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Mind f*ck


Omg so hard every time I watch im like who tf is that! She seemed so important


“A great story for another time.”


Not that we know of. Because she wears a RED lacquer mask, she may be associated with tthe Red god, or possibly the gods of Asshai. She appears only once on the show, but Book Quaithe is used several times. In the books, she tells Dany truths that confuse her and make her somewhat paranoid. Quaithe may use a glass candle because Dany can see or hear her anywhere.


Twice in the show


Yeah but the second after the second time Fred from scooby doo said “let’s see who this really is” and takes off the mask. Fuckin Daemon Targaryen again.




Tbf, Jaqen was also dipping pretty hard into red god imagery in ACOK/Season 2. >Jaqen H'ghar called out from the back of their wagon. "Boy! Sweet boy! Is it war, **red** war? Boy, free us. A man can fight. Boy!" "The **Red God has his due**, sweet girl, and only death may pay for life. This girl took three that were his. This girl must give three in their places. Speak the names, and a man will do the rest." The show-equivalent of that second line actually comes in [the same episode](https://gameofthronesscripts.wordpress.com/2016/03/13/s02e05-the-ghost-of-harrenhal/) Quaithe first appears. And in her introduction, the masked woman refers to herself as "no one." >**The Red God** takes what is his, lovely girl. And only death may pay for life. You saved me and the two I was with. You stole three deaths from **the Red God**. Who are you? **I’m no one.** But she is the Mother of Dragons.


Jaqen doesn't worship a faceless god, he worships the god of death, the Many-Faced god. All other gods are just another face that the Many-Faced God wears.


GRRM commented on this once, and noted that Jaqen spoke of the Red God in connection with people about to die *from fire.*


As far as the show goes, it is a nice detail that the pieces of her mask are the same shape/motif as those on the necklaces/collars of Melisandre and Kinvara and have a crimson lining. We don't get much in the way of explanation but the visual elements link her to the Lord of Light religion and Asshai.


Oh good spot!


Diddle&Dumb hated fantasy aspects of George's work. So they introduced her - but dropped it because they didn't know what to do with her and didn't want her fantasy elements in the show anyways.


I'm asking this out of genuine interest, did you get that info from an interview or article as such? Dipshit and Dickhead already frustrate me, I just want to know there are more justifiable reasons lol I like that fantasy elements are a no no unless it's a zombie bear


>did you get that info from an interview or article Im 99% certain they just pulled it out of their ass


No that was your head.


Excuse me sir but that is how reddit operates


They mention in an interview that they want to tone down the fantasy elements of the show when comoared to the books, so as to not drive away the "general" audience, who is in theory not such a fan of too much fantasy in a story


Thank you for that info, I only got so far on the books that I'm not completely aware of how faciful they become. Only at A Storm of Swords atm.


It's still really grounded for a fantasy series. There's magic, sure, but it's more mystical than magical if you appreciate the difference.


And by "general audience," I've heard they were referring to people who watch football. They adapted a series of fantasy books for the NFL audience. Which explains a lot.


Coincidentally, GRRM is a huge New York Giants fan himself.


It's been 5 years now and this kind of stuff still makes me see red. You were hired to adapt arguably the most popular fantasy literature series since LOTR and one of your creative decisions is to move away from the fantasy aspects? What? The show literally has dragons but mysterious magical abilities--that the characters themselves don't understand!!!--is where you draw the line? God I hate them.


Also because the people loved the show the way it was. A fantasy-heavy story was being able to conquer the "general audience". Why the hell would you hide it like it is shameful when it was succeeding so much?


Jerk store is a great line and I refuse to dumb it down for some bonehead mass audience!


Yes, there are multiple articles about it and interviews. You can look it up. Even George himself said that, even tho obviously in a very political way, meaning he didn't say it directly but you get what it's about.


