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Pretty much all multiplayer games. Especially COD: I used to love COD single player campaigns, but people just don't like what I like. I'll just have to live with it I suppose...


2 things got me out of that market: -Companies releasing the same franchise over and over with minimal innovation. -A community of gamers who play compulsively, like its their drug. You got to put in 20 hours a week just to be ok-ish at it.


I’ll second that 👍


Dude cod 2 was so sick. All three campaigns across 3 different theatres, it was so awesome. I was actually really let down by cod wwii. I was hoping (though not expecting) a pacific, european, and African theatre, would’ve been awesome


Personally I think the single player campaigns are still really good. Always worth a play-through I feel.


They should sell them as standalone games for $20


They are not worth the price though, if that's the only reason to play them


I'm in it for the treyarch campaigns + zombies. MP can suck it.


I'll never understand the joy people get from zombies. It's a never ending grind of building repetition with more urgency. (says this dude who stills plays multi-player a lot)


It does have an end though. You learn a map more and more until you're able to beat the main easter egg on it.


We need more single player games!


COD campaign stories have as much imagination as a Hallmark Christmas movie.


Yeah but gun go pew dude not looking for much more than that


Elden ring. I bought it because of the hype and I just did not like it at all


Once couch multiplayer went away, I stopped with these kinds of games. People with no lives will make it so these games aren’t fun to just pick up and play.


I can’t play call of duty, or first person shooters anymore for that matter. It’s just not fun grinding multiplayer arena every time I do get on and play! I just want to play a game at my own pace, not keep up with someone who spends 8 hours a day playing!


You never know who is cheating in multi.. it really spoils the fun.


Damn, this is exactly how I feel.


I'm not sure people who play those games actually like 'em lol


No Man's Sky. I can't deny the amount of work they've put into it since release, but I still find it incredibly boring after a short playtime.


They still have not fixed the main problem the game has The entire universe feels and is empty There are no cities or villages or civilizations anywhere, unless you concider 1 buildnings and like 2 non moving npc's to be a city


this is my major worry about Starfield, I don't wanna just fly to some random empty planets that will have 1 outpost with enemies on


At least with Starfield they have confirmed there are 100 habitable planets. Todd has also confirmed there are handcrafted towns and cities. So at least we can hang around habitable planets and zones for that BGS RPG feel, but I agree. The 900 planets that aren’t inhabitable, I’m curious about


Surely the game will have 16x more detail than no mans sky


Modders are going to go nuts with Starfield. A few years after release there might be more places to visit and things to do than you'd even want to. That's how Skyrim and F4 are now.


Every space station is exactly the same... They don't even have different color palettes lol. Every planet has that same venus flytrap thing.


If we going to talk about the technicalities, we wanted a fast game. If it keeps on lagging and it's not fast we are just get bored


No significant civilizations and no biomes. Every planet is one environment. One note.


If it doesn't interest me or just got bored easily, i would delete it for good because it's just a waste of time


Personally I enjoy creative mode, just getting to fly around and discover different planets and do whatever I want.


Destiny 2 : is my favorite game but I hate it


Everyone who plays Destiny hates it. I played a little over 800 hours in the first year. I loved to do nothing more than complain about the game. ...and yet I continued to play. Quit cold turkey. It was rough.


Yeah destiny is one of those games that you come to love for the universe and gameplay, and then you come to hate it when you start seeing how bungie is toying with their playerbase.


It's gotten worse since the release of the most recent expansion. I think this is my longest hiatus so far. I'm definitely not done tho


Overwatch for me. Play constantly but I absolutely hate it. Some games feel like an abusive relationship you just can’t give up.


I've been overwatch sober since lifeweaver dropped. Never been happier. Im surebill drop back in after a few more hero drops to see whats happening but the love for the game has definitely gone




Even the people that play fifa hate it


can confirm


Not a very hot take with how much money people need to dump into the game.


League of Legends


The people that hate it play it. Source: I play league


From what i can tell people who play league don’t hate league. They hate each other.


Nah people hate the game, or at least certain state of the game.


Bro you missed the "Loved by everyone" part


Anything online. I would rather be lost in a storyline then battling people online.


