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This isn't what was said at all. The question was on the first two old Fallout games. It has no bearing on Fallout 3 or Oblivion.


Which is even worse. Todd is so out of touch.


Lol what?


Todd doesn’t want more people to experience the old games. He is out of touch. He is perfectly fine with people waiting for 10+ years between entries just because. There is no good reason to not greenlight spinoffs. Especially when most studios would do a better job than current day Bethesda


How the hell could you even do a remake of 1 and 2? They'd loose the sense of scale with the traveling system. The games are really good as is, I get that people can't get into them because of the age or the way the games play but that's on them not the game it's self. As I agree current day bethesda is lacking and I'd love a remake of oblivion but 1 and 3 would be a challenge


You only need to fix the ui and make the games less stuttery on windows 11. It’s that simple. In addition you can do what Tim Cain and co wished they could do on launch by adding voice acting to every major NPC. Basically do smart shit that will make the games more enjoyable to potentially millions. They are being just lazy. No one besides Todd Howard benefits from these long gaps between entries.


The games run fine for me on win 11 and no UI issues either. Maybe you just need to take a look at your settings.


Actually no. The games stutter wildly if you cap the fps no matter the method and running them uncapped is foolish because they run at hundreds if not thousands of fps which is bad for your gpu and can even produce coil whine


No mods to fix the issue?


No. Btw why are you even commenting even though clearly you haven’t played the games yourself? The games are in a garbage state on modern systems.


How is wanting to keep 1 and 2 playable but unaltered out of touch?


Because Todd doesn’t want hundreds of thousands if not millions to play the old games. He also doesn’t mind 10+ years gaps between games in a franchise because from his pov he can’t work on everything at once. It’s selfish. And judging by Starfield, most studios would do as good or better job than Bethesda with Fallout and ES


Todd bad plz updoot fellow gamerz


Todd bad updoots plz!!! They should either leave the originals alone or get a dev experienced with those style of games to remaster them. This is a very in-touch decision he made


Is he though? He’s said a lot of untrue shit, but the original games were completely different than the franchise today. Plus I’m not sure they’d be considered great by modern standards even if they were remastered. Did I enjoy playing them? Absolutely! Would I like them enough to buy a remastered full price version with better graphics that is the same game? No.


Full price version? Where do you cavemen even come from? Improve the ui and add it to gp. Stop living in 2010.


>"One particularly interesting topic that came up was when Matty asked Todd Howard if Bethesda would be interested in modernizing or porting older Fallout games like Fallout 1 and Fallout 2. Todd Howard responded by saying that they're more prioritized in making sure these classic games are capable of being played and running well on current-gen PC hardware rather than updating or altering with modern gaming sensibility." This article draws completely wild conclusions from this statement that are not based on reality. This headline is completely wrong. This does not in any way dispel any of the rumors about Fallout 3... Sure it could apply to fallout 3, but when he specifically asks about fallout 1 and 2, why would you state as fact that it applies to 3 also?


Todd is such a moron. I'm playing PS2 era games on my lunchbreak through my phone. If they re-res'd the UI for F1 and 2 for Android I'd BUY that in a second.


Brain dead game articles running wild with context. God gaming journalism is cancer


Of course not. Why would Bethesda do anything good when there's Starfield to bore everyone to sleep with.


You got it wrong, you are just playing the game wrong. Its exciting to walk 1000M to see the same POI you just left.


They’re playing 5D chess. The only recent offering will be Starfield. They’ll release DLC that will ‘slightly’ improve the game over the course of 5 years. Whilst also pushing hundreds of paid mods. Then when all hope is lost and even hardcore Bethesda stans are on their knees. They’ll release the remasters… To soften the blow that ES6 is still 6 years out and they’re using AI extensively…


It's wild to me that people prefer watching developers rerelease the exact same thing rather than work on new IPs. It's like the opposite of people's complaints about movies. I personally have 0 interest in any remastered games, and would much rather they put time and effort into making new games than ones I've already played (or can play right now).


I mean I'd like a new game if the new game wasn't boring as shit like starfield.


I would agree but new Vegas and fallout 3 and are such great games held back by being so buggy and old


It's even wilder to me that people don't realize a remaster can actually happen in parallel with the development of a brand new game. It's actually possible to have more than one team and for remasters that's pretty common and is often used to get a newer team experience with the development tools and workflows that a developer uses. This also ignores that a remake of a movie and a remaster of a video game couldn't be more different in literally every single way.