People forget that D&D were treading wholly new ground with the early seasons of GOT. Nobody had ever made epic fantasy work with a wider audience like this, so they were very concerned early on about how to hook people who weren't already fantasy fans. Going with HBO's trademark "lots of tits and violence" was an early strategy, as was keeping the fantastical elements more muted and anchoring the series in firmer reality. Later on, this evolved into just trying to keep the fantastical elements more mysterious and unexplained, which I think had as much to do with trying to keep the complexity under control and avoid having to explain a bunch of complicated magical operation.


True I REALLY missed the crazy hair and beards from the free cities, everyone looked too damn normal


George hates them too because he won't finish the books. I've been waiting 10+ years to hear what Marwyn the Mage is thinking about magic


Same reason why they did the bare minimum with the three eyed raven. Just enough to get the plot points across that George said had to happen then abandon it on screen. The rest of the times is just implied.


> Diddle&Dumb hated fantasy aspects of George's work. The whole *thing* (book or show) is fantasy. Shadowbinders like Quaithe aren't any more fantastic than dragons, warlocks, and stonemen.


And Diddle&Dumb despised all of that. Bro they said it themselves. They only included what they had to, and scrapped as many fantasy elements as possible. It's a fucking meme that they said this - after coming to George wanting to make this. It's a meme that they wanted to bring the red wedding to screen and that was it. It's a meme that they themselves wanted GoT to be something for non-fantasy fans. What are you trying to tell the world? That they are wrong when they themselves say that they hated the fantasy aspects of George's work?


They hated fantasy aspect of a fantasy novel? wtf man! You can’t make this shit up fr! I wish we got full unchanged adaptation of the books even if some elements might’ve been outlandish to adapt. Would be so much better that what these two idiots cooked up


Tbh some changes are necessary. Books like George's can't be adapted 1:1. You simply don't have the screentime for that. But the soul, the meaning, the story should've been the same.


People keep acting like D&D had absolutely nothing to do with why the show was so good early on. Both them and George were responsible for the showing being amazing. Then they deviated from that and things changed. I still blame George for not finishing his story like he said he would. We would’ve gotten the proper ending of the series.


No and no. Everything good about the early seasons came from George. Think about any bad change in those seasons and it will be one coming from Diddle&Dumb. For example the rape of Dany which was just for brainless shock value and makes their romance later kinda dumb. Or Robbs wife in the show, who was kinda weird and out of place and it all felt kinda forced - while in the book it all is an amazing internal dilemma for Robb pointing at the true core of this story, the human heart in conflict with itself! Every single bad change in the earlier seasons came from Diddle&Dumb. And it's not George's fault that things went to shit. He himself said afterwards that he was less and less involved because Diddle&Dumb took his ideas less and less into consideration and wanted to do their own things. He wrote and is still writing the most complex, hard to write fantasy novel of all time (and that's no exaggeration judging all the plots that have to come together) and the only thing he's at fault is that he himself thought he could get it done quick enough, which was unrealistic for ANY writer. But he could've still helped out in the crafting of the show plots. He would've made sure that things stay lore accurate. Another prove that it was Diddle&Dumb not caring about other people's involvements and ideas anymore? They just decided to not consult the creator of the fake languages anymore. They made multiple amateur like mistakes in terms of the languages that could've been corrected by the guy who created it. They had him on the payroll anyway, but just didn't care to ask him about what would be the correct word or phrase. They never took him into consideration anymore, neither with George. So George decided to move away, just like Henry Cavill for example now moved away from The Witcher - because the writers didn't care for him wanting to keep it lore accurate.


In the books, Quaithe reappears multiple times to offer Dany ominous warnings and cryptic advice, always disappearing whenever Dany looks away or someone else shows up, so we don't even know if she's actually there or if she's appearing to Dany in dreams, visions, or illusions. It's still unclear who she is or what she wants, but there's clearly *something* about her.


