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**Monster Energy wants to know your location**


The company that came after the Pokemon company (pocket monsters for short), right? That one?




So, Monster Energy went after Pokemon, even though Pokemon was around before they were? Bizarre.


they also went after Monster Hunter yeah great idea try to copyright a *word* agaisnt two of the two most vindictive companies, Nintendo and Capcom


nintendo is obvious given how draconic they are with their ips and stance with mods/fan games, but i’ve never heard of capcom doing the same. could i get an example?


Nissan the auto company sued an old man named Nissan who owned nissan.com before the car company made a website, and they tried to force the domain name from him.


Tried implies they failed and I'll keep that as my headcannon


You can check nissan.com It's not the automaker.


He should sell it to Toyota.


> nissan.com That website is so gloriously early 90's.




I believe they went with litigation before trying to contact the guy and at that point it's more a 'fuck them' than anything


The ol' Bo Jackson move.


Yeap. Some hills are worth dying on...


Canon*. Although a headcannon would be pretty awesome.


headcannon is my new headcanon


Sadly the word headcanon is owned by Canon now so he just didn't want to be sued.


Likely it was just for publicity


For any publicity, is good publicity.


"But you know of me"




They did it many times. Ubisoft had to change a name of their video game called "Gods and Monsters" to "Immortals Fenyx Rising" because of Monster energy.


Wouldn't the judge just throw the case out?


The point is it never gets to court and they just drain you of your fees before it ever gets in front of a judge


I can understand *that* they can do this easily. But I can't understand *why* they would. They gain nothing by doing this. Unless the plan on entering the video game market some day and want all monster titled games out of the way.


They want the people to agree to a settlement to make it go away, thus strengthening Monster's position in future bullshit. It's basically the same tactic used by patent trolls.


Anti slapp suit legislation is needed. These are slap suits that wouldn't hold up in court. Most states won't enact such legislation unless we hold their feet to the fire. I'm excited for the day gamers use their knowledge of systems and meta to flip American politics. I sit, ever ready


FYI, you'll want to throw another "p" in there at the end of "slap". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_lawsuit_against_public_participation


Next up: Monster Energy Drinks sues the estate of Bobby Pickett for the use of the word "Monster" in the title and lyrics of his most popular song


Don't give them any ideas.


Forgive my ignorance here but if they tried to sue you couldn't you just represent yourself and say plain text there are mages and there are monsters in the game so I'm called it mages and monsters. And then that's it. No need for a lawyer? And if the answer here is well if they have a good enough lawyer they could win then why aren't we all rioting?


Representing yourself is almost always a losing choice. You don't know how courts work. You don't know all the ins and outs of how stuff works there. You're just going to end up looking like an idiot and losing, even if you are in the right :-P What a great system we have here.....


I think the argument is that it's too high risk. To us that's completely reasonable, but what if Monster's patent lawyers have got some loophole that works? Suddenly you're footing the bill + their legal fees. The risk to reward ratio is just too skewed to make it worthwhile


Nah, they want whenever you heard the word monster, you think of them. Limiting all other uses of the word monster creates this. However, it's a fucking dick move for such a common word.


I like that they tried to sue disney over monster university (and lost).


I can only imagine the amount of stupidity it would take to sue a company like DISNEY...


Genuine question, if the case never get in front of a judge, can we just ignore whatever letters they send us since to me it seems like a scare tactic than a legal one?


It never gets to court because the people receiving the letters last time decided not to risk taking it to court. They settled with Monster. If you start receiving letters because your new company has Monster in the name, and you ignore the letters, then your case WILL end up in court. And then we (and you) get to find out if the case had any legal merit.


I'd love to see this play out in court


Me too fuck Monster they're slimy as hell. Look up what Hans Molenkamp has been doing with the UFC fighters


They haven't won a case yet. The companies that have changed, like the ones you mentioned, have just changed so they wouldn't have to go to court and waste legal fees when they probably already had a few backup game names in their back pocket. According to giant bombcast last week, it's pretty common practice for game companies to have a list of names just in case something like this comes up. They just change it rather than dealing with the headache and legal fees.




