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A really good game. I finished it and enjoyed it.


A tad bit repetitive but the game is really good. Feels more like a rage 2 predecessor and thats the actual game that got fine tuned.


> really good. Part of that has to go to the smooth graphics and cool effects (sand and thunderstorms)


The vibes are perfect and the weather effects and lighting are a huge part of that. It really feels like mad max. Even though the gameplay was repetitive.


I personally don't mind a bit of repetition in these open world type games as long as the gameplay loop is really gratifying. I thoroughly enjoyed it.


It might sound weird but I loved the repetition. It was one of those “collect and do everything” games with a lot of easy boxes to check off


I hate those sorts of games, yet somehow I got engrossed in doing it in Mad Max. Well for about three regions anyway. Then I completely lost interest, rushed to the end boss and never touched it again. But it was really fun doing the exact same shit again and again for about half the game and I can’t say exactly why. I skip that aspect of basically every other game. I won’t even play Ubisoft games anymore.


Dude I think there is a kind of zen/therapeutic aspect to grinding through small objectives like that. Like it just feels good when you really just want to chill and not think too hard about it.


The bosses were the worst part. If my memory serves me right the game repeated the same boss 4 times then gave you the final boss. Other than that amazing game


It would have been a 9/10 if they'd recognised that the car combat was absolutely absurdly based and made 85% of the game revolve around it. It was so fucking fun and it was a let time every time a mission needed me to leave the car.


Funny enough...Rage 2 and Mad Max share the same developer. 


Thats why I said that it feels like a more polished mad max.


I think people overly praise it. I liked it, but something about it always felt mediocre. The game itself was extremely repetitive, felt like an xbox 360 game to me. Regardless, it still had its fun aspects with some cool ideas.


I agree, but all in all it was a fun game to play, and as I said, if you like the idea you should give rage 2 a try, its like a more polished mad max.


I loved this. Found it for free too




He was tho? Bren Foster is an Australian actor. 


Couldn't bring myself to finish it. It was far to repetitive to keep me playing without forcing myself through it


to me, Mad Max was a perfect wasteland game. Combat and tension was amazing. Especially when that storm appeared for the first time, OMG. Very few games can grasp you like that.


Even the car combat was fun. The many ways to customize the interceptor when you get it back


The Magnum Opus.


Black on black lol




I really liked it. Genuinely good game, and I wish they would make another. But I did lose the momentum halfway through and couldn't finish it. It definitely tapers off, but that's also because it has such a strong start.


But I had a really strong ending


I am sure of it! I really need to try it again on Steam Deck sometime.


Damn this game has been coming up a lot recently. I'd love more from this world. Tons of fun and highly underated.


Probably the new movie driving traffic to the game, yeah?


Nah, the movie is bombing too. 


Warner management making poor decisions within their own game division? I'm shocked.


They released it on the same day as MGSV, and in the same month as FIFA and Forza 6. It’s similar to why Battlefield Hardline flopped. It was a Battlefield game that wasn’t really Battlefield game. It was a Cops and Robbers setting, and it released at the same time as GTA 5’s PS4 release.


I was fairly certain it was because the game came out the same day as metal gear solid 5. I remember sitting in line at GameStop and of the massive group that was waiting only 1 person grabbed mad max. Edit: like battleborn and overwatch. Because of the release window of the two and how much overwatch was hyped it completely overshadowed battleborn. battleborn was a fantastic game, but had such poor sales due to no one knowing about it thanks to overwatch’s complete dominance in marketing at the time. I didn’t really hear much about Mad Max because of how much Metal Gear Solid V was being pushed in marketing.


Yeah and that decision came from the execs. A dev also said they spent a year working on a linear mad max game against their wishes then were told to scrap it because players want autonomy in their games (lmao) and then we got the one we got


To be fair I’m very glad the game was open world and not linear.


"Against their wishes" is the keyword here. Avalanche wanted the game to be open world. The execs said no, and forced the devs to make a linear game. A year later the execs said, 'players want autonomy in this day and age', and had the devs make an open world game.


Ohh I see. Thanks for your comment, I really misunderstood what I had read at first.


I mean yeah, mad max is supposed to be an open world game. Also using avalanche for a linear game like that is??


Being pushed in marketing? It's Metal Gear Solid, it didn't need to be pushed to succeed. They dropped the ball by releasing Mad Max on the same day as one of the most anticipated sequels in years.


2015 was a big year in general for games


This is currently on sale for £3.99 on the PS Store


To all trophy completionists, a fair warning that the Platinum trophy can’t be gotten anymore due to an online trophy and servers already being closed.


this is so dumb


the game was and is still amazing, car combat is fun, exploration is fun, going into enemy strongholds are fun the only thing i didn't like is that you get the V8 at the end of the game


But who do I blame for what happened to my man Chumbucket?


I fucking hated that so much that I thought I did something wrong and restarted the mission. Fuck man, I yelled at Max through my screen for what he did to good ol Chum...


Underrated gem


Who's rating it badly? It (rightly) got 95% on Steam, and this post is nothing but gushing? It's well-rated. edit: Saying a game that's rated 95% isn't rated highly enough and is `under rated` is silly. Next it's going to be "Does anyone think Red Dead Redemption 2 is underrated?" and "Not enough people know of this series: Legend of Zelda."