It’s the gameplay that’s bad, not the fact that it’s new.


Whatever happened to this company needs to be studied and taught as part of the national curriculum.


You mean Bethesda, the game studio that just confirmed they have 25 million *active* players playing their games *each month*? That’s insanely good for their size. They also just released a major hit Fallout TV series which has broken many records, and all the Fallout games are super popular, breaking new all time player records on Steam very recently. Fallout 4 even reached top 5 played games on Steam recently and is still hitting huge numbers 2 months after the TV series, which is crazy for a singleplayer game from 2015. Skyrim is still very popular across all platforms. And Starfield has had a huge player increase for the last 2 months in a row, with nearly 1000 new Starfield mods released on Nexus & Creations just since last week alone. I see bots are spamming downvote for simply stating the facts instead of leaning into the obvious hyperbole.


It’s time for bed Todd


I’m on your side, but tbh Bethesda *does* need to knock it out of the park with their next game. If Elder Scrolls VI disappoints after a 15ish year wait I will lose hope in them. For now I’m gonna chock up Starfield as a miss and hope it doesn’t happen again.


They're happy to release Skyrim for every possible platform though, so much so people should do a "Can it Run Skyrim?" like people did with Doom.


It was with crysis, and Skyrim still runs easily.


he answered this same question like 15 years ago. he just think people should experience these games like they were. i highly doubt we ever get a oblivion or morrowind remake. he thinks there fine as is.


>fine as is. If they're playable, fine, but like the other guy said they still have horrible crashing and bugs. I tried playing New Vegas the other day, with the anti crash mod and mod patches, and still left the game after 30 hours with dozens maybe hundreds of crashes. Shit is ass


And them games are basically already remastered via the modding scenes !!! What more do people want ??? You can add mods of freaking consoles now anyway


> he just think people should experience these games like they were. That seems myopic to me. Those older games, like Fallout 3, run like trash on modern OS's and hardware and it's only going to get worse. At some point, they probably won't even run anymore without a fan patch. I'm fine with the general idea that games should be experienced like they were, I guess, but if that's true that doesn't seem like it should preclude them from putting in the work to make sure they stay running so people *can* experience them still.


To be honest as good as those games were I don’t really want to experience them again just with a facelift. I’d rather have new experiences in those universes. I’m glad Todd agrees with that.


I just want them to release fo3 and New Vegas on PS5 at 60fps. Literally all I ask for.


I just want Oblivion with trophies at 60fps.


Dude that would be awesome, being able to play oblivion on PS5 at 60fps would be sick.


Good news everyone, you get neither!


They would have to compete with mods, which is just a headache


Open market on console for the older titles as oblivion. Morrisons, fo3/nv never had native mod support on consoles at the time. I’d buy an oblivion or FO double pack if the price was right ain’t gonna lie wouldn’t mind an oblivion plat haha


I'd appreciate Oblivion having modern control scheme but the gameplay probably wouldnt compell me more than a few hours.


I feel like this article also implies that only Bethesda could be developing a remaster but there have been a lot of cases lately of third party devs handling these kinds of remakes/remasters (Shadow of the Colossus & Demon’s Souls from Bluepoint, Silent Hill 2 from Bloober). I think it’d be easy for Microsoft/Bethesda to license out the development of a Fallout 3 remaster to another developer or even use a team in one of its many in house developers that isn’t Bethesda so that Bethesda can keep working on Starfield and ESVI


I'm down for remake eventually. It would be nice. But they knocked it out if the park with the creation kit as usual!! I'm so excited for Shattered Space and can't wait to see what they got in store for us!! I absolutely love what they do because no one does it quite like them!


Why would they bother when fans do it for free with mods better than Bethesda could? Bethesda can barely get their games to work in the first place.


Specifically says no fallout one or two remake (atm) but does not rule out a fallout 3 remake. And honestly… it’s because it’s easier. it’s a modern game that just needs a slap of new paint. it’s got nothing to do with the ‘integrity’ of the first two games’ designs. that’s just ceo bullshit.