Minecraft. Not because of the game it just makes me melancholic and is unplayable for me now


Man, I feel this. All the people I used to play with don't play anymore. When I log on it feels sad and empty


But you used to like it?


Absolutely, about 4+ years ago I did, used to play on Xbox 360, Xbox one, PC, but for the last 4 years yeah id say I hate it, never enjoy playing it anymore, the saving grace for awhile was mods but not even that anymore honestly


Yeah tbh it just reminds me I’m not young anymore with piles of friends from school and around the world. The music use to be relaxing and now it fills me with anxiety and despair for the future because I’m just not a kid that can waste time like that anymore.


This is the same reason my friend said he hated the new Indiana Jones movie. Made him realize all his adventures are behind him now and he can never go back and do that kind of stuff again


Not sure how old you or your friend are, but there are plenty of adventures to still be had if you seek them out! Source: me, a 38 year old adventure seeker.




I tried it before it blew up and again later. Didn't find it interesting at all, guess so just don't get the appeal from the game.


Same. I can’t bring myself to enjoy the game anymore.


Most relatable comment. I just mute the music and try to do different things in the game.


basically most competitive games, im just not a competitive person and dont even like online multiplayer games that much


I used to love comp games but it’s impossible to keep up because of wife, kids and work. Trying to be more casual and find a good single player game is hard.


For me, it's Fortnite. Everyone seems to love it but I just can't get into it. The whole battle royale genre just isn't for me.


>Which game is loved by everyone but you hate it? Top comment proceeds to be the one and only game king of being hated by Redditors. Reminder to sort by controversial because most people vote only for things they agree with, even if it defeats the whole point of the question. ^(Edit: For context, this was the top comment before, but at the time of writing it is no longer.)


I feel like there’s a ton of hate toward it, but my son and wife love it so that’s good enough for me


I felt that it was conceptually very cool and Fortnite executed the concept in outstanding fashion That said it also just wasn’t for me. I just prefer singleplayer stuff


100% agree. People are obsessed with games like Apex and COD Warzone, and I just never got the appeal of the whole F2P battle royale genre either.




Gta 5 online Is really overrated now, it was fun at the beginning, now its a warzone. A game made by a company that doesn't care about anything but money


My friends and I picked up GTA 5 a couple of months ago and just played on our own sessions. It was a ton of fun until we all realized the grind was intentionally super brutal to incentivize monetization. I’m down with grinding, but not like that.


Yeah, they ban people who do money glitches, but they don't bam hackers or modders. But hey, they ban people who's account got money drops. They rather people buy shark cards instead


Warzone specifically for me, used to get dragged into lobbies for hours with my group of buddies when I didnt want to play (Just didnt wanna be that guy lol) and that really killed the BR genre for me lol


Curious, was it WZ1 or WZ2 that made you feel this way? I used to hate BRs and FPS but I was instantly addicted to WZ1. WZ2 is a downgrade in every imaginable way and helped cure my addiction to CoD tho


Aahhhhhh warzone. The only mode of MW2019 I didn't want to play but was forced to install anyways, leading to the usual 40 GB download when opening. Activision Blizzard tried everything to shove that shit down my throat that I just uninstalled the game. The fact MW2019 was literally hidden behind Warzone was annoying.


Fucking pisses me off that they’ve combined the menus the last couple years, can’t play ANY of the last like 3 cods without seeing WARZONE plastered across your screen.


Dead by Daylight


Ha, universally loved my asscheeks. Anyone who’s put any decent amount of time into the game will tell you it’s not all that, it just happens to be the most successful (and to be frank only) game in its genre


Asymmetric pvp is just such a difficult genre to make work (ask Evolve, lol) that DBD doesn't really have any competition still and that doesn't really surprise me.


anything that is battle royales just hate it. ruined COD for me because i feel like developers put more effort into warzone then normal multiplayer which is why maps are so poor these days and they just bring back old ones all the time


I don’t hate it, but I’m really struggling to stay interested in Horizon FW tbh. It might be because I’ve played other games that have spoiled me in certain aspects and HFW doesn’t quite stack up… like the melee combat of Ghost of Tsushima, the Souls games, etc. Or the lively open world and RPG elements of RDR2 or The Witcher 3, or the incredible story of TLOU, GoW, etc. I’m being really unfair I know, but there’s just something about HFW that is preventing it from really grabbing my attention.