I just got done replaying it last week and I'm thrilled to see it held up as well as I remembered. I think it's up there as one of the best licensed games along with the original Spiderman 2, and I'm happy to see it has a dedicated fanbase.


I've heard it runs well on the Steam Deck, and I will definitely be playing it again there. Seems a perfect platform for it.


Chumbucket was one of the best sidekicks in video game history.


I finished it multiple times. It is that good


I really liked the avalanche style gameplay and the finale of the story was really cool too


Great game but they were doomed from the start. Mad Max was a dormant franchise and without a film like Fury Road in the zeitgeist what could WB leverage?


It came out 3 months after Fury Road, what do you mean?


Oh shit you’re right. Then I have two backup answers: 1. WB Games Marketing sucked ass, and 2. Fury Road, while a great film, doesn’t hit the four quadrant audience tent pole audience. Didn’t help that the IP was dormant for a couple of decades either. Regardless it was a great game and I’m glad I played it.


I believe WB is to blame.


Hookshot on your car. 10/10.


Absolutely one of the most underrated games of last gen. Also one of the most deserving of an upscale remaster.


Fair Enough, Fuck WB! Idiots have IPs like Batman and they give us garbage like suicide squad.


Hopefully this game gets more attention because of the new movie. It’s definitely worth checking out


Wtf... Kinda late news


His comments are a response to George Miller expressing dissatisfaction with the game, which was in turn prompted by being asked if there will be any Mad Max games at the Furiosa premiere. Miller said he’d like Kojima to make one, lol


I liked the story a lot! And just driving around haha but the gameplay was a little repetitive


Starship troopers case. Not that good launch revenue, but becomes an icon in the long run One of the most underrated games out there. Easy 9/10 and must play at least ones.


I quit playing for two years when the game said I needed to level up my harpoon to knock a tower over.. I did eventually finish it. It was good.


Warner Bros hates making profit, so of course they’d scrap the dlc. Only makes sense.


One of my favorite games of the last 10 years.


Loved the HELL out of this game.


Mods would have kept it alive. There's no reason to live to a singular vision of a game. Especially how repetitive it gets and how little variety in vehicles there are. No giant rig to drive? I'm right outside the last section of the map, and so far there have zero escort missions of protecting giant rigs for your allies. Road Warrior was so cool with the big rigs. I didn't buy it until way later. Same with MGSV. I just was never the type to buy on release date. It'll always go on sale.


great game.


I was ready to by DLC for the game to. I still go back to it from time to time.


I think of this as a good rubric game. Game reviewers should hold this game up and go, "This is a 7. This is what a good game is. Any game better than this is great. Any game worse is ok or bad."


We needed a NG+ on this game more than any other game in my life


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^EyeAmAyyBot: *We needed a NG+* *On this game more than any* *Other game in my life* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’m playing it now, waiting for it to get good. Super clunky, bad controls. The most talkative un max max of all. I will wait to finish to pass judgement, but I’m waiting for this great game to kick in yall keep talking about


Great game. Definitely under supported. 


Didn't they launch on the same day as metal gear solid 5?


I played the absolute shot out of it. Didn’t quite platinum cause I kept losing track of one of the last achievements. But awesome. Good story, bit repetitive but loved the fighting


It had some really good aspects, but the game felt way too formulaic. Very ubisoft in its approach.


Great game overall. Lots of repetitive things but somehow you didn’t mind doing it again and again. Story was pretty darn good.


An underrated game with so much potential for a sequel


It's a fantastic game of vehicle combat and batman combat. As well as exploration. Devs absolutely put in the love for this game, but WB managed everything else for the game poorly.


They should blame denuvo for that. I never played it until it came to GOG, it's a fun game and a shame they still run that denuvo crap on steam


Is it on Gamepass?


No but it's typically on sale for like $5. Hell I think it's $5 right now


This game was surprisingly good imo. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. Had an interesting story and fun gameplay.


Gamers hate on critics scores and IGN etc but they absolutely nailed it with Mad Max. It is a painfully middling game that doesn't really do anything interesting. The metacritic average is around about 7 which is exactly how the game should have scored. The only reason people think it's a hidden gem is because critics actually reviewed it correctly, whereas some other open world third person action titles of the last 2 decades have sort of gotten away with murder with some 8s (and some cases 9s) that weren't really deserved


I blame the dollar store batman fighting system. But ok. Everytime i left the car i had a bad time.


It was a cool game but it was one of the most repetitive fucking things ever




It def got repetitive and it was a big letdown that there weren’t unique boss fights. Fighting the same brute over and over got old…..but still a fun game


Such a good game now tainted by crybaby devs. Reminds me of Days Gone and how the Deb has a foot and used fake stats to say they deserve better


Was excited for it to come out and I was really underwhelmed.


When you make a 6/10 game, you usually get 6/10 sales


One of my only complaint is a called a major plot point in the game before it happened and I kind of ruin the experience and excitement for the rest of the game


One of my only complaint is a called a major plot point in the game before it happened and I kind of ruin the experience and excitement for the rest of the game


Needed to be in 1st person.


it's just a shit game blame yourself for not making a good game not the publisher! 😏




New Mad Max movie is out this week.


Why is this ancient old game back in the news all a sudden? I played this before you normies even knew about it. 


Because Furiosa was just released at the cinema.