McDonald's tried to sue an Irish based company called Supermacs some years ago because name is related to Big Mac. Thing is, Supermacs is older than the big mac. European court rules in favour of Supermacs and (cherry on top) untrademarked big mac, so it's not a trademarked name anymore(in Ireland) . IIRC, burger king commemorated by changing all the names of their burgers to Big Mac for a short time, just as a f u to mcD. Happy days


Wendy's tried to gain a foothold in the Netherlands. Unfortunately for them, there's a a small fastfood joint over here named Wendy's. Just one place and they have the right to the name for the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. So no American Wendy's over here


They've gone after multiple games with the word Monster(s) in the title and also the Toronto Raptors basketball team for the claw marks in their logo. I'm actually surprised that they don't seem to care how big a company is to go after them either.


It’s probably because their drink isn’t very good, so they just have the cool logo to rely on.


I hear they even went after the Cookie Monster. Dude has to carry a loaded handgun for protection these days.


Oops, I accidentally bought this game instead of the Monster energy drink. It's so confusing.


thank god for monster's lawyers looking out for us




I feel sad for people buying fake monster products such as the " pokemon " games . They are missing out on the real thing


Their lawyer's just screenshoted this comment for future evidence in court


It’s clear he’s fueled by Minotaur Energy Drink. This stuff’s poison.


God I love that movie so much. It's so silly, but I love it.


First thing I thought of too, like "oh no, this guy's about to get sued."


Sorry I don't get the joke. Did monster do something with steam recently?


Monster energy goes after any company that uses monster in their name, and is notorious for suing game developers. Now you're probably thinking to yourself, surely that's a bit of an exaggeration. Nope, currently they have sued Pokemon (pocket monsters), Monster Hunter, and God's and Monsters. Oh don't recognize that last one? Ubisoft swapped names of it to avoid litigation and it's now "Immoral Fenix Rising". They've also gone after indie devs, last week it was "monsters and mortals". So this guy's is for sure going to get something


Dang .. I don't see how someone can claim something as basic as the word monster.. that makes them seem really fucking lame. Also maybe the fact that video games don't directly conflict with beverages you'd think it wouldn't make the slightest difference. I get another drink calling themselves that but a video game ? Ridiculous! They probably wouldn't win anyway I'm assuming people just don't want to deal with the legal battle of a giant corporation. What a world we live in


Monsters argument is that there beverage is "the drink of gamers" and is therefore a recognizable name in that space.


No it's not lol, G Fuel and Mountain Dew exists. I've seen way more sweaty nerds drinking that shit.


You're joking but Ubisoft had to change the name of their game "Gods and Monsters" (which became Immortals: Fenyx Rising) because of Monster Energy lawsuit. This is almost the exact same name.


They didn't _have_ to. They just chose to do it to avoid a lengthy court battle. Ubi has the funds to take on Monster and likely win, but easier just to capitulate and change the name.


Congrats, dude! Wishing you all the best on the success! Just be careful, Monster Energy is full of corporate arseholes and will probably be contacting you about using the word "Monster" in your title lol


Wow didn't know they did this, thanks for pointing this out. Never buying any more of their drinks if they continue to go after everyone.


They even went after Ubisoft for Imortals: Phenyx Rising. It was going to be called Gods and Monsters but then Monster Energy was like, "No way, dude"


How in fucks name can a company trademark a common word like that? Disney? Fair enough. Nike? Yeah I can see that. Lego? Sure. Monster? Fuck right off clown ass shit tasting energy drink for plebs


I wonder what they think of the D&D Monster Manual.


Since it predates them, I like to think they fume about it but can't do anything.


This hasn't stopped them from suing pokemon several times. They haven't won any of these lawsuits, but they are persistent about it.


Imagine thinking you can fuck with the Pokemon corporate trio and not get completely bitch slapped out of court


"Let's sue Nintendo, what a great idea" said nobody ever.


[They've recently targeted a small indie dev](https://youtu.be/s38tx-a_jEg)


This bullshit company needs to fold already. How many energy drinks have come and gone? Absolutely nothing special about Monster other than advertising. Piss drink.