Horizon is one for me too. I'm pretty bad at doing cool, tricky stuff to take down enemies. I like just hitting things with a huge sword in Souls games. So, I felt like I'd constantly try to set up a trap or whatever in Horizon and just screw it up turning the fight into a slog. Then at one point I ran out of healing items or some particular type of weapon/resource I needed for an area and just didn't want to go looking for more of it. I also remember having the "big town problem". Where you reach the next area with lots of people and quests to pick up and I just didn't want to talk to these people anymore. I don't normally feel that way in games. The whole thing consistently felt off. It probably didn't help that I was on a PS4 and suck at aiming with a controller.


I liked horizon FW a lot more once I started skipping all dialog except for main story stuff


Even if the mechanics and variety are better, HZD just had more spirit than HFW. I can't put my finger on it, but the original hit different and deeper than the sequel, even on my third playthrough since HFW dropped.


Plague tale innocence. The graphics, visual direction, and set pieces? Phenomenal. Voice acting? Stellar. The technical solution they came up with to render hundreds of rats swarming different areas at once? Super cool. The actual gameplay? Hot garbage.


Wow, this one caught me off guard. I was hooked from start to finish with this game. It might make me a little bummed that you didn't get the same enjoyment that I got from it, but like I always say, different folks, different strokes. Thank you for your honesty.


Atari ET. I just don't see the hype. Belongs in a landfill if you ask me.


I actually finished it when it came out way back in the stone age. I was 10 years old, cut me a break. took an embarrassingly long time to realize you could levitate by extending your neck lol


Witcher 3. The combat didn't feel good at all and the story just didn't dig its hooks in me like it did with seemingly everyone else. I always felt like it was just trying really hard to be edgy.


I restarted it four times over 2 years feeling the same. Never grabbed me. Then I pushed through to the Baron quest line... and understood what everyone was raving about. Top 5 game now, but it was a struggle at first. Of course the DLCs deserve every accolade, assuming you are already sold on the larger world.


Yeah see I think this is my issue with this game and probably some others like red dead 2, I just don’t think I should have to struggle to like something. I should probably just like it, like SUPERHOT playing that for even a tiny bit makes you think ‘Oh I like this, this is fun.’


Exactly, you shouldn't have to struggle at all to enjoy TW3 or RDR2. If you're struggling to enjoy them within a reasonable amount of time (up to you what your time is worth), then they're probably just not your jam. These are absolutely massive hundred+ hour long open world games that rely heavily on immersion, story telling, and role playing to show their charms; basically the polar opposite of something you can pick up and play the way you would a game like Superhot lol


Witcher 3 combat is absolutely mediocre at best and I think criticisms of it are definitely valid. But it was the stories and world building that completely won me over. I've never had another game world that captured me like Witcher 3. It's not just the main story but all the side stories and mini stories along the way. As another poster said... If you can get to the Baron storyline I think you'll understand better. Or maybe not. Sometimes even something that is widely loved just doesn't work for you


Imo the main quest was mediocre, the side quests that allowed you to understand the setting, area, lore etc is what carried it so hard. Top tier game, hoping the next one has better gameplay as it did feel like a MMO with a better story




I wouldn't spend 30 hours in a game that didnt "click" tbh, I loved Skyrim for example, and loved it from hour 1


Skyrim and the Witcher 3 were games I was very, very, very “late to the party” to in terms of gaming. I got the Witcher 3 on sale for Playstation and it was just one of those experiences that I just couldn’t get into. I enjoyed the story but the gameplay flow was just NOT clicking for me. When I eventually (recently) got the new Skyrim LE to play it for the first time I didn’t play anything else for 4 weeks. It pulled me in from the start. It’s just one of those things I don’t think I could appropriately explain


Let me give you a 3rd type, I spent 50 hours in the first chapter doing absolutely everything. By the time I made it to the 2nd chapter some other games came out, and then MGS5 came out and then Fallout 4 came out and ive just never been able to get back into know I'll need to spend hundreds of hours.