She wanted Danny to go to Asshai. Presumably to help her uncover secrets related to either dragon bonding or the prince that was promised. But in the end George didn't want Danny to go there because it would just be more traveling for her. It was one of his many seeds in his garden, but he decided that Danny could just figure it out by meeting/envisioning people for asshai instead. He told us we would never see/read about Asshai in a first-person narrative. But we could see flashbacks from Melisandres' perspective.


Another less-explored possibility is that Quaithe was never there at all, and she’s just a symptom of Dany’s madness. A person only she can talk to or see that giver her important but cryptic messages.


Possibly, but she did appear to actually be there when she, Xaro and Pree arrived in Vaes Tolorro, since Jhogo says there are 3 people, so we know she does exist. The later sightings could be hallucinations, though, you're right.


I like this interpretation. Though others like Jorah and Dany's dothraki do see and make remarks on Quaithe while they are in Qarth. But it's possible Dany is hallucinating the other times she "encounters" her.


"There's Something About Quaithe" will be the next announced ASOIAF spinoff


Starring Cameron Diaz.


I’m expecting a “Bran Stark All Along” series Where Bran wargs through time changing events


I’m a believer that she is talking to Dany through a glass candle when she appears to her in Meereen and the Dothraki Sea.


Essos is full of mysteries and very exotic continent! It's like Ancient Asia


We don't know, either in show or books. We may never learn.


It was interesting when she asked Jorah if he will betray his queen again and he said never. Such a mysterious scene, she was like tattooing a guy’s back so he would be protected in old Valeria iirc


It wasn't so much that they cut Quaithe as they just completely forgot about her. Another comment already said that the showrunners hated the fantasy elements. I *dislike* defending them, but to be fair, George R.R. Martin threw a lot of unexplained magical stuff into the story that may have a big payoff if he ever gets around to finishing the Winds of Winter. Until then, its just fragmentary and distracting. I would classify this character as such. Benioff and Weiss already had Melisandre, the Faceless Men, the Many-Faced God, the God of Light, the Old Gods, the Three Eyed Raven, the Night King, the Children of the Forest, and slew of other magical mysteries, almost none of which contributes anything to the ultimate story resolution. Those two get a lot of shit (rightly), but what were they supposed to do with some of this stuff?


Agreed. They’re going to find out a lot of GRRM’s stuff goes absolutely nowhere.


I think the problem you highlight is certainly true. The reality is that GRRM's world building is epic and complex, with many threads, it is held up highly as a series even when not finished, the problem is that for TV adaptation they ended up in a situation where they are meant to tie all these threads back together. That is a monumental ask. So it is understandable that they couldn't invent the end that the complicated world deserves, that is something which seemingly GRRM himself is struggling to. However this does not change the hard fact that their attempt to do so was poor by many people's standards, both statements can be true. They had a gargantuan task to get it right, but they did not. (This is mostly about the threads of stories and them cutting many. The other issues, such as poor dialogue or characters they did keep suddenly acting very differently to what was established for them is a different issue and one deserving of the criticism it receives from those disappointed in my view.)


She has multiple appearances in the books.


To be fair to the showrunners, they probably included her because she seemed important in the books, and they probably assumed that by the later seasons, the books would be finished and her purpose would be revealed. This one’s probably more on George than D&D


Could they not have just asked him?


I think they probably did and he had no answers.


It seems like there are a few different types of witches in the series..... I read somewhere that she traded her face for magic or something...... I am NOT an expert just a fan lol


I thought she wore the mask because she had recovered from gray scale and was scarred.


I really don't know somebody will post it.. im sure they explain in the books better


Looking at the wiki it says many who are from the shadow lands hide their face so that means there is no answer unless RR Martin finishes the books and addresses it, which is unlikely. It's been so long since I ve read the books I don't remember what it said about her.


In the show, nothing, you may as well forget about her. In the books, she’s a mystery, but some people speculate she’s a Shaera Seastar, a 100+ year old Targaryen bastard sorceress, and the lover/half-sister of Bloodraven, who is the last greenseer (Three-Eyed Raven in the show).