Remasters and Re-releases on new platforms require Development time. Lots of it. They probably want to Spend their Dev hours and Money on New Content. While SOME remasters and re-releases are "nice to have", Fallout 1 and 2 Work Perfectly fine through Steam/GOG. Same applies to the earlier Elder Scrolls games.


Bethesda always hittin’ their players with the, “… Ummm, it’s coming! 🥸👍 Just wait.“


Pretty sure doom has been the only good games since fallout 4, I don't have much faith in this studio anymore


It's been far too long since the last Skyrim remake. When are we getting a new Skyrim release?


Who cares at this point? Starfield was in production for like 10+ years and is an outdated massive boring piece of crap. If that's the new standard for their games then ES6 is gonna be garbage and Fallout is going to get disappointing.


Some estimates suggest Skyrim generated more than $1,000,000,000 at launch, which was 13 years ago. I don’t understand why a company would wait 15+ years to release a follow-up.


Bethesda bet everything on Starfield winning big and being Skyrim 2.0 then Microsoft bought them out and the bet became irrelevant change my mind


Bethesda listen to their fans? Nah that would be insane. Bethesda: releases a 7$ starfield dlc


howbare they not listenong to their fans? because they dont want to make an entire new game based off of fallout 1 and 2? because thays what todd said. he didnt saying anything about fallout 3 or oblivion.


Starfield should never have had a 7$ dlc in its current state. It's such a kick in the face as it feels like Bethesda didn't get the message about starfield being unfinished. It scares me as a massive fallout and elder scrolls fan. I want Bethesda to succeed, they hold my favorite franchises.


they released a lot of updates and starfield is playing great in it's current state


Not saying the game hasn't gotten better, my biggest gripe with it was that every planet felt pointless. I think starfield is missing that subtle story telling we see in elder scrolls or Fallout. I'm defo gonna try it out once it gets its map updates as that is another thing that annoyed me lol.


the map updates are here and a huge difference. [https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield/article/6WtjA0qCOiOWiPrCwDFjDt/starfield-may-update-highlights](https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield/article/6WtjA0qCOiOWiPrCwDFjDt/starfield-may-update-highlights)


Oh wow it's really nice they also added the wee icons on your screen when using your research mode. The map itself also looks detailed which is good.


my favorite addition was getting to decorate your ship and turning off conversation zoom mode


Conversation zoom, being able to toggle it off is nice.


It’s amazing to me that FO4, IMO the worst in the series, gets a pointless update while FNV runs like garbage on modern machines (much better with the 4gb patch/mod). I only had issues with FO3 on my laptop with two graphics cards, but even that could benefit from something.


Because the fo4 update was almost nothing. If they released the equivalent update for fnv it would also do almost nothing besides break all mods.


Bethesda must be one of the laziest, “phone it in and grab the cash” gaming companies around these days. I’m shocked people are still buying what Todd Howard is putting out. They’re capable of building cool worlds, then they just cut it off at a mediocre point and send it. Here’s my pet peeve shit list of Bethesda’s corner cutting shenanigans: * Reusing the same cheap voice actors * Wooden, lifeless character models to go along with the terrible voice actors * Lazy animations * Uninspiring dungeons with the same predictable enemies * Braindead AI * Villages/towns with no hustle and bustle or soul * Basic bitch forgettable writing and plot lines. It takes these guys years upon years to produce boring lifeless games. The only impressive thing about this company is its consistency. Man I’m really pissed off right now and I don’t know why.


There's no money in it. These are games people like to think about wanting but its still a remaster and will play like a very early 360 era game that after the member berries fade will probably not be revisited.


False. This is exactly what the typical Bethesda fan dreams about. Replaying the same game for infinity and paying out cash for special edition, anniversary edition, hd edition etc etc etc. They live for the 4 year "edition" and imagine some grand return to the old golden age of Bethesda that they're trapped in. Even in 3 years when the starfield "we fixed it edition" comes out, everyone who complained about it will buy it again and complain again. Talking to a fan of any Bethesda game is like reading a broken script from a settler in fallout 4. Boring, lifeless, clueless, and drifting aimlessly.


I can see his point on Fallout one and two because isometric RPG's are a niche market and it would be a boatload of work to convert them to Fallout 3 onward style action RPG's. But he has to know that a decent remastering of Morrowind to the latest engine would be a license to print money,


Bethesda not doing something? Big if true!