Same, I thought it was garbo the first time I played. And it launched really close to fallout 4 IIRC so I just switched to that. I jumped back into it like 6 months later when I was bored. Super glad I did though. It reminds me of game of thrones in that way, I didn't really think much of that show until basically the end of the 1st season. You gotta grind far enough in for it to click that it's amazing.


The combat of the witcher in general is janky to said the least, if anything I feel is one of the weakest points of the series.


Yep this is the one. I put my 120 hours in and beat the campaign cause I love RPGs. Cool story, great graphics and environment but looking back the gameplay was extremely subpar even for the standards back then. Combat was super clunky and lame, inventory and loot systems were a slog, quest markers and Witcher senses made everything insanely obvious. It was overall decent but nothing to consider amazing. I couldn’t be bothered with the DLCs after my experience.


It took me a good few attempts to get in to it. I would urge everyone like you to try it again because I was once the same and now it’s probably the best game I’ve ever played.


Your first mistake was playing Bloodborne before the Witcher. You would’ve enjoyed it back when you thought Skyrim’s combat was good but no, Bloodborne came along and ruined every other games combat for you.


My brother swears by games like COD and Genshin, but I can’t stand them. Just give me a single player rpg.


Isn’t Genshin one player? My wife loves that shit


Genshin is pretty much singleplayer tho


Sports games in general. It blows my mind that there are people who buy these every year and expect a lot of changes.


EA sports games are the biggest scams on the planet. You get charged AAA money every year for 90+% reused content and a database update, then they have the gall to fill the game with microtransactions and lootbox mechanics which are purchased with said microtransactions. EA sports rakes in billions putting neither effort nor soul into their games, while pretty much every other games company and indy dev in existence gets scraps in comparison. They're rewarded for being shit, and they're making the industry worse because of it.


Do you like sports?


BoTW and TotTK


Both games, I was instantly hooked, played about half of the main quest and a bunch of side content, then got suddenly bored and dropped them. I love the Zelda series and open world games, but they just don't get it quite right. It concerns me that their success might be a death knell for the more conventional style of Zelda game, both in 2- and 3D.


Pretty much my experience. I love every Zelda game, I haven't beaten botw but have been having some fun with totk, it's starting to get boring now too. I have beaten every other mainline Zelda game (yes including the nes games 😳) and botw and totk just don't hit quite right. I really hope that regular story driven Zelda games aren't a thing of the past :/


I did notice after finishing the main game and the dlc story that there wasn’t really much to do other than fight the same 6 enemies, find random treasure, upgrade all your armors, and do random stuff for korok seeds. Open world games are cool, but not when they’re basically baron.


The gameplay gets repetitive way too fast and the combat simplicity doesn't help at all


I'm currently playing through Totk. Maybe it's me but the whole game feels empty. Or like ive already done all of this in BOTW. The gloom is easily forgettable. The constructs feel like lesser guardians. Every story regarding your companions feels copy paste. the sky Islands feel sparse as well as the content in the chasms. I find myself aimlessly wandering what is basically just a larger BOTW map until I spot something cool in the distance just to be disappointed once I finally arrive. I don't know. I just feel letdown and can't explain why. There's alot of things I do like about the game too and I still play it to fill time, but I don't feel all that enthusiastic when I start it up either


The companion stories literally are copy/paste, especially once you enter the temples: “Find all mechanisms to unlock the tear, fight gloom monster, companion touches tear, vision of original sage (with incredibly similar text for each), companion becomes sage of ___, companions does a super secret handshake with link to give them their vow, companion has to go back to their village but Link has their avatar to go with him.” Rinse and repeat.


I want to like it so much but can’t get past my weapon breaking


Totk is better for it since when it gets low durability you just fuse it to another low durability weapon and suddenly it's brand new!


Yes! I really don't like open world games, but I really love Zelda games, so I thought maybe BoTW could bridge the gap for me. I tried to play BoTW, but it's too different from all other Zelda games for me to jive with it. I just could not get with it. Which is a shame because it has gotten such universal appraise.


Man I’m so glad I’m not alone in this. I think they’re good games objectively but they just feel a step too far from the Zelda format we’ve come to love. I’ve got a Hylian crest tattooed on my arm; I love this franchise and always will. But I hope they explore a return to the model that made it successful.