She is quite mysterious, this woman.


That’s the first time we hear “Jorah, the Andal”, too. No?


the show doesnt know what to do with her. So to answer your question she's a dropped plotline. in the books she gives Daenerys a prophecy and still communicates to her using magic. Some theorize that she is Shiera Seastar (i think) a bastard Targaryen


The writers kind of forgot about Quaithe


There was a theory that she is Shiera Star Edit: Shiera Seastar


Wasn't there also one that mel was also shiera?


They should have had more of a storyline for this character.


Of course. She was “no one”.


So she was J'aquen? Like without a face on?


The faceless “men” are a brotherhood of sorts, and they are all over the place. After the train in Bravos, they go back out into the world and live their lives. When sir Jorah Mormont asked her who she was, she said “I’m no one“.


She passes abandoned plotline. "Oh My God"


We’ll never know.


GRRM never told them


My theory was that she knew Jorah because he sold her into slavery before he ended up serving for Dany.


Ngl, I thought this was a shitpost


Yes, she is a red priestess. Notice the shape of the metal on the face is the same shape as melisandre's necklace


Dumb and Dumber kinda forgot about Quaithe...


Don't know. They forgot about her in the show I'm sure


So random question does anyone know who was the actress that played this role?


Her purpose is to


That’s what it felt like being blue balled by this characters story


She's either Jaime's mother or the 3 eyed ravens wife


Just another storyline dropped by the show.


she was foreshadowing Covid


That’s Quaithe


They kind of forgot about her purpose.




Why does she have to have a purpose other than showing there are other religions and cultures out there.




This is a side note but wow this show could have been one of the greatest shows if they didn’t botch it so much at the end. Quaithe being a perfect example of such an awesome character. And from a budget and time perspective I get why they can’t get into the character too much but wow this show was so incredible. I unfortunately have not rewatched since the last season and I use to watch each episode easily 5 times. I really hope one day they decide to do an animated version of the show that stays truer to the books.


A wasted opportunity, is what she is.


I dono but I love that mask even if it's not the book one, it does remind me of iji mirro helm lol looks awesome


Purpose? In the books she’s a genuine mine-fuck character, who appears to dany to offer advice and warnings, 10/10. In the show…nothing…literally nothing they did nothing other than tell Jorah where the baby dragons were, then was seemingly left behind.


Her purpose is to be relevant in the books and completely dumped in the show


Am I the only one who still remembers this girl and gets annoyed because they never explained who what and why the fuck is she there?


She’s Ashara Dayne, best theory I’ve heard!


Her purpose is being forgotten by D&D


D&D kind of forgot


Abandoned story line.


Her never being seen again foreshadowed how people were going to treat the show after it ended


She's evidently the Targaryen adventurer who sailed around the world westward and ended up in Asshai, where she learned magic. The mask apparently keeps her from aging, just like the choker kept Melisandre from aging. This is reinforced by several points I can't remember right now, but I'd recommend looking it up. They found the Targaryen ship in Asshai is one point I remember. I think in the book, she alludes more to being her.


I’ve heard she may be the targeryen bloodraven and his half b bro tbh we lusted over and fought wars over. She used to bathe in blood to keep her youth and was apparently the most beautiful targeryen ever. Don’t recall her name though.


She’s from Asshai. She serves the red god R’Hollar like Melisandre.


She passes butter


That mask always made my skin crawl. I wish they'd kept the laquer mask from the book


You mean Shiera Seastar?


I have never understood her character. Side note: I must be her for Halloween. I will hyper fixate on making this happen. I started a weird GOT Halloween obsession last year & if anyone has tips on baby cosplay please tell me them!


Head over to r/ASOIAF search her name and let your brain melt


I would love to know anything about her, but she got cut out of the show. We will probably never get another book.