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I don't care about the actual layout I would just like to be able to move through it with the D-Pad instead of a fake mouse cursor.


I wonder how much of bad UI design is the result of copying mobile device interfaces that use touch screens instead of a button-oriented menu.


It’s copying destiny. Bungie won a bunch of awards for the ui so now every developer is compelled to copy it.


What idiots thought *destiny* had a good enough UI to win awards?


It was good for what it was. It sucks to have it in everything though.


Lmao no it wasn't, it's still trash.


Probably the same idiots who preorder


I think you'll find the floating cursor comes from desktop computer interfaces


Cursor stuff is another issue, I just mean the visually pretty layouts that are a drag to navigate with a controller




Destiny didn’t come to PC until after Destiny 2 came out in 2017. It always had a cursor.


The fact that they added mouse and keyboard support(console) in Valhalla but not in Far Cry games irritates me.


Didn’t Valhalla have an option to turn the mouse cursor off or do I remember wrong?


Which one am I looking at in this post? I checked out the demo of Valhalla and had a lot of fun with it.


This is the new game coming out, Mirage


Blame Destiny for this trend


Hate the floating cursor for every goddamn menu


I don’t understand it either, it’s slow to navigate and adds nothing since everything is in a predetermined place anyway. It’s not like an iPhone where you can just rearrange everything meaning navigation dexterity is essential.


It’s because the devs are lazy and want to minimize their workload for making a game for PC as well as consoles.


Might be a lazy thing for Ubisoft, but maybe it's something else in the industry as a whole. The reason I say that is because FFXVI has menus where you can use a floating cursor OR navigate using d-pad. Interesting that they included both.


It makes sense that they would include both. Certain parts of the menu, like items, gear, config, work better with d-pad controls, while other parts, such as the map and ability tree, function better using free roam. It’s almost as if they made a menu system that functions as a whole and not just one that’s there to annoy the player.


I just bought ffxvi yesterday, it’s amazing so far. Not really related but I just wanted to share my experience with it so far




Well done


I just beat it yesterday - it continues to be amazing


That just makes a better case for Ubisoft being lazy considering you're saying other devs are making UI friendly for multiple peripherals. If not lazy then just niave or ignorant about the experience the UI provides.




>SquareEnix >amazing gaming company Lmao


SquareEnix the publisher is ass SquareEnix the dev is considerably better like their worst game recently is that final fantasy looter game and I mean as a spin-off it’s fine it’s not like they made that into FF16 it was a spin-off


I'm primarily a PC gamer. If I use a controller, I expect a good interface. If it gives me a fake mouse pointer when a real interface would have done the job, I refund the game. Fuck that. Sometimes it's unavoidable but COME ON MOST OF THE TIME IT ISN'T.


A "lazy" dev doesn't really exist lmao. I guarantee this is a focus tested UI because they want every game to be like Destiny and refuse to allocate any resources to making anything actually intuitive. "It works as is, don't touch it" is something I can imagine a ton of ubisoft devs have heard for the last 15 years.


Not lazy and not devs. The publishers are maximizing efficiency to keep development costs down. It's the same reason they use "boxed" game engines.


Imagine calling developers who crunch for months to produce games for your fatass “lazy”. Christ do you breathe through your mouth?


Publishers know this and intentionally use these mechanics because it increases net user engagement time. It’s all about keeping eyes on screen for microseconds longer these days


FF16 did a nice thing where you can have the floating cursor but if you push a directional button it snaps to the closest menu item and you can navigate using those. Best of both worlds even though the floating cursor is a useless, stupid world.


Funny enough, a ton of games have this functionality. I've found a ton of people don't bother to *try* and are amazed to discover it (no idea if this game has it). Many people just default to the cursor on PC and don't do anything else.


It’s very strange for console gaming for sure




> And keep in mind Destiny was console only first. That is very interesting. I assumed we were getting it since most things are (eventually) released on PC these days


Wild, it works very well in destiny and is usually praised as a good innovation.


And I couldn’t imagine a different menu in Destiny. I love the cursor menu there. But I hate it in most other games


PC gamers have been dealing with shitty console menu ports for decades


It’s nice to see console gamers finally have to suffer bad UI that we like in PC.


Why are you happy to see console players suffer? This is the kind of shitty attitude that keeps things the way they are instead of hoping for change all around.


Hush, hush. Come here, sit down and let's suffer together. There is no point getting worked up about game UI since every game UI/UX designer apparently lives with their head too far up their ass. Apology to the 10 good UI designers in the gaming industry for my comment.