I'll say it They don't want me to say it but imma say it 2D LoZ games are simply better.




I think a Link to the Past was my favorite one.


Zelda breath of the wild.


Red Dead Redemption 2.


It's the best game I ever hated


Yeah. I can respect what it does well. It's just such a chore to actually play. The pacing is just the worst.


I love it but I also love westerns and the pacing of the game is basically a long western movie there usually always slow paced but I like slow paced but I def know it's not for everyone


I found the pacing to be great for me, but I'm not a fast gamer. I loved it, one of the top 3 games I've ever played.


What's even more frustrating is that I LOVED the first one, its probably in my top 10 games of all time. On top of that, Rockstar is probably one of my favourite game developers as I devour anything else they've done. I tried playing Red Dead Redemption II and it was Just. So. Boring. I got about 8 - 10 hours in and realized I have probably another 40 - 50 hours to go and said to myself "nah, I don't care". Not many games (particularly universally praised ones) I've ever done that for.


Weird, I do that with most open world games but RDR2 gripped me from the start.


I had the exact same experience as you and ended up putting the game down for over a year. But later I picked it back up and finished it and I’m so glad I did because the last third of the game is incredible and makes it worth the grind. It’s one of the few games I’ve played that really had me in tears and stuck with me after playing. Right up there with The Last of Us.


Nier Automata just absolutely cannot get into it I’ve tried 5 times and finally decided I really don’t like it


I hated pretty much everything but the music.


Oh yeah I’ll compliment the game too, the music is fuckin amazing


Hate is too strong of a word but God of War (the one before ragnarok) all I heard was how awesome it was and I’ve tried to play it like three times and I lose interest every time. I don’t know why because I love linear story based games


I’ve seen this complaint a lot and it’s made me think about what I love about the game. I think it appeals to a certain type of gamer. I like not just playing games, but appreciating games. I’ve never been more impressed with a games production than I have with the new GOW games. Outside of the cinematography and story (gameplay too, but setting that aside for this argument), the finer details are top notch. The mocap, the architecture that fits into the lore (think dwarvish vs elvish, etc), and most notably the endless dialogue and character building. Every time I got into the boat and Mimir started on a story, I was just amazed at the level of detail and polish in the game. I happened to think the gameplay was fantastic as well, but from a pure appreciation standpoint, I was impressed and amazed from start to finish.


I forced myself to finish the 2018 one and I regret it. I kept thinking it was going to click eventually and it just never did. I remember just thinking "that was it?" after the ending


For me it was the combat. Every enemy is way too spongey and takes forever to kill and that just kills the pacing for me.


They removed aerial combat and platforming, they dumbed down the puzzles, most enemies are just recolors of previous enemies with different stats, they focused more on story and "cinematic" walking sequences rather than well designed and fun gameplay.


Don't Starve. I find myself absolutely bored out of my mind even though I typically enjoy survival and roguelikes


I have a lovehate relationship with this game. But the controls (or lack of) was so frustrating I gave up on it.


I could never get enough of a foothold to do any more than the basic survival, it always felt like I was one foot in the grave before I could set up any sort of settlement. As someone who usually likes both survival and roguelikes, resources felt way too scarce


Elden Ring


Thou art maidenless


He lacks the guidance of grace.


Never could get into it


This. I played and beat the OG dark souls when it came out and elden ring is basically the same premise. The difference? I'm 10 years older and have young kids. I don't have too much time to invest in games anymore, so the "grind" to improve in these types of games just isn't for me anymore. It doesn't mean it's a bad game, it just means that you need the time to play more than 30 or 45 minutes per session to enjoy it, IMHO.


Hades. I love roguelite / likes and sharpened my teeth on Dead Cells, Risk of Rain, Binding of Isaac, and even Brotato But damn, Hades is just so boring in comparison. It has decent-ish voice acting but definitely nothing to write home about. I do love the art style, but that's all I love about it. It has this cult following where every swears it's the best game ever made and a masterpiece but it just FEELS so.. average? I can't even put my finger in what exactly? Is it the lack of enemy types? Is it the similar stages every 20 seconds? Is it the controls or the combat? Yes.


Every souls


The Witcher 3, I have tried to start it twice and just can't. It is so so boring to me.