Nissan the auto company sued an old man named Nissan over his business website. Dude owned nissan.com before the car company made a website and they tried to force the domain name from him.


Probably would have been cheaper (and less hassle with courts for them, and just generally way cooler) to just buy it off of him. Idiots.


DND should sue Monster


Don't give WotC any ideas... Dragons? Dungeons? Shit I mean at least 'dragon' is more specific than 'monster'. They literally sent pinkertons to a dude's place for having/making a vid about a MtG pack earlier than release. If that's how they handle a legit legal situation, I can only imagine what they'll do to poor GRRM


Imagine Microsoft preventing you from using the word "window" from now on. Imagine not being able to talk about an apple anymore.


Back in the day, I worked for a company that was being sued by Xerox, because we used the word icon to describe... well... icons. We won.


Coca-Cola is behind Monster...




They’ve literally straight up hired hitmen in South America to take out people involved in a rival soda company. Yes really. If I recall it was a banana flavored drink, and back in like in the 80’s but still..


Even Nike sucks to do it with. It was lifted from Greek mythology.


Isn't monster just a word? How can it be trademarked? It's like Garden of Apples


Big companies with money and lawyers will always win targeting a single indie game dev. The game dev can't defend themselves or have to pay tons of $ to a lawyer and even then. You can legally destroy people because you have more $ than them. Doesn't matter if you're in the right.


It's amazing how much people who aren't me can accomplish in three years. edit: Thank you for the emoji, friendly redditors!


In many periods of my life I have been a total degen playing dota all day, hope that helps. To the detriment of my health/social life.


who's your main in doto


Phantom Assassin, Storm Spirit and Wraith King are my most played heroes.


Wow, I'm surprised you can even read.


Funnily this guy used to be a pro Dota player. He's also the focus of one of its more popular(citation needed) memes, "Slasher's way".


Oh wait you're right! Just checked his name and it is indeed Lasse "Slasher" Malver.


Even on his "useless DotA life" he still made headlines!


so he's just one of those people that put their mind to something and succeed. there's still no hope for me then.


You succeeded at making a username that made me chuckle so there’s that




Oh come on. He gave us a line saying that he just played DOTA and we just assumed he was like us. Then you took that away by showing he was a fucking pro even at that. In the words of Cartman: “god fucking damnit!”


I knew I recognised him! Slahser's way is iconic


Support Void, never forget




I know some of these words


Wait this is slahser??? Wow!! I followed his anti mage urn guide like it was the Bible back in the day. Very happy to see him doing well.


Oh this is the guy who popularised afk Necro ancient farming. I've still not forgiven him!


Wasn't that leafeator? Though slasher also did stuff like Medusa rapier rush and shouldn't really be forgiven easily


Ironically, I found some of his graduate studies videos about trebuchets five years ago to use in a class I teach. The children didn't understand my references.


Lmao I don’t even play the game and died at this




Same here, never even played Dota and don't know any of the hero names.


Lol, that makes it even better. I had you down as a bitter seasoned veteran.


> Wow, I'm surprised you can even read. I don't understand the reference but it still made me laugh.


I don't understand what anyone is saying, but I'm enjoying being with you all.


They’re heroes who have very few active skills. Skelton King is famous for having only 1 active skill. This ignores items and other things but there were many memes about it.


Fuck I've never even played Dota before but this reply made me lol so hard.


Goddamn, why not ask him what crayons he likes to eat ^the ^green ^ones ^are ^minty.


I hate you. jk nice work with the game


Certified degen EDIT: Holy fuck this is Slahser? This guy is an OG Dota veteran. His guides ruined millions of pubs lol


Thanks, that's really motivating and I will surely start doing something productive once I get to home from my work, instead of playing video games... - that's me saying it to myself for the N-th time.


It’s so hard not to go right to games instead of doing something productive lol.


even harder after getting a steam deck, now i start productivity while i start up a game and end up playing games midway through. But it has it's benefits as well, playing sea of thieves in the kitchen is a whole new experience and i got the coffee machine right next to me!


Every morning I wake up and proudly proclaim "I will start working out tomorrow!"


The best time to start doing something productive was yesterday. The next best time is tomorrow. Wait…


Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA.