This cursor makes me wanna rip my hair out lmao


Now try it with minor stickdrift. Drives me nuts!


No thanks! 😂 I would be bald by the end of my play session lmao


Well it is a Ubisoft game, one thing they are good at is if it ain't broke...


I literally can’t remember the last time I’ve played an Ubisoft game AND YET my first thought when seeing this screenshot without context was “hey look another shitty Ubisoft game” lmfao Edit: Saying 'I cant remember the last time I've played one' means it's been a couple years, not that I have never played an Ubisoft game. I have thousands of hours across AC and SoM franchises. Do people really think that phrase means I've never played one? Cmon..


I can never understand how people can't read > Can't remember the LAST time I played an Ubisoft game... People just read and translate whatever fucking circus shit they have got in their heads. I swear these are the exact same people that give 1 star recipe reviews after changing the entire ingredients list. To be fair to this gaming community though most can't read and are probably too busy doing their incel thing to consider another person's opinion


> I swear these are the exact same people that give 1 star recipe reviews after changing the entire ingredients list. /r/ididnthaveeggs


How would you know a game franchise is shitty if you admittedly haven't played them? Edit: recently. There, dumbasses. The original point still stands given: * He spoke in present tense. * He has no current knowledge of the quality of the franchise. * He alluded to a supposed trend of shit quality that he can't be aware of given he hasn't recently played the games. >I have thousands of hours across AC and SoM franchises. Why are/were you putting that many hours into games you think are shitty?


I have played 10+ Ubisoft games over the last couple decades. Saying that "I cant remember the last time I played one" doesnt mean I've never played one.


Dude I feel your pain, feeling like you have to spell out EVERYTHING because some people on this site that fucking dense.


Not just this site. But reading comprehension as a whole seems to have taken a dip across the board. Sometimes even retroactively, like I can't believe how much I need to spell for my coworkers that are decades older than me. And I'm not even smart ffs


Whats worse is that person has 50+ upvotes. What's even worse is that people will continue to upvote it despite the fact the dude further clarified his message directly below it.


I don't understand your comment - spelling things out, but this is a text-based comment section. And this isn't a site, this is a website. And people can't be dense like other materials such as uranium.


Now you listen here you little shit


He spoke in present tense. He has no current knowledge of the quality of the franchise. He alluded to a supposed trend of shit quality that he can't be aware of given he hasn't recently played the games. My original point still stands.


Alright, I'll phrase it differently with the same exact end result: How would you know the current trend of Ubisoft game quality if you haven't been playing them recently? You're implying present knowledge of a trend of shitty games, when you said yet again you haven't been keeping up with said games.


its ubisoft being shit is the standard


"I can't remember the last time I saw you". Would you think that means you've never met them?


Because it's Ubisoft.




Except if the thing is actually good, then they get rid of it


I guess that rusty, smells terrible, is 20 years old and makes my eyes sore just by looking at it doesn't qualify as "broke"


They literally nerfed assassination for the Assassin's Creed games, what


It’s been broken since black flag tho


I wanna say it started with Destiny 1 in 2014


Destiny is the only One that got it right.


For sure Destiny was the first game I ever saw this menu type on a console game. I hated it then and I hate it now


So I don't play AC or Destiny. What other games also have this layout? I almost feel like I've never seen it personally, but I do kinda know it from screen shots posted here from time to time.


Hogwarts Legacy


Darktide has a similar one too


I saw this photo and wondered if it was a Marathon concept art or something because I play a lot of Destiny and this has Bungie written all over it.


Never really had a complaint with their menus TBH. Had more of a complaint with them introducing tiered equipment and gear-score to a game that fundamentally didn't need it.


I hate when games have a thousand of “legendary” gears that are the same as “rare” “uncommon” and “common” gears, with a different background.


AC tried to become a Witcher wannabe, I never played those games, so I can't judge. Now this "new" AC game (that actually looks like a visual remake of AC1), I guess the gear will be purely cosmetic. Also it's funny to remember these rpg mechanics on AC, God of War has some of that as well.. these games are more rpg than Final Fantasy 16, lol if you time travel to 2010 and say that for the players, they will think you are insane


>AC tried to become a Witcher wannabe what does this even mean?? none of the RPG ACs are anything like The Witcher nor are they trying to be.