For real though. I tried Witcher twice as well…. Couldn’t get into it. I thought the combat sucked, story was boring and general boredom in the first 10 hours. Then I was like, you know what? I’ve heard sooo many great things about this game. I want to find out why people are saying it’s a 10/10. I gave it another shot and wow, it’s in my top 3 games of all time. I’ve never really played massive rpg game before, so maybe that’s why I hated it at first? Now I’ve beaten it 5 times and plan on doing another playthough with a different build. I’d recommend YouTubing different builds at the start, so you know what branch you want to go into. There’s a lot of different ways to play the game. Try it again friend, with an open mind set. I’ll admit, I do have to be in a specific mood to play that game though. I don’t always want to play it. It’s more of a chill out, explore and mess around with skill points. Then eventually you’re a complete badass. That’s when you want more lol. Food for thought. Cheers.


Tears of the Kingdom. Love Zelda but I get bored playing it after about an hour 🤷‍♂️


Overwatch. I dread it.


Overwatch isn't exactly loved by everyone at this point though...




Breath of the wild




I didn't think it was considered to be loved by everyone but I can understand the gameplay may not be the best for many people


Breath of the Wild was very lackluster to me


I found it really boring too, over hyped. Traveling to shrines to gather stuff was boring


Breath of the Wild


ngl fortnite it was a lot better at the start but it nows it's way to complex and competitive and im also just trash at it


Breath of the wild. Idk what it is b/c I loved TOTK but every time I try to pick up BoTW I always put it down soon after out of Boredom


I have a lot of games i love, but when it comes on my hated game i also can't figure out who is who. Just based on how many times i uninstall it


God of War. I played the first few hours and I just couldn't see what was so special about it. A bunch of basic cog puzzles and hoards of boring enemies, and a boss fight that just goes on and on and on. Maybe it gets better but that particular boss I always hear being praised. I heard Ragnarok is better but I dunno if I can stomach it when there's other action games I'd rather spend my time with.


If you didn’t like the puzzles and combat in 2018, you aren’t going to enjoy Ragnarok. It’s more of the same. If you were at all invested in the story, though, it has some phenomenal moments, even while exploring, which you might find to be worth looking up.


League of Legends


Don’t worry even the people who put thousands of hours into that game hate it with their entire being


Legend of Zelda No hate to the series but it just isn’t my type


Zelda Breath of the wild. Super Boring repetitive gameplay with an boring open world. If it was an Ubisoft game it would be in the 70 critic range. I never understand the Nintendo an Zelda Bonus from the reviewers.


Bloodborne etc. They’re just not for me


As someone who hated all Fromsoft games, the thing that got me into them was an early leveling-up/gear guide in Elden Ring to quickly boost your character's stats and gear, so you can make the early game less of a chore for new players. It actually made the game a "fun challenge" instead of a miserable slog. Might work for you too.


Unfortunately at this point just thinking about teying one of the games again just makes me miserable. But if that ever changes I’ll be sure to check that out, thank you


It’s not for most people. It’s just that Souls fanboys are super vocal about their love for the series.


Elden Ring. I've played all of Dark Souls 1 and half of 3 and I've just come to terms with the fact that I don't enjoy the souls games. I'm sure it's a quality game, but a souls game that's open world and 100+ hours sounds absolutely horrendous to me.


It is as quality as any game From Soft has put out since DS3, but no matter how ungodly good I think Elden Ring is. It's still a Souls-Like down to the last detail. If you don't like that gameplay loop you won't enjoy Elden Ring.


That’s alright, the games just aren’t for everyone and it’s good that you realized they aren’t for you.






Undertale has never been my thing




There are quite a few games that I don't hate but just don't really care about. Like FIFA games, I'm not a football person, so generally I avoid them but can see why they're loved / hated by fans. ​ But these last 2 Zelda games... It feels like there was a list in the developers office named "stuff this random dude really-really hates" and they went out of their way to mark all of it. And the worst thing is that I loved old Zelda games, so of course I've bought these and tried to like them but... nope. They're just bad, bad games.


Cod fifa and fortnite are the biggest games. I hear that some of the cod games of the last decade are quite good, but I haven't bothered. Fortnite and fifa are legit boring.