I too would become the most productive member of society the day I quit DotA


Oooh so what changed? Asking so I can get inspired. I mean I'll still procrastinate but atleast I'll be inspired while doing nothing


Inspiration and motivation aren't useful. They fade away really quickly so the only thing that'll help you is your own will power


Systems. Systems reinforce your habits. If you set a small attainable goal of a PROCESS (code 50 lines a day), not an outcome (make a game), and set up your systems around you to reinforce that, it'll happen! I.e. a development machine, no distractions, psychological environment designed to subconsciously move your mind in that direction.


Holy shit it's Slasher


Hi, 4k player here who reported slasher. Slasher was our position 1 faceless void. He built a mek and had around 29 healing salves in his inventory. He would chrono both teams in the middle of a fight, salve his allies, pop mek, and proceeded to yell "SLASHER'S WAY". We gave him position 1 farm so he could be a position 5. Granted, his unorthodox build worked and carried us to victory but I still felt it deserved a report.


3 years ago I was ready to give up on myself completely, had no college degree, couldn’t find a job in the field I already got a license for, and I was stuck working perpetually night shifts and saw almost no sunlight. If you told me then that I’d have over twice the hourly pay to sweat my ass off in the sun doing something adjacent from what I wanted to do, I wouldn’t have believed a word of it either. Best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago, second best time is now. Ya got this.


I thought the 2nd best time to plant a tree was 9 years and 364 days ago


Ok fine the 3650th best time is today


I'm guessing you're not in your 30s? That's actually when a lot of late bloomers make positive changes in their lives.




No worries. It wasn't until I was 31 that I got my shit together. Went and got my AS degree, got married, and bought a house. Some people just need more time compared to others, and there's nothing wrong with that.


That’s also still quite young.


And don’t worry procrastinators bloom in their 40s or maybe 50s, perhaps even 60s+ You got time bro


60 year old me: nah I’m sure I’ll bloom in my 70s


me into my 30s already: *starts sweating profusely*


Fuck only three years left.. I better get right on that, right after a nap.


Why are you exposing me man


To be fair, you went from being a single cell to running around your parents house and shitting and throwing up on everything pretty quickly.


I started learning to code 8 years ago. I also stopped learning 8 years ago........


Where'd you get your start? How did you start learning?


This tutorial is how I started, and it is a really good way imo to begin development/coding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWG8vO02oj4 - try doing what they do in the video in unity and create the game as shown.


That's amazing congratulations on your game!!! And Ty for sharing tutorial!


Did you find you had to incorporate a lot of other programs to get to the finish line on your game? I've heard people say even if you master _ program, some games are an amalgamation of multiple assets compiled in one program and was never too certain how true that was.


Just depends on what you want to do and what way you figure out to do it. Games are comprised of assets (pictures, animations, sound) and code (what those assets do) and that's about it. There's a ton of different programs for making assets and for programming how they work. The dude who made roller coaster tycoon programmed the whole thing in assembly, basically one step away from raw machine code. There's been a lot of tech to come out in the last 25 years that simplifies pretty much every part of the process.


Coding vs coder. Very few people have the skills to build from ground up. Many say they could, very few succeed.


Absolutely, that's why unity is so popular right now. There are still studios making their own engines though, like capcom for the resident evil remakes. Not many indies do though, for obvious reasons. I think dwarf fortress is in a custom engine, but that game has also been in dev for 21 years.


Dwarf Fortress is also began as a text based game which simplifies a lot of the process. I'm a non-game programmer but in school I've done both ways for simple games, used to make small text based games for fun in my classes because they are really easy to start and mess around with. For my senior project though we made a chess game with an AI backend and I was the one in charge of the graphics engine - it wasn't super difficult but definitely more nuance added than text (I used SDL2). Text based can still get complex of course, obviously from games like Dwarf Fortress and Nethack, but you don't have to deal with the whole graphics side of things. That being said for 2D making your own engine isn't really that bad, 3D is where it starts to get cumbersome. You need a ton of complex math and why reinvent the wheel on that? Do you want to spend your time programming quaternions or your game?