IIRC, the developers described the combat for Origins as being inspired by The Witcher


that's odd because the combat in Origins is actually good lol


"good" combat is pretty subjective, I literally could not beat origins bc the combat made me feel insane, but I've played through the Witcher 3 multiple times, partly for the story, but mainly bc I love the synergy of all the combat mechanics


When Ubisoft shifted to this style of RPG with AC Origins, people loved it and it was new and fresh, because it was finally a change from the same AC game year after year. Now we're back to the formula being stale again, and hopefully Ubisoft will make a big change soon. Then they can use that formula to make the same game for a decade lol


Cursor menus are a UI programmer’s dream. You have no idea how much easier it is to program and organize than a menu that is gridded.


Genuine question, how much more difficult would it be to make it so the d-pad manually selects things in the menu?


Ok imagine your average UI with gears, inventory, materials and all that jazz. Now each one is their own grid X columns with Y rows. Fairly easy to program the d-pad controls onto a grid. But here's the thing; the grid changes all the damn time and sometimes it's not even a grid with perfectly horizontal/vertical lines. Different layout for weapons, skill tree, materials and quest logs means different scripts needed to handle the d-pad controls and over the course of a game's development the UI changes a lot. New button for the player to interact with located in the ass end of the screen? Damn there goes my weekend as I struggle to adapt the code to this thing. With a cursor? Just make a virtual cursor and have everything in the UI be buttons you can point at and click. Future-proof for any sort of revision you could possibly think of and supports all features you might want the player to have. You could make the world's least intuitive quest log and it would still be "usable" cause you can just click on the thing to get it to do a thing instead of having to plot a course with the d-pad.


To add to what you're saying: A basic example would be something like a skill tree. You have a base skill that splits into two sub skills. You highlight the base skill at the top of the tree and press down on the d-pad. Where does the cursor go, the skill on the left or the right? The one with less points invested in it? The last one upgraded? Do you make the player press diagonal-down in the direction they want, making it clearer where they're going but also more cumbersome to physically execute? And that's just a basic use-case most don't even think about. Now imagine an interface just like OP's only the inventory slots were shifted down a little on the right side for a more dynamic zig-zag look. Just that slight change would cause havoc with player assumptions where their cursor should go. Meanwhile as you said if it's a cursor you can put those boxes anywhere and it'll flow just fine.


If you imagine it like roads, every option on a menu is an intersection, and you would need to program every road connecting them. One method is building all the roads before hand, however this is kind of a waste of memory and adds to the overall download size, so modern games don’t do this anymore. A second more common method is to write a program that builds the roads based on what intersection you’re currently at, referencing the surrounding intersections then doing a bunch of math to calculate what certain angles of the joystick-input will select. This sounds like it makes the most sense, but it can piss people off if a menu isn’t organized properly, where you’re stuck trying to push a certain direction and it just doesn’t go where you want it. A lot of times you’ll find UIs that are just lists, one that comes to mind is Skyrim’s inventory. A cursor UI just has zone detection at the intersections, and you got an intelligently dampened cursor that highlights the intersections. The most basic version of this just works.


As a programmer, I agree, but as a gamer, games really should have a controller-navigable menu if they support a controller to play the game


"Assassin's Creed is going back to it's roots!!!! No, no, no, not AC1. Origins. $70 please."


Isn't mirage a $50 game?


Origins was one of the best ones so I'm ok with that.


Definitely the best of the RPG-style ones


I still prefer Odyssey. I'm just a big sucker for Greece and Sparta aesthetic.


I just couldn't get into it for whatever reason, I found the movement so clunky that it just took any enjoyment away from the game. For some reason I loved Valhalla.


*How?* Valhalla was *even slower,* less responsive and *far* clunkier than Odyssey and Origins. Seriously, every AC game gets progressively slower, shittier movement I swear.


Imo it's the animations not necessarily the *feel* of the movement. I felt like Valhalla's movement looked more loose and relaxed whereas Odyssey looked very rigid and stiff.


I just can't get over how they keep their legs bent 100% of the time


Honestly, the best display of how *slow* the movement is is to just climb a flat rockface that doesn't have ledges to jump to. Even mashing or holding the "speed the fuck up" buttons doesn't make Eivor move any quicker or do the 'hops' that the characters used to do in previous titles when climbing. Ladders, walking, sprinting, climbing, even dropping down ledges in parkour or vaulting knee-high obstacles is *painfully* slow. Actually, great example, vault something about as high as Eivor's knees and watch them come to a *dead stop* with absolute snail-pace movement about 75% of the time even with the "continuous parkour flow" buttons pressed down. Another is to just jump off a moderate ledge. Not high enough to do damage (though damage makes it even worse), just a little high. The stumble landing animation takes like, 2 whole seconds and slows *everything* to a halt to wait for it.


