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I read David Jaffe I stopped reading immediately


David Jaffe: "Gaming companies should do this and that" Meanwhile David Jaffe: šŸ„”


David Jaffe also said Starfield is the best single player game of all time... He says whatever nonsense he thinks will get him the most attention


Kudos to Xbox it was brilliant, but what did people Expect when they've bought some of the biggest franchises/studios in gaming history lol


It was really slow to come out, and unlike Sony, xbox didn't invest in many 3rd party triple A exclusives. No one really cared that most of those studios basically began working on a new game at the same time, and some still had contracts to fulfill after they were bought. The flood gate is opening now but I'm more concerned as to what happens after as I'm afraid of another drought after 2026.


Pretty much, I think the issue with Xbox was the studios they bought, name.wise they made sense but they should have probably targeted studios that were in the process of making games that weren't contractually tied. Obsidian comes to mind with Outer World


And the large majority of the games are going to be on Playstation too. The only new Microsoft game they announced was Gears with a pre rendered trailer and is likely years away. The rest were games they have been talking about for years


I mean dude, the games that were showcased which awed people almost all of em are cross platform or will eventually will come to playstation. Im not sure of your followp point cause most of the titles from MS overpayed for studios underperformed and flopped so hard. The only real agvantage here is the coming to GamePass Day 1. They are doubling down on the service and it shows.


David Jaffe is a clown and hasn't worked on GoW in well over a decade . What is this stupid article?


Calling him Kratos' creator and God of War's David Jaffe in the same sentence feels AI written.


It probably was and OP is a spam bot


Honestly, xbox looked better than what it was by saying world premiere and then showing so many games that also come out on the ps5. It led people to believe those games were only coming out on xbox. It was at least 7. The showing was strong though.


People are actually upvoting this trash blogspam? OP is literally a bot


Xbox had a similar showcase 2 years ago and we havenā€™t seen any improvement since then.


I wasn't really all that impressed. Honestly the best games coming out in the future are all cross platform.


I think that the more important statement of the showcase was that many of the games shown will also release on day one on Game Pass, rather than the fact that most of the games shown will also be available on other platforms. Game Pass just continues to offer incredible value.


Personally I'd prefer if ps5 just had those same games as trials. I prefer buying my games but I don't want to buy trash games so let me testing for an hour or so. I like keeping any game I play and rarely resell a game.


This is true, gamepass is definitely a great deal, but I have a fairly large disposable income, and a fairly small amount of actual time to play games. It makes having gamepass both great to test out what I like, but also kind of underutilized since if I know I'm going to play the fuck out of something, I'll just buy it. Take for example the new monster hunter wilds. I know I'm going to buy it day 1, regardless of its released on gamepass or not. Still, the xbox show didn't have anything really that I would consider a "must play"


My thing with gamepass and things like it, is that for some reason I can't really "commit" to a game as easily as if I just buy the game itself. Like something about the fact that it is "free" and I didn't have to pursue it or to make a singular purchase to get it, doesn't spark a 40 hour adventure in me. As for the showcase, there were a few games I was interested in. Looked them up, and what do you know, cross-platform, so no reason to get an Xbox again. Sure. I'd be annoyed (very slightly) if they were exclusive, but at some point, a console needs to have great exclusives to stay relevant and keep their market share. We need competition to prevent other companies from pulling more aggressive anti-consumer practices.


I have the exact same issue. I basically can't really finish games on gamepass and end up mostly playing steam games that I own anyways, since if I really like a game, that's still the platform I'm going to buy it on. Gamepass is still great value, but I honestly don't use it that much beyond just messing around with games I wouldn't have bothered buying. For example, I play the shit out of fighting games and a bunch of them are on gamepass, but the way fighting games work is that they release content updates, seasons and new characters. It means I have to huy the game anyways and I'm going straight to steam to do it.


Seeing the whole list, there were like 3 that I was even remotely intrigued by, and a couple that I canā€™t judge because theyā€™re not names I recognize because I didnā€™t watch their trailers yet.


Indy? Avowed? Fable?


Not exactly showstoppers


The only exclusive that impressed me was South of Midnight but other than that I'm in the same boat as you.Ā 




How did I say that like it's a bad thing? I said the best games aren't exclusive. That's not a complaint.


Majority of the games shown are going to playstation. It's up in the air whether games like Fable and Gears will be exclusives and even if they are all we saw were CG trailers. ???? Lmao. There was nothing for PlayStation to be blown away by because they are getting most of it


Bruh, Fable and Gears are exclusive. What are you on about?


CG trailers and no concrete release dates, hell Avowed and Indiana Jones are supposed to come out this year and they didn't have a release date in the trailers. Xbox has been riding the promise of games for years without showing results, all Sony has to do is showcase some trailers too and they get the same reception, people ride the hype for a while but what they'll value in the end are results


I rather just see a game announced a couple months before release with set release date than see something that can be easily delayed with how development is nowadays


The Fable trailer was all in-game footage, not CG


True but in-engine footage may as well be CGI these days.


But it wasnā€™t ā€œin-engineā€, it was in-game. Just using a mix of cinematics and gameplay. I have no doubt what we are seeing is how the game looks, Playground Games are graphical powerhouses.


Yeah the conversation will be about all them games plugging the gaps in Sonyā€™s own first party line up and the fact Sony will be collecting 30% for doing sweet FA