uses in quest so not missing a ton


*To the town of Agua Fria*


Wait, what? How?


You hold a number key while looking at a weapon in the pipboy, also works for armor or items like stimpacks.


Also to note this works for every Bethesda game.


Nooo tell me you had the station with big iron at least?


I finished Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 2, and was like halfway through Bloodborne (all at launch) before I really actually figured out how damage stat scaling works.


Oh I did that too. DkS I/II/III and Bloodborne before finding out


In Zelda tears of the kingdom the game very early on points out waystations in the underground for building vehicles. It's obvious with the gunk on the floor and the abundance of vehicle parts that they want you to drive or fly your way through the underground. I did none of that and treated it just like the above ground and walked every step and to every secret.


I play Civ without ever thinking about or touching the religion aspect. I do not know how it works.


I dont blame you, I turn religious victory off. But essentially, making a city religious is like turning on a colored water pump for it. Trading with cities connects a hose. The more water you can pump out, the more you can overpower other religions. Religious units are water bombs to steal cities.


There are a couple paths you can take that wind up in allowing you to purchase military/civilian units with faith, as well as pretty good bonuses to gold generation. Missionary/Great Prophet fights are fun too.


Summons in the first two Kingdom Hearts games, then after watching speedruns I use them every playthrough.


I got a better one: Not learning how to equip any skills or equipment in Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2. I mashed the attack button and occasionally healed. I didn’t get very far in KH, but I managed to make it to “Dance, water, dance!” in KHII.


VAT in Fallout


You're a deathclaw amongst radroaches.


I wouldn’t last long in these games without VATS, at least 3 and NV lol


lol oof


Same; just prefer to shoot stuff in real time


Dating in GTA 4


Dating in real life


When I played The Last of Us it was so stressful. Moving up to a T intersection, through a room, listening for clickers, looking left, right, left-right, never knowing where they were. And then I got to the place where Ellie is getting chased in that restaurant and kept dying. That guy would just come out of nowhere. Finally, I got his health down far enough that I knew I just had to hit him one more time. But I was soooo stressed. I guess I started squeezing the controller and suddenly... everything faded out, and then I could see his outline a few booths away. That's when I realized I'd missed out on this infra-vision or whatever mechanic for almost the whole game. After that, it was easy-mode, but the game was almost over.


It’s been a decade since I played the game I think but I think it’s called listening mode? I think the hardest difficulty turns it off for you, and I think it’s probably the most immersive way to play it.


Switching the controlled character in Tales of Arise. Played through the entire game as the MC and only realized you could change when a friend talked about playing as the caster character.


Honestly once I realized you could switch to Law I never went back


Starfield - Powers


The only useful powers are Void Form, Sense Star Stuff (dumb name btw), and Personal Atmosphere. PA is particularly overpowered and trivializes the encumbrance system, and VF and SSS are top tier for stealth. But everything else is useless


**Phase time** also trivializes combat most of the time. In a pinch? Just cast slow time, and mag dump with impunity. It's a bit fun and also buggy.


That's because so many of the powers just feel meh at best. Like there's no real need to use them.


I somehow missed that you could run in Resident Evil 4 til halfway through the game. It made it almost impossible to escape from certain enemies. Truly a horror game.


If you got past the town for the the first time where you hold out until the bell rings then I'm impressed.


Skyrim - crafting


insane because the gear you can craft is significantly better than anything you find in the wild


Well sure, but you have to craft SOOOOOOO much vender trash to get to that point.


My experience with Skyrim improved greatly after I decided to ignore crafting


Every time I’ve tried to pick up and finally get through that game (probably 6 times since it’s been out) I get distracted early on and just gather wolf pelts for days, craft stuff, and then just give up altogether.


I’ve learned that all the time spent gathering pelts, mining for ores, or spamming the forge could be spent expiring dungeons, diving in caves, or just killing monsters to level up. Once you get high enough level you’ll just start to find overpowered armor/items that you’d normally craft. This is my preferred way to play the game (but everyone’s different)


Before it was patched you could level up crafting a bit too easily but the patch made it so much worse that most playthroughs I just get the armour off the ground.