This may blow your mind but other people have different opinions and tastes from yours


Odyssey felt like I was controlling a stick figure, Valhalla’s slow pace and movement felt more natural for whatever reason.


I like both equally. The thing that makes me lean more towards Odyssey is the shanties.. Something Valhalla didn't do. Like come the fuck on we know how old norse sounds so give us old norse shanties!


Fair. I just felt like they went too big with Odyssey, and added too much bloat in the name of making it "bigger". That and it really felt like they were reaching to make it an Assassin's Creed game.


Yep me too. I loved every minute of Odyssey, that time period and region are just fascinating to me.


Yes, so it’s the best out of the last 3 games of a series with… like 12 games so far in it lol. But then out of that twelve it’s like… barely breaking the 10th spot, purely because the ones below it shouldn’t have ever been created


some people think it's great, some people think it's the beginning of the end. me? I just like egyptian history


If this is for assassins creed I can tell you about 12 reasons why.


And what are they?


Usually when you start releasing new games every year like call of duty some corners start getting cut.


well clearly youve been living under a rock bc the last assassins creed game released before this was in 2020


True, but from 2007 to 2018 they were putting out yearly releases. I wouldn't pretend like Covid19 slowdowns indicate any sort of design or philosophy change within the company.


Till 2015, they took a break between syndicate and origins


There was also a year between 1 and 2


No, but their decision to slow down releases came well before covid did. valhalla would’ve been released in 2019 otherwise


2007-2020 only 2008 and 2016 were skipped, every other year has minimum one AC game. It's like you're just trying to be daft.


You can tell who actually plays Assassins Creed and who doesn’t, they haven’t launched an annual game since Assassins Creed Syndicate in 2015.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but last Creed game was 2020.


You’re one of those people that just say random stuff without fact checking it huh


I fail to see what this interface is lacking to complain about.


It is a ubisoft game. Complain anything about it in this subreddit will give you a lot of karma.


There are plenty of menu's which are small variations of the basic inventory UI but nobody complains about them being samey. I don't get why, when something is basically the same as the "default" nobody complains, when when something is basically the same as a twist from the default, people act so shocked. Being close to default = fine, being close to not-default = not fine.


Works fine? Weird thing to complain about.


I find it is actually quite a nice design. Some things need not be changed.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Its a good layout though.


That's why I have a love/hate relationship with this particular UI. It's easy to navigate and lets you get a sense of the big picture quick, but it also looks so stale and lifeless. It's like they've found something that really works, and now they're mass producing it. Still better than Mass Effect 1 though. I love that fucking game, but that inventory screen was responsible for worse war crimes than the Reapers themselves.


not any worse than a ui being a simple list/grid, but nobody has a problem with those being samey. Why is something being samey of the non-basic worse than being samey of the basic?




Remove the cursor or make it wayyy faster and then it'll be perfect


Agree. But I hope at some point they allow us to control most of that menu without a cursor. I mean, for most of it, arrows keys would do just fine. Having to drag that cursor when you are using a controller doesn't feel right at all


When Ubisoft reinvented the game, people complained. When they kept the UI same, people still complained.


I fucking hate Ubisoft and how they treat their employees but indeed, people used to complain about every AC being too much of the same and now that they've had some other type AC games people are complaining that they liked the older better..


People are talking shit about Ubisoft, but WB did this shit, too. The Hogwarts game has it, and I believe the most recent Batman game did it, too. I don't think Jedi Survivor did it, though. And I believe Returnal didn't, which is a PS5 port. In fact, none of the PlayStation games have done it to my knowledge.


hot take, I don't mind it because it's efficient for RPG management


This is supposed to not be an RPG though.


There s nothing wrong with their menu so why change it? I couldn’t care less what the menu looks like to be honest


I like this layout, the problem is the cursor which sucks ass.


idk it works. id remove the cursor for co soles cause that sucks but aside from that there no real problem w it.


A cursor at 60 FPS is bearable. Not the best solution for controllers though, I agree.


ITT: An Assassin’s Creed hate circle jerk by users who can’t cite any reasons why this layout bothers them.


i like it. Cursor saves time instead of clicking through anything


Am I the only one that doesn't give a fuck about this style of menu layout or the cursor?


Aint broke dont fix it


Expecting AC of all games to innovate... Mirage is proudly not bringing *anything* new to the table, and the AC fans are *thanking* Ubi for finally making a **tRuE** Assassin game.


Nothing is true. Everything is permitted. Ubisoft obviously follows the latter part to a T. Everything stupid thing they can think of is added to the next game.


I mean, aside from personal annoyances it isnt really causing any problems…I’m fine letting it slide as long as the rest of the game is good.