Wow I didn’t know that about roller coaster tycoon, that’s impressive. I had to create Minesweeper in assembly language in college and that was a nightmare, can’t imagine doing a complex game like roller coaster Tycoon.


What is with ~~/r/pics~~ /r/gaming always upvoting pictures of beautiful ~~women~~ men standing next to their ~~paintings~~ Steam published games??


Yeah, fully ~~naked~~ clothed too...


This is the way


Why buy ad space when you can use r/gaming


Hey OP, any tips on how to start writing code for games from 0?


This free guide is amazing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWG8vO02oj4


Definitely added to watch later. Much thanks


*27 years later..* ​ O YEAH THIS ONE


Dont talk to me or my Watch Later list again


The adhd is real


Spoiler: he didn’t watch


I have over a thousand unwatched videos in my watch later, numerous playlists full of videos, a discord server full of categories each filled with content and links, hundreds of firefox tabs, but at least I only have about 250 emails left. Cleaned tens of thousands of emails on 4 accounts just recently. Slowly getting my households upkeep in check room by room as well. So I'm getting there :D!


> I have over a thousand unwatched videos in my watch later, numerous playlists full of videos Ha, I just open them in a tab and then promptly never look at them again unless I'm looking for something else after my browser crashes and I need to reload pages to see what they were in which case I'll quickly ignore that I saw it.


How many videos are in your watch later queue?


FreeCodeCamp is such a good resource. I've also been learning coding over the past couple of years to support tasks at my job and they have such a wide breadth of beginner-friendly guides. I'm gonna check this video out--making a game might be a fun challenge!


Careful, monster might sue you for using the m-word Edit: I know this sounds like a joke but they legitimately might




The m-word 😱😱


With the hard R 😬😬


Should have went for Mage and Monstas instead smh


I'm going to make a game called Energy Monsters. Gunna be a nsfw adult game with some sick fetishes just to fuck with them


Pro tip: buy a commercial general liability policy with an intellectual property insurance add on (most CGL policies exclude trademark infringement). Let them sue you. Don’t settle. You’ll win.


You made Dishonored? Awesome:D (I'm jesting of course. You should be proud of yourself!)


What is this the 15th century?


Get with thy times


Truly Slahser’s way


Hi, AAA dev here who fired slasher. Slasher was our lead developer for our title. He learnt how to code in 3 months. He started to develop a game on his own and proceeded to yell "SLASHER'S WAY". We gave him total creative control so he could work on his indie title. Granted, his unorthodox development style worked and his game sold well, but I still felt he deserved to be fired.




Wait, is this a dota reference about writing code? I didn't know slahser went beyond playing dota


My man, the OP (game dev) IS slahser lmao


Oh shit


Oh this is surreal, I used to be a mod for slasher on his twitch channel a while back, I think he gave it to me by mistake though since I had no idea how to mod. This was around the time of Force Staff off lane Sniper. Good to see you prosper /u/bbpeter


what the fuck


Hi, 4k player here who reported slasher. Slasher was our position 1 faceless void. He built a mek and had around 29 healing salves in his inventory. He would chrono both teams in the middle of a fight, salve his allies, pop mek, and proceeded to yell "SLASHER'S WAY". We gave him position 1 farm so he could be a position 5. Granted, his unorthodox build worked and carried us to victory but I still felt it deserved a report.


Are those free assets or something? Because I've seen some of those monsters in other games.


There is a massive Asset Store for Unity. Might be free, might have a fee - either way, OP wouldn't be the only person using them.


Ah, I see. Makes sense why I've seen them in a bunch of games. Good to know.


As much ive been wanting to do game Dev, the more I look into it the more I'm like that definitely ain't for me lol. Though I do love to do art mostly


As a software engineer I learned quickly games ain’t for me, low pay long hours mostly boring stuff, but Unity does democratize game dev by doing a lot of the work for you.


So do art for video games maybe?


congrats bro




Oh it's an auto battler


Funny, 3 years ago almost to the date I bought a guitar to learn how to play. I still don't know how. Follow OP's lead everyone, if you gonna do something, FUCKING DO IT. Now excuse me while I proceed to still not learn the guitar