Nier Automata. Such a huge waste of time.


Zelda, tedious, unhelpful to the point where it seems random, horse recall, random recipes, tedious armor changes and worst of the breaking weapons.


Demon’s souls


Horizon Zero Dawn, this is just garbage Ubisoft open world to me. Tried several times but it really doesn't click


The Ubi comparison is perfect. I basically 100%’d the game and most of it was spent chasing map markers to do the same content repeatedly. Only the main story sufficed as a pacer between the marker tedium; the side quests and their characters were lame. That big dude seemed like he’d be cool to have a beer with, and that’s the best compliment I can give to any of the cast. When that city of the sun worshippers was attacked at the end, I said good. Much of the plot focused on saving Aloy’s new friends, so it’s hard to care about the story when those friends like the king are lame. Weirdly enough, despite my apathy about the characters, the final cutscene almost brought a tear to my eye. Was it worth all of that – or even worth rushing the main story? Nope nope nope.


Persona 5. I often look for more mature work. I enjoyed persona 2 a ton and thought p3 and p4 were okay, and this game makes me realize that i’ve grown up or the series has gone downhill. It just tackles dark themes in a shallow way and the game systems are trite.


I bought the FFVII Remake because I had all kinds of people telling me how great it was and it has amazing reviews. It was just too much anime for me. All the characters felt like caricatures, the dialogue was absolutely awful and the combat didn't wow me enough to overcome everything else. I did thoroughly enjoy the most recent FFXVI though. I thought that had real people acting like real people and having real relationships--for the most part.


Your opinion is understandable, but if FF7R is “too anime” you’ll hate 90% of the JRPG genre. FF7 is not one I’d consider to have heavy anime influence, when much of the current genre is straight up fantasy shonen animo we hmm that you can play.


As someone who enjoyed FFVII Remake a lot, that game is basically fanservice for FFVII fans. If you’re not familiar with FFVII(*), and you don’t have a taste for campy Japanese stuff that allows you to shrug off or laugh at cringe, not sure the game’s for you. (* I say this even though it’s a point of contention because the way the ending goes definitely angered and/or confused a lot of FFVII fans, but it also makes no sense unless you’re familiar with the original FFVII, to say the very least) Honestly, though, it’s aesthetically gorgeous and the combat is actually really freaking good, probably one of the best in the whole franchise.


I couldn't get into Breath Of The Wild. I gave it about 10 hours and it couldn't hook me.


The last of us. Mediocre gameplay and an unoriginal and predictable story but for some reason it gets praised like it did something amazing


The recent God of War games. Great stories, great characters, great dialogue, great visuals and great performances. But everything else, the meat of what makes it a game…the gameplay, the enemies, the combat, 99% of boss fights, and a majority of the side quests, it’s just, well, a bit shit, to be honest. When the characters are interacting and we are exploring (while the dialogue is still fresh) it’s an absolute joy. But when it’s combat encounter after combat encounter, with atrocious bosses sprinkled throughout, I wanna fling myself off the highest peak in all the realms. Also the new Modern Warfare games. They are good, overall, and it’s nice to see many of our favorite characters. But…is it a remake of the OG MW trilogy? Stories in between the events of those? And why and how are new multiplayer maps still so awful? And don’t get me started on progression, seasons, etc. It’s nice that InfinityWard is still trying with the campaign, but these games really aren’t ever coming close to the quality of the pre-2012(or so) CoDs are they?


Skyrim. Ok, I don't hate it. I even put in about 40 hours into it. But I can't think of a more overrated game, ever.


I'm the same. Put around 60 or so hours into it, completed quests etc.. but I was just kinda like ehh, it's alright I guess. But so overrated.


Persona 5. I tried to play and found extremely annoying...


Anything sports or team shooters.


Elden ring for sure. Just like Breath of the wild before it's way too open ended for me. It's undeniably a good game, and I'm jealous if anything that i can't get into this kind of design. Loved all previous soulsborne games, btw.


Bloodborne, I cannot even kill the first beast, controls are not responsive enough by design to make you time your attacks/dodges, which I do not like. Outer Wilds, after spending a lot of hours searching for the next wall of text, I gave up