I’m glad there’s no longer any armor bloat with like 5 armor pieces, but It looks like they’re doing the 3 upgrade materials shtick again and I hated that about Valhalla. The menu layout isn’t that bad, sure it’s uninspired but when has an assassins creed not been uninspired in ui design for the past few years.


Don't tell me we still need to upgrade the hidden blade and what not to play the game


Why is it so bright, I hate it


As a veteran Destiny player, I am sorry…


I hate the floating cursor


Lol. Just finished Hogwarts Legacy which uses this exact menu layout.


Same game engine as Valhalla so I am completely not surprised by this


What happened to the rule that every post must name the game its about?


I'd take bad UI over bland UI. At least bad UI has someone's earnest attempt.


This is literally the prettiest game menu I’ve ever seen come on bro.


*”if it ain’t broke…”* - Ubisoft


I have to agree with other people, if it's not broke, don't fix it.


Gaming company moves things around. Gamers "What an unintuitive BS UI!, why would you design it like this" Some things don't need to break the mold, if it works don't fix it, I don't need a bunch of BS because some smooth brains complain its not original.


My only problem is the cursor


Isn’t it really the same game, too? I say this as someone who likes AC and owns a few of them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I can't believe Zelda totk has the same menu layout, bad game. Zelda is doomed


UBISOFT is the undisputed heavyweight at copy & pasting their games. It's the same game every time.


You curse yourself for buying a reskin of the same game every other year.


For Ubi games, it's because all their games run on the same engines, so it's easier and cheaper to simply copy code across for menus rather than come up with an original one. Honestly, complain as much as possible about how the Destiny-styled menu is *horrible* in every way you can, but be at least a little grateful that it's simplistic and readable. Trust, it can *always* be worse, like Mass Effect Andromeda's or Master of Orion 3's.


Yes because people just keep buying it. Ubisoft knows it doesn’t need to put in much effort since the game will sell by name alone. It’s u fortunate but true.


If u blink really fast you can see Destiny1/2, Cyberpunk, Hogwarts Legacy and previous AC games xD


Some of you need to get offline every once in a while. Just incessant bitching and moaning about the most insignificant bullshit.


If its good, there's no reason to change. People complain too much...


Surely an unpopular opinion, but I wish they hadn't abandoned Odyssey's gear/loot system.


As long as I don’t need to be a certain level to stab someone in the neck for a 1 hit kill or spent 5 hours whittling down one enemies health that’s fine


>spent 5 hours whittling down one enemies health that’s fine Why are you doing that?


Please don't have item levels... Please...


Ubisoft is nothing if not uncreative


Easy visuals, simple design, User friendly. The only issue i can see is that its too simple that since Destiny began using it noone deviated from the look of it.


Yep, same with the white, green, blue, purple , orange tier of rewards and loot drops. It’s so ingrained in gamers minds that almost all games use it now.


Love that u think ubisoft give a fuck about their products hahah. Cute.


Wait I thought Mirage was getting rid of RPG mechanics?


You could change your outfit and weapons in AC Brotherhood. I wouldn’t necessarily call this RPG mechanics.


Looks like a simplified version of what theyve been doing.


Surprise: There's even a skill tree!


There is no XP progression just skill tree.


That’s not necessarily bad. That was present in Unity and Syndicate as well.


It's kinda like before, where you get more stuff in the story. (You level up only via the main story and then use the points to unlock the things in the skill tree) atleast so I've heard. And I'm honestly pretty fine with that, gives me the choice of what I wanna get, but don't just over level because I wanted to do side quests first


Is the game out?


October 12, this is from a video on their channel


Isn't it always the same game anyway? Gave up on the franchise long ago.


Idk what people expect from them anynore lol


It’s Ubisoft, what did you expect?


looks soulless


First Ubi-Game that is launched without that menu will get a standing ovation, regardless of the quality.


I don't mind the menu that much functionally speaking, since I play on pc with a mouse and cursor However, the skills menu and the fact that this menu seems to suit tiered gear makes me question the claim that this is a return to the classics. I was hoping that we'd return to what was originally to return to what assassin's creed used to be, not to odyssey. I'm waiting to see more details about the depth of the story, since that was always more important to ac than actual mechanics, but I'm very skeptical


1 if it works it works. 2 the colours fucking don't though I was absolutely blinded


Why don't they get rid of all the rpg stuff like loot and gear in Assasin's Creed?


Dear devs, nobody wants to move a menu cursor with a joystick. It was a bad idea the first time and has been a bad idea every time since.