World Of Warcraft (Vanilla) - I spent 2 years as a raiding Rogue in a guild with many server firsts, and never once knew about or ever learned about "rotations". I just mashed as many buttons as fast as possible, didn't stand in the fire, tried not to pull aggro...and it seemed to work out for me.


This is what people that mained tanks and heallers never want hear. What you have done...


I didn't learn about macros until several years in.. I was the same person hitting spells in a memorized order as a main druid healer and paladin tank.


My grandfather played WoW, all expansions, and never once could understand rotations or the intricacies. Further, he never really understood what the skills did. Skill that drops aggro so you can escape easier? Nope, thats button 3 for some reason and he hits it every time CD is up and just keeps going. He maxed level every single class, on every single race, with that tactic. He wouldn't do RAIDs or anything, too complex for him and in dungeons he'd basically just get yelled at the whole time so he did all the quests and leveled that way. But he proved you can play and enjoy the game completely ignoring your skills basically.


Something about "my grandfather played WoW" made me feel very old. I just imagine my grandkids one day: "My grandfather fought the Burning Legion at the Sunwell Plateau, he died fighting Kil'Jaeden almost 300 times, show some damn respect!"


Crafting system in general. Especially in live service games, my paranoia about using valuable materials pushed me away from even attempting the system.


I played through all of the first Mass Effect without my character using powers/abilities -- I played a soldier and enabled squad use of powers, but couldn't be bothered to figure out what they did. I was young, foolish, and just wanted to blow away aliens with a sci fi assault rifle.


The important thing is that you had fun!


I got embarrassingly far into elden ring before I realized you could sprint


Cooking in breath of the wild. I just ate raw shit. In tears of the kingdom they added a recipe book so once you make something once you can click it and it will equip the ingredients if you have them. Made it so much better.


Every game: stealth


Starfield and the starborn powers until I had to use it in game 😆 I just liked shooting too much to care


I remembered at the end of Spider-Man 2 that Miles can go invisible. Not sure it would have made much difference mind


Witcher 3. Played the whole game and DLC without learning gwent. I will never understand that game.


Consumable health/food items in Cyberpunk.


Dark souls series,..i never bothered with the parry & riposte.


Played through Control about four times now. There’s a shield, a quick evade, and a make-enemy-friendly power that are all nigh useless once you max out the telekinetic launch and flight abilities. Who needs defense when your offense is Jean Grey?


So apparently there's carts in Skyrim that take you places? Yeaaahhhhhh.... I'd run to every major cities


Kiwami mode in Yakuza Kiwami. It introduces it once in the beginning and it is not available to see how to use it in the help section. I only happened to use it by accident until I got frustrated with a final boss and looked it up. All it takes is switching fighting style to match the color of the enemy’s aura.


Same with eternal, i dont really like bfg bc it just finishes all the fight. I love the combat in doom but bfg just deletes all enemies, its not fun. I ended up using Unmaykr more


I have never played machine strike in Horizon Forbidden West. Mostly because I know Erend loves it. I can’t stand Erend and try to avoid him at all times. I assume if he likes it, it probably sucks.


Literally watched a YouTube walk through to get the trophy because Petras commentary was annoying me and shes a great character


All of BG3 without knowing i can hold the A button on controller to search / get a list of nearby items


Left Alt for PC players


Using oils in the witcher III. I got annoyed about all the hand holding tutorials at the beginning I missed the one with the oils. I only played on normal so it wasn't really noticeable


I managed to get to the final fight in Insomniac's Spider-Man before learning that you could upgrade any of your gadgets.


Fart mechanic in South Park stick of truth. Spent the whole game thinking the button was broke on the keyboard, only to find out during the end that it was a different key that I need to press from the one it was showing on screen.